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+b value, 160 spinning related, 161

5-S concepts, 191 winding related, 159, 162
Bars in card web, 124
Absorbency Beater speeds, 120
Yarns for towels, 30, 141 Beater types and specification, 101
Act of monitoring, 216 Beaters and fans, speeds of, 177
Act of piecing, 224 Bent lap rods, 47
Actual length of lap, 178 Bent or blunt wire points, 82
Air leakages, 46, 69, 81, 86, 98-99 Big tufts, 176
Air pressures in the cotton, quality of Bigger laps, 62
opening and cleaning, 177 bit-to-bit CV%, 178
Alignment of can with coiler, 60 Blending bale openers, 121
ATIRA (Ahmedabad Textile Industries Blow room, 120-22, 125
Research Association), 176, 182 check points, 191, 193-95, 197-201,
Autoconers, 163 203-04
Autolevellers, 61, 104 cleaning efficiency, 179-80
functioning of, 181-82 control points, 191, 193-97, 199-204

Back bottom rollers, 70 different machines, synchronization

joints, worn out threads in, 143 study, 177
partial lapping on, 143, 152, 145f low cleaning efficiency, 120-21
Back machines, production rates of, 177 machine audit, 179, 181, 184-86
quality management in spinning, 176,
Back roller, 143, 145
178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190
Bad aprons, 93
Blow room feeding, 102
Bad top arm, 88
Blow room machines, speeds and settings
Balancing the machineries, 7
of, 100
Bale hoops, 42
Blow room manufacturers, 46
Bale pluckers, 176
Blow room manufacturers, increase in
Banded barre, 158
neps, 101
Barre, 139-41, 158-63, 171 Blunt or damaged grid bars, 81
hank variations in draw frame sliver, Blunt wire points, 124
161 Bobbin holders, 142, 161
improper setting of traverses, 162 Bobbin rail, 67
maintenance of bobbin holders, 161 Bobbins in ring frame creel, 143
mixing to mixing, variations in Bottom detaching roller drive, play in, 87
properties, 159 Breaks per cop, 188
opening of tufts, 160 Broken or bent pin, 81
reasons for, 158-63 BTRA (Bombay Textile Research
spinning preparatory side, 161 Association), 176

Index 231

Bulkiness, 31 Colour code to a new mixing or count, 168

Bulky sliver, 125 Colour codification, 46, 50, 60, 63, 68, 113
Burrs in the path of material, 81 Colour contaminations
grey yarns for sweater knitting, 25
Cabled or multifold yarns, 17 grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26
Candle wicks, 6 grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28
Canvas belts knitting socks, 25
Carded yarns, 17-18 knitting t-shirts, 21, 23
Carbon impressions, 182-83 Colour fastness
Card cleaning efficiency, 180 Dyed yarn for knitting socks, 25
Card slivers, 55 Dyed yarns for knitting T-shirts, 23
trash in, 180 Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28
Card stoppages, 103 Yarns for towels, 30
Carded yarns, 17-18 Combed sliver, 55, 87
Carding, 123 Combed yarns
breakages and snap efficiency, 179 for embroidery, 16
check points, 201-202 for towels, 15
control points, 201 for T-shirts, 14
feeding consistency, 180 for warp, 14-15
fibre rupture, 121, 125 in weft, 16
hank of sliver, 180, 186 Comber heads, breakages on, 127
medium and long-term irregularity, 125 Comber noils, 62
quality management in spinning, 176, Combers
178, 180, 182, 184, 186, 188, 190 breakages, 186
trumpet size, 180 detaching rollers in, 87
Cards with flexible clothing, 50 head-to-head noil variation, 184
Card-to-card waste variation, 180 neps removal efficiency, 179-80, 185,
Castors, 54 198, 201,
Cat’s tail, 122 periodic machine audit, 179, 181, 184-
Chalk marks, 46 86,
Checking of the cones under ultra violet quality management in spinning, 186-
rays, 169 87
Checking the tuft size, 176 short fibre removal percentage, 184
Classimat, 163-66 Combing, 126-29
Classimat faults, 163, 165, 166f check points, 203-204
Classimat instrument, 164 control points, 203
Classimat long fault short fibres and neps, Inadequate
Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29 removal of, 125
Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28 Compact laps, 62
Classimat readings, 166 Company capabilities, 205, 211,
Clean work area, 46 Complex barre, 158
Cleaning efficiency %, 180 Cone diameter guage, 171
Clearer rollers, worn-out covering, 79, 97 Cone holder settings, 135
Clearer strips, 86 Cone running out, 170
Cloudy web, 123 Cone/hank/fabric, yarn properties, 3
Coarse cleaning equipments, 43 Cones of uniform weight, 171
Coarse cottons/fibres, 35-36 Cone winding
Coarser wire points, 35 Control points, 207
Coiler tube choke-ups, 127 Check points, 207-208
Coils per metre of yarn, 3 Conical laps, 122
232 A practical guide on quality management in spinning

