Correspondence: Did The Hesitancy in Declaring COVID-19 A Pandemic Reflect A Need To Redefine The Term?
Correspondence: Did The Hesitancy in Declaring COVID-19 A Pandemic Reflect A Need To Redefine The Term?
Correspondence: Did The Hesitancy in Declaring COVID-19 A Pandemic Reflect A Need To Redefine The Term?
COVID-19 pneumonia and elevated IL-6 2 Ruan Q, Yang K, Wang W, Jiang L, Song J. The first question is why there was
Clinical predictors of mortality due to
in China (ChiCTR2000029765).9 Janus COVID-19 based on an analysis of data of
reluctance to call the COVID-19
kinase (JAK) inhibition could affect both 150 patients from Wuhan, China. outbreak a pandemic, and the second
inflammation and cellular viral entry in Intensive Care Med 2020; published online question is whether the terminology is
March 3. DOI:10.1007/s00134-020-05991-x.
COVID-19.10 3 Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zeron P, of any practical importance.
All patients with severe COVID-19 Lopez-Guillermo A, Khamashta MA, Bosch X. In almost all good textbooks, an
Adult haemophagocytic syndrome. Lancet
should be screened for hyperinflam 2014; 383: 1503–16.
epidemic becomes a pandemic when
mation using laboratory trends (eg, 4 Karakike E, Giamarellos-Bourboulis EJ. there is widespread geographical
increasing ferritin, decreasing platelet Macrophage activation-like syndrome: distribution of the disease. For some
a distinct entity leading to early death in
counts, or erythrocyte sedimentation sepsis. Front Immunol 2019; 10: 55. weeks, the COVID-19 epidemic, which
rate) and the HScore11 (table) to identify 5 Seguin A, Galicier L, Boutboul D, Lemiale V, had spread to over 100 countries,
the subgroup of patients for whom Azoulay E. Pulmonary involvement in patients seemed to fit the classical definition of
with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
immunosuppression could improve Chest 2016; 149: 1294–301. a pandemic. One could reasonably ask
mortality. Therapeutic options include 6 Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, et al. Clinical features of whether the use of the term pandemic
steroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus would change any of the actions
in Wuhan, China. Lancet 2020; 395: 497–506.
selective cytokine blockade (eg, anakinra 7 Russell CD, Millar JE, Baillie JK. Clinical evidence necessary to control the spread of the
or tocilizumab) and JAK inhibition. does not support corticosteroid treatment for virus.
2019-nCoV lung injury. Lancet 2020;
PM is a clinical training fellow within the 395: 473–75. There are several situations in
Experimental Medicine Initiative to Explore New 8 Shakoory B, Carcillo JA, Chatham WW, et al. which it could be helpful to use well
Therapies network and receives project funding
unrelated to this Correspondence. PM also receives
Interleukin-1 receptor blockade is associated defined terminology to control the
with reduced mortality in sepsis patients with
co-funding by the National Institute for Health features of macrophage activation syndrome: spread of an infectious disease. The
Research (NIHR) University College London reanalysis of a prior phase iii trial. Crit Care Med resources for controlling a pandemic
Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre. DFM chairs 2016; 44: 275–81.
9 Chinese Clinical Trial Registry. A multicenter,
are both different, substantially
the NIHR and Medical Research Council funding
committee for COVID-19 for therapeutics and randomized controlled trial for the efficacy larger, and generally much more
vaccines. DFM reports personal fees from and safety of tocilizumab in the treatment of far-reaching than for a localised
consultancy for ARDS for GlaxoSmithKline, new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19).
