A Road Map For Jute: Common Fund For Commodities
A Road Map For Jute: Common Fund For Commodities
A Road Map For Jute: Common Fund For Commodities
In association with
Funded by
A Road Map for Jute
(Organizational Partners)
The International Jute Study Group is an intergovernmental body whose members are Bangladesh,
India, Switzerland and the European community representing over 60% of the world trade in jute. Its
main objective is to provide an effective framework for international cooperation among members and
to facilitate the improvement of structural conditions in the jute sector and to promote the expansion of
international trade in jute and jute products. IJSG was set up in 2002 as a successor of the International
Jute Organisation (IJO).
The International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO is the technical cooperation agency of the World
Trade Centre (WTO) and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) for
operational and enterprise-oriented aspects of international trade development.
ITC was set up in 1964.
The Common Fund for Commodities is an intergovernmental financial institution. Its objective is to
improve the opportunities and prospects of commodity producers by financing commodity
development projects and to act as a catalyst in mobilizing trade and investment resources into the
commodity sector. CFC was set up in 1989.
The International Jute Study Group, the International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO
and the Common Fund for Commodities are very grateful for the co-operation of the
authorities, organisations, professional associations and the private sector in the
countries involved and for the inputs received from many experts and individuals who
actively participated in the technical workshops organised in Bangladesh, India and
Europe. Special thanks to the valuable contribution received from the Bangladesh Jute
Mills Corporation (BJMC) and the Jute Manufacturers’ Development Council of India
(JMDC) in preparing this report.
The Road Map was prepared by Gordon Mackie, principal technical consultant on jute
under the guidance of Vinay Chand, international consultant on marketing of jute and
allied fibres.
Antony Sandana, Senior Commodity officer of ITC, co-ordinated and supervised all
the work related to the preparation of this Road Map.
The findings, interpretations, conclusions and opinions expressed in this report are
those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views of IJSG,
The contents of this report may not be reproduced, stored in a data retrieval system or
transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the
Common Fund for Commodities, except that reasonable extracts may be made for the
purpose of comment or review provided the Common Fund for Commodities is
acknowledged as the source.
This report has not been formally edited by the International Trade Centre
FOREWORD ……………………………………………………………………………… IV
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ………………………………………………………………... VI
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................... IX
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................1
2 THE JUTE SECTOR...........................................................................................................1
2.1 Overview.................................................................................................................. 1
2.1.1 Production ....................................................................................................... 1
2.1.2 Trade................................................................................................................ 7
3 WORKSHOP CONTRIBUTIONS .....................................................................................9
3.1 Jute Agriculture....................................................................................................... 9
3.2 Mill Use of Fibre.................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Mill Processing Technology ................................................................................. 12
3.4 Existing Products and New Product Development ................................................ 14
3.5 Markets .................................................................................................................. 16
3.5.1 Markets and Market Shares of Jute Goods Producers................................... 16
3.5.2 Competitors and Trends in Major Markets ................................................... 21
4 OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS .......................................................................................23
4.1 Background ............................................................................................................ 23
4.2 Strategy Options..................................................................................................... 23
4.2.1 Extend regulatory protection ......................................................................... 23
4.2.2. Continue As At Present ................................................................................. 24
4.2.3 De-regulate .................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Consensus............................................................................................................... 26
4.3.1 Agriculture ................................................................................................... 27
4.3.2 Processing or Conversion............................................................................. 32
4.3.3 Markets......................................................................................................... 33
5 STRATEGY PROPOSED TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVES .................................38
5.1 Markets .................................................................................................................. 38
5.1.1 Traditional Products ...................................................................................... 39
5.1.2 Diversified Products ...................................................................................... 42
5.2 Agriculture ............................................................................................................. 44
5.3 Conversion ............................................................................................................. 46
5.3.1 High output Spreaders .................................................................................. 47
5.3.2 New design high output Breaker and Finisher cards.................................... 47
5.3.3 High speed & high output drawing frames................................................... 48
5.3.4 Large package ring spinning ........................................................................ 48
5.3.5 Automatic spool winding from ended flyer bobbins or from ring spinning
rings ……………………………………………………………………….. 49
5.3.6 Large package ring twisting frames ............................................................. 49
5.3.7 Precision winders for sale yarn .................................................................... 49
5.3.8 Shuttleless loom for Hessian to replace the current overpick shuttle model 50
5.3.9 Sacking loom for narrow sacking fabrics..................................................... 51
5.3.10 Automatic jute bag sewing unit..................................................................... 51
5.3.11 Summary of the machinery development programme .................................. 52
6 ACTION PLAN ..................................................................................................................53
6.1 Recommended programmes................................................................................... 53
6.1.1 Further Information Required ...................................................................... 53
6.1.2 Market Development Initiatives ................................................................... 54
6.1.3 Agriculture ................................................................................................... 56
6.1.4 Furnishings and Apparel ............................................................................... 57
6.1.5 Machinery..................................................................................................... 57
6.2 Estimated Costs of Recommendations …………………………………………... 58
‘A Road Map for Jute’ has been commissioned by the International Trade Centre, ITC
(WTO/UNCTAD) on behalf of the International Jute Study Group (IJSG) with
funding from the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC).
Jute is a valued natural fibre with unique characteristics and long standing end-use
applications. It played an even stronger role in the post second world war recovery
and growth with traditional end-uses such as sacking, hessian and carpet backing
requiring larger volumes. Increasing production was, in fact, unable to meet the needs
of rapidly expanding demand, resulting shortages in and for which manufacturers of
synthetic substitutes were able to compete with a far larger potential capacity, budgets
for promotion and lower prices.
The demand for jute in export markets for the traditional products declined in the face
of this competition with carpet backing the first to suffer in the United States,
followed by sacking, loss of markets due to the collapse of the former USSR and most
recently a sharp decline in Europe.
There have been positive developments in the form of a growing market for yarn used
in woven carpets and end-user preference for food grade sacks for carrying some
commodities. Use of mineral oil is incompatible with the eco-friendly characteristics
of jute and needs to be phased out as far as possible.
The decline in world markets and falling real values led to a substantial reduction in
production in China and Thailand and a gradual reduction in hectarages and volumes
in Bangladesh. These factors were, however, more than compensated by the increase
in consumption of jute sacking in India, where it enjoys a measure of regulatory
support and in production due mainly to higher yield rates, but not in hectarages
devoted to jute. Indian production of jute has not kept pace with increasing demand
and India is now a major fibre importer from Bangladesh.
Global production and consumption of jute has therefore become and is increasingly
concentrated in India. This is not considered as being healthy by the industry or the
Government and both would like to see an export led pro-poor vertical diversification.
Diversified or non-traditional jute products production has been growing in India in
addition to that of yarn. The same trend can now be noted in Bangladesh.
A general consensus was expressed at the workshops that jute could once again
compete for export markets provided that action were taken to increase productivity
of higher quality fibre together with a decrease in costs of conversion. This was based
on the facts that: synthetic substitute prices were rising due to higher oil costs and
were likely to continue to do so; that technology allowed production today of higher
quality yarn and fabrics; and that the scope for increased competitiveness was
The key to hopes and strategy is markets. The strategy has to be market driven.
Without market development and promotion, there was and is not enough incentive in
undertaking investments. The market developments required are major. It will not be
enough to develop niche markets. If there is to be a shift from Indian consumption of
sacking to alternatives, it will involve developing markets for hundreds of thousands
of tons.
The first battle has to be to retain existing markets for jute goods and to defend
them by using whatever marketing resources, which, can be, brought to bear. In
parallel with this defensive strategy there must be a concerted effort to improve
fibre quality, to retain the farmer’s interest in growing the crop and to reduce
agricultural costs in ways that benefit the farmer. Secondly jute mill productivity
can, and has to be improved and processing costs reduced. To do this, investment
in machinery design and development is clearly needed. To establish the need for
funding for these industrial and agricultural objectives is an essential part of the
road map’s purpose and has helped shaped its basic assumptions.
There was unanimous consensus among participants at the workshops that it was
essential for the Indian market for jute sacking to be defended while exports were
being developed. In Bangladesh, although the internal market for jute goods is much
less prominent than in India, there is a good case to be made for the introduction of
packaging regulations to encourage the use of jute sacks as has existed for many years
in India.
The most immediate export development would take the form of reducing the decline
in markets for jute sacks, a process that will inevitably be assisted by a perceived
narrowing of the gap between jute and synthetic costs of production. Increased use of
bulk handling makes this task more difficult but there is sufficient scope for defensive
and active measures. There is also scope for looking at possible action to defend use
as secondary carpet backing and for hessian.
In the longer term there are known potential markets for substantial quantities of jute
in plastic composites, of higher value fabrics in apparel and household furnishings, in
niche market applications and others that are yet to be developed.
Jute has to be more competitive to enable this development and that requires a
thorough understanding of the commodity chain and action at every stage to result in
a leaner and stronger competitive posture.
The Consultants have tried to summarise findings regarding industry needs and have
proposed an investment of additional funds amounting to US$ 18 million in order to
mobilise private sector resources to help transform the sector into one targeted at
sustainable and growing markets.
‘A Road Map for Jute’ has been commissioned by the International Trade Centre, ITC
(WTO/UNCTAD) on behalf of the International Jute Study Group (IJSG) with help
from the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC).
The Road Map for Jute is based in part on three major Consultancy papers
commissioned for presentation at the three workshops held in ITC, Geneva on June
9th, in Kolkata on 4th July, and in Dhaka on 6th July 2005. It also includes a
background strategy paper prepared by the International Jute study Group (IJSG),
entitled ‘A Strategy for the Jute sector’ adopted without dissent by the IJSG members
on 31st August 2004. Additional contributions were made during the three workshops,
and the road map includes knowledge gleaned from those involved in working in the
sector and or from other studies. Statistical data from the FAO Rome is quoted
extensively to support the history of past events
The proceedings of these three workshops and the main papers presented during them
form part of the annexes to the Road map. Representatives of all segments of the Jute
industry were present at the three workshops. The list of institutions and companies
represented also forms part of the annex.
2.1 Overview
2.1.1 Production
The people of India traditionally used jute to make rope, sacks, paper, and coarse hand
woven fabrics for matting and bedding. English traders saw the potential of jute as a
substitute for hemp and flax as early as 1793, and eventually a consignment found its
way to Dundee in Scotland. The flax spinners there learned how to spin jute yarn by
batching fibres with whale oil and water and modifying power-driven flax machinery.
Before long they were producing jute goods in substantial quantities.
The rise of the jute industry in Dundee and elsewhere in Europe saw a corresponding
increase in the export of raw jute from the Indian sub-continent. World production
reached one million tons per annum by 1900. By independence in 1947, production
grew to over 1.5 million tons and jute was one of the leading producing and export
sectors in the sub-continent. The coming of independence to India and the partition of
Bengal into part India and part East Pakistan (later to become Bangladesh in 1971)
can be seen as a major watershed for the industry.
Hitherto East Bengal had provided raw jute for mills the British had set up in
Calcutta. Following partition, in the 1950s and 1960s many new mills were set up in
East Pakistan to process the locally grown jute. One consequence was development of
jute growing throughout West Bengal and in due course, more widely in Assam and in
other Indian states. This was done to satisfy Indian demand locally in India.
Million Tons
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
The post-war period 1940-60 saw the fastest rates of growth in jute production. It rose
from 1.5 to 2.7 million tons per annum. Also countries without a prior history in jute
manufacturing especially China, Thailand, Brazil and others, expanded their jute and
kenaf crops and established processing industries primarily to make textile sacks and
bags. Overall jute Production steadily increased with minor glitches in 1970 and in
2000, it is now around 3 million tons and there is reason to assume growth could
What has changed is that India is now by far the leading producer, Bangladesh lost its
lead role in the mid 1970s, and the gap between the two has been widening since then.
The more recent growers like China and Thailand decreased output in the 1980s and
1990s and are now minor producers. Amongst the other smaller producers are
Myanmar, Nepal, and Brazil which all continue some production.
Production jute and allied fibres
Source: FAO
Both India and Bangladesh have a matrix of regulatory measures and Government
policies that impinge directly or indirectly on the production, trading, processing and
export of jute fibre and products. The jute sector is considered socially and politically
too important to be left entirely to market forces.
The increase in Indian production since 1970 has been mainly due to rising
consumption of jute sacks within the domestic economy. The jute sector was and is of
very considerable importance to India and Bangladesh. Four million farmers with 20
million dependents earn their living from its cultivation and hundreds of thousands
work in the sector.
In Bangladesh, there is no Minimum Support Price (MSP) for jute. However there is a
large publicly owned mill sector, the BJMC, which sets the price, buys and processes
jute fibres. There is also a history of accumulated losses and debts that a World Bank
loan in the early 1990’s had intended to tackle. In Bangladesh there is an official price
support for rice, which has lead to stronger domestic prices for rice, and this brought
about a national surplus with farmers switching from jute to rice. In consequence
there has been a long-term reduction in area devoted to jute, although with a less than
proportionate reduction in output volume. This is explained by rising yields of fibre
per hectare.
JUMS- written by John Mitchell and Gordon Mackie
performance had reached crisis levels and that nominal productive capacity was far in
excess of export market demands.
