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Palliative sedation
A safety net for the relief of refractory and
intolerable symptoms at the end of life

Chirag Patel, Paul Kleinig, A ‘GOOD DEATH’ is described as one with allow the patient to regain consciousness.
Michael Bakker, Paul Tait dignity and without suffering.1–3 While The intent of palliative sedation is to
most patients have a straightforward relieve the severe and persistent distress
and uncomplicated dying process, it caused by refractory and intolerable
Evidence exists for the use of palliative is acknowledged that some symptoms symptoms without shortening the
sedation for people approaching the last including dyspnoea, agitation, nausea, length of life, which distinguishes it
days of life with refractory and intolerable terminal restlessness, pain and other from physician-assisted suicide (PAS) or
symptoms. It is a third-line intervention physical symptoms can be challenging euthanasia. It is a last-resort intervention
that deliberately lowers the conscious to manage.4,5 Where an exhaustive trial requiring multidisciplinary planning and
state to relieve intolerable and refractory
of available therapies fails, the symptom extensive discussions involving the patient,
symptoms. This level of intervention is
can be viewed as refractory. In these multidisciplinary team (MDT), carer and
not routinely used in primary care, and
there is a lack of guidelines for palliative cases, early consultation with specialist family members. Palliative sedation is
sedation in this context. palliative care services (SPCSs) can performed in an inpatient specialist SPCS
provide valuable support. setting under the guidance of an MDT
For symptoms that are both refractory experienced in caring for patients in the
This article provides some key
information about palliative sedation and
and causing intolerable suffering terminal phase. However, literature has
global issues faced by all individuals (ie suffering that cannot be endured, documented the use of palliative sedation
involved. A tertiary centre case study is thus causing distress) in the last days in Europe by primary care doctors within
used to illustrate the key points. Given of life (ie the terminal phase), palliative a nursing home setting as well as a home
this form of therapy may be required for sedation is reported in the medical setting, under the guidance of SPCSs.6–8
palliative patients in the community, literature as useful.4,5 Primary care doctors Standardised guidelines for use by SPCSs
another aim of this article is to provide an
may be asked about palliative sedation worldwide have been developed,9–11 with
overview for primary care practitioners to
raise their awareness of such therapy and for a patient in a residential aged care the European Association for Palliative
the issues related to it. facility and may need to provide support Care framework being the most commonly
to a family member of a loved one who used guideline.12,13
underwent palliative sedation. The following case involved a patient
While palliative sedation has been
Palliative sedation has been defined as in a tertiary centre who died at the
regarded as ‘controversial’ in early
palliative care literature, there has the deliberate reduction of consciousness centre. Much of the information in this
been an increased effort to formulate of the patient to a level that adequately article focuses on tertiary centre care.
standardised guidelines to define and relieves refractory and intolerable However, the authors hope this provokes
ethically justify this procedure. suffering. It is different to brief and thoughts on the future role of primary care
intermittent sedation, both of which are doctors’ involvement in this uncommon
provided to restore tranquillity and then intervention.

838 |  REPRINTED FROM AJGP VOL. 4 8, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2019 © The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2019