Feb 13, 2020. outbreak or epidemic. Thus the terms
Boehringer Ingelheim, and Bayer; in addition,
his institution has received funds from grants from
showprojen.aspx?proj=49409 (accessed used for the different situations
March 6, 2020).
the UK NIHR, Wellcome Trust, Innovate UK,
10 Richardson P, Griffin I, Tucker C, et al. Baricitinib
could be restricted according to the
and others, all unrelated to this Correspondence. control measures that are necessary.
as potential treatment for 2019-nCoV acute
DFM also has a patent issued to his institution for
a treatment for ARDS. DFM is a Director of Research
respiratory disease. Lancet 2020; 395: e30–31. Perhaps unique to pandemics, these
11 Fardet L, Galicier L, Lambotte O, et al.
for the Intensive Care Society and NIHR Efficacy and Development and validation of the HScore,
include considerable international
Mechanism Evaluation Programme Director. a score for the diagnosis of reactive coordination and collaboration in
All other authors declare no competing interests. hemophagocytic syndrome. Arthritis Rheumatol
2014; 66: 2613–20.
providing aid to affected countries,
Puja Mehta, Daniel F McAuley, recruiting the necessary resources for
Michael Brown, Emilie Sanchez, promoting research on medications
Rachel S Tattersall, *Jessica J Manson, Did the hesitancy in and vaccines, and developing complex
on behalf of the HLH Across Speciality risk communication. In particular,
Published Online Collaboration, UK declaring COVID-19 a travel restrictions become a major
March 12, 2020 [email protected] pandemic reflect a need issue and, although these are guided by
Centre for Inflammation and Tissue Repair, UCL
Respiratory, Division of Medicine, University to redefine the term? the International Health Regulations,
For the International Health College London, London, UK (PM); Department of
countries have the option to adopt
Regulations see https://www. Rheumatology (JJM), Hospital for Tropical Diseases WHO’s declaration that the global unilaterally their own barriers to (MB), and Department of Clinical Virology (ES), spread of coronavirus disease 2019 international travel. This was clearly
University College London Hospital,
London NW1 2PG, UK; Wellcome-Wolfson Institute
(COVID-19) is a pandemic 1 has the case for COVID-19. If the term
for Experimental Medicine, Queen’s University contributed greatly to clearing up pandemic is clearly defined, it can
Belfast, Belfast, UK (DFM); Regional Intensive Care confusion in the terminology in the communicate much more clearly the
Unit, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, UK (DFM);
professional literature and the media. seriousness of the situation and
Department of Rheumatology, Sheffield Teaching
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK Discussions on when wide geographical help justify the extreme measures
(RST); and Sheffield Children’s Hospital NHS spread of a disease becomes a instituted. It can also provide the
Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK (RST) pandemic tend to recur when the international health community with a
1 WHO. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) world is confronted with an emerging common term to enlist the cooperation
situation report – 52. March 12, 2020. infectious disease.2,3 The debate around of the general public and convey the
coronaviruse/20200312-sitrep-52-covid-19. the terminology used for COVID-19 necessary sense of urgency to decision
pdf?sfvrsn=e2bfc9c0_2 (accessed
March 13, 2020). raises two important questions. makers. This should stimulate rapid
introduction of preventive measures 1 WHO. WHO Director-General’s opening number of casualties. Despite WHO
remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 -
such as social distancing to reduce the 11 March 2020. March 11, 2020. https://www.
and other international humanitarian
pace of the spread, providing valuable organisations dispatching supplies
time for upgrading of the medical general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-media- and medical necessities,6 the speed
services, and preparing the community. (accessed March 11, 2020). of the outbreak and the detrimental
If the use of the term pandemic is 2 Cohen J, Enserink M. Swine flu. After delays, effects of sanctions have resulted in
WHO agrees: the 2009 pandemic has begun.
delayed too long, the declaration of Science 2009; 324: 1496–97.
reduced access to life-saving medicines
the pandemic could convey a message 3 Doshi P. The elusive definition of pandemic and equipment, adding to the health
to the public that the authorities have influenza. Bull World Health Organ 2011; sector’s pre-existing requirements for
89: 532–38.