Bangladesh - area and production
19 /71
19 /72
19 /73
19 /74
19 /75
19 /76
19 /77
19 /78
19 /79
19 /80
19 /81
19 /82
19 /83
19 /84
19 /85
19 /86
19 /88
19 /89
19 /90
19 /91
19 /92
19 /93
19 /94
19 /95
19 /96
19 /97
19 /98
19 /99
20 /00
20 /01
20 /02
20 /03
Source: FAO
There has since been some gradual rationalisation since then with a reduction in
nominal capacity, including the closure of the Adamjee Jute Mills. Other measures are
either being implemented or are planned.
Jute Products Produced
000 m t
Source: FAO
Although production of jute products in Bangladesh declined from the mid 1980s,
there has at the same time been a major product re-orientation. In particular, output of
yarn for export increased very substantially with much of the former European
spinning machinery moving to the country. At the same time, production of Carpet
backing Cloth (CBC) and Hessian cloth declined while sacking remained the leading
There has been a marked increase in yield rates in India with production steadily
rising from 1970 levels while the land area devoted to jute has not grown.
Indian Production in tons and ha
Source: FAO
In India, demand for jute sacking continues to expand. As population and food grain
output grew, so did the demand for textile packaging. Indian consumption of locally
made sacking was 200,000 tons in 1960, 327,000 tons in 1970, 626,000 tons in 1980,
781,000 tons in 1990 and 900,000 tons in the year 2000. The increase in production of
sacking (along with yarn and other items) accounts for the substantial increase in
production of jute products.
India- Jute Products Produced
1,800 1932-2004
000 MT
200 other
Source: FAO
Together with other agricultural commodities, jute has enjoyed minimum support
price, MSP, in India since the 1960s. MSP has actually been increased at a very
similar sort of rate to which the rupee has devalued against the US dollar.
1981- 1982- 1983- 1984- 1985- 1986- 1987- 1988- 1989- 1990- 1991- 1992- 1993- 1994- 1995- 1996- 1997- 1998- 1999- 2000- 2001- 2002- 2003-
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 01 02 03 04
Farmers have the right to sell any quantity of jute fibre at the prevailing MSP. In
practice, it works a bit differently but the spirit of the measure is to assure what is
considered a viable price. The Jute Corporation of India, charged with implementing
MSP tends to intervene mostly at harvest and tries to limit its market intervention. Its
activities are increasingly targeted at smoothening seasonal price variations.
The MSP combined with the mandatory packaging order has encouraged demand and
led to increasing volume production through higher productivity rather than area
under jute. Production has increased through higher yielding varieties and the
increased use of nutrients. The same phenomenon was earlier observed with Chinese
production, which also increased fibre output without a commensurate change in area.
The threat from cheaper locally made Polypropylene and High density Polyethylene
woven plastic bags largely from imported feedstocks led the jute industry to lobby the
government successfully for protection by having the textile packaging of food grains,
sugar and cement made into a reserved market for jute sacks. The instrument used by
the central Indian Government was the mandatory packaging order, first implemented
in 1987. However today, cement and fertiliser are no longer widely packed in jute
This Order reserves use of jute sacks for stipulated produce and this together with the
fact that the public sector buys 66% of sacks made by the jute industry, has led to
healthy and growing demand for jute sacks. The legislation creates a market situation
where the MSP can be used sparingly and without a high cost to the Exchequer. The
local price for sacks may at times be higher than it would be otherwise but the
premium helps the living standards and viability of millions of very poor farmers
while protecting the environment against degradation.
2.1.2 Trade
The search for value addition led to replacement of production in Scotland and Europe
by that in jute growing countries. This process was already under way at the same
time as the arrival of low cost Polypropylene polymer on world markets. This new
material, made from feedstock priced arbitrarily, was easily and cheaply extruded into
thin filmstrips and woven on wide looms for carpet backing or woven on circular
looms to make sacks and bags. Loss of production in Europe also led to loss of
markets with many former producers and distributors diversifying into synthetic bag
Carpet backing was the first major casualty to the competition from synthetics
(especially primary backing) although there were other factors to blame as well such
as unreliable deliveries. Jute had been favoured both as primary and secondary
backing for tufted carpets as well as use in woven carpets. Tufted carpets grew in
popularity in the 1960s. They were an important end-use for jute at one stage in the
early 1970s amounting to 240,000 tons of exports but today use is down to below
25,000 tons. The decline in use of jute primary and then later secondary CBC is
reflected in the sharp decrease in exports to USA and later to Europe.
Loss of market share for sacking is a long-term process. Sacking is the most important
traditional use for jute. In fact, the fibre had almost become synonymous with that
end-use. It was the growth in sacking that had initially propelled jute production, and
in the case of India, is still doing so. In the 1970s jute sacking was increasingly
substituted with that of PP worldwide and the process is still continuing today in most
developed countries except for the fact that replacement by bulk handling is also
contributing to the decline.
Main importers
100 japan
1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
Source: FAO
The decline and collapse of the Soviet Union was another major market reversal for
jute resulting in a loss of market of the same proportion as that of CBC in USA. From
a peak of 250,000 tons in 1981, imports had fallen to below 25,000 tons in 2003
although they now show some signs of revival. Together with the continued decline of
the North American market and markets in Africa and South America, the overall
impact was a major reduction in jute goods trade.
The closure of jute mills in Europe (those that had remained in the jute spinning
business) using imported Bangladesh fibre for the production of yarns used by the
woven carpet industry was already under way by the 1980s. As mills closed, the
spinning machinery was transferred, some to India, but mostly to Bangladesh during
the 1980s and 1990s.
More recently, there has been an accelerated decline in exports to Western Europe.
This became more pronounced after 1995 in all major end-uses including transfer of
part of the yarn market away from Europe towards carpet weaving countries in the
Middle East. However, overall the export market for jute yarns combining both
Europe and the Middle East and elsewhere, of about 120,000 tons in 1980, had grown
to over 300,000 tons a year by 2004.
Former USSR
United Kingdom
Main consuming countries excl. producers
United States
Viet Nam
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Source: FAO
The cumulative effect of developments in North America, the former Soviet Union,
Western Europe, Africa and Latin America has been a steady and substantial erosion
of the export market for jute and jute goods for both Bangladesh.
3 Workshop Contributions
Farming activity based on jute has many components. Farmers allocate land, labour
time and other resources between alternate activities and uses. Part of what they
cultivate is for subsistence and part for sale. Only labour expended in cultivation of
commercial crops is of commercial value. Jute brings a particular opportunity for
selling labour time. Jute based farming systems nearly always include rice and are
categorised either rice based or as jointly jute/rice based.
The purpose of growing jute is primarily for sale to provide cash income. Part of the
rice grown is eaten but jute not only provides cash, it also serves a number of other
functions: jute sticks provide fuel for cooking as well as additional supplementary
cash income. Fibre finds a variety of uses and when prices are low and needs a rise it
has even been reported as being used for fuel. Leaves and biomass left on the field
serve to enrich the soil and; the high demand for labour during harvesting and retting
affords an opportunity for commercial use of family labour inputs.
Minimum support Prices-rice and jute
$/ton 100
0 S1
1997/98 1998/99 1999/2000 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04
For the farmer in jute/rice based system regions, the choice is essentially between the
proportions of land to be devoted to the two main crops during the two seasons. In the
wet season, jute is favoured. Average rice yields, like average current jute yields are
around 2 tons per hectare per crop. The nominal world market farm value of rice is
around $150 per ton. There are differences in costs of production with much more
labour being used in the harvesting of jute than in rice. Farmers very rarely obtain
nominal commodity producer prices; the reward they actually get in their hand
depends very much on the deductions or credit arrangements made during the crop
Few if any farmers only grow jute. Nearly all do so in rotation with rice. The farmer’s
decision on whether or not to plant Jute in a given year is governed by a multiplicity
of factors, but in reality there is little choice for those who live in rainfall conditions
where jute is the most realistic crop for the wet season.
The converse is true for India. The area planted to jute has not changed but instead,
farmers use higher yielding seeds, extra fertiliser and other inputs to give higher
yields when prices are particularly favourable.
There is price support for rice production but not for jute in Bangladesh, and although
the public sector mills do set a price, the general trend has been for the area used for
jute cultivation to decrease. Jute has been steadily retreating to those core areas most
suited to its cultivation. The two main factors behind this trend have been the
relatively poor income returns to the jute farmers, and secondly, since jute yields have
increased less land is required.
The seeds used in India are of Indian origin and mostly grown by specialist seed
producing farmers in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. In Bangladesh
increasing amounts of Indian seed are being sown as they provide higher yields than
the local varieties and importantly they are available in times of seed shortage. The
downside is that although it gives higher fibre yields per hectare this is obtained at the
cost of lower fibre quality. This decline in the availability of better qualities jute in
recent years has become a major concern for spinners in both India and Bangladesh.
Availability of water in some regions for the seeping and retting process has long
been a concern. To counter this, equipment to strip the inner stick from the plant has
been developed in India. Although such equipment greatly reduces the amount of
water needed for retting, even such simple machines are beyond the financial means
of most farmers. It reduces the labour time required but apparently not enough to be
an attractive investment.
The cost differential is that in favourable growing areas farmers obtain between 1.7
and 2 tons of fibre per hectare. In less suitable growing areas yields are in the range
1.2 to 1.5 tons per hectare. Agricultural research in India (The Central Research
Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres) has produced higher yielding varieties of jute
claimed to yield up to 3 tons per hectare. However the quality attributes of these latest
varieties are as yet unknown, and could well be worse than the presently used
varieties. Jute plant strains capable of high yields coupled with improved fibre
fineness, better strength, and lower lignin content are also claimed to exist but their
commercial application has yet to be demonstrated.
There are no reliable figures available on farm gate prices in India although there is a
nominal MSP. Some at the workshop claimed that generally speaking the farmer
receives about 70% of the fibre price paid by the mill of 1,200 rupees/quintal
(equivalent to US$ 285 per ton). Such claims are not unusual with commodities.
The implication is that the farmer would in this case theoretically receive in cash
roughly $200 per ton.
Based on the above assumptions, and since labour represents between 60% and 70%
of the small farmer’s average cost of production, the notional income for the farmer
per man day of work can be estimated as 750 rupees per quintal of jute including the
value of its associated stick Based on 215 MDT, then it follows that the farmer earns
about 35 rupees per day when working on his jute crop, (roughly 80 US cents per man
There are those who have researched value chains in jute based farming systems in
Bangladesh and who claim that actual farmer incomes are far lower. This is often the
norm as far as commodity production in the regions is concerned. The figures given
above must remain nominal until more detailed field research is undertaken which
reveals a more accurate value chain analysis.
An Indian farmer’s rice crop (grown during the same period of the year) requires
about 145 man days per ton to grow and harvest and the rice earns him about 450
rupees a Quintal, about 31 rupees per man day. (Approx US$ 74 cents per MD)
In India a kilo of jute is worth about 2 kilos of rice at the grower level. In Bangladesh
the situation is less favourable for jute growers.
If in fact in Bangladesh jute is earning the farmer about 1,100 Taka per quintal at the
farm gate, (US$175 per ton) and rice 1,200 Taka per quintal, (US$ 190 per ton)
he is faced with a differential of 50% in the reward for his day’s labour, and his
interest in growing jute is bound to be reduced. Of course his jute crop plays an
important part in the crop rotation cycle and provides a readily cashable product, but
as alternative crops become available and are developed, the farmer is becoming less
locked into jute cultivation.
The main thrust in the past two decades has been to improve the jute grower’s income
by encouraging the use of higher yielding seeds. This has definitely improved the cash
returns to farmers but at the cost of pulling down overall levels of fibre quality, in
other word’s its spinning ability.
An important appraisal of the Indian raw jute quality situation was presented to the
Kolkata IJSG workshop by a jute mill located in Andhra Pradesh. It may be
summarised a follows.
“The Indian jute crop can cover in general the volume requirements of the industry,
but there is a serious mismatch in the availability in quality terms between availability
and industrial needs. Indian industry is short by about 200,000 tons of superior grades
needed to make high quality goods both for export and the home market. The industry
has been offsetting this problem by importing higher grades of fibre from Bangladesh.
There is heading towards the same problem. For example grade BTB, the top grade in
Bangladesh used for fine count high quality export yarns, in 2000 made up about 7%-
8% of the purchasing order that over the long term, say the last 25 years, that average
quality had declined by about 33% while average yields per hectare had increased by
some 36%.
Volumes of top grades have shrunk at a time when the industry in both India and
Bangladesh wish to move decisively towards higher quality value added products. In
turn these items demand higher grades of raw material in their manufacture.
The deterioration in earnings for jute farmers over time has been dramatic. In 1960 the
jute farmer received the equivalent of about US 20 cents per kilo for D grade fibre. In
1990 values this was equivalent to roughly US$ 1.0 per kilo. In the year 2000 he
received in current currency values about 30 cents per kilo, and in real adjusted
income, based on 1990 levels, this was the equivalent of about $ 26 cents per kilo.
Jute is spun too much heavier counts of yarn than cotton and modern short staple
technology allows a typical cotton yarn to be spun using only 100 worker hours per
ton. Jute by contrast requires about 200 worker hours per ton to spin a yarn that is
five times thicker than the average cotton one.
