Sensors: Performance Evaluation of Direct-Link Backhaul For UAV-Aided Emergency Networks

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Performance Evaluation of Direct-Link Backhaul for
UAV-Aided Emergency Networks
German Castellanos 1,2, * , Margot Deruyck 2 , Luc Martens 2 and Wout Joseph 2
1 Department of Electronics Engineering, Colombian School of Engineering, Bogota 111166, Colombia
2 Department of Information Technology, IMEC-Ghent University, 9052 Ghent, Belgium
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Received: 25 June 2019; Accepted: 26 July 2019; Published: 30 July 2019 

Abstract: Today’s wireless networks provide us reliable connectivity. However, if a disaster occurs,
the whole network could be out of service and people cannot communicate. Using a fast deployable
temporally network by mounting small cell base stations on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) could
solve the problem. Yet, this raises several challenges. We propose a capacity-deployment tool
to design the backhaul network for UAV-aided networks and to evaluate the performance of the
backhaul network in a realistic scenario in the city center of Ghent, Belgium. This tool assigns
simultaneously resources to the ground users—access network—and to the backhaul network,
taking into consideration backhaul capacity and power restrictions. We compare three types of
backhaul scenarios using a 3.5 GHz link, 3.5 GHz with carrier aggregation (CA) and the 60 GHz
band, considering three different types of drones. The results showed that an optimal UAV flight
height (80 m) could satisfy both access and backhaul networks; however, full coverage was difficult
to achieve. Finally, we discuss the influence of the flight height and the number of requesting users
concerning the network performance and propose an optimal configuration and new mechanisms to
improve the network capacity, based on realistic restrictions.

Keywords: UABS; backhaul; UAV; disaster scenarios; millimeter wave

1. Introduction
In normal circumstances, the cellular network is quite reliable and provides connectivity for users
in cities and rural areas with high quality and speed. However, they are not exempt from failing
during emergencies such as storms, earthquakes, tornados, bushfires, tsunamis or even terrorist attacks.
In these cases, people tend to communicate more with their relatives to let them know if they are safe;
as a result, cellular networks tend to saturate. Besides, the emergency itself could damage the system
to the point that there is no land-based network to communicate. This was the case of the magnitude
7.0 2010 Haiti’s earthquake. For two days, the cellular network of the two mobile providers was offline.
By the third day, only 70% of the cellular network could be re-established [1,2]. Later in 2017, Hurricane
Maria in Puerto Rico took down 95% of the land-based network on September 21. One month later,
67.4% of the network was still out of service, and by the end of the year, even 36.0% of the grid was
down according to [3]. Likewise, in the Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia on September
2018, 1678 base stations were damaged equally to 40.02% of the land-based network [4]. These are
examples of emergencies that destroyed the land-based system severely. A promising solution that is
broadly investigated [5–10] is the usage of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to aid the land-based
network that suffered from congestions or physical failure. A base station (BS) is mounted on a UAV,
which is positioned close to or above the affected area and provides mobile communications to the
uncovered users. These UAVs are called unmanned aerial base stations (UABSs). Though this is a
promising solution, it has several practical challenges. These challenges could be divided into two

Sensors 2019, 19, 3342; doi:10.3390/s19153342

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groups related to (i) the access network where the UABSs provide a connection to the users and (ii)
the backhaul link between the UABSs and the core network (CN). Although several studies have
addressed the access network [10–15] as will be discussed in Section 2, limited work has been done on
the backhauling.
This paper proposes a backhauling architecture for a UABS network. Its performance is evaluated
in a scenario of a real 3D model of Ghent city in Belgium. To this end, the capacity-based deployment
tool described in [5] has been extended with the proposed backhaul architecture. To the best of
the author’s knowledge, a deployment tool for UAV-aided networks that accounts for backhaul
connectivity in a realistic scenario does not exist. The novelty of this proposal is that the allocation of
ground users is done simultaneously to the allocation of the backhaul resources, accounting for both
capacity and power constraints.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a review of the state-of-art
of UABS in emergency networks is presented for both the access and backhaul network. Section 3
outlines the role of the backhaul in these networks and proposes three scenarios that will be studied
based on the methodology described in Section 4. Section 5 discusses the results of the simulation for a
realistic scenario in the city of Ghent, Belgium. Finally, in Section 6, the paper is concluded and future
work is presented.

2. UAV Serving Ground Users

An underlying network architecture for UAVs is presented in [15]. It describes and defines two
categories of links: The control and non-payload (CNPL) and the data links. The first one should
provide a full-duplex, low latency, high reliability and secure connections; usually with low data rates,
for the usage of the UAV. Whereas the latter one is highly dependent on the role of the UAV. In this
architecture, neither access nor backhaul links are described. When the application is using UAVs to
aid wireless networks, they are called UABS. In this case, these links are divided into three different
types: Access, relay and backhaul.
The problem of using UAVs to support ground communications in disaster scenarios has been
covered by diverse authors; however, their relation and constraints with the backhaul are not widely
explored. Mazaffari et al. present in [16] one of the most extensive reviews of UAV in wireless networks.
It covers various potential application including disaster scenarios, 5G BSs, mmWave communications,
relaying and Internet of Things (IoT) applications. [17] proposes a mathematical framework for 3D
cellular network based on UABS. Instead, Gupta et al. collected in [18] a detailed survey into the
network-side challenges including physical, data link and network layers from the perspective of UAV
networks. Cicek et al. in [10] present a taxonomy classification of location optimization solutions,
which includes a study of 124 papers related to UABS. Its taxonomy comprises parameters of how the
location of the UABS is done statically or dynamically, number of UABS, among others. The backhaul
constraints are considered only in static scenarios with exact or PSH solutions. In [19], Zeng et al.
describe the potential and challenges of using UAV as users of the cellular networks and includes
using it to support backhaul network in case of a disaster. Different approaches are discussed from a
2D joint trajectory and scheduling optimization method for only one drone up to multiple relaying
users equipment (UEs) to extend the coverage area. However, the backhaul is considered only between
the core network and a disconnected BS by the usage of multiple UAVs that do not serve users [7].
Reference [20] presents a method to deploy and optimize UABS locations based in a distributed
optimization model, to maximize coverage quality, serving time and minimize interference influence.
Wu et al. present a 2D trajectory design using a tradeoff model between delay, power and throughput,
concluding that the average throughput increased as the speed of the UAV increases at expenses of the
delay [21]. Reference [22] introduces a 3D location mixed-integer non-linear programming algorithm
for only one UABS being served by a terrestrial macro-cell network as a backhaul using 2 GHz frequency.
Mozaffari et al. [14] present a study of multiple UABSs 3D placements for serving users maximizing
the coverage area; however, it does not include backhaul limitations. In [9], Deruyck et al. propose a
Sensors 2019, 19, 3342 3 of 16