lost control, generating irrational 4 Morens DM, Folkers GK, Fauci AS. What is a
other difficult health conditions.7 It is
panic reactions. Since it is expected, pandemic? J Infect Dis 2009; 200: 1018–21. shameful that besides the lives lost to
and even perhaps desirable, that the this deadly virus, extreme sanctions
public experience some fear during limit access to necessary materials and
a pandemic, an early declaration COVID-19 battle during therefore kill even more Iranian people.
of a pandemic might be helpful in Although sanctions do not seem to be
mitigating panic. Recruiting public
the toughest sanctions physical warfare weapons, they are just
cooperation is much more feasible against Iran as deadly, if not more so. Jeopardising
when the society in general and the the health of populations for political
health services in particular are not yet Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ends is not only illegal but also bar
Bloomberg/Contributor/Getty Images
under considerable pressure, and there has spread rapidly throughout the baric. We should not let history repeat
is time for appropriate explanations to world. WHO declared the outbreak a itself; more than half a million Iraqi
the public as to how the pandemic will global pandemic on March 11, 2020.1 children and nearly 40 000 Venezuelans
be controlled. The question remains In Iran, the first official announcement were killed as a result of UN Security
as to what is the optimal timing for of deaths from COVID-19 was made on Council and US sanctions in 1994
declaring a pandemic. Following the Feb 19, 2020. As of March 16, 2020, and 2017–18, respectively.8 The global
2009 H1N1 pandemic, Morens and 14 991 people have been infected with health community should regard Published Online
colleagues4 provided useful criteria for severe acute respiratory syndrome these sanctions as war crimes and seek March 17, 2020
defining a pandemic. They included coronavirus 2, and 853 people have accountability for those who impose S0140-6736(20)30668-1
the following components: the cause died from COVID-19. 4996 people them.
should be a new virus that has not have recovered.2 Given the COVID-19 pandemic and
circulated in humans previously, The economic loss caused by the its alarming outcomes in Iran,9 the
the disease should be widespread spread of COVID-19 in Iran coincides international community must be
geographically, there should be with the ever-highest politically obliged to stand against the sanctions
clear person-to-person spread, and induced sanctions against the country. that are hurting millions of Iranians. It
outbreaks should be explosive in Although various sanctions have been is essential for the UN Security Council
nature, with a relatively high case- in place for the past four decades, since and the USA to ease, albeit temporarily,
fatality rate. It seems to me that for May, 2019, the unilateral sanctions the barriers to providing life-saving For details of the Iran sanctions
some time, the COVID-19 outbreak imposed by the USA against Iran have medical supplies to Iran. In the future, see
met all these criteria. increased dramatically to an almost the global community must anticipate Programs/Pages/iran.aspx
Since there continues to be a lack of total economic lockdown, which possible impacts of sanctions on
consensus about when it is appropriate includes severe penalties for non-US humanitarian aid and move to prevent
to use the term pandemic, I suggest companies conducting business with further disasters from happening.4
that a multi-disciplinary group of Iran. The Iranian health sector, although Viruses do not discriminate, nor should
epidemiologists, infectious disease among the most resilient in the region,3 humankind.
specialists, risk communicators and has been affected as a consequence.4 We declare no competing interests.
health administrators be convened All aspects of prevention, diagnosis,
*Amirhossein Takian, Azam Raoofi,
to create new, clearer, expanded and treatment are directly and Sara Kazempour-Ardebili
definitions of the terms outbreak, indirectly hampered, and the country [email protected]
epidemic, and pandemic. is falling short in combating the crisis.5
Department of Global Health & Public Policy,
I declare no competing interests. Lack of medical, pharmaceutical, School of Public Health (AT), Department of
and laboratory equipment such as Health Economics & Management, School of
Manfred S Green Public Health (AT, AR), and Health Equity Research
[email protected]
protective gowns and necessary
Center (AT), Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
medication has been scaling up the Tehran 1416753955, Iran; and Consultant
School of Public Health, University of Haifa,
Haifa 3498838, Israel burden of the epidemic and the Endocrinologist, Tehran, Iran (SK-A)