d10 Environment Name Middle: Aberrant
d10 Environment Name Middle: Aberrant
d10 Environment Name Middle: Aberrant
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Augmented Humanoid (22) Fiendish (18)
Augmented Humanoids are members of a more standard Fiendish races have a connection to lower planes, and have an
race, like humans, that have either been altered by magic or affinity for evil and destruction. Characters of fiendish races
have magical items embedded within them. When making an have a +1 bonus to constitution and a +1 bonus to Strength,
augmented humanoid race, you should consider whether Intelligence, or Charisma score. Additionally, they have the
these modifications are unique to a character or common in Darkvision and either Divine Magic or Flight traits.
the world. Characters of Augmented Humanoid have a feat.
Additionally, they have the Arcane Initiate trait. Fungal (18)
Fungal races are made of meaty fungus, and have poisonous
Avian (19) abilities. Characters of fungal races have a +1 bonus to their
Avian races are bird-like and accustomed to living in the sky. Constitution and Wisdom scores, as well as the Darkvision,
Characters of avian races have a +1 bonuses to Dexterity and and one of Breath Weapon (Poison or Acid), Life Drain, or
Wisdom, and have a base 25 ft. walking speed. They have the Venomous traits.
Cold Adaption, Natural Weapon, and Flight traits.
Giant (18)
Chimeric (maximum 19) Races descended from giants tend to be gruff, strong, and
Chimeric races have a mix of two other origins, whether unsurprisingly, tall. As a character from a giant descended
through natural breeding or magic. Choose two other origins. race, you have a +1 bonus to Strength, Constitution, and 1
Characters of this Chimeric race have one trait from each and other ability score of your choice. Additionally, you have the
a +1 bonus to two ability scores that can be granted by the Powerful Build and Cold Adaptation traits.
other origins. If you choose one of Adaptive Resistance, Tough
Shell, Relentless, Flight, Innate Spellcasting, Breath Weapon, Human (17)
Life Drain, Poison Resilience, Venomous or Baffling Mind for Races that share a common ancestor with humans tend to be
your trait from one race, you cannot choose another trait from adaptable and intelligent with a strong sense of community. As
the above list for your second trait. a character of one of these races, you have a +1 bonus to
intelligence and two other ability scores of your choice.
Construct (20) Additionally, you may pick one additional prowess unique to
Construct races are entirely artificial and created by another your character and one additional prowess common to your
race, like the Warforged of Ebberon. They have mechanical race.
parts rather than the meaty parts of most races. Characters of
construct races have a +1 bonus to Strength and a +1 bonus Insectoid (21)
to constitution, as well as the Poison Resilience and Disease Insectoid races are intelligent giant insects, like the thri-kreen.
Resilience and either Tough Shell or Relentless traits. They typically have phermonal abilities and tough
exoskeletons. As an insectoid character, you have a +1 bonus
Elemental (21) to dexterity and constitution, as well as the Darkvision, and
Elemental races have ancestors from one of the elemental Limited Telepathy, and either Tough Shell or Venomous traits.
planes. The most well-known race of Elementals are Genasi.
Characters of elemental races have ability score increases Lawful (20)
based on their element. Additionally, they have the Darkvision Races with ties to the plane of law tend to be obsessive over
and Damage Resistance (Damage Type) and either Arcane order and have a knack for building. As a character from one
Magic or Breath Weapon (Damage Type) traits. of these races, you have a +1 bonus to your intelligence and
either wisdom or dexterity scores, and have the Darkvision,
Element Ability Damage Type Baffling Mind, and either Proficiency (2 types of artisans
Air +1 Dex, +1 Int Electricity tools) or Limited Telepathy traits.
Earth +1 Con, +1 Str Acid Beastial (Predator) (20)
Fire +1 Dex, +1 Cha Fire Races with links to predators, whether descended from them,
Water +1 Wis, +1 Con Cold transformed from them, or afflicted with a form of
lycanthropy, tend to be strong and ferocious, with instincts
appropriate to a hunter. Characters from predator races have
Fey (19) a +1 bonus to their Wisdom and Strength or Dexterity scores,
Fey races have a natural affinity for magic and tend to be as well as the Natural Weapon, Relentless, and Darkvision
quick and wily. Characters of a fey descended race have a +1 traits.
bonus to Dexterity and a +1 bonus to Intelligence or Charisma
common to their race. Additionally, they have the Speed Beastial (Prey) (21)
Increase, Baffling Mind, and either Arcane Initiate or Primal Races with links to prey animals have some similar abilities
Initiate traits. and tendencies to predator animals, but are used to avoiding
fights rather than taking them. Characters from prey races
have a +1 bonus to their Dexterity and Wisdom scores, as well
as the Slippery, Climber, Darkvision, and Speed Increase
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Ooze (19) City (7)
Ooze races are semi-amorphous scavengers. Characters from Races adapted to living in cities tend to be well educated and
ooze races have a +1 bonus to their constitution and dexterity skilled at living in close quarters with many other creatures.
scores, and have the Slippery trait, as well either the Life Characters of city races have a +1 bonus to their Intelligence
Drain or Climber and Poison Resilience traits. or Charisma score as well as the Disease Resilience and
Proficiency (Any intelligence skill or Tool) traits.