deployment tool to investigate network performance during a disaster, but it does not account for the
backhaul. Similar, [8] presents a public safety heterogeneous network with two tiers, the microcell and
Sensors 2019, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 17
the UAV network, and their backhaul links are considered to be infinite. Kawamoto et al. in [13] present
the first known trial of a UAVnetwork
safety heterogeneous servingwith
the resource
microcell management. They evaluate
and the UAV network, the
and their
impact ofbackhaul
motion, links
antenna directivity and resource allocation in the experiment. Lime Microsystems
are considered to be infinite. Kawamoto et al. in [13] present the first known trial of a
demonstrateUAVa serving
3G call users
for a using
WiFi resourcelightweight
management. base station
They withthe
evaluate a weight
impact less than 2antenna
of motion, kg [23].
In [12], the results of and resource
a UAV allocation
relaying in the
a user experiment.
using Limelong
an existing Microsystems demonstrate
term evolution (LTE)anetwork
3G call forare
drone-mounted lightweight base station with a weight less than 2 kg [23]. In
presented. The increase in user throughput when the flying relay is in operation is shown. [24] presents [12], the results of a
UAV relaying a user using an existing long term evolution (LTE)
the challenges of using millimeter-wave communications to connect UAVs either for access or for network are presented. The
increase in user throughput when the flying relay is in operation is shown. [24] presents the
backhaul and focus on the challenges of detection, positioning, interference mitigation and spectrum
challenges of using millimeter-wave communications to connect UAVs either for access or for
sharing in UAVs. [25] proposes a stochastically geometry model to perform backhaul scenario for
backhaul and focus on the challenges of detection, positioning, interference mitigation and spectrum
UABS in 2.6 and in
sharing 73 UAVs.
GHz. In [25][26] a study
proposes of the backhaul
a stochastically at 3.5 and
geometry model 30 to
GHz is done.
perform backhaul scenario for
UABS in 2.6 and 73 GHz. In [26] a study of the backhaul at 3.5 and 30 GHz is done.
3. The Architecture of Backhaul for UABS in Emergency Networks
3. The Architecture of Backhaul for UABS in Emergency Networks
3.1. Backhaul Architecture
3.1. Backhaul
We proposed Architecture
a general architecture for UAV-aided networks as illustrated in Figure 1. It is based on
the architectures
proposed in [7,10,12,15,21].
a general architecture Thefor access network,
UAV-aided indicated
networks as in orange, uses
illustrated the 2.6
in Figure 1. GHz
It is
and on the architectures
connects the usersdescribed
to the UABSs in [7,10,12,15,21].
through 3G TheLTE
access network,base
femtocell indicated in orange,
station uses
the 2.6
This provides GHz frequency
essential and connects
communication the users
like voice, texttoand
the UABSs
data in 3G
caseLTE of afemtocell
disaster.base station
A detailed
technology. This provides essential communication like voice, text and
explanation of the access network in this architecture could be found in [5]. Understanding the capacity limited data in case of a
disaster. A detailed explanation of the access network in this architecture could be found in [5].
requirements of the access network, as well as the restrictions in emergencies, is vital to determine the
Understanding the capacity requirements of the access network, as well as the restrictions in
appropriate backhaul network. We propose a backhaul link configuration called direct link. In this
emergencies, is vital to determine the appropriate backhaul network. We propose a backhaul link
backhaul configuration
the UABSs haveIn
direct link. a direct wirelessconfiguration,
this backhaul connection with the the
UABSs CN,haveas shown by wireless
a direct the blue
arrow. This configuration
connection with the isCN,
similar for the
as shown byBSsthe of
bluethe terrestrial
arrow. network, where
This configuration microwave
is similar links
for the BSs are
of the
typically used [27] and
terrestrial are therefore
network, considered
where microwave as out-of-band
links backhaul
are typically used links
[27] and arehaving the considered
therefore advantageas of
minimal or none interference
out-of-band backhaul with
links the
the network.
advantageThe direct link
of minimal uses interference
or none long term evolution (LTE)
with the access
release 11,network.
which can Themanage
direct link usesaggregation.
carrier long term evolutionThe usage (LTE)
of arelease
which canlike manage carrier
this, aids in
aggregation. The usage of a known technology like this, aids in
the management of resource allocation parameters used in this architecture, defining the UAV like athe management of resource
flying user in an LTE parameters
network. used in this architecture,
We proposed to use two defining
differentthe UAV like
frequency a flying
bands namelyuserthe
in 3.5
an GHz
network. We proposed to use two different frequency bands namely the 3.5 GHz and 60 GHz bands
and 60 GHz bands that will be described in the next subsection. The radio frequency parameters are
that will be described in the next subsection. The radio frequency parameters are also described in
also described in Section 4.2.
Section 4.2.
Our architecture used LTE-advanced
Our architecture used LTE-advanced time timedivision duplexing
division duplexing (TDD)
(TDD)ininthe thebackhaul network.
backhaul network.
This configuration aids in the usage of TDD time synchronization that will
This configuration aids in the usage of TDD time synchronization that will minimize intra minimize intra interference
in the proposed architecture
interference [28]. Moreover,
in the proposed because
architecture [28].our study assumes
Moreover, because that all theassumes
our study land-basedthat cellular
all the
network is offline; further
land-based cellularinter-cell
networkinterference is ruled
is offline; further out too.
inter-cell Hence, noisinterference
interference ruled out too. is considered
Hence, no
interference is considered in our architecture.
in our architecture.

Figure 1. Figure backhaul
1. Direct backhaulscenario for
scenario for an emergency
an emergency networknetwork using aerial
using unmanned unmanned aerial
base stations base
stations (UABSs).
Sensors 2019, 19, 3342 4 of 16

3.2. Frequency Selection

Backhaul frequency usage serving international mobile telephony (IMT) is divided into out-of-band
or in-band, having different frequencies or sharing the same frequency band respectively. The first
one is the most commonly used due to the versatility of the network and the independence between
the access and the backhaul network, which leads to minimal interference [27]. On the other hand,
the in-band perspective is included in LTE Release 10 as a relay mechanism to support evolved NodeB
(eNBs) that have suffered from lost backhaul connectivity and should rely on a Donor eNB (DeNB) to
have access to the CN [29]. In-band backhauling is an attractive option due to the fast reconfiguration
time and low operational cost but imposes interference management and resource allocation challenges.
Siddique et al. present a comparison of the different frequencies used in the backhaul and the benefits
of using sub-6 GHz frequencies for UABS arrangements [27]. The authors conclude that licensed sub-6
GHz frequencies are the best compromise between coverage and capacity, allowing easy operation and
management even in non-line-of-sight (NLoS) conditions. However, limited and expensive spectrum
and the need for interference management are considered as significant drawbacks for traditional IMT
sub-6 GHz bands.
To overcome the issue of the limited spectrum, we proposed the use of the 3.5 GHz band, which is
still not broadly occupied, as it is the case for the 800, 900, 1800, 1900 and 2600 MHz bands. In the
range of the 3400 to 3600 MHz the band 22 is available for frequency division duplexing (FDD) services,
the 42 or 43 bands for TDD and the n78 band for 5G New Radio (5G_NR) [30,31]. The main reason for
choosing this band is the ability to work with either an out-of-band or in-band configuration, as well
as the low occupancy of this band, the licensed protection and the capacity-coverage trade-off [32].
Recent 5G trials have shown data rate peaks of 10.4 Gbps using 200 MHz of the 3.5 GHz band,
proving to have the potential to fulfill backhauling requirements [33].
Millimeter-wave frequencies have also been studied for 5G radio access networks, due to the
ability to support large bandwidth (several GHz) but with high path loss attenuations. There are
mainly two groups for mmWave frequencies studied for IMT: The 50 GHz group (45.5–47; 47.0–47.2;
47.2–50.2; 50.4–52.6) and the 80 GHz Group (66–76; 71–76; 81–86). However, most of them are studied
for the access network. Some research is being done for fixed wireless access (FWA) and backhaul in
the mmWave V-band. The 60 GHz band (57–66 GHz) is a promising candidate for backhauling, due to
unlicensed or light-licensed operations, no spectrum shortage, high capacity, interference resistance,
frequency reuse ability thanks to its narrow beam directivity and the small size of antennas that can be
easily mounted in the UAV [34]. Recent trials in Hungary using 60 GHz for fixed wireless broadband
have demonstrated that V-Band could support up to 1 Gbps connectivity [35].
We proposed to use the 60 GHz band (57–66 GHz) band for the backhaul link because it supports
9 GHz of unlicensed bandwidth that could be used even with low spectrum efficiency to tolerate the
high attenuation of this band and still provide the data rates needed in disaster scenarios.

