Stage Hypnosis: The Complete Hypnotic Act
Stage Hypnosis: The Complete Hypnotic Act
Stage Hypnosis: The Complete Hypnotic Act
Good evening ........ tonight we are going to explore one of the greatest mysteries of all times
....... hypnosis. At one time, hypnosis was thought to be black magic. Today, it is a scientifically
accepted fact, and its use is becoming more and more prevalent among doctors, dentists and
There have been many superstitions and old wives’ tales concerning hypnosis and, perhaps
tonight, we can dispel some of these thoughts.
I am often asked if anyone can be hypnotized. I would say ALMOST anyone ........ some, of
course, faster than others, but no one can be hypnotized against his will. Hypnosis depends on
full co-operation between the hypnotist and his subject. If you do not follow the suggestions,
you can not be hypnotized. Hypnosis is a state of mind in which ideas will be accepted readily.
By following my suggestions, your mind is saying that it is willing to be hypnotized, and will
accept any further ideas that I may give it.
No one will do anything under hypnosis that they would not ordinarily do. Any command
given by a hypnotist that is alien to your thinking, or against your principles, will be
immediately rejected.
Many people think that in order to be hypnotized you must have a weak will ....... just the
opposite is the truth. Since hypnosis depends on concentration, the person with the stronger
mind will be the better subject.
Hypnosis is a state of unconsciousness, similar to sleep, during which time the hypnotist can
talk directly to the sub-conscious mind.
That is what hypnosis is ..... but what can hypnosis do? It can give the mind the ability to do,
or not do, what is suggested to it, and the mind controls the body. This may be hard to accept
at first, but I think I can prove it to you by using a wooden board. Imagine that I had such a
board, one foot wide and ten feet long, and it were here on the floor in front of me. I’m sure
that every one of you could walk across it from one end to the other with no trouble ....... but
suppose I took that same board and suspended it between two buildings 100 feet in the air,
and asked you to walk across it. Most of you would probably refuse to do it. Others might try
to crawl across it on their hands and knees holding on for dear life. It’s the same board .......
only its placement is different, but the new placement SUGGESTS the possibility of falling,
and your mind accepts that suggestion. Such is the power of suggestion. If we could learn to
control our bodies through the use of our minds, we would be capable of doing things we
never thought possible.
Take something as simple as relaxation. Many people think they know how to relax, but do
they really? Let me show you what I mean. I’d like each of you to hold your left hand up in
front of your chest like this. (Hold your left hand up to demonstrate this to the audience. Your
hand should be held flat.) Now, place your right forefinger against the palm to form the letter
“T”. (Again, demonstrate this for the audience.)
Relax the left hand and arm completely ..... let the arm go limp so that it is being supported
only by your right forefinger. I will count to three ........ on the count of three, I want you to
drop your right hand to your lap very quickly. (At this point, put your hands back to your sides
in a normal position.) Remember, let your left arm go limp, and on the count of three, drop
your right hand. Ready” ..... one ..... two ..... THREE ...... if your left hand is still up in the air,
you were not relaxed. If it were truly relaxed, the left hand would have dropped when the
support was removed. (During this, you should have looked around to see whose hands dropped.
This will give you the first indication as to which ones will be good subjects.)
Now, you are actually going to get subjects before they realized that they are going to be
hypnotized. Let me show you one more test ...... this time, in concentration. The better your
degree of concentration, the better this test will work. I’d like you to put one hand
comfortably on your lap, so that you can stare at the back of your wrist. Keep staring at the
wrist. You may notice a slight tingling sensation in that hand. Now, the hand begins to feel
light .... it gets lighter and lighter and begins to lift into the air ...... lighter ..... lighter ..... much
lighter ...... it floats higher and higher ...... very, very light ..... much lighter ...... it floats still
higher ....... lighter and lighter ........
What you are actually doing is hypnotizing the entire audience. Of course, not everyone’s hand will
rise into the air, but a surprisingly large number will. Again, this is the time to watch your audience.
The people whose hands dropped in the first test, and whose hands are now floating, are the ones
who will be your best subjects. Subconsciously, they are telling you that they want to be hypnotized
and want you to call on them as subjects. All during this observation, keep droning your instructions
to them. The voice should now be a calm, quiet monotone. Any change in your voice now might be
disastrous. If it gets too loud, or too commanding, they may become frightened and back off. On the
other hand, as you progress, your suggestions should become firmer. The difference between firm
and commanding is a slight one, but it could mean a great deal to the success of the act.