assessment involved ruling out urinary patients with a life-limiting illness of

CASE retention, severe constipation, medication <2 weeks’ predicted prognosis (Figure 1).6
AW, aged 74 years, was an independent side effects and withdrawal from There is inherent uncertainty when it
retired long-distance truck driver underlying substance abuse. comes to prognostication. However, the
who lived with his wife. He presented Nursing staff on the general medical combination of abnormal vital signs,
to the tertiary hospital emergency ward expressed unease that medications biochemistry and other symptoms such as
department in April 2018 with fever, being used at the current doses would dysphagia, oedema, cognition, sedation
confusion and dyspnoea. His relevant hasten death for AW. This led to a and ascites provides some level of
past medical history included a diagnosis series of events that could have been guidance to come to this decision.14 There
of lambda light chain myeloma in May avoided, including a delay in medication was evidence of abnormality in all of these
2017, for which he received treatment administration. Ultimately the palliative aspects in the case reported. It is important
until three months prior, at which care team administered the doses that to distinguish refractory symptoms
point the treatment stopped working. were needed. from difficult-to-treat symptoms.15 To
Further treatment for the myeloma was The family were also upset by AW’s adequately identify refractoriness and
unavailable. AW was diagnosed and level of discomfort, and the concept of intolerability, a detailed assessment
treated for sepsis from a community- disproportionate sedation was discussed to should be carried out by an MDT to define
acquired pneumonia with concurrent ensure his comfort needs would continue to the symptom in relation to its different
hypercalcaemia from his myeloma. He be met. The discussion involved initiating attributes (eg physical, psychosocial,
was admitted to a haematology ward for deliberate sedation with an infusion of a emotional, spiritual).16,17 The family
ongoing monitoring and treatment. medication at a safe but sedative dose. This may be able to provide some insight into
Despite aggressive treatment of was different to commencing breakthrough this. Additionally, the symptom must be
pneumonia and dehydration, he doses of medications and up-titrating to deemed untreatable by available methods
developed multi-organ failure, at which effect. The family gave consent for AW to be in the existing timeframe, or potential
point discussions with family led to a sedated. The potential benefits and burdens treatments must carry risks or side effects
decision to aim for comfort rather than of palliative sedation and artificial hydration that are unacceptable. Comorbid states
to prolong life. He was no longer fully were given, resulting in the decision such as mental health problems (eg
conscious nor cognitively able to make to withdraw artificial hydration. It was major depression) can complicate the
decisions. With the aid of his advance explained that this was a way of controlling clinical picture, which is why assessment
care directive (ACD) and family, the his symptoms of distress without by multiple specialities is critical for a
decision for comfort measures was made. shortening his life. A dedicated nurse was symptom to be deemed refractory.
He was referred to the local SPCS. employed so that his symptoms could be
Although AW continued to be cared monitored. AW’s care was transferred to
for by the haematology team, the SPCS the SPCS and he was transferred to the Preparation prior to initiation
oversaw the commencement of a palliative care inpatient unit. Ideally, palliative sedation is well planned
continuous subcutaneous infusion (CSCI) For sedation, levomepromazine and executed following detailed discussion
of hydromorphone and midazolam, was initiated in a second CSCI and with the patient (or their family members,
mainly for dyspnoea and pain. This route breakthrough doses were charted. if the patient is cognitively impaired).
was appropriate as his semi-conscious Haloperidol was ceased. AW was also Preparatory conversations ensure adequate
state affected his ability to swallow. charted for phenobarbitone when planning, particularly where palliative
Deterioration into the terminal phase required. AW had 24 hours of a peaceful sedation is felt likely to be needed later in
was imminent. Despite treatment and sedated state. He died with the family the course of the illness, so that the patient
with hydromorphone and midazolam, around him soon after. Follow-up from can indicate their wishes clearly when that
symptoms progressed, with the addition the bereavement team was organised. time comes, in line with patient autonomy.
of terminal restlessness and agitation. Regarding the distress from the nursing It is important to reiterate and document
The opioid and benzodiazepine doses staff on the non–palliative care ward, that the purpose of palliative sedation is for
were increased, and haloperidol was a teaching and debriefing session was symptom relief. Unfortunately, the events
added. Despite this, as well as multiple organised to allow for discussion of the in AW’s case were so rapid that the patient
breakthrough doses, the symptoms important concerns raised. was not involved in these decisions, but the
continued. After thorough assessment, family were able to express what his wishes
it was clear that AW had refractory and would have been.
intolerable symptoms. The symptoms of It is suggested that the following
dyspnoea, pain, agitation and restlessness Indications and patient points are discussed prior to initiation of
were so severe that the patient tried to assessment palliative sedation in the tertiary setting,
climb out of bed and continuously injured Palliative sedation is reserved for and the extent of this conversation
himself on the bed railings. Thorough refractory and intolerable symptoms in should be clearly documented. In the

© The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2019 REPRINTED FROM AJGP VOL. 48, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2019  | 839

