How IT Enables Business Model Innovation at The VDAB: Stijn Viaene, Saskia Broeckx

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Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (2013) 3, 78–87

© 2013 JITTC Palgrave Macmillan All rights reserved 2043-8869/13

Teaching case

How IT enables business model innovation

at the VDAB
Stijn Viaene, Saskia Broeckx
Vlerick Business School & KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

S Viaene, Vlerick Business School & KU Leuven, Vlamingenstraat 83, Leuven, B-3000, Belgium.
Tel: +32 16 24.88.11;
Fax: +32 24.88.00;
E-mail: [email protected]

This case study invites students to discuss strategic value creation through the use of
information technology (IT). It raises issues of business model innovation, IT strategy, digital
platforms, ecosystems, business-IT alignment, and leadership. The key character in the
case is the Chief Information Officer, Paul Danneels, who is ready to drive the strategic
transformation of the VDAB, the Flemish Employment Agency, from a service provider to a
labor market conductor. Starting from a firm understanding of the VDAB’s strategic choices,
students should be able to discuss the positioning and role of the IT department as well as
its views on value delivery.
Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (2013) 3, 78–87. doi:10.1057/jittc.2013.6;
published online 5 November 2013
Keywords: business model innovation; IT strategy; digital platforms; ecosystems; business-IT
alignment; leadership


russels, 14th May 2012. Paul Danneels, an experienced VDAB, from service provider to labor market conductor
Chief Information Officer (CIO) in his early fifties, was
preparing for his annual personal performance review Meet the VDAB
meeting with CEO Fons Leroy. He counted himself lucky Founded in 1989, the VDAB (Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbe-
to have Leroy’s ear. They met regularly, both formally and middeling en Beroepsopleiding) is the public employment
informally, and they had always been on the same wavelength service for the Flemish region (Flanders).1 It offers employ-
regarding the implementation of the VDAB’s strategy. ment services, training, and career guidance.
Danneels felt this meeting should not be about his own or With the VDAB head office located in Brussels, job place-
his department’s performance. ment used to be organized on a regional level, through local
The VDAB was in the midst of a transformation that would one-stop-job shops (werkwinkels) that provided integrated
radically alter its business model. Information technology (IT) services and information. The VDAB website and vacancies
had a crucial role to play. And it was not going to be a walk could be consulted at train stations, local councils, and librar-
in the park, since they were entering uncharted territory. ies, where the VDAB had made available public computers
Danneels’ team was excited about the impact IT would have with a simplified touch-screen user interface. Each province
on the new business model and about the new technologies had its competence center and local training centers, respon-
involved. But could the organization cope? Would it be able sible for training and competency development. Occasionally,
to keep up with the pace of change? What’s more, they were in-company training was offered as well (see Appendix B).
working to a tight budget. Taking a multi-channel approach to service delivery, the
Danneels knew there was a lot at stake. The government VDAB combined face-to-face contacts with call center, inter-
had high expectations and the transformation was under net, text messages, e-mail, and social media.
heavy scrutiny from a wide range of stakeholders and lobby The VDAB was an external autonomous agency. This
groups. He frowned as he remembered ‘Big VDAB?,’ a debate meant that it was not directly controlled by the minister
organized by the Human Rights League a couple of days responsible, but run by a board of directors including the
earlier (see Appendix A). Surely people couldn’t seriously CEO and representatives from employers’ associations,
think the VDAB wanted to become a paternalistic regulator, trade unions, and the Flemish government. As a public sector
or worse, an authoritarian controller. organization, the VDAB was publicly funded and its policy
IT-enabled business model innovation at VDAB S Viaene and S Broeckx

