Windows 10 Tips, Tricks & Apps PDF
Windows 10 Tips, Tricks & Apps PDF
Windows 10 Tips, Tricks & Apps PDF
Windows 10
Tips, Tricks & Apps
Unlock the full potential of Windows 10
Boost your
PC’s speed and
hints and
tips inside
Extend Microsoft
Edge’s functionality
Defragment files
and manage
your storage
Expand your
capabilities with
third-party apps
Master the
Task Manager
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Windows 10
Get to know the latest and greatest version of
Windows that Microsoft has ever produced
indows 10 is the of Windows 7’s Start menu with the
brand new and most tiles of Windows 8’s Start screen.
exciting version If you like working with desktop
of Microsoft’s applications then that’s fine, and
operating system yet. It is you can continue to do so, but
designed for multiple devices, you can also use apps from the
including desktop computers, Windows Store. They run full screen
laptops, tablets, mobile phones and like Windows 8 or in a window like
hybrid devices, such as the Surface. Windows 7. It’s your choice and you
It is an impressive blend of old can stick with what you are most
and familiar features, and new and comfortable with.
interesting ones, and this means Apps are better than ever, and
that you will instantly feel at home many have been updated to take
whether you have used Windows 7 advantage of Windows 10, including
or 8, but there are also lots of great the Windows Store itself. This is now
new features to discover and use. a one-stop shop for everything you
An example of this can be seen need for your computer, tablet and
when browsing the internet. There is phone, including software, music,
the old and familiar Internet Explorer, movies and television shows. It is a
but also a new browser called brilliant resource.
Edge that is fast and packed with If you have an Xbox, you can sign
innovative and useful features that in to your account on a Windows
take it beyond the capabilities of the 10 PC, but if you don’t, you can still
previous browser. Edge is the future join in the fun and take photos and
of web browsing, but if you are not videos of games, follow friends,
quite ready to embrace it, there is and so on. Another nice feature of
still Internet Explorer. Windows 10 is that it can keep all
The Start screen that you may of your computers and devices in
have used in Windows 8 is still sync, so you can access your files
available, but there is also the new from anywhere. It’s Microsoft’s best
Start menu that combines the best operating system yet.
back to
the desktop
It is the best place for running both
modern apps and desktop software
Settings app
The new Settings app enables you to
customise Windows and configure a range of
options. It has a powerful search facility too
Desktop apps
Apps no longer run full screen and are in
resizeable windows like regular desktop
software. Bundled apps must be redesigned
Start menu
The Start screen has been replaced by the
Start menu, which has menus and tiles. Both
its size and content are easily customised
Action Centre
This icon in the taskbar opens the new Action
Centre, which has buttons to access common
functions, notifications and messages
he Windows desktop has been a feature apps found on tablets and mobile phones. Apps are The Windows Store is a fantastic place to find and
of the operating system since the earliest small, easy-to-use, lightweight programs that can install apps, but the desktop is great too, and there
days, and everyone loved it because there be fun, serious, entertaining or business-like. They are some superb applications for it. Windows 10
was so much great software for it. It was familiar ran full screen in Windows 8; the desktop was still blends the best of both worlds, and it makes it just
and easy to use, and whether you wanted to work as easy to install and run apps from the Windows
on your computer or just use it for entertainment, “Windows 10 starts Store as it does desktop software. Equal priority
there was a desktop application that enabled you is given to both and you can run apps side by
to do it. faster than ever and side with desktop software in a way that was not
Everything changed with Windows 8; the Start
menu was removed and the Start screen replaced
it goes straight to the possible with previous versions. You are now able
to run your favourite apps and regular software on
it. Start was the first thing Windows users saw when
the computer was switched on. It introduced the
new desktop” the desktop.
The Start menu is back too, but it is new and
Windows Store and the concept of apps, which there lurking behind a tile on the Start screen, but it different to the old one that Windows 7 users are
are a special type of software that is more like the was pushed into the background. used to. In some ways it is similar, and there is an
10 FAQs
Get answers to the most commonly
asked questions about Windows
Is Windows 10 really so be prepared to install fresh copies of your
favourite programs afterwards. If you are
free or do I have to running Windows 7 or 8.1 and upgrade to
pay for it? Windows 10, your software will be kept. Most
If you are running a fully registered, legal copy software is compatible with the latest version
of Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 then Windows of Windows and should work just fine.
© Toshiba Europe GmbH
What’s new in
Windows 10?
A quick guide to the new features to
explore after upgrading to Windows 10
Use virtual desktops
The desktop is back and there is not just one of them, but as many as you want!
Windows 10 has made virtual desktops, previously only available with third-party
software, a feature that everyone can use. With a keypress, you can easily create
new desktops or switch between existing ones. Now you can spread out your
apps, and each one can be on a different desktop. The return of the Start menu
The screen that welcomes you when the computer is switched
on is the desktop, and in the corner of the screen is the Start
menu. This is not the one that Windows XP, Vista and 7 users
had, but a new one with lots of great features. If you have used
an old version of Windows you will find familiar features, like the
‘All apps’ menu and recently used applications. If you have just
switched from Windows 8 then the tiles will be familiar.
The Start menu has something for everyone and is
customisable. For example, you can expand it and fill it with tiles
for your favourite apps, or you can shrink it and remove tiles,
leaving the menu. Most users will find a blend of the two is the
best option, with the menus for occasionally used applications
and a collection of tiles for their favourite apps.
How to install
Windows 10
See just how straightforward it is to install Windows 10
ost PCs running older versions of
Windows can run Windows 10. Some
can be upgraded, but others require a
clean install. So, should you upgrade or clean install
Windows 10? Windows XP and Vista users cannot
upgrade; a clean install is the only option. Many
Windows 7 and 8 users can upgrade, but it depends
on several factors. For some, a clean install is a must.
A clean install erases everything on the disk before
installing Windows 10. This clears out junk files that
have accumulated, and afterwards the computer will
run better than before. The disadvantage is that your
files are erased. Before starting, plug in a USB drive
and copy your Documents, Pictures, Videos and Music
folders to it. After installing Windows 10 they can be
copied back. All software is deleted and new software
must be installed.