Plant (20)
Plant races, such as Dryads and Wildlings, are hardy and in Forest (8)
tune with nature. Characters from plant races have a +1 Races adapted to living in forests are talented survivalists and
bonus to their Constitution and Wisdom scores, and have the tend to be in tune with nature. Characters of Forest races have
Poison Resilience and either the Tough Shell or Primal Magic a +1 bonus to their Wisdom or Strength score and the
traits. Proficiency (Survival) and either Primal Initate or Speed
Increase traits.
Protean (18)
Protean races have strong ties to the planes of chaos, and Mountains (8)
have natural spellcasting abilities. Characters of a Protean Races adapated to living in mountains tend to be well adapted
race have a +1 bonus to their Charisma and Dexterity scores. to the cold and know how to effectively use ores prevelant in
They also have the Arcane Initiate, Speed Increase, and mountains. Characters from Mountain races have a +1 bonus
Adaptive Resistance traits. to their Intelligence or Strength score and the Cold
Adaptation trait.
Reptilian (21)
Reptilian races have ancestors in either dinosaurs, like the Plains (8)
Lizardfolk, or dragons, like Kolbolds and Dragonborn. Races adapted to living in plains typically live in small farming
Characters from reptilian races have a +1 bonus to communities. Characters from plains races have a +1 bonus
Constitution and either a +1 bonus to Dexterity or Charisma. to their Charisma or Wisdom score and the Proficiency
You have the Speed Increase and Damage Resistance (Fire) (Animal Handling) and Speed Increase traits.
as well as either the Breath Weapon (any) or Venomous traits.
Subterranean (7)
Shadowfell (20) Races adapted to living underground are used to hunting for
Races with Shadowfell ancestors are adapted to surviving in a food and living in dark environments. Characters from
dark, barren climate. Characters from Shadowfell races have subterranean races have a +1 bonus to their Constitution or
a +1 bonus to their Constitution and Wisdom scores, and have Wisdom score and the Darkvision trait.
the Divine Magic, Darkvision, and Damage Resistance
(Necrotic) traits. Swamp (7)
Races adapted to living in swamps are used to a fetid
Parasitic (19) environment. Characters from Swamp races have a +1 bonus
Parasitic races have a common ancestor with leeches, stirges, to their Constitution score, and have the Disease Resilience
lampreys, or similar creatures. Characters from parasitic and Primal Initiate traits.
races have a +1 bonus to their Dexterity and either
Constitution or Charisma scores, and have the Darkvision, Tropical (8)
Life Drain, and Disease Resilience traits. Races adapted to living in Tropical environments are adapted
to hot, humid environments with many poisonous creatures.
Undead (21) Characters from tropical environments have a +1 bonus to
Undead races are rarely undead themselves, and are instead their Dexterity or Constitution scores, and have the Damage
touched by necrotic energy by a powerful Lich, Vampire, or Resistance (Poison) trait.
powerful necromancer. Characters of Undead races have a +1
bonus to their Constitution and either Strength or Dexterity Tundra (8)
scores, as well as the Darkvision, Damage Resistance Races adapted to living in cold environments tend to be
(Necrotic), and either Life Drain, Breath Weapon (Necrotic), hunters with a tight sense of community. Characters from
or Relentless traits. tundra races have a +1 bonus to their Charisma or
Constitution score, and have the Cold Adaptation trait.
Underdark (7)
Beach (7-8) Races from the Underdark have to deal with constant threats
Races adapted to living on beaches tend to be great of other Underdark races, as well as having to thrive in
swimmers, fishers, and boaters. Characters of Beach races darkness. Characters from underdark races have a +1 bonus
have a +1 bonus to their Wisdom or Constitution score and to their Charisma or Strength scores, and have the Darkvision
either the Damage Resistance (Fire) or Damage Resistance trait.
(Cold) traits.
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Baffling Mind (7)
Arcane (2)
Your race's brains do not work the same way that other races'
do, and are difficult to manipulate through magic. You have
Characters from races with Arcane prowess may choose advantage on Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma saving
between the Proficiency (Arcana) or Arcane Initiate traits. throws against magical effects.