priorities were determined by government ministers. It was 4. Organize labor market-oriented, flexible and future-proof
therefore still accountable to the Flemish government. services for competency recognition and development.
Every 5 years, a management agreement setting out the 5. Extend partnerships.
mutual commitments for the next 5 years was concluded
between the Flemish government and the VDAB. This agree- In comparison with its predecessor, the new agreement
ment translated the policy priorities into strategic goals for placed far more emphasis on the provision of services
the VDAB and determined what resources it would receive for employers, on career services, and on partnerships.
as well as the corresponding outputs. While the previous agreement was far more exclusively
concerned with the provision of services to job seekers,
the target group had now been extended to include
Changing labor market other non-active citizens as well. This meant that the VDAB
In 2012, the labor market was undergoing significant changes. would target some 4 million people of working age in
First, it was not immune to demographic pressure. With the Flanders, instead of approximately 450,000 job seekers
aging population, the balance between people of working age who would call on the VDAB’s services every year. The
and retirees had started to shift. Moreover, people entering the new agreement also stated that the VDAB must strive even
labor market had other competencies and skills than those harder to offer a personalized approach to all its target groups.
who were leaving it. As a result, there was also a qualitative The 2011–2015 management agreement was the first to
mismatch between workers’ skills and the skills required for contain explicit goals for web-based learning and compe-
vacancies. tency recognition. Unless it worked with its partners, the
Second, globalization was having a bigger impact than ever VDAB could not achieve all these goals. The new agreement
before. As economic cycles were shortening, there was a grow- therefore stipulated that collaboration with all partners must
ing need for flexibility to cope with the changing labor market be stepped up.
conditions. Career security would take the place of job secu- Essentially, the 2011–2015 management agreement officia-
rity. For Fons Leroy, this meant reflecting on the role of the lized and confirmed the choices the VDAB had been prepar-
VDAB:2 ing for some time. Fons Leroy had realized the need for change
early on and had fine-tuned his ideas for the organization in a
Not only will people have to show more self-management business strategy document called VONK,3 which had been
than before, the different labor market actors will have to released in 2010. VONK described the transformation from ‘a
adapt as well. The mismatch on the labor market can only service provider to mandatorily-registered job seekers’ to ‘a
be solved if more people work longer. Given all sorts of conductor, orchestrating a community of voluntary partici-
productivity constraints, working longer is only feasible if pants.’ This required a fundamental change of mindset, as
people can work differently. This requires a broadening Leroy explained:
of the scope of the labor market and career policies. The
VDAB, for its part, needs to reflect on its role within those
In the past we could afford to stay put behind our desks.
People depended on us, which put us in a dominant
position. Things change dramatically if you aspire to facil-
Finally, against the backdrop of an increasingly IT-enabled
itate people’s careers. All of a sudden, the individual is
world, labor market processes had become IT-driven as well.
in the driver’s seat. So far, most of our efforts have been
New technologies for data collection, data mining or data
focused on the supply side of the labor market, providing
exchange, as well as alternative communication and collabora-
training and job placement for job seekers. The role of
tion channels, and an increasingly social and mobile internet,
conductor requires expertise and credibility in both the
altered the ways in which employees were recruited or job
supply and the demand side. It’s only recently that we’ve
seekers applied for jobs.
started to actively involve employers in our processes and
New management agreement 2011–2015
In the management agreement 2011–2015, which was con- Leroy knew the transformation would have far-reaching
cluded in December 2011, the VDAB was given the task of consequences for the way in which services were provided,
organizing the provision of new services that would support implying an increased focus on IT-enabled self-service. VDAB
labor market and career policies. The agreement explicitly counselors and account managers, in particular, would have to
acknowledged that this service provision would be strongly adapt to new ways of working. Leroy:
driven by technology, and that it was supposed to encourage
individuals’ self-reliance and self-management as much as
Large corporations can take the time to see our counselors
or account managers during office hours, but for SMEs, this
The agreement set out the strategic goals for the VDAB:
is far more difficult. Different stakeholders require different
1. Activate all job seekers and other non-active citizens on the ways of working. Our service delivery is no longer confined
labor market in as individualized a manner as possible, to our offices or office hours. We’ll have to be prepared to
with a view to their long-term deployment on the labor leave our office, use alternative communication channels,
market. and make ourselves available outside regular office hours.
2. Provide career services for working citizens (i.e. support It’s a paradigm shift!
career design decisions).
3. Ensure an effective approach for all employers (with The VDAB was to become a network organization in the labor
a special focus on SMEs). market ecosystem (see Appendix C).
IT-enabled business model innovation at VDAB S Viaene and S Broeckx