Contaminations of dyed material, 174 CV% of count, 21

Control points and check points, 194-96 CV% of twist, 21
fix responsibilities for each point, 194
process-wise, 195 Damaged air seals, 88
Conventional speed frames, 71 Damaged bristles, 87
Cotton shades Damaged condensers, 89
Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29 Damaged cots, 58, 93
Grey yarns for knitting liner materials, Damaged sliver trumpets, 63
27 Damaged trumpets, 63, 84
Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26 Damaged wheels in drafting system, 88
Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28 de-blending, 37
knitting socks, 25 De-shaped cops, 132, 133f
knitting T-shirts, 21, 23 Deshaped flyers, 89
Yarns for sewing threads, 31 Detaching rollers, 87, 88f
Yarns for towels, 30 dimensions of quality, 11
Cottons with higher micronaire, 155 Disturbed/damaged traveller clearers, 96
Cottons with higher micronaire, 155 Doffed bobbins, 68
Count of yarn spun, 157 Doffed cops in bags, 79
Count run out, 168 Doffed yarn crates, 79
Count variation, 139-42, 145-51, 161-62. Doffer cover, 52
See also Tensile variation, Twist Doffs timings, 78
variation. Double gaiting, 78
carpets and furnishings, 30-31 Drafting rollers, 59, 68, 93
Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29 Drafting waves, 126
Grey yarns for knitting liner materials, Drafting zone (worn out pin), loose fitting
27 of a gear, 143, 146, 149, 165
grey yarns for sweater knitting, 25 Draw frames, 128
grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26 breakages, 183
Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28 check points, 145, 148, 150,
knitting socks, 25 control points, 202
knitting T-shirts, 21 high count CV%, 139
preventive measures, 151 periodic machine audit, 179, 181, 183-
Yarns for sewing threads, 31 86
yarns for towels, 30 quality management in spinning, 183-
Yarns for twines, 32 86
Crackers, 134 Dyed fabrics, 37, 74
Cradle sizes, 35 Dyeing lot size
Creel in speed frames, excessive stretch in, Dyed yarn for knitting socks, 25
147 Dyed yarns for knitting T-shirts, 23
Cross creeling
of cans, 53-55, 60, 63 E.F and G faults
in ring frames, 35, 63, 70, 76, 79, 110, knitting T-shirts, 21, 23
112 Eccentric
Customer complaints, 138-74 bottom rollers, periodic variations in
Customer requirement, 1, 5f, 6 rove, 143, 147, 152
language of customers, 210 drafting rollers, 58, 68, 88, 93,
specific needs, 2, 4 ring frame drafting zone, 165
unspecified needs, 4, 5f roller in draw frames, 165
Customers’ expectations, 8 top rollers, 88-89
Cuts in sliver, 128-29 Effective quality plan, 7
Index 233

