Math Rubric - Sheet1 2

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Grading of

Assessments No Credit (0) Partial Credit (0.5) Full Credit (1)

Student's computational work

shows a working comprehension
of a given word problem. Student provides both correct
Student's computational work Student provides a written computational work and
shows no comprehension of explanation as to their thinking provides a written explanation
Pre-Checks, Exit word problem. Student does not that shows a working that demonstrates
provide any written explanation understanding of procedural understanding of word
Tickets as to their thinking. steps for a given word problem. problem.

Student indicates an incorrect Student indicates a correct

response irrespective of written response irrespective of written
explanation. This scoring is explanation. This scoring is
End of Unit meant to mirror scoring on the meant to mirror scoring on the
Texas STAAR state Texas STAAR state
Assessments assessment. N/A assessment.

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