2D Numerical Simulations of Soil Nail Walls
2D Numerical Simulations of Soil Nail Walls
2D Numerical Simulations of Soil Nail Walls
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Received: 11 November 2008 / Accepted: 10 December 2009 / Published online: 25 December 2009
Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009
300 Geotech Geol Eng (2010) 28:299–309
Sivakumar Babu et al. 2002; Fan and Luo 2008). Few according the allowable stress design procedure given
researchers have used advanced soil models such as in FHWA (2003). Table 1 summarises the geometric
Duncan-Chang hyperbolic model (e.g. Briaud and configuration and other design details of the soil nail
Lim 1997), SP model—a modified Mohr-Coulomb wall. PLAXIS (2006) is used to carry out the finite
model incorporating strain softening behavior (Cheuk element based simulations of the soil nail wall
et al. 2005), Drucker-Prager yield criterion (Ng and considering it as a plane strain problem and account-
Lee 2002) and Hardening soil model (Liew and Khoo ing for the long term behaviour using drained
2006) for simulating soil behavior in the numerical conditions. Numerical simulations of the soil nail
modeling of soil nail walls. Brinkgreve et al. (2006) wall are performed considering MC-model, HS-
reported that the high stiffness of soils at very small- model and HSsmall soil models and observations
strains (\10-5) may play an important role in the are made regarding global stability, displacements of
applications such as embankments, foundations and the excavation base, lateral deformations and axial
excavations with ‘engineering strain levels’ ([10-3; forces in the nails after each construction stage.
defined as range of shear strains that can be measured Given below is the brief description about the various
in conventional laboratory tests such as triaxial and model parameters required in MC-model, HS-model
oedometer tests without special instrumentation). and HSsmall soil models used to simulate soil nail
Benz (2007) developed HSsmall model accounting wall. Primary objective of the study being to bring
for the small strain stiffness of the soil. From the out the implications of the use of different soil
observations reported in the literature, it is evident models, typical values of the various soil model
that the use of advanced soil models provides more parameters for the study are adopted from Brinkgreve
realistic response of the simulated structures, but at et al. (2006) and are summarised in Table 2.
the same time, may require greater capacity of the
computational machine, may increase computational 2.1 Mohr-Coulomb Model (MC-model)
time drastically, may need sophisticated geotechnical
investigation and demand for more experienced and MC-model is an elastic perfectly plastic model,
judicious selection of the model parameters. Thus, it which combines Hooke’s law and the Coulomb’s
becomes desirable to assess the implications of the failure criterion. It is a first order model for soils
use of advanced soil models over conventional Mohr- which requires the five basic input parameters namely
Coulomb model for any particular application. In the Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s m for soil elasticity,
present study, two advanced soil models namely,
HS-model (Hardening soil model) and HSsmall Table 1 Soil nail wall geometry and other parameters
model (Hardening soil with small strain stiffness
Parameter Value
model) are benchmarked with respect to the most
prevalently used MC-model (Mohr-Coulomb model) Vertical height of the wall H (m) 10.0
for the numerical simulations of the soil nail walls. Face batter a (deg) 0.0
In addition to the above, the present study brings Backslope angle b (deg) 0.0
out the implications of the consideration of bending Nailing type Grouted
stiffness of nails and finite element mesh density on Grouted nails and facing
the simulation results of the soil nail walls. Following Material model Elastic
section discusses the methodology and the various Yield strength of reinforcement fy (MPa) 415.0
material parameters adopted for the study. Elasticity modulus of reinforcement En (GPa) 200.0
Elasticity modulus of grout (concrete) Eg (GPa) 22.0
Diameter of reinforcement d (mm) 20.0
2 Methodology and Material Parameters Drill hole diameter DDH (mm) 100.0
Length of nail L (m) 7.0
For the purpose of illustration and better understand-
Inclination wrt horizontal i (deg) 15.0
ing, a typical 10 m high soil nail wall with vertical
Spacing Sh 9 Sv (m 9 m) 1.0 9 1.0
face and horizontal backfill is considered for the
Facing thickness t (mm) 200.0
study. Design of the soil nail wall is carried out
Geotech Geol Eng (2010) 28:299–309 301
soil friction angle u and soil cohesion c for soil 2.3 Hardening-Soil with Small Strain Stiffness
plasticity, and the dilatancy angle w. Since the pre- Model (HSsmall model)
failure stiffness behavior is assumed to be linear
elastic, the model has a limitation in terms of The HSsmall model (Benz 2007) is a modification of
prediction of the deformation behavior before failure the Hardening Soil model that accounts for the
(Callisto et al. 1999). increased stiffness of soils at small strains. At low
strain levels most soils exhibit a higher stiffness than
2.2 Hardening-Soil Model (HS-model) at engineering strain levels; this stiffness varies non-
linearly with strain. This behaviour is described in the
Schanz et al. (1999) provides information about the HSsmall model using two additional strain-history
formulation, various model parameters and verifica- material parameters: (a) the initial or very small-
tion of HS-model. It is an advanced soil model strain shear modulus G0 and (b) the shear strain level
capable of simulating both soft and stiff soils. Similar c0.7 at which the secant shear modulus G is reduced to
to MC-model, failure in HS-model is defined by 70% of G0.
means of Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Unlike the
MC-model, the HS-model accounts for the increase
in stiffness with pressure. The model uses a power 3 Finite Element Simulations
law formulation for stress-dependent stiffness similar
to the one used in the Duncan-Chang hyperbolic As mentioned earlier, soil nail wall is modeled as a
model (Duncan and Chang 1970). The HS-model plane strain problem and long term behavior is
requires 11 input parameters, i.e. three reference simulated using drained analysis conditions. 15-no-
stiffness parameters; the triaxial loading stiffness E50, ded triangular elements are used for generating finite
the triaxial unloading stiffness Eur and the oedometer element mesh of appropriate density. Coarse mesh
loading stiffness Eoed. A power m parameter for the density is adopted globally, which is refined to fine
stress-dependent stiffness formulation, a Poisson’s density in the vicinity of the soil nail wall (Fig. 1).
