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Bhalotia Classes (9883034569): I.

T 3rd Semester (Hons & Pass)

1 Day Maths crash course may be conducted @ ₹ 500

[on 7th January at 1.30 pm on sufficient demand]
Unit 1:
Information Technology and Business – An Overview
1. What do you mean by Data? [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**
Data can be defined as a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formalized manner, which
should be suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or electronic machine.
Data is represented with the help of characters such as alphabets (A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9) or special
characters (+,-,/,*,<,>,= etc.)
what is data:
Data are plain facts. The word "data" is plural for "datum." When data are processed, organized,
structured or presented in a given context so as to make them useful, they are called Information.
It is not enough to have data (such as statistics on the economy). Data themselves are fairly useless, but
when these data are interpreted and processed to determine its true meaning, they becomes useful and can
be named as Information.
Data is the raw material that can be processed by any computing machine. Data can be represented in the
form of: Numbers and words which can be stored in computer's language
Examples of data are name of employees 'Weights, prices, number of items etc.

2. What do you mean by Information? [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

Information is data that has been converted into a more useful or intelligible form. It is the set of data that
has been organized for direct utilization of mankind, as information helps human beings in their decision
making process. Examples are: Time Table, Merit List, Report card, Headed tables, printed documents,
pay slips, receipts, reports etc. The information is obtained by assembling items of data into a meaningful
form. For example, marks obtained by students and their roll numbers form data, the report card/sheet is
the information. Other forms of information are pay-slips, schedules, reports, worksheet, bar charts,
invoices and account returns etc. It may be noted that information may further be processed and/or
manipulated to form knowledge. Information containing wisdom is known as knowledge.
What is Information?
Information is organized or classified data, which has some meaningful values for the receiver.
Information is the processed data on which decisions and actions are based.
For the decision to be meaningful, the processed data must qualify for the following characteristics −
 Timely − Information should be available when required.
 Accuracy − Information should be accurate.
 Completeness − Information should be complete.

4. Computer Based Information Systems [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

Information system can be manual or it can be operated by some machines like computers. When
information system is operated by any computer then it is called computer based information system.
The elements of computer based information systems are:

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i. Hardware: The computer equipment used to perform input, processing, and output activities.
ii. Software: The computer programs that govern the operation of the computer.
iii. Database: It is an organized collection of facts and information, typically consisting of two or
more related data files.
iv. People: It is the most important element in most computer-based information systems.
v. Procedures: It includes the strategies, policies, method and rules for using the CBIS.

11. Discuss the impact of information technology in the development of

1. Business Application: Presently computers have been used commercially in business
administration for processing, storing and retrieving information. This is due to widespread
use of computers and its improvement. Sophisticated new types of software began to appear
on the market, giving a helping hand with organizing the mass of complex data on which
information system were feeding. The advent of database and more sophisticated and powerful
mainframe computers gave rise to the idea of developing corporate database, in order to
supply management with information about the business.
2. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): BPO is a process in which one company hires another
company to handle its own business activities.
3. Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO): An offshoot or sub-system of BPO is KPO. It
includes those activities that require greater skill knowledge, education and expertise to
4. Intra-organizational and inter-organizational communication by using network technology:
These are business terms. “Intra” mean “within, internal”. “Inter” means “between, external”.
The intra-organizational communication refers to internal memos, internets, personal
communication, and team meetings. Inter-organizational communication occurs between
different companies, and would include official letters and invoices, bills, proposals etc. most
of the organizations use Local Area Network (LAN) to establish intra-organizational
communication and Wide Area Network (WAN) to establish inter-organizational
communication. Some trading partners also adopt Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for
electronically transmitted documents like Purchase order, Invoice, remittance advice and other
standard business correspondence in standard computer format which is agreed upon by
trading partners.

12. What are the different types of Information system? [RKB]****

1. Transaction Processing System (TPS): The operational management level uses transaction
processing system. The TPS is used to capture, classify, organize, store, maintain, update, and
retrieve simple transaction data for keeping records and to provide data to MIS and DSS.
2. Management Information System (MIS): This system is a computer-based system that
provides flexible and speedy access to accurate data to key managerial personnel of the middle
management level of the organisations. This system makes use of the output generated by
Transaction Processing System. MIS can only address formal, often qualifieable and non-
trivial decision-making situation of organization.
3. Decision Support System (DSS): This system is intended to help individual top level
managers in their decision making capacity, generally involving decisions belonging to the
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non-programmed category. Such System needs access to the large information generated by
office automation system and transaction processing systems.
4. Knowledge Management System (KMS): It is the process of capturing, developing, sharing
and effectively using organizational knowledge. It refers of a multi-disciplined approach to
achieving organizational objectives by making the best use of knowledge.

17. Pyramid Diagram of Managerial levels [RKB]**

18. Operational management level [RKB]**

The operational level is concerned with performing day to day business transactions of the
Examples of users at this level of management include cashiers at a point of sale, bank tellers, nur ses
in a hospital, customer care staff, etc.
Users at this level use make structured decisions. This means that they have defined rules that guides
them while making decisions.
For example, if a store sells items on credit and they have a credit policy that has some set limit on the
borrowing. All the sales person needs to decide whether to give credit to a customer or not is based on
the current credit information from the system.

19. Tactical Management Level [RKB]*

This organization level is dominated by middle-level managers, heads of departments, supervisors,
etc. The users at this level usually oversee the activities of the users at the operational management
Tactical users make semi-structured decisions. The decisions are partly based on set guidelines and
judgmental calls. As an example, a tactical manager can check the credit limit and payments history of
a customer and decide to make an exception to raise the credit limit for a particular customer. The
decision is partly structured in the sense that the tactical manager has to use existing information to
identify a payments history that benefits the organization and an allowed increase percentage.

20. Strategic Management Level [RKB]*

This is the most senior level in an organization. The users at this level make unstructured decisions.
Senior level managers are concerned with the long-term planning of the organization. They use
information from tactical managers and external data to guide them when making unstructured decisions.

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MCQ of 1 Marks & 2 Marks Each

1. _________can be defined as a representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a
formalized manner, which should be suitable for communication, interpretation, or
processing by human or electronic machine
(a) Data
(b) Information
(c) Hardware
(d) Software
2. When data are processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make
them useful, they are called __________****
(a) Database
(b) Information
(c) Hardware
(d) Software
3. Data themselves are fairly useless, but when these data are interpreted and processed to
determine its true meaning, they becomes useful and can be named as __________
(a) Database
(b) Information
(c) Hardware
(d) Software
4. _________is the raw material that can be processed by any computing machine. It can be
represented in the form of Numbers and words which can be stored in computer's language
(a) Data
(b) Information
(c) Hardware
(d) Software
5. __________is data that has been converted into a more useful or intelligible form. It is the set
of data that has been organized for direct utilization of mankind, as information helps
human beings in their decision making process
(a) Database
(b) Information
(c) Hardware
(d) Software
6. __________is the processed data on which decisions and actions are based.
(a) Database
(b) Information
(c) Hardware
(d) Software
7. The elements of computer based information systems are:
(a) Database
(b) Hardware
(c) Software
(d) All of the above
8. Pay slips , Invoice, mark sheet etc are examples of ____________
(a) Database
(b) Information
(c) Hardware
(d) Software

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9. It is an organized collection of facts and information, typically consisting of two or more
related data files.
(a) Database
(b) Procedures
(c) Hardware
(d) Software
10. __________usually includes all operations performed on data disclosure, management, use
and collection of data within a company. ****
(a) data processing
(b) Database
(c) Information
(d) Procedures
11. Types of Data Processing are______________
(a) Manual Data Processing
(b) Mechanical Data Processing
(c) Electronic Data Processing
(d) All of the above
12. This is the ―old-fashioned‖ way of doing it before the invention of calculators. Here data
processing is done ―by hand‖, the process is slow and all mistakes are due to ―human error.‖
(a) Manual Data Processing
(b) Mechanical Data Processing
(c) Electronic Data Processing
(d) All of the above
13. __________results improved dramatically with the addition of typewriters and calculators.
However, speed and errors were still very much a function of ―human operators.‖
(a) Manual Data Processing
(b) Mechanical Data Processing
(c) Electronic Data Processing
(d) All of the above
14. __________uses computers to facilitate processing requirements
(a) Manual Data Processing
(b) Mechanical Data Processing
(c) Electronic Data Processing
(d) All of the above
15. Which of the following is the correct sequence of data processing cycle
(a) Input - Processing - Output - Interpretation
(b) Processing - Input - Output - Interpretation
(c) Output- Input - Processing - Interpretation
(d) Interpretation - Input - Processing - Output
16. Which of the following are Steps in Business Data Processing
(a) Editing & Coding
(b) Data Entry & Validation
(c) Tabulation
(d) All of the above
17. ____________refers to internal memos, intranet, personal communication, and team
(a) Intra-organizational communication
(b) Inter-organizational communication
(c) Inter-personal communication
(d) Internet communication

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18. The process of ___________involves the transmission of data/information/feelings between
the various senses or pathways.
(a) Intra-personal communication
(b) Intra-organizational communication
(c) Intranet communication
(d) Inter-personal communication
19. ____________classifies communication that is internal within the organization; it describes
the use of company magazines or newsletters which are used as the communication channel.
(a) Intra-personal communication
(b) Intra-organizational communication
(c) Intranet communication
(d) Inter-personal communication
20. ________is a form of communication channel using computer-based technology harnessed by
the organization to allow internal communication to take place – e.g. an internal email
(a) Intra-personal communication
(b) Intra-organizational communication
(c) Intranet communication
(d) Inter-personal communication
21. _________occurs between different companies, and would include official letters and
invoices, bills, proposals etc.
(a) Intra-personal communication
(b) Intra-organizational communication
(c) Intranet communication
(d) Inter-personal communication
22. Most of the organizations use ________to establish intra-organizational communication
(a) Local Area Network (LAN)
(b) Wide Area Network (WAN)
(c) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
(d) All of the above
23. Most of the organizations use ______to establish inter-organizational communication
(a) Local Area Network (LAN)
(b) Wide Area Network (WAN)
(c) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
(d) All of the above
24. _____________involves the exchange of message/information/data across communication
channel from one person to another or one group to another.
(a) Inter-personal communication
(b) Inter-organizational communication
(c) Internet communication
(d) All of the above
25. __________describes communication between separate organizations
(a) Inter-personal communication
(b) Inter-organizational communication
(c) Internet communication
(d) All of the above
26. _________uses a computer-based system that is open to the users – eg World-Wide-Web.
(a) Inter-personal communication
(b) Inter-organizational communication
(c) Internet communication

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27. ____is a process in which one company hires another company to handle its own business
(a) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO):
(b) human resources Outsourcing (HRO):
(c) Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO)
(d) legal process outsourcing (LPO)
28. __________is the contracting of non-primary business activities and functions to a third-
party provider
(a) Business Process Outsourcing (BPO):
(b) human resources Outsourcing (HRO):
(c) Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO)
(d) legal process outsourcing (LPO)
29. BPO services includes:
(a) payroll,
(b) human resources (HR),
(c) accounting and customer/call center relations.
(d) All of the above
30. BPO is also known as ___________
(a) Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES).
(b) human resources Outsourcing (HRO):
(c) Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO)
(d) legal process outsourcing (LPO)
31. ____________is the obtaining of services from someone outside a company but within the
same country.****
(a) Onshore outsourcing (also called domestic outsourcing)
(b) Nearshore Outsourcing
(c) Offshore outsourcing
(d) All of the above
32. ____________is the practice of getting work done or services performed by people in
neighboring countries rather than in your own country.
(a) Onshore outsourcing
(b) domestic outsourcing
(c) Nearshore Outsourcing
(d) Offshore outsourcing
33. ___________a type of business process outsourcing (BPO), is the exporting of IT-related
work from the United States and other developed countries to areas of the world where there
is both political stability and lower labor costs or tax savings.
(a) Onshore outsourcing
(b) domestic outsourcing
(c) Nearshore Outsourcing
(d) Offshore outsourcing
34. BPO Business Process Outsourcing offers following advantages
(a) Cost Reduction
(b) Focus on your Business
(c) Improved Productivity
(d) All of the above
35. ____________is one-step extension of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO):
(a) Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)
(b) legal process outsourcing (LPO)
(c) human resources Outsourcing (HRO):

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36. ______may be defined as high added value process chain where the achievement of objective
is highly dependent on skills, domain knowledge and expertise of people out actually.****
(a) Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)
(b) legal process outsourcing (LPO)
(c) human resources Outsourcing (HRO):
(d) Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES).
37. __________is the outsourcing of core, information-related business activities, meaning
that knowledge and information-related work is carried out by workers in a different
company or by a subsidiary of the same organization.
(a) Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)
(b) legal process outsourcing (LPO)
(c) human resources Outsourcing (HRO):
(d) Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES).
38. ____________is the allocation of relatively high-level tasks, to an outside organization or a
different group in a different geographic location
(a) Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)
(b) legal process outsourcing (LPO)
(c) human resources Outsourcing (HRO):
(d) Information Technology Enabled Services (ITES).
39. Some challenges faced by KPO includes __________
(a) high initial investment
(b) maintaining higher quality standards & enhanced risk management
(c) ensuring information security and confidentially of the client.
(d) All of the above
40. What are the different types of Information system
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
(e) All of the above
41. A ___________________is an information processing system for business transactions
involving the collection, modification and retrieval of all transaction data.****
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
42. ___________is also known as transaction processing or real-time processing.
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
43. Payroll, inventory control, order entry, accounts payable, accounts receivable etc are
examples of ____________
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)

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44. ___________are used to record day to day business transactions of the organization.
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
45. Point of Sale Systems; Payroll systems; Stock Control systems; Airline booking systems etc
are examples of ______________
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
46. ___________is a collection of systems, hardware, procedures and people that all work
together to process, store, and produce information that is useful to the organization.****
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
47. The following are some of the justifications for having an MIS system
(a) Decision makers need information to make effective decisions.
(b) MIS systems facilitate communication within and outside the organization –
(c) Record keeping –
(d) All of the above
48. People, Data , Business Procedures, Hardware, Software etc are the major components of a
typical _______________
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
49. __________are used by tactical managers to monitor the organization's current performance
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
50. Sales management systems; Budgeting systems ; Human resource management system etc
are Examples of ____________
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
51. The output from a transaction processing system is used as input to a _________
(a) Management Information System (MIS)
(b) Decision Support System (DSS)
(c) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
(d) All of the above
52. _________are used by top level managers to make semi-structured decisions.
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)