Installing Windows 10 involves downloading it from
Microsoft’s website and then copying it to a DVD or
USB flash drive (thumb drive). The PC is then restarted
from this media and it installs.
1: Download the installer 2: Select the media type 3: Burn the disc
Go to Windows 10 can be installed from a USB flash drive You are prompted to save the ISO file, and it is
windows10 and click the Download tool. Choose of 8GB or larger, or DVD. Choose an option. If your saved to the Documents folder. Afterwards, click
the Run option or save it and run it afterwards from PC has a DVD/CD writer, put a blank DVD-R in the the option to open the DVD burner and copy it to a
the Downloads folder. drive to create an install disc and select ISO file. DVD-R disc.
“Some PCs
can be Upgrade to Windows 10 and keep all your files
upgraded, but
pgrading to Windows 10 is often version that you have. To switch from 32-bit to
an automatic process. You’ll see a 64-bit, use the install method outlined earlier
others require a message on the screen saying that and make a boot DVD or USB flash drive.
clean install” Windows 10 is ready to install, or that it is
available to download and install. If you do
If there are problems with Windows Update
or you don’t see an upgrade message, follow
not see this message, try running Windows the guide below to download and install
Update in the Control Panel until you do. Windows 10. It uses the download tool on the
Modern PCs run 64-bit Windows and it is Microsoft website and handles the upgrade
the best choice when there is 4GB or more of process. Your files and software are kept and
memory, but the 32-bit version is commonly nothing is deleted, but we still recommend
used in older PCs and those with less than backing up before starting. Plug in a USB disk
4GB. Windows Upgrade installs the same drive or flash memory drive and copy across.
Essential tips to get
more from Windows 10
Use these top tips to work smarter and more easily with Windows.
You’ll find they will save you both time and effort
indows 10 has more For example, you can choose what is share websites, apps and other content. You
features and settings displayed when the computer starts, and can create clutter-free desktops with just a key
than ever, and this is either the new Start menu or the old Start press, remove unused software, swap mouse
great because it means screen can be used. You can change File buttons (for left-handed people), change the
that you can customise it Explorer’s view and how it responds to clicks; mouse wheel effects and so on. The tips are
in a variety of ways to make it work the way Cortana can be customised and trained to diverse and range from showing you how
you want it to. There are many settings and provide a better understanding of your needs; to back up files to finding out what music is
configuration options that change the way and there is much more. playing in the background. That’s just a little
Windows 10 works, and we explore some of The tips explore new and better ways to trick Cortana can do, and there are more. Read
these in our collection of top tips. work with your computer, and show how to on to see for yourself.
Train Cortana
Cortana is designed to respond to voice
commands, but if there are multiple people
talking in the same room, or even if you have
the television turned on in the background, you
don’t want Cortana responding to things that
others might be saying.
There’s also the possibility that a mischievous
person might shout “Delete all files!” Would
Cortana do it? It’s best not to try it, just in case!
It is best if Cortana ignores what everyone else
in the room is saying and responds only to your
specific voice commands.
To set this up, click in the Cortana search box
on the taskbar, then click the Notebook icon on
the left. Click Settings and turn on the switch
next to ‘Let Cortana respond to “Hey Cortana!”’
Underneath is ‘Respond best’ and the choice is
‘Anyone’ or ‘To me’.
First you must click the ‘Learn my voice’
button. After doing this, you will be asked to read
out loud a few sentences of text and Cortana
will listen and learn your voice. Afterwards you
can select ‘To me’ and Cortana will be able to
differentiate between your voice and others.
Uninstall software
Clean up the desktop There are thousands of apps in the
Is the desktop cluttered with lots of windows and Windows Store and tens of thousands
apps? Instantly declutter it by press three keys elsewhere on the internet, and it can be fun
together: Windows+Ctrl+D. Everything instantly to try them. Any software you no longer use
disappears and leaves a completely empty desktop. should be uninstalled; this recovers the disk
Don’t worry, no windows or apps have been space it is using and helps to maintain the
closed; what has happened is that a new virtual performance of the PC. Having too many
desktop has been created. Press Windows+Ctrl+Left programs installed can slow it down, so
arrow to go back to the original desktop and keep it clean and fast.
Windows+Ctrl+Right arrow for the new desktop. Many applications can be uninstalled
New apps and windows can be opened on the from the Start menu and it is the first
new desktop without the distraction of all the old place to visit when you want to get rid of
windows and apps. More virtual desktops can be software. Right-click any tile on the Start
created in the same way using the same keys. menu or go to All apps and right-click any
items that you find there. Usually there is an
Uninstall option on the menu. Click it and
follow the instructions in order to remove
Manage security Use quick actions the software.
Not all software can be uninstalled,
and maintenance because some apps are part of Windows
itself. These apps include Maps, Calendar,
Is the computer secure from hackers,
Mail, Photos and several others. Don’t worry
viruses and malware? Are there any
about these ones, but if you really don’t
essential maintenance tasks that need to
want them, just right-click the tiles and
be performed? Find out by right-clicking
select Unpin from Start. It does not delete
the search box in the taskbar and entering
them from the disk, but it does hide them
‘security’. The top result is Security and
from the Start menu (they are still on the All
Maintenance in the Control Panel. Click it.
apps list though).
All sorts of messages appear here, such as
Another rather useful way to uninstall
Windows defender needing to scan the
software is through the Control Panel.
disk, or applications that are slowing down
Simply right-click the Start button and
the computer. Read the messages and see
select Control Panel. Set the view to Small
what they say. If actions need to be carried
icons in the top right-hand corner of the
out then there are buttons to do them. Click Click the notifications icon at the right side of the window, then click Programs and Features.
the buttons to fix any problems. taskbar and the Action Center panel opens at the Double-click any program in order to
side of the screen. Action Center enables you to uninstall it.
perform various actions, and there are buttons at There is another useful feature in
the bottom of the panel to do this. Click Expand if Programs and Features, and this is the
only one row of buttons is visible. There are 12 in Size column. Click the Size header and
total. These buttons are quick actions that change the programs are sorted according to size
various system settings, such as Bluetooth, Location (click again if the largest is not at the top).
tracking, Battery saver, Quiet hours (to stop showing This is very useful if you want to see which
notifications) and so on. To open Action Center programs are the biggest and taking up the
quickly, press Windows+A, then it’s just one mouse most disk space.
click to use quick actions.
