Lecture Packet #5: Groundwater Flow Patterns
Lecture Packet #5: Groundwater Flow Patterns
Lecture Packet #5: Groundwater Flow Patterns
20,000 feet
Beneath ridge and valley one gets Groundwater Divide, an imaginary impermeable
• Recharge area – saturated flow is directed away from the water table.
• Discharge area – a component of flow upward and saturated flow is toward
the water table.
• Equipotential lines corresponding to the water table reflect the elevation head.
• Equipotential lines beneath the water table are curvilinear and reflect both
pressure and elevation.
Flow Line Equipotential Water Table
Flow-through Lake
The Model
• Boundary Conditions
o Aquifer base is impermeable
o Vertical no-flow boundaries on sides
• Major topographic high on upslope side
• Major drain (stream) on downslope side
o Upper boundary is the water table
• Parameters chosen to be consistent with lakes and glacial terrain.
o Silty till
o Sand
o Ratios of Kh/Kv = 100 and 1000 based on field observations
Stagnation Point
• A location where flow is zero (stagnant)
• Complex flow systems show one or more stagnation points
• The point of lowest head on dividing streamline is a stagnation point
o There is a head value at the location of the stagnation point
o For lake systems occurs under the shoreline on the downslope side of
the lake
o If the head at the stagnation point is higher than the head in a lake,
flow is toward the lake (no water flows out the bottom of the lake)
Uplifted Foreland
2 km
Maximum flow rate: 1-10 m/yr
200 km
2 km
200 km
Maximum flow rate: 0.1-1 m/yr
2) Free convection
• Circulation cells develop with or without regional horizontal flow (can coexist
with gravity-driven flow)
• Driven by buoyancy forces associated with thermal and salinity fields
• Flow rates are on the order of 1 m/y
• Key factors: fluid-density gradient, aquifer thickness, and conductivity
2 km
Maximum flow rate: 0.1-1 m/yr
50 km
3) Tectonically-driven flow
• Compression and thrusting during mountain building produces large
overpressures in orogenic belts
• Regime characteristic of accretionary wedges (subduction zones) with flow
rate of cm/y
• Theoretical flow (high) rates of 0.5 m/y
Strongly Overpressured
200 km
5 km
Earthquake Focus 5 km
Normal fault
5) Seismic pumping
• Catastrophic faulting vents overpressure
Pressure Compartments
P4 No flow between
P1 P2 compartments
2 km
200 km
No flow boundary
6) Pressure compartments
• Permanent impermeable barrier maintains pressures forever; seals into
isolated compartments
• Not believed by most hydrogeologists who feel there is always some
permeability and flow over geologic time