WP05 - ACT 01 - Development 1909

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The document describes the steps to activate and configure Fiori applications as well as exercises for UI adaptation, introduction to ABAP in Eclipse, and developing Fiori applications.

The document describes steps to select and activate Fiori applications, with additional notes on required functional activation steps. It also describes exercises for UI adaptation, introduction to ABAP in Eclipse, and developing Fiori applications with ABAP.

Exercises described include UI adaptation, introduction to ABAP in Eclipse, and ABAP programming model for Fiori. UI adaptation covers modifying standard app screens and adding custom fields. The ABAP introduction covers creating reports and a custom CDS view. The Fiori model covers developing and creating a Fiori app.


Gain hands-on experience in FIORI activation and

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 3
EXTENSIBILITY AND DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................. 4
UI Adaptation ...................................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction to ABAP in Eclipse ..................................................................................................................... 19
1. Developing with ABAP in Eclipse ................................................................................................... 19
Open ABAP in Eclipse ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Use the Data Preview & the SQL Console ......................................................................................................... 25
Create and run an ABAP Program ..................................................................................................................... 29
Create a global ABAP Class for data retrieval ................................................................................................... 32
5. Using Core Data Services ................................................................................................................ 42
Create a CDS View ............................................................................................................................................ 42
Use the CDS View in ALV with IDA ................................................................................................................... 47

This document has the scope to explain you the steps required to complete all the activities planned for the
current work-package.

By executing the steps described in this document you will be able to understand the main procedures
required to select and activate Fiori Applications in your implementation project.
Note that the steps described in this document refer only to the technical activation steps, additional functional
activation steps may be needed depending on the application scope. The required functional steps are
described in the Fiori Apps Library.

For this topic, you can select the exercises you are most interested in and may use the available installation of
ABAP Developer Tools in Eclipse and WebIDE in the system image.

The description of the exercises is the following:

UI Adaptation
In this exercise you will learn how to modify the screens of a standard SAP Fiori application along with the
addition of custom fields with no need of creating custom code.

You can find the step-by-step exercise in this document in the next chapter.

Estimated execution time: 1 hour

Introduction to ABAP in Eclipse

In this exercise you will learn the basics to jumpstart the use of ADT in Eclipse, you will start by creating
simple reports and end in creating a custom CDS view that is consumed by an ABAP report.

You can find the step-by-step exercise in this document in the third chapter.

Estimated execution time: 2 hours

ABAP Programming Model for Fiori

In this exercise you will learn how to develop and create a Fiori application from scratch by implementing CDS

You can find the step-by-step exercise description in the file: ABAP ProgrammingModel Fiori.docx

Estimated execution time: 3 hours

UI Adaptation
In this exercise we will explain how to modify a standard SAP Fiori application with In-App
extensibility features available in S/4HANA.

Comment Screenshot

1. Add the custom role ZFIO_999 to your


2. Implement SAP Note 2840685 NOTE 2840685 HINTS:

Implement automatic corrections. Once done you do not need to
perform additional activities as SAPUI5 libraries were updated to
1.65.14 on the exercises for WP04.

3. Login to the system with FIORIADM user to

activate additional apps for In-App
Extensibility using role

4. Assign the auto-generated role



Comment Screenshot

5. Deactivate virus scan features by going

through the SAP Reference Image in
transaction SPRO.

6. In transaction VSCANPROFILE deactivate

virus scan profile

**You will be prompted for a customizing request

7. Open Launchpad Designer (transaction:

/UI2/FLPD_CUST) and create a new
reference for the target mapping
CustomField-develop on catalog
SAP_BASIS_TCR_T to custom catalog

Comment Screenshot

8. You now need to generate the standard role

SAP_UI_FLEX_KEY_USER and assign it to

9. Logon to Fiori Launchpad with FIORIUSR

and navigate to the “Purchase Requisition
Processing” group

10. In the Settings Area, set “USD” as default

value for the “Display Currency” field

11. Open “Monitor Purchase Requisition

Items” app and click on “Go” to retrieve data

Comment Screenshot

12. By now you should have noticed that it may

be a good idea to have the app retrieve
information automatically at startup. To do
this you can setup a default variant.
13. Fill in the filters with the following values:

Plant: Plant 1 (1000)

Delivery Status: Overdue

14. Change the graph type to Line Chart.

15. Change the view type to Purchase

Requisition Item

Comment Screenshot

16. Click on the variant manager on the upper

left side of the screen and click on the “Save
As” button.