4. Methodology
In this section, the emergency network and scenario definitions for the simulation are presented.
Then, the UABS path loss model and link budget parameters are defined, following by the description
of the types of drones used for the backhaul analysis. Finally, the simulation algorithm for UAV-aided
backhaul network planning was proposed.

4.1. Emergency Network

Under normal conditions during the day, 260 concurrent users are possible at the maximum traffic
at 5 pm in the city of Ghent, according to real data from a Belgian mobile operator [5]. For this study,
we assumed a worst-case scenario where the entire land-based network was down in the city center of
Ghent (6.85 km2 ), Belgium. This means that the UABSs will support all the communications and all
the users’ traffic will go through this network architecture. Figure 2 shows the city center of Ghent
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with the 260 users uniformly distributed in red circles with indoor and outdoor locations having the
same probability. Users inside buildings are positioned at half of the building height.
Sensors 2019, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 17

Figure 2. The city center of Ghent with 260 ground users in red circles.
Figure 2. The city center of Ghent with 260 ground users in red circles.
The traffic distribution is essential to define the traffic model that each UABS has to serve in the
The traffic distribution is essential to define the traffic model that each UABS has to serve in the
access network and consequently, in the backhaul network. For these scenarios, only voice (64 kbps)
access network and consequently, in the backhaul network. For these scenarios, only voice (64 kbps)
and data (1 Mbps) traffic was used, and its distribution was based on information from the operator.
and data
New (1 Mbps)
active traffic
users willwas used,toand
be able its distribution
connect once an activewasuser
based on idle.
goes information
Hence, 260from the operator.
New connections
active userswill
be able to connect once an active user goes idle. Hence, 260 voice/data
to remain active during the whole intervention, which is one hour. However, connections
will have to remain active
the connectivity during
of a user theactivation
and the whole intervention,
of a UABS will which is one
depend onhour. However,
the available the connectivity
capacity of the
of a user network.
and the Whenof
activation the
a emergency
UABS willoccurs,
depend a facility
on the truck with capacity
available the UABSofgoes
theto the centernetwork.
backhaul of
Whenthe emergency
the emergency area and deploys
occurs, thetruck
a facility UABS.with
UABSfly togoes
its defined locationofand
to the center thethen start to area
serve ground
and deploys users.They
the UABS. Finally, handover
will fly to itsprocedures and inter-cell
defined location and then interference in the
start to serve access users.
ground network Finally,
are assumed too. In Table 1, the simulation configuration for the scenarios is presented.
handover procedures and inter-cell interference in the access network are assumed too. In Table 1,
the simulation configuration for the scenarios is presented.
Table 1. Scenario simulation parameters.

Parameter Value
Table 1. Scenario simulation parameters.
Area size 6.85 km2 (Ghent, suburban)
Number of Parameter
users/devices Value
260 users
User distribution
Area size 2 Uniform
6.85 km (Ghent, suburban)
Number users/devices 1 Mbps data/64 kbps voice
260 users
Facility size
User distribution 1500 drones
Traffic demand
Intervention time 1 Mbps data/64
1 h kbps voice
Facility size 1500 drones
4.2. Scenarios Definition Intervention time 1h

We proposed three different scenarios for serving backhaul to the drones. The first scenario (I)
4.2. Scenarios
connecting all the UABS to the CN through LTE-advanced technology using a 3.5 GHz
channel with a 20 MHz bandwidth. A first in first out (FIFO) based algorithm for resource block (RB)
We proposed three different scenarios for serving backhaul to the drones. The first scenario (I)
allocation is implemented where user resources are assigned simultaneously based on the backhaul
considers connecting all the UABS to the CN through LTE-advanced technology using a 3.5 GHz
constraints [36]. The RB is the tiniest component of resources that can be allocated to devices in LTE.
RB hasa 2012MHz bandwidth.
subcarriers A first
and seven in first
symbols out (FIFO)
equivalent to abased algorithm
one time for LTE
slot in the resource
The (RB)
allocation is implemented where user resources are assigned simultaneously
amount of RB is dependent on the carrier bandwidth; for 20 MHz 100 RB are used [37]. We also based on the backhaul
assumed[36]. The RB is the
no interference tiniest
between thecomponent of resources
backhaul network (UABS that canand
to CN) be allocated
the access to devices in
LTE. (users
Each RB has 12 For
to UABS). subcarriers
the second and seven(II),
scenario symbols
aggregationto a one
(CA) wastime slot inaggregating
included, the LTE frame.
five carrier
The amount of RBcomponents (CC) on
is dependent to complement a total of 100for
the carrier bandwidth; MHz equivalent
20 MHz 100 RBto 500
are RBs.
We also
scenario (III), was a direct link scenario using mmWave connectivity. In this
assumed no interference between the backhaul network (UABS to CN) and the access network (users scenario, UABSs were
to UABS). to the
For the CN using
second a 60 GHz
scenario link. The
(II), carrier radio and link
aggregation (CA) budget parametersaggregating
was included, for the simulation
five carrier
are presented in Table 2. The 3.5 GHz link used LTE-advanced orthogonal frequency division
components (CC) to complement a total of 100 MHz equivalent to 500 RBs. The third scenario (III),
multiple access (OFDMA) configuration.
Sensors 2019, 19, 3342 6 of 16

was a direct link scenario using mmWave connectivity. In this scenario, UABSs were connected to
the CN using a 60 GHz link. The radio and link budget parameters for the simulation are presented
in Table 2. The 3.5 GHz link used LTE-advanced orthogonal frequency division multiple access
(OFDMA) configuration.

Table 2. Link budget parameters for the simulation.