documentation, it is important to include It should be noted, however, that primary This can cause a level of discomfort for
who was present and the final decision care doctors are not expected to have this staff members who are based outside an
regarding treatment. In addition, there information available when calling an inpatient palliative care unit.21 While an
should be evidence that the following have SPCS team. inpatient palliative care unit commonly
been acknowledged and documented:18 The process of informed consent is oversees this treatment and is an ideal
• the current state of the patient and the vital from a medico-legal point of view setting,21 literature suggests that the
cause of distress and should, if able, involve the patient, an prevalence of palliative sedation varies
• discussions with an SPCS MDT and the family.18 It is important to widely between 1% and 88%, which
• the patient’s wishes as expressed in allow time for questions to be asked and may be in part due to differences in care
their own words (if the patient is still answered by patients, family members settings.22 However, it is important to note
alert and conscious) and carers. the lack of consistency between some of
• completion of an ACD these studies, in that the studies reporting
• estimated life expectancy a higher prevalence of palliative sedation
• the purpose of palliative sedation Palliative sedation as a procedure used any sedating medications as a
and the theoretical risks involved When palliative sedation is used definition of palliative sedation.
• treatments already tried to alleviate appropriately, the choice of medicines used There are currently no specific scales
distress for patients is individual to the patients’ to assist with the assessment of depth
• the details of palliative sedation that needs and the type and level of distress of sedation in terminally ill patients.20
will be used such as level of sedation, that is being addressed. Pharmacological While the Richmond Agitation–Sedation
monitoring and weaning (if appropriate) options that exist are presented in Table 1, Scale (RASS; Table 2)17,21 has been used,
• discussion about hydration and nutrition listed from most common to least common it is not validated for palliative sedation
• informed consent for treatment to sedative medication. therapy.12,19,20,23 The RASS was developed
proceed In monitoring palliative sedation, the for intensive care patients to assess the
• anticipated bereavement complications goals relate to comfort and safety, and level of sedation and agitation. Although
of carer or family. monitoring needs to reflect this.12,19,20 palliative sedation has been safely used

Does the patient have a physical

Yes symptom (eg restlessness, No
dyspnoea, pain)?

Can the symptom be treated
in a timely manner? Symptom is not completely
related to a physical cause or is
of a psychological/emotional/
Yes spiritual origin

Would treatment lead to
unacceptable side effects?


Try standard No
appropriate Has a reasonable attempt to treat the
treatment first symptom been made?


Has the treatment worked?

Not currently suitable

for palliative sedation

Symptom has been managed Refractory symptom

Figure 1. An algorithm to aid in determining whether a symptom is refractory

840 |  REPRINTED FROM AJGP VOL. 4 8, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2019 © The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2019

for terminally ill patients, more research which is why it is important that it is for patients having palliative sedation.
needs to be undertaken to assess the carried out in an appropriate environment Restlessness and distress can be caused by
validity of existing scales.24 Another scale with adequate supports in place. urinary retention and severe constipation.
is the bispectral index score.25 Monitoring Quite commonly in palliative medicine, It is important to monitor this as these
initially involves 20-minute checks until families will ask about hydration and concerns can be treated effectively with
adequate sedation that controls distressing nutrition, especially in the end-of-life appropriate strategies.
symptoms has been achieved, after which phase. This may be more evident in
checks are performed three times per day.12 palliative sedation given that the patient
If deep sedation is required, then a score of will be unable to swallow. One important Ethical issues
–3 or –4 on the RASS is acceptable. While point to make is that many patients who Ethical issues in palliative sedation are
sedation may be used for refractory pain, receive palliative sedation have already complex, such that in some literature,
it is important to continue opioids for their stopped hydration and nutrition, most palliative sedation is still described as
analgesic effect, while noting their additive likely due to a deterioration and decline controversial.7–12 Controversies include
sedative effects. Therefore, pain must also from their terminal illness.27 Nonetheless, the distinction of palliative sedation from
be assessed during palliative sedation, a number of studies report no benefit PAS;15–19 the unavoidable morbidity of
and the Nociception Coma Scale26 is an with artificial hydration and nutrition for palliative sedation; and the request from
appropriate scale to use for this purpose. terminally ill patients, and many clinicians families to initiate palliative sedation
A score of ≤8 is ideal for people receiving consider this to be prolonging life and on behalf of their loved one, citing a
palliative sedation. Indeed, the toxic effects hence prolonging suffering.21,28–30 Artificial perception of suffering, when in fact
(eg myoclonic jerks, pinpoint pupils) of the hydration should be approached on a it is the family that is suffering.21,32
opioid will need to be closely monitored case-by-case basis, as individual cultural, Emphasising that palliative sedation
and dosage adjusted accordingly. religious and psychological factors exists to be used in the last days of
may have an impact on the long-term life is important. There are also issues
outcome.19,27,31 surrounding consent, level of sedation,
Practical considerations Routine nursing assessment of bowel timing of intervention, indications and
Palliative sedation is a procedure that and bladder function, as well as eye, how to sedate.19,33 Gurschick et al19 have
renders the patient completely dependent, mouth and skin care, are still required recognised these inconsistencies and
made recommendations to simplify
matters, including: using the term
Table 1. Details of suggested pharmacological options for palliative sedation57 ‘palliative sedation’ to mean a certain
depth and pattern of sedation; accepting
Medication Comments
that indications of non-physical symptoms
Midazolam • Tolerance to the sedative effects of midazolam may occur. will vary between practitioners; specifying
• The dosage may need to be increased over time. medications and doses; and formulating
• Paradoxical excitation to midazolam may occur (2% incidence). an algorithm for administration.19 There
• If there is inadequate symptom control or incomplete sedation are some suggestions of clinicians using
with maximum doses, then additional agents may be of greater palliative sedation to hasten death,12,34
benefit rather than further increases to the dose of midazolam. which is deemed an unethical and
Levomepromazine • This medication is useful if the individual has significant illegal deviation from normal practice.
nausea or delirium. Conversely, there are also suggestions
• It may lower seizure threshold. of clinicians withholding palliative
• Extrapyramidal side effects may appear. sedation over-judiciously while pursuing
• It is listed on the Special Access Scheme and requires therapeutic options that are unlikely to
specific paperwork. have a beneficial effect.12
Palliative sedation is intended to relieve
Phenobarbitone • This medication requires individualised dosing because of
considerable variability in pharmacokinetics.
intractable suffering, while the intent of
• Injection site reactions such as tissue necrosis can occur.
PAS is to terminate a patient’s life;21,24,35
• It can be used in cases of inadequate response to benzodiazepines success of palliative sedation is defined
and levomepromazine. by control of symptoms, not death.8 While
studies have shown that palliative sedation
Propofol56 • Intravenous access is required. does not seem to hasten death in the
• Propofol may need input from intensive care anaesthetists or majority of patients,24,35 the retrospective
general practitioner anaesthetists.
nature of these data leaves some clinicians
• It should only be considered if all options have failed and the
uncertain about the effects of palliative
patient has reached their last days of life.
sedation on hastening death.14,15 Ethically,