Get to know Windows 10 with our
expert guides – browse the web, be
40 Increase productivity
more productive and solve any issues t,FZJOBXFCBEESFTTGSPN
Customise Windows
46 from Cortana
50 Manage OneDrive
36 Secure your PC
28 Windows 10 Tips, Tricks & Apps
58 Keep informed
62 Stay entertained 68
76 Troubleshooting
Customise Windows 10
Personalise your copy of Windows 10 to make sure it suits your needs
f you are upgrading from an older
operating system or starting
from scratch, Windows 10 offers
plenty of ways to personalise your
experience. You may be wondering why
you would want to do such a thing. Well,
think of Windows 10 as a new house:
you move in and want to add your own
touch, such as new wallpaper in the form
of a background image, or new furniture
in the form of managing desktop icons.
The personalisation side of Windows 10 is
simply setting the operating system to how
you want it to look.
In the series of tutorials below we will
cover the basics, such as setting new
wallpaper, and expand upon this by
showing you how to adjust your Lock-
screen image (where you sign in), add
a slideshow (with multiple images) and
set themes. We also dabble with more
advanced options, such as adjusting the
Windows 10 sound effects. For Windows 7,
8 and 8.1 users who are making the change
to Windows 10, we will even showcase
how you can adjust the look of the taskbar,
which has a few new additions, such as
Cortana. Dotted around the rest of the
book are plenty of tricks that expand on
a few of these options, such as how to
customise the Start menu.
3: Choose the duration 4: View the slideshow Toggle the transparency option beneath.
With the folder chosen, it will now display the name Adjust the ‘Choose a fit’ option to taste. On the With this enabled, more of the background
in the box above. Next, select the drop-down box desktop, right-click the background and choose image will appear through the Start menu,
‘Change picture every’ to adjust the time it takes for ‘Next desktop background’ if you want to take back taskbar and action centre.
Windows to switch between the images. control of the slideshow.
Personalise the
Lock screen
Get more from your Lock screen
T he Lock screen should be familiar to any previous Windows user, as
it’s one of the primary methods of securing or moving away from the
desktop when the PC/laptop is not in use. In Windows 10, the Lock screen
taps into a lot of the features we covered earlier, such as the ability to use a
custom image or slideshow (in this context a screen saver) to effectively turn
the device into a digital picture frame and prevent screen burn. However, the
Locks screen’s real-estate can be put to better use with a series of detailed and
quick status updates for a range of apps that are included with Windows 10. We
showcase how to enable these features in our tutorial below.
1: Access Lock screen settings 2: Change the background 3: Get app status updates
Click on the Start icon and choose Settings> Click the drop-down menu under the Background Where it says ‘Choose an app to show detailed
Personalisation. Alternatively, right-click on the header and pick ‘Windows spotlight’. This will use status/quick status’ pick which app(s) you want to
desktop and choose Personalise. Select ‘Lock your internet connection to pull over a random include. In this example, we decided to select the
screen’ from the left-hand menu. image from the Microsoft cloud. Weather and Calendar apps.
4: Activate a screen saver 5: Save the screen saver 6: Activate the Lock screen
Click on Screen Saver Settings at the base. From the Once you have saved it, you can adjust the screen The screen saver will kick in automatically at
pop-up window select Photos via the Screen Saver saver’s ‘wait’ time and optionally toggle the ‘On the pre-set interval. Alternatively, you can get a
drop-down box. Click Settings>Browse to choose resume, display log-on screen’. This is useful for glimpse of the Lock screen in action by using the
the location of the images. added security. To finish, click OK. ‘Ctrl+Alt+Del’ key combination and choosing Lock.
1: Install Sound Editor 2: Record a Wav file 3: Test the sound 4: Add the sound
Launch the Windows Store from Select ‘New Sample CD Quality’. From Close the app. In the Start menu go Assign the custom sound effect by
the bottom taskbar and use the the editor, click the top-right mic icon to Settings>Personalisation>Themes selecting an event and using the
search box to find Sound Editor. After to create a sound effect with your and choose ‘Advanced sound Browse icon at the bottom-right
locating the app, install it to your voice. Click the stop icon and use the settings’. From the list of events, corner. Navigate to the file you
computer, then launch it by clicking save icon to save the file to a folder select one and use the Sounds drop- downloaded earlier and click Open.
on Open or via the Start menu’s on your PC. Make sure the ‘Save as down box to adjust, or the Test icon Use the Test icon to hear it played.
‘Recently added’ list. type’ is set to ‘Wav PCM’. to hear what it sounds like. Click Cancel or OK to save and close.
1: Add icons 2: Change the look of the icon 3: View the desktop
In Settings>Personalisation>Themes, click Desktop Now click on the icon ‘This PC’, then choose the Click on OK then use the Windows shortcut ‘Win
Icon Settings. Click on the top-left check boxes Change Icon option directly beneath. From here, key+M’ to return to the desktop to view the icon.
to add additional icons to the desktop, such as pick a new icon from the list, then click OK. Now If you right-click the ‘This PC’ icon you can perform
Computer (originally known as My Computer). choose Apply to save the changes. similar tasks found on the older operating systems.
1: View your icons 2: Toggle your icons 3: Manage large icons 4: Change the display
Click on the Start icon, then Settings> Next to each icon is a toggle switch. For larger app icons, right-click the Go to Start>Settings>System then
System. Choose ‘Notifications and Select these to turn the icon On/ icon and choose ‘Unpin this program click on Display. Here you can adjust
actions’. To the right of this menu you Off. Click and hold on the taskbar from taskbar’. Re-add the icon later the size of text and the brightness
will need to click the ‘Select which icon with the left mouse button and, via the Start menu by right-clicking of the display via intuitive sliders.
icons appear on the taskbar’ option. A while holding down the button, drag the icon. Or right-click the taskbar and Alternatively, head to ‘Advanced
list of all your small taskbar icons will the icon across and release to change choose Cortana. You can change the display settings’ where you can adjust
now appear. its position. search bar to an icon or remove it. your monitor’s resolution.