Parameter Sub 6 GHz Backhaul mmWave Backhaul

Frequency 3.5 GHz 61.5 GHz
Bandwidth 20 MHz 9 GHz
Number of resource blocks 100 45,000
Number of used subcarriers 1200 540,000
Total number of subcarriers 2048 1,048,576
Max transmission power UABS 43 dBm 10 dBm
Max transmission power CN 43 dBm 10 dBm
Antenna gain UABS 5 dBi 36 dBi (2.5◦ )
Antenna gain CN 5 dBi 36 dBi (2.5◦ )
Fade margin 10 dB 5 dB
Interference margin 2 dB 2 dB
1/3 QPSK = –1.5 dB
1/2 QPSK = 3 dB
Receiver signal-to-noise ratio 2/3 QPSK = 10.5 dB 1/2 BPSK = 7.39 dB
(SNR) for the modulation and 1/2 16-QAM = 14 dB 1/2 QPSK = 15.4 dB
coding scheme (MCS) 2/3 16-QAM = 19 dB 1/2 16 QAM = 17.5 dB
1/2 64-QAM = 23 dB
2/3 64-QAM = 29.4 dB
Noise figure in UABS 5 dB 5 dB
Shadowing margin 8.2 dB 8.2 dB
MIMO gain 0 dB 0 dB
CN antenna height 25–60 m
User height 1.5 m

4.3. Path Loss Models

The 3GPP TR 36.777 draft [38] outlines urban and rural environments for UAV implementations
over LTE release 15 networks. The standard proposes system level parameters and channel models,
which are included in our proposed scenario. For the 3.5 GHz band, we used the model in [38]
based on 3GPP TR 38.901 [39], which accounts for 3D scenarios and is optimal for our simulation tool
requirements. Shi et al. in [26] use this model in the 3.5 GHz band. Therefore, we proposed to use the
urban macro (UMa) environment path loss model, which is described in Equations (1) and (2) for the
line-of-sight (LoS) and NLoS respectively; where fc is in GHz, d3D and hdrone in meters. The shadow
fading standard deviation σSF was 4 dB and 6 dB for LoS and NLoS, respectively. This model is valid
for distances up to 4.5 km, and increases as the hdrone increases [26]. One of the advantages of using
this model is its applicability to frequencies up to 100 GHz; hence, it will also be used for the 60 GHz
band simulations. The path loss PLUMa−LOS in LoS and PLUMa−NLOS in NLoS conditions (in dB) is
calculated as follows [34,35]:

PLUMa−LOS = 28 + 22 log10 (d3D ) + 20 log10 ( fc ) (1)

PLUMa−NLOS = 13.54 + 39.08 log10 (d3D ) + 20 log10 ( fc ) − 0.6(hdrone − 1.5) (2)

4.4. UAV Description

The types of drones used in the simulation are essential to determine the performance of the
solution apart from the network parameters. We assumed that the access and backhaul network
equipment weighs about 1.5 kg; hence, the selection of drones are based on this parameter [40].
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We proposed three types of drones for these simulations. The first type of drone was a commercial
off-the-shelf hexacopter drone like the DJI F550, which its size and battery capacity were small and its
flight time was approximately 15 min [41]. The second drone was a professional quadcopter like the
MD4-100 able to carry more than 1 kg of payload and with enough battery capacity to flight nearly
45 min with the described payload [42]. The third drone was a Harris H4 Hybrid drone, which combined
a traditional quadcopter drone with a 48 V battery with an H2000 generator of 1.8 KWatts. Both will
add together a total of 37.5 Ah per hour, and with a consumption of 1.5 L/h from a four-liter tank,
the total capacity available will be 100 Ah [43]. From the facility, 1500 drones were available to serve
the emergency; so when a drone was running out of battery, a new drone from the facility flight to the
old drone’s position and replaced it until 1500 drones were used. Backhaul handover was considered
seamless because it would happen less than four times during the intervention. All drone specifications
are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Drone specification for simulation.

Drone Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Hybrid

Average UAV speed (m/s) 15 12 15
UAV battery capacity (Ah) 2 17.33 100
UAV battery voltage (V) 14.3 22.2 48.0
UAV average usage (A) 5 13 25
UAV average usage (W) 71.3 288.6 1200
Average Max Fight Time (s) 900 2400 7200
Fly height Uniformly distributed between 20 m and 200 m

4.5. Deployment Tool and Algorithms

The tool used in this paper was an extension of the one used in [5]. The novelty of this tool included
modifications to the implementation of LTE radio resource allocation using RB to manage the radio
resources and the capacity of the backhaul and the power consumption model for LTE femtocell BSs.
The tool, implemented in Java, presents four different phases to achieve the full network simulation.
First, the tool generates a realistic traffic scenario of the users with a uniform distribution in the
studied area, assigns their locations and sets up a facility in the center of the considered area (Step 1 in
Figure 3). Second, a list of possible UABS locations is assigned above of each user in the network at the
configured flight altitude. Then, for each user, this list is organized based on the signal-to-noise-ratio
(SNR) of the link between the user and the UABS locations. Then, for each link, it evaluates the
access-link viability by calculating if the SNR is sufficient for the modulation and coding schemes
(MCS) of the technology. For the UABS location with the best SNR, the tool asks if this UABS is a new
one or an active one. If it is a new one, the algorithm evaluates the backhaul-link viability by checking
the SNR and the MCS similarly to the access-link. If some of the links are not viable, it continues to
the next UABS possible location and repeats the link evaluation process (Step 2 in Figure 3). Third,
after evaluating the access and backhaul link viabilities, it proceeds to assess based on the capacity
constraints. The algorithm calculates if the available backhaul resource blocks are enough for the
new bit rate of the UABS. If the link capacity is feasible, the user is assigned to that UABS and finally,
the used network capacity and power usage values are updated (Step 3 in Figure 3). Unlike [44],
where there is a fixed number of UABS, our algorithm assigns UABS when they are needed, based on
the restriction of the facility. Fourth, each new user is subject to the optimization of the active UABS
to reduce transmission power, minimize flight time of the UABS and reduce the number of RB used.
The algorithm finishes when all users are served or when the RBs are fully utilized (Step 4 in Figure 3).
Finally, the tool collects the result variables and prints them for easy analysis.
To achieve stability in the simulation results, we ran the tool and obtained stability in 65 runs per
scenario. The number of runs where stability was found depends on the deviation of the averaged
values compared to the average values of five investigated values in 100 runs (number of locations,
Sensors 2019, 19, 3342 8 of 16

number of2019,
Sensors users,
19, xnumber
FOR PEER of drones, mean flight time and mean capacity). We defined stability
REVIEW 8 of 17when
the average value of the variables in specific runs had a deviation of ±0.5% of the average value in
100 runs. Wevalue
looked in 100
for runs. We looked
the number for the
of runs fornumber of runs
all values thatfor all values
fulfilled thisthat fulfilledand
criterion thiswe
found it to
be 65. we found it to be 65.

Figure 3. Flow
3. Flow diagramof
diagram ofthe
the algorithm
algorithm implemented
backhaul analysis.
backhaul analysis.