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53. The output from the Management Information System is used as input to the________
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Decision Support System (DSS)
(c) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
(d) All of the above
54. ____________is a computerized information system used to support decision-making in an
organization or a business.
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
55. A _________can be used by operations management and planning levels in an organization to
compile information and data and synthesize it into actionable intelligence. This allows the
end user to make more informed decisions at a quicker pace
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
56. __________are used by senior management to make non-routine decisions
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
57. Financial planning systems; Bank loan management systems etc are examples of _________
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
58. _________is a system for applying and using knowledge management principles.
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
59. _______refer to any kind of IT system that stores and retrieves knowledge, improves
collaboration, locates knowledge sources, mines repositories for hidden knowledge, captures
and uses knowledge
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
60. ____________includes data-driven objectives around business productivity, a competitive
business model, business intelligence analysis and more.
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
61. A Knowledge Management System is an application designed to capture all the information
within your organization and make it easily available to your employees, anywhere, anytime
(a) Decision Support System (DSS)
(b) Knowledge Management System (KMS)

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62. __________comprises a range of practices used in an organization to identify, create,
represent, distribute, and enable adoption to insight and experience
(a) Transaction Processing System (TPS)
(b) Management Information System (MIS)
(c) Decision Support System (DSS)
(d) Knowledge Management System (KMS)
63. Tangible benefits of using KMS includes _____________
(a) Improved distribution of knowledge
(b) Greater information accuracy and consistency
(c) Less time spent looking for answers
(d) All of the above
64. Purpose of KMS includes _____________
(a) Improved performance
(b) Competitive advantage
(c) Innovation
(d) All of the above
65. The _______concerned with performing day to day business transactions of the organization.
(a) Operational management level
(b) Tactical Management Level
(c) Strategic Management Level
(d) All of the above
66. Examples of users at this level of management include cashiers at a point of sale, bank tellers,
nurses in a hospital, customer care staff, etc.
(a) Operational management level
(b) Tactical Management Level
(c) Strategic Management Level
(d) All of the above
67. Users at this level user make structured decisions. This means that they have defined rules
that guides them while making decisions.
(a) Operational management level
(b) Tactical Management Level
(c) Strategic Management Level
(d) All of the above
68. This organization level is dominated by middle-level managers, heads of departments,
supervisors, etc. The users at this level usually oversee the activities of the users at the
operational management level.
(a) Operational management level
(b) Tactical Management Level
(c) Strategic Management Level
(d) All of the above
69. Users of ________________make semi-structured decisions.
(a) Operational management level
(b) Tactical Management Level
(c) Strategic Management Level
(d) All of the above
70. This is the most senior level in an organization. The users make unstructured decisions.****
(a) Operational management level
(b) Tactical Management Level
(c) Strategic Management Level
(d) All of the above

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Unit 2:
Data Organization and Data Base Management
System [10 Marks]
2. Hierarchy of Data: Character, field, record, file and database [RKB]****
Hierarchy of Data:
Data are the principal resources of an organization. Data stored in computer systems form a hierarchy
extending from a single bit to a database, the major record-keeping entity of a firm. Each higher rung of
this hierarchy is organized from the components below it.
Data are logically organized into:
1. Bits (characters)
2. Fields
3. Records
4. Files
5. Databases
1. Bit (Character) - a bit is the smallest unit of data representation (value of a bit may be a 0 or 1).
Eight bits make a byte which can represent a character or a special symbol in a character code.
2. Field - a field consists of a grouping of characters. A data field represents an attribute (a
characteristic or quality) of some entity (object, person, place, or event).
3. Record - a record represents a collection of attributes that describe a real-world entity. A record
consists of fields, with each field describing an attribute of the entity.
4. File - a group of related records. Files are frequently classified by the application for which they are
primarily used (employee file). A primary key in a file is the field (or fields) whose value identifies a
record among others in a data file.
5. Database - is an integrated collection of logically related records or files. A database consolidates
records previously stored in separate files into a common pool of data records that provides data for
many applications. The data is managed by systems software called database management systems
(DBMS). The data stored in a database is independent of the application programs using it and of the
types of secondary storage devices on which it is stored.

3. Types of data processing systems [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**

What is data processing?
Data processing can be understood as the conversion of raw data to meaningful information through a
process and the conversion is called ” data processing“. There are number of methods and techniques
which can be adopted for processing of data depending upon the requirements, time availability, software
and hardware capability of the technology being used for data processing.
Types of data processing on basis of process/steps performed:
(a) Serial,
(b) Batch,
(c) Real-time,
(d) Online,
(e) Centralized,
(f) Distributed

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4. Serial Processing: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****
Serial Processing:
The Serial Processing Operating Systems are those which Performs all the instructions into a Sequence
Manner or the Instructions those are given by the user will be executed by using the FIFO Manner means
First in First Out. All the Instructions those are Entered First in the System will be Executed First and the
Instructions those are Entered Later Will be Executed Later. For Running the Instructions the Program
Counter is used which is used for Executing all the Instructions.
In this the Program Counter will determines which instruction is going to Execute and the which
instruction will be Execute after this. Mainly the Punch Cards are used for this. In this all the Jobs are
firstly Prepared and Stored on the Card and after that card will be entered in the System and after that all
the Instructions will be executed one by One. But the Main Problem is that a user doesn’t interact with
the System while he is working on the System, means the user can’t be able to enter the data for

5. Batch Processing: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

Batch Processing:
The Batch Processing is same as the Serial Processing Technique. But in the Batch Processing Similar
Types of jobs are Firstly Prepared and they are Stored on the Card. and that card will be Submit to the
System for the Processing. The System then Perform all the Operations on the Instructions one by one.
And a user can’t be Able to specify any input. And Operating System wills increments his Program
Counter for Executing the Next Instruction.
The Main Problem is that the Jobs those are prepared for Execution must be the Same Type and if a job
requires for any type of Input then this will not be Possible for the user. And Many Time will be wasted
for Preparing the Batch. The Batch Contains the Jobs and all those jobs will be executed without the user
Intervention. And Operating System will use the LOAD and RUN Operation. This will first LOAD the
Job from the Card and after that he will execute the instructions. By using the RUN Command.
The Speed of the Processing the Job will be Depend on the Jobs and the Results those are produced by
the System in difference of Time which is used for giving or submit the Job and the Time which is used
for Displaying the Results on the Screen.

6. Real time processing – [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

Real time processing –
As the name suggests this method is used for carrying out real-time processing. This is required where the
results are displayed immediately or in lowest time possible. The data fed to the software is used almost
instantaneously for processing purpose. The nature of processing of this type of data processing requires
use of internet connection and data is stored/used online. No lag is expected/acceptable in this type and
receiving and processing of transaction is carried out simultaneously. This method is costly than batch
processing as the hardware and software capabilities are better. Example includes banking system, tickets
booking for flights, trains, movie tickets, rental agencies etc.

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7. Online processing [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

Online processing –
This processing method is a part of automatic processing method. This method at times known as direct
or random access processing. Under this method the job received by the system is processed at same time
of receiving. This can be considered and often mixed with real-time processing. This system features
random and rapid input of transaction and user defied/ demanded direct access to data bases/content when

8. Centralised Processing [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

Centralised Processing
Centralised Processing performed in one computer or in a cluster of coupled computers in a single
location. Access to the computer is via "dumb terminals," which send only input and receive output or
"smart terminals," which add screen formatting. All data processing is performed in the central computer.

9. Distributed Processing [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

Distributed Processing
Distributed Means Data is Stored and Processed on Multiple Locations. When a Data is stored on to the
Multiple Computers, those are placed in Different Locations. Distributed means In the Network, Network
Collections of Computers are connected with Each other.
Then if we want to Take Some Data From other Computer, Then we uses the Distributed Processing
System. And we can also Insert and Remove the Data from out Location to another Location. In this Data
is shared between many users. And we can also Access all the Input and Output Devices are also accessed
by Multiple Users.
10. File Organizations [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***
File Organization:
Data files are organized so as to facilitate access to records and to ensure their efficient storage. A trade
off between these two requirements generally exists: if rapid access is required, more storage is required
to make it possible.
Access to a record for reading it is the essential operation on data. There are two types of access:
1. Sequential access - is performed when records are accessed in the order they are stored. Sequential
access is the main access mode only in batch systems, where files are used and updated at regular
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2. Direct access - on-line processing requires direct access, whereby a record can be accessed without
accessing the records between it and the beginning of the file. The primary key serves to identify the
needed record.
There are Four methods of file organization:
1. Sequential organization
2. Indexed-sequential organization
3. Direct organization
4. Relative organization

11. Sequential file organization [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

Sequential file consists of records that are stored and accessed in sequential order. Following are the key
attributes of sequential file organization −
 Records can be read in sequential order. For reading the 10th record, all the previous 9 records
should be read.
 Records are written in sequential order. A new record cannot be inserted in between. A new record is
always inserted at the end of the file.
 After placing a record into a sequential file, it is not possible to delete, shorten, or lengthen a record.
 Order of the records, once inserted, can never be changed.
 Updation of record is possible. A record can be overwritten, if the new record length is same as the
old record length.
 Sequential output files are good option for printing.

12. Indexed-sequential file organization [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

This is an advanced sequential file organization method. Here records are stored in order of primary key
in the file. Using the primary key, the records are sorted. For each primary key, an index value is
generated and mapped with the record. This index is nothing but the address of record in the file.
An indexed sequential file consists of records that can be accessed sequentially. Direct access is also
possible. It consists of two parts −
 Data File contains records in sequential scheme.
 Index File contains the primary key and its address in the data file.
Following are the key attributes of sequential file organization −
 Records can be read in sequential order just like in sequential file organization.
 Records can be accessed randomly if the primary key is known. Index file is used to get the
address of a record and then the record is fetched from the data file.
 Sorted index is maintained in this file system which relates the key value to the position of the
record in the file.
 Alternate index can also be created to fetch the records.

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13. Direct file organization [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*
Direct file organization provides the fastest direct access to records. When using direct access methods,
records do not have to be arranged in any particular sequence on storage media. Characteristics of the
direct access method include:
(a) Computers must keep track of the storage location of each record using a variety of direct
organization methods so that data can be retrieved when needed.
(b) New transactions' data do not have to be sorted.
(c) Processing that requires immediate responses or updating is easily performed.

14. Relative file organization [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

Relative File Organization
A relative file consists of records ordered by their relative address. Following are the key attributes of
relative file organization −
 Records can be read in sequential order just like in sequential and indexed file organization.
 Records can be accessed using relative key. Relative key represents the record’s location relative
to the address of the start of the file.
 Records can be inserted using relative key. Relative address is calculated using relative key.
 Relative file provides the fastest access to the records.
 The main disadvantage of this file system is that if some intermediate records are missing, they
will also occupy space.

15. Traditional File Organization [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

Traditional file organization refers to an approach to organizing computer-based or electronic files. Prior
to computer databases, many businesses simply organized files by creating folder structures and placed
documents and files into folders based on category or type. This method has given way to database
systems in many cases. However, traditional filing is sometimes advantageous if you have a relatively
small number of files.
 Simple to Use
 Less Investment
 Poor Data Integration
 Duplication and Lack of Security

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18. Concept of DBMS: Definition, Importance [Compiled by Ravi
What is DBMS (Database Management System):
A DBMS (Database Management System) is a collection of programs that enables users to create and
maintain a database. A DBMS is hence a general purpose software system that facilitates the process
of Defining, Constructing and Manipulating databases for various applications.
Importance of DBMS:
The DBMS interfaces with application programs so that the data contained in the database can be used
by multiple applications and users. The DBMS allows these users to access and manipulate the data
contained in the database in a convenient and effective manner. In addition the DBMS exerts
centralized control of the database, prevents unauthorized users from accessing the data and ensures
privacy of data.
The advantages of DBMS:
a. It represents complex relationships among different data items.
b. Keeps a tight control on data redundancy.
c. Enforces user defined rules to ensure the integrity of data in a table form.
d. Maintains data dictionary for the storage of information pertaining to data fields and data
e. Ensures that data can be shared across all applications.
f. Enforces data access authorization.
g. Has an automatic intelligent backup and recovery procedure of data.
h. Have different interfaces through which users can manipulate data.
i. Flexibility of the System is improved.
j. Since data of the organization using database approach is centralized and would be used by a number
of users at a time.
k. Security can be improved.
l. Overall cost of developing and maintaining systems is lower.
m. Provides backup and Recovery.

19. Entity: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

An Entity is a thing or object in the real world that is distinguishable from all other objects. It is an
object of interest to an organization.
Each person in an enterprise
Each student in the institute
Loan in bank etc.
For instance a student has student-id which uniquely identifies one particular student in the institute.
Similarly, loans can be thought of as entities and loan number at particular branch uniquely identifies
a loan entity. An entity may be concrete, such as a person or a book, or it may be abstract such as
loan, holiday.

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20. Entity Set: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**
An Entity Set is a set of entities of the same type that share the same properties or attributes.
The set of all persons who are students at a given institute can be defined as an entity set student.
Similarly entity set loan might represent set of all loans awarded by a particular bank.

21. Attribute: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

A characteristic or trait of an entity type that describes the entity, for example, the Person entity type
has the Date of Birth attribute.
An attribute values describing an entity will constitute a significant portion of the data stored in the
In general, an attribute is a characteristic. In a database management system (DBMS), an attribute
refers to a database component, such as a table. It also may refer to a database field. Attributes
describe the instances in the row of a database.

22. Keys- Primary, Foreign and Candidate: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

A key is a single attribute or combination of two or more attributes of an entity set that is used to
identify one or more instances of the set.
Primary key
The attribute of entity set which identifies and distinguishes instances of entity set is called primary
key. If we add additional attributes to a primary key, the resulting combination would still uniquely
identify an instance of the entity set. Primary keys are used to identify tables. There is only one
primary key per table.
Examples: Imagine we have a STUDENTS table that contains a record for each student at a
university. The student's unique student ID number would be a good choice for a primary key in the
STUDENTS table. The student's first and last name would not be a good choice, as there is always the
chance that more than one student might have the same name.

Candidate keys:
Candidate keys are those keys which is candidate for primary key of a table. In simple words we can
understand that such type of keys which full fill all the requirements of primary key which is not null
and have unique records is a candidate for primary key. So thus type of key is known as candidate
key. Every table must have at least one candidate key but at the same time can have several.

