The Effect of Internal Control, Individual Morality and Ethical Value On Accounting Fraud Tendency
The Effect of Internal Control, Individual Morality and Ethical Value On Accounting Fraud Tendency
The Effect of Internal Control, Individual Morality and Ethical Value On Accounting Fraud Tendency
Fernanda Fernandhytia
STIE Malangkucecwara
Email: [email protected]
STIE Malangkucecwara
Email: [email protected]
Received: December 2019; Accepted: December 2019; Available online: January 2020
In general, this study aims to determine the effect of Internal Control, Individual Morality,
and ethical Value on Accounting Fraud Tendency. This study was conducted on Start-Up
Businesses. One hundred eighty-eight respondents participated in this study. The result of this
study showed that internal control has a significant negative effect on accounting fraud
tendency. In other words, an increase in Internal Control will decrease the tendency of
accounting fraud in a company. Individual morality also has a significant negative effect on
accounting fraud tendency. An increase in individual morality, which could be done by
implementing the right morals in daily activity, will prevent the action of fraudulent behavior.
Furthermore, ethical value also has a significant negative effect on accounting fraud tendency.
A proper professional ethic code will increase moral value in an individual's professionalism,
which will minimize the action of fraudulent behavior. This research is done in the hope of
contributing to theory and practice. This study contributes to the subject related to internal
control, individual morality, ethical value, and accounting fraud tendency. Furthermore, for
Start-Up Businesses, this research can be used to prevent accounting fraud.
Secara umum, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pengendalian internal,
moralitas individu, dan nilai etis terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi. Penelitian
ini dilakukan pada Start-Up Businesses. Seratus delapan puluh delapan responden
berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengendalian
internal berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi.
Dengan kata lain, peningkatan Kontrol Internal akan mengurangi kecenderungan
kecurangan akuntansi dalam suatu perusahaan. Moralitas individu juga memiliki pengaruh
negatif signifikan terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi. Peningkatan moral
individu, yang dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan moral yang benar dalam aktivitas sehari-
hari akan mencegah tindakan perilaku curang. Selain itu, nilai etika juga memiliki pengaruh
negatif yang signifikan terhadap kecenderungan kecurangan akuntansi. Kode etik profesi
yang tepat akan meningkatkan nilai moral dalam profesionalisme individu, yang akan
meminimalkan tindakan perilaku curang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan harapan dapat
berkontribusi pada teori dan praktik. Penelitian ini berkontribusi pada subjek yang berkaitan
dengan kontrol internal, moralitas individu, nilai etika, dan kecenderungan kecurangan
akuntansi. Selanjutnya bagi Start-Up Businesses, penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk
How to Cite: Fernandhytia, F., & Muslichah. (2020). The Effect of Internal Control, Individual Morality and Ethical Value
on Accounting Fraud Tendency. Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 35(1), 112-127. doi:
accountants follow strict internal rules that rationalization is proxy by the gap in
govern the way they do work every management integrity and bad relations
day. between managers and auditors. Besides,
the presence of opportunities can cause the
The nature of the work carried out
perpetrator to commit fraud freely. The
by accountants and auditors requires a high
fraud can occur because of the weak
level of ethics. Shareholders and other
internal control system within the govern-
users of financial statements are very
ment agency.
dependent on the company's annual
financial statements because they can use International Internal Audit State-
this information to make investment ment on internal audit also defines fraud as
decisions. They rely on the opinions of irregularities and illegal actions carried out
accountants who prepare reports, as well as intentionally for personal or group
auditors who examine and then provide purposes. Such actions cause detriment to
opinions about the financial statements. the organization. Also, the internal audit
Knowledge about ethics can help guideline (I.A.G) defines fraud as a type of
accountants and auditors to resolve ethical irregularity that can cause deceit with the
dilemmas, enabling them to make the right intention of obtaining an illegal advan-
choice, even though it may not benefit the tage.
company, will benefit the public who The above definitions have, there-
depend on the accountant/auditor's report. fore, fully incorporated what fraud is all
Accountants, whose priority is ethics, can about. Legally, therefore, fraud may
easily handle ethical dilemmas, areas that
constitute embezzlement on larceny or
are not black and white. They feel both. It may be a misdemeanor or a felony,
comfortable dealing with gray areas. and it is always a crime or a tort. Fraud is
an action that involves the use of deceit and
Accounting Fraud seeks to alter the truth to deprive a person
Fraud in accounting can occur due to of something which he is entitled to.