1: Right click Context Menu 2: Adjust icon size 3: Sort out the icons
From the desktop view, which you can get back to A bullet point will appear next to the default icon Right-click the desktop and go back to View. From
by pressing Win key+M, you first need to right-click size. You can now select an alternative like ‘Large the options, adjust how the icons are aligned
on an empty space, and from the resulting menu icons’ and watch how the desktop icons change in on the screen. For example, if you want them to
hover your mouse over View. real time. Now adjust these options to taste. automatically line up, choose ‘Auto arrange icons’.
Set a theme
Learn how to make life even easier for
yourself with themes
o far in our range of tutorials we have tapped into a lot of the
S Settings>Personalisation options that are built in to Windows 10.
Most of these are relatively straightforward to use, however there is still a lot
of customisation involved, and going back and forth between things such as
background, colours and so on. Thankfully, Windows 10 offers one more method
of personalisation, and it is a system that will be familiar to many Windows 7 and
8 users, because it simply involves themes!
A theme will include a whole range of changes, such as a new background,
taskbar and Start menu customisation all rolled into one! It is a quick and
easy process to implement a theme, so let’s take a quick look at this in the
tutorial below.
4: View the theme 5: Download new themes 6: Select your new theme
To view effects of a theme, click the Windows 10 Return to the main theme interface and select ‘Get Your newly installed theme will appear in the list
Start menu or switch to the desktop view, so press more themes online’. Choose Download next to next to your saved theme. To activate it simply click
Win key+M. A new colour scheme will be in place a theme, then install the theme to your computer on this and use step 4 to view it. You can also delete
alongside a new background. (click Open from the Edge Browser). themes by right-clicking on them.
Secure your PC
Up your Windows 10 security and avoid hackers and malware
ach new release of Windows is
more secure than the previous
one and if you have upgraded
from a very old version like Windows XP
then the difference is huge. Windows 10
is the most secure yet, but that does not
mean that you can forget security issues.
Security features like Windows Defender
and Windows Firewall must be enabled to
boost the PCs protection. The question is,
are they turned on? Our guides show how
to check that everything is safe.
Windows Defender is used to scan the
disk for malware like viruses and spyware.
Windows will remind you when you need
to scan and reminder messages appear
in Action Centre. Windows Firewall is a
feature that prevents unauthorised access
to your computer through the internet by
hackers and malicious programs. It should
be enabled and you will see a reminder if it
isn’t, but it is a good idea to check. We will
show where the settings are located.
Third party security software such
as Avast, AVG, Panda and Avira is
recommended because it is more powerful
than Windows Defender and Windows
Firewall. As soon as you can you should
consider buying a internet security suite
from one of these or another vendor. In the
meantime, here is how to secure your PC.
3: Check and scan 4: The scan results If you have security problems with
Select the Home tab to see the program status. Scanning can take 20 minutes or more, but you Microsoft Edge, select the Advanced tab
Although protection is turned on, you must run can carry on using your computer will it runs. and there are two buttons. Click Restore
Windows Defender every week and click the Scan Afterwards it displays the results and it will clean up Advanced Settings, and Reset.
now button. Usually just a quick scan will do. any suspected spyware or viruses.
Increase security
through Privacy
Configure the Privacy options in Settings
I n the Settings app is a privacy section that enables you to determine
what information is revealed about you to Microsoft and the apps you
run. These settings affect your security and they can be configured to prevent
apps knowing where you are located, from accessing account information like
your photo and name, from taking pictures using a built in webcam, listening to
what you say with the microphone, and so on.
Spend a few minutes going through the Privacy settings and make sure you
are happy with the amount of information you are sharing. The default settings
are applied as new apps are installed and they can gain access to information.
1: Open the Settings app 2: Hide your location 3: View apps using your location
Press Windows+I to open the Settings app and click Your location is tracked by Windows and it is Scroll down the section to see the apps are able to
the Privacy section. Select General and there are possible to determine where in the world you live, access your location. Instead of turning off location
four options. All the settings are useful, but only the work and travel. Turn off the Location switch if you services completely, block or allow access to your
second one is essential. prefer to hide this information. location for each app with the switches.
4: Set the camera options 5: Set the microphone options 6: Hide your account
Laptop computers and some desktops have a A malicious app could in theory listen to what is Your Microsoft account contains some personal
webcam, which is useful for apps like Skype, but being said in the room. Go to the Microphone information, such as your photo and your name.
do you want other apps to have access? Use the section and turn off access for apps that have no If you prefer not to let apps access this, go to the
switches in the camera section to allow/block them. business accessing this component. Account info section and turn off the switch.
Windows Firewall Check the firewall settings and block or allow programs
Increase productivity
Discover how to get the most out of Windows 10 with our series of tutorials
n business being more productive
will allow you to get work done
faster and more efficiently! Windows
10 was released to tap into this ethos as it
brings to the table a lot of productivity tools
that are built directly into the OS.
In particular, one of its standout features
is its universal appeal, which means that
whatever platform you run Windows 10
on, if it’s the desktop, tablet or Windows
Mobile, the core experience will be the
same. This also translates to its app support,
but sadly the number of universal apps
is still thin on the ground at the time of
writing. However, the new Windows store
is still a useful place to visit if you want to
install third-party productivity tools.
In this series of tutorials we will be
focusing on ways in which you can utilise
Windows 10 to improve your productivity.
This includes the use of the excellent
Multitasking Task View function as well as
the Snap Assistant.
For tech-savvy users we will even let
you in on the ultimate shortcut secret – a
shortcut that provides access to all of your
PC’s core features directly under one roof.
Keep reading to find out about this!
Note: both Microsoft Edge and
Cortana are also great tools to aid in your
productivity, so read on to find out more.