17. Define a name for your variant and activate

the checkboxes “Set as Default” and
“Apply Automatically”

18. Go back to the Launchpad Home and

navigate to the “Monitor Purchase
Requisition Items” app and you should
automatically see the app loading your

**NOTE – The steps you have performed so far

correspond to personalization options of the Fiori
Launchpad, each user can individually make their
own modifications to the application depending on
their usage requirements

Comment Screenshot

19. Without leaving the app, navigate to the Me-

Area and you will now notice an additional
option called “Adapt UI”. Click on this

20. Accept the pop-up message.

21. You will notice a new toolbar is displayed in

the Fiori Launchpad. With this new toolbar
you will be able to modify the behavior of the
apps without needing additional
development efforts.

Comment Screenshot

22. For a simple example, in the Purchase

Requisition Items section click on any
material and open the Settings section.
23. In this section you will be able to define to
which Fiori, Web dynpro or WebGUI app will
the user navigate to when they click on the

24. Only maintain “Monitor Materials without

Purchase Contract” active

25. Once all the changes have been made, click

on “Save As” button and enter the
requested fields. You will be prompted for a
transport request, select Local Object

Comment Screenshot

26. Take note of the custom id generated by the


27. In Fiori Apps Library, find the configuration

details of the “Monitor Purchase
Requisition Items” app and navigate to the
standard Catalog in Launchpad Designer

ternalViewer/ - /detail/Apps('F2424')/S15OP

28. Once you have identified standard catalog

tile and target mapping configuration to
custom role ZFIO_999 via a reference

Comment Screenshot

29. Open custom role ZFIO_999 and edit the

target mapping PurchaseRequisitionItem-
Monitor to add the ID generated by the tool
and save your changes.

**When saving you will notice a prompt stating

that the reference to the original object will be
broken. Confirm this exception

30. Change the name of the semantic action to

“zmonitor” on both tile and target

31. Use app finder to display the new custom


Comment Screenshot

32. Open your newly customized app. You will Custom version:
notice no variants are available and the
simple change you have performed is visible
in the app.

**NOTE – The steps you have performed so far

correspond to adaptation options available for
each SAP Fiori application, as a key user, you can
define which navigation options should be
available for each user group.

Standard version:

33. You will now continue to modify the detail

page of the “Monitor Purchase Requisition
Items” app. Use your custom version of the
app and navigate to the detail of an item

Comment Screenshot

34. Once the detail page is loaded, open UI

Adaptation mode and right click on the
lower right corner of the Information section
to “Create a new Group”.

35. Name this new group “Additional Fields”.

Right click on the border surrounding the
group name and select the “Add field”

**You may observe a prompt suggesting

synchronization. If this occurs, confirm the
warning so synchronization occurs, and you will
need to recreate the custom group.

36. Add fields:

Created by
Creation Indicator

Comment Screenshot

37. Once created, you will notice one of the

fields does not contain any data. Remove
this field by right clicking on it and selecting
the option “Remove”

38. Remove the following fields:

Account Assignment Category

Desired Vendor
Revision Level

39. Move the Additional Fields group to the left

and click on Publish, you will be prompted
for a transport request, select Local Object.

40. Click on Save & Exit.

**By clicking on “Publish” the changes will

become available for both the standard and the
customized apps

Comment Screenshot

41. Try running the same app with a different

user, you will notice the modifications are
visible to any user.