As mentioned on many occasions during the workshops, the industry is seeking a new
generation of improved technology machinery capable of performing efficiently under
jute mill conditions in the Indian sub-continent. The present jute process machinery
was largely designed and made in the UK prior to the 1980s, although jute-spinning
machinery has been made Calcutta since 1954.
In broad terms the existing jute conversion process from raw material to finished yarn
or fabric requires about 40 man-days per ton of product. The three workshops
identified an industry wide target to reduce the labour content by half, in other words
to double labour productivity in the jute spinning and weaving process.
A start has been made to develop more efficient and productive jute processing
equipment in India. A modest portion of the UNDP/Indian government funded
programme in the early 1990s was given to jute machinery developers in India but
more of the US$ 22 million aid programme was spent encouraging the use of short
staple cotton spinning technology for jute.
The main thrust of mill modernisation for the industry during the last decade and
more has been import of second hand equipment designed for jute or which can be
modified for jute processing. One can note the import into India and Bangladesh of a
large amount of UK jute machinery previously installed in Europe, Thailand, South
America, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Africa. In addition some used machinery of
Chinese manufacture (originally copied from earlier UK designs) has been imported
into India during the last few years.
In the case of machinery which can be adapted to work with successfully with jute,
are ring twisters of various makes, precision winders of German and local Indian or
Bangladesh manufacture. Today out of the fifty or so thousand looms operated by the
industry in India and Bangladesh about 800 are shuttles looms originally constructed
in Germany or in Switzerland. They were purchased second hand but had been
originally delivered to weave jute or similar fibres in Europe and other countries.
About 100 machines made to 1960s & 1970s UK designs have been made each year
in Kolkata during the past several decades. In the past carding machines and shuttle
looms and winders were made in volume in India. Given new more productive
designs and a demand from the industry such machines could be made locally in India
or Bangladesh.
Much of the jute machinery operating in India and Bangladesh has been running for
three shifts since it was originally built in the 1960s. Some machinery is even older
dating from the 1930s. Many individual components have been replaced many times.
Any new process technology has to surpass what exists by a generous margin to
justify its investment cost. It will have to double the productivity of the workforce and
yet remain simple, efficient and practical to operate. That is the challenge that faces
machinery designers and manufacturers. Up to now it has proven too difficult or too
daunting a challenge for Indian machinery makers who are aware of the huge
investment and effort needed to finance and complete new machinery designs and
their commercial development.
To develop new jute machinery the manufacturer has to be confident he will have
buyers and a willing market prepared to invest in the future of the jute industry. There
is no certainty that efforts will not simply be copied and thus there would be no return
on his R&D investment
A leading Jute machinery building company in India expressed the present situation to
the IJSG in the following terms. “Machinery development requires adequate funding
and gestation time to incubate and commercialise new equipment. It is difficult for a
company like ours to develop the envisaged new spinning and weaving technology by
itself without assistance from either national or international agencies.”
It was pointed out by a delegate attending the Geneva workshop and also by in paper
presented at the Kolkata workshop that significant reductions in manpower
requirements and improvements in machine running efficiency can also be made
through improved management and better maintenance. This strategy can only take
the industry part of the way towards a doubling of its labour productivity. New
equipment will have to work in tandem with the old as no mill can afford to change all
its jute preparing or spinning for example in one move. Modernisation is inevitably
going to be a step-by-step affair with leaders and laggards.
3.4 Existing Products and New Product Development
The specifications and standards of classic jute products have been unchanged for tens
of decades. First comes sacking, which is used to make heavy bags for food grains
and other commodities, generally each sack weighs about one kilo net and is used to
transport or to hold fifty kilos of produce. This most important item represents about
half of the industry’s output. In the last decade or so an improved ‘food grade’ of sack
has been developed, produced and marketed. This sack is physically very similar to
the conventional one but does not contain any mineral oil. Importers of Cocoa and
Coffee beans specify the use of ‘food grade’ bags. This issue of the promotion and use
of non-mineral oil content jute sacks will be mentioned again later in the report.
mt 150.0
Yarn Hessian Sacking CBC Other
Next the so called ‘Hessian,’ which is a cloth made from finer yarns than sacking and
which generally weighs half as much per square metre as sacking. Some Hessian is
used to make sacks and bags and the rest is used in a wide variety of applications from
wrapping plants or collecting grass cuttings to furniture and as a support cloth for
linoleum flooring. Hessian cloth represents a little less than twenty percent of the total
output of the world jute industry.
Yarn and twine are also major traditional products. The yarns are primarily exported
to carpet weavers in Europe and the Middle East where they are woven into the back
of the carpet to provide bulk and stability. Jute sold on in the form of yarns for carpet
or twines represents close to twenty percent of total industrial out put.
Wide Hessian cloth, known as carpet backing cloth is used on the back of tufted
carpets. At one time it was used for both, primary and secondary backing but has been
phased out of primary backing altogether. This application once consumed far larger
volumes of jute than it does today when it accounts for less than two percent of output
and a very minor part of the market.
Shopping bags made from the better qualities of Hessian cloth. Furnishing fabrics,
and rope-soled shoes are also produced from jute and find consumer acceptance.
Considerable emphasis has been placed by the jute industry on the production of non-
traditional products. These are the so-called diversified products. Mostly this term can
be taken to mean the ten percent or so of items mentioned just above and similar
The Indian jute industries product mix may well move in this direction by two or three
percent over the next five years, but the likelihood of a major transformation in the
industry’s product balance is remote. The central Indian government, it appears,
would like to reduce the level of protection given to jute sacks under the mandatory
packaging order, however to prolong the current level of protection the industry has
compromised itself by suggesting a significant move towards a more diversified
product mix.
The intention to move towards ‘diversified’ products made wholly or partially from
jute fibres has important consequences for the industry. The yarns used in such
applications are generally finer in count and considerably higher in quality than those
used in the ‘traditional’ products. Significantly finer counts will mean a move to ring
spinning and away from the conventional flyer spinning.
In the case of Bangladesh, there is the additional problem that banks are generally
over exposed to the sector due to a very lengthy period of losses and bad debts. They
are extremely reluctant to increase their exposure. The borrowers, for their part, often
lack credit worthiness due to a history of inadequate loan performance.
In short, the manufacture of diversified jute products require the use of the best grades
of raw jute, more capital investment, higher ‘textile’ levels of design and marketing
skill, more capable and focused mill management, a degree of entrepreneurship above
and beyond that usually found in the traditional industry, and on top of that,
considerable R&D expenditure. High value addition inevitably means high levels of
R&D expenditure. It is thus not at all surprising that diversification has so far proved
to be an elusive goal.
One area of product development attracting attention is the use of jute fibres to
reinforce plastic mouldings, either via non-woven mats or dispersed in plastic resin
used for injection moulding. Small quantities of more or less processed jute fibres are
now being used in these applications. However the potential is arguably very
considerable and in ten years time these applications could provide a market for
between one hundred and two hundred thousand tons of jute fibres.
Use of whole jute stems or of low-grade jute fibre for pulp and paper manufacturing
has been under active consideration for twenty years and more. Although technically
feasible the economics are marginal and since modern pulp mills have a minimum
economic size of around one hundred tons a day the logistics of supply and the
relatively high cost of jute stem as raw material for pulp manufacture have, up to now,
proved to be the major problems. The global market for superior grade papers made
from natural fibres such as flax, abaca (Manila hemp) and true hemp and jute, has not
been increasing. (This information provided privately to the consultants by Hurter
Consult of Canada).
3.5 Markets
3.5.1 Markets and Market Shares of Jute Goods Producers.
1,980 720
domestic domestic
market 136 Fibre 270 market
2,116 270
Yarn 229.5 59.5
90.2 260.2 170
hessian hessian
240.3 313.5 Hessian 75.3 0.1
73.2 148.4 75.2
sacking 7 sacking
983.0 1,038.1 Sacking 182.1 56.8
55.1 180.4 125.3
5.1 5.6 CBC 26.3 -1
0.5 27.8 27.3
168 190.5 Other
22.5 24 1.5
Stocks Stocks
490 -64.7
total exported Exports exported total
1,886.4 226 895.3 669.3 115.4
• Yarns and twines. Annual output averaging 200,000 tons. Indian internal
consumption is about 140,000 tons and exports between 60,000 and 70,000
• Other products. Mainly canvas, decorative fabrics and soil saver. Output
ranges from 80,000 to 90,000 tons a year. Internal consumption +- 60,000 or
70,000 tons and exports some 15,000 to 20,000 tons.
• The balance of markets for India’s production of jute goods is heavily slanted
towards home demand, which consumes about 80% of output.
The jute industry in Bangladesh is primarily export oriented. Raw fibre is exported as
well as jute manufactured goods. The range of products produced is similar to India
but the structure of the industry is different. On the one hand there is the Government
owned BJMC with 22 or so mills, running the bulk of the operational looms and the
semi-privately owned BJMA with 12 operating mills. On the other hand there is the
BJSA with over 40 mills. This is an association of private sector yarn producers. In
statistical terms the BJMC and the BJMA output all of which are composite fabric
mills) are here shown together.
• Bangladesh provides over 90% of the world’s raw jute and allied fibre exports.
Raw jute exported each year ranges between 300,000 and about 350,000 tons.
India, Pakistan and China between them take about 250,000 tons with India
accounting for half.
• Depending on availability of finance and thus how many mills are operating,
the BJMC and BJMA mills now use an estimated 250,000 tons of the national
crop of raw material. The BJSA mills (which year on year continue to increase
output), will soon use about a similar amount for yarn production.
• During the early 1990s the combined output of the BJMC & BJMA was
around 450,000 tons and the BJSA (Yarn mills) was less than 100,000 tons. In
effect during the last decade the manufacture and export of yarn has largely
substituted for the decline in the production and export of Sacking, Hessian,
and Carpet Backing Cloth.
• The internal consumption of jute goods in Bangladesh is about half the amount
per capita compared to that of India.
and in 2000 – 80,000 tons. It would be reasonable to anticipate a little over
120,000 tons by the year 2010.
In contrast to India, and including fibre exports, Bangladesh exports 80% of its
jute production.
Bangladesh yarn supplies account for about 75% of world imports. India supplies the
bulk of the remaining 25%. The world import market for jute, the Report strongly
supports continuation of the Indian mandatory packaging order and its possible
extension to other jute yarn imports can be expected to reach 400,000 tons. Subject to
jute yarn prices remaining at or near their 2005 price relationship to Polypropylene
yarns, there is not expected to be any significant loss of potential share for jute yarns
used in the woven carpet industry.
Reliable trade information on the export markets served by BJMC & BJMA supplies
of Sacking Hessian and CBC is not available.
Major shipments of sacking have been made to India but the amounts are not well
In the Geneva workshop the European imports of Hessians including CBC and
Hessian bags from Bangladesh were shown to have declined significantly during the
1990s. Europe now takes only about 25,000 tons a year of Hessians from Bangladesh.
One of the papers presented at the Geneva workshop argued that given the large ratio
between fibre costs and their value in final use, there was sufficient potential leeway
to reduce costs and compete for secondary carpet backing. There has been a recent
initiative from USA, which mentions volumes in excess of 30,000 tons, but there do
not appear to be any takers under existing prices.
A recent development in the USA has been that one of the major Carpet
manufacturers; Shaw Industries of Georgia has diversified backwards down the
production chain by taking over the existing Polypropylene primary and secondary
carpet backing manufacturing facilities. The likely reason that they have done so is
firstly because the assets were available at low cost from Amoco and secondly a
major player like Shaw needed a backing supply source that it could reliably control.
Pakistan imports most of its raw jute needs from Bangladesh and occasionally some
from Myanmar.
Over the last few years’ production has been relatively stable at 50,000 to 60,000 tons
a year of Sacking. 10,000 to 14,000 tons of Hessians, and 10,000 to 14,000 tons of
yarn and twine. The overall output of the Pakistani mills has remained for many years
in the range 75,000 to 85,000 tons despite very keen competition from Polypropylene
woven bags.
The vast bulk of production is sold to markets within Pakistan but some yarn and
Hessian is exported to Afghanistan, Iran and Middle East markets. Pressure from
competition in the domestic market is necessitating a change in orientation towards
export markets.
The Chinese jute growing and manufacturing industry reached its zenith in 1985 when
output was over a million tons. By 2000 FAO figures suggest a production of 126,000
tons with some recovery by 2003 to around 165,000 tons and the number of mills
remaining in active production had fallen dramatically. The process machinery from
several of these closed down mills was sold to Indian jute mills.
The reason for the collapse of the Chinese industry was the widespread use of locally
woven sacks made from Polypropylene and High-density polyethylene. Formal
statistics on the number of woven plastic bags currently being made and used each
year in China do not exist, but a conservative estimate would be about five billion
bags or half a million tons of polymer. (Equivalent to five million tons of jute sacks).
Reliable information on the jute industry in China is not easily available but in recent
years the jute and kenaf crop has continued to decline. In 1999 the harvest was
260,000 tons taken from 100,000 hectares and in 2003 according to FAO and the
Chinese agricultural statistics, about 150,000 tons from 60,000 hectares.
The crop is predominantly grown in Hunan, Sichuan, Hubei, Henan, and Anhui
provinces with an average yield of 2,500 kilos per hectare.
Since 2003 China appears to be importing about 30,000 or 40,000 tons a year of raw
jute primarily from Bangladesh. China also imports a little jute yarn from Bangladesh
(in addition to raw jute) but volumes are small, of the order of 1,000 tons a year.