Now, you carry it forward a step further, and tell them ....... the hand floats higher and higher .....
when your wrist touches your forehead, you will fall into a deep sleep ..... when your wrist
touches your forehead, you will fall into a deep, deep sleep ..... higher and higher ...... lighter
and lighter ....... when your wrist touches your forehead, you will fall into a deep, deep sleep
In a short while, you will have some people who are asleep, some whose hands are still floating, but
have not yet reached their foreheads, and others whose hands are still in their laps. This last group
will have no good subjects in it, but they will be fascinated watching those around them who are
going under.
When you have some who are asleep, remember who they are and say ..... I will count to three .....
on the count of three, your hand will drop to your lap and you’ll be wide awake ..... on the
count of three, your hand will drop back into your lap and you’ll be wide awake feeling well
and relaxed and happy ...... one ....... two ...... THREE ..... wide awake!
At this point, there might be a slight murmur throughout the audience. A little nervous laughter,
some shifting around in their seats and the like is to be expected. Even to the skeptics, you have
proven your point ....... you are a hypnotist! You didn’t work with just a few people on the stage
who might be stooges. Those who followed your suggestions made up the largest part of your
This is the time to get your subjects up on the stage, while they are still at peak interest ..... I am
going to ask now for a few volunteers ...... I can assure you that you will not be embarrassed in
any way, but rather, will find it a most interesting experience ..... how about that young lady?
Will you join me please? ..........Gesture to one person who was a good subject. Very often, no one
wants to be the first to volunteer, but once you have one, the rest will follow. I start with a girl,
because she will not be as prone to refuse as a man might. As she starts to come up, I look towards a
second person and ask ..... How about you? ....... This one can hardly refuse, now that the first
person has agreed. Keep this line of questioning up, picking out the ones that you want. These are
not really volunteers in the true sense of the word, but it does serve the purpose of getting the best
subjects to work with, and eliminating those who might be trouble makers. If they refuse, just pass
them by and go to another. Also, don’t take anyone who is too old, nor anyone who is too young. If
you keep them between the ages of 20 and 50, you will have plenty to work with.
As each person comes up, smile at them, shake their hand, and thank them for coming up. They may
have confidence in your ability as a performer, now you want them to have confidence in you as a
person. You must realize that these people are going to be nervous about being in front of an
audience, and apprehensive about what is going to happen to them while on stage. It is up to you to
help put these people at ease. A winning smile and a warm, friendly handshake is the best way to do
Also, ask each one to have a seat as they come up, and direct each to a seat by number starting with
number one. This way, there will be no confusion or milling around on the stage which might
detract from what you are doing. Your show must, at all times, have a look of professionalism.
Your stage is now set. All, or most, of the chairs are filled with subjects, and the audience is anxious
to see what you are going to do. The next few words are directed to the audience ..... These people
have been kind enough to come up here and assist me ... with their help, I think that what you
will see in the next few moments will be interesting, entertaining and certainly most
enlightening ..... come along with use into the mysterious land of hypnosis.
The opening talk concluded, you are now ready to start the show. On stage are a number of hand-
picked subjects ready to do your bidding. Don’t let them get cold ...... go right to work on them. This
time, you’ll put them under with direct eye contact. Go to the first person on the audience’s left and
have that person stare directly into your eyes. However, don’t you look into his eyes. Instead, just
stare at the bridge of his nose. This gives you a more penetrating look. As you do this, give the
commands ....... Your eyes are very heavy ..... too heavy to keep open .... close your eyes ........
sleep ........deep asleep ........ as you say this, pass your hand down over his eyes. Don’t touch the
eyes, just make your pass in front of them. Do this quickly, and go from one person to the next until
you come to the end of the row. Most of them will be asleep. One or two may be pretending, but
don’t worry about them. They’re on stage, they’re nervous, and they’re not sure of what to expect,
so they will go along with whatever you say.
Here is a little subtle trick to help during the direct eye contact. I learned this purely by accident
....... wear glasses! I wear them normally, and I had gotten into the habit of taking them off when I
asked them to stare into my eyes. I did this only because I thought it would be easier for them to see
my eyes, but I later realized that they were accepting this as an indication of my power. So, if you
don’t wear glasses, get a pair of impressive frames with plain glass in them and use them to their
best advantage.