Artisanal (1) Breath Weapon (7)
Characters from races with Artisanal prowess have the You can use your action to exhale destructive energy. When
Proficiency (Any tool) trait. you use your breath weapon, each creature in a 15 ft. cone
must make a Constitution saving throw against a DC of 8 +
Athletic (2) your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. A
Characters from races with Athletic prowess may choose creature takes 2d6 damage on a failed save, and half as much
between the Proficiency (Athletics, Acrobatics, or Stealth) or damage on a successful one. The damage increases to 4d6 at
Powerful Build traits. 6th level, 6d6 at 11th level, and 8d6 at 16th level.
Divine (2) Climber (2)
Characters from races with Divine prowess may choose Your race is naturally adept at climbing. You have a climb
between the Proficiency (Religion) or Divine Initiate traits. speed of 30 feet. If you gain this trait from multiple sources,
the climb speed increases to 40 feet.
Friendly (2)
Characters from Friendly races have the Proficiency (Any Cold Adaptation (4)
Charisma skill). You have resistance to cold damage and are naturally adapted
to cold climates.
Frugal (1-2)
Characters from Frugal races choose between the Disease Damage Resistance (2-4)
Resilience or Proficiency (Survival) trait. You have resistance to the damage type specified in
Militaristic (2)
Characters from Militaristic races have the Proficiency (Any Darkvision (3)
martial weapon) trait. You have Darkvision out to 60 feet. If you gain this trait from
multiple sources, the Darkvision increases to 120 ft.
Nomadic (2)
Characters from Nomadic races choose between the Speed Disease Resilience (1)
Increase or Powerful Build traits. Your race is either particularly hardy or not as effected by
common diseases as most races. You have advantage on
Perceptive (2) saving throws against diseases.
Characters from Perceptive races have the Proficiency
(Insight, Investigation, or Perception) trait. Divine Initiate (2)
Your race has a small natural connection to the divine. Choose
Primal (2) a cantrip from the Cleric spell list. You know that cantrip, and
Characters from Primal races choose between the Primal can cast it at will.
Initiate or Proficiency (Nature or Survival) traits.
Flight (7)
Your race has powerful wings, allowing for flight. While not
carrying more than your carrying capacity or wearing medium
Aquatic (4) or heavy armor, you have a fly speed of 35 ft. However, you
Your race is capable of living underwater. You can breath must land at the end of each turn you use this speed, and fall
water as if it were air and have a 30 foot swimming speed. to the ground if you end your turn in the air.
Adaptive Resistance (6) Innate Spellcasting (6)
Your race is quick to adapt to new types of elemental danger. Your race can cast spells, and naturally learn more as they
When you finish a long rest, choose between Acid, Cold, Fire, grow in power. Choose a Cantrip, 1st level spell, and 2nd level
Lightning, Force, Necrotic, Radiant, Poison, and Psychic spell appropriate to your race. You learn the cantrip at 1st
damage. You have resistance to that damage type until you level, and can cast it at will. When you reach 3rd level, you
finish another long rest. learn the 1st level spell, and can cast it once per long rest.
When you reach 5th level, you learn the 2nd level spell, and
Arcane Initiate (2) can cast it once per long rest.
Your race is skilled at using arcane magic. Choose a cantrip
from the Wizard spell list. You know that cantrip, and can cast
it at will.
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Your race is faster than most others. Your walking speed
Life Drain (7) increases by 5 ft. This trait can stack with itself.
Your race can drain blood, positive energy, or a similar life
sustaining substance from other creatures. As an action on Tough Shell (7)
your turn, you can drain a living and unconscious or willing Your race has a tough shell. Due to your shell's shape, you
creature, dealing necrotic damage to them equal to 1d6 + your cannot wear armor. However, you have a base armor class of
level that cannot be prevented in any way. If you do, you gain 14 + your proficiency bonus, and while using this armor class,
temporary hit points equal to the amount of damage dealt for you can still benefit from holding a shield.
1 hour. Once you use this ability, you cannot use it again until
you finish a short rest. Venomous (7)
Your race has a natural venom which can be applied to
Limited Telepathy (3) weapons or administered through unarmed attacks. As a
Your race can send and recieve simple messages to other bonus action on your turn, you can coat a weapon with venom.
creatures, either through phermones, psionics, or magic. As a The first creature you hit with that weapon within the next
free action on your turn, you can send a creature you can see minute must make a saving throw against your venom.
your current emotional state, such as angry, happy, or scared. Alternatively, when you hit a creature with an unarmed attack
When you do, you also learn the creature's current emotional or natural weapon you can force them to make a saving throw
state. against your venom. Regardless of how it's applied, your
venom has a Constitution save DC of 8 + your proficiency
Natural Weapon (2) bonus + your Constitution modifier or take an additional 1d8
Your race has sharp claws, fangs, or similar natural weapons. poison damage and be poisoned until the end of your next
You can make attacks with these natural weapons, which deal turn. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until
1d6 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier slashing damage. you finish a short rest.