Together with a slight recovery in production since 2000, it appears that there is still
some significant demand for jute sacks in China although nowhere near the levels of
the mid 1980s.
China production
Source: FAO
The majority of the Chinese mills are in the fibre producing regions and manufacture
sacking. The jute mills production profile is not published but an educated guess
would be: Sacking to represent 75% of output or 110,000 tons. Hessian cloth accounts
for 10% of output, or circa 15,000 tons. Finally yarns and twines probably
comprise15% of output or 25,000 tons.
Almost all the Chinese output of jute products is consumed within China and
Although China did export jute sacking in the 1990s, exports since 2000 have been
less than 10,000 tons a year.
Thailand, Myanmar, Nepal and Brazil continue to grow and produce jute and or kenaf
products, as do Vietnam, Indonesia and Cambodia. With the exception of Thailand
and Myanmar, which also export some fibre, these countries consume most of their
locally grown fibre internally.
As the world market for jute goods shrinks and consolidates, the experience of the
past has been that the jute industries outside the main competitive producers in the
Indian subcontinent drop out and close down. Jute manufacturing is consolidating into
its heartlands of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar and Nepal. How long the jute
textile industry will continue to be viable in the ‘Other’ counties is a matter of debate,
but they will probable continue to survive in some countries, especially south East
Asia for another ten or twenty years.
The jute industry is primarily based on the manufacture and supply of sacks and bags
for agricultural produce. About 1.5 million tons worldwide out of a total output of 2.8
million tons or some 53% of production flow into this application. Of this world
textile packaging market using jute India accounts for 1 million tons. What happens in
the Indian market will crucially affect the rest of the world jute industry.
China encouraged substitution of jute packaging by cheaper oil based woven olefin
plastics. The result was that the Chinese jute industry all but collapsed.
India has about a million hectares under jute; it provides a cash income and jobs for 4
million farmers. The mandatory packaging of agricultural products in jute sacks and
the Indian government sack purchasing policy has provided stability and continuity to
the industry and to the millions of poor jute growers. This remains the rock to which
the industry is anchored. A collapse in the internal Indian jute use of sacking would
put huge pressures not only on growers but also on export markets.
The price differential in favour of woven plastic sacks has narrowed as crude oil
prices have climbed and, given enough time, is likely to narrow further substantially.
The main competing products are a plastic sack weighing 80/90 grams versus a 1000-
gram jute bag. Both can contain fifty kilos of contents, such as grain. Before the
recent price increases for PP resin a jute bag was generally priced at about 40 US$
cents and plastic at +_ 15 cents.
The current position has a jute bag at about 45 cents and plastic at around 20 cents. In
the case that crude oil climbs in price to US$ 100 per barrel and olefin resins climb in
response to the same degree that they have in the past, one can anticipate the sale of
plastic bags at almost 30 cents each versus jute at say 50 cents. The price ratio will
have changed from around 3.3 to 1 to about 1.7 to 1. This would be favourable for
jute but not yet favourable enough. A table in the Geneva workshop annex describes
the present and likely future relationship of crude oil prices and woven PP sack prices
in India during the next two decades.
Another important factor in the reduction of market possibilities for jute has been the
growth in favour of bulk handling.
Sacks can also be made from kraft paper, widely used for animal feeds, and from
blown film plastic which are commonly used for chemicals and fertiliser.
important has been stack-ability where jute holds the advantage in terms of stability
and ease of handling.
In contrast to the discouraging situation for jute in packaging the future use of jute
yarns in the world carpet manufacturing industry has a growth profile. The problem is
that growth in this area cannot remotely make up for the declining international
market for jute in packaging.
Other diversified textile products which represent new applications for jute can be
exploited, however to grow jute for pulp and paper seems unlikely to be economic
except on a small and specialist scale such as is being done in Myanmar to supply the
eco-market for pulp in Japan.
A prospect, which has the potential to use large volumes of jute fibre, is in the
replacement of glass fibres for plastics reinforcement. This opening exists both for
compression moulding and for injection moulding. The replacement of even ten
percent of the glass fibre used in plastic reinforcement would open up a potential
market for several hundred thousand tons of fibre. The problem with this market is
that it provides little or no value added for existing jute mills.
4.1 Background
The trend at present is for the world market, excluding jute producing countries, to be
decreasing at anything up to 50,000 tons per annum but for this to be compensated by
decreasing Bangladesh production (by up to 30,000 tons per annum) and for the
Indian market to absorb up to an additional 50,000 tons per annum. The result is
gradually increasing global jute production.
However, within this overall growth in global production, there are important
nuances. The most important is the growing importance of India, both as a producer
and as a consumer. India used to account for 32% of production in 1961 but today
accounts for 60% and accounts for just below 50% of global annual consumption.
At the same time exports to non jute producing countries have moved in the opposite
direction from 1976 when half of the annual production was traded. Today the volume
traded is one-third. India used to export 28% of national production in 1976; today it
is below 14%. Jute is now far less dependent on exports than it used to be.
Production is also becoming far more concentrated with India and Bangladesh, always
the leading producers, but who have had their dominance reinforced with the decline
in production in China and in Thailand. Myanmar and Nepal continue to remain
There is some sentiment that there should be an organised effort to try to persuade
countries to follow the republic of Ireland and to ban the use of blown film shopping
bags as an example of what can be done. It is, however, unclear how many other
countries would go as far as this, although the idea can be used in an international
marketing campaign for reusable jute shopping bags. This campaign would appeal to
environmentally aware consumers.
Pollution from PP sacks and bags and in particular disposal problems are attracting
more and more attention. The State Government of Maharashtra has decided to ban
use of synthetic shopping and other bags. There was already a campaign in
Bangladesh to promote the same idea there.
If it were the policy of India and Bangladesh to extend regulatory cover for jute, it is
likely that in a 5 year period there could be additional demand for over 250,000 tons
and over a 10 years period, over 500,000 tons of jute sacking. But at the same time it
has to be recognised that such a policy would represent a substantial reversal of
direction for the two countries.
As already noted, support for rice prices has led to a gradual reduction in hectares
devoted to jute in Bangladesh and this has helped to achieve self sufficiency in rice
for the country and, indeed, a surplus now available for export.
A no-change policy would probably lead to a continuation of the trend with falling
production and a further reduction of the area under jute. This would exacerbate the
situation regarding capacity utilisation particularly in the public sector and increase
pressures on government to rationalise the public sector mills.
4.2.3 De-regulate
There are those who have long advocated de-regulation of the jute industries in
Bangladesh and in India. The World Bank undertook a study and then tried to finance
a loan for the purpose of rationalising the Bangladesh public jute sector. It was in the
end not possible to proceed in a timely fashion with the JUMS and JSAC programs
but the process has been proceeding albeit at a slower rate than visualised under the
original loan programme.
In the case of both countries there is no shortage of advice from some donor countries
and organisations which would like to further the cause of liberalisation, as they see it,
through the de-regulation of the two economies.
In the course of the discussions at the workshop it emerged that there was a tacit
understanding between the industry and the Government of India that the packaging
order would remain in force but over a five-year period there should be a shift from
sacking for the domestic market to exports of diversified products. A figure giving a
20% reduction of sacking use within 5 years with subsequent further reductions on the
same scale was mentioned, and this would amount to around 200,000 tons in the first
period. However, although a 20% reduction over 5 years may sound like an
achievable figure, it would represent a 100% increase in exports and a ten fold of
diversified product exports, which is most unlikely.
There is a growing woven plastic bag industry in India, which lobbies hard for
relaxation and abolition of the purchasing order, which restricts end-use of non-jute
sacks. There has indeed been a gradual relaxation of restrictions and it is official
policy to liberalise the economy. However, it is not likely at the peril of disruptive
dislocation in the jute sector.
There are at least 30 Companies producing woven plastic sacks and containers in
India. The number of jute sack equivalents producer by these companies per annum is
not known. A rational assessment of probable overall production capacity indicates
that over a billion bags are now being made each year. If so, that means one woven
plastic bag for each jute sack.
The Indian Government has announced the National Jute Policy 2005 of India. A
basic objective of the policy is to increase the quantity of exports of jute and jute
products by achieving a CAGR of 15% per annum. The policy takes into account the
strong environmental arguments. It is also designed to enable jute farmers to produce
better quality jute fibre for the production of higher value added jute products and to
enable them to enhance their per hectare yield of raw jute.
The policy proposes the creation of a National Jute Board, which will subsume, merge
or integrate as soon as possible the functions of the various institutions currently
operating in the jute sector. The Jute Board will seek to rectify the systemic ills of
lack of coordination among the several jute related organizations under different
ministries of the government and is intended to be a facilitator rather than a regulator
for the jute sector.
The jute board will pro-actively explore the possibility of establishing a National
Institute of Natural Fibres with the objective of harmonizing development and
promotional activities pertaining to all natural fibres.
primary and secondary processing of raw jute, diversified product and market
development and marketing distribution.
The Policy Statement also noted to develop the next generation Jute Machinery
through a comprehensive technology benchmarking (after a technology audit), five
year plan for machinery development, and establish R & D set-up in the area of a
public private partnership. The five-year plan will cover machinery development for
both the organised and decentralized sectors (and also for the cottage industry).
Professional benchmarking will be needed to assess the present technological status of
the jute industry.
The National Jute Policy 2005 calls for a new commodity development strategy to
focus on positioning jute as a superior and green material, to enhance the productivity
of raw jute, increase exports through innovative marketing, and better the working
conditions of the workers engaged in the jute industry.
Considering the ongoing potential of jute products in the domestic market, focused
attention will be given to untapped sectors. The thrust will be on adopting suitable
market promotion programs for increasing consumer awareness, and highlighting the
environmental advantages of jute by working closely with environment groups.
The government aims to increase the exports of jute and jute products to nearly Rs.
5,000 Crores by 2010 from the current level of almost Rs.1,000 Crores. (1 Crore = 10
millions). For this, a multidisciplinary institutional mechanism is to be established to
formulate policy measures and to suggest specific action plans, creation of a new
equity fund for jute products consistent with the WTO norms will be needed, and also
incorporation of the present Export Promotion Council in the proposed Jute Board.
4.3 Consensus
There was a general degree of consensus at the workshops. It was acknowledged that
important export markets had been lost and were being eroded further due to
competition from synthetics, the growth of bulk handling and that there had been a
loss of credibility with overseas buyers in the past.
Equally, both, the Bangladesh and Indian industries remained convinced that things
could be turned around in a positive way and that there was enough time to do so. The
Packaging Order in India had afforded much needed protection to the industry and a
degree of protection was expected, or at least hoped for, from Bangladesh.
It was recognised that there was a growing concentration of jute consumption in India
and that this largely accounted for the growth in global demand. While all concerned
were keen to see the regulatory regime in India maintained, they realised that there
was too much dependence on this factor.
The future survival and growth of the industry depends on becoming more
competitive and in developing new market opportunities. Both these objectives
require a number of priority steps to be taken:
2. A substantial reduction in conversion costs.
3. Developing diversified markets.
4. Continued compulsory Packaging Order protection.
How big an improvement that could be made depends on detailed value chain analysis
to reveal the potential for savings. It is clear that on average yields are now
approaching 2 tons per hectare, and they could be increased further, but that there was
a particular need for higher quality fibres even at the expense of less than the
maximum possible yields.
Potential conversion cost savings are available at every stage, from retting to carding
to spinning to weaving and finishing. There is a consensus that these savings must be
achieved for the sake of the future of the industry and that although the task was
difficult with many obstacles, ways can be developed to achieve it.
Markets are the most important single factor since there was no point in undertaking
new investment without market incentives to do so. The traditional markets are in
decline save for yarn. There are measures that can be taken to delay the rate of decline
in use for Sacking and Hessian and there might be scope for recovering part of the
CBC market. Given the degree of importance of traditional markets, there is no
immediate way to improve the global situation for jute other than by taking action to
lower the rate of loss of markets. It is diversified markets that must provide new scope
but this strategy is a much longer term one.
Finally, the importance of the domestic markets in jute producing countries cannot be
under estimated. The Indian demand for jute sacks and, the factors, which help sustain
it, has countered declining global markets. Bangladesh internal consumption too has
been growing and can grow further. In addition, there is something of a wild card in
the form of consumption in China. Production has stopped going down and is perhaps
recovering slightly. China is importing more raw jute fibre and could import far larger
quantities if it were public policy to do so.
4.3.1 Agriculture
In the absence of a detailed value chain analysis, there is no easily accessed
information on the farmers except that jute is part of the jute/rice farming system of
East and North India and Bangladesh. There are normally two crops and where jute is
being cultivated; farmers generally grow one of rice and one of jute. Interestingly,
average yield rates of both crops are around the 2 tons per ha level. Farmers
cultivating the two crops therefore obtain 2 tons of jute and 2 of rice but with the jute
they also obtain 2 tons of jute sticks.
In India, jute is quoted at a MSP price just above $200 with rice $150. While in
Bangladesh, jute has been reported at $160 and rice at above $180 per ton. What only
field surveys can tell is what farmers actually get in cash after taking into account
various credit transactions and the role and mode of rural finance and other deductions
have been made.
The processing industry is quite rightly concerned to secure its raw material supply.
