Using Aquifertest Pro 2016 For Estimating Groundwater Hydraulic Parameter For Sustainable Yield

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Using Aquifertest pro 2016 for estimating

Groundwater hydraulic Parameter for Sustainable yield.
Dr. S.A Raji 1​​ Ijigade Franklin​2​, Adelodun Olawuyi​2​, Oyewole Adebayo​3
University of Ilorin, Department of Civil Engineering,
Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria
[email protected]
University of Ilorin, Department of Civil Engineering,
Ilorin, Kwara-State, Nigeria
[email protected]
University of Ilorin, Department of Civil Engineering,
Ilorin, Kwara -State, Nigeria
[email protected]

Abstract: Groundwater is an important resources to mankind and its preferable to surface water due to the fact that it is not easy
contaminated. The most important aquifer characteristic in understanding the groundwater flow is the hydraulic conductivity as this is used
in the design of groundwater well (boreholes) in order to attain sustainable yield of water. The aim and objective of this paper is to use
aquifer test pro 2016 to estimate aquifer characteristic from pumping test carried out on site at University area, and compare the hydraulic
conductivity result based on the Theis with Jacob correction formula, Neuman model and Boulton model. the value of hydraulic
conductivity from the three methods is 3.59m/d, 2.042m/d, 1410m/d with average value of 471.8m/d. The analysis demonstrated that
Newman method is more suitable than theis with Jacob correction method and Bolton method for Estimation of Gorundwater hydraulic
parameters of the weathered aquifer in the study area.
Keywords:​ ​Pumping test, Aquifertest pro 2016, Transmissivity, Hydraulic Conductivity.

1. Introduction genetic algorithm with pumping test and compared the

Groundwater distribution may generally be classified into parameters with that of wiring method and direct graphic
zones of aeration and saturation (Weissman and Lewis, method. Results show that computing drawdown of request
2003)[9]. The uppermost zone, which occurs immediately
below the land surface, contains both water and air; it is parameters obtained by genetic algorithm matches with the
referred to as the aeration or unsaturated zone. Below the actual drawdown of request parameters [7]
unsaturated zone is a zone in which all interconnected
openings contain only water and which is referred to as the At present, the pumping test method is the main method to
saturated zone. The water table is the level near the upper determine the parameters of the aquifer. In these methods,
part of the saturated zone at which water occurs under a the steady method and transient flow method can be used in
pressure equal to the atmospheric pressure. Water in the calculating the parameters of phreatic water. The Dupuit and
saturated zone is the only underground water that is available Thiem formula are adopted by phreatic water steady well
to supply wells and springs and is the only water to which flow, and the imitation of Theis formula, Boulton model,
the name groundwater is correctly applied. . Groundwater is Neuman model, the water stage recovery method are applied
a major source of water supply especially in arid and into partially penetrating well flow.
semi-arid areas where surface water is limited (Wurbs and
James, 2010). [8] Currently, Aquifer Test software which calculates the
parameters of the pumping test by computer is developed by
Permeability is the ability of a rock or unconsolidated Waterloo Hydrogeologic Incorporated, H. Jiang [4]. This
sediment, to transmit or pass water through it [3]. It is software is specifically used for the analysis of data of
measured by the coefficient of permeability or as hydraulic pumping test, data processing, analysis and research of
conductivity. Transmissivity is another physical concept of obtaining parameters graphically. It can be applied to
describing groundwater flow. It has a simple mathematical calculate the data of pumping test and complete the display
relationship with permeability. Some researchers have and printing of the process and result of getting parameters.
endeavored to measure aquifer characteristics as reported in The Aquifer parameter was determined by using the Aquifer
the Literature review. Examples include Chilton and Test pro 2016 software and on the basis of imitation of Theis
Smith-Carrington [2], Iqhal et al. [5], Lawrence[6], Tung and formula, Neuman model, Boulton model by using the data of
Koltermann (1985), Barker and Herbert [1]. pumping test in a weathered formation of university of Ilorin
bore well.
Shi Zhiyuan obtained hydrogeological parameters through

Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

2 Pumping Test Data

The pumping test exercise was carried out on a single well

within the University of Ilorin, with a constant discharge of
1.41667l/s. the pumping well has a depth of 32m. Diameter
of 0.254m, the aquifer/overburden thickness is 10m and the
original static water level is 5.2m. the duration of pumping
span for 50minutes.