Foreign Key
Foreign key are those keys which is used to define relationship between two tables. When we want to
implement relationship between two tables then we use concept of foreign key. It is also known as
referential integrity. We can create more than one foreign key per table. foreign key is generally a
primary key from one table that appears as a field in another where the first table has a relationship to
the second. In other words, if we had a table A with a primary key X that linked to a table B where X
was a field in B, then X would be a foreign key in B.

Alternate Key
If any table have more than one candidate key, then after choosing primary key from those candidate
key, rest of candidate keys are known as an alternate key of that table.

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23. Referential Integrity: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***
Referential integrity refers to the accuracy and consistency of data within a relationship.
In relationships, data is linked between two or more tables. This is achieved by having the foreign
key (in the associated table) reference a primary key value (in the primary – or parent –
table). Because of this, we need to ensure that data on both sides of the relationship remain intact.
So, referential integrity requires that, whenever a foreign key value is used it must reference a valid,
existing primary key in the parent table.

24. Table: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

In Relational database model, a table is a collection of data elements organised in terms of rows and
columns. A table is also considered as a convenient representation of relations. But a table can have
duplicate row of data while a true relation cannot have duplicate data. Table is the most simplest form
of data storage

25. Views: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

A view is a subset of a database that is generated from a query and stored as a permanent object.
Although the definition of a view is permanent, the data contained therein is dynamic depending on
the point in time at which the view is accessed. Views represent a subset of the data contained in a
table. They can join and simplify multiple tables into one virtual table. They take up very little storage
space because the database contains only the view definition, not the data.

26. Data Dictionary: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

A data dictionary is a collection of descriptions of the data objects or items in a data model for the
benefit of programmers and others who need to refer to them. A first step in analyzing a system
of objects with which users interact is to identify each object and its relationship to other objects. This
process is called data modeling and results in a picture of object relationships. After each data object
or item is given a descriptive name, its relationship is described (or it becomes part of some structure
that implicitly describes relationship), the type of data (such as text or image or binary value) is
described, possible predefined values are listed, and a brief textual description is provided. This
collection can be organized for reference into a book called a data dictionary.
The data dictionary would describe each of the data items in its data model for consumer banking (for
example, "Account holder" and ""Available credit").
A Data Dictionary is a data structure that stores data about data.

27. Types of database [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

There are four structural types of database management systems:
(a) Hierarchical databases.
(b) Network databases.
(c) Relational databases.
(d) Object-oriented databases

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28. Hierarchical databases. [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****
A hierarchical database model is a data model in which the data are organized into a tree-like
structure. The data are stored as records which are connected to one another through links. A record is
a collection of fields, with each field containing only one value. The type of a record defines which
fields the record contains.
The hierarchical database model mandates that each child record has only one parent, whereas each
parent record can have one or more child records. In order to retrieve data from a hierarchical
database the whole tree needs to be traversed starting from the root node.

29. Network databases. [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

A network database is a type of database model wherein multiple member records or files can be
linked to multiple owner files and vice versa. The model can be viewed as an upside-down tree where
each member information is the branch linked to the owner, which is the bottom of the tree.
Essentially, relationships are in a net-like form where a single element can point to multiple data
elements and can itself be pointed to by multiple data elements.

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30. Relational databases[Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

In relational databases, the relationship between data files is relational.
These databases connect to the data in different files by using common data numbers or a key field.
Data in relational databases is stored in different access control tables, each having a key field that
mainly identifies each row. In the relational databases are more reliable than either the hierarchical or
network database structures.

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31. Data Mining [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****
Data Mining (DM)
Data mining (also called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from d ifferent
perspectives and summarizing it into useful information which can be used to increase revenue, cut
costs, or both.
Data mining is a process used by companies to turn raw data into useful information. By
using software to look for patterns in large batches of data, businesses can learn more about
their customers and develop more effective marketing strategies as well as increase sales and
decrease costs. Data mining depends on effective data collection and warehousing as well as
computer processing.
For example, searching and analyzing customer sales details to determine buying habits by ZIP code
or other demographic criteria. Moreover, using the data mining capacity of Oracle software to analyze
local buying patterns is another example of data mining.

32. Data Warehousing [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia] ****

When companies centralize their data into one database or program, it is called data warehousing.
With a data warehouse, an organization may spin off segments of the data for specific users to analyze
and utilize. However, in other cases, analysts may start with the type of data they want and create
a data warehouse based on those specs. Regardless of how businesses and other entities organize their
data, they use it to support management's decision-making processes.
Many organizations now use data warehouses to bring multiple databases together and make them
available for data mining and other forms of analysis. A data warehouse is a collection of data, usually
current and historical, from multiple databases that the organization can use for analysis and decision
making. The purpose, of course, is to bring key sets of data about or used by the organization into one

37. Big data analysis- Concept. [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

Concept of Big Data Analysis
Big data analysis is the process of examining large and varied data sets -- i.e., big data -- to uncover
hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences and other useful
information that can help organizations make more-informed business decisions.
Big data analytics benefits
Driven by specialized analytics systems and software, big data analytics can point the way to various
business benefits, including new revenue opportunities, more effective marketing, better customer
service, improved operational efficiency and competitive advantages over rivals.

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MCQ of 1 Marks & 2 Marks Each

1. ________in broad terms, refers to the method of classifying and organizing data sets to
make them more useful**
(a) Data organization
(b) Data base
(c) Hierarchy of Data
(d) data processing
2. ___________is the smallest unit of data representation (value of it may be a 0 or 1).***
(a) Bits
(b) Fields
(c) Records
(d) Files
3. Eight bits make a __________
(a) byte (character)
(b) Field
(c) Record
(d) File
4. _________consists of a grouping of characters
(a) Bits
(b) Fields
(c) Records
(d) Files
5. ___________represents a collection of attributes that describe a real-world entity. A
record consists of fields, with each field describing an attribute of the entity.
(a) Bits
(b) Records
(c) Files
(d) Database
6. _________is a group of related records and are frequently classified by the application
for which they are primarily used.
(a) Bits
(b) Records
(c) Files
(d) Database
7. ____________is an integrated collection of logically related records or files.
(a) Bits
(b) Records
(c) Files
(d) Database
8. A ____________consolidates records previously stored in separate files into a common
pool of data records that provides data for many applications.**
(a) Bits
(b) Records
(c) Files
(d) Database
9. The data is managed by systems software called ____________****
(a) Database management systems (DBMS)
(b) Data Dictionary
(c) Data warehouse
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10. _________can be understood as the conversion of raw data to meaningful information
through a process.**
(a) Data processing
(b) Database management systems
(c) Data Dictionary
(d) Data warehouse
11. The _______Operating Systems are those which Performs all the instructions into
a Sequence Manner or the Instructions those are given by the user will be executed by
using the FIFO Manner means First in First Out****
(a) Serial Processing
(b) Batch Processing
(c) Real time processing
(d) Online processing
12. In the ________ Operating Systems, similar Types of jobs are Firstly Prepared and they
are Stored on the Card and that card will be Submit to the System for the Processing.****
(a) Serial Processing
(b) Batch Processing
(c) Real time processing
(d) Online processing
13. __________Operating Systems are required where the results are displayed immediately
or in lowest time possible.**
(a) Serial Processing
(b) Batch Processing
(c) Real time processing
(d) Distributed Processing
14. Banking system, tickets booking for flights, trains, movie tickets, rental agencies etc. are
examples of___________**
(a) Serial Processing
(b) Batch Processing
(c) Real time processing
(d) Distributed Processing
15. This processing method is a part of automatic processing method. This method at times
known as direct or random access processing. Under this method the job received by the
system is processed at same time of receiving
(a) Serial Processing
(b) Batch Processing
(c) Online processing
(d) Distributed Processing
16. _________performed in one computer or in a cluster of coupled computers in a single
(a) Real time processing
(b) Online processing
(c) Centralised Processing
(d) Distributed Processing
17. Under ________ operating system Data is Stored and Processed on Multiple Locations.
(a) Real time processing
(b) Online processing
(c) Centralised Processing
(d) Distributed Processing

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18. Sequential organization; Indexed-sequential organization; Direct organization; Relative
organization are the four methods of __________
(a) File Organization
(b) Data Organization
(c) Data Management
(d) Data Base
19. _______consists of records that are stored and accessed in sequential order
(a) Sequential organization
(b) Indexed-sequential organization
(c) Direct organization
(d) Relative organization
20. Following are the key attributes of sequential file organization
(a) Records can be read in sequential order.
(b) Records are written in sequential order.
(c) it is not possible to delete, shorten, or lengthen a record.
(d) All of the above
21. Under ________ a new record is always inserted at the end of the file.
(a) Sequential organization
(b) Indexed-sequential organization
(c) Direct organization
(d) Relative organization
22. Under ________records are stored in order of primary key in the file. Using the primary
key, the records are sorted. Direct access is also possible.
(a) Sequential organization
(b) Indexed-sequential organization
(c) Direct organization
(d) Relative organization
23. Following are the key attributes of sequential file organization −
(a) Records can be read in sequential
(b) Records can be accessed randomly if the primary key is known.
(c) Sorted index is maintained in this file system
(d) All of the above
24. Under ________filing method, records do not have to be arranged in any particular
sequence on storage media.
(a) Sequential organization
(b) Indexed-sequential organization
(c) Direct organization
(d) Relative organization
25. Under ________file organisation, A relative file consists of records ordered by
their relative address.
(a) Sequential organization
(b) Indexed-sequential organization
(c) Direct organization
(d) Relative organization
26. Following are the key attributes of relative file organization.
(a) Records can be read in sequential order
(b) Records can be accessed using relative key
(c) Records can be inserted using relative key
(d) All of the above

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27. Database is
(a) Collection of interrelated data
(b) Set of programs to access the data
(c) DBMS contains information about a particular enterprise
(d) All of the above
28. A _______is a collection of programs that enables users to create and maintain a
(a) DBMS (Database Management System)
(b) Data Dictionary
(c) Data Warehouse
(d) Data Mining
29. A _________is hence a general purpose software system that facilitates the process of
Defining, Constructing and Manipulating databases for various applications.
(a) DBMS (Database Management System)
(b) Data Dictionary
(c) Data Warehouse
(d) Data Mining
30. The _______interfaces with application programs so that the data contained in the
database can be used by multiple applications and users.
(a) DBMS (Database Management System)
(b) Data Dictionary
(c) Data Warehouse
(d) Data Mining
31. The __________allows these users to access and manipulate the data contained in the
database in a convenient and effective manner.
(a) DBMS (Database Management System)
(b) Data Dictionary
(c) Data Warehouse
(d) Data Mining
32. The ___________exerts centralized control of the database, prevents unauthorized users
from accessing the data and ensures privacy of data.
(a) DBMS (Database Management System)
(b) Data Dictionary
(c) Data Warehouse
(d) Data Mining
33. The advantages of DBMS are________
(a) It represents complex relationships among different data items.
(b) Keeps a tight control on data redundancy.
(c) Enforces user defined rules to ensure the integrity of data in a table form.
(d) All of the above
34. An __________is a thing or object in the real world that is distinguishable from all other
objects. It is an object of interest to an organization. ***
(a) Entity
(b) Attribute
(c) Keys
(d) Referential Integrity
35. An ______is a set of entities of the same type that share the same properties or attributes.
(a) Entity Set
(b) Attribute
(c) Keys

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36. An _________values describing an entity will constitute a significant portion of the data
stored in the database.***
(a) Entity Set
(b) Attribute
(c) Keys
(d) Referential Integrity
37. Characteristic or trait of an entity type that describes the entity is called __________***
(a) Entity Set
(b) Attribute
(c) Keys
(d) Referential Integrity
38. In a database management system (DBMS), an _____refers to a database component,
such as a table. It also may refer to a database field.
(a) Entity Set
(b) Attribute
(c) Keys
(d) Referential Integrity
39. A _________is a single attribute or combination of two or more attributes of an entity
set that is used to identify one or more instances of the set.
(a) Entity
(b) Attribute
(c) Key
(d) Referential Integrity
40. The attribute of entity set which identifies and distinguishes instances of entity set is
called _____****
(a) Primary key
(b) Candidate key
(c) Foreign Key
(d) Alternate Key
41. ___________fullfill all the requirements of primary key which is not null and have
unique records**
(a) Primary key
(b) Candidate key
(c) Foreign Key
(d) Alternate Key
42. ______are those keys which is used to define relationship between two tables**
(a) Primary key
(b) Candidate key
(c) Foreign Key
(d) Alternate Key
43. __________ is also known as referential integrity.**
(a) Primary key
(b) Candidate key
(c) Foreign Key
(d) Alternate Key
44. If any table have more than one candidate key, then after choosing primary key from
those candidate key, rest of candidate keys are known as an _______of that table.
(a) alternate key

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45. __________refers to the accuracy and consistency of data within a relationship.
(a) Entity
(b) Attribute
(c) Key
(d) Referential Integrity
46. In Relational database model, a ________ is a collection of data elements organised in
terms of rows and columns
(a) Attribute
(b) Key
(c) Table
(d) View
47. A ________is a subset of a database that is generated from a query and stored as a
permanent object.
(a) Attribute
(b) Key
(c) Table
(d) View
48. _________represent a subset of the data contained in a table.
(a) Attribute
(b) Key
(c) Entity
(d) View
49. A ________is a collection of descriptions of the data objects or items in a data model for
the benefit of programmers and others who need to refer to them****
(a) data dictionary
(b) Data Warehouse
(c) Data Mining
(d) Data Base
50. A ___________is a data structure that stores data about data.****
(a) data dictionary
(b) Data Warehouse
(c) Data Mining
(d) Data Base
51. Following are the _________structural types of database management systems:
(a) Hierarchical databases.
(b) Network databases.
(c) Relational databases & Object-oriented databases
(d) All of the above
52. A __________ model is a data model in which the data are organized into a tree-like
(a) Hierarchical databases
(b) Network databases
(c) Relational databases
(d) Object-oriented databases
53. The __________model mandates that each child record has only one parent, whereas
each parent record can have one or more child records
(a) Hierarchical databases
(b) Network databases
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54. A __________is a type of database model wherein multiple member records or files can
be linked to multiple owner files and vice versa.
(a) Hierarchical databases
(b) Network databases
(c) Relational databases
(d) Object-oriented databases
55. The model can be viewed as an upside-down tree where each member information is the
branch linked to the owner, which is the bottom of the tree.
(a) Hierarchical databases
(b) Network databases
(c) Relational databases
(d) Object-oriented databases
56. ___________connect to the data in different files by using common data numbers or a
key field.
(a) Hierarchical databases
(b) Network databases
(c) Relational databases
(d) Object-oriented databases
57. __________is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and
summarizing it into useful information which can be used to increase revenue, cut costs,
or both. ****
(a) Data mining
(b) Data Warehousing
(c) Data Dictionary
(d) Data Base
58. ____________also called data or knowledge discovery****
(a) Data mining
(b) Data Warehousing
(c) Data Dictionary
(d) Data Base
59. ____________is a process used by companies to turn raw data into useful information
(a) Data mining
(b) Data Warehousing
(c) Data Dictionary
(d) Data Base
60. When companies centralize their data into one database or program, it is called ____***
(a) Data mining
(b) Data Warehousing
(c) Data Dictionary
(d) Data Base
61. _____is the process of examining large and varied data sets -- i.e., big data -- to uncover
hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends, customer preferences and other
useful information that can help organizations make more-informed business decisions.
(a) Data mining
(b) Data Warehousing
(c) Data Dictionary
(d) Big data Analysis

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Unit 3:
Internet and Its Applications [8 Marks]
1. 1. Meaning of Internet [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***
What does Internet mean?
The internet is a globally connected network system that uses TCP/IP to transmit data via various
types of media. The internet is a network of global exchanges – including private, public, business,
academic and government networks – connected by guided, wireless and fiber-optic technologies.
The terms internet and World Wide Web are often used interchangeably, but they are not exactly
the same thing; the internet refers to the global communication system, including hardware and
infrastructure, while the web is one of the services communicated over the internet.
Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the history of mankind. It is the
world’s largest computer network, the network of networks. Today internet has brought a globe in a
single room. It is a wealth of knowledge and has great potential and lot to offer.