EKP (Electronic Knotter Programmer), Floating condensers, 65, 108

failure of, 135 Floating fibres, 52, 58, 113
Electronic yarn clearer (EYC) failures, 134 Fluff accumulation, 67, 96, 113, 118
Electronic yarn clearers, 188, Fluff gun, 50
Elongation Fluff liberation, 116, 118
carpets and furnishings, 30-31 Flyer finger (Presser), 66
Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29 FMEA (Failure Mode Effect Analysis), 214
Grey yarns for knitting liner materials, Fourth traveller change, 75
27 Friction value
Grey yarns for sweater knitting, 25 Grey yarns for knitting liner materials,
Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26 27
Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28 Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26
knitting socks, 25 knitting socks, 25
knitting T-shirts, 21 knitting T-shirts, 21, 23
Yarns for sewing threads, 31 Yarns for sewing threads, 31
Yarns for towels, 30 Yarns for towels, 30
Yarns for twines, 32 Yarns for twines, 32
Emery fillet rollers, 83 Front and back rows, stretch difference
Empty bobbins, 111 between, 147f
Empty cone, 114 Front top cot to correct a loose end, 64
Evenness readings, 164 Fused fibres, 38
Evenness testers, 164
Evenness testing, 163
Gauge or the rings on the cone holders, 171
Excess process stock, 168
Good communication with customer, 210
Excessive Balloon
Good manufacturing practices (GMP), 12
yarn crossing the separator and coming
Graphite lubrication, 84
back, 157f
Grid bar, 120-22
EYC area, 80
settings, 177-78, 184
EYC slots, 166
Fastness to light, 23, 25
Fastness to perspiration, 23, 25 Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29
Faults, classification of, 164 Grey yarns for knitting liner materials,
Feed and hank organization, 102 27
Feed roller grip, 87 Grey yarns for sweater knitting, 25
Feeding cans, 55 Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26
Fibre denier or micronaire, improper Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28
selection of, 155 knitting socks, 25
Fibre openness tester, 177f knitting T-shirts, 21
Fibre parallelization, 104, 106-07 Yarns for sewing threads, 31
Fibre rupture, 121, 125 Yarns for twines, 32
Fine fluff particles, 57 Half broken seed bits, 38
Fine or intensive cleaning equipments, 43 Half lap, 62
First traveller change, 75 Hank variations, 126
Five Golden Questions for self assessment, Hard bobbins, 130
9-10 Hard twisted yarns, 132
Flannel cloth, 18 HDPE contaminations, 174
Flannels for sizing Heavy fabrics and industrial applications
Carded yarns, 17 count variation, 142
Flat strips, 50 Grey yarns, 21, 23, 25-29
Flexible bend, 83-84 Hessian/HDPE covering, 42
234 A practical guide on quality management in spinning

High card waste, 124 Knitting T-shirts

High count CV%, 139 count variation, 140-41
reasons for, 141, 151,153-54, 158, 162, Dyed yarn, 23, 25, 30
164, 168 grey yarns, 21, 23, 25-29
Higher breaks at tips, 170
Higher hairiness, 132, Laminated HDPE, 174
damage in the traveler, 158 Lap forming machine, 62
Higher sliver breaks at coiler, 126 Lap licking, 122, 124, 126, 128,
Higher U% of rove, 129 Lap sheet, mass variation in, 178
Higher U% of sliver, 124 Lap spindle, 44, 46
Hopper feeders, 41, 44, 82 Lap weight, 178
Hosiery Lappet eyes, 113
Carded yarns, 17 Lappet hook, 97
Combed yarns, 14-16 Lapping, 57
House keeping, 117 colour codification, 46
HTHP package dyeing machines, 115-16 Lashing in, 130, 132, 134
Human hair contamination, 38, 48 Lean built cops, 132
Human resource capability, 205, 212 Leather flaps, 82
Licker-in wires, 83
Idle spindles, 133 Life of rings, 157
Imperfections Lines magnets, 45
Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29 Long fault
Grey yarns for knitting liner materials,
Grey yarns for knitting liner materials,
Grey yarns for sweater knitting, 25
Long thin faults
Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26
knitting T-shirts, 21, 23
Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28
Loose belts, 82, 84
knitting socks, 25
Loose flat chain, 84
knitting T-shirts, 21, 23
Loose rove, 71
Yarns for sewing threads, 31
Loose saddles, 90
Yarns for towels, 30
Yarns for twines, 32 Loose-built soft bobbins, 133
Improper coiling, 129 Lot-to-lot shade variance
Improper splicing, 134 Dyed yarn for knitting socks, 25
Inter bobbins, 145, 161 Dyed yarns for knitting T-shirts, 23
Irregular selvedge in card web, 124 Low nep-removal efficiency, 124
ISO 9000, 11 Low top arm pressures, uneven draft, 142
ISO 9001:2000, 2
Maintenance job, 220
Jammed trumpets, 59 Maintenance work, 220-22
Jumping bobbins, 89 Maintenance workmen, 221
Jumping or vibrating cone drums, 89 Manual doffing system, 79
Junior supervisors, role of, 217 Manual sorting of contaminations by
Jute contaminations, 174 employing ladies, 174
Manual winding, 79
Key result areas (KRA), 191 Manufacturing good quality yarns, 175
Kirschner beater, 81 Markings on the cartons or bags, 190
Knitting applications, 21 metre-to-metre lap CV%, 178
Knitting liner materials Micronaire value, 160, 165
grey yarns, 21, 23, 25-29 Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29
Index 235