1: Auto-hide the taskbar 2: View the taskbar 3: Move the taskbar’s position
In Windows 10 the taskbar takes up plenty of screen Press Apply. The taskbar will hide automatically if no Alternatively you can adjust the position of the
space. You can, however, hide this. First right-click apps are vying for your attention, freeing up space. taskbar. Within the Properties field, click on the
the taskbar and choose Properties. Now under the You can bring back the taskbar by simply hovering dropdown box titled Taskbar Location Onscreen
Taskbar option choose Auto-hide The Taskbar. your mouse at the base of the screen. and pick a new position for the Taskbar. Click Apply.
3: Snapped app 4: Multiple snapped screens After a while the Address bar will start to
Release the mouse button and a list of all your Drag this to the top-right corner and release. Notice build up history, so if you want to go
opened apps will appear. Select an app and watch how it asks for another app. Pick another window straight to a previously viewed site, click on
as it snaps automatically to the side. After this is and it will adjust the positioned windows. Keep the dropdown bar next to the Address bar.
done, pick Microsoft Edge from the taskbar. dragging apps until your screen is ready.
1: Prep the first desktop 2: Task View screen 3: Select the new desktop
Prep the first desktop by launching programs that Click the icon and you will be taken to the main Now select the newly created Desktop 2 thumbnail
you want to use. For example open Word, Microsoft Task View interface. However, we now want to and you will then be taken to your new desktop.
Edge and Twitter App. Now locate the Task View create a new desktop so click the ‘+ New desktop’ Next, launch other apps that you want to use. Once
icon at the bottom-left corner of the taskbar. icon to the right. this is done, click the Task View icon again.
1: Add a shortcut folder 2: See the folder 3: Keyboard Shortcuts 4: Jump List shortcuts
Right-click your desktop and go to With the hidden folder created you You can perform plenty of tasks using Adding desktop shortcuts is easy as
New>Folder. Select the folder and can then double click on this to view keyboard shortcuts. Win Key+the you simply use the right-click ‘Send
rename it to ‘Productivity.{ED7BA470- the contents. Scroll through the cursor key is useful for snapping to’ option. However, Windows 10 also
8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}’ and staggering array of options that you windows – that we talked about in has built-in Jump lists. If Word was on
press enter. If you are successful, once can adjust all from the one location! our Snap Assistant Tutorial earlier – the taskbar, you right-click the icon
renamed the icon will change to look Everything from adding printers to quicker. With each window open, and this will bring up a list of all the
like the old control panel icon. viewing the Event logs is all possible! press Win Key+the cursor to snap it. recent documents you can access!
1: Launch Sticky Notes 2: Add your note 3: Create and move 4: Tweak your note
You can launch the Sticky Notes app You can right-click the file from the To create more notes click on the top You can also customise the look of
in several ways. You can either go search bar results to pin the app to left ‘+’ icon. This will simply place the Sticky Notes. Right-click on a note and
through the Start Menu >All Apps or your Taskbar for future use, but for note to the side of the previous one. choose an alternative colour from
use the method we prefer which is to now with the app loaded you can To move the notes, click and hold the the list. Additionally you can remove
type in ‘Sticky Notes’ into the Cortana simply type in your message, such as left mouse button down on the top notes by either clicking on the top
search bar and from the results select ‘Collect the petty cash tomorrow!’ or of the note and then drag this to a right ‘x’ icon or using the keyboard
the app to launch the program. ‘Call Bob when you get 5 minutes’. new position before releasing. Shortcut combo Ctrl+D.
ortana is one of the major new
features in Windows 10 and it is
an exciting new digital personal
assistant that can carry out your
commands, perform a variety of actions,
and generally save you from tedious
typing at the keyboard. You just say what
you want and Cortana does it, whether it is
setting an alarm, looking up information on
the internet, or getting driving directions
from one place to another.
Try talking to Cortana and say things
like “Tell me a joke”. There are often very
entertaining responses to questions like
these and you can have a lot of fun. Cortana
can also perform serious tasks as we will
show in the tutorials. For example, it can
create calendar appointments, show you
your schedule for the next day or week,
and even move calendar appointments for
you. Using Cortana saves tedious typing
and instead of entering notes using the
keyboard, just tell Cortana to take a note
and then speak it. Instead of searching
for the Alarms app and manually creating
alarms, tell Cortana to set it.
Cortana is available on Windows phones
now and Android and iPhone soon. This
means alarms, calendars and reminders
created on your PC are available even when
your computer is switched off.
1: Wake up Cortana 2: Get next week’s weather 3: Get the weather anywhere
Click the microphone icon at the right side of the Say “What is the forecast for next week?” and Say “What is the weather in New York?” and the
search box in the taskbar to make Cortana listen. Cortana responds with next week’s forecast. It weather and forecasts for the next few days are
Anything you now say will be analysed and Cortana shows that Cortana understands concepts like ‘next displayed. Cortana clearly understands place names
will respond appropriately. week’ and that forecast is associated with weather. like major cities and countries around the world.
Speak to create
Calendar events
Add appointments and events to Calendar
T he Calendar app in Windows 10 is a useful tool for organising
your time. You can not only look up dates, you can also add events and
appointments so you never miss another one again. Just as with the Maps app,
Cortana can interact with the Calendar app and the two work together. This
enables you to create events in Calendar without having to open the app and go
through the tedious process of creating them. You just speak to Cortana.
Cortana understands times and dates, words like ‘tomorrow’ and phrases like
‘all day event’. It can even move events from one time slot to another, which is
handy for when you need to re-organise your schedule to fit something in.
1: Start a reminder 2: Add the time 3: Remind locations 4: Add the subject
Cortana understands language and Cortana has part of the reminder, but Do you want to be reminded when A subject was not stated in the
you do not need to use special words needs the time. Speak it, such as 2 PM you visit a location? Say “Remind me location reminder, so Cortana asked
or phrases. Just say what you want, and the whole reminder is displayed when I get home”. Cortana needs to for it. Say it and the completed
such as “Remind me to call Janice for you to check. If it is OK then finish know where home and work are and reminder is displayed on the screen
tomorrow”. Cortana responds by off by saying “Yes”. Alternatively, say if this information has not yet been for you to check. If it is correct, say
displaying the details and then asking “No” or “Cancel” if it is incorrect or you entered, you will be asked to set it by “Yes”, otherwise say “No” or “Cancel”.
what time you want to be reminded. change your mind. entering the address or post code. Add more reminders using Cortana.