VDAB IT department more extensive electronic services provision. However, there

Paul Danneels joined the VDAB in September 2007. Fons was considerable pressure on the government to economize in
Leroy had been appointed CEO 2 years earlier and shortly the years ahead. The VDAB would therefore have to do more
after Danneels’ arrival, he began working on what would result with less and Danneels knew the IT department was no
in his VONK strategy. Because Leroy and Danneels had taken exception:
to meeting up regularly, Danneels was privy to Leroy’s plans
and ideas early on. As he recalled: The IT budget for 2012 is 32 million euros. Service deliv-
ery and maintenance account for 10 million. We’ve also
IT is privileged to have been kept in the loop from the start. set aside a further 10 million for hardware and software
That’s why we’re pretty well prepared. We knew what would licenses. We can spend 5 million on business and technical
be coming our way. Of course, we’ve had to wait until Fons projects, which leaves us 7 million for strategic projects. To
secured buy-in from all the stakeholders, especially external complete all the strategic projects we’ve currently identified
ones, before we could start implementing our ideas. So at up to 2015, we’d need at least another 10 million euros
times I’ve had to temper my team’s enthusiasm. We’ve been spread over the next three years.4
anticipating behind the scenes, preparing the infrastructure
so that we could start as soon as the business gave the green
IT organization
And once the IT department got the go-ahead, it was with When he joined the VDAB, Paul Danneels was given the task
Leroy’s unconditional support: of reorganizing the IT department to ensure better alignment
with the business. Over the years, the organization underwent
Paul just has to focus on the strategic projects. He shouldn’t major changes, which resulted in a more mature IT organiza-
be distracted by ad hoc requests from the business or by tion with clear management reporting and cost monitoring
day-to-day maintenance issues. We’ve made clear strategic (see Appendix D).
choices and that’s where Paul’s priorities should lie. Strategy and general management were outlined by the
CIO. An IT Core Committee, comprising the CIO and
members of the Management Committee, was set up in order
to determine the IT strategy and the sourcing strategy (i.e.
Working principles using internal resources vs outsourcing). This core committee
To ensure IT would effectively support the VDAB’s long-term
also allocated the budget for the different IT areas. In addition,
strategy, Danneels chose to involve the business in the
a monthly recurring agenda item at the Management Com-
development of IT’s governing principles. During an off-site mittee meetings was a discussion of the IT dashboard and
meeting, members of the IT department, together with a
any problems.
sounding-board group from the business, established the IT
A CIO office took care of budget monitoring, invoicing, and
principles underlying the day-to-day decisions and the man-
staffing across all projects, while HR and Logistics monitored
agement of IT resources and processes.
all administrative work associated with recruitment, purchas-
These principles included the following:
ing, and asset management.
The IT department had adopted a project-based organiza-
1. The project delivery model relies on partnership with the
business for all IT projects. tional structure. The IT project portfolio, and hence the
organization, were divided into Strategic Projects (see below),
2. Portfolio-based functioning, that is selection and prioritiza-
Business Projects (e.g. ERP), and Technical Projects (helpdesk,
tion based on strategic fit, costs, and risks, ensures clear
infrastructure) to reflect budget allocation principles. The proj-
agreements and plans as well as project coherence.
ect teams retained ownership from concept through imple-
3. IT resources are allocated and managed at a corporate level
mentation to rollout within the organization.5 This approach
in order to ensure professional support based on agreed
reduced the number of handovers and hence errors. Danneels
explained how the projects were run and monitored:
4. A strong internal core IT team, supplemented with external
service providers, ensures maximum flexibility and agility.
Our project teams are staffed by internal VDAB personnel,
5. Work is done on the basis of an overall architectural
framework (to enable and facilitate the integration of supplemented by external consultants. This enables us to
respond more flexibly and cost-effectively to the varying
applications and systems).
demands. Project control itself is based on regular consulta-
6. A controllable and robust infrastructure and reliable service
delivery ensure good availability of IT-enabled services. tion between the business project leader and the IT project
leader. Joint business and IT control groups take care of the
7. The information strategy ensures easy access for internal
project monitoring of deliverables, milestones, and budget.
and external users.
And to optimize value creation and business satisfaction,
For the VDAB, the challenges for the years ahead lay in cost- we’ve adopted Scrum6 to actually run the projects.
effective and customer-oriented service provision in line with
the strategic focuses of the new management agreement. Its The Process Innovation Team (PIT) played an important
target group had been extended to include the active popula- advisory role in the prioritization process. It monitored the
tion and extra effort was needed to enable employers to find extent to which a project proposed by the business would
the right candidates in an ever-tighter, evolving labor market. contribute to the achievement of the strategy and its budgetary
This would require a more personalized, flexible approach and impact both on IT and at the business level. The decision
IT-enabled business model innovation at VDAB S Viaene and S Broeckx