5. Results
5. Results
In this
In this section,
section, wewe introducedthe
introduced thesimulation
simulation results
tool described
tool above.
described Unlike
above. Unlike
in [5], that the analysis was focused on how many UABS were needed to support the disaster; here
in [5], that the analysis was focused on how many UABS were needed to support the disaster; here we
we focused the study on the behavior of the network when there were capacity restrictions in the
focused the study on the behavior of the network when there were capacity restrictions in the backhaul
backhaul and different frequencies to evaluate. For this, we divided the results in the three backhaul
and different frequencies to evaluate. For this, we divided the results in the three backhaul scenarios
scenarios starting with the 3.5 GHz band with no CA, then with the 3.5 GHz with CA and finishing
withwith theGHz
the 60 3.5 GHz
band. band with
Besides, weno CA, then
collected thewith theof3.5
results 21 GHz withinCA
variables and finishing
groups related to with
the the
60 GHz band. Besides, we collected the results of 21 variables in groups
UABS, the users, the network and backhaul capacity and power consumption. related to the UABS, the users,
the network and backhaul capacity and power consumption.
5.1. Scenario I: LTE at 3.5 GHz No Carrier Aggregation.
5.1. Scenario I: LTE at 3.5 GHz No Carrier Aggregation
We evaluated the performance of the network varying the flying height of the UABSs. The
values assessedthe
We evaluated go from 20 m to 200
performance ofmthe
above the ground
network varyinglevel.
theWe also height
flying studiedof thethe
UABSs. Theof thevalues
assessed go from 20 m to 200 m above the ground level. We also studied the implication 1of the
facility antenna height and compared an antenna of 25 m against a 60 m antenna using a type
drone. In Figure 4a, the required number of UABSs and the served users is presented. It can be seen
facility antenna height and compared an antenna of 25 m against a 60 m antenna using a type 1 drone.
that if the flight height was low, the number of backhauled UAVs was small due to the buildings
In Figure 4a, the required number of UABSs and the served users is presented. It can be seen that if
that were present in the area. As the altitude increases, the number of line-of-sight (LoS) links
the flight height was low, the number of backhauled UAVs was small due to the buildings that were
increased and the viability increased leading to more suitable connections at 80 m serving around 45
users. the
in Thisarea.
valueAs wastheoptimal
altitude increases,
and the number
worked under of line-of-sight
the maximum (LoS)
limitations from links
the increased and the
Belgian Civil
Aviation Authority, which was 90 m for the considered type of drones [45]. Above this altitude, thevalue
increased leading to more suitable connections at 80 m serving around 45 users. This
was optimal
connectedand worked
number underdecreased
of UABSs the maximum
slightlylimitations from the
due to the distance Belgian
between theCivil Aviation
facility antennaAuthority,
which thewas
90 m It is
theto notice that type
considered the facility antenna
of drones [45].height
Above hardly
this affected
connected of the
number of
number of backhauled UABS only in values less than 60 m. Above that altitude,
UABSs decreased slightly due to the distance between the facility antenna and the UABS. It is vital to the UABS-users
noticeconnectivity definedantenna
that the facility more theheight
hardly Besides,
be seen that usually, only 45 users
of the number were
of backhauled
served. This value could not be increased because all of the 100 RBs were allocated. Figure 4b
UABS only in values less than 60 m. Above that altitude, the UABS-users connectivity defined more
presents an assessment of the RB efficiency for the backhaul. If all the connection used the best MCS
the performance. Besides, it can be seen that usually, only 45 users were served. This value could
(64QAM-2/3), the maximum bandwidth achievable would be 72 Mbps. However, the actual
not be increased because all of the 100 RBs were allocated. Figure 4b presents an assessment of the
bandwidth was 41.3 Mbps, equivalent to 0.4 Mbps per RB (dotted lines in Figure 4b), equal to an
RB efficiency for the backhaul. If all the connection used the best MCS (64QAM-2/3), the maximum
MCS of 16QAM-2/3.
bandwidth achievable would be 72 Mbps. However, the actual bandwidth was 41.3 Mbps, equivalent to
0.4 Mbps per RB (dotted lines in Figure 4b), equal to an MCS of 16QAM-2/3.
Sensors 2019, 19, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 17
Sensors 2019, 19, 3342 9 of 16

UABSs Locations and Users 100%
Backhaul Resource Block Efficiency 1.0

Mean BH link Efficiency [%]

40 80% 0.8
Number of Users

Resource Block Efficney

30 60% 0.6

20 40% 0.4

10 20% 0.2
0 0% -
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Flight height [m] Flight height [m]
UABS Backhauled 25m UABS Backhauled 60m BH Link Efficiency - 25m BH Link Efficiency - 60m
Covered Users 25m Covered Users 60m RB Efficiency [Mbps/RB] 25m RB Efficiency [Mbps/RB] 60m

(a) (b)

100 UABSs Used to serve Ground Users Mean UABS Power Usage

Mean UABS Power Usage [W]

Total Used UABS


20 30

0 20
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
# Users # Users

(c) (d)

Total UABS Backhaul Used Capacity
Type 1 - 40m
Total BH Used Capacity

Type 2 - 40m
Type 3 - 40m
40 Type 1 - 80m

Type 2 - 80m
Type 3 - 80m
20 Type 1 - 120m
Type 2 - 120m
Type 3 - 120m
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
# Users


Figure 4. Evaluation results for the Scenario I. (a) Flight performance of UABSs. (b) Backhaul
Figure 4. Evaluation results for the Scenario I. (a) Flight performance of UABSs. (b) Backhaul resource
resource block performance. (c) UABS needed for different types of drones. (d) Power usage for
block performance. (c) UABS needed for different types of drones. (d) Power usage for different types
different types of drones. (e) Backhaul network utilization for different kinds of drones.
of drones. (e) Backhaul network utilization for different kinds of drones.
5.2. Scenario II: LTE at 3.5 GHz with Carrier Aggregation
Moreover, the maximum of 72 Mbps could hardly be achieved due to the resource block allocation,
i.e., a userThe previous scenario
requesting 1 Mbpsshows that the
will need twonetwork
RB of 720waskbps
each,due to the to
leading full
Mbps of allocated
resource but
blocks. To overcome this situation, carrier aggregation (CA) the land-based system severely where
only 1 Mbps used (69.4% efficiency). This efficiency could be improved if more user’s requests are
five contiguous component carriers of 20 MHz each were aggregated for a total of 100 MHz and 500
assigned in the available backhaul RB with divers MCS. Our results show that efficiency was nearly
RB. Figure 5a compares the backhaul network capacity without (Scenario I) and with CA (Scenario
81.9% ± 3.2%, asscenario
II). The first shown in theused
only straight
100 RBlines of Figure
while 4b. 500 RB. All the network resources were
the second
Next, weatevaluated
allocated about 190 the performance
users assigning nearlyof users (50–500
175 Mbps, andusers) askingusage
the capacity for resources in the network
was independent of
three types ofMoreover,
of drones. drones (see Table
when the3) at threeRB
available different altitudes
five-folds, (40,
the used 80 andonly
capacity 120 incremented
m). Figure 4c,d,e
3.7 times
present these(47.6 Mbps In
results. to 173.1
FigureMbps). Thisnumber
4c, the is becauseofour algorithm
UABS neededorganized
dependedthe best
on suitable
the type UABS
of drone
with higher SNR and served them first. Hence, after the first 100 RBs were allocated,
used, where the worst case was with the Type 1 drone. Type 2 and hybrid type behaved similarly the best UABSs
because served and now
autonomy perUABSs
drone with
was lower SNR and
more than one worst MCS were
hour, which wasserved, decreasing
the considered the overall time.
efficiency of the backhaul link. Similarly, the number of covered users incremented 3.5 times (from
Hence similar results were obtained but with a slight increment from the Type 2 (16 hybrid drones to
54 users to 189 users), but after 200 requested users the number of served ones was constant due to
18 Type 2 drones) mainly because of the speed of the drone. The average power used by UABSs as
RB saturation in the backhaul as shown in Figure 5b. Likewise, the number of UAV used increased
a function of the served users is presented in Figure 4d. The power consumption is the sum of the
energy used by the flight from the facility to the serving location and return, plus the power for the
transmission of the access and the backhaul network [46]. The averaged power consumption was
almost independent of the type of drone used, and because the majority of the consumption was used
in radio transmissions, it was proportional to the requesting users. At the optimal height of 80 m,
Sensors 2019, 19, 3342 10 of 16