1: Start a new note 2: Record your note 3: Make and view notes
Notes can be created and stored by Cortana and Cortana translates your spoken note into text and Another way to create notes is to say “Note,” and
it saves you having to type them into an app. Say it can be as long or short as required. The result is then follow it with the note you want to create
“Take a note,” and Cortana responds with “Tell me displayed on the the screen and you can click the spoken out loud. To view your notes, open the
your note.” Speak it. note to edit it. OneNote app on the Start menu.
Manage OneDrive
Use OneDrive to store and access files both online and offline
neDrive is a special folder on
the PC’s disk that can be used
to store documents, pictures,
music and videos. Anything you put in
the OneDrive folder on the PC’s disk is also
stored online and Microsoft provides private
and secure storage space. Online is an exact
copy of everything in the PC’s OneDrive
folder. What’s more, every Windows
computer you own has a OneDrive folder
and the contents are kept in sync. Save a
file in the OneDrive folder on one PC and
it appears in the OneDrive folders of your
other PCs. Desktop and laptop computers
for example, are kept in sync, and all have
the same files.
Files can also be accessed from any
computer through a web browser, even
if it does not use Windows, like an Apple
Mac. This is fantastic when you are at work
and you need to access files on your home
computer, for example. Simply head online
to in a browser and all
your files are there.
We show how OneDrive enables you to
share files and folders with other people,
and how it can be used to send large
files to people instead of using email
attachments. There is a limit to the size of
files that OneDrive can hold, but we show
how to get more space if you need it.
1: Show the OneDrive menu 2: Pin to File Explorer 3: OneDrive on the jump list
Click the File Manager icon in the taskbar to open Another way to create a shortcut for quick and When many of the icons in the taskbar are right-
it. Right-click OneDrive to display the context menu easy access to OneDrive is to click and drag the clicked, they display a menu containing jump lists,
and select Pin to Start to add a tile to the Start OneDrive folder to the File Explorer icon on the which are shortcuts to common functions. Right-
menu for fast access. taskbar. Drop it to pin it. click Explorer to open the OneDrive folder.
3: Set the permissions 4: Changing folder permissions Open the Mail app and create a new email
After adding another person or even Everyone, This notice appears, stating that giving someone message. From here, click in the body of
which is the whole world, set the permission level, read/write permission allows them to add files to the message and press Ctrl+V to paste in
such as Read for Everyone and Read/Write for the folder. For this reason it is best to give Read/ the link to the file.
friends or work colleagues that you trust. Write access only to trusted people. Click Next.
Increase your
OneDrive storage
Subscribe to boost your OneDrive space
A lthough you may have hundreds of gigabytes of disk space on your
computer, the files in the OneDrive folder are limited by your storage
plan. This is currently 15GB for free, but from 2016 it will be 5GB. If you are short
of OneDrive online storage space your plan can be upgraded to get more. If you
subscribe to Microsoft Office then OneDrive can hold up to 1TB of files, but there
are cheaper alternatives starting at just £1.99 a month.
In this tutorial we show how to see what plan you have, how much online
storage space is being used, and the amount of free space available. In fact,
sometimes extra space is given with mobile phones or tablets.
dge is the name of Microsoft’s
new web browser and it is the
best way to access the web.
Anyone that has used Windows before will
be familiar with Internet Explorer because
it has been around for decades. The
most recent version is IE11 and it is still in
Windows 10 if you want to search for it on
the Start menu. However, it is based on old
technology and Edge is a brand new start
for Windows 10.
It has features that are not in Internet
Explorer 11, for example, there is a reading
mode available that makes web pages
easier on the eye by removing distracting
content like adverts. Edge and Cortana
work together and text can be highlighted
on the page and then Cortana can find
answers or related content. You can even
draw on web pages with a pencil and
highlighter, and add sticky notes to them.
This is great for research purposes and
the marked up pages can be stored and
viewed later.
Web browsers are frequently updated
with new features and Edge has already
seen a few tweaks, such as the thumbnail
image of web pages when the mouse
hovers over tabs. Edge is already a very
good web browser, but no doubt there will
be more changes and enhancements.
1: Open the browser 2: Show the address box 3: Use the suggestions
Click the tile on the Start menu or the icon in the When Edge starts, it looks odd because it does As you type into the address or search boxes, Edge
taskbar to open Edge. Click one of the frequently not have an address box. Type a website address displays suggestions from the pages recently visited
accessed websites or ‘Show my news feed‘ to read into the Search box or click at the top to reveal the and from Bing. When you see what you want, click
the latest news stories. hidden Address box. it with the mouse.
3: Open the menu 4: Print the page Click a link to open it in a new tab. Here we
Click the three dots icon in the top right corner to The print window opens and the preview shows clicked the Wikipedia link and it has lots of
display the menu. Among the options is Print and how the page will look on paper. This is the clean information about the highlighted word.
this can be used when you want to save a hard and simple reading view without the distracting Close the tab afterwards.
copy of a page. ads, menus and links. Print it.
Save sites to
your Favourites
Build a list of favourite websites
W e can all recall the addresses of our favourite websites and type them
into a web browser, but the number probably does not exceed half a
dozen. There are millions of websites and there are many excellent ones that you
will want to regularly revisit. To overcome our limited memory, Edge enables you
to store your favourite websites in a Favourites list,
Edge Favourites are just a click away and they enable you to browse your most
liked websites and visit them with a mouse click instead of having to remember
and type in long and sometimes complicated addresses. In this tutorial we show
how to add to the Favourites list and the favourites bar.
4: Show the Favourites 5: The Favourites menu 6: Show the Favourites bar
When you want to revisit a website that was added Right-click a favourite in the list to display a menu. Click the Favourites settings link and turn on Show
to Favourites, click the Hub icon (three horizontal There is an option to open it in a new tab, rename the favourites bar. Favourites that are saved here
lines) and select the Favourites tab (Star icon). Left it or delete it. Folders can be created for organising (in Step 3) are conveniently displayed on a bar
click a Favourite to go there. the favourites. underneath the tabs and address box.