Poison Resilience (5)
Your race is particularly good at resisting poisons. You have Every race should know common, as well as one language
resistance to poison damage and advantage on saving throws that suits them best. In a world entirely populated by races
against the poisoned condition. created using this system, languages are suggested to be
Powerful Build (2) common to origins.
Your race is particularly muscular and bulky. You count as one Roll 1d4 for height. On a 2-4, the race is medium size, with
size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the 3 being human sized, 4 being slightly larger, and 2 being
weight you can push, drag, or lift. slightly smaller. On a 1, the race is small size, having the
Small trait.
Primal Initiate (2) Roll 2d4 for alignment. On the first die, the race has evil
tendencies if you roll a 1 or good tendencies if you roll a 4.
Your race has a natural connection to primal spirits. Choose a On the second die, the race has chaotic tendencies if you
cantrip from the Druid spell list. You know that cantrip, and roll a 1 or lawful tendencies if you roll a 4. If a race has the
can cast it at will. Protean, Lawful, Angelic, or Fiendish origin, they tend
Proficiency (1-2) towards the alignment of their respective outer plane
You have proficiency in the tools, weapons, or skills listed in Roll 3d6 twice and multiply the results together to
the parentheses. determine the life expectancy of your race. If your race has
Relentless (7)
the Undead, Reptilian, Plant, Lawful, Fey, Fiendish,
Elemental, Construct, or Angelic, instead roll 4d10 twice
Your race can fight even when battered badly enough to kill and multiply the results together.
most creatures. When you drop to or below 0 hit points, you Unless stated otherwise, all races have a base walking
can choose not to drop unconscious until the end of your next speed of 30 feet.
turn. You can still die from taking enough damage. Once you All other flavor for the race is up to you to create, although
use this ability, you cannot use it again until you finish a short it should fit with their abilities. Most good races have
rest. history, relationships with other races, quirks, and a
Slippery (4)
functional society.
Of course, all of these are just guidelines! If you have a
Your race is skilled at fitting through small spaces and getting vision for your race, feel free to follow it.
away from other creatures. You can squeeze through tight
spaces as if you were one size smaller than you are. Once per
short rest, you can take the Disengage action as a bonus
action on your turn.
Small (0)
Your character is small. Small characters have a base walking
speed of 25 feet.
Speed Increase (2)
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The Pamoni are the first race I randomly created using this
system. They are a mountain-adapted race with parasitic
origins and a predilection for crafting. They would fit into the
classic world as a race similar to, but in opposition of,
Dwarves. As they are crafters, we'll choose to make their
alignment tend towards Law. However, since they dislike
Dwarves, and they are parasitic, we'll also make them tend
towards evil. As most evil races tend to have short lifespans,
we'll also give them a below average lifespan - 60 years, and
make them mature quickly. For languages, they know
Common and one other language, which could be their own,
Undercommon, or perhaps Dwarvish. I chose to go with
Undercommon, implying that they used to be from the
Underdark but were forced upwards for some reason. This
makes them have the following traits:
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, Constitution, and
Intelligence scores increase by 1.
Age. Pamoni mature much faster than humans, and have
shorter lifespans. They reach adulthood by the age of 8, and
tend to live to about 60.
Alignment. The Pamoni's parasitic nature makes them
tend towards evil, and their civilized society of crafters makes
them tend towards law.
Size. The Pamoni's origins in the Underdark mean that
they have adapted to food being scarce, and are thus smaller
than most races. Pamoni tend to stand at about 3-4 feet tall,
and are of Small size.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. You have Darkvision out to 60 ft.
Disease Resilience. Pamoni are used to drinking the blood
of other creatures, and have adapted to resist most diseases.
You have advantage on saving throws against disease.
Life Drain. Pamoni have a special mouth like that of a
lamprey, allowing them to latch on to a creature and drink its
blood. As an action on your turn, you can drain a living and
unconscious or willing creature, dealing necrotic damage to
them equal to 1d6 + your level that cannot be prevented in any
way. If you do, you gain temporary hit points equal to the
amount of damage dealt for 1 hour. Once you use this ability,
you cannot use it again until you finish a short rest.
Cold Adaptation. Pamoni are naturally adapted to the cold
of the mountains and Underdark. You are naturally acclimated
to cold climates and have resistance to cold damage.
Artisan. Pamoni have a similar crafting predilection as
Dwarves. Most Pamoni have proficiency in Smith's tools, to
work with ores found in the mountain, but you can choose any
set of artisan's tools to have proficiency with if you think they
fit your character better.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Undercommon. Undercommon is the language of creatures in
the Underdark, and sounds guttural and echoing to most
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This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.