Who Created the Internet?

The Internet began in 1969 as a research project funded by the Department of Defense with a goal of
creating a means of communication beside telephone lines. The first network was
called ARPANET (Advanced Research Project Agency NETwork). The focus was on communicating in
the event part of the network was disabled. This early network was the precursor to the Internet. It was
limited in function but launched the idea of a different method of communication.

2. 2. Internet Protocol address [IP Address] [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

Internet Protocol address (IP address):
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to
a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two
principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.
An IP address, or simply an "IP," is a unique address that identifies a device on the Internet or a local
network. It allows a system to be recognized by other systems connected via the Internet protocol.

3. Versions of Internet Protocol address [IPv4, IPv6] [Compiled by RKB]***

What is IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4)?
IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) is the fourth revision of the Internet Protocol (IP) used to identify
devices on a network through an addressing system. The Internet Protocol is designed for use in
interconnected systems of packet-switched computer communication networks.
IPv4 is the most widely deployed Internet protocol used to connect devices to the Internet. IPv4 uses a
32-bit address scheme allowing for a total of 232 addresses (just over 4 billion addresses). With the
growth of the Internet it is expected that the number of unused IPv4 addresses will eventually run out
because every device -- including computers, smartphones and game consoles -- that connects to the
Internet requires an address.

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An IPv4 address consist of four sets of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by three dots. For example,
the IP address of is This number is used to identify the
website on the Internet. When you visit http:// in your web browser, the DNS system
automatically translates the domain name " " to the IP address ""

What is IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6)?

A new Internet addressing system Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is being deployed to fulfill the need
for more Internet addresses.
IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) is also called IPng (Internet Protocol next generation) and it is the
newest version of the Internet Protocol (IP) reviewed in the IETF standards committees to replace the
current version of IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4).

The IPv6 address format is much different than the IPv4 format. It contains eight sets of
four hexadecimal digits and uses colons to separate each block. An example of an IPv6 address is:
2602:0445:0000:0000:a93e:5ca7:81e2:5f9d. There are 3.4 x 1038 possible IPv6 addresses, meaning we
shouldn't run out of IPv6 addresses anytime soon.

6. Uniform Resource Locator : URL [Compiled by RKB]****

What does Uniform Resource Locator (URL)mean?
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web
resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. A URL is a
specific type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), although many people use the two terms
A uniform resource locator (URL) is the address of a resource on the Internet. A URL indicates the
location of a resource as well as the protocol used to access it.
A URL contains the following information:
 The protocol used to a access the resource
 The location of the server (whether by IP address or domain name)
 The port number on the server (optional)
 The location of the resource in the directory structure of the server
 A fragment identifier (optional)
Also known as a Universal Resource Locator (URL) or Web address. A URL is a type of uniform
resource identifier (URI). In common practice, the term URI isn't used, or is used synonymously with
URL, even though this is technically incorrect.
A typical URL could have the form, which indicates a protocol
(http), a hostname (, and a file name (index.html).

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9. Domain Name System (DNS) [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****
Concept of Domain Name System (DNS):
DNS Stands for "Domain Name System." Domain names serve as memorizable names for websites and
other services on the Internet. However, computers access Internet devices by their IP addresses. DNS
translates domain names into IP addresses, allowing you to access an Internet location by its domain
Thanks to DNS, you can visit a website by typing in the domain name rather than the IP address. For
example, to visit the informations about Bhalotia classes, you can simply type "" in
the address bar of your web browser rather than the IP address ( It also
simplifies email addresses, since DNS translates the domain name (following the "@" symbol) to the
appropriate IP address.
To understand how DNS works, you can think of it like the contacts app on your smartphone. When you
call a friend, you simply select his or her name from a list. The phone does not actually call the person by
name, it calls the person's phone number. DNS works the same way by associating a unique IP address
with each domain name.

11. Internet Protocols (IP) [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**

Internet Protocols
When computers communicate with each other, there needs to be a common set of rules and instructions
that each computer follows. A specific set of communication rules is called a protocol. Because of the
many ways computers can communicate with each other, there are many different protocols -- too many
for the average person to remember. Some examples of these different protocols include TCP/IP, UDP,
HTTP, FTP etc.
Definition - What does Internet Protocol (IP) mean?
Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal set (or communications protocol) of digital message formats and
rules for exchanging messages between computers across a single network or a series of interconnected
networks, using the Internet Protocol Suite (often referred to as TCP/IP). Messages are exchanged as
datagrams, also known as data packets or just packets.
IP is the primary protocol in the Internet Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, which is a set of
communications protocols consisting of four abstraction layers: link layer (lowest), Internet layer,
transport layer and application layer (highest).
The main purpose and task of IP is the delivery of datagrams from the source host (source computer) to
the destination host (receiving computer) based on their addresses. To achieve this, IP includes methods
and structures for putting tags (address information, which is part of metadata) within datagrams. The
process of putting these tags on datagrams is called encapsulation.

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12. TCP/IP [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****
TCP/IP Stands for "Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol." These two protocols were
developed in the early days of the Internet by the U.S. military. The purpose was to allow computers to
communicate over long distance networks. The TCP part has to do with the verifying delivery of the
packets. The IP part refers to the moving of data packets between nodes. TCP/IP has since then become
the foundation of the Internet. Therefore, TCP/IP software is built into all major operating systems, such
as Unix, Windows, and the Mac OS.

Definition - What does Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) mean?

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is the language a computer uses to access the
internet. It consists of a suite of protocols designed to establish a network of networks to provide a host
with access to the internet.
TCP/IP is responsible for full-fledged data connectivity and transmitting the data end to end by providing
other functions, including addressing, mapping and acknowledgment. TCP/IP contains four layers, which
differ slightly from the OSI model.
The technology is so common that one would rarely use the full name. In other words, in common usage
the acronym is now the term itself.

13. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

What does User Datagram Protocol (UDP) mean?
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is part of the Internet Protocol suite used by programs running on
different computers on a network. UDP is used to send short messages called datagrams but overall, it is
an unreliable, connectionless protocol.
Explanation of User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
User datagram protocol is an open systems interconnection (OSI) transport layer protocol for client-
server network applications. UDP uses a simple transmission model but does not employ handshaking
dialogs for reliability, ordering and data integrity. The protocol assumes that error-checking and
correction is not required, thus avoiding processing at the network interface level.

14. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

What does File Transfer Protocol (FTP) mean?
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a client/server protocol used for transferring files to or exchanging files
with a host computer. It may be authenticated with user names and passwords. Anonymous FTP allows
users to access files, programs and other data from the Internet without the need for a user ID or
password. Web sites are sometimes designed to allow users to use 'anonymous' or 'guest' as a user ID and
an email address for a password. Publicly available flies are often found in a directory called pub and can
be easily FTPed to a user’s computer. FTP is also the Internet standard for moving or transferring files
from one computer to another using TCP or IP networks.

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15. TELNET (TN) [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**
What is Telnet?
Telnet is a user command and an underlying TCP/IP protocol for accessing remote computers. Through
Telnet, an administrator or another user can access someone else's computer remotely. On the
Web, HTTP and FTP protocols allow you to request specific files from remote computers, but not to
actually be logged on as a user of that computer. With Telnet, you log on as a regular user with whatever
privileges you may have been granted to the specific application and data on that computer.
A Telnet command request looks like this (the computer name is made-up):
The result of this request would be an invitation to log on with a user-id and a prompt for a password. If
accepted, you would be logged on like any user who used this computer every day.
Telnet is most likely to be used by program developers and anyone who has a need to use specific
applications or data located at a particular host computer.

What does Telnet (TN) mean?

Telnet (TN) is a networking protocol and software program used to access remote computers and
terminals over the Internet or a TCP/IP computer network. Telnet was conceived in 1969 and
standardized as one of the first Internet standards by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

16. Hyper Text Markup Language [HTML] [Compiled by Ravi

What is HTML?
 HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.
 HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
 HTML describes the structure of Web pages using markup
 HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages
 HTML elements are represented by tags
 HTML tags label pieces of content such as "heading", "paragraph", "table", and so on
 Browsers do not display the HTML tags, but use them to render the content of the page
The web has gone through many changes over the past few decades, but HTML has always been the
fundamental language used to develop WebPages. Interestingly, while websites have become more
advanced and interactive, HTML has actually gotten simpler.

17. Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML) [RKB]***

What does Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML) mean?
Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML) is a combination of Web development technologies
used to create dynamically changing websites. Web pages may include animation, dynamic menus and
text effects. The technologies used include a combination of HTML, JavaScript or VB Script,
CSS and the document object model (DOM).

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18. XML (Extensible Markup Language) [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is used to describe data. The XML standard is a flexible way to
create information formats and electronically share structured data via the public Internet, as well as via
corporate networks.
In computing, Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for
encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable
The design goals of XML emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet. It is a
textual data format with strong support via Unicode for different human languages. Although the design
of XML focuses on documents, the language is widely used for the representation of arbitrary data
structures such as those used in web services.
What is XML
 XML stands for Extensible Markup Language
 XML is a markup language much like HTML.
 XML was designed to describe data.
 XML tags are not predefined in XML. You must define your own tags.
 XML is self describing.
 XML uses a DTD (Document Type Definition) to formally describe the data.

19. Ethical Hacking [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

Ethical hacking and ethical hacker are terms used to describe hacking performed by a company or
individual to help identify potential threats on a computer or network. An ethical hacker attempts to
bypass system security and search for any weak points that could be exploited by malicious hackers. This
information is then used by the organization to improve the system security, in an effort to minimize or
eliminate any potential attacks.

20. Cloud Computing [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

What does Cloud Computing mean?
Cloud computing is the use of various services, such as software development platforms, servers, storage
and software, over the internet, often referred to as the "cloud."
In general, there are three cloud computing characteristics that are common among all cloud-computing
 The back-end of the application (especially hardware) is completely managed by a cloud vendor.
 A user only pays for services used (memory, processing time and bandwidth, etc.).
 Services are scalable
Many cloud computing advancements are closely related to virtualization. The ability to pay on demand
and scale quickly is largely a result of cloud computing vendors being able to pool resources that may be
divided among multiple clients.
It is common to categorize cloud computing services as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a
Service (PaaS) or Software as a Service (SaaS).
The name cloud computing comes from the traditional usage of the cloud to represent the internet – or a
wide area network (WAN) – in network diagrams or flowcharts.
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21. Mobile Computing [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***
What is mobile computing?
Mobile computing refers to the interaction between a human and a computer that takes place during
transportation. This is done through mobile devices such as phones and handhelds. Mobile computing
involves communication, hardware and software that are all mobile.
Mobile Computing is a technology that allows transmission of data, voice and video via a computer or
any other wireless enabled device without having to be connected to a fixed physical link. The main
concept involves −
 Mobile communication
 Mobile hardware
 Mobile software

22. Internet of Things (IoT) [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

What does Internet of Things (IoT) mean?
The internet of things (IoT) is a computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects
being connected to the internet and being able to identify themselves to other devices. The term is closely
identified with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as the method of communication, although it also
may include other sensor technologies, wireless technologies or QR codes.
The IoT is significant because an object that can represent itself digitally becomes something greater than
the object by itself. No longer does the object relate just to its user, but it is now connected to surrounding
objects and database data. When many objects act in unison, they are known as having "ambient
DEFINITION of 'Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network comprised of physical objects capable of gathering and
sharing electronic information. The Internet of Things includes a wide variety of “smart” devices, from
industrial machines that transmit data about the production process to sensors that track information about
the human body. Often, these devices use internet protocol (IP), the same protocol that identifies
computers over the world wide web and allows them to communicate with one another.

23. Ethical Issues in Social Networking [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

(a) Privacy: The internet contains wealth of data and it is always a serious subject of concern for
privacy issues in social networking sites.
(b) Free speech: Here everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression.
(c) Data Leakage: Data security and protection is expensive and difficult.
(d) Identity Theft: Identity theft is one from many examples of ethical issues in social networking.
Despite of rapid and aggressive effort made by social networking sites to secure and protect its users from
any form of online impersonation, the solution is still depends on the ethical value and proactive action
from the users themselves to fully developed good understanding and self-awareness on the risk of online
impersonation in social networking sites.