1: Make a note 2: Draw and highlight 3: Add a text note 4: Save the page
Go to a web page you would like The first icon in the Toolbar is for The third icon in the Toolbar is an Click the Save icon (the old style
to annotate and Save. Click the drawing and clicking it displays a eraser for removing your drawing and floppy disk) in the Toolbar when you
‘Create a web note’ icon in the palette of colours to choose from and the fourth icon is used to add a note have finished annotating the web
Toolbar, the pen in a square, and a three types of Pen. Click a colour and to the page. Click the Note icon, click page. There is an option to save it to
Toolbar appears at the top. Edge has pen, then click and drag to draw on in the page and a Text box appears. OneNote, which is useful, but it can
temporarily exited browsing mode the page. Click the Highlighter tool, Type in notes you would like to also be saved to the Reading list. Edit
and you can annotate the page. pick a colour and drag over text. associate with this page. the name to make it descriptive.
1: Save a page 2: View the Reading list 3: View, pin and remove
To save a web page so you can read it later, click Click the Hub icon in the Toolbar (three lines) and To keep the reading list on the screen, click the pin
the Favourites Star in the Toolbar. In the panel that then select the Reading list tab in the panel (second icon in the top right corner. Click an item to read the
appears, click Reading list, edit the name and click icon). These are the web pages that have been saved page. Right-click an item to remove it from
the Add button. saved for reading later. the list.
Keep informed
Stay on top of current events with default and third-party applications
imes have certainly changed
when it comes to keeping up to
date with current events. In the
past, we tended to rely on the television
and newspapers to learn about breaking-
news stories. Now, with the boom of social
media, a news piece can start to trend
within seconds of a story happening!
However, social media is just one of the
many ways to find out about the latest
goings on. Similar to previous versions,
Windows 10 has plenty of default apps or
third-party apps that you can tap into from
the Windows Store to give that instant
current-event fix.
In the following tutorials, we will look
at a few of these apps. For example, the
Sport app will enable you to add and track
a favourite sport or team. Alternatively, the
Weather app can provide weather forecasts
for not only your local area but also any
remote locations you wish to travel to.
Of course, all of these apps would be
useless unless you were notified about any
breaking news. Thankfully, Windows 10 has
a comprehensive ‘Notifications & actions’
system to ensure you never miss an event,
and we will look at this too. Also, while
we don’t cover the process in this section,
Cortana’s Notebook function can also help
you stay abreast of the latest goings on.
3: View your favourites 4: Add your favourite team From the Watchlist menu, you can also
You can continue adding more sports to your list, Within the My Favourite menu, select the ‘+’ icon click on the ‘Pin to Start’ icon at the top of
but once you want to access the sport at a later under the header Favourite Teams. In the search the screen. This will allow you to track your
date, click on the My Favourites menu option. From box, type your team’s name and select it from the market from the Windows Start menu.
here, select a thumbnail to read the topic. list. View your team’s activities via the thumbnail.
Customise your
news feeds
Get access to a wealth of tailored news
O ne of Windows 10’s redeeming features is that a lot of its core apps
share a common interface/theme, so the News app will be instantly
familiar if you have followed other tutorials in this book. As the name
suggests, the News app offers a platform for accessing a range of topics, such as
Entertainment and Technology, taken from multiple news sources from around
the world. The beauty of this app is that you have control over what interests you
the most. For example, if you want to read about the Xbox One or remove some
of the pre-installed topics, then you can. In the tutorial here, we showcase this
process in action, so you can keep on top of events that matter the most to you.
1: Set a home location 2: Change the location 3: Add more places 4: View your weather
Launch the Weather app. It should From the resulting screen, click on In the Places menu, click on the ‘+’ Select a thumbnail and scroll down
tap in to your Location Services to ‘Default location’ and type a location icon under Favourite Places. From for additional info, tap into the Pin
gleam the forecast. If not, click on the via the search bar. Pick the location here, an ‘Add to Favourites’ box will option to view a weather snapshot
Places menu option to the left. Right from the results. You can also toggle appear, allowing you to input your from the Start menu, or experiment
click on the thumbnail icon under the whether to display the forecast in town, city or postcode and select with the Historical Weather menu to
header Launch Location and choose Fahrenheit or Celsius. Click on the from the list. Repeat the process for see how temperature or rainfall faired
Change Launch Location. top-left ‘back’ icon (next to Settings). other locations. within a given month.
Stay entertained
Windows 10 offers plenty of entertainment options, we showcase the best
icrosoft’s plan with Windows
10 was to develop an
evolving platform that will
support both consumers and businesses
alike. From a consumer point of view we
are talking about entertainment.
Now, Microsoft Edge is one default
example that can keep you entertained by
allowing you to find web content and then
tap into a Reading viewer to strip away the
ads to concentrate on the article.
Likewise you can use the browser to
enjoy TV and Movie streaming services from
the BBC, Amazon and Netflix. However this
is just a standard way of keeping yourself
entertained and Windows 10 offers a lot
more variety thanks to its core apps and
services. One in particular is the integration
of Xbox Live and its accompanying Xbox
app, which provides a useful platform for
entertainment, not only from a games point
of view, but also from a social aspect.
We’ll be covering the Xbox app in our
tutorials below. We’re also going to tap into
Groove Music and the Films & TV app to
give you some pointers on optimising the
way you listen and watch content. We’re
going to showcase some useful third party
apps that you can download from the store
too. The entertainment side is covered, so
keep reading to find out what’s possible!
1: Listen to local radio 2: Listen to your station 3: Add Favourites or pin to Start
First download and install TuneIn Radio from the Once the location has been selected, all of the radio Additionally you can click on the Add icon beneath
Windows Store. Then launch the app and from the stations will appear in a thumbnail format. Simply to send the station to your Favourites, which is
main interface click on Local Radio. Now select the select the station you want and it will start to accessible from the main interface. Or click Pin. You
area you want to listen from i.e. Birmingham. stream the content to your device. can then access TuneIn Radio from the Start Menu!