about whether or not to carry out a project was made by the actors would then know they could trust data with the VDAB
Management Committee. The PIT reported to the CEO and validation mark. The more actors that engaged with the digital
had a dotted-line reporting relationship with the CIO. The platform, either to provide or access information and to get in
team consisted of people from the business, an IT architect, contact with other actors, the more dynamic and relevant it
and external consultants. The PIT had been created for would become and the greater its added value in creating
a specific purpose: a transparent and flexible labor market.
The VDAB’s strategic projects were linked to strategic
This team was set up in order to help professionalize project themes, as Paul Danneels explained:
identification and project management on the business side.
The PIT analyzes project proposals and organizes challenge These themes are essential strategic elements that form the
meetings to assess the strategic, budgetary, and architectural foundation for our digital platform, which is the basis for
fit of proposed projects. It also monitors the portfolio bud- our business model. They all revolve around enabling and
get, and consolidates project reporting for the Management stimulating stakeholder engagement.
Committee. Moreover, the PIT is responsible for creating
the business architecture, i.e. it maps business processes and A convenient and appealing career portal for individuals,
develops master data concepts. a tailored approach to employers, competency-based match-
ing, and collaboration and co-creation, were the themes
The Architecture and Innovation Unit managed the technical the VDAB had identified. These were translated into con-
roadmaps. Rather than imposing methods and standards in crete tools and applications, the components of the digital
advance and relying on sporadic controls, IT architects platform.
worked as team members on the different projects to ensure
that newly developed components could be integrated into the
Convenient and appealing career portal for individuals
existing architecture. This was a more pragmatic approach,
Not only mandatorily registered job seekers, but any indivi-
but it avoided last-minute surprises. Recently, Paul Danneels
dual who might want to develop and manage his or her career
had also given this unit responsibility for investigating new
would use the portal to find a job, develop his or her com-
technologies and new ways of working via test bed projects
petencies to enhance employability, validate personal infor-
(proeftuinen, see section ‘New ways of working – enabled by
mation such as training certificates, or access any relevant
IT’), which were undertaken in collaboration with external
labor market information.
partners such as universities, business schools, or service pro-
One of the tools to assist individuals in their career manage-
viders. The total budget for strategic projects included a 5%
ment would be My Career, an e-portfolio grouping all career-
margin calculated on the initial estimated strategic budget to
related information such as diplomas and certificates, jobs,
cover innovation initiatives.
competencies, and trainings. They would manage their port-
Service Delivery & Operations negotiated, established, and
folio, add or update information, and exchange it with other
monitored Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and maintenance
labor market actors as they saw fit.
contracts with internal and external service providers. IT had
An additional tool, PDP,8 would support competency and
devised a sourcing process that made use of framework
skills gap assessment, enabling individuals to devise their own
contracts for service providers and for outsourced infrastruc-
personal development plan. PDP would closely integrate with
ture management with external partners. It was responsible
My Career to avoid duplication of data entry, that is informa-
for the development of an ITSM7 framework and process
tion entered in My Career should serve as input for PDP,
improvement initiatives. As well as the follow-up of incidents,
and vice versa. Individuals would remain owner of their PDP,
it provided on-site support (IT experts) at the job shops and
providing access to other labor market actors at their own
local training centers. In addition, it took care of technical
management and support of the telephone, network, and
The career portal would support online job applications
application infrastructure. The team also provided technical
(i.e. the selection of vacancies, either manually or through
application support (databases, middleware, tools including
automatic matching, and résumé submission) as well as
e-learning). Actual infrastructure hosting and management
competency development (i.e. online registration for training
were outsourced (network and server management, backup
in one of the VDAB competence centers or with other
and storage management, and end-user infrastructure support).
participating labor market actors, and e-learning).
In addition to using the 24/7 online self-service portal,
individuals could still call upon a VDAB counselor for person-
Strategic IT themes
alized information, assistance, or coaching, either in person,
To support the strategic focus of the new management
via videoconferencing, telephone, e-mail, or chat.
agreement, the VDAB set out to make a platform available
with the necessary information, tools, and standards for data
exchange, while ensuring quality assurance of the informa- Tailored approach to employers
tion provided. In their search for qualified, employable personnel, employers
In future, the added value of the VDAB would lie not least would post and manage vacancies (MasterVac), and select
in improving the transparency of labor market processes by eligible candidates either manually or through automatic
ensuring maximum exchangeability of data, while providing matching. They would be able to establish contact with
transparency on the source and status of data (i.e. distinguish- selected candidates via their employers’ portal as well.
ing between validated data, such as certificates and diplomas, To satisfy their need for training and development, employ-
and other non-validated data entered by an individual). Other ers would access competency development services and
IT-enabled business model innovation at VDAB S Viaene and S Broeckx