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MCQ of 1 Marks & 2 Marks Each

1. The ___________is a globally connected network system that uses TCP/IP to transmit
data via various types of media
(a) Internet
(b) Intranet
(d) All of the above
2. The __________is a worldwide system of connected networks. Each network consists of
millions of computers, servers, routers, and printers.***
(a) Internet
(b) Intranet
(d) All of the above
3. The first network was called ___________
(a) Internet
(b) Intranet
(c) ARPANET(Advanced Research Project Agency NETwork).
(d) All of the above
4. An _____________ is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer
network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.****
(a) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(b) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(c) Domain Name System (DNS)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
5. __________is a unique address that identifies a device on the Internet or a local network.
It allows a system to be recognized by other systems connected via the Internet protocol.
(a) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(b) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(c) Domain Name System (DNS)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
6. An ______________provides an identity to a networked device.
(a) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(b) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(c) Domain Name System (DNS)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
7. IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) is the fourth revision of ______________used to
identify devices on a network through an addressing system.
(a) Internet Protocol (IP)
(b) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(c) Domain Name System (DNS)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
8. IPv4 uses a 32-bit address scheme allowing for a total of __________ addresses**
(a) 230
(b) 232
(c) 234
(d) 236
9. An IPv4 address consist of_______ sets of numbers from 0 to 255, separated by three dots
(a) four
(b) Three

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10. A new Internet addressing system ________is being deployed to fulfill the need for more
Internet addresses**
(a) Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
(b) Internet Protocol version 5 (IPv5)
(c) Internet Protocol version 7 (IPv7)
(d) Internet Protocol version 8 (IPv8)
11. __________is also called IPng (Internet Protocol next generation) and it is the newest
version of the Internet Protocol (IP) reviewed in the IETF standards committees to
replace the current version of IPv4 (Internet Protocol Version 4).
(a) Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
(b) Internet Protocol version 5 (IPv5)
(c) Internet Protocol version 7 (IPv7)
(d) Internet Protocol version 8 (IPv8)
12. ___________is the successor to Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4).
(a) Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6)
(b) Internet Protocol version 5 (IPv5)
(c) Internet Protocol version 7 (IPv7)
(d) Internet Protocol version 8 (IPv8)
13. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) contains ________sets of four hexadecimal digits and
uses colons to separate each block.**
(a) Four
(b) Six
(c) Eight
(d) Ten
14. Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) contains eight sets of four __________ digits and uses
colons to separate each block.
(a) Binary
(b) Octal
(c) Decimal
(d) Hexadecimal
15. There are __________possible IPv6 addresses, meaning we shouldn't run out of IPv6
addresses anytime soon.
(a) 3.4 x 1038
(b) 3.4 x 10
(c) 3.4 x 1034
(d) 3.4 x 1036
16. The Benefits of IPv6 are _____________
(a) No more NAT (Network Address Translation)
(b) Auto-configuration
(c) No more private address collisions
(d) All of the above
17. IPv6 addresses are ________IP address written in hexadecimal and separated by colons.
(a) 8-bit
(b) 32-bit
(c) 64-bit
(d) 128-bit
18. IPv4 addresses are _______IP address written in hexadecimal and separated by colons.
(a) 8-bit
(b) 32-bit
(c) 64-bit
(d) 128-bit
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19. A ________ colloquially termed a web address, is a reference to a web resource that
specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it
(a) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(b) Domain Name System (DNS)
(c) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
20. A _______is a specific type of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), although many people
use the two terms interchangeably.
(a) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(b) Domain Name System (DNS)
(c) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
21. A ___________is the address of a resource on the Internet (web address)****
(a) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(b) Domain Name System (DNS)
(c) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
22. A ________indicates the location of a resource as well as the protocol used to access it.
(a) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(b) Domain Name System (DNS)
(c) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
23. A URL contains the following information:
(a) The protocol used to a access the resource
(b) The location of the server (whether by IP address or domain name)
(c) The location of the resource in the directory structure of the server
(d) All of the above
24. __________Also known as a Universal Resource Locator or Web address.****
(a) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(b) Domain Name System (DNS)
(c) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
25. A _________could have the form, which indicates
a protocol (http), a hostname (, and a file name (index.html).
(a) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(b) Domain Name System (DNS)
(c) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
26. __________serve as memorizable names for websites and other services on the
(a) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(b) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(c) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(d) Domain Name
27. __________translates domain names into IP addresses, allowing you to access an Internet
location by its domain name.
(a) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(b) Internet Protocol address (IP address)
(c) Domain Name System (DNS)
(d) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

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28. you can visit a website by typing in the ________rather than the IP address.
(a) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) Internet Protocols (IP)
(d) Domain Name
29. When computers communicate with each other, there needs to be a common set of rules
and instructions that each computer follows. A specific set of communication rules is
called a__________
(a) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) Internet Protocols (IP)
(d) Domain Name system (DNS)
30. TCP/IP, UDP, HTTP, FTP etc are examples of _____________****
(a) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) Internet Protocols (IP)
(d) Domain Name system (DNS)
31. ________is the principal set (or communications protocol) of digital message formats and
rules for exchanging messages between computers across a single network or a series of
interconnected networks, using the Internet Protocol Suite (often referred to as TCP/IP).
(a) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) Internet Protocols (IP)
(d) Domain Name system (DNS)
32. ___________is the foundation of the Internet***
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
33. _________is the language a computer uses to access the internet.**
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
34. __________is not a single networking protocol – it is a suite of protocols named after the two
most important protocols or layers within it
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
35. ________is part of the Internet Protocol suite used by programs running on different
computers on a network.
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
36. _______is used to send short messages called datagrams but overall, it is an unreliable,
connectionless protocol.
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
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37. ___________is an open systems interconnection (OSI) transport layer protocol for client-
server network applications.
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
38. ___________is widely used in video conferencing and real-time computer games.
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
39. ____network traffic is organized in the form of datagrams, which comprise one message units.
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
40. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a client/server protocol used for transferring files to or
exchanging files with a host computer.
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
41. ________ allows users to access files, programs and other data from the Internet without the
need for a user ID or password
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
42. __________is also the Internet standard for moving or transferring files from one computer to
another using TCP or IP networks.
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
43. ________is a user command and an underlying TCP/IP protocol for accessing remote
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
44. _________you log on as a regular user with whatever privileges you may have been granted to
the specific application and data on that computer.
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
45. Telnet (TN) is a networking protocol and software program used to access remote computers
and terminals over the Internet or a TCP/IP computer network.
(a) TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
(b) User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
(c) File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

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46. HTML stands for __________****
(a) Hyper Text Markup Language
(b) Hyper Text Machine Language
(c) Hyper Text Main Language
(d) All of the above
47. ___________is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.
(a) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
(b) Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)
(c) XML (Extensible Markup Language)
(d) All of the above
48. _________describes the structure of Web pages using markup
(a) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
(b) Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)
(c) XML (Extensible Markup Language)
(d) All of the above
49. ________is the fundamental language used to develop WebPages****
(a) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
(b) Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)
(c) XML (Extensible Markup Language)
(d) All of the above
50. DHTML stands for __________
(a) Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language
(b) Dynamic Hyper Text Machine Language
(c) Dynamic Hyper Text Main Language
(d) All of the above
51. _______is a combination of Web development technologies used to create dynamically
changing websites.***
(a) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
(b) Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)
(c) XML (Extensible Markup Language)
(d) All of the above
52. XML stands for __________ **
(a) Extensible Markup Language
(b) Extensible Machine Language
(c) Extensible Main Language
(d) All of the above
53. ___________is used to describe data.
(a) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
(b) Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)
(c) XML (Extensible Markup Language)
(d) All of the above
54. _________standard is a flexible way to create information formats and electronically share
structured data via the public Internet, as well as via corporate networks.
(a) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
(b) Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)
(c) XML (Extensible Markup Language)
(d) All of the above
55. In computing, ___________ is a markup language that defines a set of rules for
encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable
(a) Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
(b) Dynamic Hyper Text Markup Language (DHTML)
(c) XML (Extensible Markup Language)

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56. Features of XML are__________
(a) XML is extensible
(b) XML is a complement to HTML
(c) XML in future Web development
(d) All of the above
57. ___________and ethical hacker are terms used to describe hacking performed by a company
or individual to help identify potential threats on a computer or network
(a) Website Hacking
(b) Network Hacking
(c) Computer Hacking
(d) Ethical hacking
58. An ___________attempts to bypass system security and search for any weak points that could
be exploited by malicious hackers***
(a) Website Hacker
(b) Network Hacker
(c) Computer Hacker
(d) Ethical hacker
59. __________is the use of various services, such as software development platforms, servers,
storage and software, over the internet, often referred to as the "cloud."**
(a) Mobile Computing
(b) Internet of Things (IoT)
(c) Cloud computing
(d) Social Networking
60. Cloud computing characteristics are____________
(a) The back-end of the application (especially hardware) is completely managed by a cloud vendor.
(b) A user only pays for services used
(c) Services are scalable
(d) All of the above
61. _______refers to the interaction between a human and a computer that takes place during
(a) Cloud computing
(b) Mobile Computing
(c) Internet of Things (IoT)
(d) Social Networking
62. _______is a technology that allows transmission of data, voice and video via a computer or any
other wireless enabled device without having to be connected to a fixed physical link.****
(a) Cloud computing
(b) Mobile Computing
(c) Internet of Things (IoT)
(d) Social Networking
63. The ________refers to the infrastructure put in place to ensure that seamless and reliable
communication goes on
(a) Cloud computing
(b) Mobile Communication
(c) Internet of Things (IoT)
(d) Social Networking
64. The main concept of mobile computing involves −
(a) Mobile communication
(b) Mobile hardware
(c) Mobile software
(d) All of the above

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65. ______includes mobile devices or device components that receive or access the service of
(a) Mobile communication
(b) Mobile hardware
(c) Mobile software
(d) All of the above
66. Portable laptops, smartphones, tablet Pc's, Personal Digital Assistants etc are examples of __
(a) Mobile communication
(b) Mobile hardware
(c) Mobile software
(d) All of the above
67. ____________is the actual program that runs on the mobile hardware.
(a) Mobile communication
(b) Mobile software
(c) Internet of Things (IoT)
(d) Social Networking
68. The __________is a computing concept that describes the idea of everyday physical objects
being connected to the internet and being able to identify themselves to other devices.***
(a) Cloud computing
(b) Mobile Computing
(c) Internet of Things (IoT)
(d) Social Networking
69. The _________refers to a network comprised of physical objects capable of gathering and
sharing electronic information.
(a) Cloud computing
(b) Mobile Computing
(c) Internet of Things (IoT)
(d) Social Networking
70. The _________includes a wide variety of ―smart‖ devices, from industrial machines that
transmit data about the production process to sensors that track information about the human
(a) Cloud computing
(b) Mobile Computing
(c) Internet of Things (IoT)
(d) Social Networking
71. These devices use internet protocol (IP), the same protocol that identifies computers over the
world wide web and allows them to communicate with one another.
(a) Cloud computing
(b) Mobile Computing
(c) Internet of Things (IoT)
(d) Social Networking
72. Ethical issues in social networking are ____________
(a) Privacy
(b) Data Leakage
(c) Identity Theft
(d) All of the above

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Unit 4:
Security and Encryption [8 Marks]
2. Measures to ensure Security [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***
Major security measures are following −
(a) Encryption − It is a very effective and practical way to safeguard the data being transmitted over
the network. Sender of the information encrypts the data using a secret code and only the
specified receiver can decrypt the data using the same or a different secret code.
(b) Digital Signature − Digital signature ensures the authenticity of the information. A digital
signature is an e-signature authenticated through encryption and password.
(c) Security Certificates − Security certificate is a unique digital id used to verify the identity of an
individual website or user.

7. Definition and scope of e-security [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

What is E-Commerce Security?
E-Commerce security refers to the principles which guide safe electronic transactions, allowing the
buying and selling of goods and services through the Internet, but with protocols in place to provide
safety for those involved. Successful business online depends on the customers’ trust that a company has
E-Commerce security basics in place.
The Scope of the Problem
Reports issued by security product providers, such as Symantec, are another source of data Advances in
technology have reduced the entry costs and skills required to enter the cybercrime business Web attack
kits may be purchased and they are responsible for more than 60% of all malicious activity Targeted
attacks are increasing Social networks are helping criminals identify individual targets Mobile platforms
and applications are increasingly vulnerable

9. Malicious Codes (Virus, Trozan Horse, Worm, Spyware, Ransomware)***

Malicious code is the term used to describe any code in any part of a software system or script that is
intended to cause undesired effects, security breaches or damage to a system. Malicious code describes a
broad category of system security terms that includes attack scripts, viruses, worms, Trojan
horses, backdoors, and malicious active content.

10. Virus [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

A computer virus is a type of malicious software that, when executed, replicates itself by
modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code. Virus writers use social
engineering deceptions and exploit detailed knowledge of security vulnerabilities to initially
infect systems and to spread the virus.
A computer virus is malicious code that replicates by copying itself to another program,
computer boot sector or document and changes how a computer works. The virus requires

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someone to knowingly or unknowingly spread the infection without the knowledge or
permission of a user or system administrator.
virus can be spread by opening an email attachment, clicking on an executable file, visiting an
infected website or viewing an infected website advertisement. It can also be spread through
infected removable storage devices, such USB drives. Once a virus has infected the host, it can
infect other system software or resources, modify or disable core functions or applications, as
well as copy, delete or encrypt data. Some viruses begin replicating as soon as they infect the
host, while other viruses will lie dormant until a specific trigger causes malicious code to be
executed by the device or system.

11. Types of viruses [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

(a) File infectors: Some file infector viruses attach themselves to program files, usually
selected .com or .exe files. Some can infect any program for which execution is requested,
including .sys, .ovl, .prg, and .mnu files. When the program is loaded, the virus is loaded as
well. Other file infector viruses arrive as wholly contained programs or scripts sent as an
attachment to an email note.
(b) Macro viruses: These viruses specifically target macro language commands in applications
like Microsoft Word and other programs.
(c) Overwrite viruses: Some viruses are designed specifically to destroy a file or application's
data. After infecting a system, an overwrite virus begins overwriting files with its own code.
These viruses can target specific files or applications or systematically overwrite all files on
an infected device. An overwrite virus can install new code in files and applications that
programs them to spread the virus to additional files, applications and systems.
(d) Polymorphic viruses: A polymorphic virus is a type of malware that has the ability to
change or mutate its underlying code without changing its basic functions or features.
(e) Resident viruses: This type of virus embeds itself in the memory of a system. The original
virus program isn't needed to infect new files or applications; even if the original virus is
deleted, the version stored in memory can be activated when the operating system loads a
specific application or function. Resident viruses are problematic because they can evade
antivirus and antimalware software by hiding in the system's RAM.
(f) Rootkit viruses: A rootkit virus is a type of malware that installs an unauthorized rootkit on
an infected system, giving attackers full control of the system with the ability to
fundamentally modify or disable functions and programs.
(g) System or boot-record infectors: These viruses infect executable code found in certain
system areas on a disk. They attach to the DOS boot sector on diskettes and USB thumb
drives or the Master Boot Record on hard disks.