ratio for loading and unloading mur, the Mohr- Mesh boundaries are placed far enough so as to
Coulomb strength parameters u and c, the dilatancy minimise the influence of mesh boundaries on the
angle w, a K0-value, and a parameter called the results of the numerical simulation (Briaud and Lim
failure ratio Rf which determines the strain level at 1997). Figure 1 shows the simulated soil nail wall
failure and pref a reference stress for stiffnesses. with dimensions and various parameters including in
302 Geotech Geol Eng (2010) 28:299–309
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this method is more general and flexible and it is negligible influence on the evaluation of global
more advantageous particularly when the failure stability of the soil nail wall using numerical
mechanism is complex as in the case of soil nail simulations.
4.2 Influence of Material Models on Base Heave
of Excavation
4 Soil Models and Response of Soil Nail Wall
FHWA (2003) identifies basal heave or bearing
For the soil nail wall defined by parameters given in capacity failure as one of the external failure mode
Tables 1 and 2, and using the methodology presented for soil nail walls. This failure mode may be of
earlier; various important aspects of the soil nail concern when a soil nail wall is excavated in soft
walls are studied. Observations are made from the soils. Because the wall facing does not extend below
numerical simulations of the soil nail wall using the bottom of the excavation, the unbalanced load due
different material models namely MC-model, to the excavation may cause the bottom the excava-
HS-model and HSsmall model, and are discussed in tion to heave and stimulate a bearing capacity failure
the following sub-sections. It is worth mentioning of the foundation. Figure 3 shows upward heave or
that for the same finite element mesh density and the displacement of the excavated soil in front of the
geometric parameters, the overall calculation time for soil nail wall face with construction stages for the soil
the numerical simulation of the soil nail wall nail wall simulated using three different material
increased to about 4–5 times by the use of HS-model models. For each construction stage, base heave
and to about 9–10 times by the use of HSsmall model shown in Fig. 3 is the maximum value of the vertical
in comparison to the MC-model. upward displacement of excavation base BC (see
Fig. 1). From Fig. 3, it is evident that MC-model
4.1 Influence of Material Models on Global over-estimates the base heave of the excavation face
Stability to almost twice as that predicted by HS-model or
HSsmall model. This observation regarding over-
Figure 2 shows the trend in the variation of the factor prediction of base heave is in good agreement with
of safety for global safety with construction stages of literature (e.g. Callisto et al. 1999; Brinkgreve et al.
the soil nail wall simulated using three different 2006) and may be attributed to the consideration of
material models. From Fig. 2, it is evident that all the linear elastic pre-failure soil behavior assumed in
three material models capture similar response. In MC-model formulation. Thus, whenever, soil nailing
other words, use of advanced soil models has walls in soft soil conditions are numerically
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Table 3. It is to be noted that this analysis is of advanced soil models is found to be essential when
performed using MC-model. From Table 3, it can very small lateral displacement of the soil nail wall is
be observed that global factor of safety varies likely to influence the stability and deformation
significantly from 1.61 for very coarse mesh to 1.52 requirements. Also, when soil nail walls are founded
for very fine mesh. Also, maximum lateral displace- in soft soils, contrary to MC-model, use of advanced
ments varied from 20.93 mm for very coarse mesh to soil models provides more appropriate estimate of the
28.35 mm for very fine mesh. Similar trends are basal heave of the excavation. Considering the
observed for the stress parameters in nails such as importance of the selection of suitable model param-
development of axial force, bending moment and eters and drastic increase in the calculation time in
shear force. Though, denser mesh may result in more case of advanced soil models, for general practical
accurate analysis, it is important to note that applications where lateral displacements are not
increasing the mesh density results in drastic increase critical, use of MC-model is found reasonable for
in the overall calculation time (see Table 3). Thus, the numerical simulations based analysis of soil nail
appropriate mesh density shall be used depending walls.
upon the degree of accuracy required and the capacity Since, often computational tools are employed to
of the computing machine. In general, coarse mesh assess the stability and performance of the soil nail
density globally and fine mesh density in the vicinity walls, results of the present study indicate that
of the soil nail wall may be used. consideration of the bending stiffness of soil nails in
the numerical simulations of soil nail walls may
provide better insight into the facing failure modes
7 Concluding Remarks and is found significant during the construction stage.
Further, influence of mesh density on the numerical
This study provides a comparison of the use of analysis of soil nail walls is studied and use of
advanced soil models such as HS-model and HSsmall appropriate finite element mesh density is highlighted.
model in lieu of the most prevalently used MC-model
in the numerical simulations of soil nail walls. Acknowledgments The work presented in this study is a part
of the research project Guidelines for Soil Nailing Technique in
Implications of the consideration of bending stiffness Highway Engineering (R-86) financed by the Ministry of
of soil nails in the analysis using computational tools Shipping, Road Transport and Highways, Government of India,
have also been brought out. Results of the finite New Delhi. The authors express thanks to the Ministry for
element based plane strain simulations of a typical funding and providing necessary support for the project.
soil nail wall indicate that the advanced soil models
considered in the present study have nominal influ-
ence on the overall soil nail wall stability analysis and
the development of stress elements such as axial Benz T (2007) Small-strain stiffness of soils and its numerical
forces, bending moments and shear forces in the soil consequences. PhD Thesis, Institüt für Geotechnik, Uni-
nails. However, in agreement with the literature, use versität Stuttgart, Germany
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