integrate their internal talent and competency management cost savings being the most obvious one (see Appendix F),
with the tools and applications of the digital platform (PDP, as he explained:
Competent) to enhance transparency and efficiency. The
employers’ portal would also provide access to certified We were boxed into a financial corner. So initially, the
information from authenticated sources (e.g. certificates and choice wasn’t so much inspired by innovation as it was by
diplomas) as well as to any other relevant labor market or the search for cheaper ways to solve problems.
policy information.
Just like individual users, employers would have access to Google Apps provided cost savings, not only because it
personalized services via alternative channels: face-to-face eliminated the need to invest in hardware and client software,
contact, videoconferencing, telephone, e-mail, or chat. but also because it enabled low-cost development of custom
applications. One of the most telling examples was a training
reservation system for a Dutch language course that was set up
Competency-based matching by one of the VDAB counselors in a matter of minutes using
The key to maximizing an individual’s employability is to find Google Docs, without any intervention from IT whatsoever.
the right fit between his or her competencies, preferences, and However, there was also a strategic fit. As Danneels would
aspirations on the one hand and the job requirements on the argue, the VDAB needed to become as open and accessible as
other. possible for all its stakeholders:
With a competency-based approach to employability,
diplomas and previous work experience would no longer be We’re going to need to provide a platform that everyone can
the only criteria to determine a suitable candidate. This use, where they can share information without any techno-
approach was supposed to underpin all labor market transac- logical barriers. And the cloud offers just that. It also
tions. To this end, the VDAB would integrate and enrich an maximally supports Bring Your Own Device and, as such,
existing competence platform9 to create Competent, a dynamic it effectively enables different ways of working. Because all
database that would act as a central, standardized competence the applications are available over the internet, counselors
backbone for the labor market. Competent would be inte- are actually going to be able to work from home or
grated with the other building blocks of the VDAB digital anywhere else; an internet connection is all that’s needed.
platform, such as My Career, PDP, and MasterVac, to enable The same holds for any other stakeholder who might want
more sophisticated automatic matching of job seekers and to access the platform.
Google Apps was not the only illustration of how IT contrib-
uted to rethinking and simplifying the functioning of the
Collaboration and co-creation business. Test bed projects (proeftuinen) were another. Dan-
Information exchange and collaboration between all labor neels had tasked the Architecture and Innovation Unit to
market actors would be enhanced through integration experiment with initiatives that fitted with the strategic IT
with social media and by making as much information as themes. These initiatives were set up in a win fast/fail fast
possible available to other labor market actors, enabling manner,13 and Danneels wanted at least one or two out of every
them to develop their own applications to enrich the digital five initiatives to yield concrete results. To avoid scope creep,
platform. he had identified three areas of interest. These were as follows:
The tools and applications supporting the strategic themes
(e.g. My Career, PDP, Competent, and MasterVac) would
Data discovery: These initiatives investigated how the
therefore have to be integrated into a mobile-ready digital
VDAB could make better use of all its available information,
platform, made accessible via the internet. And, as Paul
Danneels argued, they should be developed from an outside- for example design and development of queries to extract
competencies from unstructured data such as résumés or
in perspective:
vacancies for use in matching algorithms, or profiling of job
IT no longer only develops systems and applications to seekers by looking for meaningful patterns in the available
support the internal VDAB organization. We have to develop
systems and applications that are to be made available to the Open data: These initiatives focused on making information
outside world and that should meet the requirements of all available in a structured way, using publicly available
our stakeholders. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), to enable
other stakeholders to develop their own applications such
as all the offices of the VDAB, vacancies, and trainings.
New ways of working – enabled by IT
For Paul Danneels it had been clear from the start: the new Communication with job seekers and other stakeholders:
role of the VDAB as both service provider and conductor of Initiatives in this area were to enable more proactive and
the labor market implied radically new ways of working. An flexible communication with stakeholders. The initiatives
early adopter, Danneels had deliberately chosen to experiment that had been launched until then were all related to
with new, cutting-edge technology.10 encouraging the use of the Google collaboration platform:
The implementation of Google Apps11 in 2011 received
a lot of press coverage. The VDAB was the first government ● Open appointment system for counselors, synchronizing
agency to move its mail and collaboration platform to the with the agendas of counselors, job seekers, and team
cloud.12 Danneels had several reasons to opt for the cloud, leaders.
IT-enabled business model innovation at VDAB S Viaene and S Broeckx