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12. Hacking [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****
Hacking has been a part of computing for almost five decades and it is a very broad discipline, which
covers a wide range of topics. The first known event of hacking had taken place in 1960 at MIT and at the
same time, the term "Hacker" was originated.
Hacking is the act of finding the possible entry points that exist in a computer system or a computer
network and finally entering into them. Hacking is usually done to gain unauthorized access to a
computer system or a computer network, either to harm the systems or to steal sensitive information
available on the computer.
Hacking is usually legal as long as it is being done to find weaknesses in a computer or network system
for testing purpose. This sort of hacking is what we call Ethical Hacking.
A computer expert who does the act of hacking is called a "Hacker". Hackers are those who seek
knowledge, to understand how systems operate, how they are designed, and then attempt to play with
these systems.

13. Types of Hacking [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

We can segregate hacking into different categories, based on what is being hacked. Here is a set of
examples −
 Website Hacking − Hacking a website means taking unauthorized control over a web server and
its associated software such as databases and other interfaces.

 Network Hacking − Hacking a network means gathering information about a network by using
tools like Telnet, NS lookup, Ping, Tracert, Netstat, etc. with the intent to harm the network system
and hamper its operation.

 Email Hacking − It includes getting unauthorized access on an Email account and using it without
taking the consent of its owner.

 Ethical Hacking − Ethical hacking involves finding weaknesses in a computer or network system
for testing purpose and finally getting them fixed.

 Password Hacking − This is the process of recovering secret passwords from data that has been
stored in or transmitted by a computer system.

 Computer Hacking − This is the process of stealing computer ID and password by applying
hacking methods and getting unauthorized access to a computer system.

14. Trojan Horse: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

What is Trojan Horse:
In computing, a Trojan horse is a program that appears harmless, but is, in fact, malicious. Unexpected
changes to computer settings and unusual activity, even when the computer should be idle, are strong
indications that a Trojan is residing on a computer.
A Trojan horse may also be referred to as a Trojan horse virus, but that is technically incorrect. Unlike a
computer virus, a Trojan horse is not able to replicate itself, nor can it propagate without an end user's

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assistance. This is why attackers must use social engineering tactics to trick the end user into executing
the Trojan. Typically, the malware programming is hidden in an innocent-looking email attachment or
free download. When the user clicks on the email attachment or downloads the free program, the malware
that is hidden inside is transferred to the user's computing device. Once inside, the malicious code can
execute whatever task the attacker designed it to carry out.

15. Worm: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

What does Worm mean?
A worm is a type of malicious software (malware) that replicates while moving across computers, leaving
copies of itself in the memory of each computer in its path.
A computer worm is a type of malicious software program whose primary function is to infect other
computers while remaining active on infected systems.
A computer worm is self-replicating malware that duplicates itself to spread to uninfected computers.
Worms often use parts of an operating system that are automatic and invisible to the user. It is common
for worms to be noticed only when their uncontrolled replication consumes system resources, slowing or
halting other tasks.
How computer worms spread
A computer worm infection spreads without user interaction. All that is necessary is for the computer
worm to become active on an infected system. Before widespread use of networks, computer worms were
spread through infected storage media, such as floppy diskettes, which, when mounted on a system,
would infect other storage devices connected to the victim system. USB drives are still a common vector
for computer worms.

16. Spyware: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

What is Spyware
Spyware is software that is installed on a computing device without the end user's knowledge. Such
software is controversial because even though it is sometimes installed for relatively innocuous reasons, it
can violate the end user's privacy and has the potential to be abused.
Spyware that is installed for innocuous reasons is sometimes referred to as tracking software. In the
workplace, such software may be installed on corporate laptops to monitor employees' browsing
activities. In the home, parents might install a keystroke logger to monitor their children's activity on the
internet. Or an advertiser might use cookies to track what webpages a user visits in order to target
advertising in a contextual marketing campaign. If the end user is told that data is being collected and has
the ability to learn with whom the data is being shared, such data collection programs are not considered

17. Ransomware: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]***

What does Ransomware mean?
Ransomware is a type of malware program that infects, locks or takes control of a system and
demands ransom to undo it. Ransomware attacks and infects a computer with the intention of

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extorting money from its owner. Ransomware may also be referred to as a crypto-virus, crypto-
Trojan or crypto-worm.
Ransomware is a subset of malware in which the data on a victim's computer is locked, typically
by encryption, and payment is demanded before the ransomed data is decrypted and access returned to the
victim. The motive for Ransomware attacks is nearly always monetary, and unlike other types of attacks,
the victim is usually notified that an exploit has occurred and is given instructions for how to recover
from the attack. Payment is often demanded in a virtual currency, such as bitcoin, so that the
cybercriminal's identity isn't known.
How does Ransomware works
Ransomware is typically installed in a system through a malicious email attachment, an infected software
download and/or visiting a malicious website or link. When the system is infected with Ransomware, it is
locked down, the user's files are encrypted, or the user is restricted from accessing the computer’s key
features. The Ransomware will send pop-up windows asking the user to pay a specific ransom to reclaim
or reactivate the computer. Moreover, some Ransomware-based applications also impersonate or disguise
themselves as police or a government agency, claiming that the user’s system is locked down for security
reasons, and that a fine or fee is required to reactivate it.

18. Spoofing [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**

Definition - What does Spoofing mean?
Spoofing, in general, is a fraudulent or malicious practice in which communication is sent from an
unknown source disguised as a source known to the receiver. Spoofing is most prevalent in
communication mechanisms that lack a high level of security.
Spoofing is a malicious practice employed by cyber scammers and hackers to deceive systems,
individuals, and organizations into perceiving something to be what it is not. Communication is initiated
by the spoofer to the victim or system from an unknown source but disguised to present itself as an
authentic and safe sender. If you have ever received an email from a seemingly familiar source asking
you to update your profile details because some funny system upgrade was necessary, then you have
experienced spoofing.

20. Sniffing [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**

A packet sniffer is a utility that has been used since the original release of Ethernet. Packet sniffing allows
individuals to capture data as it is transmitted over a network. This technique is used by network
professionals to diagnose network issues, and by malicious users to capture unencrypted data,
like passwords and usernames. If this information is captured in transit, a user can gain access to a system
or network.

21. Phishing [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

What is Phishing?
Phishing is a form of fraud in which an attacker masquerades as a reputable entity or person in email or
other communication channels. The attacker uses phishing emails to distribute malicious links or

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attachments that can perform a variety of functions, including the extraction of login credentials or
account information from victims.
Phishing is popular with cybercriminals, as it is far easier to trick someone into clicking a malicious link
in a seemingly legitimate phishing email than trying to break through a computer's defenses.
How phishing works
Phishing attacks typically rely on social networking techniques applied to email or other electronic
communication methods, including direct messages sent over social networks, SMS text messages and
other instant messaging modes.
Typically, a victim receives a message that appears to have been sent by a known contact or organization.
The attack is carried out either through a malicious file attachment that contains phishing software, or
through links connecting to malicious websites. In either case, the objective is to install malware on the
user's device or direct the victim to a malicious website set up to trick them into divulging personal and
financial information, such as passwords, account IDs or credit card details.

22. Spamming [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**

Email spam:
Email spam, also known as junk email, is a type of electronic spam where unsolicited messages are sent
by email.
Many email spam messages are commercial in nature but may also contain disguised links that appear to
be for familiar websites but in fact lead to phishing web sites or sites that are hosting malware. Spam
email may also include malware as scripts or other executable file attachments (Trojans).
A spammer typically sends an email to millions of email addresses, with the expectation that only a small
number will respond or interact with the message.

23. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**

What does Denial-of-Service Attack (DoS) mean?
A denial-of-service (DoS) is any type of attack where the attackers (hackers) attempt to prevent legitimate
users from accessing the service. In a DoS attack, the attacker usually sends excessive messages asking
the network or server to authenticate requests that have invalid return addresses. The network or server
will not be able to find the return address of the attacker when sending the authentication approval,
causing the server to wait before closing the connection. When the server closes the connection, the
attacker sends more authentication messages with invalid return addresses. Hence, the process of
authentication and server wait will begin again, keeping the network or server busy.

24. Information Technology solutions (IT solutions) [RKB]*

What is IT Solutions:
An information technology (IT) solution is a set of related software programs and/or services that are sold
as a single package. IT vendors, service providers and value-added resellers (VARs) market their
software suites and service bundles under the label solution to promote the idea that purchasing the
product will help the customer successfully solve a problem or deal with a complicated situation.

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25. Confidentiality: [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*
What does Confidentiality mean?
Confidentiality, in the context of computer systems, allows authorized users to access sensitive and
protected data. Specific mechanisms ensure confidentiality and safeguard data from harmful intruders.
Confidentiality is roughly equivalent to privacy.
Measures undertaken to ensure confidentiality
Measures undertaken to ensure confidentiality are designed to prevent sensitive information from
reaching the wrong people, while making sure that the right people can in fact get it: Access must be
restricted to those authorized to view the data in question. It is common, as well, for data to be
categorized according to the amount and type of damage that could be done should it fall into unintended
hands. More or less stringent measures can then be implemented according to those categories.

26. Data Encryption & Decryption [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

Encryption refers to converting the message into a code so that unauthorized person may not
understand it.
Decryption is the process of convening encrypted data back into its original form, so that it can
be understood.

27. Symmetric and asymmetric encryption [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**

Symmetric encryption
Symmetric encryption allows encryption and decryption of the message with the same key.
This is the simplest kind of encryption that involves only one secret key to cipher and decipher
information. Symmetrical encryption is an old and best-known technique. It uses a secret key
that can either be a number, a word or a string of random letters.
The main disadvantage of the symmetric key encryption is that all parties involved have to
exchange the key used to encrypt the data before they can decrypt it.

Asymmetric encryption
Asymmetric encryption uses the public key for the encryption, and a private key (Secret key) is
used for decryption.

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29. Firewall [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****
What is a firewall?
A firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. You can
implement a firewall in either hardware or software form, or a combination of both. Firewalls prevent
unauthorized internet users from accessing private networks connected to the internet, especially
intranets. All messages entering or leaving the intranet (i.e., the local network to which you are
connected) must pass through the firewall, which examines each message and blocks those that do not
meet the specified security criteria.

30. DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**

What is DMZ (Demilitarized Zone),?
In computer networks, a DMZ (demilitarized zone), also sometimes known as a perimeter network or
a screened sub network, is a physical or logical subnet that separates an internal local area
network (LAN) from other untrusted networks, usually the internet. External-facing servers, resources
and services are located in the DMZ. So, they are accessible from the internet, but the rest of the internal
LAN remains unreachable. This provides an additional layer of security to the LAN as it restricts the
ability of hackers to directly access internal servers and data via the internet.

31. Secure Sockets Layer [SSL] [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and, in short, it's the standard technology for keeping an internet
connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems, preventing
criminals from reading and modifying any information transferred, including potential personal details.
The two systems can be a server and a client (for example, a shopping website and browser) or server to
server (for example, an application with personal identifiable information or with payroll information).
It does this by making sure that any data transferred between users and sites, or between two systems
remain impossible to read. It uses encryption algorithms to scramble data in transit, preventing hackers
from reading it as it is sent over the connection. This information could be anything sensitive or personal
which can include credit card numbers and other financial information, names and addresses.

32. HTTPs [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]**

HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) appears in the URL when a website is secured by an SSL
certificate. The details of the certificate, including the issuing authority and the corporate name of the
website owner, can be viewed by clicking on the lock symbol on the browser bar.

33. What is a Website Audit? [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]*

A Website audit zones in on the functionalities of a website. Forms, information, content, evaluation of
ranking, and the quality of a website are reviewed. This is done to identify and improve any shortcomings
that might not have been picked up if a website audit was not preformed. Information is checked to see if
it goes through the correct receivers and if click through navigation is relevant. The website’s graphics
are also analyzed in terms of flash animation or any other multimedia features. Other elements such as
traffic are also monitored as traffic plays a big factor in the success of your website and generation of

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MCQ of 1 Marks & 2 Marks Each

1. Following are the essential requirements for safe e-payments/transactions:
(a) Confidentiality & Authenticity
(b) Integrity & Non-Repudiability
(c) Availability & Auditability
(d) All of the above
2. Major security measures are__________
(a) Encryption
(b) Digital Signature
(c) Security Certificates
(d) All of the above
3. A _________is an e-signature authenticated through encryption and password.***
(a) Encryption
(b) Decryption
(c) Digital Signature
(d) Security Certificates
4. ________is a unique digital id used to verify the identity of an individual website or user.
(a) Encryption
(b) Decryption
(c) Digital Signature
(d) Security Certificates
5. _________is the process of using an algorithm to transform information to make it
unreadable for unauthorized users.****
(a) Encryption
(b) Decryption
(c) Digital Signature
(d) Security Certificates
6. _________is the process of encoding data, making it unintelligible and scrambled.****
(a) Encryption
(b) Decryption
(c) Digital Signature
(d) Security Certificates
7. _________is the method by which plaintext or any other type of data is converted from a
readable form to an encoded version that can only be decoded by another entity if they
have access to a decryption key
(a) Encryption
(b) Decryption
(c) Digital Signature
(d) Security Certificates
8. ___________refers to the principles which guide safe electronic transactions
(a) Digital Signature
(b) Security Certificates
(c) Encryption
(d) E-Commerce security
9. The key dimensions of e-commerce security
(a) Confidentiality & Authenticity
(b) Integrity & Non-Repudiability
(c) Availability & Auditability
(d) All of the above
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10. A _________in the context of computer security, refers to anything that has the potential
to cause serious harm to a computer system.
(a) Encryption
(b) Decryption
(c) Digital Signature
(d) Security threat
11. A ________is something that may or may not happen, but has the potential to cause
serious damage. It can lead to attacks on computer systems, networks and more.
(a) Encryption
(b) Decryption
(c) Digital Signature
(d) Security threat
12. Virus, Trozan Horse, Worm, Spyware, Ransomware etc are examples of ________
(a) Encryption
(b) Decryption
(c) Digital Signature
(d) Security threat
13. A _________is a type of malicious software that, when executed, replicates itself by
modifying other computer programs and inserting its own code.****
(a) Computer Virus
(b) Trozan Horse
(c) Worm
(d) Spyware
14. A ___________is malicious code that replicates by copying itself to another program,
computer boot sector or document and changes how a computer works
(a) Computer Virus
(b) Trozan Horse
(c) Worm
(d) Spyware
15. Some ___________attach themselves to program files. It infect any program for which
execution is requested
(a) File infectors viruses
(b) Macro viruses
(c) Overwrite viruses
(d) Polymorphic viruses
16. __________specifically target macro language commands in applications like Microsoft
Word and other programs.
(a) File infectors viruses
(b) Macro viruses
(c) Overwrite viruses
(d) Polymorphic viruses
17. An _________can install new code in files and applications that programs them to spread
the virus to additional files, applications and systems.
(a) File infectors viruses
(b) Macro viruses
(c) Overwrite viruses
(d) Polymorphic viruses
18. A _______is a type of malware that has the ability to change or mutate its underlying
code without changing its basic functions or features.
(a) Polymorphic viruses