**NOTE – The steps you have performed so far

correspond to adaptation options available for
each SAP Fiori application, as a key user, you can
define which fields or data is displayed in the

Introduction to ABAP in Eclipse

The ABAP Development Tools (ADT) for SAP NetWeaver, also known as "ABAP in Eclipse", is the
recommended IDE for developing ABAP applications. It is available from SAP NetWeaver 7.31 SP4
onwards and it integrates seamlessly into your existing ABAP development systems.

In this series of exercises, you will get an introduction to the powerful tools delivered with ADT and
experience the advantages of using ABAP in Eclipse for your ABAP developments.

All the solutions to the exercises are provided as a reference - this way you can also see the solutions
for the exercises you did not finish. Feel free to experiment with the IDE yourself. These exercises are
only a guideline.

The exercises are based on the demo tables of the SAP NetWeaver EPM Model (you can find details
in the SCN http://scn.sap.com/docs/DOC-31458 ). So you can reiterate the exercises on any SAP
NetWeaver 7.40 or later systems.

1. Developing with ABAP in Eclipse

Estimated time: 60 minutes

In this exercise you will learn how to use ABAP in Eclipse. You will create an ABAP Project, use the Data
Preview and SQL Console and implement and run an ABAP Application. You will also learn how to use Quick
Assists to speed up your development.

Exercise Description

• Open ABAP in Eclipse

• Create an ABAP Project
• Use the Data Preview and the SQL Console
• Create and run an ABAP Program
• Create a global ABAP Class for data retrieval

Open ABAP in Eclipse

Explanation Screenshot
1. Start Eclipse

2. Accept the proposed

workspace / choose your
own workspace.

3. Close the Welcome page.

Explanation Screenshot

4. Click the Window

menu item.
Then click on Perspective →
Open Perspective → Other

6. Select the entry

open the ABAP perspective
with the ABAP development

Project Explorer View
Provides a hierarchical view of your ABAP Projects. From here you can
After starting the IDE and browse the ABAP Development Objects in the ABAP system (similar to
opening the ABAP perspective, the Repository Browser in the Object Navigator (SE80)) and open your
the ABAP tools are ideally ABAP Development Objects in the corresponding editor.
Editors Area
positioned in the IDE to The editors for the ABAP Development Objects are opened in the area
facilitate your development reserved in the centre of the IDE.
tasks. Nevertheless you are Outline View
free to rearrange all views and This view displays a structured overview of the ABAP Development
editors to your personel needs. Object that is currently open in the editor area. The contents of the
outline view are editor-specific.
Feature Explorer View
Project Explorer View This view provides you with an interactive tutorial to help you get familiar
with the basic features in ABAP in Eclipse.
Provides a hierarchical view of your Other Views
ABAP Projects. From here you can Several other useful views are stacked underneath the editor area in a
browse the ABAP Development tabbed container. Two of the most commonly used views are the:
Objects in the ABAP system (similar to
the Repository Browser in the Object
• Problems View: This view displays the syntax errors, warnings
or other information associated with an ABAP Development
Navigator (SE80)) and open your
Object (typically opened in the editor area)
ABAP Development Objects in the
corresponding editor. • Properties View: This view displays the basic properties of the
ABAP Development Object that is currently open in the editor
Editors Area area, e.g.: "Last changed by", "Created on", etc.
The editors for the ABAP
Development Objects are opened in
the area reserved in the centre of the
Outline View
This view displays a structured
overview of the ABAP Development
Object that is currently open in the
editor area. The contents of the outline
view are editor-specific.
Feature Explorer View
This view provides you with an
interactive tutorial to help you get
familiar with the basic features in
ABAP in Eclipse.
Other Views
Several other useful views are stacked
underneath the editor area in a tabbed
container like transport organizer,
bookmarks, tasks and so on.

Explanation Screenshot

After starting the IDE, you have to

create an ABAP Project
(essentially a user connection to
the ABAP system).

7. Click the File menu


8. Click New
9. Click the ABAP
10. Select the
connection from
the list or define
a new
connection (by
clicking on „new
connection“) if
your system is
not in the list.

Explanation Screenshot
12. Enter 5STEPS2FIORI in
the User: * box.

Confirm your entry by pressing

the Tab key.