Jute provides a cash crop for several millions of small scale and mostly impoverished
farmers in India, Bangladesh, and to a lesser extent in China, Thailand, Myanmar and
The road map workshops in Kolkata and Dhaka dedicated a significant proportion of
their time to agricultural issues and the ensuing discussions produced a fair degree of
consensus about the most pressing problems and gave outline guidance about the
steps that could be taken to solve them.
In broad terms, and despite the occasional year with a smaller harvest than normal in
East ands West Bengal, the problem is not simply one of supply or of price to the jute
mills or exporters, but of quality. The rate of decline in raw jute quality has notably
speeded up over the last decade in both India and Bangladesh. (China and Thailand
have seen a collapse in volumes rather than in quality).
The reason for this phenomenon lies in the introduction of higher yielding varieties of
jute (including similar plants such as mesta). The farmer benefited from the higher
yields, which over time have increased the amount of dry retted fibre from one hectare
of land. This was on average about 1.1 tons back in 1960. In the period 1980 to 2000,
yields increased from 1.4 tons to an average of 1.9 to 2 tons. This is now the current
yield today in the ‘best’ districts of West Bengal and Assam. One should note that in
India only about 15% of the areas in which jute is grown falls into the category of
‘best’ district, so the accuracy of official statistics of jute yields per hectare may well
be suspect.
In Bangladesh for example the amount of land under jute cultivation dropped from
600,000 hectares in 1991 to about 400,000 today, even though average yields climbed
from 1.4 Tons/Ha to 1.9 Tons/Ha during that period.
Farmers face a long litany of perennial problems, but the first among them is the fact
that for about 215 man-days of work (assuming a 7 hour day) per hectare of fibre
grown, the farmer generally earns the equivalent of less than US$0.7 per day for his
labour. On top of that the grower is poorly rewarded for the production fibres of
superior quality. This favours delaying harvesting, which increases the yield (the
weight) of fibre per hectare, but it also lowers quality as the fibres become stiffer and
more highly lignified.
Other important factors, which have a negative impact and handicap the jute growers,
typically are,
In India there exists a longstanding Minimum Support Price for jute growers.
It has climbed steadily from a base level of 110 rupees per quintal in 1972-73 to 953
rupees per quintal in 2004-2005. On the surface this would appear to be a substantial
improvement in the minimum prices for the jute growers. However it can be seen that
in real purchasing power (inflation adjusted rupees) the value of minimum support
price for the Indian jute grower has fallen by 20% since the late 1970s.
It is not possible from this information to arrive at reliable farm gate price data. A
commodity chain study is required to be able to tell it with accuracy. There are
various claims as to what happens but they are all somewhat theoretical.
The fibre quality issue is a major concern in India and is becoming a major concern in
Bangladesh. In the Kolkata workshop a prominent jute spinner from South India
presented numbers to show that in overall terms the Indian jute crop was short of
210,000 tons of the higher-grade fibres.
Over the last seven years the fibre imports by India from Bangladesh have ranged
between 70,000 and 150,000 tons per year. The competitive pressure to buy superior
grades of Bangladesh raw jute has had knock on effect as it puts pressure on the
availability of those same superior grades for the important Bangladesh yarn mills and
CBC mills. They now require something like 250,000 tons a year of the better sorts,
and will require even more as time goes by and they continue to expand output.
The Bangladesh jute and mesta crop averages some 750,000 – 800,000 tons a year, so
bearing in mind that 200,000 tons are exported to countries other than India
(for example Pakistan and China) and that high grade fibre is also exported to those
countries, then we may say that the demand for high grade jute grown in Bangladesh
is probably like this.
Bangladesh mills 250,000 tons plus Indian mills 100,000 tons, and exported to third
countries 100,000 tons. In total, this means some 450,000 tons or a bit over half the
Bangladesh jute crop has to be of the higher grades to satisfy current demand.
An Indian survey reported to the Kolkata road map workshop expressed the Indian
quality jute shortfall in different terms although amounting to a similar, although
almost certainly, understated conclusion
1&2 2% 3%
3 9% 12%
4/M2/s.MID 25% 35%
5/M3/MID 33% 33%
6/M4/BOT 16% 12%
7/M5/B.BOT 11% 4%
8/M6/X.BOT 4% 1%
The conclusion reached by the Indian contributor to the road map papers appears to be
valid for both India and Bangladesh. “Concentrate on producing jute in areas which
traditionally produce high quality fibre and motivate farmers in those areas by paying
remunerative prices for their quality produce.”
The shortage of high-grade fibres was discussed at a meeting of leading Indian jute
mills on 25/05/04. The consensus at that meeting was that there was a shortage of
about 400,000 bales or some 70,000 tons of superior grade fibre; (this is almost
certainly an underestimate of the actual requirements).
The jute industry in general is concentrating much of its emphasis and attention to
moving towards so called diversified products. These diversified products, if they are
in the textile realm, will, almost inevitably, require high-grade fibres.
Which are the issues that should have top priority to alleviate the coming quality
First and foremost there is the seeds and varieties question. The variety of jute
employed to increase yields of fibre per hectare has undoubtedly boosted the amounts
of fibre produced per hectare or per Bigha sown, (25 Bighas = one hectare). However
this has been at the cost of having more low quality fibre.
New jute varieties are under development or have already been developed at the
Central Research Institute for Jute and allied fibres in India, (CRIJAF). The Institute
claims to have available and ready for wide spread trials and dissemination, new jute
varieties which can further increase yields to 3 tons per hectare and yet others which
can produce finer fibres with low lignin content. (This an essential property from the
point of view of spinning the fine jute yarns to be used in diversified products for
consumer markets).
At present the 3 major varieties of seed used in India are Navin - JRO525, Vaisakhi -
JRO630, and Basudev - JRO 7835. These varieties were first developed some 25
years ago. The seed in India is grown in quite another area that the main fibre
producing areas, which are North Bengal, Assam and Bihar; the main seed production
is in Maharashtra and in Andhra Pradesh.
There seems to be a real problem in getting the new jute seeds developed and
available. The reluctance of farmers to risk on new things undoubtedly plays a part.
At present the seed programmes in both India and Bangladesh are not delivering
satisfactory results to their farmers. In the final analysis unless the farmer has with a
fair degree of certainty the assurance of higher cash returns, there is no incentive to
In Dhaka a submission to the workshop suggested that the seed issue in that country
could be addressed as follows, “The Bangladesh Jute Research Institute may take up
programs to produce increased quantities of good quality breeder seed and supply it to
the Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation so that ultimately the total
seed requirement of about 4,000 tons a year may be gradually achieved.” The
submission goes on to say that the private sector should be able to handle the seed
issue independently.
Jute farmers need a variety of improved inputs and conditions; if they are not
forthcoming the farmers will continue to vote with their feet and walk right out of jute
cultivation wherever they can. This has already become apparent in many of the
marginal jute growing areas in Bangladesh. Those who remain and have no other
alternative crop will be reluctant producers and the quality as well as the availability
of jute will continue to decline.
There are millions of jute growers and their families affected by this issue. Taking
average +_ 215 man-days to cultivate a hectare of jute and extract the fibre, and
average yield of 1.75 tons/ha, 120 man-days of farm work per ton of jute are needed.
At this point it is useful to be reminded that the average amount of labour currently
needed to convert a ton of raw jute to finished product is 40 man days per ton and that
the road map will indicates ways in which this can( in the longer term) be halved to 20
man days. A farmer who harvests 400 kilos of jute fibre has the benefit of about US$
50 worth of jute stick either as extra income, if sold, or as benefit in kind if used as
fuel. Stick income/benefit is thus worth about a quarter of fibre income.
If the case for more active investment and intervention in jute agriculture is accepted,
what should be done to address the agricultural problems facing the industry?
1) Establish clearly which of the available new varieties is most suited to provide
both high yields per hectare and fine strong fibre.
2) Encourage seed growers and seed merchanting companies to multiply the best
newly selected varieties and bring them to market.
3) Extend the availability and improve the distribution of good quality certified
seed. To do this one necessary step may be the establishing a series of small
(40 foot container sized) cold stores in the more remote jute growing areas.
4) Should seed buffer stocks be considered essential, the current major seed
stockists should be paid to hold strategic seed stocks rather than some less
than competent government agency.
5) The jute agricultural research bodies could be given the additional function of
Establishing and administering a programme of education and advice to
farmers on the best methods of cultivation, harvesting, and retting. If this is
not practical, some other body should be set up to perform this function.
6) An institutional or micro-credit programme to make simple in-line seed drills
available to small groups of farmers would benefit the sector.
7) Weeding is a major and time-consuming activity in jute cultivation. Research
to find a cheap and eco-friendly pre-emergence herbicide is indicated.
8) Mechanical extraction of the jute fibre in ribbon form is being worked on by
the CRIJAF and the NIRJAFT in India and the BJRI in Bangladesh. There
appears to be a duplication of effort.
9) The Indian machine is claimed to keep the stick intact, to require only a one
horse power motor and to give as good a quality fibre after retting as would
whole stick retting of the equivalent quality stem. As ribbon retting requires
Significantly less water and still be effective than does whole stem retting, this
technique should now be put into practice, (and subsidised if necessary) to
obtain irrefutable proof of concept
10) At present few farmers practice the balanced use of fertilisers at the correct
stage of plant growth and many do not use plant protection measures against
pest attack. Instruction and education would go part of the way to improve this
11) The more that can be done to improve primary market structures and thus
improve the farm gate fibre price for the farmer, the better.
12) Price returns for higher grades of fibre will have to be improved and this fact
made transparent to the farmer. Shortages are likely drive prices up at mill
gate and this mechanism may be enough on its own, if not support is needed.
During all three workshops, great emphasis was placed on the need to improve the
efficiency and output of jute mill machinery. Assuming that the representative
average for the present processing of raw jute into conventional yarns and fabrics is
now 40 man days per ton, a target figure was proposed of half that amount or 20 man
days per ton. This ambition was considered realistic and desirable by experienced
specialists in the industry.
In achieving this major advance in labour and machine productivity certain important
constraints have to be observed. For example, the new machinery must be affordable
by the industry, which means it will have to be efficiently made in low cost countries
such as India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and China. The improved machinery and process
should not demand a higher quality of raw material, (the more expensive grades of
fibre) to operate efficiently. It should be no less energy efficient than the currently
used technology, and occupy less mill floor space per ton of output. It should require
generally similar levels of operator skills in its running and maintenance.
Higher speed machinery will certainly bring with it higher maintenance costs than at
present but the benefits will be large enough to compensate for higher maintenance
costs. At present jute mill machinery maintenance costs are in the range of 4% to 6%
of turnover. A fully modernised mill could find that these costs increase to 8% to 9%
of turnover. Finally the quality of jute yarns and fabrics produced on higher output
equipment must not be inferior and preferably superior to the present output for a
given grade of raw material input.
Textile machinery builders from developed economies have now nearly all followed
the market to have their designs of machinery built in those low cost countries which
have built up major textile processing industries. The jute industry has particular and
specialised machinery requirements, which can rarely be met by using designs
originally produced for other long staple textile fibres such as flax or wool.
A programme to develop the next generation of affordable jute machinery will have to
be undertaken if only for cost reasons in the countries where the machinery is needed,
namely India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and China.
The existing machinery builders in these countries have not had the design capability,
nor have the financial resources to develop the wide range of machinery, which will
be needed to achieve the agreed target of doubling jute mill productivity. Previous
government assisted jute machinery development schemes to meet this challenge in
India have had little positive impact. The US$ 23 millions UNDP assisted project in
the 1990s funnelled money to short staple jute/cotton blend spinning rather than to
jute machinery developers.
A new start and new impetus is needed to meet jute industry’s future machinery
requirements. At present the main sources of available supply are a machinery
company in Kolkata and one in China. Both companies make the jute machinery
designed and perfected by a UK Company in Belfast (UK) during the years 1960 to
1970. The fact that machinery built during this time and which has been in operation
for the last forty years is a testament to its durability and outstanding efficiency but
now it is showing its age.
The industry would like to have available a new and more efficient generation of jute
spinning and weaving equipment. The design and development of new concept jute
machinery is a time consuming and expensive business and machinery builders soon
find out that the risk reward ratio is not in their favour. There is a clear lack of
knowledge among machine builders on how to evaluate and select the appropriate
technology that is technology that will succeed in mill use and an understandable
unwillingness to pile up company debt in the attempt to design, manufacture, and
develop new technology.
4.3.3 Markets
1 Traditional
The meaning of ‘traditional markets’ for jute goods is well understood. It is taken to
describe the classical products such as sacking, hessian cloth, and variants such as the
wider Hessians used for the secondary backing of tufted carpets and as well as support
cloth for linoleum. Jute yarns are also a traditional jute product and were first used to
replace flax/linen yarns in the backing structure of machine woven carpets over
seventy years ago.
Evidence was presented at the workshops to show the longstanding decline in the
traditional markets for mass produced jute products. The reasons behind this decline
are well understood. The most affected market has been that of jute used as textile
packaging for agricultural crops and other bulk commodities.
The advent of low cost polypropylene plastic resin in the 1960s and 1970s made the
efficient manufacture of low cost lightweight bags possible and these bags now
dominate world woven bag consumption with the exception of India.