a lower amount of power was consumed because the UABSs have to transmit less power to achieve
the same bit rate due to better LoS links and lower flight times to the serving position. In Figure 4e,
we evaluated the backhaul network performance. The results show that the network was stable
independent of the number of users. As seen in the UABS altitude evaluation, the maximum allocated
users were 45 (Figure 4a). Moreover, results show how the network usage was reasonably stable and
80 m flight-altitude outcast other altitudes, showing that our tool enabled a stable backhaul connection.

5.2. Scenario II: LTE at 3.5 GHz with Carrier Aggregation

The previous scenario shows that the network was saturated due to the full usage of resource
blocks. To overcome this situation, carrier aggregation (CA) the land-based system severely where five
contiguous component carriers of 20 MHz each were aggregated for a total of 100 MHz and 500 RB.
Figure 5a compares the backhaul network capacity without (Scenario I) and with CA (Scenario II).
The first scenario only used 100 RB while the second 500 RB. All the network resources were allocated
at about 1902019, 19, x FOR
assigning nearly 175 Mbps, and the capacity usage was independent of 11 of
the17 type

of drones. Moreover, when the available RB five-folds, the used capacity only incremented 3.7 times
only 1.4 times (from 18.5 T2 drones without CA to 26.5 T2 drones with CA) leading to an
(47.6 Mbps to 173.1 Mbps). This is because our algorithm organized the best suitable UABS with higher
optimization of the backhaul and an improvement of the mean served users by each UABS when
SNR and
CA. them first. Hence, after the first 100 RBs were allocated, the best UABSs were served
and now In UABSs
Figurewith lower
5c and d, weSNR and worst
presented MCS of
the results were
the served,
coveragedecreasing the overall
in the real scenario in theefficiency
city of of
the backhaul
Ghent. Green stars are the served users, while the red crosses are the uncovered users. Figureusers
link. Similarly, the number of covered users incremented 3.5 times (from 54 5c to
189 users),
showsbut thatafter
even 200
when requested users
a user could thea viable
have number of served
connection in ones wasterms,
path loss constant due
it was nottoserved
RB saturation
in thetobackhaul
backhaul as capacity
shown restrictions.
in Figure When CA was used
5b. Likewise, in Figureof
the number 5d,UAV
the number of users served
used increased wastimes
only 1.4
18.5 T2higher
drones and the average
without CA todistance
26.5 T2ofdrones
UABS withlocations
leading to leading to more distant
an optimization UABSs
of the backhaul
from the central facility as seen by the orange triangles.
and an improvement of the mean served users by each UABS when using CA.

Total UABS BH Used Capacity for 80m Total Number of Served Users
200 200
Total Backhaul Used Capacity

180 180
Number of Served Users

160 160
140 140
120 120

100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
# Users # Users

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 5. Evaluation results for Scenario II. (a) Used capacity of the backhaul for 80 m flight height.
Figure 5. Evaluation results for Scenario II. (a) Used capacity of the backhaul for 80 m flight height. (b)
(b) Provisioned users. (c) Network coverage for 260 users at 80 m flight height Type 2 drone in
Provisioned users. (c) Network coverage for 260 users at 80 m flight height Type 2 drone in Scenario I.
Scenario I. (d) Network coverage for 260 users at 80 m flight height Type 2 drone in Scenario II
(d) Network coverage for 260 users at 80 m flight height Type 2 drone in Scenario II (carrier aggregation).
(carrier aggregation). Facility location (dark green square); users covered (green star); uncovered
Facility location (dark green square); users covered (green star); uncovered Uuers (red cross); active
Uuers (red cross); active UABS (orange triangle); covered area (yellow circle).
UABS (orange triangle); covered area (yellow circle).
5.3. Scenario III: LTE with a Millimeter-Wave Backhaul Link
Although the usage of carrier aggregation as described in the previous scenario, not all the
users could be allocated due to the network restrictions. The proposed solution was to use the 60
GHz band to support uncovered users in a disaster scenario. In Figure 6, a comparison of the three
backhaul link scenarios was presented. Here, it can be seen that the number of locations and served
Sensors 2019,
2019, 19,
19, 3342
12 of 16

drone, as shown in Figure 6b. However, despite that 80 m height was the best altitude, only 68.3% of
In Figure
the users were 5c,d, we presented
covered. the results
This is because of the coverage
only UABSs locationsin inthe real scenario
a radius of 550 minclose
the city
to theof facility
Green stars are the served users, while the red crosses are the uncovered
were served. According to the link budget calculations, if a drone is in an NLoS using the 60 GHz users. Figure 5c shows that
band,when a user could
the maximum have a will
distance viablebeconnection in path loss
390 m. However, the terms,
UABSsit between
was not served
390 m dueandto550 backhaul
m, are
capacity restrictions. When CA was used in Figure 5d,
connected through LoS where the angle is high enough to avoid buildings. the number of users served was 354.3% higher
and the average7a,
In Figure distance of UABSsimulation
the coverage locations increased
results inleading to more
the city distant
of Ghent forUABSs
the 60from
GHzthe central
band are
facility seen by the
In this case,orange
all thetriangles.
users in a distant radius of 750 m from the facility were served due to
the coverage extension obtained by the UABSs. Some users far away from the facility were
5.3. Scenario III: LTE with a Millimeter-Wave Backhaul Link
connected to UABSs that had LoS link to the facility. In comparison with CA, 60 GHz connections
Although the
outperformed the usage
served of users
carrierin aggregation as described
altitudes higher than in100them,previous
where scenario, not all the users
NLoS connections were
could be allocated due to the network restrictions. The proposed solution was
minimal. In Figure 7b, the efficiency of the backhaul link as a function of the flight height is shown. Itto use the 60 GHz band
to supportthat
is shown uncovered users in a disaster
the performance of 60 GHz scenario.
(98.7%) Inwas
Figure 6, a than
better comparison of the This
CA (96.4%). threeisbackhaul
becauselink the
MCSs forwas the presented.
3.5 GHz band Here, could
it can be seen that
allocate the number
bigger of locations
data packets in theand
to for the CA
a difficult
and millimeter-wave
resource allocation that was wascomparable.
simplified For lower
in the altitudes,
60 GHz carrier
allocation aggregation
process. This goescould serve
with theslightly
cost of
more users, and for higher elevations, the millimeter backhaul link
using up to four times more RB than in the 3.5 GHz band. Furthermore, the 60 GHz backhaul could serve more. At the optimal
had onlyofthree
80 m,schemes
CA performed better, SNR
with higher serving 188 users
values, compared
compared withtothe
177 using 60 GHz.
in the 3.5 GHz It isband.
known It
that the 60 GHz band has higher path losses, especially when
used better connections that led to overall better results in resource allocation. NLoS links are presented, mainly due to
Next, losses. In some simulations
we evaluated how the demand runs (up ofto 16 runs
users 24.5%),
affected theno UABSs (Figure
network could be7c,d).
connected to the
The results
facility, particularlyto
were proportional inthe
numberunder 40 m due users
of demanding to highbecause
path losses throughof
the number buildings.
RBs for theThis60can GHzbe
easily overcome by incrementing the flight altitude of the drone,
network was much higher (45000 RBs) compared to the maximum users in our simulation and as shown in Figure 6b. However,
backhaul that 80 m height
saturation was was the best altitude,
not achieved. For 500 only 68.3% ofusers,
demanding the users
only were covered.
3290 RBs were This is because
needed, which
only UABSs locations in a radius of 550 m close to the facility were
was 7.3% of the total RBs at 60 GHz. Figure 7c presents the usage of RB for the three scenarios.served. According to the link
budget calculations, if a drone is in an NLoS using the 60 GHz band, the
shows that for the 3.5 GHz band, the number of the RBs was fully used, but for the 60 GHz there was maximum distance will be
more. the UABSs between 390 m and 550 m, are connected through LoS where the angle is
high enough to avoid buildings.