Grey yarns for knitting liner materials, Over correction, 182

27 Over filling of cans, 60
Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26 Overhead cleaners, 73
Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28 Overhead travelling cleaners, 113
knitting T-shirts, 21, 23
Yarns for sewing threads, 31 Packing in-charge, 190
Yarns for twines, 32 Packing
Mills spinning yarns, 36 calibration of balance, 190
Minimum competency requirement, 223 cone inspection before, 190
Mix ups, 139, 166-68 markings on, 176,190
Mixing in-charge, 176 quality management in spinning, 190
Mixing Paper cones, 114
check points, 195-96 Patchy lap, 123
control points, 195 Patchy web and holes, 123
Periodic buffing, 57, 85
Narrow trumpet, 59 Periodic quality audits, 9
Ne 20s for making T-shirts, 35 Phillipson rollers, 51
Ne 7s K for weaving rough jeans, 36 Photo electric controls, 47
Nep generation, 121 Piecing the rove, 64
Nep-free yarns, 121 Piecing waves, 126-27
Neppy and uneven yarn, 135-36 Pneumafil waste percentage, 187
Neps removal efficiency, 179-80, 185 Pneumatic valves, 48, 81
Neps removal efficiency %, 180
Polyester fibre contamination, 39
NILO metre, 182
Poor wash fastness, 23, 25
Nip Load Pressure, 182
Poorly centered ring and spindle rubbing
Nipper grip, 86-87
the yarn, 155f
Nitto Unicomb, 105
Pre-combing draw frames, 55
Noil% extracted, selection of feed, 106
Process capability, 211
Normal control points
Process control, 175
extent of control, 193
Process design, 206, 214-15, 222
production process, 191
Normal warp yarns, 15 Product quality objectives, 12
Normal wastes, 7 Product specific technical parameters, 4
Nose plates, 35 Production per spindle, 218
Number of lots in a mixing, 39 Production targets, 7
Objectionable faults planning for production, 6
carpets and furnishings, 30-31 quality objectives, 2, 6
Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29
Grey yarns for knitting liner materials, Quality assurance, 1, 8
27 Quality control, 7-8
Grey yarns for sweater knitting, 25 Quality improvement, 9
Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26 Quality management, 1
Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28 fixation of work norms, 208
knitting socks, 25 imperfections in the yarn, 207
knitting T-shirts, 21, 23 improving the productivity, 208
Yarns for sewing threads, 31 new product development, 208
Yarns for twines, 32 Quality objectives of a business, 11
Oil stains, 136 Quality planning, 1
Oily belts resulting in slippages, 81 Quality standards, 8
236 A practical guide on quality management in spinning