They are now ready for the first test, and use this with all of them at the same time. I want each of
you to extend your right arm straight out in front of you ....... it begins to grow stiff ..... stiffer
......stiffer ...... solid as a bar of steel ....... as rigid as this cane that I’m holding ........ As you
speak to them, go quickly from one to another and stroke each arm gently from the shoulder to the
wrist. Keep the commands going all this time ...... You cannot bend your arm ..... you can NOT
bend your arm .... try to bend it ...... you cannot ....... it’s stiff ....... you cannot bend it ....... and
the more you try to bend it, the deeper asleep you will go ....... the more you try to bend it, the
deeper asleep you will go ....... During this, they will be trying to bend their arms, but the arm will
remain stiff. Don’t let this last too long. Just long enough to let the audience know that they are
following your commands. All right ..... relax .... now you can bend your arm ...... let your arm
relax ...... put your hand in your lap and relax ..... from now on, you will hear nothing but the
sound of my voice ..... you will hear nothing but the sound of my voice ....... and as I speak, you
will go deeper and deeper asleep .....
Now is the time to go into your individual tests. So far, the cane has only been mentioned. Now,
you’ll start to use it in every test.
You are going to work with individuals, so let them know this ..... When I touch your shoulder
and give you a number, you will open your eyes ...... you will remain asleep, but you will open
your eyes ..... you will do this only when I touch your shoulder and give you a number ..... The
number that you give them, naturally, corresponds with the number of the seat in which that person
is sitting, counting from the audience’s left. Let us assume that you are going to use the person in
the fifth seat for this. Go to him, place your hand on his shoulder, and say ...... You are in the fifth
seat, so you are number five ..... open your eyes, but remain asleep ...... deep asleep ..... As soon
as he opens his eyes, say to him ..... Deep asleep ...... stand up ...... remain deep asleep and stand
up ..... Help him to stand by placing your hand under his elbow, and walk him a few steps forward.
Hand the cane to him so that he will take it with one hand at about the center ..... Take this cane
and hold it ...... your fingers close tightly around the cane ..... tighter and tighter ...... so tight
that you can’t let go of the cane ...... you can NOT let go of the cane ...... try to throw it down
....... you cannot ....... you cannot let go of the cane ........ After he has tried to throw it down ,
continue with ...... All right ...... relax ...... your fingers are relaxing now ....... now, you can let go
of the cane ...... Take the cane by one end and say .... You can let go of the cane now ..... open
your hand and let go of the cane ...... When he does, lead him back to his seat.
This was, of course, a test in muscle control. You’ll notice that the command was negated.
Whenever a command is given, always give a counter-command to bring things back to normal. It
may never amount to anything, but if someday he needs a cane, it could be uncomfortable in his
hand. For this reason, any command that you give, always make things right before you continue
with something else. From here, proceed to the next test, which is a mild form of hallucination.
In the same manner as before, have one of the subjects open his eyes and stand up. Again, hand the
cane to him so that he will take it with one hand at about the center ...... Hold the cane ..... as you
hold it, you will notice that it begins to get warm ......... the cane gets warmer and warmer ........
very, very warm ....... now, it starts to get hot ...... hotter ...... hotter ...... very hot ....... so hot
that you can’t hold it ....... it’s too hot to hold ...... let it go ...... it’s too hot to hold ..... open your
hand and let it go ....... As soon as he drops it to the floor, say ....... All right ...... sit down ......
When he’s back in his seat ..... Close your eyes ....... relax ....... deep asleep ...... the cane is all
right ...... it’s not hot anymore ....... relax ...... sleep ...... With the cane on the floor, proceed right
to the next test.
This is another test in muscle control, although it may not look like it. Again, have the subject open
his eyes and stand ...... You can see the cane on the floor ..... you can walk as far as the cane, but
you cannot step over it...... you can NOT step over it ....... there is an invisible wall there, and
you cannot step over the cane....... try to step over it ..... you can’t ....... you cannot step over
it....... After he has tried to step over the cane and failed, you negate the command .... All right ........
the wall is gone now ...... you can step over the cane very easily ...... now you can step over it
...... go ahead ...... step over the cane ...... When he has stepped over it, return the subject to his seat
and go on to the next test.
These next two tests are also based on muscle control. Bring the subject forward using the same
method as before, and have him extend his arms out in front of him with his hands palms up. Place
the cane so that it lies across the palms of both hands ....... As you hold the cane, you’ll notice that
it begins to grow heavy ......... heavier and heavier ...... much heavier ......... it’s growing so
heavy, that you can hardly hold it ......... it’s very, very heavy ....... put it down on the ground
....... it’s too heavy to hold ....... put it down, because it’s too heavy to hold ..... When he puts it
down, keep him there and go right to next test .......
This is basically a continuation of the last test. Have the subject who is already there stand off to one
side and bring up another subject. Direct this to the new subject ..... The cane on the floor has
grown so heavy, that no one can pick it up ....... try to pick it up ....... you cannot ..... it is too
heavy to pick up ........ in fact, it’s so heavy, that both of you together can’t pick it up ........ both
of you try ....... you can NOT pick up the cane ...... Let them struggle with it for a while. This can
create a lot of amusement for the audience. It really looks funny to see two grown people unable to
pick up a very light object. After they have tried for a while, negate the command ....... All right ......
now you can pick it up ...... it’s not heavy any more ...... now you can pick it up very easily ........
