Adafruits Raspberry Pi Lesson 5 Using A Console Cable
Adafruits Raspberry Pi Lesson 5 Using A Console Cable
Adafruits Raspberry Pi Lesson 5 Using A Console Cable
Guide Contents 2
Overview 3
You Will Need 4
Part 4
Software Installation (Mac) 5
Software Installation (Windows) 6
Software Installation (Linux) 9
Connect the Lead 10
Test & Configure 12
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In this lesson you will learn how to remote control your Raspberry Pi with a console cable.
The great advantage of connecting this way is that it can even supply the power for your Pi and
you do not need keyboard, mouse or display attached to the Pi to log into it.
You will need to install terminal emulation software (Putty) if you are using Windows and also
USB drivers for the Console Lead. The Mac Terminal comes with its own software.
The Raspberry Pi uses its built-in serial port to allow devices to connect to its console and issue
commands just as if you were logged in.
In the next lesson, we will look at another way of doing much the same thing but over a local
network using something called SSH.
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You Will Need
Raspberry Pi
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Software Installation (Mac)
OSX includes terminal emulation software that you can use from the command line, so we only
need to install the USB drivers for the cable.
Fetch the installer package for the USB drivers from here:
pl2303/ (
If using Lion or Mountain Line or later OS X, try this driver here
to-pl2303-serial-usb-on-osx-lio (
Both downloads are standard Mac installers. Accept all defaults when prompted.
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Software Installation (Windows)
From the list of downloads select the binary called just "putty.exe" from the section "For
Windows on Intel x86". This will prompt you to save the file. Save it onto the Desktop for now.
Note that this actually saves the Program itself not an installer.
This will save a zip file called “”. Unzip this onto the
desktop and within the folder run the installer called “PL2303_Prolific_DriverInstaller_v1.7.0.exe”.
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The driver is installed in such a way that when you later plug in the USB console lead, it will still
launch the “Found New Hardware” wizard. If you allow the Wizard to search the Internet and
install it should work.
When it has finished installing the driver, you should get this message:
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Software Installation (Linux)
Linux Kernels 2.4.31 and above already have the PL2303 USB driver for the Console Lead built-
in, so you should not need to install that.
Some distributions such as Ubuntu 12.10 do not include the "screen" command. Try running the
command "screen" and if you get an error message, you can install it by typing the following
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Connect the Lead
The Console lead has four female connections that can be plugged directly onto the GPIO
header of the Raspberry Pi.
The Adafruit USB console cable has 3.3V logic, so its safe to use with your Pi.
For this experiment, the serial lead is going to power the Raspberry Pi. So, DO NOT attach the
Pi's USB power adapter. If you would rather power the Pi from your USB power adapter then
leave the Red lead from the Serial lead un attached.
The important thing here is to only power it from one source, the USB power adaptor or the
Console Lead BUT NOT BOTH.
The connections are to the outside pin connections of the GPIO header. See Lesson 4, for more
information about the header:
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setup/the-gpio-connector (
Now plug in the USB lead and you will see the Pi's power LED should light.
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Test & Configure
If you are using a Mac, then all you need to do is open a Terminal window and issue the
The device will have a slightly different name to mine. So, type the line above as far as "cu.PL"
then press the TAB key to auto-complete to whatever your device is called, before adding
115200 (which is the baud rate) to the end.
To start communication with the Pi, press ENTER and you should see the login prompt from the
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If you are using a PC, then before you start Putty, you need to know which com port is being
used for the cable. You can find this by looking in the Ports section of the Windows Device
The Device Manager is accessible from the Control Panel under System.
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In this case it is COM7 that is in use.
Select a connection type of "Serial" from the radio buttons, then set the speed to 115200 and
the serial line to COM7.
For a new installation of Occidentalis or Wheezy, the default username is “pi” and the default
password is “raspberry”.
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Thats it! You are connected and can use the command line to navigate around your Pi.
In the next session we will look at using SSH as another means of connecting to your Pi over
your local network.