Letter To VP Joe Biden
Letter To VP Joe Biden
Letter To VP Joe Biden
We write to you as leaders from a diverse array of organizations building political power for
young people in the United States. We are all deeply committed to ending a presidency that has
set the clock back on all of the issues that impact our lives.
While you are now the presumptive Democratic nominee, it is clear that you were unable to win
the votes of the vast majority of voters under 45 years old during the primary. With young
people poised to play a critical role deciding the next President, you need to have more young
people enthusiastically supporting and campaigning with you to defeat Trump. This division
must be reconciled so we can unite the party to defeat Trump.
Messaging around a "return to normalcy" does not and has not earned the support and trust of
voters from our generation. For so many young people, going back to the way things were
“before Trump” isn’t a motivating enough reason to cast a ballot in November. And now, the
coronavirus pandemic has exposed not only the failure of Trump, but how decades of
policymaking has failed to create a robust social safety net for the vast majority of Americans.
The views of younger Americans are the result of a series of crises that took hold when we came
of political age, and flow from bad decisions made by those in power from both major parties.
For millions of young people, our path to a safe and secure middle class life is far more
out-of-reach than it was for our parents or grandparents. We grew up in a world where “doing
better than the generation before us” was not a foregone conclusion.
Instead, we grew up with endless war, skyrocketing inequality, crushing student loan debt, mass
deportations, police murders of black Americans and mass incarceration, schools which have
become killing fields, and knowing that the political leaders of today are choking the planet we
will live on long after they are gone. We’ve spent our whole lives witnessing our political leaders
prioritize the voices of wealthy lobbyists and big corporations over our needs. From this
hardship, we’ve powered a resurgence of social movements demanding fundamental change.
Why would we want a return to normalcy? We need a vision for the future, not a return to the
New leadership in November is an imperative for everything our movements are fighting for.
But in order to win up and down the ballot in November, the Democratic Party needs the energy
and enthusiasm of our generation. The victorious “Obama coalition” included millions of
energized young people fighting for change. But the Democratic Party’s last presidential
nominee failed to mobilize our enthusiasm where it mattered. We can’t afford to see those
mistakes repeated.
Young people are issues-first voters. Fewer identify with a political party than any other
generation. Exclusively anti-Trump messaging won’t be enough to lead any candidate to victory.
We need you to champion the bold ideas that have galvanized our generation and given us hope
in the political process. As the party’s nominee, the following commitments are needed to earn
the support of our generation and unite the party for a general election against Donald Trump:
● CLIMATE CHANGE: Adopt the frameworks of the Green New Deal and make specific
commitments around achieving a just transition to 100% Clean Energy by 2030 for
electricity, buildings, and transportation; restart the economy by committing to
mobilizing $10 trillion in green stimulus and infrastructure investments over 10 years
that will create tens of millions of good jobs of the future; and commit to take on and
prosecute the fossil fuel executives and lobbyists who have criminally jeopardized our
● GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION: Take an intersectional, comprehensive approach to
preventing gun violence with the goal of reducing gun deaths by 50% in ten years. In
addition to the policies laid out in your plan, you should also include the following from
the Peace Plan for a Safer America: call for a federal licensing program; hold the gun
industry accountable by directing the IRS to probe the NRA’s non-profit status. Expand
federal funding and resources for community based violence intervention programs.
Adopt Julian Castro’s People First Policing Plan and acknowledge that police brutality is
gun violence.
● IMMIGRATION: Commit to immediate executive actions to expand DACA and other
policies to protect people from deportation and hold ICE and CBP accountable.
Executive actions must also close the vast and cruel web of detention camps and not
replace it with a practice of tagging people with electronic monitors or surveillance sold
by big money corporations. Commit to ending the collaboration between local police and
ICE and the use of racial profiling by deportation agents and local police that pulls
people into the deportation pipeline. Commit to providing guaranteed access to counsel
for all while making immigration courts independent and free of political manipulation.
Commit to repealing 1996 immigration reform laws and creating citizenship pathways
for all undocumented people with harmful provisions. Amidst the current Covid-19
pandemic, it is clear that all people, including undocumented immigrants, must be
included in any health care reform as viruses do not discriminate on the basis of
immigration status.
● HEALTH CARE: Support the Affordable Drug Manufacturing Act to allow the
government to manufacture generic versions of drugs and dramatically lower
prescription drug prices. Support Medicare for All, especially in light of the coronavirus
pandemic. Champion the repeal of the Hyde Amendment and people’s ability to access
abortion care regardless of their income of zip code.
● CRIMINALIZATION: Champion comprehensive reform of our criminal legal system.
Incentivize states to cut their incarcerated population by 50 percent while supporting
massive investment in housing, drug treatment, diversion, education and health
programs. End the War on Drugs and support the equitable legalization of marijuana
based on proposals laid out by Senator Booker, Senator Warren, Senator Sanders,
Secretary Castro, and others.
● EDUCATION: Support free undergraduate tuition for public colleges, universities, and
vocational schools for all students, regardless of income, citizenship status, or criminal
record. Provide economic relief to 45 million Americans and stimulate the economy by
addressing the student debt crisis and canceling the entire $1.7 trillion in student loan
● WEALTH TAX: Support an annual tax on the extreme wealth of the wealthiest 180,000
households in America who are in the top 0.1 percent based on proposals laid out by
Senator Sanders, Senator Warren, and Tom Steyer.
● FOREIGN POLICY: Commit to seek Congressional approval on any authorization of war
and support repeal of 2001 and 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force.
● DEMOCRACY: Support the elimination of the filibuster and the expanding of the
Supreme Court. Call for the adoption of strong anti-corruption reforms laid out by
Senator Warren and Senator Sanders. Champion a voting system that works for all
Americans. Every citizen should be automatically registered to vote, get to cast their
ballot in a secure, accessible way that fits their needs, and never have their right to vote
taken away for any reason. Get big money out of politics and make the passage of HR 1 a
top priority.
In addition to these policy and personnel commitments, you and your campaign must
demonstrate a real passion and enthusiasm for engaging with our generation and its leaders. It’s
not just about the policies and issues, but also about how you prioritize them, how you talk
about them, and how you demonstrate real passion for addressing them. You must demonstrate,
authentically, that you empathize with our generation’s struggles.
Calling for solutions that match the scale, scope, and urgency of the problems we are facing is
not radical. If nothing else, this moment of crisis should show that it is the pragmatic thing to
do. We want results and we’re leading some of the movements that will help deliver them.
The organizations below will spend more than $100 million communicating with more than 10
million young members, supporters, and potential voters this election cycle. We are uniquely
suited to help mobilize our communities, but we need help ensuring our efforts will be
backed-up by a campaign that speaks to our generation. Our generation is the future of this
country. If you aim to motivate, mobilize, and welcome us in, we will work tirelessly to align this
nation with its highest ideals.
Alliance for Youth Action
Justice Democrats
IfNotNow Movement
March for Our Lives Action Fund
NextGen America
Student Action
Sunrise Movement
United We Dream Action