CSTP 5 Odonnell 4
CSTP 5 Odonnell 4
CSTP 5 Odonnell 4
5.2 Collecting Use data from Explores Collects a Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments
and analyzing required collecting variety of assessment plan that strategically and systematically
assessments to additional data formal and provides formal and informal throughout instruction to collect
assess student using informal assessment data on student ongoing assessment data
data from a learning. supplemental assessment data learning. 11/20/19 appropriate for the range of
variety of assessments. on student learner needs. 4/4/2020
sources to Follows learning. Uses data analysis of a broad
inform required Make 5/1/19 range of assessments to Uses results of ongoing data
instruction. processes for adjustments in provide comprehensive analysis to plan and
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
Reviews and Reviews and Reviews and Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative work
5.3 monitors monitors monitors a broad range of data and fosters colleague’s ability to
available additional variety of data individually and with identify and address causes for
Reviewing assessment data assessment on student colleagues to analyze student achievement patterns and
data, both as required by data learning thinking and identify trends. 4/4/2020
individually site and district individually individually and underlying causes for trends.
and with processes. and with with colleagues 11/20/19
colleagues, to colleagues and to identify
monitor identifies trends and
learning needs patterns among
student of individual groups of
learning students. students.
9/25/28 5/1/19
I make sure to I talk with my I meet once a month to I have been working with
keep my colleagues review and monitor data another colleague to help our
gradebook up about my individually with staff during this transition to
in Gradelink assessments. my colleagues. We meet distance learning. We research
which is where We meet once a the last Wed. of the ideas to pass along to our
I put in my data week and as a month. During colleagues, we try them out
of my whole staff we our Inservice time we before hand with each other to
assessments of meet the last discuss how our students see the pros and cons. Some
my students. Wednesday of are doing, to brainstorm things we have used are, Google
Also, I keep a the month. I talk ideas how to help Meet, Google Hangout, Zoom
portfolio for with my our students meet meetings. We have been
each child too. principal to their individual goals. I watching the webinars that the
During our analyze my also talk with California Department of
staff meetings, student my colleagues weekly Education is doing weekly and
I will assessment and about how I can improve passing along information to
collaborate discuss ways to my instruction to help others. I have also been
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning
5.4 Using Uses data from Uses data from Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of data to Reflects on data continuously to
assessment assessments available assessment data set learning goals for content make ongoing refinements to
provided by site assessments to to set student and academic language that learning goals for content and
data to
and district to establish learning goals are integrated across content academic language for the fill
establish set learning content-based for content and standards for individuals and range of students. 4/4/2020
learning goals for the learning goals academic groups. 11/20/19
goals and to class. 9/25/18 for class and language. Uses data systematically to
plan, individual 5/1/19 Plans differentiated refine planning, differentiate
differentiate, students in instruction targeted to meet instruction, and make ongoing
Plans single lessons individual and group learning adjustments to match the
and modify
instruction or sequences of Plans needs. 11/20/19 evolving learning needs of
instruction using available lessons. differentiated individuals and groups.
curriculum lessons and Modifies lessons during 4/4/2020
guidelines. Plans modifications to instruction based on informal
9/25/18 adjustments in instruction to assessments. 11/20/19
instruction to meet students’
address diverse learning
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning