CSTP 5 Odonnell 4

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CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the Explores the Decides on Develops and adapts the Demonstrates purposeful
purposes and use of different the purpose range of appropriate use of a wide range of
characteristics types of pre-
for assessments to address assessments to support
of formative and assessment,
summative formative and assessment questions about students’ differentiated student
assessments. summative and skills to learning needs and learning needs and reflect
assessments. be assessed to progress. 11/20/19 progress. 4/4 2020
Begins to appropriately Integrates a variety of Draws flexibility from a
matches pre-, characteristics into repertoire of appropriate
characteristics formative and assessments to allow assessment options and
5.1 Applying of assessments summative students with a ranges of characteristics to maximize
knowledge of that yield assessments. learning needs to student demonstration of
the purposes, different types 5/1/19 demonstrate what they knowledge. 4/4/2020
characteristic of information know. 11/20/19
about student
s, and uses of Selects
different progress, and assessments
types of proficiency. based on
assessments 9/25/18 clear
g of the
purposes and
s of
to support
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I know that When  I have created my I use a wide range of
there are many deciding on own rubrics for my assessments through
different types
the purpose students to allow my quizzes, test, exit tickets,
of assessments
and they yield for students to informal assessments. Now
different types assessment demonstrate what with switching over to
of outcomes. and skills to they know. I have distance learning I have
There are be assessed I used been using google forms,
informal make sure to the websites Rubric- google docs for quick writes
assessments Maker.com and Rub
select to assess the students
that I’m making
throughout my appropriately istar to create some understanding and
lessons of the matched pre-, of my rubrics. I learning, google slides,
students formative and continue to also give websites like Padlet and
understanding summative a variety of Flip grid 4/4/2020
and master of assessments. I assessments
certain Formative and
include a
There are multiple of Summative. I have
formal assessments written assessments, 
assessments of multiple choice,
and they vary observations, matching, true and
too. You are essays, false. 11/20/19 
multiple performance
choice, tasks,
matching, true portfolios,
and false, etc. journals, test,
Also, when rubrics and
self and peer
assessments I
must know my evaluations.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

students. Some
students have
test anxiety,
some students
have the
support at
home to help
them student
for test which
are sometimes
used as formal
Some students
have reading
disorders, and
etc. which
hinder them
when taking
written test.

5.2 Collecting Use data from Explores Collects a Designs and integrates an Infuses assessments
and analyzing required collecting variety of assessment plan that strategically and systematically
assessments to additional data formal and provides formal and informal throughout instruction to collect
assess student using informal assessment data on student ongoing assessment data
data from a learning. supplemental assessment data learning. 11/20/19 appropriate for the range of
variety of assessments. on student learner needs. 4/4/2020
sources to Follows learning. Uses data analysis of a broad
inform required Make 5/1/19 range of assessments to Uses results of ongoing data
instruction. processes for adjustments in provide comprehensive analysis to plan and
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

data analysis planning for Uses analysis of information to guide planning differentiate instruction for
and draws single lessons a variety of data and differentiation of maximum academic success.
conclusions or sequence of to inform instruction. 11/20/19 4/4/2020
about student lessons based planning and
learning on analysis of differentiation
assessment of
data. instruction.5/1/
When giving To I have been able to infuse
assessments I provide comprehensive assessments quickly with using
must know my information to guide Google Classroom. One way is
students. Some planning and using Google Forms. Google
students have differentiation of Forms allows me to collect
test anxiety, instruction I use many ongoing assessment data. Then I
some students different sources of data can analyze data and see if I
have the of my students. I look at need to reteach a subject area.
support at home students previous cum 4/4/2020
to help them flies, and test scores,
student for test their classwork,
which are homework, test, hands
sometimes used on projects, reports, exit
as formal tickets, and etc. All this
assessments. data helps guide me in
Maybe a student long term and short term
had a rough planning for
morning at my students. What I
home. Some need to reteach and
students have what needs to
reading be differentiated. Now
difficulties, that I have a Google
auditory Classroom I will be using
processing the function of Google
disorders, and Forms to create
assessments. 11/20/19 
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

etc. which
hinder them
when taking
written test.
When doing
informal and
assessment I
must realize
each student
can have a bad
day too. So I
must make sure
to have a variety
of assessments
for my students.
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Reviews and Reviews and Reviews and Reviews and monitors a Facilitates collaborative work
5.3 monitors monitors monitors a broad range of data and fosters colleague’s ability to
available additional variety of data individually and with identify and address causes for
Reviewing assessment data assessment on student colleagues to analyze student achievement patterns and
data, both as required by data learning thinking and identify trends. 4/4/2020
individually site and district individually individually and underlying causes for trends.
and with processes. and with with colleagues 11/20/19
colleagues, to colleagues and to identify
monitor identifies trends and
learning needs patterns among
student of individual groups of
learning students. students.
9/25/28 5/1/19
I make sure to I talk with my I meet once a month to I have been working with
keep my colleagues review and monitor data another colleague to help our
gradebook up about my individually with staff during this transition to
in Gradelink assessments. my colleagues. We meet distance learning. We research
which is where We meet once a the last Wed. of the ideas to pass along to our
I put in my data week and as a month. During colleagues, we try them out
of my whole staff we our Inservice time we before hand with each other to
assessments of meet the last discuss how our students see the pros and cons. Some
my students. Wednesday of are doing, to brainstorm things we have used are, Google
Also, I keep a the month. I talk ideas how to help Meet, Google Hangout, Zoom
portfolio for with my our students meet meetings. We have been
each child too. principal to their individual goals. I watching the webinars that the
During our analyze my also talk with California Department of
staff meetings, student my colleagues weekly Education is doing weekly and
I will assessment and about how I can improve passing along information to
collaborate discuss ways to my instruction to help others. I have also been
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

with my support student with my students. mentoring a colleague with
colleagues learning. We 11/20/19 technology and what technology
about my discuss if I need would work best for her
students and to modify my students in helping with their
how they are instruction to achievement and meeting their
doing in the better meet the student learning goals. The one
classroom. We needs of my website she is using right now to
will discuss students 5/1/19 help with is getepic.com.
their progress 4/4/2020
and their
learning needs.

5.4 Using Uses data from Uses data from Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of data to Reflects on data continuously to
assessment assessments available assessment data set learning goals for content make ongoing refinements to
provided by site assessments to to set student and academic language that learning goals for content and
data to
and district to establish learning goals are integrated across content academic language for the fill
establish set learning content-based for content and standards for individuals and range of students. 4/4/2020
learning goals for the learning goals academic groups. 11/20/19
goals and to class. 9/25/18 for class and language. Uses data systematically to
plan, individual 5/1/19 Plans differentiated refine planning, differentiate
differentiate, students in instruction targeted to meet instruction, and make ongoing
Plans single lessons individual and group learning adjustments to match the
and modify
instruction or sequences of Plans needs. 11/20/19 evolving learning needs of
instruction using available lessons. differentiated individuals and groups.
curriculum lessons and Modifies lessons during 4/4/2020
guidelines. Plans modifications to instruction based on informal
9/25/18 adjustments in instruction to assessments. 11/20/19
instruction to meet students’
address diverse learning
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

learning needs needs. 5/1/19
of individual
At the beginning I use the data Each quarter I have my Each Friday as I send home my
of the year I go from the students set learning students test and weekly work
over the data student’s goals for themselves. I from the week in their Friday
from the previous report share these goals with Folders, I review it to see if my
student’s state cards, cum files, their parents at parent students are meeting their
testing and use state testing, teacher conferences. learning goals. I also use this to
it to make my pre- Having my students set see if I need to modify my
long-term assessments to goals for instruction. 4/4/2020
planning goals set student themselves helps create
for the learning goals open communication.
classroom. I for content and Sharing their goals to
also collaborate academic their parents allows
with the last language for my parents to also share
years teacher on students. When their goals for their
where she / he looking at this child.  11/20/19
thinks the class data I know that
is and what they I will have to I use informal
need to work on plan assessments in my
for this differentiated lessons for example
upcoming year. lessons and having my students
9/25/18 modification to answer questions on
instructions to white boards or thumbs
I also use the meet students’ up or thumbs down.
curriculum diverse Depending on how
guides to make learning. my students do with the
lesson plans. I 5/1/19 questions then I know if I
send out a need
weekly email to to differentiate instructio
the families that n for the lesson or not. I
state what our can meet in a small
group or students or
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

instruction is for
the upcoming individual students to
week. 9/25/18 reteach, so they meet
the learning objective. 

Informs Begins to Models and Implements structures for Provides systematic

students about encourage scaffolds students to self-assess and opportunities for student self-
learning students to student self- set learning goals related to assessment, goal setting, and
objectives, establish assessment and content, academic language, progress monitoring. 4/4/2020
outcomes, and learning goals goal setting and individual skills. 5/1/19
summative through single processes for 11/20/19 Develops students’ meta-
assessment lessons or learning content cognitive skills for analyzing
results. sequence of and academic Integrates student self- progress and refining goals
Recognizes the lessons that language assessment, goal setting, and towards high levels of academic
5.5 Involving need for include goal development. progress monitoring across achievement. 4/4/2020
all students individual setting the curriculum. 5/1/9
in self- learning goals. exercises. Guides students 11/20/19
assessment, 9/25/18 to monitor and
goal-setting, Provides reflect on
and progress Monitors students with progress on a
progress using opportunities regular basis.
monitoring available tools in single
for recording. lessons or
9/25/18 sequence of
lessons to
monitor their
own progress
toward class or
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Each day I write I have learned the I have my students set goals
the agenda on importance of implement each quarter using goal setting
the board with structure for student to self- sheets. I have been students
the goals for the assess and set learning goals log into their Gradelink
day. Each Friday related to content, academic accounts and look of over the
all the student’s language, and individual grades for progress
formal skills. This is done monitoring. I also send home a
assessments are throughout the class with exit weekly list of what
sent home in a tickets, self-reflection sheets, assignments they didn’t turn in
Friday Folder having the students learn for the week. I found that
for the students how to check their grades sending home a weekly sheet
and parents to online on our gradebook my students really respond to
review. Each called Gradelink. 5/1/19 and like. They seem to try to
student has 11/20/19 complete the missing
their own login assignments when I send home
to their account the weekly sheets. I use rubrics
in Gradelink. and student writing portfolios
Each quarter as too to help with student
a class I have monitoring. 4/4/2020
the students
write out their
goals for the