Take the cane from them, and return both subjects to their seats.
This is the last test in which muscle control is the main factor. Have the subject standing at the
center of the stage with his eyes open and hold the cane so that, under normal conditions, he could
reach out and grasp the end of the cane. This time, however, he will not be able to do so .... You can
see the end of the cane, but you cannot touch it ....... you cannot grasp the end of the cane ......
you can try to grasp it, but you cannot ........ you can NOT grasp the end of the cane ..... try
....... you cannot grasp it ......... you cannot grasp the end of the cane ...... This will also get quite
a few laughs from the audience. For some reason, it looks ludicrous to see a person unable to touch
the end of the cane. Now, as before, negate the command ...... All right ....... now you can grasp
the end of the cane ...... now your hand can touch it ...... go ahead, grasp the cane ...... Return
the subject to his seat.
By this time, you will have worked with the majority of your subjects. They are well into your
hypnotic control and are ready for hallucinatory illusions.
Go to one of your subjects, but this time, he can remain seated. You will now create the illusion
before he opens his eyes ...... I am going to have you open your eyes ....... when you open them,
you will see a beautiful lake in front of you ...... open your eyes, and you will see a beautiful
lake ..... the lake is filled with fish and you would really like to go fishing .... think of how nice
it would be to go fishing ...... His eyes are now open and he can see the lake. Hand him the cane as
you say ....... Here is your fishing rod ....... it’s a very nice rod ........ now, you can go fishing .......
bait your hook first ..... bait your hook and then you can fish ....... now, cast into that beautiful
lake ....... cast into the lake and see if you can catch a fish ....... there ...... I think you have a bite
...... you have a bite now ........ quickly ....... reel it in ...... reel in the fish so that he doesn’t get
away ...... isn’t that a beautiful fish ....... it’s quite a large fish ...... take it off the hook and hold
it up so that every one can see it ....... I’ll take the rod back now ...... let me have the rod .......
Take the cane away from him ...... Now, put the fish on the floor in front of you .... put the fish
down ..... close your eyes and sleep ..... the lake is gone now, and everything is just as it was
before ......
Notice how he was taken step by step through the entire hallucination. You just can’t tell him to “go
fishing” and expect him to do the whole thing by himself. Anything that you want him to do, such as
baiting the hook, or reeling in the fish, must come from you in the form of a command.
At this point, wake up the entire group ...... I am going to count to three ..... on the count of three,
you will all wake up ....... you will wake up feeling happy, relaxed, and better than you have
felt in a long time ...... on the count of three, you will all wake up ....... one ...... two ........
THREE ...... wide awake .......
This is the first of two post-hypnotic suggestions. Go to one of the subjects that you found to be
best, and by using eye contact, put him under once more ....... In a few seconds, I am going to
wake you up ........ when you are awake, you will be able to see the cane, but you will not see
me ...... I will be invisible and you will not be able to see me, but you will see the cane floating
around ..... when the cane points directly at you, you will fall back into a deep, deep sleep ......
when the cane points directly at you, you will immediately fall into a deep sleep ....... on the
count of three, you will wake up ....... one ....... two ...... THREE ...... wide awake ...... At this
point, he will not be able to see you at all. The look of amazement on his face when he sees the cane
apparently floating around in space is extremely interesting. After a short while, point the cane
directly at him with the command ...... sleep ...... deep asleep ....... and he will fall back into a deep
sleep. As before, negate the command, and wake him up once more.
This is the last test in the act, and it really creates havoc on the stage. This first is directed to the
audience ...... The earliest piece of magic that we know about is mentioned in the Bible ......... in
it, it says that Aaron cast down his rod and it became a serpent ..... with the help of my
subjects, I will re-create that moment in time once again .......