Ragged lap selvedge, 123 SITRA (South India Textile Research

Ratchet wheel, 131-32 Association), 176
Ratio of winding to binding coils, 114 Sliver breakage, 67
Raw material mix ups, 167 Sliver hank, 128
Rd value, 160 Sliver in cans, 54-55
Repeated Breakage Study (RBS), 187 Sliver table, 62, 87
Reverse direction leading to back firing, breakages at, 126-27, 130
44, scratches on, 87
Reversing bevels, malfunctioning of, 131 Sliver wastes, 41, 54, 56
Ring frames, 35, 132-35 Slub, 134
check points, 206-207 Snap efficiency, 179
control points, 205-206 Socks knitting
ends down percent, 187 Grey yarns, 21, 23, 25-29
high count CV%, 139 Socks
idle spindles, 203 Carded yarns, 17
periodic machine audit, 179, 181, 184- Combed yarns, 15
86 Soft and bulged cones, 135
quality management in spinning, 188- Soft bobbins, 130, 133
90 Soft laps, 123
Ring rail movement, speed of, 114 Soft twisted yarn, 132
Rogue spindle, identification of, 225 Soft wastes, 40-41
Roller lapping, detachment of, 127 Speed frames, 61, 63, 67, 69, 85, 88, 107,
Rotor spinning, 135-36 110
Routine work, 206-08 check points, 204-205
Roves, overlapping of, 69-70 control points, 204
Roving bobbin, 64, 69, 71-73, 108, 110 evenness checking, 186
Roving guide, fluff accumulations in, 145 high count CV%, 139
Rubbing fastness, 23, 25 higher breakages, 126, 129
Running-in process, 74 idle spindles, 186-87
Running-in schedule of rings, 74 quality management in spinning, 187-
Running-in time, 74 88
stretch and draft, 186
“S” twist yarns, 3 Speed frame bobbin, 110
“S” twist, 3 Speed frame creels, 64
Sagging web in a card, 124 Speed of Winding, 173f
Second traveller change, 75 Spindle speed, 75, 110, 118
Seed coats, 38, 43 at speed frame, 110
Separators, 65, 66f Spindle wise monitoring, 187
Service delivery systems, 175 Spindles and lappets, misalignment of, 92
Sewing thread, 19 Spindles
Shade variation fallen buttons in, 91
dyed yarn for knitting socks, 25 inactive button springs in, 91
within cones, 135 online monitoring of, 188
Shop-floor technician, 211 vibrations in, 88, 90
Short faults, 165 Spinnability, 34
Short nose feed plates, 103 Spinner, 11, 13-15, 17, 20
Short-tem unevenness, 15 Spinning
Short-term adjustments, 7 poor quality, 34
Simple barre, 158 Spinning mill, bad work practices, 37, 40,
Singles in the sliver, 124 116-17
Index 237

Blow room, 43-48 Super high-speed knitting machines, 22

Carding, 48-54 Superfine cottons/fibres, 35
Comber, 62, 86, 104-05 Surface of bales, fibre damages, 38
Draw frames, 54, 103 Sweater knitting
Mixing, 40 grey yarns, 21, 23 25-29
Ring frames, 69, 90, 110 Synthetic staple fibres, 37, 38, 114
Speed frames, 63, 88, 107
Winding, 79, 114 Target group/market, 11
Spinning mills Technicians, role in
critical monitoring areas, 216 analyzing the reasons, 227
market complaints, 211-12, 218 designing a yarn, 214
Spinning unit designing the process, 206, 213-14
management of, 36 designing the product, 206, 213
Spinning yarns, 138 different monitoring actions, 216
Spraying fine mist of cotton seed oil, 166 documenting records, 230
Spring plates, 54 educating the workmen, 207, 222
Stack mixing, 41, 43 legal requirements, 206, 212
Stainless steel cones, 114 maintenance activities, planning of,
Stains, 136 206, 220, 222
Staple fibres, uncut fibres, 39 market complaints, analysis of, 218
State of the Art technology, 34 monitoring the process periodically,
Stitches on cheeses, 136 206, 225
Stop motions, 51-52, 163 process measuring and monitoring,
failures/delay in action, 128, 153 219-21
inactive, 51, 57, 62, 67, 151 procuring required materials, 223-24
ineffective, 86 production planning, 218
functioning of, 183 production programme, working out,
sliver, 127 218
Strength proper tuning of the machines, 222
carpets and furnishings, 30-31 quality management, 205, 208
Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29 quality plans, working out, 206, 217
Grey yarns for knitting liner materials, raw materials, planning of, 219
27 reporting the activities, 206, 227
Grey yarns for sweater knitting, 25 routine and special activities, 206
Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26 suitable competent workmen, allocation
Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28 of, 223
knitting socks, 25 Tensile variation. See also Count variation,
knitting T-shirts, 21, 23 Twist variation
Yarns for sewing threads, 31 Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29
Yarns for towels, 30 Grey yarns for knitting liner materials,
Yarns for twines, 32 27
Strings and fabrics Grey yarns for sweater knitting, 25
improper ginning, 38 Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26
of dyed cottons, 38 Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28
of jute, 37 knitting socks, 25
of woven plastics and plastic films, 38 knitting T-shirts, 21, 23
Suction boxes, 58 Terry towels, 15
Suction unit, damaged mouth piece of, 98 Textile Commissioner’s office, 213
Suction waste, 129 Theory of learning, 117
Sunken nose/base, 135 Third traveller change, 75
238 A practical guide on quality management in spinning

