Geoexchange: (Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems)
Geoexchange: (Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems)
Geoexchange: (Geothermal Heating and Cooling Systems)
Rutvan Jariwala
Trisha Patel,
Nirma University.
Geothermal Heating & Since earth temperature remains
relatively constant throughout the
Cooling year, geoexchange systems
operate more efficiently than air-
Geothermal systems use the source heat pumps and generally
earth as a natural contributor to without the use of resistance
both cooling and heating for just heat. And because they are
about any kind of structure and working from those constant
anywhere on the face of the earth temperatures, there are no
earth. blasts of hot air or "cold blow" as
Burying extremely durable high with other systems.
density plastic pipe in vertical
bore holes or horizontal trenches Since there is no outdoor unit
connects the buildings to (as with air-source heat pumps
Geothermal units with the earth or the central air conditioners
for a long-lasting, low used with combustion-based
maintenance, high comfort, low systems), no weather-related
noise level system. maintenance is required.
System components are installed
either indoors or underground, so A gas geothermal heat pump is
they are not exposed to theft, a device that extracts heat from
vandalism or environmental the earth's underground layers.
conditions which can shorten The principle of operation relies
system life. on the fact that heat always
With only periodic filter changes, flows from higher temperature
Geothermal Heat Pumps are matter to lower temperature
mostly very low maintenance matter by conduction or by
systems. In fact, many convection (air currents).
Geothermal units installed 30 to Geothermal pumps take energy
40 years ago are still in operation from the ground or water to
today. provide heating and hot water
for all building types. Using the
The Geothermal System is method of heat exchangers,
sensitive to the needs of the heat can be extracted from one
environment. It uses no source and delivered to another.
combustion which can release Gas geothermal heat pumps
carbon dioxide or other gasses basically pump the heat from
into the work space or the one location to another.
environment. No ammonia or
ozone damaging CFC refrigerants Rather than using refrigerant,
are used. The refrigerant charge a geothermal heat pump uses
is small and factory sealed. a series of piping, installed
below the earth's surface or
submersed in a pond or lake, of 50°F to 70°F at a particular
to form a loop through which depth depending on geographic
water or another location.
environmentally safe fluid is
pumped. During the winter A Ground source heat pump is
months, the fluid carries heat used to move heat that already
into the house, where a exists in the earth to provide
compressor and heat your home with central heating.
exchanger concentrate the
earth's energy before Working with an underground
releasing it into the home at a loop system, geothermal
higher temperature. The heat heating and cooling systems
is then distributed throughout utilize this constant temperature
the house through a series of to exchange energy between
ductwork, just like a forced-air your building and the earth as
furnace. During the summer needed for heating and cooling.
months, the fluid carries heat
from the home, releasing it In Winter, water circulating
back into the earth or the inside a sealed underground
water body in which it is loop system absorbs heat from
submerged. The length of the the earth and carries it to the
piping loop depends on geothermal unit. Here it is
several factors: the heating compressed to a higher
and cooling requirements of temperature and sent as warm
the home, climate and soil air to the indoor system for
conditions, landscaping, and circulation throughout the
type of loop used. building.
Principle of Working
The system takes advantage of
the fact that the temperature
below ground remains the same
throughout the entire year,
regardless of climate or season.
Comparison of air
temperatures to ground and
soil temperatures.
Well water
12 ft. earth
40 5 ft. earth
2 ft. earth
Air temp.
J an Feb Mar Apr May J un J ul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Components and their Common Installation
Working Systems (for pipes)
Taking close to
• Individual zoning 1,295,000 cars off the
• No outdoor mechanical road
equipment Planting more than 385
• Reduced outdoor million trees
mechanical noise Reducing U.S. reliance
• Lower service and on imported fuels by
maintenance costs 21.5 million barrels
• Very efficient cooling and (3,420,000 m³) of crude
heating even in desertic oil per year.
• Longer Service Life
• Lower expansion costs