13. Enter your password.

14. Your ABAP Project has

been created and you have
successfully logged on to the
ABAP system. Your ABAP
Project is visible in the Project

Use the Data Preview & the SQL Console

Explanation Screenshot

1. Click or use the shortcut

Alt+F8 to execute an ABAP
Development Object. We will
"execute" the database table
snwd_so_inv_item. This will
open the Data Preview which
will allow us to explore the
invoice items in the EPM

2. Enter snwd_so_inv_item in
the search field.

3. Once the search has

delivered a result or if the table
is already in the history
list, click on the

4. Press to open
the Data Preview.

5. In the Data Preview Click

to change
which fields are retrieved from
the database.

Explanation Screenshot
6. First click Deselect All.

7. Only select the fields



9. Press to confirm
your selection.

The Data Preview is refreshed


10. Press Add filter and...

11. choose

12. Enter EUR in the text field

to filter the items that are in
Euro and press the Enter key.

The Data Preview is refreshed


Explanation Screenshot

13. to open
the SQL Console.

The SQL Console shows the

select statement which was used
to retrieve the data for the Data
In the following steps you will
adjust the select statement to
read the payment status of the
order and the company name from
the buyer.

Adjust the select statement in SQL

Console in order to get the
payment status from the order
header by doing the following:

14. Add a JOIN condition for

the table snwd_so_inv_head

15. Correct the WHERE clause

16. Add the

field payment_status from
the table snwd_so_inv_head
to the SELECT list

17. Click Run to execute the

current query or press F8.

Explanation Screenshot
18. Check that the output on
the right hand side contains the
payment status.

Adjust the select statement

again in order to retrieve the
company name from the table
snwd_bpa by doing the following:

19. Add a join condition for

the table snwd_bpa

20. Add the field

company_name from the table
snwd_bpa to the select list.

21. Add an order by clause to

sort the result by the company
name of the buyer.

22. Click .

23. Check that the output on

the right hand side contains the
company name.

You will reuse this select

statement later for data retrieval
in an ABAP class. So just leave
the SQL Console open.

Create and run an ABAP Program

Explanation Screenshot
1. Right click on Logical
Objects ($TMP)

2. Search and select

ABAP Program

menu item.

3. Enter
NN> in the Name: * box.
Please refer to the Setup-
Information and exchange
_<NN> with your user number.

Confirm your entry by pressing

the Tab key.

4. Enter Euro Invoices in the

Description: * box.

5. Click Finish .

6. Type lcl and press

Ctrl+Space to get code
completion proposals.

7. Select the code template for

the insertion of a local class by
double-clicking on lcl - Local
class or press Enter when the
right entry is selected.

Explanation Screenshot
8. Adjust the name of the local
class to lcl_main using inline

9. Position the cursor in the

class definition statement and
press Ctrl+1 to open the Quick
Fix menu.
Double-click on Generate
factory method to create a
static factory method.

10. Add the defintion of an

additional instance method run
in the public section.

11. Position the cursor on the

method name and press
Ctrl+1 to open the Quick-Fix
Double-click on Add
implementation for run.

12. Fill the method

implementation of run with a
simple write statement.

13. Add a start-of-selection

event to your report and create
an instance of the local
class lcl_main. Call the
method run.

14. Click Activate

(Ctrl+F3) .

Explanation Screenshot

15. Click Run As... .

16. Double click on the entry

to select it.

17. Click the [F00]


tab to select it.

Create a global ABAP Class for data retrieval
In this part of the exercise you will replace the write statement in your report with data retrieval logic
based on the select statement created before in the SQL Console. Then you will display the retrieved
data using the SAP ABAP List Viewer (ALV). In order to separate concerns properly and to show you
a wider toolset the data retrieval logic will be encapsulated in a global ABAP class.

Explanation Screenshot
1. First remove the write
statement. Place the cursor
somewhere in the write
statement and use the shortcut
Ctrl+D to delete the whole line.

2. Create a local variable in the

run method. The variable
should be type ref
to zcl_invoice_retrieval_NN.
This is the global class for the
data retrieval.