Thread applications, 31 Uniform length of yarn on all cones, 171

Tilted top rollers, 90 Un-staggered sliver piecing, 60
Top clearer cloth cover, 65 Uster spectrogram, 128
Top clearer rollers, 165 UV lamps on bale plucker, 167f
Top comb, 62, 87, 107
penetration, 100, 107 Valves, faulty functioning of, 81
Top detaching roller loading assembly, 87 Variations in yarn diameters, 139
Top roller Vendor analysis, 219
alignment of, 143f, 145 Vibrating spindles and flyers, 88
diameters, 181
improper buffing of, 85, 87 Warp yarns, 15-16
periodic buffing of, 57 Warping creel, 171, 173
pressure, 184-86 Wasting good valuable yarns, 189
quality of, 57 Weaving apparels
Torn filter bags, 47 Count variation, 141-42
Towels with honey comb weave/Huck-a- Grey yarns, 28-29
back weaves, 15 Weaving applications, 28
TPM, increase in, 3 Web breakages at draw box, 127
Traveller clearers, 76, 96, 118 Weight variation between cones, 135
Traveller running-in programme, 74 Well-designed quality plan, 217
Trumpet, size of, 59 Winders, 79-80
T-shirts with distinct Barre, 158 Winding, 128, 133-35
Tuft size, checking of, 190 Cone quality, 204
Twist in weft, 16
control points, 207
Twist multiplier (TM), 110
Hard wastes generated, 204
of 3.6–3.7, 15
Length consistency, 189
Twist per metre, 3, 4
Quality Management in Spinning, 190-
Twist variation. See also Count variation,
Tensile variation
variations in length in, 172
carpets and furnishings, 30, 31
Winding quality
Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29
carpets and furnishings, 30
Grey yarns for knitting liner materials,
27 Grey yarns for heavy fabrics, 29
grey yarns for sweater knitting, 25 Grey yarns for knitting liner materials,
Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26 27
Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28 Grey yarns for sweater knitting, 25
knitting socks, 25 Grey yarns for underwear knitting, 26
knitting T-shirts, 21 Grey yarns for weaving apparels, 28
Yarns for sewing threads, 31 knitting socks, 25
Yarns for towels, 30 knitting T-shirts, 21, 23
Yarns for twines, 32 Yarns for sewing threads, 31
Yarns for towels, 30
Under casings, 38, 84 Yarns for twines, 32
Under correction, 182 Wooden cones, 114
Underwear knitting Worn out bearings, 85, 89
Count variation, 141 Worn out leather flaps, 82
Grey yarns, 21, 23, 25-29 Worn out nipper plates, 87
Uneven cone length, 170 Worn out or blunt combs, 86
Uneven yarn, 132, 135-36 Worn out poker bars, 97
Uniform cone weight or uniform length, Worn out rings, 96
170 Worn-out clearer clothes, 89
Index 239

Worn-out false twisters, 90 blow room, 81-82

Worn-out needle bearings in fluted rollers, carding, 82-85
90 combers, 86-88
Worn-out springs, 90 drawing, 85-86
Woven apparel ring frames, 90-99
Carded yarns, 17 speed frames, 88-90
Woven HDPE cloths, 39 winding, 79-80
Wrapping, periodical checking of, 61 management systems, 34, 115-16
Nepping tendency, 34
Yarn raw material, 34-39
for carpets and furnishings, 30-31 ring frames, 69-79
for parachutes, 18 speed frames, 63-69
for sewing threads, 31-32 technology and the parameters, 100
for sewing, 19 blow room, 100-104
for towels, 30 carding, 103-104
for twines, 32-33 combers, 105-108
for tyre cords, 18 draw frames, 104-105
required for knotting or splicing, 189 ring frames, 111-115
uniformity of, 16 speed frames, 108-111
unusual blackening of, 137 winding, 115
Yarn clearers, 79 work methods, 34, 37, 39-40
Yarn cross sections, 164 Yarn quality, raw material
Yarn diameters, variations in, 139 handling and storage damages, 37
Yarn quality, 21 improper selection of, 35-37
carding, 103-104 season wise variation, 37
combers, 105-108
draw frames, 53, 55, 58-89, 86-87, 104 “Z” twist, 3
machinery condition, 80-99 “Z” twist yarns, 3

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