● Online job-application coaching using Google Hangout market actor to labor market conductor, which was consistent
(video application) and the Google document-sharing with the strategic choices made at the VDAB.
application. 3 The acronym VONK stands for VDAB op nieuwe koers, or VDAB
● Virtual job fairs (see Appendix G). embarking on a new course. The Dutch word vonk means spark.
4 This budget does not include fixed VDAB personnel costs.
Danneels stood up from his desk and walked over to the 5 That is testing and the management of the development
window. His office was on the fifteenth floor. While he
environment were also taken care of on a project level.
admired the spectacular panoramic view of the city below, his
6 Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development
thoughts drifted back to when he started at the VDAB. He felt
method for managing software projects and product or appli-
they had accomplished a lot already. They had reorganized the
cation development. It emphasizes working principles such as
IT department and governance structures. The vacancies
co-location of team members, daily meetings, timeboxing, and
databases for internal and external purposes had been inte-
incremental development.
grated into a single source (MasterVac), and a first version of
7 ITSM: IT Service Management.
My Career had been launched earlier that year. Moreover, the
8 PDP stands for Personal Development Plan (in Dutch POP –
organization was starting to get to grips with Google Apps and
Persoonlijk Ontwikkelings Plan). On 19th January 2009, the
organizing the virtual job fair in Portugal had been a fruitful Flemish government and the social partners, that is the employer
organizations and trade unions represented in the Flemish Socio-
‘Not bad,’ he mused. But even greater change was yet to
Economic Council, signed a new mission statement, Pact 2020,
come. Some were already dreaming aloud about a fully fledged which defines a range of policy goals for 2020 for the Flanders
VDAB Direct, a 100% self-service platform. If asked, Danneels
region. In line with the European Lisbon Strategy objectives, the
would settle for 80%. Anything that could be done should
region wants to be among Europe’s top five regions in relation to
indeed be done via the platform. But what could and could not
innovation, employment, social cohesion, and sustainability.
be done would no doubt be determined by privacy concerns Pact 2020 stipulates that every citizen is entitled to a personal
and regulations. development plan to effectively facilitate and support lifelong and
‘We’re not there yet,’ he murmured as he walked back to his life-wide learning and to enhance inclusion in the labor market.
desk. He poured himself a cup of coffee and started pondering 9 An index of competencies according to the French system ROME
the questions running through his mind. They were working (Répertoire Opérationnel des Métiers et des Emplois).
to a tight budget, so it had to be first-time-right. Should they
10 A global survey, undertaken among C-level executives by a lead-
seek additional funding? Had they considered all the con- ing strategic management consultancy firm in April 2012, had
sequences? What if bigger companies refused to use the digital
identified consensus on the three key trends in digital business to
platform and share their data? What if individuals didn’t buy
be (1) big data and analytics, (2) digital marketing and social
into it? If anything, the success of the new business model media tools, and (3) the use of new and flexible delivery platforms
hinged on creating a culture of ‘want to’ instead of ‘have to.’
such as cloud computing and mobility.
11 Google Apps is a cloud-based messaging and collaboration
Acknowledgements platform. It includes web-based e-mail, calendars, document
This case was made possible with the support of the Deloitte Chair creation and sharing, and other applications (see Appendix E).
of ‘Bringing IT to Board Level’ at Vlerick Business School. We also 12 Cloud computing refers to both the applications delivered as
thank the Intercollegiate Centre for Management Science (ICM) services over the Internet and the hardware and systems software
for their support in writing this case. in the datacenters that provide those services. The services
themselves have long been referred to as Software as a Service
(SaaS). The datacenter hardware and software is what we will call
Notes a Cloud. When a Cloud is made available in a pay-as-you-go
1 Belgium has four public employment services: one for the Flemish manner to the general public, we call it a Public Cloud; the service
region, one for the Walloon region, one for the Brussels region, being sold is Utility Computing. Source: Armbrust et al. (2010).
and one for the German-speaking community. 13 This means they did not have to follow standard project processes
2 In an increasingly globalized labor market, the VDAB would need and approval procedures.
to be credible as a partner, not only in Flanders, but also in 14 Employability is the capability to move self-sufficiently within the
Europe, if not worldwide. The business model innovation at the labor market to realize potential through sustainable employ-
VDAB was not an isolated initiative but fitted into a wider ment. For individuals, employability depends on (1) the knowl-
European context, in which it positioned itself as a frontrunner. edge, skills, and attitudes they possess, (2) the way they use those
During the Belgian presidency of the European Union (1st July assets and (3) present them to employers, and (4) the context
2010 through 30th December 2010), the VDAB was actively within which they seek work (e.g. personal circumstances and
involved in drafting the PES 2020 Strategy Output Paper, labor market environment). Source: Hillage and Pollard (1998).
presenting the common strategy for the future, endorsed by all
European Public Employment Services. The strategy paper was
approved in December 2011 and described the changes in the role References
and function of Public Employment Services that would be
necessary in view of the implementation of the EU 2020 strategy, Armbrust, M., Fox, A., Griffith, R., Joseph, A.D., Katz, R., Konwinski, A.,
Lee, G., Patterson, D., Rabkin, A., Stoica, I. and Zaharia, M. (2010). A View of
taking into account the contextual changes as well as the changes
Cloud Computing, Communications of the ACM 53(4): 50–58.
in the labor market and in the way public services providers Hillage, J. and Pollard, E. (1998). Employability: Developing a framework for
would have to operate. The recommended business model and policy analysis. Research Report RR85, Department for Education and
service delivery described in the paper implied a shift from labor Employment.
IT-enabled business model innovation at VDAB S Viaene and S Broeckx