The recent dramatic increase of crude oil and PP polymer prices, if maintained in the
longer term, will push woven plastic bags prices into a price range from US$ 25 to
US$ 35 cents each. By comparison jute-sacking bags are sold in a range from US$ 45
cents to US$ 55 cents each.
The increasing use of bulk handling and containerisation by road and sea has also
significantly reduced the market scope for both jute and woven plastic bags and it is a
transport trend which continues to grow. The market for Hessian cloth which is used
both for lighter weight bags and for all sorts of loose wrapping and packaging
protection has also been declining as alternative options take its place.
In the carpet manufacturing industry the performance of jute yarns has been very
positive. There remains the threat that as the speeds of the latest designs of carpet
weaving looms increases and if jute fibre qualities decline further that jute yarns even
when coated will not meet the strength requirements the new higher speed looms and
lose market share to PP slit film yarns on that account.
The vast bulk of jute goods production remains in the classical product lines of
sacking bags, Hessian cloth, and yarns for the carpet weaving industry. World wide
the current annual breakdown may be assumed as follows.
World jute and allied fibre output generally runs between 2.5 and 3 million tons a
year, with a current median of around 2.8 million tons. About 0.2 million tons of the
output is used at village level, so the amount annually available for local mill use or
export is some 2.6 million tons. As can be seen above, the ‘Traditional’ or ‘Classic’
jute products amount in overall to a total of roughly 2.2 million tons of output. This
production of jute goods requires the input of about 2.4 million tons a year of raw jute
and similar fibres.
Thus the traditional products represent some 85% of raw jute consumption, village
use about 7%, and other uses including non-wovens and diversified products, the
remaining 8%.
The lesson that must be drawn from the above numbers is that the immediate future of
the industry will continue to depend on traditional markets. There can be no doubt of
the efforts the industry has made and is making to diversify its product range and to
move towards higher value added products but progress has been slow since the
challenges are formidable.
The first battle has to be retaining existing markets for jute goods and to defend
them by using whatever marketing resources, which can be brought to bear. In
parallel with this defensive strategy there must be a concerted effort to improve
fibre quality, to retain the farmer’s interest in growing the crop and to reduce
agricultural costs in ways that benefit the farmer. Secondly jute mill productivity
can, and has to be improved and processing costs reduced. To do this, investment
in machinery design and development is clearly needed. To establish the need for
funding for these industrial and agricultural objectives is an essential part of the
road map’s purpose and has helped shaped its basic assumptions.
To set a defensive or market retention strategy as is the one outlined here does not and
should not mean neglecting the pursuit of ‘diversified’ or added value product
development and marketing. As has been pointed out several times, active
encouragement for the production of increasing amounts of higher grade fibres will
prove essential for the manufacture of added value products.
Equally, the search for new markets, which can use the lower grades of available jute
and kenaf fibres, should be a fundamental part of the road map. In the case of the
latter, special attention will have to be given to have jute service the growing market
for natural fibres to replace glass fibre in the reinforcement of composite materials.
In looking at the current markets for jute goods, two facts stand out. One is the
overwhelming reliance of the Indian industry on the production of sacking used in the
internal market; the other is the striking success of the export yarn manufacturing
business especially in Bangladesh.
On economic grounds there is very little to choose between a jute sack costing US 50
cents and which has a lifetime use of say 5/6 journeys to carry produce and the utility
of a woven plastic sack costing US$ 25 cents and which is used for 3/4 journeys.
The first cost of a bag is important, no doubt, but for a national economy the overall
lifetime utility is even more decisive.
In environmental terms jute wins the competition hands down. Provided jute, a
renewable resource with a very low environmental footprint it is to be greatly
preferred to using plastic packaging, which for the next few decades will inevitably be
based on mineral oil, a non-renewable resource and one which costs India valuable
foreign exchange.
In social terms, the arguments are also almost all in jute’s favour. We can note the
part time employment jute gives to about 4 million farmers in India and to the several
hundred thousand employees in the mills and also needed for raw jute transport and
jute goods distribution. As we have noted in the case of agriculture these may be
arduous and poorly paid jobs but they are available to people at the bottom of the
income scale and for that reason alone these jobs are all the more important for social
The Indian government recognises that the jute industry occupies a ‘special’ position
in its national economic priorities.
We can turn now to the undoubted success that the jute export yarn industry has had
in both Bangladesh and India. In Bangladesh there is general acceptance that the
nationalisation of the jute mills in 1973 has left problems that have yet to be resolved.
The cumulative financial losses of the earlier BJC and of the BJMC mills (jute & jute
Mills Corporation) are very substantial.
By concentrating on the export yarn market, the private sector mills in Bangladesh
have shown that the jute manufacturing can be profitable. The BJSA (Bangladesh jute
spinners association) receives a small export incentive per ton, which has certainly
been a great help, but it has not been the decisive factor in the success of the yarn
mills. They have relied mainly on their own management expertise. The yarn spinning
industry continues to expand its capacity and its overseas markets are growing
although more slowly than the present rate of capacity expansion.
2 Diversified
When it comes to describing ‘diversified’ products the meaning is less clear, as many
of the items so described, like rope-soled shoes or espadrilles and floor or wall
coverings have been made from jute fibre for at least the last seventy years. Perhaps a
more concise description of where the diversification efforts of the jute industry
should be aimed could better be called ‘value added products.’
The use of mineral oil free jute bags for coffee and cocoa and edible nuts is often
referred to as a diversified product. The mineral oil used to soften jute is replaced by
an edible vegetable oil so that such bags are 100% food grade. It costs a little more
than using mineral oil but buyers for such bags usually pay a small premium.
Having looked at the products which dominate the traditional or classical jute goods
scene, what is the current state of play in the ‘diversified’ or added value sector?
This is an area in where India has set the pace, assisted by its own large internal
market for a wide range of consumer products some of which can, or could be made
using jute.
As the ‘official’ published statistics are expressed in terms of sales in rupees rather
than by weight, the amount of jute contained in the various products has had to
estimate. The actual numbers could be -10% to +20% of the above estimates. In
addition some of the yarn and Hessian cloth used for the value added products might
be already included under the earlier Indian production numbers. In any case it
appears that the volume of value added products being sold to non-traditional markets
for jute products amounts to about 5% of the overall total of jute goods sold by Indian
Of the total sales value of 4,900 million rupees the export market is worth about 3,200
million rupees or about 65%, so the rate at which sales of this value added products
can grow is at present, and likely to remain, heavily dependent on exports.
Future demand for jute fibre as a raw material stems primarily from the requirements
of mills in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan and to a lesser extent in China. Even if
overall demand declined by 50,000 tons a year that amount represents less than 2% of
the average Indian and Bangladesh crop volumes. The jute farmers can accommodate
a slow decline in demand but the mills would find themselves increasingly competing
in price especially to secure the higher grades of fibre they require.
The basic dilemma remains that higher farm gate prices for jute would encourage
farmers to produce more or better quality fibre, but at the same time the resultant
higher prices for manufactured products would shrink the available markets for jute
goods. It may be possible depending on the detailed commodity chain analysis to
strengthen the prices that farmers obtain in hand as opposed to nominal ones without
increasing jute mill prices.
In India formal industry projections have been published which propose a twenty
percent reduction in sacking output. This is to be compensated by a corresponding
twenty percent increase in diversified products by the year 2010.
The key element in any Road Map is markets and marketing. The industry has long
concentrated on trying to reduce prices through higher yields and cutting processing
labour costs combined with trying to develop techniques that would make jute more
like other fibres with larger market demand. In doing so, there has been considerable
success. Yield rates have gone up with falling real fibre prices for farmers increasing
competitiveness. There has been some reduction in processing costs. A considerable
effort has gone into developing higher quality yarns and fabrics that potentially could
increase end-use applications.
5.1 Markets
Markets and marketing remain the weak point. Lower real costs of jute fibres have not
arrested the global decline in exports of traditional products such as sacking, hessian,
and carpet backing. There was no way costs could be reduced enough to compete on
price with substitutes. Too much concentration on this aspect, and neglect of other
supply side and marketing weaknesses have together resulted in a high level of
dependence on markets in jute producing countries, particularly in India.
The impact of lower cost synthetics has gone through a cycle. The initial affect was
that it gave buyers an alternative that they exercised as much due to unreliability of
supply and prices as falling synthetic prices. Although in the case of sacking at least,
substantially lower prices were very important. Rising oil prices now offer a
substantial reduction of the price advantage held by synthetic substitutes.
At the same time, environmental considerations that favour use of natural fibres such
as jute are gathering ground even if they are not yet strongly reflected in consumer
buying decisions. For example ‘Soil Savers’ are heavy open woven fabrics made with
the lowest grades of mill sweepings and can contain 4/5% of mineral oil. These soil
savers are sold as being environmentally sake and friendly. There seems little doubt
that the only safe course for the jute industry over the long term is to progressively
switch over to the use of mineral oil free fibre lubrication in the spinning process.
This transition will clearly take time but it cannot be put off indefinitely especially for
products destined to contain foodstuffs without a high risk of losing market share in
export markets.
The current trend for most end uses is declining demand with the exception of Indian
demand for sacking and yarn in export markets. Assuming that the target of reducing
Indian consumption of sacking is valid, even with some return to jute in China and
Thailand and a defensive campaign, all other actions would have to compensate for
such a development. The current trend appears to lead to a reduction in demand for
jute of around 160,000 tons with much depending on demand for sacking in India.
(1) Sacking
The use of jute as sacking to carry commodities is what led to the growth of the
industry and the end-use still dwarfs all other uses. There is no sense in developing a
strategy for jute that does not address this application. No other potential end-uses or a
combination of them could adequately compensate the volumes being used for the
purpose in the foreseeable future.
The analysis presented in this report leads to the conclusion that the margin of
advantage enjoyed by synthetic packaging over that of jute has been and is declining.
At some point in the future, the price advantage of synthetics over jute is likely to be
very substantially reduced.
Given the sensitivity of the sector to use as sacking in the Indian market and the
importance of protecting the geo-enviro-culture of the millions of farmers and
dependents growing jute, the Road map strongly supports continuation of the Indian
regulatory packaging practice and its possible extension to other jute producing
countries. Demand for jute sacking is in any case not entirely due to the mandatory
order, jute sacks are in fact often favoured by many end-users over alternatives. At the
same time the consensus reached between the Government and the industry to try to
reduce the proportion being consumed within the economy while increasing exports
of diversified products is approached in this section of the report.
The recent floods in Mumbai in 2005 and a campaign in Bangladesh are leading to
consideration of bans on plastic bags out of environmental concerns and although this
does not automatically favour jute, it does offer an opportunity for the fibre. The
‘green’ credentials of jute bags and fabrics are excellent. There is rapidly growing
world wide awareness of environmental problems and of the need for sustainable
development. The use of plastics in packaging and in man-made fibre textiles, are
increasingly seen as part of the problem and not as part of the solution.
There is very little that can be done in the face of replacing jute sacks through bulk
handling except perhaps to focus on part of the distribution chain where sacks are
more useful. Aggressive lobbying and publicity in favour of jute growers has been
suggested as one means of raising public awareness of the replacement of jute sacks
by bulk handling in the Cocoa and coffee trades. So far there has been little resolve by
the jute industry be more confrontational on this issue.
Jute sacking has traditionally been simply offered for sale rather than marketed in
export markets. This leads to miss opportunities. An example is provided by the
recent floods in New Orleans in the USA following the hurricane Katrina in 2005
where large plastic sand bags were used to try to patch up the break in the levy while
jute sacks may well have been technically more effective. Similarly, when plastic
sacks are dropped by air in regions suffering acute food shortage, they burst far more
easily than jute sacks, yet there is no attempt to promote jute for these applications. In
an emergency, much is determined by rapid availability and this issue has to be
Some commodities that offer fresh opportunity for use of jute packaging include
rubber and cotton where there are many technical problems caused by slivers of
plastics contaminating during its transport and processing. An application based
marketing approach could target such end uses, particularly for mineral oil free
Some former markets for jute sacking have been badly neglected. The relatively rapid
decline in consumption of jute sacking in Africa and South America is a case in point.
There have been no thorough studies for decades on the two markets and distribution
and availability of jute sacks. Without market information, it is difficult to develop
strategies to minimise rates of replacement and hopefully build on sales.
(2) Hessian
One problem in analysing the declining trend in hessian exports is that we know
relatively little about many of the end-uses for which it is used. Hessian is a general-
purpose long established fabric which is used often to produce lighter sacks and for
other forms of packaging. But it finds its way into many other market applications and
there is a need for greater information on the latter in order to target the fabric at
potential growth areas and away from declining markets.
Market potential is often largest where a product is sold to end-users who select it for
applications that are entirely defined by immediate market needs. Use of hessian for
grass clippings or to place under cars to be repaired, geotextiles, landscaping, indoor
plant displays, as insulation material, substrate for lamination, and for a myriad of
other applications we know nothing about represent spontaneous product-market
developments that could be taken advantage of.
Despite its importance in volume terms, exports of hessian have rarely been followed
up by market research and sales strategy. It has been left to a largely market driven
demand for a value product.
The former buyers offer a slightly different perspective. They emphasises that in the
1970s when their demand was rising, producers defaulted on contracts, leaving them
in the lurch, and that is why they approached synthetic suppliers. After the process of
change had started, the new suppliers were able to invest in technical improvements
and economies of scale that made the decision to switch ever more justifiable.