3. Since this class does not yet

exist, you will get a syntax
error. To create the class place
the cursor on the class name
and press Ctrl+1 to get a Quick
Assist. In the Quick Fix menu
double-click on Create global
zcl_invoice_retrieval_NN .

A wizard will appear to create a

new ABAP class.

4. Enter
NN in the Name: * box.
Replace NN with your user

5. Enter Demo invoice

retrieval in the Description: *
Confirm your entry by pressing
the Enter key.

6. Click Finish .

Explanation Screenshot
A new editor will be
opened showing the created class.

7. Back in your report trigger

the syntax check using the
keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F2. The
syntax error should no longer

8. Create an instance of class

zcl_invoice_retrieval_NN using
the new operator.

9. Call the method

get_items_from_db to read
the items from the database.
This method does not yet exist
and we will create it with a
Quick Assist.

10. Position the cursor on the

name of the missing method
and press Ctrl+1. In the Quick
Fix menu double-click on
Create method

11. Click Finish to confirm the

creation of
get_items_from_db as a
public method without

Explanation Screenshot
12. A method definition and...

13. an empty method

implementation have been
created by the Quick Fix.

14. Add an ABAP Doc

comment to the newly created
method definition.

ABAP Doc comments can be used

to document APIs and are
displayed in the Element Info.
ABAP Doc comments begin with
"! .

15. Go to the SQL Console.

On the bottom left hand side of the

SQL console is the query section.
It contains the last executed select
statements as Open SQL
statements ready to be transferred
into your ABAP code.

16. Resize the query section

and copy the Open SQL
statement using the shortcut

Explanation Screenshot
17. Paste the statement into
the method implementation of
get_items_from_db. Add the
ABAP statement terminator
(period character) at the end of
the statement to ensure that it
is syntactically correct.

18. Now is a good time to pretty

print the source code. Open the
Source menu and Click
Format. Alternatively use the
shortcut Shift+F1.

Since there are no formatting

settings defined for your user on
the ABAP server a dialog appears
which allows you to maintain these

19. Click on the link in the pop-

dialog to

This takes you to the

corresponding page in the
properties dialog of the project.

20. Click on the checkbox to

indent lines in your source

21. Choose Custom as case

conversion methos and then
select your prefered code style
from the combobox e.g.:
Keywords uppercase,
identifiers lowercase.

22. Click Apply to activate

these settings.

23. Click OK to close the

Properties dialog.
Explanation Screenshot
24. Trigger
source formatting again by
pressing Shift+F1.

25. Use the shortcut Ctrl+D to

remove the UP TO 100 ROWS

26. Add some line breaks in the

join conditions to make the
select statement more

The method still doesn't deliver

any result data. You will now
execute a sequence of quick
assists to transform the inline
declared variable lt_result into a
fully typed returning parameter.

27. First position the cursor on

the inline declared
variable lt_result and press

28. Select Declare local

variable lt_result
explicitlywith a double click in
the Quick Fix menu.

Explanation Screenshot

Wow! The local variable was

declared explicitly and a local
helper type was generated which
reflects the structure of our select
list containing the fields
company_name, gross_amount,
currency, and payment_status.

29. Position on the type name

helper_type and trigger
the Quick Fix proposals (
Ctrl+1 ).

30. In the Quick Fix menu

double-click on Convert
helper_type to class type.

The Quick Assist moved the

helper type from inside the method
implementation into the private
section. In order to use this type
for a parameter of your public
method get_items_from_db the
type should be moved into the
public section. Let's see if we can
find a Quick Assist for that.

31. Again put the cursor on the

type name helper_type and
press Ctrl+1.

32. In the Quick Fix

menu select Make helper_type
public with a double-click.

Now the helper_type has moved

into the public section and we can
transform the local
variable lt_result into a returning

33. To do so place the cursor

on the variabe lt_result and
press Ctrl+1.

34. Double-click on Convert

lt_result to returning

Explanation Screenshot

Note that the returning parameter

was added to the method and an
additional table type based on the
helper_type was generated.