several conditions, as explained by
Cressey (1953) in Tuanakotta (2007: 207),
which is called a Fraud Triangle Theory. Hypotheses Development
The theory state that corruption is caused
by the existence of 3 factors, namely The Effect of Internal Control on
pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. Accounting Fraud Tendency
Generally, accounting fraud is related to
corruption. In corruption, actions that are According to Ansori, Evana, and
commonly carried out include bribery, Gamayuni, (2018), internal control is the
conflicts of interest, unauthorized key to an organization in achieving its goal.
gratitude, and economic extortion. The With internal control running effectively, it
Theory of Triangle Fraud explains fraud creates the certainty of an organization
behavior. Someone cheats because of being prevented from various forms of
pressure, opportunity, and rationalization. deviations and frauds that will obstruct the
According to Dorminey, Fleming, course of the organization wheel. Joseph et
Kranacher, and Riley (2012), rationaliza- al. (2015) in their study also recommended
tion and pressure factors are characteristics that the policy and procedure of effective
of the perpetrators of accounting fraud that and efficient internal control shall be
cannot be observed. It is impossible to applied correctly to prevent fraud in an
know what the perpetrators are thinking organization. The fraud can quickly occur
when going to commit accounting fraud. in an organization that has a weak and
According to Lou and Wang (2009), this ineffective internal control system.
Standardized Residual
N 188
Normal Parameters a,b Mean .0000000
Std. Deviation .31991079
Most Extreme Absolute .059
Differences Positive .046
Negative -.059
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .059
Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) .200c,d
The increase in ethical values intended is is due to the conclusion that an individual
the actions and attitudes carried out by an with a high moral level will be very
individual in daily activities in the work unlikely to commit fraudulent behavior.
environment based on the professionalism Thus proving the point that accounting
and professional code of ethics that have fraud tendency can be prevented by
been established. The code can be in the implementing moral knowledge in daily
form of discipline, attitudes, and ethical activity and a selective hiring process in a
behavior of an employee, thus can affect company or an organization. Lastly, this
accounting fraud tendency in a company or study also shows that ethical value has a
organization within. negative effect on accounting fraud
tendency. This is due to the conclusion that
The result of this study is consistent
professionalism and professional ethic
with the research conducted by Smith
codes play a significant role in maintaining
(2016) that there is a significant effect of
ethical behavior in the workplace. The
ethical value on accounting fraud
code is a standard guideline of how one
tendency. The study also stated that ethics
should behave in a work environment.
policies and guidelines should be in place
With proper implementation of profes-
in organizations to guide newly hired
sional ethic, codes can help the chances of
workers and accounting employees. These
any employee to commit fraudulent
serve as guides for employee behavioral
behavior that could potentially harm the
and professional action. The existence of
company. Companies, especially start-up
ethics policies demonstrates to new hires
businesses, should implement an internal
that the organization takes ethics seriously.
control system from the very beginning.
During the onboarding and training
Furthermore, they should go through a
process, there should be a separate module
very selectively hiring process with a lot of
or program that emphasizes the ethics
considerations regarding individual
policies and how they should be applied to
morality and ethical value to prevent
daily operations. Meanwhile, a similar
accounting fraud. It is suggested that the
result was also obtained by Jaijaram
next researcher to choose a different study
(2017), which proved that the accountants'
object and a diverse group of respondents
role is dependent on an organization's
to obtain better and detailed data results.
emphasis on culture and accountability.
Therefore it is essential for the government There are two of these studies. First, the
use of self-report measurement to measure
and public governing bodies to advocate
the variables studied suggests potential
and develop ethical practices in accounting
sources of method biases for some of the
results. Future research should employ in-
depth interviews to investigate the
CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMEN- respondent's views in greater depth.
DATIONS Second, this research only examines Start-
Up companies' clients of PT Metacific
Based on the results of multiple Consultant. Further research shall enhance
linear regression analysis, we can conclude coverage by including more Start-Up
that internal control has a negative effect businesses.
on accounting fraud tendency. The result is
due to the conclusion that increasing
activity and management control in an
organization or a company will prevent
fraudulent behavior. Furthermore, the
results of this study also show that
individual morality has a negative effect on
accounting fraud tendency. The tendency