© The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2019 REPRINTED FROM AJGP VOL. 48, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2019  | 841

this potential for shortening life can be be associated with physical symptoms and focus becomes dealing with the distress
viewed within the lens of the doctrine of can adversely affect the patient’s level of of the patient and the family. Within the
double effect,36,37 which describes an act distress, so it must be considered as part literature, nursing staff ’s unease with
as morally acceptable if the intent is a good of the assessment. palliative sedation relates to confusion
outcome even if the resultant outcome is Figure 2 provides an algorithm regarding how to define palliative
bad. In palliative sedation, the negative for initiating palliative sedation in a sedation, including concerns over the
outcomes of loss of social interaction and hospital setting. use of medications for symptoms as
potentially hastened death are outweighed opposed to palliative sedation,42 and that
by the relief of refractory and intolerable palliative sedation is akin to PAS.43 The
suffering. These issues highlight the need Support for care providers and emotional burden can be high when caring
for a thorough discussion with patients family members for a dying patient, and this can escalate
and caregivers about palliative sedation, It is important to look at and understand when therapy such as palliative sedation
emphasising the goal as a reasonable clearly the healthcare professionals’ commences. To relieve this burden, it may
therapy to relieve refractory symptoms. perspectives regarding palliative sedation be beneficial to employ a team approach
Palliative sedation for existential as there are often reports of moral distress to resolving conflicting opinions and
distress is an area of debate and and emotional, spiritual and ethical coordinating early family meetings and
controversy, and it is unfeasible to burdens.39,40 Studies have shown that adequate education and training relating
examine fully these issues in this article. moral distress was evident among nurses to palliative sedation.39,42 Other health
Existential distress is an experience when they felt they were not acting in the professionals’ opinions may influence
characterised by feelings of hopelessness, patient’s best interest.41 Patel et al reported health professionals who are considering
isolation and being a burden on others that nurses believed that palliative providing palliative sedation; therefore,
that often affects people with an advanced sedation requires a unique set of skills encouraging patient-centred care may be a
terminal illness.38 Existential distress may that must be learned,39 primarily as the method to manage the conflict.40 Overall,

Organise a No/Uncertain
multidisciplinary team Is symptom physical and refractory?
meeting to discuss


Is estimated life expectancy <2 weeks?

No Yes

Respite sedation is an option Continuous palliative sedation is an option

Yes No
Can patient give consent? Is there an advance
care directive?