35. ABAP Doc also offers the

possibility to document method
parameters and we have a
quick assist to do so. Place the
cursor inside of the ABAP Doc
comment. Then press Ctrl+1 to
open the Quick Fix menu and
double-click on Add missing
parameters to

36. Add a proper text to

comment the parameter.

37. Activate the class by

clicking the activation
icon in the toolbar and go
back to your report.

38. Back in the report position

the cursor on the method call
get_items_from_db and Press
F2 to see the Element Info of
the method. In addition to the
method signature it also shows
the ABAP Doc you wrote

39. Press ESC or click

somewhere in the editor to
close the Element Info.

40. Use a new inline declared

variable to receive the result of
the returning parameter.

Now you can display the invoice

items using the class

41. Type cl_salv_table=> and

Explanation Screenshot
press Ctrl+Space to get code
completion proposals.

42. Click on the static

method factory and ...

43. Press Shift+Enter to insert

the full signature of the method

If you prefer to insert the full

signature by default, you can
change the behaviour of the code
completion in the Preferences.
Select Window in the menu and
click on Preferences. In the
Preferences Dialog enter code
completion in the filter field or
open the following path ABAP
Development > Editors > Source
Code Editors > Code
Completion. In the Code
Complition settings you can
activate a checkbox to Always
insert full signature on

44. In the generated method

• Remove the commented
importing parameters
r_container, and
container_name using
the shortcut Ctrl+D
• Uncomment the
exporting parameter
r_salv_table using the
shortcut Ctrl+7 and
assign it to an inline
variable alv_table
• Assign the variable
invoice_items to the
changing parameter

Your method call should be the

same as the statement in the

Explanation Screenshot
45. Finally, call the display
method of alv_table.

46. Activate your report by

clicking the activation
icon in the toolbar or
using the keyboard shortcut

47. Run your report by

pressing F8.
48. The invoice items are
displayed in the SAP List

Notice that the payment status

can contain the internal codes
P or <SPACE>. In our case all
record have status <SPACE>.
Wouldn't it be better to display
more readable texts, e.g. Paid
and Open?
49. Go back to your invoice
retrieval class and adjust the
payment_status component of
the helper_type so that it can
hold 10 characters.

50. Add a loop in

the implementation part of the
method get_items_from_db
which transforms the values of
payment_status into readable

51. Activate the class

by clicking or use the
shortcut Ctrl+F3.

Explanation Screenshot

52. Go back to your report by

clicking on the corresponding
editor tab and execute it by
pressing F8.

Check the result of your changes

in the SAP List Viewer.

You have completed the exercise!

You are now able to:

• Create an ABAP Project which represents a logon to your development system
• Use the Data Preview to look at the content in database tables and views
• Use the SQL Console to create and fine tune more complex select statements
• Create ABAP Programs and Classes
• Use Quick Assists via the shortcut for quick fixes Ctrl+1

5. Using Core Data Services

Estimated time: 30 minutes


In the following exercise you will learn how to use the new Core Data Services (CDS) tools in ABAP in
Eclipse. CDS is an extension of the ABAP Dictionary that allows you to define semantically rich data
models in the database and to use these data models in your ABAP programs. CDS is a central part
of enabling Code Pushdown in ABAP applications.

You will learn to define a new CDS view in a DDL source and to consume the CDS view in the SAP
List Viewer with Integrated Data Access (ALV with IDA). Using ALV with IDA it is possible to display
views and tables that contain very large quantities of data in the UI. You will also learn about some
of the CDS enhanced view-building capabilities such as associations and annotations.

You can find more information about CDS and ALV with IDA in the SAP Help Portal
(help.sap.com) and the SAP Community Network (scn.sap.com).

Exercise Description

• Create a CDS View

• Use the CDS View in ALV with IDA

Create a CDS View

Explanation Screenshot
1. In the context menu of your
Local Objects $TMP package
select New and then click
Other ABAP Repository

Explanation Screenshot
2. Enter ddl in the text field and
click Data Definition.

3. Click .

4. Check that $TMP is filled in

the Package:
* box.