Turn to your subjects and ask if anyone has a morbid fear of snakes. If so, do not use that person in
this test. Remember, you are there to entertain, not create traumas. With this out of the way, go to
each one and put them under with eye contact. By now, this should only take a few seconds, because
they are all well conditioned ....... In a few seconds, I will wake you up ...... when I drop the cane
to the ground, it will turn into a serpent .....when I drop the cane, it will turn into a serpent
....... when I pick the serpent up, it will turn back into a cane and you will go back to sleep .....
when I pick it up, it will turn back into a cane and you will all go back into a deep sleep ..... on
the count of three, you will all wake up ....... one ...... two ...... THREE ..... wide awake ....... Turn
to the audience and place the tip of the cane on the ground as you would normally ....... You have
seen hypnosis in various stages, now you will see a single hallucination formed in the minds of
a group of people at the same time ....... Let go of the upper part of the cane so that it will drop
away from you. As soon as it hits the stage, your entire group of subjects will see it as a snake. Let
this go on for a few seconds so that the audience can see the different reactions of those on the stage
with you. As soon as you think it has gone long enough, pick up the cane, and at the same time, in a
loud voice, command ..... Sleep!....... The group will immediately drop into a deep sleep. Wake them
up once more with suggestions of well being, happiness and complete wakefulness.
Dismiss your subjects and have them return to their seats in the audience. As they leave the stage,
ask the audience for applause for the group of subjects. After all, they are as important to your show
as you are.
Now, for your closing remarks ....... Ladies and gentlemen ..... you have witnessed one of the
greatest mysteries of all times ..... hypnosis ...... it has been known and used since the time of
primitive man, and is being used and studied even more today ...... as we learn more about it,
who knows what wonderful things the human mind will eventually be able to accomplish ........
thank you, and good night ........
Take your closing bow, and walk off to well earned applause.
This is the second act, and as I stated before, this one is based on comedy tests. In print, some of
these may not read funny, but in front of an audience, they will always get laughs. Don’t confuse
humor with the embarrassment of your subjects. They are not at all the same thing, and any sort of
embarrassment should be avoided.
Start the act in the same way, either with the same or a similar opening talk, and get your subjects
on the stage as before. This time, you will perform two tests in suggestibility before you actually
hypnotize any of the people on the stage.
Ask one of the subjects to step forward and join you at the front of the stage. Have him stand with
his back to you, his feet together and his hands at his sides. Now, say to him ...... Close your eyes
and tilt your head back ..... way back ..... I want you to imagine a picture in your mind .......
you’re standing on a hill ....... it’s a very steep hill ...... you’re half-way up, facing the top .......
the hill is very steep and you’re going to fall backward ....... you cannot help yourself ..... the
hill is too steep ...... fall backward ..... let yourself fall .......
The subject, at this point, should start to sway backward. If he does, keep up the suggestions of
falling back and get ready to stop him from falling back too far. If he doesn’t seem to be taking the
suggestion, place your hands at the sides of his head touching his hair. Very gently, with no
pressure, draw your hands back towards you. The hands should just brush the hair without actually
touching the head. Do this once or twice, and the subject will definitely fall backward. Send him
back to his seat and bring up another subject.
This time, have the subject face you. Again, his feet are together and his hands are by his sides, but
this time, his eyes are open and he is looking directly at you. This is the time to start using your
glasses. Take them off and stare into his eyes from a short distance away ....... You are going to fall
forward ..... fall toward me ........ you cannot help yourself ....... you find yourself falling
forward ......... don’t fight it ........ let yourself fall ....... Keep this type of suggestion up until you
see him begin to fall. As soon as he does, make a motion with your hands as though drawing him
toward you.
This is more difficult than the falling back test, so don’t try to start with this one. After they have
seen the other, this test will work very well. You could, if you like, use these tests at the beginning
of the “Cane act” as well.
This is the same as the first test in the other act ...... the one in which you make everyone’s arm stiff.
Handle it in the same way, but this time, don’t mention the cane.
Now, the comedy begins.
The subjects should now all be asleep. Go to one and have him remain seated in his chair ....... You
cannot stand up ....... no matter how hard you try, you are not able to stand up ..... you cannot
stand ..... try to stand ........ you cannot ...... After he has tried for a while, negate the command and
go to another subject.
Again, the subject is to remain seated through this test ..... It’s beginning to get very warm ......
very, very warm ..... now it’s getting hot ....... extremely hot ...... it feels like the desert in the
middle of the afternoon it’s so hot ....... your throat is parched ........ open your collar ........ it’s
very, very hot ........ After a while, when the audience has seen his reaction to this, continue by
going the other way ........ Now, it’s beginning to get cool ...... cooler and cooler ....... much cooler
......... now it’s getting cold ......... very, very cold ....... it’s so cold, you feel as though you were
sitting on a cake of ice ....... it’s so cold, it’s freezing ....... The subject will probably shiver during
this, and will pull his coat up around him. Now negate the command ....... Now, it’s getting warmer
....... the temperature is back to normal ...... now, you feel very comfortable ........ everything is
exactly as it should be, and you feel very comfortable ........ Proceed to another subject for the
next test. During all these tests, they can remain seated, because there is nothing physical as there
was in the cane act.