About the Authors job choice. Fons Leroy, CEO of the VDAB, debated with
representatives from the Privacy Commission, academia, and
Stijn Viaene is a full professor at Vlerick Business School, trade unions.
where he heads the Technology and Operations Management Below is the poster announcing the debate: Figure A1.
Area. He is a tenured professor (Hoogleraar) in the Depart-
ment Decision Sciences & Information Management at KU
Leuven. At Vlerick Viaene holds the Deloitte Research Chair Appendix B
‘Bringing IT to Board Level.’ His research focuses on issues in
business-IT alignment, governance, and business process VDAB facts and figures
management. He has published in renowned journals such as As at 31st December 2011, the VDAB had 4986 employees,
MIT Sloan Management Review, Communications of the with 17% working in Central Services, and the remaining 83%
ACM, Information & Management, Journal of Information (counselors, account managers, and instructors) spread over
Technology, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engi- the 68 training centers and 360 one-stop-job shops.
neering, IEEE IT Professional, Business Process Management In 2011, the VDAB registered 409,910 job seekers. Just
Journal, European Journal of Operational Research, and Expert under half of these registered online; the others were registered
Systems with Applications. by a counselor. The VDAB processed 307,423 vacancies,
84.3% of which were filled.
Saskia Broeckx is a part-time researcher at Vlerick Business There were 5,124,815 contacts with companies (employers):
School. Broeckx obtained a master degree in engineering 453,000 face-to-face, 1,129,463 via the call center, and 3,542,332
at KU Leuven and has held various positions in project online consultations of résumés. The VDAB, together with its
management in financial, technical, and scientific environ- partners, organized 73,238 coaching programs and 19,115
ments. Her research interests span a wide range of topics in mediation programs for job seekers. 58,496 individuals (job
the fields of business and finance, engineering, biotechnology, seekers and working professionals) completed a training
and healthcare. At Vlerick her research focuses on business-IT course at the VDAB or one of its partners, representing a total
alignment, governance, and business process management. of 14,418,085 h of training.
The total budget for 2012 was 547 million euros.

Appendix A Source: VDAB 2011 Annual Report and company

On 2nd May 2012, the Human Rights League, together
with non-profit organizations Werkwijzer (an independent Appendix C
employment service) and De Lege Portemonnees (Empty
Wallets), organized a debate about privacy and freedom of The labor market ecosystem and its actors
The labor market is an ecosystem with many participants or
actors, each with specific needs and priorities.
Individuals participate in the labor market because they need
a job and/or wish to improve their employability,14 that is the
capability to gain and retain employment, either paid or
unpaid. Derived needs are training and development, valida-
“My VDAB” was recently transformed to “My Career”, a comprehensive database for
job seekers as well as working professionals. From now on, everyone’s career will be
tion of personal information (e.g. diplomas or certificates)
monitored. Is this an online first-aid kit for job seekers? Or are we facing a “Big and access to accurate, objective information about the labor
VDAB” that will determine our job choice? Is the government going to manage our
career choices in the near future? And what about our privacy?
market (e.g. macro-economic demand and the pattern and
level of job openings, regulation and benefit rules, and
May 2, 2012 – 19:30-21:30hrs employer recruitment and selection behavior).
Geuzenhuis, Kantienberg 9, 9000 Ghent
Speakers: The needs of employers can be summarized as the need for
Fons Leroy (VDAB) qualified, employable personnel, that is personnel with the
Jan Vansevenant (Privacy Commission) right knowledge, skills, and attitudes for the jobs in question.
Professor Bernard Mazijn (Professor “Sustainable Development” Ghent University)
Derived needs are training and development as well as access
to accurate and objective information about the labor market
ABVV and ACV Trade Union representatives (to be confirmed)
in which they wish to participate.

