Lessons 8-9 Surviving Together: Did You Know?

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10: Survivors

Lessons 8–9 Surviving together

1 These words and phrases all appear in the article about the Chilean miners on
page 170 of the Coursebook. Match them to their meanings.

1 collapsed a movement of air around a room or building

2 trapped b making a hole using a special machine
3 ventilation c evidence that a person is alive
4 to keep their spirits up d fell down
5 drilling e went through using force
6 signs of life f to help them remain cheerful
7 broke through g unable to escape

Did you know?

The mine where ‘the 33’ worked
is located in the Atacama desert,
the driest desert on Earth. There
are some places in the Atacama
where they haven’t recorded any
rainfall at all.

2 Choose words from the box to complete the compound nouns in these definitions.
• mine • hole • emergency • majority • broadcast • operation • ventilation • video

1 A news is a radio or television programme that explains the latest events.

2 A camera is a piece of equipment that records moving pictures.
3 A drill is made in the ground by people who are looking for new things, like
metal or coal, to take out of the ground.
4 A copper is a place where they take copper out of the ground.
5 A rescue is a large plan to help people who are in danger.
6 supplies are things like food and drink that people need when they are in danger.
7 A system is something that allows fresh air to move through a place.
8 A vote is when more than half of the people in a group agree on a decision.
Bridge to Success Grade 9 143

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