UABSs Locations and Users Users provided [%]

200 100%
Percentage of Users [%]

160 80%
Number of Users

120 60%
80 40%
40 20%
0 0%
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Flight Height [m] Flight Height [m]

(a) (b)

Figure 6.
Figure 6. Comparison
Comparison of
of network
network performance
performance in
in different
different flight
flight heights.
heights. (a) Number of
(a) Number of users
users and
number of UABS. (b) Percentage of served users.
number of UABS. (b) Percentage of served users.

In the other hand,
7a, the the backhaul
coverage simulation RB results
efficiency was
in the stable
city at around
of Ghent for the98.1%
60 GHz ± 0.8%.
band areIn Figure 7d,
In number of users
case, all served
the users in a by each radius
distant UABS of is 750
m fromItthe is facility
shown werethat CA and due
served 60 GHz
to theperformed
quite similar
extension for less
obtained by than 200 users.
the UABSs. Some From
away on,from the
theCA was were
facility saturated whentohaving
connected UABSseight
had perlink
UABS, but
to the for 60In
facility. GHz, it increased
comparison withmore gently.
CA, 60 GHz However,
connections using 60 GHz, the
outperformed thepercentage of
served users
in users
altitudes was than
higher smaller100than 72% due
m, where NLoS to connections
the propagation wererestrictions
minimal. In described
Figure 7b,previously. The
the efficiency
of resultslink
the backhaul showas athat usingofthe
function thesimultaneous
flight height isresource
shown. allocation
It is showncould lead
that the to a feasible
performance of
60 servingwas
GHz (98.7%) up to 54 (21.6%),
better than CA 188(96.4%).
and 178 (68.5%)the
is because users
MCSsfor afor
3.5 3.5
GHzGHz with
band CA
and 60 GHz
allocate network
bigger configurations,
data packets in the RB, respectively.
leading to a difficult resource allocation that was simplified
in theFinally,
60 GHzwe presented
allocation in Table
process. 4 agoes
This resume
of using results
up toof thetimes
four networkmore performance
RB than in
for the
the threeband.
3.5 GHz scenarios with threethe
Furthermore, types
60 GHzof drones for 260
backhaul linkusers
had and
onlythe optimal
three schemesflight height.
with higherHere
SNR it
can be seen how Scenario II could support more users (188 users) and slightly outperformed the
Sensors 2019, 19, 3342 12 of 16

Sensors 2019,
values, 19, x FORwith
compared PEERthe
REVIEW 14 of 17
seven in the 3.5 GHz band. It used better connections that led to overall
better results in resource allocation.

Mean Backhaul RB Efficiency


Used Capacity / Allocated Capacity





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Flight Height [m]

(a) (b)

Total Resource Block usage Mean Provisioned Users

3500 14
3000 12
Resource Blocks

2500 10
Users per UABS

2000 8
1500 6
1000 4
500 2
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
# Users # Users

(c) (d)

Figure 7.
Figure 7. Performance
bandand comparison
and with
comparison 3.5 3.5
with GHz scenarios.
GHz (a) Coverage
scenarios. using
(a) Coverage
the 60 GHz band. (b) Backhaul resource block (RB) efficiency. (c) Resource block used.
using the 60 GHz band. (b) Backhaul resource block (RB) efficiency. (c) Resource block used. (d)(d)
Provisioned users.
Provisioned users.

6. Conclusions and Future

Next, we evaluated howWork
the demand of users affected the network (Figure 7c,d). The results were
proportional to the number of demanding users because the number of RBs for the 60 GHz network was
Despite that land-based networks are quite reliable, in case of an emergency, they could suffer
much higher (45000 RBs) compared to the maximum users in our simulation and backhaul saturation
from saturation or total failure. Using fast deployable systems mounted on UAVs are a promising
was not achieved. For 500 demanding users, only 3290 RBs were needed, which was 7.3% of the total
solution, but they arise challenges as optimal drone selection and placement, radio network section
RBs at 60 GHz. Figure 7c presents the usage of RB for the three scenarios. It shows that for the 3.5 GHz
including the access and backhaul. This paper presented a network architecture based on UAVs to
band, the number of the RBs was fully used, but for the 60 GHz there was space for more.
provide wireless connectivity for a disaster scenario and the performance evaluation of the capacity
On the other hand, the backhaul RB efficiency was stable at around 98.1% ± 0.8%. In Figure 7d,
for the proposed architecture. To this end, we developed a novel simulation tool and applied it on a
the number of users served by each UABS is presented. It is shown that CA and 60 GHz performed
realistic scenario in the city center of Gent in Belgium, accounting for capacity and power restrictions
quite similar for less than 200 users. From 200 users on, the CA was saturated when having eight users
from both the access and backhaul networks. The study focused on the usage of unoccupied
per UABS, but for 60 GHz, it increased more gently. However, using 60 GHz, the percentage of covered
frequency bands such as 3.5 GHz and 60 GHz and compared the performance of variables such as
users was smaller than 72% due to the propagation restrictions described previously. The capacity
the number of demanding users and UABSs’ flight altitude.
results show that using the simultaneous resource allocation could lead to a feasible solution, serving up
The study also introduced the comparison of traditional off-the-shelf drones with hybrid ones
to 54 (21.6%), 188 (72.4%) and 178 (68.5%) users for a 3.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz with CA and 60 GHz network
and concluded that the last one outperformed in flight time and power usage. Further analysis in the
configurations, respectively.
weights of the backhaul equipment needs to be done in the future. Our results showed that for the
Finally, we presented in Table 4 a resume of the principal results of the network performance for
proposed architecture, 80 m was the optimal flight altitude. The capacity results showed that by
the three scenarios with three types of drones for 260 users and the optimal flight height. Here it can be
using the simultaneous access and backhaul resource allocation a real solution could be achieved,
seen how Scenario II could support more users (188 users) and slightly outperformed the scenario of
serving up to 17.3%, 72.4% and 68.1% of the users for a 3.5 GHz link, 3.5 GHz with carrier
aggregation and 60 GHz network configuration, respectively. For the 60 GHz link, the main
limitation of users served was due to the distance as a result of path loss building penetration
Sensors 2019, 19, 3342 13 of 16

