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Geometric optics:
Treating light as a bundle of rays enables to describe the distribution of
light as well as the creation of images. No information is provided about
the interaction of light with matter.
Wave optics:
Based on Maxwells's theory, light can be described as periodic oscillation of
electric and magnetic vectors in time and space. Resulting, optical phenomena
such as diffraction, interference and polarization can be explained.
Quantum optics:
Only light described as flux of discrete particles without mass, so called photons,
allows explaining the absorption and emission of light. The energy of photons is
proportional to the frequency of the radiation.
Wave optics:
Ø Reflection
Ø Transmission
Ø Diffraction
Ø Refraction
Ø Scattering
Ø Polarization
Quantum optics:
Ø Photoelectric effect
Ø Emission of radiation (Line- and Bandspectra)
Ø Absorption of radiation
Wave optics:
Ø Power (P): energy of the beam that reaches a given area per s.
Hence, the power is defined as energy/time. The total emitted power of a
light source is called radiative flux Φ, e.g. In Watt.
I = Φ/A [W/m2]