Other actors in the labor market ecosystem include private
Figure A1 English translation of poster announcing debate (original version in staffing and recruitment agencies, educational institutions
Dutch). such as schools, colleges, universities, and other training
Source: VDAB company documentation. providers, the government (policymakers), as well as youth
IT-enabled business model innovation at VDAB S Viaene and S Broeckx

organizations and other community groups in the socio- Appendix F

cultural sector. Indeed, social and cultural organizations play
an increasingly important role in lifelong and life-wide learn- Google Apps – Budgeted and actual cost savings
ing. Individuals can go to officially accredited organizations See Table F1.
for career and personal guidance. The challenge policymakers Potential annual cost savings if e-mail and calendar are
then face in supporting lifelong career path guidance for all ‘moved to the cloud’ (i.e. migration of Groupwise to Google
citizens is to streamline the organizations that are accredited Apps): 150,000 euros (e).
to assess people to certify their non-formal and informal Taking into account the necessary modifications to Group-
learning. wise, the potential cost savings of a migration to Google Apps
would amount to 513,000 euros (f).
The actual cost savings proved to be even more significant
The VDAB (situation August 2012): the actual annual costs for Google
The VDAB is a network organization in this ecosystem of Apps amounted to 215,000 euros (including extension to 6000
different actors. As a service provider, it fills the gaps left by users):
the market (e.g. by providing training for jobs on the shortage See Table F2.
occupation list, or services for specific target groups such as Moreover, additional annual cost savings of 650,000 euros
low-skilled workers, disabled people, and older workers). As a were achieved by canceling the MS Office license maintenance
conductor, the VDAB facilitates individuals in developing (the VDAB would continue to use MS Office 2010 without
their ideal careers themselves as far as possible. It also upgrades).
stimulates and enables interaction with other stakeholders,
ideally with minimum intervention.

Appendix D
See Figure D1. Appendix G

Appendix E See Figure G1.

On 10/11th May 2012, the Engineering Mobility days took
Google Apps place in Lisbon. This international job fair focused on IT and
See Figure E1 engineering profiles, and was organized by the Portuguese
Google Apps is a suite of collaboration tools, combining public employment service. The VDAB attended the event,
several of Google’s messaging and collaboration applications. together with a delegation of 22 Flemish companies. In
For more information, see addition, 11 Flemish employers participated in the virtual
prise/apps/business/ online job fair set up by the VDAB.

Figure D1 IT Department – Organization May 2012.

Source: VDAB company documentation.
IT-enabled business model innovation at VDAB S Viaene and S Broeckx

Figure E1 Google Apps - a suite of collaboration tools.

Source: VDAB company documentation.

Table F1 Google Apps - Budgeted cost savings

Google Apps Groupwise and software

Current configuration Modifications to groupwise
One-time cost Technical migration: 275,477 253,933(c)
Change management: 286,770

Annual costs 367,298(a) 518,149 (b) 362,467(d)

Annual cost savings with Google Apps 150,852 (e) 513,319(f)

(e) = ((b)−(a)) (f) = ((b)+(d)−(a))
Amounts in euros including VAT; calculations are limited to the e-mail and calendar functions.
Source: VDAB company documentation.

Table F2 Google Apps - Actual cost savings

Google Apps Groupwise and software

Current Modifications to
configuration groupwise
Actual one-time cost Analysis: 118,000
Technical migration: 10,000 253,933 (c)
Change management: 286,000

Actual annual costs 215,000 (a) 518,149 (b) 362,467 (d)

Actual annual cost savings with Google Apps 303,149 (e) 665,616 (f)
(e) = ((b)−(a)) (f) = ((b)+(d)−(a))
Source: VDAB company documentation.
IT-enabled business model innovation at VDAB S Viaene and S Broeckx

Figure G1 Virtual job fair Portugal – screen shot of home page as it appeared on 10/11th May 2012.
Source: VDAB company documentation.

The online job fair functionality included the following: ● All employers participating in the virtual job fair had
created a Google+ page that was accessible via the Google+
● Each participating company was represented by its logo. icon at the top of their virtual booth page.
● Clicking on a logo would open the virtual booth of each ● Employers could schedule a meeting with the candidates of
company, where job seekers could browse the company’s their choice. Selected candidates would receive an e-mail
vacancies, apply for specific jobs, and submit their résumé message with a link to the online chat module of Google+.
(linked to a specific job offer) directly to the company’s All that was needed to participate in an online meeting was
mailbox. a Google account or a Gmail account.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without

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