I use the online

grading system
allows me to
monitor my
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses available Explores use Uses Integrates a variety of Use a wide range of
technologies of additional technology to technologies into the technologies to design,
to record technologies design and development, implement, and analyze
assessments, to implement implement implementation, analysis assessments and provides
determine individual assessments, of assessments, and for an in depth and ongoing
proficiency assessments, record and communication of communication regarding
levels, and record analyze student learning to all student learning to all
5.6 Using
make results, and results, and audiences. 5/1/19 audiences.11/20/19
required communicat communicate 4/4/2020
communicati e with about student
to assist in
ons about administrati learning with
student on, administratio
analysis, and
learning. colleagues, n, colleagues,
and families families, and
on of student
about students.
student Ensure that
learning. communicati
9/25/18 ons are
received by
those who
lack access to
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I use the I love integrating a I think this CSTP is the
online variety of technology into easiest and the one I really
grading the development, have down. I love
system called implementation, analysis technology and use
Gradelink of assessment, and Gradelink, Remind.com,
which allows communication of Google Classroom to keep
me record student learning to all lines of communication of
individual audiences. I make sure to student learning open.
assessments, email the parents weekly Creating Google Classroom
and results. a newsletter of what is this year has been a huge
Gradelink going in the classroom. I game changer in my
prints out use Gradelink for teaching. I have had many
progress analysis of how the students out sick or take
reports and students are doing. vacations this year. It has
report cards. Parents can set alerts on been helpful to be able to
Gradelink as their phones, computers upload all their work on
the ability to when a low score, a Google Classroom, so they
run different missing assignment is didn’t get too far behind. I
types of post, or a high grade. I have designed
reports have used the websites lessons/quizzes on
regarding Xtra Math and Freckle Khaoot.com. I have used
student data. too with assessment and xtramath.org, freckle.com,
Administrati data. 5/1/19 splashmath.com,
on, tickettoread.com. I’m
colleagues, excited to learn more about
and families all the functions on G Suite
all have of Google. 11/20/19
access to this 4/4/2020
system with
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

their own
unique login
in. I also use
a online
gathers data
about the
proficient in
math facts.
This site
emails me
reports for
each student.
5.7 Using Provides Provides Provides Integrates the ongoing Facilitates students’
assessment students with students students with sharing of leadership in seeking and
information feedback with clear and comprehensible feedback using ongoing
to share through additional timely to students from formal comprehensible
timely and assessed feedback information and informal communications about
comprehensi work and based on about assessments in ways that individual student progress
ble feedback required formative strengths, support increased and ways to provide and
with students summative assessments needs, and learning. 5/1/19 monitor support. 4/42020
and their assessments. from single strategies for 11/20/19
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

lessons or improving
Notifies sequence of academic Communicates regularly
families of lessons. achievement. with families to share a
student Seeks to range of assessment
proficiencies, provide Provides information that is
challenges, feedback in opportunities comprehensible and
and behavior ways that for responsive to individual
issues students comprehensi student and family needs.
through understand. ble and timely 5/1/1911/20/19
school two-way
mandated Communicat communicati
procedures. es with ons with
families families to
about share student
student assessments,
progress, progress,
strengths, raise issues
and needs at and/or
reporting concerns, and
periods. guide family
Contacts support.
families as 9/25/18
needs arise
students or
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Through I communicate regular I communicate regular
Gradelink with families to share a with families to share a
they parents range of assessment range of assessment
can set their information that is information that
child’s comprehensible and is comprehensible and
accounts up responsive to individual responsive to individual
to alert them student and family needs student and family
when there is throughout conferences needs throughout
any activity throughout the year. conferences throughou
on gradelink. Also, with progress t the year. Also, with
For example, reports and report cards progress reports and
if I post a test that are sent home. Each report cards that are
score the week I send home a sent home. Each week I
parents can Friday Folder too which send home a Friday
get a contains the students Folder too with
notification. assessments for the contains the
The parents week. 5/1/19 students' assessments
can also email for the
me through week. The students and
gradelink or parents all have their
Gmail if they own Gradelink accou
have any nts where
concerns all assessments are
about their posted. The students
child’s and parents are able
progress or to select if they want
etc. low or high grade alerts
Every Friday from Gradelink.
too all test 11/20/19 I have
CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

papers are created a Google
sent home in Hangouts where the
a folder students can
attached to a communicate with me
standards remotely at any time. I
sheet have also added
detailing their sending home weekly
child’s missing assignment
citizenship sheets to my parents
and behavior as we have moved to
for week. This distance learning. This
must be is helping my parents
returned on keep up on the work
Monday’s their child isn’t
sign. There is completing during this
a space for time period. 4/4/2020 
parent and
too. 9/25/18

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