These next three bits should be done very rapidly with the same subject ........ Your mouth is stuck
shut ....... you cannot open your mouth ......... no matter how hard you try, you can NOT open
your mouth ........ it’s stuck shut ......... After he tries for a while, say ......... Now you can open
your mouth ......... it’s not stuck any more .......... you can open your mouth, but you cannot
remember your name ....... you cannot remember your name ......... what is your name?.........
He’ll struggle with that for a while. Then say to him ....... Your name is Napolean Farquarth (or
some other ridiculous sounding name) Your name is Napolean Farquarth ....... that is your
name, isn’t it? ......... He’ll answer by saying “yes” ......... Now, negate all the commands ........
Your name is NOT Napoleon Farquarth ........ now you remember what your name really is,
don’t you?......... what is your name?........ He will now say his real name ......... All right .........
relax and sleep ........... deep asleep .........
This is not really age regression, although it may seem to be ....... You are three years old ..... you
are only three years old ....... you are just a small child of three ..... tell me, what is your name?
........ He will answer as a child. Ask him a few questions and he will continue to answer as though
he were really only three years old. After that, bring him back to the present ........ Now, you are not
three years old any more ...... you are the same age that you were when you came in ....... you
are back to your real age ...... It is quite funny to see a grown man doing this.
This time, do just the opposite with your subject ....... You are an old, old man ....... you have just
celebrated your 90th birthday ....... you are a 90 year old man ........ Now, ask him questions and
he will answer as a very old man. When you’re through, don’t forget to negate the command.
From this point on, you will work with the entire group at one time ........ You are all sitting and
watching a movie ...... it’s a very funny movie ....... it gets funnier and funnier ........ what a
funny movie this is ........ During this, they will have started by smiling and grinning. By now, they
will be laughing out loud, and as you know, laughter is infectious. Now, we bring on another
emotion ........... Now, the movie isn’t funny any more ......... the boy and girl have to leave each
other, and it’s very sad, because they’ll probably never see each other again ........ how sad it is
........ They will react to this, and some of them may even be crying. Now, make everything right
again ........ Now, everything is all right ....... the boy and girl don’t have to leave each other
........ they will get married and live happily ever after ........ what a nice movie ........... and what
a happy ending .......... These next few tests all blend together into a unit.
You’ll use a few simple props for this one, so they will have to open their eyes. The props are a
pitcher of water and some glasses. Pour a glass for yourself and drink it down quickly, so that the
audience will realize it is only water ........ I will count to three ...... on the count of three, you will
all open your eyes, but you will remain in a deep sleep .......... one ........ two ........ THREE .........
open your eyes ......... now that you have all seen the movie, I think it would be a good idea to
have a drink and relax ......... Hand each one a glass, and fill it up with water ....... All I have is
gin, but that’s all right, because you all like gin ........ this is very good gin ......... drink the gin
........ I know you’ll like it ....... After they have had some, say ........ This is really strong gin
........ it’s so strong, that you are all getting drunk ........ you’re getting very, very drunk ........
you’re so drunk, I’d better take those glasses back ...... Put the glasses away and go right into the
next test.
That really was strong gin ....... in fact, you are all so drunk, that you cannot touch the tip of
your nose with your finger .......... no matter how hard you try, you cannot touch the tip of
your nose with your finger .......... go ahead ........... try ............. you cannot touch the tip of your
nose with your finger .......... This is really funny, and will get a great reaction from the audience.
After they have tried for a while, say ......... Now you can touch it ......... Now you can touch the
tip of your nose .......... you’re not drunk anymore ......... the effects of the gin have worn off
....... you’re not drunk anymore, and now you can touch the tip of your nose ........ This now
leads directly into the next test.
Did you notice that when you touched the tip of your nose it felt like rubber? ........... touch it
again ........ it does feel like rubber ........ in fact, it is rubber .......... your noses are made of
rubber, and you can stretch them way out in front of you .......... stretch your noses out and let
them snap back, because they are made of rubber ........ stretch them way out and let them
snap back ........ now, they are not made of rubber anymore ........ now your noses are back to
normal ....... they are not rubber .......... they are normal noses ......... This has to be seen to
realize how funny this bit is. From here, you will go into a few post-hypnotic tests.
Have them all close their eyes again, and command them back into a deep, relaxed sleep ....... I am
going to wake you one at a time ...... you will not wake up until I touch your shoulder and tell
you to wake up ......... Now, go to them one at a time. Place your hand on their shoulders and give
the command ........ On the count of three, you will wake up feeling happy, relaxed, wide awake,
and better than you’ve felt in a long time ......... one ........ two ......... three .......... wide awake
......... Do this quietly so that only the person that you are working with can hear you. As each one
wakes, ask them to remain in their seats. However, don’t wake all of them. Leave three of your best
subjects still asleep. Thank those who are awake, and ask them to return to their seats in the
audience. Now, go to the first of the three sleeping subjects.
On the count of three, you will wake up ...... however, when I ask you to return to your seat in
the audience, you will find that you are stuck to the chair and can not get up....... when I ask
you to return to your seat in the audience, you will not be able to, because you will be stuck to
the chair that you are now in ......... one ....... two ....... three ........ wide awake ........ Have him
remain seated as you thank him for his help, then ask him to return to his seat in the audience. Of
course, he will be unable to get up from the chair. Put him back under with direct eye contact,
negate the command, and wake him again with feelings of well being. Now, have him return to his
This is with the second of your remaining subjects ......... On the count of three, you will wake up
....... but when I shake your hand, your left foot will be stuck to the floor .......... when I shake
your hand, your left foot will be stuck to the floor, and you will not be able to move it .........
one ........ two ......... three ........ wide awake ........ Let him sit there for a few seconds while you
talk to him, then ask him to join you at the front of the stage. Thank him for his help and shake his
hand. His left foot will be stuck to the floor. Put him under again with direct eye contact and say
........ When you wake up this time, your left foot will be all right, but this time, when I shake
your hand, you RIGHT foot will stick to the floor ........ Wake him and have him test his left foot.
Now, of course, it is all right. Again, shake hands with him. This time, the right foot will stick. Put
him under one more time and negate the commands. Wake him for the last time with the usual
suggestions of well being, and have him return to his seat in the audience.
This is your last subject, and you should have saved the best one for this ....... On the count of
three, you will wake up feeling well, happy, wide awake, and better than you have felt in a
long time ......... when you return to your seat in the audience, I want you to watch me .........
when I light a cigarette, you will get up and shout, “Let’s hear it for the hypnotist” ........ when
I light a cigarette, you will shout in a loud voice, “Let’s hear it for the hypnotist” ....... on the
count of three, you will wake up ....... one ....... two ....... three ...... wide awake ........ Have him
return to his seat in the audience. Go into your closing talk, and as you near the end of it, remove a
cigarette from your pack. At the correct time, light the cigarette. Your subject will jump up and
shout, “Let’s hear it for the hypnotist”, which gets you off with a big laugh and a lot of applause.
Well, there you have it .......... two complete shows exactly as I have
done them for a number of years. Even if you have never studied the
art of hypnosis before, you can go out and do these shows, because all
the information that you will need is here.
I hope that you have enjoyed the book ......... I know you will enjoy
doing the hypnotic act.
Stage Inductions
We are indebted to Journi Smed, who has been instrumental in setting up these pages, and for his
permission to use them at As you probably have already noticed there is a lot of
information here at This server also has information about: trainings, books and
tapes about your questions about hypnosis. If you really want to practice hypnosis with other
people, there is no substitute for reading about it, and taking trainings in hypnosis.
Enjoy these pages!
Stage Inductions
• Deep Relaxation Induction
• Fractional Relaxation
• Clasp Induction
• Staircase Relaxation
• Hand Yardstick Test
Fractional Relaxation
(Marshall Sylver)
(Transcribed From An Actual Show)
[Deep breathing for a few minutes] [Hypnotist stands still slowly rising and lowering his arms from
his side]
In a moment I'm going to count from 1 to 3
On the count of three, open your eyes, look at me, do not look away, 1 ... 2 and 3
Open your eyes, look at me, do not look away
Breathe in deeply, and now breath out
Thats fine, your doing perfectly
Breathe in deep relaxation, and breathe out all your tensions
Breathe in peace and tranquility, and simply breathe out all your anxieties
Open your eyes now, look at me, do not look away
Open your eyes now wide awake
Breathe in ... and breathe out
In a moment I'm going to begin relaxing you step by step
In a moment I'm going to begin counting backwards from 10 to 1
As I do your eyelids will begin to blink and close down
Simply allow them to do so, you could resist anytime you wanted to, that is not why you're here
As I count backwards from 10 to 1, your eyelids will begin to blink and close down
As you continue to concentrate you will relax the muscles in your neck, in your body, and become
as limp and loose as if you were made from a handfull of loose rubber bands
Breathe in deeply, we begin
On number 10 each and every easy breath you take relaxes your body more and more you're simply
letting go
9 breathe in deeply, eyelids beginning to blink now
Beginning to blink and close down your you're concentrating perfectly
8 way down,
7 way down,
7 eyelids closing down now,
close your eyelids down tightly and concentrate on relaxing the muscles in your neck
close your eyelids down tightly now
let loose the muscles in your neck you're doing perfectly
allow your eyelids to remain closed until I tell you to open them
8 way down,
close your eyelids down relax the muscles in your arms you're doing perfectly
7 way down,
4 concentrate,
2 way down,
2 way down,
2 way down,
and 1 way down,
thats fine, you're doing perfectly
(Move to staircase relaxation)
Clasp Induction
(Marshall Sylver)
(Transcribed From An Actual Show)
Look at me now ... do not look away
In a moment Im going to continue relaxing you further
(show subjects)
In a moment Im going to tell you to extend you hands straight out in front of you
The moment that you do you'll place your palms approximately 12 inches apart.