5. Enter
Name: * box. Replace NN with
your user number.

Confirm your entry by pressing

the Tab key.

6. Enter Invoice items in the

Description: * box.

7. Click Next .

8. Click Next .

Explanation Screenshot
9. Select the Define View
template by clicking Define

10. Click Finish .

11. Enter
SQL view name. Replace NN
with your user number.

The SQL view name is

the internal/technical name of the
view which will be created in the
database. Z_Invoice_Items_Nn is
the name of the CDS view which
provides enhanced view-building
capabilities in ABAP. You should
always use the CDS view name in
your ABAP applications.

Enter the CDS view

sepm_sddl_so_invoice_item as
the data source for your view. Use
the code completion to get
suggestions for the data source.

12. Enter sepm_sddl_so_inv

and use the keyboard shortcut
CTRL+SPACE to trigger the
code completion.

13. Double-click on

Explanation Screenshot

Use code completion to help you

add the fields to the select list. For
example, ent.er gross and use
the keyboard shortcut
CTRL+SPACE. Click on the field

14. Add the fields

gross_amount and
currency_code to the select
list of the CDS view. The fields
must be separated by a

CDS associations model the

relationships between data
sources. You can use associations
and path expressions to access
fields in related data sources
without specifying JOIN

15. Display the Element Info for

the data source
Position the cursor on the data
source name in the FROM
clause and press F2.

16. Scroll down to see the

related data sources which are
accessible via associations.
Click on the hyperlink
er to see details about the
target data source of the
association header.

17. Close the Element Info.

Press ESC.

Explanation Screenshot

Use the associations in path

expressions to add fields of related
data sources to the select list of
Z_Invoice_Items. Don't forget to
separate the fields with a comma.

18. Use the association header

to add the payment_status
from the invoice header to the
select list.

19. Use the associations

header and buyer in a path
expression to add the
company_name of the
business partner to the select

20. Implement a case

statement to set the code of the
payment status to readable
when 'P' then 'Paid'
else 'Open'
end as payment_status

21. Save the DDL source. Click

Save (Ctrl+S) .

22. Activate the DDL Source.

Click Activate (Ctrl+F3) .

Explanation Screenshot
23. Open the Data Preview for
your CDS view. Press F8.

The invoice items are displayed in

the Data Preview.

Use the CDS View in ALV with IDA

Explanation Screenshot
1. In the context menu of the
N> click Duplicate....

2. Give the duplicated program
a name. Enter
in the field Name: *. Replace
NN with your user number.

3. Click Finish .

Replace the implementation of the

run method. Create an ALV with
IDA for your CDS View
Z_Invoice_Items_Nn (Nn
represents your user number) and
display the ALV with IDA in
DATA(alv_display) =

alv_display->fullscreen( )->display(

4. Click Save (Ctrl+S) .

5. Click Activate (Ctrl+F3) .

6. Execute the program. Press


Explanation Screenshot

The invoice items are displayed in

ALV with IDA.

In the next steps we will filter the

results to only display items
with currency code EUR.

7. Click .

8. Select ISO Currency Code.

Add the column to the Filter
criteria. Click .

Explanation Screenshot
9. Set the filter values. Click

10. Enter EUR for the ISO

Currency Code filter criteria.

11. Click .

The filtered invoice items are

displayed in ALV with IDA.

Notice that the label for the

missing. We will fix this in the next

12. Close the application. Click


Explanation Screenshot
13. Click the [FXX]
tab to
open the DDL editor.

14. Insert the annotation

'Status' before the case
statement of the

Tip: Use code completion to

insert the annotation. Enter
@End and use the keyboard
shortcut CTRL+SPACE to
trigger the code completion.

15. Click Save (Ctrl+S) .

16. Click Activate

(Ctrl+F3) .

17. Click the [FXX]


18. Press F8 to execute the


Explanation Screenshot


is displayed with the label 'Status'.

You have completed the exercise!

You are now able to:

• Create a CDS view in ABAP in Eclipse
• Use a CDS view in ALV with IDA


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