Industrial Relation & Dispute

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Industrial Relations: Causes

and Settlement of Disputes

Industrial Disputes:
Industrial disputes between labour and capital have become more
or less a normal feature of industrial life in capitalist countries.

Such disputes either lead to a strike, which means refusal of

workers to go to work, or to a lock-out, which consists in the
employers refusing to allow workers to work.

Strikes are more common than lock-outs since the aggrieved party,
the worker, mostly takes the initiative.

Industrial disputes leading to strikes have serious

consequences for the life of the community:
The workers, the capitalists, and the consumers all have to suffer.
The workers lose their wages, the employers their profits and their
hold on markets, especially of foreign markets, and the consumers
have to go without the service supplied by the industry concerned.

It is necessary for all concerned, therefore, to create conditions

which will reduce to the minimum the chances of industrial
disputes. Further, machinery must be created to settle disputes
when they occur. The first involves the investigation of causes of
industrial disputes.

Causes of Industrial Disputes:

Broadly speaking, there are five important causes which
lead to industrial disputes and labour unrest in general:

1. The desire of the workers for a higher standard of living leading to

demand for higher wages. To meet this demand various
modifications in the wage system have been suggested and tried in
some countries, e.g., the sliding scale system, various bonus
systems, profit-sharing schemes, fixation of minimum wages, etc.
2. The desire of the workers for greater economic security. This
involves the problem of unemployment.

3. The demand of the workers for some participation in the

management and control of industry. Several methods are
suggested to achieve this end.

4. Disputes arise also on the question of working hours. These are,

however, now fixed by legislation.

5. Dismissal of their leader or of a ‘popular’ worker; non-recognition

of the unions also sometimes causes disputes.

Settlement of Disputes:
In spite of all efforts at avoiding occasions and causes of disputes,
disputes may and do occur. It is, therefore, necessary to have some
machinery for the settlement of disputes after they have arisen.

There are usually two methods of meeting such situations:

(i) Conciliation, and

(ii) Arbitration.

The essential feature of this method is that the settlement is reached
by representatives of the workers and the employers themselves,
with or without the mediation of an outside person.

In the case of arbitration, the question at issue is placed before an
outside person for settlement. Arbitration may be voluntary as in
Britain or compulsory as in Australia and New Zealand. Under
voluntary arbitration, the award is not finding on the parties.

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