After that I will tell you to close your eyes. The moment you close your eyes you'll feel as if there
are magnets in your palms
Your hands will begin pulling and tugging together
The moment those fingers touch you will allow them to interlock and you'll clasp your hands down
Extend your hands in front of you now, palms 12 inches apart, fingers spread
Your doing fine, your doing perfectly
In a moment I'm going to tell you to close your eyes, the moment you close your eyes it will feel as
if there are magnets in your palms
As I count backwards from 3 to 1 the pull get stronger
Close your eyes ... close your eyelids down tightly ... your hands become tugging and pulling [t & p]
... close your eyelids down tightly (t&p) (p&t) as if there were magnets in your palms your hands
are being drawn together (t&p) (p&t)
Just as a magnet gets stronger the closer it gets, the closer your hands get the stronger the pull (t&p)
(p&t) locking down, sealed shut, fingers tightly together the moment they touch (t&p) (p&t)
As I count backwards from 3 to 1 the pull gets stronger ... number 3 (t&p) (p&t), 3, 2 (t&p) (p&t),
the next number, number 1 has lock down, sealed shut, clasp down tighter and tighter together.
3, 2, 1, locking down, sealing shut, clasping tighter and tighter together
Thats fine, your doing perfectly
In a moment I'm going to count backwards from 3 to 1 again.
The moment I say the number 1 you will try to unclasp your hands.
The moment you try to unclasp your hands you will find that there is nothing you can do, say or
think that will allow your hands to separate.
The moment I say the number 1 you'll try to unclasp your hands.
The more you try to unclasp your hands the more securely locked down they become.
On number 3 your hands are locking down, sealing shut, clasping tighter and tighter together.
On number 2 it feels as if your hands are carved from a single block of wood.
On the next number, number 1 you'll try to unclasp your hands, the more you try the more secure
they become, number 1.
Try to unclasp your hands, the more you try, the more secure they become, tighter and tighter.
Thats fine, your doing perfectly.
Stop trying to unclasp your hands, allow your hands to remain straight out in front of you.
In a moment I'm going to touch your hands, the moment I touch your hands they will easily and
readily unlock.
In fact, the moment I touch your hands you will relax every muscle in your body and become limp
and loose as if you were made from a handfull of loose rubberbands.
The moment I touch your hands you will relax every muscle in your body and become limp and
loose as if you were made from a handfull of loose rubberbands.
When I touch your hands relax and let go. [The hypnotist goes from subject to subject pushing their
clasped hands down into their laps and commanding "sleep")
(Move to staircase relaxation)
Staircase Relaxation
(Marshall Sylver)
(Transcribed From An Actual Show)
In a moment I'm going to begin relaxing your further
In a moment I'm going to begin counting backwards from 10 to 1 again
The moment I say the number 10, you will allow your eyelids to remain closed
But the moment I say the number 10, you will in your minds eye see yourself at the top of a small
set of stairs
As I say say the number 9 and each additional number you will simply move down those stairs,
relaxing more completely
At the bottom of the stairs lies a very large feather bed and a very relaxing feather pillow
The moment I say the number 1 you will sink down into that feather bed and rest your head on that
feather pillow
During this time if I touch you or move you this will only serve to relax you deeper
Breathe in deeply, we begin
# 10, at the top of the stairs, your relaxing and letting go, # 10
# 9, becomming more limp, more loose, more calm, # 9
8, sinking into a more comfortable, peaceful and relaxed position
If I touch you or move you this will only serve to relax you deeper
7 way down,
5 that’s fine, your doing perfectly, moving toward that feather bed
2, If I touch you or move you this will only serve to relax you deeper
5, let loose those neck muscles,
2 way down,
2 way down,
On the next number # 1 simply sink into a more comfortable, calm, peaceful and relaxed position
Let your body go more limp and more loose as if you were made from a handful of loose
and 1 way down
that’s fine, you're doing perfectly
(Move to hand yardstick test)