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19. ____________are problematic because they can evade antivirus and antimalware
software by hiding in the system's RAM.
(a) Polymorphic viruses
(b) Resident viruses
(c) Rootkit viruses
(d) System or boot-record infectors
20. A __________is a type of malware that installs an unauthorized rootkit on an infected
system, giving attackers full control of the system with the ability to fundamentally
modify or disable functions and programs.
(a) Polymorphic viruses
(b) Resident viruses
(c) Rootkit viruses
(d) System or boot-record infectors
21. These viruses infect executable code found in certain system areas on a disk. They attach
to the DOS boot sector on diskettes and USB thumb drives or the Master Boot Record on
hard disks.
(a) Polymorphic viruses
(b) Resident viruses
(c) Rootkit viruses
(d) System or boot-record infectors
22. ___________is the act of finding the possible entry points that exist in a computer system
or a computer network and finally entering into them.****
(a) Virus
(b) Hacking
(c) Trojan Horse
(d) Worm
23. ________is usually done to gain unauthorized access to a computer system or a computer
network, either to harm the systems or to steal sensitive information available on the
(a) Virus
(b) Hacking
(c) Trojan Horse
(d) Worm
24. Hacking is usually legal as long as it is being done to find weaknesses in a computer or
network system for testing purpose. This sort of hacking is what we call __________****
(a) Website Hacking
(b) Network Hacking
(c) Email Hacking
(d) Ethical Hacking
25. ___________means taking unauthorized control over a web server and its associated
software such as databases and other interfaces.
(a) Website Hacking
(b) Network Hacking
(c) Email Hacking
(d) Ethical Hacking
26. ________means gathering information about a network by using tools like Telnet, NS
lookup, Ping, Tracert, Netstat, etc
(a) Network Hacking
(b) Email Hacking
(c) Ethical Hacking

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27. It includes getting unauthorized access on an Email account and using it without taking
the consent of its owner.
(a) Website Hacking
(b) Network Hacking
(c) Email Hacking
(d) Ethical Hacking
28. This is the process of recovering secret passwords from data that has been stored in or
transmitted by a computer system.
(a) Website Hacking
(b) Network Hacking
(c) Password Hacking
(d) Computer Hacking
29. This is the process of stealing computer ID and password by applying hacking methods
and getting unauthorized access to a computer system.
(a) Website Hacking
(b) Network Hacking
(c) Password Hacking
(d) Computer Hacking
30. a ______________is a program that appears harmless, but is, in fact, malicious.**
(a) Virus
(b) Hacking
(c) Trojan Horse
(d) Worm
31. ________is not able to replicate itself, nor can it propagate without an end user's
(a) Virus
(b) Hacking
(c) Trojan Horse
(d) Worm
32. A _________is a type of malicious software (malware) that replicates while moving across
computers, leaving copies of itself in the memory of each computer in its path.***
(a) Virus
(b) Hacking
(c) Trojan Horse
(d) Worm
33. A ________is a type of malicious software program whose primary function is to infect
other computers while remaining active on infected systems.**
(a) Virus
(b) Hacking
(c) Trojan Horse
(d) Computer Worm
34. A __________is self-replicating malware that duplicates itself to spread to uninfected
(a) Virus
(b) Hacking
(c) Trojan Horse
(d) Computer Worm

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35. ______is software that is installed on a computing device without the end user's
(a) Spyware
(b) Ransomware
(c) Spoofing
(d) Sniffing
36. _______that is installed for innocuous reasons is sometimes referred to as tracking
(a) Spyware
(b) Ransomware
(c) Spoofing
(d) Sniffing
37. ________is a type of malware program that infects, locks or takes control of a system and
demands ransom to undo it.****
(a) Spyware
(b) Ransomware
(c) Spoofing
(d) Sniffing
38. _________attacks and infects a computer with the intention of extorting money from its
(a) Spyware
(b) Ransomware
(c) Spoofing
(d) Sniffing
39. __________is a subset of malware in which the data on a victim's computer is locked,
typically by encryption, and payment is demanded before the ransomed data is decrypted
and access returned to the victim.
(a) Spyware
(b) Ransomware
(c) Spoofing
(d) Sniffing
40. __________in general, is a fraudulent or malicious practice in which communication is
sent from an unknown source disguised as a source known to the receiver.
(a) Spyware
(b) Ransomware
(c) Spoofing
(d) Sniffing
41. ___________is a malicious practice employed by cyber scammers and hackers to deceive
systems, individuals, and organizations into perceiving something to be what it is not.**
(a) Spyware
(b) Ransomware
(c) Spoofing
(d) Sniffing
42. A _________attack is when a malicious party impersonates another device or user on a
network in order to launch attacks against network hosts, steal data, spread malware or
bypass access controls.**
(a) Spyware
(b) Ransomware
(c) Spoofing
(d) Sniffing

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43. This technique is used by network professionals to diagnose network issues, and by
malicious users to capture unencrypted data, like passwords and usernames. If this
information is captured in transit, a user can gain access to a system or network.**
(a) Spoofing
(b) Sniffing
(c) Phishing
(d) Spamming
44. _________ is a form of fraud in which an attacker masquerades as a reputable entity or
person in email or other communication channels.****
(a) Spoofing
(b) Sniffing
(c) Phishing
(d) Spamming
45. _______is popular with cybercriminals, as it is far easier to trick someone into clicking a
malicious link in a seemingly legitimate phishing email than trying to break through a
computer's defenses.
(a) Spoofing
(b) Sniffing
(c) Phishing
(d) Spamming
46. __________, also known as junk email, is a type of electronic spam where unsolicited
messages are sent by email.**
(a) Spoofing
(b) Sniffing
(c) Phishing
(d) E-mail spam (Spamming)
47. _______messages are commercial in nature but may also contain disguised links that appear
to be for familiar websites but in fact lead to phishing web sites or sites that are
hosting malware
(a) Spoofing
(b) Sniffing
(c) Phishing
(d) E-mail spam (Spamming)
48. A _________attack is any type of attack where the attackers (hackers) attempt to prevent
legitimate users from accessing the service.
(a) Spamming
(b) Phishing
(c) Denial of Service (DoS)
(d) Sniffing
49. In a__________ attack, the attacker usually sends excessive messages asking the network or
server to authenticate requests that have invalid return addresses
(a) Spamming
(b) Phishing
(c) Denial of Service (DoS)
(d) Sniffing
50. An ____is a set of related software programs and/or services that are sold as a single package
(a) information technology (IT) solution
(b) Spoofing
(c) Sniffing
(d) Phishing
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51. ____in the context of computer systems, allows authorized users to access sensitive and
protected data.**
(a) Confidentiality
(b) Authenticity
(c) Integrity
(d) Auditability
52. ________refers to converting the message into a code so that unauthorized person may not
understand it.****
(c) Firewall
(d) DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)
53. _________is the process of convening encrypted data back into its original form, so that it can
be understood.****
(c) Firewall
(d) DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)
54. __________allows encryption and decryption of the message with the same key. **
(a) Symmetric encryption
(b) Asymmetric encryption
(c) Firewall
(d) DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)
55. _________uses the public key for the encryption, and a private key (Secret key) is used for
decryption. **
(a) Symmetric encryption
(b) Asymmetric encryption
(c) Firewall
(d) DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)
56. _________is the protection of computer systems from theft of or damage to
their hardware, software or electronic data, as well as from disruption or misdirection of the
services they provide.
(a) Cyber security
(b) computer security
(c) IT security
(d) All of the above
57. A _______is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private
(a) firewall
(b) Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
(c) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
(d) Website Audit
58. ________prevent unauthorized internet users from accessing private networks connected to
the internet, especially intranets.****
(a) firewall
(b) Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
(c) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
(d) Website Audit

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59. All messages entering or leaving the intranet (i.e., the local network to which you are
connected) must pass through the ________,which examines each message and blocks those
that do not meet the specified security criteria.****
(a) firewall
(b) Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
(c) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
(d) Website Audit
60. Types of firewalls are _________
(a) Packet filtering
(b) Circuit-level gateway implementation
(c) Acting as a proxy server
(d) All of the above
61. In computer networks, _________also sometimes known as a perimeter network or
a screened sub network, is a physical or logical subnet that separates an internal local area
network (LAN) from other untrusted networks, usually the internet***
(a) firewall
(b) Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
(c) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
(d) Website Audit
62. SSL stands for ____________****
(a) Secure Sockets Layer
(b) Secret Sockets Layer
(c) safeguarding Sockets Layer
(d) sensitive data Sockets Layer
63. _______is the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and
safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems, preventing criminals
from reading and modifying any information transferred, including potential personal details.
(a) firewall
(b) Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
(c) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
(d) Website Audit
64. HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) appears in the URL when a website is secured by
an _________certificate.
(a) firewall
(b) Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
(c) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
(d) Website Audit
65. The purpose of a _________is to aid webmasters or owners in the understanding of the
functional areas and components of a website’s performance on the Internet.**
(a) firewall
(b) Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
(c) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
(d) Website Audit
66. Significance (importance) of Website Auditing are_________
(a) Analysis of your website can give you insight into new graphic and strategic ideas.
(b) It can help you tweak components that are hampering your website’s current
(c) Such reports can give you insight into your website’s traffic ranking, bounce rates
(d) All of the above

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Unit 5:
IT Act. 2000 and Cyber Crimes [6 Marks]

1. Information Technology Act, 2000 [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

The bill was passed in the budget session of 2000 and signed by President K. R. Narayanan on 9 May
2000. The bill was finalised by group of officials headed by then Minister of Information
Technology Pramod Mahajan.
The original Act contained 94 sections, divided in 13 chapters and 4 schedules. The laws apply to the
whole of India. Persons of other nationalities can also be indicted under the law, if the crime involves a
computer or network located in India.
It is the primary law in India dealing with cybercrime and electronic commerce.

date enacted 9 June 2000

Date assented to 9 June 2000

Date signed 9 May 2000

Date commenced 17 October 2000

2. Definitions of different terms [Compiled by Ravi Bhalotia]****

(p) "digital signature" means authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of an
electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of section 3; ****

(q) "Digital Signature Certificate" means a Digital Signature Certificate issued under subsection (4) of
section 35;

(za) "originator" means a person who sends, generates, stores or transmits any electronic message or
causes any electronic message to be sent, generated, stored or transmitted to any other person but does not
include an intermediary; **

(zc) "private key" means the key of a key pair used to create a digital signature;****

(zd) "public key" means the key of a key pair used to verify a digital signature and listed in the Digital
Signature Certificate; ****

(zg) "subscriber" means a person in whose name the Digital Signature Certificate is issued; ****

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MCQ of 1 Marks & 2 Marks Each

1. Information Technology Act, 2000 was passed in the budget session of 2000 and signed by
President K. R. Narayanan on __________****
(a) 9 May 2000
(b) 9 June 2000
(c) 9 July 2000
(d) 17 October 2000
2. Information Technology Act, 2000 was enacted from__________
(a) 9 May 2000
(b) 9 June 2000
(c) 9 July 2000
(d) 17 October 2000
3. Information Technology Act, 2000 was commence from__________
(a) 9 May 2000
(b) 9 June 2000
(c) 9 July 2000
(d) 17 October 2000
4. "Information Technology Act, 2000" laws apply to the ____________****
(a) Whole of India
(b) Whole of India except Jammu & Kashmir
(c) Whole of India except Jammu & Kashmir, Andmaan & Nikobar
(d) Whole of India except Jammu & Kashmir, Andmaan & Nikobar & North East India
5. __________is the primary law in India dealing with cybercrime and electronic
(a) Information Technology Act, 2000
(b) Cyber crime Act, 2000
(c) Internet crime Act, 2000
(d) Indian Evidence Act, 1872
6. ______is an Act to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of
electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication, commonly
referred to as "electronic commerce
(a) Information Technology Act, 2000
(b) Cyber crime Act, 2000
(c) Internet crime Act, 2000
(d) Indian Evidence Act, 1872
7. ________with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions means gaining entry
into, instructing or communicating with the logical, arithmetical, or memory function
resources of a computer, computer system or computer network;
(a) Access
(b) asymmetric crypto system
(c) computer resource
(d) digital signature
8. _______means a person who is intended by the originator to receive the electronic record
but does not include any intermediary.
(a) Access
(b) addressee
(c) adjudicating officer
(d) appropriate Government

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9. ___________with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions means adoption of
any methodology or procedure by a person for the purpose of authenticating an
electronic record by means of digital signature
(a) affixing digital signature
(b) Certifying Authority
(c) certification practice statement
(d) Digital Signature Certificate
10. ________means a system of a secure key pair consisting of a private key for creating a
digital signature and a public key to verify the digital signature;
(a) asymmetric crypto system
(b) Certifying Authority
(c) certification practice statement
(d) Digital Signature Certificate
11. _________means computer, computer system, computer network, data, computer data
base or software;
(a) computer resource
(b) computer system
(c) computer network
(d) computer
12. _______________means authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means
of an electronic method or procedure in accordance with the provisions of section 3.****
(a) Digital signature
(b) Electronic Gazette
(c) verify
(d) secure system
13. _________means the Official Gazette published in the electronic form;
(a) Digital signature
(b) Electronic Gazette
(c) Digital Signature Certificate
(d) secure system
14. ________includes data, text, images, sound, voice, codes, computer programmes, software
and databases or micro film or computer generated micro fiche:
(a) function
(b) information
(c) intermediary
(d) electronic form
15. ________ with respect to any particular electronic message means any person who on
behalf of another person receives, stores or transmits that message or provides any
service with respect to that message;**
(a) Function
(b) Information
(c) Intermediary
(d) Electronic form
16. _______means the key of a key pair used to create a digital signature;****
(a) private key
(b) Public key
(c) Candidate key
(d) Alternate key