Patient’s perspective
Person responsible
Substitute decision maker input Is there agreement for
palliative sedation? Next of kin
Multidisciplinary team input
Person of close relationship

Yes No

Initiate palliative Document ‘not for palliative sedation’

Consent process
sedation and monitor

Figure 2. A suggested algorithm to the approach of initiating palliative sedation in a patient with physical and refractory symptoms in their
advanced terminal illness

842 |  REPRINTED FROM AJGP VOL. 4 8, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2019 © The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2019

there is little evidence about the palliative showed that most relatives were given and other low-resource environments
sedation–related emotional burden in good and adequate information,51 this would require careful adaptation of the
healthcare professionals.44 From existing differs to previous studies that highlighted current guidelines including reference to
studies, there appears to be a high level inadequate provision of information the potential role of telehealth.
of variability between the medical and and poor communication about
nursing experiences of palliative sedation palliative sedation.54,55 Referral for early
as well as experiences between different bereavement support is vital following the Conclusion
countries.45,46 death of loved ones, especially following a Palliative sedation is an important,
Empirical studies have shown that therapy such as palliative sedation.52 evidence-based, effective therapy.
approximately 50% of patients can Guidelines are available to healthcare
actively participate in discussions professionals on when and how to initiate
regarding palliative sedation.47,48 Relatives Implications for practice this therapy in an acute care setting.
are usually involved in palliative sedation Primary care doctors may be involved However, it remains a vastly complex
decision making; however, the use of in MDT meetings discussing palliative form of therapy with significant ethical,
palliative sedation can be psychologically sedation for their patients in a hospital emotional and professional issues.
and spiritually disturbing for relatives.49,50 setting. Alternatively, family members
An observational study has shown whose loved ones have required palliative
that the use of palliative sedation has sedation may need to be followed up and Summary
no overall negative influence on the monitored for psychological and moral • Palliative sedation is a method of
relative’s experience of the dying phase distress, which is why it is important sedation used for patients in the
of their deceased relative or on their own for general practitioners to be aware of terminal phase that induces a state of
wellbeing after the relative’s death.51 this therapy. reduced or complete consciousness
Nonetheless, owing to the complex and Palliative sedation is complex. There is to minimise the distress caused by
ethical issues surrounding palliative currently no Australian palliative sedation refractory and intolerable symptoms.
sedation, it is vital to impart adequate framework for primary care doctors to • The intent of palliative sedation differs
and appropriate information to reduce apply in different clinical settings (eg from euthanasia or PAS in that its goal
symptoms of post-traumatic stress, anxiety home, residential homes and rural/remote is symptom relief without hastening
and depression.52,53 While Bruinsma et al areas). Implementation in rural settings death.
• Palliative sedation is a third-line
intervention reserved for people with
Table 2. Richmond Agitation–Sedation Scale (RASS)23 refractory and intolerable symptoms
who have <2 weeks’ life expectancy
Score Term Description
(terminal phase).
+4 Combative Overtly combative or violent; immediate danger to staff • Obtaining informed consent
through adequate discussions and
+3 Very agitated Pulls on or removes tube(s) or catheter(s) or has
aggressive behaviour toward staff
documentation relating to the aims,
benefits and goals is necessary prior to
+2 Agitated Frequent nonpurposeful movement or patient–ventilator initiating palliative sedation.
• Monitoring relief of distress, depth of
+1 Restless Anxious or apprehensive but movements not aggressive sedation and side effects should be
or vigorous tailored to the clinical setting.
0 Alert and calm
• Those involved in palliative sedation
should be monitored for psychological
−1 Drowsy Not fully alert, but has sustained (>10 seconds) and moral distress.
awakening, with eye contact, to voice

−2 Light sedation Briefly (<10 seconds) awakens with eye contact to voice
−3 Moderate sedation Any movement (but no eye contact) to voice Chirag Patel MPharm (Hons), MBBCh, EM Cert
(ACEM), FRACGP, Clin Dip Pall Med (RACP),
−4 Deep sedation No response to voice, but any movement to physical Consultant Palliative Medicine Physician, Southern
stimulation Adelaide Palliative Services, Division of Rehabilitation,
Aged Care and Palliative Care, Flinders Medical
−5 Unarousable No response to voice or physical stimulation Centre, SA. [email protected]
Paul Kleinig MBBS, FRACP, FRAChPM, BAppSc
Reproduced with permission of the American Thoracic Society. Copyright © 2018 American Thoracic (Occ Ther), Palliative Medicine Physician,
Society. The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine is an official journal of the Southern Adelaide Palliative Services, Division
American Thoracic Society. of Rehabilitation, Aged Care and Palliative Care,
Flinders Medical Centre, SA; General Physician, SA

© The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2019 REPRINTED FROM AJGP VOL. 48, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2019  | 843

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