the 60 GHz band (178 users). Contrarily, in scenario III, each UABS could support more users (10 users
in III and eight in II). As expected, the usage of better drones (type 2 and type 3) reduced the number of
drones required in all three scenarios by a factor of four, being the hybrid-type was slightly (11%) better
than type 2. The power consumption was also stable among the kinds of drones and quite different
among the scenarios, concluding that power consumption was mainly related to the technology and
network requirements rather than drone flight usage. It can be seen that for the scenarios I and II,
the power consumption per UABS was nearly 34 and 36 watts respectively, meanwhile, for scenario III,
it was just 25 watts.

Table 4. Resume of the critical parameters for 260 users at 80 m drone altitude.

Scenario I Scenario II Scenario III

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 1 Type 2 Type 3
Users served (users) 54 54.2 54.1 188.2 187.9 190.8 177.6 178.1 177.6
Users served (%) 21.6 21.7 21.7 72.4 72.3 73.4 68.3 68.5 68.3
Users per UABS 3.36 3.2 3.4 8.1 7.9 8.1 9.4 10.1 9.6
# UABSs locations 16.4 17.0 16.2 23.4 23.9 23.6 19.2 18.6 18.8
# Used UABS 75.2 18.5 16.2 110.1 26.5 23.6 76.7 18.6 18.8
Mean power usage (w) 34.4 33.7 35.3 36.9 36.2 36.9 24.9 24.9 24.9
Total BH capacity (Mbps) 47.4 47.6 47.9 173.1 171.4 174.7 163.8 164.1 163.5
BH capacity per UABS (Mbps) 2.9 2.8 2.9 7.4 7.2 7.4 8.7 8.8 8.81
Total RB usage (RB) 100 99.9 100 500 499.8 499.9 1617.8 1619.1 1620.8
RB usage per UABS (RB) 6.2 5.9 6.2 21.5 21.0 21.3 85.4 87.1 87.36
RB capacity (kbps/RB) 474.0 476.5 479.0 346.2 342.9 349.5 101.2 101.3 100.8
BH RB efficiency (%) 87.0 87.2 87.1 96.2 96.4 96.1 98.4 98.7 98.5

Moreover, the total capacity was consequent with the number of users served and scenario II was
the one that outperformed with nearly 173.1 Mbps over 163.8 Mbps and 47.6 Mbps for scenarios III and
I respectively. Similarly, to the more users per UABS, scenario III could support more backhaul bitrate
per UABS with 8.8 Mbps. Next, due to the differences in the MCS for both frequencies, the 60 GHz
band had less spectrum efficiency. Hence, it consumed much more resource blocks compared with the
3.5 GHz band. In can be seen that scenario I and II were saturated in 100 and 500 RB, but for scenario
III, it consumed almost 1620 RB still far from its 45000 RB limit. In this case, the scenario I had more RB
capacity with 476.5 kbps/RB followed by scenario II and III with 346.2 kbps/RB and 101.2 kbps/RB
respectively. Lastly, the RB efficiency increments as the number of RB per UABS were used. This is due
to the optimization algorithm that organized the UABS capacity in a better way leading to an average
of 87.1%, 96.2% and 98.5% of efficiency for scenarios I, II and III respectively.

6. Conclusions and Future Work

Despite that land-based networks are quite reliable, in case of an emergency, they could suffer
from saturation or total failure. Using fast deployable systems mounted on UAVs are a promising
solution, but they arise challenges as optimal drone selection and placement, radio network section
including the access and backhaul. This paper presented a network architecture based on UAVs to
provide wireless connectivity for a disaster scenario and the performance evaluation of the capacity
for the proposed architecture. To this end, we developed a novel simulation tool and applied it on a
realistic scenario in the city center of Gent in Belgium, accounting for capacity and power restrictions
from both the access and backhaul networks. The study focused on the usage of unoccupied frequency
bands such as 3.5 GHz and 60 GHz and compared the performance of variables such as the number of
demanding users and UABSs’ flight altitude.
Sensors 2019, 19, 3342 14 of 16

The study also introduced the comparison of traditional off-the-shelf drones with hybrid ones
and concluded that the last one outperformed in flight time and power usage. Further analysis in the
weights of the backhaul equipment needs to be done in the future. Our results showed that for the
proposed architecture, 80 m was the optimal flight altitude. The capacity results showed that by using
the simultaneous access and backhaul resource allocation a real solution could be achieved, serving up
to 17.3%, 72.4% and 68.1% of the users for a 3.5 GHz link, 3.5 GHz with carrier aggregation and 60 GHz
network configuration, respectively. For the 60 GHz link, the main limitation of users served was due
to the distance as a result of path loss building penetration reducing the covered area down to a radius
of 750 m. Contrarily, the 3.5 GHz solutions were mainly limited by the full usage of resource blocks.
Future work will include the usage of a multi-frequency backhaul network using 3.5 GHz
and 60 GHz bands choosing which link is optimal to serve UABSs with different constraints.
Moreover, future work may involve the usage of Multiple-Imput Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas,
multi-channeling to reduce the noise floor and beamforming analysis. Investigation when part of
the terrestrial network is down, might also be included, where inter-cell interference is evaluated in
conjunction with in-band an out-of-band radio resource allocations. Different architectures that can
be included in future studies are the usage of relay network, including a low-altitude aerial platform
(LAP) or satellite as suggested in the literature with all its implications like internode interference and
multi-antenna devices.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, G.C., M.D. and W.J.; methodology, G.C., M.D. and W.J.; software,
G.C. and M.D.; validation, G.C., M.D, and W.J.; formal analysis, G.C.; investigation, G.C.; resources, G.C.;
data curation, G.C.; writing—original draft preparation, G.C.; writing—review and editing, G.C., M.D., L.M. and
W.J.; visualization, G.C.; supervision, M.D. and W.J.; project administration, M.D. and W.J.; funding acquisition,
W.J. and L.M.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Acknowledgments: G.C. was supported by Colfuturo (Fundación para el futuro de Colombia) and the Colombian
School of Engineering—Julio Garavito, Doctoral scholarship Colfuturo-PCB 2018. M.D. is a Post-Doctoral Fellow
of the FWO-V (Research Foundation – Flanders, Belgium).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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