However, the synthetic suppliers are now in trouble. Their products too have become
commoditised and are no longer profitable. The pressure on them too is to cut costs.
Many suppliers are in financial straits and some leading ones are on offer for sale.
This is clearly a window of opportunity for jute suppliers but the latter appear not to
be interested because production of CBC is not profitable at historic prices.
Given the fact that there appears to be some leeway on prices that buyers say they are
willing to consider and the possibility of cutting costs through higher yields and lower
conversion costs, it may well not be wise to leave this window of opportunity
5.1.2 Diversified Products
Looking ten years ahead to and forecasting world market potential for non-traditional
jute products and jute fibres, one could reasonably anticipate the following market
Shopping and hand bags 60 thousand tons. (250 million units a year).
Floor coverings 30 thousand tons.
Decorative and household fabrics 20 thousand tons. (Jute content).
Geotextiles 30 thousand tons.
All other textile end-uses
both industrial and consumer 30 thousand tons.
Jute fibre used in composites and
plastic reinforcement 30 to 100 thousand tons.
The use of jute fibre in composites will add little or no value to the turnover of most
existing jute mills as the composites will generally be produced in the user countries,
which means primarily in the USA, EU, and Japan. The benefit may be felt at mill
level by an external increase in demand for some of the lower grades of fibre, which
are not ideal for spinning.
Jute mill made non-traditional products by 2015 could reach some 150,000/200,000
tons a year. One can expect the bulk of these items to be made in India with
Bangladesh following in its footsteps and possibly Pakistan, diversifying away from
sacking for domestic use. China and other jute processing countries are likely to play
a minor role in the manufacturing and marketing of these products.
The Indian government purchases on its own account about 600,000 tons a year of
jute sacking, it pays the equivalent of US$ 45 to 50 cents for each 50 kilo contents
bag, depending on market circumstances. It is reported that the GOI wishes to reduce
the scope of the packaging order and gradually to liberalise the market for food grains
sacking. The plan for the next five years is that about 20% of the current output of
Indian jute sacking be switched from sacking to value added products.
This would require a switch of about 200,000 tons from the bottom end of the jute
products value index to the top end of the scale. In other words to retain the same
overall volume throughput across the industry, the value added sector would have to
quadruple in size. This begs the question of whether enough superior jute fibre can be
quickly made available to fill the quality needs that such a sudden and dramatic
change implies. It is most unlikely that world value added markets can be expanded
with such rapidity; it would mean a 30% annual compound annual growth rate.
What then could be a feasible target for the Indian jute processing industry to aim for
in ten year’s time bearing in mind both the raw material issue and the machinery and
technology and competition issues involved? A doubling of the volume of jute goods
used in value added products to 150,000 tons would be ambitious as such a target
implies an annual compound growth rate of about 8%.
During the next few years the Indian producers of value added jute goods could
expect to encounter additional competition in export markets for value added goods
made in Bangladesh.
No one at present can foresee for how long or in what form the Bangladesh Jute Mills
Corporation (GOB owned) or the mills of the Bangladesh Jute Mills Association
(partly privatised but largely government owned mills many of which are semi-
bankrupt), will continue. If many mills are fully privatised, some may redeploy their
efforts away from traditional products and into the value added sector. Bangladesh
with its higher availability of superior grades of jute is well placed to enter and
compete in export markets for value added jute products.
In the world textile industry, jute fibres are one of a wide range of competing fibres.
Around 3 million tons a year of jute in an overall marketplace that process and sells
30 million tons of natural fibres plus another 40 million tons of man made fibres and
filaments (including Polypropylene). As a long staple fibre made from the stem of a
plant, jute’s nearest competitor in technical terms is flax/linen. Flax/linen fibre has a
world output of 450,000 tons annually, but it is superior in its performance in
consumer textiles as compared with jute. In these applications jute is the poor relation
so to speak.
Flax/linen used to hold major markets in industrial textiles as jute does now but over
the last fifty years it has declined in overall volume and its use is now concentrated in
the apparel and clothing sector and in the household furnishings sector. Jute can
follow flax/linen into some of the home furnishing uses but it will not easily penetrate
the apparel market. This is because its much higher lignin content (than flax) makes it
difficult to finish in fabric form. Lower lignin content jute fibres are a possibility, and
may well become a market reality, but flax is capable of being spun to much finer
counts than jute and will continue to retain an important competitive advantage for
this reason.
Finer jute yarns do open up the tantalising prospect of developing fabrics of mixed
yarns and there are a large number of SMEs in India offering resulting products.
Although the cost of these finer yarns is high and this looses some of the natural
competitive advantage they may have otherwise enjoyed, denim jeans in India do use
jute and there are prospects of developing niche sales based on natural characteristics
of the mixed fibre products.
In Bangladesh emphasis was on producing a finer softer fabric and a NORAD Project
has developed modest sales of very high value hand finished cushion covers and the
like. Initial market investigation indicates good prospects but this requires up scaling
production to reduce costs sufficiently to take these products into the mainstream
The potential for jute to be used for the manufacture of pulp and paper is likely to
remain an area for academic research rather than practical application. In the opinion
of the IJSG road map consultants the application and development of jute fibres for
plastics reinforcement is of more immediate commercial concern.
5.2 Agriculture
Very little has been published on the part that jute plays in the portfolio of farmer
activities and land use allocations. No ‘Road Map’ can be complete without including
such analysis. Farmers are traditionally price takers in commodity production. They
are offered prices by buyers and have to make their own decisions on future plantings.
In the case of jute, it is not so simple since India has a MSP and sellers have a
theoretical right to sell at the MSP to the Jute Corporation of India. In Bangladesh,
public sector mills offer prices and sellers have the security of these published prices
for which the Government can be held responsible.
Reality for smallholders is very different from how things are meant to work in
theory. Everything depends on the loan structure being used by the farmer and options
on channels he can sell to. Some are within structures of co-operatives or other
associations, which can help, raise finance or act as sales channels. Because of the
paucity of farmer system information, we can only guess at what motivates farmers to
grow jute or even particular varieties of jute. We know only that the allocation of land
area to jute is remarkably consistent even if it is falling in Bangladesh, China and
Ever since jute has been traded in world markets there have been efforts to increase
yields. The objective of doing so has always been to reduce prices by reducing costs.
Although this can be justified as being designed to make the farmer richer in terms of
output per area unit, the farmer must weigh it against additional incremental costs
attendant with such policies. The balance has favoured increasing yield rates because
the latter have risen in most jute producing countries as they have in the production of
most agricultural commodities. The improvement has not been enough to prevent a
decline in real income from jute.
Availability and cost of certified seeds is an area that is normally addressed in the
search for higher yields. They have obviously been available and bought and used
because yields have increased. Unfortunately, higher yields have been accompanied
by lower quality fibre mix. The farmer is not given sufficient monetary incentives to
opt for better quality fibre and has no reason to choose any other course of action than
maximising fibre production.
Those producing breeder seeds are now aware of the need to balance yields with fibre
quality and claim to have developed lower lignin higher quality fibre seeds. It is then
a matter of getting these to the farmer in sufficient quantity and providing incentives
to go for these newer seeds than those that give him higher yields. Unless there is an
adequate premium for producing a better mix of quality, and there has not been one so
far, the farmer is unlikely to use these new seeds.
The workshops held to prepare the jute road map highlighted the need for action to
improve the jute seed situation. Most of the seed linked factors, which limit jute fibre
yields, reduce fibre quality, and which increase the cost of fibre production were
identified, and they can be briefly summarised as follows.
1. The widespread use of relatively old and obsolescent seed varieties, (20-30
Years since initial introduction), has reduced seed yields when the plant is
grown as a seed crop and has made jute plants more susceptible to disease and
pest damage, whether grown as a seed crop or a fibre crop.
The newer varieties of high yield seed, which have been released for use, are
not reaching the seed producing farmers or the fibre crop farmers.
2. The seed crop in India is grown mostly as a rain fed crop and is dependent on
timely monsoon rains. Any late rains or inclement weather has a major impact
on the seed harvest, and this in turn impacts on seed availability in Bangladesh
3. The seed growers in both countries often do not conform to best growing and
harvesting practices
4. The market for jute seed is notoriously volatile. The result is that either seed
prices are too low to properly reward the growers or so high that they inhibit
fibre growers from planting.
o Make sure that the new seed varieties are suited for use in zones best suited to
seed as well as to fibre production. In practice this will mean away from existing
high humidity areas towards drier zones. In Bangladesh this strategy may not be
applicable as there are fewer areas suited to specialist seed production
o The new seed varieties when released must be well adapted to regions of more
divergent weather extremes especially in India.
o Encourage the rapid uptake and widespread dissemination in use of the selected
new varieties by giving price premiums or other worthwhile incentives to
encourage more farmers to take up jute seed cultivation.
o Supply subsidised and/or free starter Mini-kits to progressive seed farmers, for
trial purposes. The purpose of the exercise would be to establish seed yields in
practice, to discover the resistance in the field of the new varieties to disease and
pests, and to establish how adaptable the new variety is to divergent weather
o National seed certification agency enforces purity norms and varietal isolation
techniques before being permitted to issue certificates for top quality seed. Where
such norms have or cannot be enforced seeds can only be certified with a quality
o Encourage the jute agricultural research and development institutions in India and
Bangladesh to play a pro-active role in getting new varieties speedily out and into
commercial use. They should be strengthened to play an important and vital part
in teaching and demonstrating the advantages of new varieties to farmers.
The above would improve the often precarious seed situation and bring new varieties
into full commercial use as soon as practicable. Improved seed quality and supply will
not however on its own solve the fibre supply and quality issues described in the road
map. A broad approach is recommended which includes financial incentives,
instruction to farmers on improved growing and retting techniques; practical
demonstrations and effective information packages given out along with the new seed
varieties are absolutely essential.
Farmers are slow to adopt new practices unless these can be shown to work reliably in
their own local environment and lead to higher incomes. The jute industry is the most
directly interested body in better fibre and improved performance. In the past the
industry has adopted the view that agricultural issues were not directly their problem.
It was left to government departments and institutional agencies to handle the raw jute
production issues. It is apparent that more direct intervention and encouragement in
agricultural matters by the jute manufacturing industry would pay off with important
and valuable long-term dividends.
These start at farm level. There have to be measures to reduce labour inputs in the
retting, harvesting, and extraction of jute. Good planting practice in terms of spacing
and broadcast of seeds, minimising need for water for retting and in extraction, and
mechanised stripping through use of mechanical ribboners that have been covered in
the report.
5.3 Conversion
There was consensus at the workshops and in submissions that there is a need to
reduce the cost of conversion. Again, it is difficult to be precise as to potential gains
without a detailed commodity chain analysis, but the industry is convinced that there
are substantial gains possible. Some have already been experimenting with changes
designed to halve labour inputs but it was felt that there were gaps in availability of
suitable machinery and spare parts and maintenance levels that had to be overcome as
well as a need for assistance to motivate the changes. At the end of the day, only
potential profitability would lead to investment.
A wish list of new technology machines was presented to the Geneva workshop by a
member of the IJSG private sector consultative group. It proposed that a series of
machinery be developed over the next decade to 2015. Whilst addressing some of the
technological details of the new machinery requirements, the submission did not give
any indication as to what this programme might cost nor which companies might
carry it out.
This subject will be addressed below, but due allowance should be made for the fact
that the development costs indicated are strictly estimates only and that the companies
mentioned may or may not want to play any part in the proposed programme of
machine design and development.
Since heavier morah weights (handfuls of raw jute) can now be used the extra labour
of managing the feed and automatic doffing of the second passage is more that
compensated by savings in morah piecing out work and higher individual machine
output. Electrical power input per kilo output will be 25% to 30% higher than the
present single passage norm.
Possible applicants for a grant aided or soft loan aided machinery development
programme include three from Kolkata and one from China.
Estimated cost of developing the new complete two card process with drawings head
with auto levelling and card delivery feed linkage to mill production standard is US$
Possible applicants for a grant aided or soft loan aided machinery development
programme. There are potential applicants from Kolakata, Coimbatore, China and
possibly Chittagong.
5.3.3 High speed & high output drawing frames
The present multi-head spiral drawing frames for the first, second, and or second
intermediate passages will be replaced by single head delivery machines fitted with
large cans, which will run at 250/350 metres per minute effective delivery speed. One
head will have the sliver output of at least five heads of the current screw gill design.
Labour productivity will be double or triple the current levels. The second passage
machine will be fitted with an electronic sliver evenness autoleveller.
Sliver quality in terms of evenness and parallelisation will be 10% better than the
equivalent amount of working over screw-gill drawings due to better short length
fibre control.
Finisher drawings will be redesigned as multi-head delivery machines but with twice
the can size at delivery and with ten instead of twenty deliveries per machine.
Running speed will be doubled and output twice that of today’s machines which
operate on 12 pounds per 1000 yards sliver weight at delivery.
Estimated cost of developing a three stage chain-gill series of drawings and a rotary
(or other gill propulsion system) multi-head finisher to mill production standard is
estimated at US$ 1,500,000.
Possible applicants for a grant aided or soft loan machinery development programme
include 3 from Kolakata and one from china.
In the initial stage of development will be manually doffed but the design will made in
such a way as to permit the subsequent adoption of a doffing robot.