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17. _________means the key of a key pair used to verify a digital signature and listed in the
Digital Signature Certificate.***
(a) private key
(b) Public key
(c) Candidate key
(d) Alternate key
18. _______means computer hardware, software, and procedure that are reasonably secure
from unauthorised access and misuse.
(a) secure system
(b) security procedure
(c) digital signature
(d) Digital Signature Certificate
19. __________means a person in whose name the Digital Signature Certificate is issued;****
(a) subscriber
(b) originator
(c) Controller
(d) intermediary
20. _______means the Controller of Certifying Authorities appointed under sub-section (l) of
(a) subscriber
(b) originator
(c) Controller
(d) intermediary
21. ________means a person who sends, generates, stores or transmits any electronic message
or causes any electronic message to be sent, generated, stored or transmitted to any other
person but does not include an intermediary;**
(a) subscriber
(b) originator
(c) Controller
(d) addressee
22. __________means the security procedure prescribed under section 16 by the Central
(a) security procedure
(b) secure system
(c) prescribed
(d) licence
23. _______in relation to a digital signature, electronic record or public key, with its
grammatical variations and cognate expressions means to determine whether the initial
electronic record was affixed with the digital signature by the use of private key
corresponding to the public key of the subscriber;
(a) verify
(b) security procedure
(c) secure system
(d) licence
24. ______in an asymmetric crypto system, means a private key and its mathematically
related public key, which are so related that the public key can verify a digital signature
created by the private key;
(a) key pair
(b) Candidate key
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25. Subject to the provisions of section 3 of the IT Act, 2000, any ________may authenticate
an electronic record by affixing his digital signature.
(a) subscriber
(b) originator
(c) Controller
(d) intermediary
26. Any person by the use of a ________of the subscriber can verify the electronic record.
(a) private key
(b) Public key
(c) Candidate key
(d) Alternate key
27. The private key and the public key are unique to the subscriber and constitute a
functioning __________
(a) key pair
(b) Foreign key
(c) Alternate key
(d) Candidate key
28. ____means an algorithm mapping or translation of one sequence of bits into another,
(a) hash function
(b) digital signature
(c) Electronic Governance
(d) Electronic Records
29. As per Section 11 of the IT act, 2000, An electronic record shall be attributed to the
(a) if it was sent by the originator himself;
(b) by a person who had the authority to act on behalf of the originator in respect of that
electronic record; or
(c) by an information system programmed by or on behalf of the originator to operate
(d) All of the above
30. The_________ may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint a Controller of
Certifying Authorities for the purposes of section 17 of IT act, 2000.****
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Cyber Appellate Tribunal
(d) appropriate Government
31. The _______shall be the repository of all Digital Signature Certificates issued under
Section 20 of IT act, 2000.
(a) subscriber
(b) originator
(c) Controller
(d) intermediary
32. The ________ shall maintain a computerised data base of all public keys in such a
manner that such data base and the public keys are available to any member of the
(a) subscriber
(b) originator
(c) Controller
(d) intermediary

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33. Subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 21 ______, any person may make an
application, to the Controller, for a licence to issue Digital Signature Certificates.
(a) subscriber
(b) originator
(c) Controller
(d) intermediary
34. A licence granted under section 21 of IT Act, 2000 shall—
(a) be valid for such period as may be prescribed by the Central Government;
(b) not be transferable or heritable;
(c) be subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified by the regulations.
(d) All of the above
35. Under Section 22 of IT Act, 2000, Every application for issue of a licence shall be
accompanied by—
(a) a certification practice statement;
(b) a statement including the procedures with respect to identification of the applicant;
(c) payment of such fees, not exceeding twenty-five thousand rupees as may be prescribed by
the Central Government;
(d) All of the above
36. Under Section 23 of IT act 2000, An application for renewal of a licence shall be made not
less than _______days before the date of expiry of the period of validity of the licence***
(a) 45
(b) 21
(c) 7
(d) 14
37. Under Section 32 of IT act 2000, Every Certifying Authority shall display its licence at___
(a) conspicuous place of the premises in which it carries on its business.
(b) Registered office
(c) Any place of the premises in which it carries on its business.
(d) Regional office
38. Under Section 35 of IT act 2000, Any person may make an application to the Certifying
Authority for the issue of a Digital Signature Certificate in such form as may be
prescribed by the _____
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Cyber Appellate Tribunal
(d) appropriate Government
39. Under Section 35 of IT act 2000, application for licence shall be accompanied by such fee
not exceeding ₹ _________.
(a) 25,000
(b) 20,000
(c) 50,000
(d) 10,000
40. Under Section 35 of IT act 2000, ____issue Digital Signature Certificate:
(a) Certifying Authority
(b) Central Government
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41. Under Section 37 of IT act 2000, A Digital Signature Certificate shall not be suspended
for a period exceeding _____days unless the subscriber has been given an opportunity of
being heard in the matter.
(a) 15
(b) 21
(c) 7
(d) 14
42. Under Section 38 of IT act 2000, A Certifying Authority may revoke a Digital Signature
Certificate issued by it—
(a) where the subscriber or any other person authorised by him makes a request to that effect
(b) upon the death of the subscriber
(c) upon the dissolution of the firm or winding up of the company where the subscriber is a
firm or a company
(d) All of the above
43. Under Section 38 of IT act 2000, A Digital Signature Certificate shall not be revoked
unless the _____has been given an opportunity of being heard in the matter.
(a) subscriber
(b) originator
(c) Controller
(d) intermediary
44. Under Section 40 of IT act 2000, Where any Digital Signature Certificate, the public key
of which corresponds to the private key of that subscriber which is to be listed in the
Digital Signature Certificate has been accepted by a subscriber, then, the subscriber shall
generate the ________by applying the security procedure.
(a) key pair
(b) Foreign key
(c) Candidate key
(d) Alternate key
45. Under Section 43 of IT act 2000, _______means any set of computer instructions that are
designed to modify, destroy, record, transmit data or programme residing within a
computer, computer system or computer network.
(a) computer contaminant
(b) computer data base
(c) computer virus
(d) damage
46. Under Section 43 of IT act 2000 ______means a representation of information,
knowledge, facts, concepts or instructions in text, image, audio, video that are being
prepared or have been prepared in a formalised manner or have been produced by a
computer, computer system or computer network and are intended for use in a
computer, computer system or computer network;
(a) computer contaminant
(b) computer data base
(c) computer virus
(d) damage

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47. Under Section 43 of IT act 2000_______ means any computer instruction, information,
data or programme that destroys, damages, degrades or adversely affects the
performance of a computer resource or attaches itself to another computer resource and
operates when a programme, data or instruction is executed or some other event takes
place in that computer resource;
(a) computer contaminant
(b) computer data base
(c) computer virus
(d) damage
48. Under Section 43 of IT act 2000 _____means to destroy, alter, delete, add, modify or
rearrange any computer resource by any means
(a) computer contaminant
(b) computer data base
(c) computer virus
(d) damage
49. Under Section 44 of IT act 2000, If any person who is required to furnish any document,
return or report to the Controller or the Certifying Authority fails to furnish the same, he
shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding ₹ __________for each such failure.**
(a) 5,000
(b) 10,000
(c) 25,000
(d) 1,50,000
50. Under Section 44 of IT act 2000, If any person who is required to file any return or
furnish any information, books or other documents within the time specified therefor in
the regulations fails to file return or furnish the same within the time specified shall be
liable to a penalty not exceeding ₹ _____for every day during which such failure
(a) 5,000
(b) 10,000
(c) 25,000
(d) 1,50,000
51. Under Section 44 of IT act 2000, If any person who is required to maintain books of
account or records, fails to maintain the same, he shall be liable to a penalty not
exceeding ₹ __________for every day during which the failure continues.**
(a) 5,000
(b) 10,000
(c) 25,000
(d) 1,50,000
52. Under Section 44 of IT act 2000, Whoever contravenes any rules or regulations made
under this Act, for .the contravention of which no penalty has been separately provided,
shall be liable to pay a compensation not exceeding _______thousand rupees to the person
affected by such contravention*
(a) 5,000
(b) 10,000
(c) 25,000
(d) 1,50,000

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53. Under Section 48 of IT act 2000, The _________shall, by notification, establish one or
more appellate tribunals to be known as the Cyber Regulations Appellate Tribunal.
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Certifying authority
(d) appropriate Government
54. Under Section 48 of IT act 2000, A Cyber Appellate Tribunal shall consist of _____
person only (hereinafter referred to as the Residing Officer of the Cyber Appellate
Tribunal) to be appointed, by notification, by the Central Government
(a) one
(b) Two
(c) Three
(d) Four
55. Under Section 50 of IT act 2000, A person shall not be qualified for appointment as the
Presiding Officer of a Cyber Appellate Tribunal unless he ______
(a) is, or has been. or is qualified to be, a Judge of a High Court;
(b) is or has been a member of the Indian Legal Service and is holding or has held a post in
Grade I of that Service for at least three years.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) (a) or (b)
56. Under Section 51 of IT act 2000, The Presiding Officer of a Cyber Appellate Tribunal
shall hold office for a term of_______ years from the date on which he enters upon his
office or until he attains the age of ________years, whichever is earlier.****
(a) Five, Sixty Five
(b) Five, Sixty
(c) Six, Sixty Five
(d) Six, Sixty
57. Under Section 53 of IT act 2000, If, for reason other than temporary absence, any
vacancy occurs in the office in the Presiding Officer of a Cyber Appellate Tribunal, then
the _________shall appoint another person in accordance with the provisions of this Act
to fill the vacancy and the proceedings may be continued before the ________from the
stage at which the vacancy is filled.
(a) Central Government, Cyber Appellate Tribunal
(b) State Government, Cyber Appellate Tribunal
(c) Cyber Appellate Tribunal, Central Government
(d) Cyber Appellate Tribunal, State Government,
58. Under Section 54 of IT act 2000, The Presiding Officer of a Cyber Appellate Tribunal
shall not be removed from his office except by an order by the __________
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Certifying authority
(d) appropriate Government

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59. Under Section 57 of IT act 2000, Every appeal shall be filed within a period of ____days
from the date on which a copy of the order made by the Controller or the adjudicating
officer is received by the person aggrieved
(a) 25
(b) 21
(c) 7
(d) 14
60. Under Section 59 of IT act 2000, The appellant may either appear in person or authorise
one or more legal practitioners or any of its officers to present his or its case before the __
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Certifying authority
(d) Cyber Appellate Tribunal
61. Under Section 60 of IT act 2000, The provisions of the Limitation Act, 1963, shall, as far
as may be, apply to an appeal made to the __________
(a) Central Government
(b) State Government
(c) Certifying authority
(d) Cyber Appellate Tribunal
62. Under Section 61 of IT act 2000, ________court shall have jurisdiction to entertain any
suit or proceeding in respect of any matter which an adjudicating officer appointed under
this Act or the Cyber Appellate Tribunal constituted under this Act.
(a) Supreme
(b) High
(c) (a) or (b) Both
(d) No
63. Under Section 62 of IT act 2000, Any person aggrieved by any decision or order of the
Cyber Appellate Tribunal may file an appeal to the High Court within ______days from
the date of communication of the decision
(a) 60
(b) 21
(c) 45
(d) 14
64. Under Section 65 of IT act 2000, Whoever knowingly or intentionally conceals, destroys
or alters computer source documents. shall be punishable with imprisonment up to
_______or with fine which may extend up to ₹ __________or with both
(a) 3 years, ₹ 2,00,000
(b) 2 year, ₹ 1,00,000
(c) 3 years, ₹ 1,00,000
(d) 2 year, ₹ 2,00,000
65. Under Section 66 of IT act 2000, Whoever commits hacking shall be punished with
imprisonment up to _____or with fine which may extend upto ______or with both.
(a) 3 years, ₹ 2,00,000
(b) 2 year, ₹ 1,00,000

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66. Under Section 67 of IT act 2000, Whoever publishes or transmits or causes to be
published in the electronic form, any material which is lascivious or appeals to the
prurient interest or if its effect is such as to tend to deprave and corrupt persons shall be
punished on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which
may extend to ________and with fine which may extend to ______
(a) 5 years, ₹ 1,00,000
(b) 5 year, ₹ 2,00,000
(c) 10 years, ₹ 2,00,000
(d) 3 year, ₹ 1,00,000
67. Under Section 71 of IT act 2000, Whoever makes any misrepresentation to, or suppresses
any material fact from, the Controller or the Certifying Authority for obtaining any
licence or Digital Signature Certificate, as the case may be. shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to________, or with fine which may extend to
________rupees, or with both.
(a) 2 year, ₹ 1,00,000
(b) 2 year, ₹ 2,00,000
(c) 3 years, ₹ 2,00,000
(d) 2 year, ₹ 3,00,000
68. Under Section 72 of IT act 2000, Penalty for breach of confidentiality and privacy may
extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to one lakh rupees, or with both.
(a) 2 year, ₹ 1,00,000
(b) 2 year, ₹ 2,00,000
(c) 3 years, ₹ 2,00,000
(d) 2 year, ₹ 3,00,000
69. Under Section 73 of IT act 2000, Penalty for publishing Digital Signature Certificate false
in certain particulars shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend
to __________or with fine which may extend to _______or with both.
(a) 2 year, ₹ 1,00,000
(b) 2 year, ₹ 2,00,000
(c) 3 years, ₹ 2,00,000
(d) 2 year, ₹ 3,00,000
70. Under Section 74 of IT act 2000, Whoever knowingly creates, publishes or otherwise
makes available a Digital Signature Certificate for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose
shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to_____, or with fine
which may extend to _________or with both.
(a) 2 year, ₹ 1,00,000
(b) 2 year, ₹ 2,00,000
(c) 3 years, ₹ 2,00,000
(d) 2 year, ₹ 3,00,000
71. Under Section 74 of IT act 2000, Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1973, a police officer not below the rank of_____ shall investigate
any offence under this Act.
(a) Deputy Superintendent of Police
(b) Superintendent of Police

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