Table 1: pumping test data for Pumping well

Time (min) Pumping Drawdown(m)

0 5.2 0
1 10.7 5.5 Figure 2: details of pumping well
2 11.6 6.4
3 12.1 6.9
4 13 7.8
5 13.7 8.5 3. Aquifer Parameter Estimating using
6 14.6 9.4 Aquifer test pro 2016
7 15.8 10.6
8 16.8 11.6 A single well was set up in Aquifer Tes tpro 2016. Specific
9 17.7 12.5 settings of each well were shown in figure 2. Select constant
10 19.2 14 in Discharge window and type 4.1667; select well 1 in Water
15 20.1 14.9 Levels window and type the data of time-drawdown. Then
20 20.4 15.3 select these three solving methods, Theis with Jacob
25 21.9 16.7 correction, Neuman, Boulton, and type-curve with
30 22.9 17.7 professional judgment.
35 23.8 18.6
40 24.1 18.9
45 24.4 19.2
50 24.4 19.2 3.1 Determine the parameters on the basis of Theis with
Jacob correction

Fit curve by choosing Theis with Jacob correction in the

Analysis window. Adjusted curve is shown in figure 3. The
result of the type curve is: T=35.9 (m​2 /d), S =1.69 x 10​-6 and
the calculated value of K is 3.59(m/d).

Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Figure 1: Time-drawdown graph of Pumping well

figure 3: Fitting curve using Theis with Jacob correction at

pumping well 1

3.2 Determine the parameters on the basis of


Fit curve by choosing Neuman in the Analysis window. Figure 4: fitting curve using Neuman method
Adjusted curve is shown in figure 4. The result of the type
curve is: T=2.42 m​2​/d, and the calculated value of K is 2.042
(m/d). the specific yield is 9.9 x 10​-1​, Kv/Kh =8.11x10​-2

3.3 Determine the parameters on the basis of Boulton


Fit curve by choosing Boulton in the Analysis window.

Adjusted curve is shown in figure 5. The result of the type
curve is: T=1.41×10​4 (m​2 /d), and the calculated value of K is
1410 (m/d). specific yield is 1x 10​2

Figure 5: fitting curve using boulton formulae

4.0 Result and Discussion

The Newman well formula requires a basement aquifer or

general unconfined aquifer. The aquifer is homogeneous,
anisotropic and constant gravity specific yield.
The Bolton well formula requires the weathered aquifer to be
homogeneous and isotropic. For this analysis, the theis with
Jacob correction method is actually not suitable, since the
model assumption is confined, while a weathered formation
is unconfined. In summary the newman method is considered
to be the best method compared to the other two.
Also the ​value of specific yield is 9.9 x 10​-1​, Kv/Kh

Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

=8.11x10​-2 are important parameter when modeling

unconfined condition. The average value of hydraulic
conductivity is 471.87m/d

[1]Barker JA, Herbert R (1982). Pumping Test in Patchy Aquifers. Ground
Water J. 20(2):150-155.

[2]Chilton PJ, Smith-Carrington AK (1984). Characteristics of the

Weathered Basement Aquifer in Malawi in Relation to Rural Water
Supplies, Challenges in African Hydrology and Water Resources,
Proceeding of the Harare Symposium, July 1984, IAHS Pull. No. 144.

[3]Garg SK (2005). Water Supply Engineering. Khanna Publishers, Delhi,


[4]H. Jiang, “An analysis of parameter calculation through

pumping tests based on the Aquifer Test,” ​HYDROGEOLOGY &
38(2), pp. 35-38, 2011. <

[5]Iqhal HM, Imteaz A, Bhuyan MA (2001). Evaluation of Aquifer

Characteristics of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, 6th Conference on ​Hydraulics
in Civil Engineering. The State of Hydraulics Proceedings,​ ​pp. 552-564

[6]Lawrence AR (1985). An Interpretation of Dug Well

Performance Using ​a Digital Model. Ground Water J.

[​7]Z.J. Shi, M. Xu, “Hydrogeological Parameter Inversion

by Genetic Algorithms Based on Pumping Test,” Acta
Geologica Sichuan, 31(4), pp. 446-480, 2011.

Volume 6 Issue 2, February 2017

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