Speeds will be those normally encountered in large diameter ring spinning and
typically between 5,000 and 6,500 rpm. Assuming two sides per spinner labour
productivity will be doubled. Yarn quality will be strictly comparable with
conventional slip draft or apron draft flyer spinning the yarn will be slightly hairier
than flyer spun. This defect can be countered by a modification to be fitted (if needed)
to the precision winding stage of the sales yarn process. Electrical power consumption
per kilo of yarn output will improve by 15%.
Possible shortlist of contenders for the design and development programme under a
grant/soft loan aid programme, include two from Kolkata and one from China.
5.3.5 Automatic spool winding from ended flyer bobbins or
from ring spinning rings
This machine will be an adaptation of the existing technology used mainly for
winding pirns of conventional heavy count textile yarns. Running speeds will be 20%
higher than current jute machinery winding speeds when working from pirns and 10%
higher when working from solid ended bobbins. The machine will have 24 or 32
winding spindles arranged on one side and attended by one or two operators instead of
four or eight as at present. The labour content per kilo produced on the new machine
is thus quadrupled. The cost offset to this large labour saving is that capital costs will
be ten times that of today’s manual winding machines per spindle. On the positive
side is the fact that all yarn will be automatically cleared for slubs and thin places.
When these are detected they are removed and the spindle recommences winding
automatically. The power requirements will be 15% higher per kilo produced than
manual winding and maintenance costs per spindle significantly higher than manual
winding (but within the extra costs anticipated for overall mill parts and maintenance
as a percentage of turnover mentioned earlier). Spool package quality will be
significantly better than that produced by manual winding.
Estimated cost of development to full jute mill acceptance standard is US$ 2,000,000.
Shortlist of contenders for has not yet been established but the eventual supplier is
likely to come from outside the current jute machinery-manufacturing sector.
Estimated funding needed for a jute yarn twister design and manufacturing
programme is about US$ 400,000. Potential builders are to be found in Bangladesh,
China and India.
cost per unit would be low enough to make it an attractive investment if made in the
Indian subcontinent.
Estimated cost for development of a shearing device for jute yarn to mill acceptance,
circa US$ 100,000.
The current mill preference would be for a Dornier quality machine made new in
India but priced at the cost of the second hand Dornier looms currently imported from
EU or USA. More certain of customer acceptance would be a Dornier design loom or
similar made specifically to suit jute at an economic price in India. Productivity by
using this technology will be four to six times the present level, which is achieved by
two conventional shuttle looms being operated by one weaver. (This calculation
assumes a double width shuttleless loom with centre tuck in running at 300 picks per
minute, 80% efficiency and having four looms operated by one weaver).
Power requirement per metre of hessian cloth woven on such a machine will be about
20% higher than the current shuttle loom. Working conditions will be greatly
improved. The main area of contention will be the redesign and development of the
Dornier style loom to enable it to handle the lower quality hessian yarns commonly
produced in most jute mills.
To date a good commercial performance on low-grade Hessian cloth has not been
achieved and in fact it may never be fully achieved. However, provided the yarn raw
material cost is not more than say 3 to 5% higher than that used for shuttle weaving
and that some of the other new spinning technology improvements discussed above
are in place, the shuttleless weaving for hessian can become a viable commercial
proposition for ‘common’ hessian cloths. Up to now the shuttleless weaving units in
the industry have concentrated on manufacturing the more expensive lino hessian
grades of cloth which use higher grades of raw jute which in turn produce a better
yarn quality than that affordable by a mill for what one can call ‘common’ hessian.
Estimated development cost for a machine builder to customise and modify a Dornier
style loom design for the jute industry in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan or China will be
US$ 1,000,000.
Possible list of contenders for the Hessian loom development programme, again are
primarily from India and China.
5.3.9 Sacking loom for narrow sacking fabrics
This machinery design problem has not been solved to the commercial satisfaction of
jute mills in India and Bangladesh. But it is a problem that had been solved many
years ago with the introduction of shuttleless loom technology in many other
countries. Mills were installed successfully using shuttleless weaving for heavy
sacking in Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, a number of African countries, and Cuba.
The reason for this apparent contradiction was that in sack markets outside India
where local manufacturing unit was set up, bag users were prepared to accept and use
a bag woven in a slightly different way to the standard Indian or Bangladesh
In a typical B Twill or heavy C bag the conventional construction of the fabric calls
for the two ends of finer warp yarns to be placed on the warp beam and the ‘heavy’ or
32 pounds per spindle weft yarn to go into the shuttle of an overpick shuttle loom and
be woven in tightly making what are known as ‘true ‘selvedges.
Starting in 1958 a series of shuttles looms made by the Mackie Company, the One
Mack series were designed to work with the heavy yarn on the beam as warp and the
light yarn inserted as weft in a series of double shots. The latest version, called the
MLS loom, came on the market in the 1980s. It runs two cloths at a time and can just
about handle the low quality yarns commonly used in the conventional shuttle using
sacking looms. With some minor re-design and improvement this machine would run
effectively in Kolkata mills or Bangladesh jute mills. Productivity per weaver would
increase by 2.5 to 3 times using MLS looms. Power consumption would be lower per
metre of cloth woven, and the current qualities of yarn would have to be marginally
The most inexpensive and practical way forward would be to officially allow the so
called ‘reverse weave’ sacking construction, to be sold on the same terms as the
current specifications of classic B Twill bags of similar density and weight. The
Indian government buys an immense amount of sacking each year. It can be
demonstrated that ‘reverse weave’ B Twills or heavy C sacks will perform as well in
use as the conventionally woven ones. To allow this weaving technology to take off it
only requires that the official bag specification be widened to include reverse weave.
With that simple step the door could be opened to using this new technology.
Estimated funding needed to perfect the MLS for commercial mill use in Indian or
Bangladesh mills is US$ 750,000. Possible suppliers of the MLS technology looms
are from India and China.
The most likely participant would be the existing company presently undertaking the
current machine development programme.
The time horizon for the design and development work in the overall programme will
depend on the willingness of the parties to move ahead and more importantly on the
availability of finance. In some cases manufacturing licences or partnership agreement
may have to be obtained from overseas participants in Europe and elsewhere.
Generally mill trials will be underway with prototypes in mill use within 3/5 years and
full availability of mill-worthy equipment freely available within ten years.
After allowing for the increased interest and depreciation costs the end result will be
to reduce jute conversion costs per ton of yarn or fabrics by between 10% and 15%.
The relative cost and quality of the raw jute input (the raw material) used by the
proposed new technology would remain at the same levels as currently used.
The total value of the machinery development programme outlined in the Road Map
is about US$ 11,000,000. (Allowing for inaccuracy in these estimates, the range of
financing involved could range from US$ 10 millions to US$ 14 millions).
There is a need for greater transparency in the value commodity chain. Most
of the information required is probably available and at least one corporate
participant at the workshops claimed to have undertaken it. However, although
there is published information on various stages, there is not enough
disaggregated data to allow for a full chain analysis and transparency.
One part of the missing information is on the size and distribution of the
Indian market for woven plastic sacking in various end-use sectors and the
buyer criteria for choosing to use it. This would allow an assessment to be
made of the competitive posture of jute and to likely future demand and
regulatory policy implications and the best way of liberalising the market.
The market for jute sacking in Africa has all but collapsed. Yet there is no
published market survey as to requirements, distribution and costs in a
Continent which used to be an active major buyer of jute packaging and has
substantial production of commodities, some of which are using jute which is
the case for coffee and cocoa and others such as cotton that could profit from
doing so.
There may well be opportunity for regaining and developing markets through
better distribution, sector targeting and promotion.
• Market for jute sacking in South America
Similarly, the market demand for jute packaging has all but collapsed in South
America, which also used to be an important market for jute. A market survey
is required for much the same reasons as those given for Africa above.
Hessian has always been a major export category and traders in particular do
know the major end-uses. Hessian was often imported for further processing
into lighter sacks aimed at specific market requirements. This end-use has
declined in line with that for imported sacking.
There are, however a large number of minority end-uses for hessian that little
is known about and thus little can be done to develop. As a general-purpose
fabric, hessian is long well established and it is likely that there are end-uses
for which it enjoys a strong comparative advantage but which have not been
targeted for development and promotion.
There have been frequent reports of major initiatives to develop use of jute
fibres for glass fibre substitution and plastic composites in general. Few of
them have been implemented and yet there is market sentiment among many
that this end-use offers a good potential opportunity for a major use of lower
grade fibres, which would alleviate the current dependence on sacking for
their use.
The suppliers of synthetic carpet backing for tufted carpets in USA have
recently changed hands. The profitability of cheap synthetic backing and sacks
has resulted in low profitability and the end-use had become less attractive for
plastic manufacturers.
The largest carpet producer in USA has recently acquired the carpet backing
interests of Amoco, which were on sale for the above reasons. There appears
to be a window of opportunity for jute to be re-considered for secondary
backing. This would require various steps to assure the carpet industry of
reliability of supplies, price stability and quality controls.
However, the profitability of exporting jute carpet backing at historic prices
does not appear attractive enough to motivate the jute sector. This may change
with the strategy that has emerged from the Road Map where that if higher
yields are combined with lower conversion costs, it may be possible to
compete in this end-use once again. The advantage is that a substantial volume
of value added fabric could be absorbed.
In Bangladesh the finer yarns have been combined with further treatment to
result in fabrics that appear to offer market opportunity for use in the large and
for jute largely untapped apparel and household furnishings market segments.
There are specific potential end-use markets that could be developed for jute
in much the same as those for food grade sacks in coffee, cocoa and
The rubber sector is one of these opportunities that could be developed. This is
a particularly interesting prospect given the fact that there is familiarity with
the fibre in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Vietnam, which would be
among the major consumers.
applications such as in landscaping and it needs to be promoted to regain some
of the lost momentum.
6.1.3 Agriculture
Emphasis has been on increasing yields in the past even at the cost of lower
quality mix. Farmers had a clear financial incentive to pursue higher yields
and have done so but the incentives to use seeds that lead to better quality fibre
need to be given as well as availability of proven seeds that will increase net
incomes while giving the industry the higher qualities they need to develop
higher value diversified products.
Much is said about the need to alleviate poverty amongst jute farmers. India
seeks to accomplish this through MSP and other regulatory means, Bangladesh
sets mill prices for the public sector and both rely on a stronger market to do
so. However, there needs to be a detailed analysis to ensure that farmers are
actually getting higher nominal prices and a programme to ensure that any
obstacles to that are overcome.
• Introduction and promotion of stem ribboner
This would reduce conversion costs at farm level and would thus be likely to
benefit small farmers in a direct way as well as increasing the efficiency of the
supply chain.
Water is a scarce resource and any steps that improve efficiency of use of
water or reliable supply of water over a longer period would also increase the
efficiency of the value chain as well as farmer incomes.
There have been two programmes with important long term implications directed
towards developing high value added diversified projects. The earlier one was the
UNDP US$23 million project that has led to finer yarns that mostly small and
medium enterprises have been developing into products. However, they individually
lack the capacity to develop export markets and technical assistance is required to
help them develop product-markets.
The second was the NORAD Bangladesh Jute Development Project that built on
developments of finer yarns into higher quality softer fabrics. An evaluation of the
NORAD Project proposed additional investment to upscale the pilot project and a
recently completed review by SEDF has recommended further investment of US$4
6.1.5 Machinery
There are long standing problems of availability of suitable machinery, spares and
technical management that need to be resolved to allow the conversion process to be
made substantially more efficient and jute to be made more competitive. They have
been covered adequately under the machinery section earlier in the previous section of
the Report. The recommendations are summarised below:
• Technical Assistance
• Design and adaptation of machinery
• Assistance to capital investment in machinery design
• Selection of capable and interested companies for machinery development
• Tender process to allocate development funding to interested companies
The total value of the machinery development programme outlined in the Road Map
is about US$ 11,000,000. (Allowing for inaccuracy in these estimates, the range of
financing involved could range from US$ 10 million to US$ 14 million).
6.2 Estimated Costs of Recommendations
Costing is of an indicative nature only at this stage:
1. Further Information
Detailed Commodity Chain Analysis 40,000 20,000 60,000
Synthetic Bag Market in India - 20,000 20,000
Market for Jute Sacking in Africa 60,000 - 60,000
Market for sacking in South America 60,000 - 60,000
End use applications for hessian 60,000 20,000 80,000
Feasibility in plastic composites 100,000 20,000 120,000
Sub-total 320,000 80,000 400,000
5. Machinery
TA design and adaptation 500,000 1,500,000 2,000,000
High output spreaders 100,000 900,000 1,000,000
Breaker and finisher cards 200,000 2,000,000 2,200,000
Drawing frames 150,000 1,350,000 1,500,000
Ring spinning 260,000 2,000,000 2,260,000
Ring twisting frames 40,000 360,000 400,000
Shuttless loom for hessian 100,000 900,000 1,000,000
Sacking loom 50,000 700,000 750,000
Jute bag sewing 100,000 300,000 400,000
Sub-total 1,500,000 10,010,000 11,510,000
The above package could be developed as a project. One source would be for
Bangladesh and India to ask for an EC Mission to prepare a regional jute sector
project. There are various Trust Funds that could be approached. Or it could be
approached as an investment by IFC, EDF, or others.