3: Preview your video 4: Downloading a video Next click the Start icon and scroll to the
Now select a video and from the main player you Once you are happy with the choice you need to base to view your Pins. To play the album
can tap the 1080P drop-down box to adjust the click on the Download icon. Now pick the quality of or song tap the thumbnail. To remove a Pin
quality or hover your mouse over the window to the video you want to download. This will start the right-click and choose ‘Unpin from Start’.
bring up the player controls. download process. Click OK when finished.
Adding music
to Groove
Listen to your music anywhere with Groove
G roove Music is the default music app on Windows 10 and it provides
all the tools you need to play your favourite music tracks; including a
Spotify-style subscription service, which allows access to millions of songs!
By default Groove Music scans your Music folder, which is handy, because most
third party apps store music in there too – so don’t be surprised if you find your
library is populated already! The focus of this tutorial is to showcase how to add
tracks to your online OneDrive storage. This enables other devices you own to
play the same music library. We showcase how to upload music to your OneDrive
folder using File Explorer, but you can also upload to
Films & TV Watching films and video content with Films & TV
1: Choose a folder 2: Play your videos 3: Search for content 4: Download and Play
Launch the Films & TV App and click With the folder listed now click on Alternatively click on the ‘Shop for Click on the HD drop-down box to
on the Settings cog icon at the base. Done. Any videos found in this folder more’ icon, which will take you to the choose SD quality. Now choose Buy
Now select the option ‘Choose where can then be accessed by selecting Windows Store. From the Store use Free, then select Download. When
we look for videos’. If there is no the Videos context menu to the side. the search box at the top right of the the Film’s been downloaded either
folder in here click on the ‘+’ icon and From here you can navigate to your screen and look for Star Wars: The click Play or return to the Films & TV
navigate to your Videos folder and videos by clicking on the folders or Force Awakens Trailer 2. Once found App and use the Films menu option
choose ‘Add this folder to Videos’. thumbnails. Then hit Play! select the small thumbnail. to locate the newly downloaded film!
here are countless sources
of software on the internet
and tens of thousands of
applications, utilities and games that
can be downloaded. Although there are
some great programs around, there are also
viruses, spyware, and types of malware.
In contrast, the Windows Store is a safe
place to find and download software. There
are many fantastic apps and it is very easy
to navigate, find apps and install them.
It takes the hassle and risk out of getting
software for your computer. There are lots
of free apps in the store, but if you choose
to buy some, payments are safe and secure.
The Windows Store is recommended
because of its ease of use and safety
compared to the wild west frontier of the
open internet where many dangers lurk.
The store contains more than just apps
and there is music, films and TV shows
too. The best content in each section is
highlighted in the store and you can view
top lists that show what everyone else is
buying and downloading. These features
allow you to easily find the best apps, music
and movies for your computer. There are
search facilities that enable you to find
content and the results can be filtered by
category. Apps can be updated and you
can view your purchase history.
Discover how to
view your account
Explore and tweak your settings
I n this section we take a look at the account menu and its various
subsections. There is a lot to explore here and it enables the Windows Store
app settings to be customised, such as enabling automatic updates, checking for
new updates and viewing downloads, viewing all of the devices that access your
Microsoft account, viewing recent transactions and payments, and more.
There are some important topics on the account menu and you should visit
each section as soon as you can. If you have used Windows 8, much of the
information will be familiar to you, but it is presented in a different way because
the Windows Store app has a new design for the new operating system.
1: Show the account menu 2: Update your apps 3: Customise the settings
Open the Windows Store app and at the top on Click the Check for updates button to see if any of Return to the account menu (step 1) and select
the right is your Microsoft account image. It isn’t the apps on the PC have been updated since they Settings. Turn on app updates, but the Live Tile
obvious, but clicking it displays a menu of useful were installed. Click the Update buttons next to option is up to you. Turn off Purchase sign-in for
items. Click ‘Downloads and updates’. each one or Update all. extra security and require a password.
1: Search suggestions 2: Refine the results 3: Filter search results 4: Refine the search
Using the links and browsing the After entering a search phrase, Selecting one of the store sections It’s possible to refine the search
various sections and categories will content from across the store is on the left, such as Apps, produces further and this produces an even
only show a limited range of store displayed – this includes apps, games, a more detailed list of search results better list of results that focus on
content. Click in the search box and movies, music and TV shows. A few that focus on that section. Here we just the subject you are interested in.
start typing. The store will suggest results from each section are shown have apps and a list of subcategories Click a category like Entertainment for
items that may be of interest. Click and there is a ‘Show all link’. Click it or of apps. You can just as easily search example and all the apps matching
one or click the magnifying glass. a store section on the left. for music or movies in the same way. the search term are displayed.
icrosoft has always been keen
on tapping into the tablet
market by providing an OS
that could blend the desktop with a
tablet experience. Unfortunately, for a lot
of people, their last attempts with Windows
8 and 8.1 were not that popular, primarily
because they tried to add a Metro-style
Start interface with a desktop experience
tagged on at the back. However, with
Windows 10 the OS has been built around
its continuum feature where the entire
operating system can intelligently switch
from a tablet to desktop experience when
you plug the latter into a docking station
and switch back afterwards.
On top of this you have a lot of
universal apps, which are designed to scale
depending on your screen-size. From a
desktop point of view you can still enable
a Tablet mode, which will mimic a tablet’s
functionality. All apps are also maximised by
default – albeit some third party apps won’t
be – and some may find this minimalistic
approach better to work with than the
desktop experience.
In our tutorial we will showcase how to
switch to Tablet mode and also show how
it functions by switching apps, utilising the
Start screen and customising the taskbar
with desktop functionality!
Multitasking with
Tablet mode
A look at how to switch between apps!
U nlike the desktop, Windows 10 handles the tablet mode’s
multitasking slightly differently. In fact it works in a similar way to the
Android or Windows Phone experience.
For example when you click on the Start icon it will now switch back to the
Start screen from whatever app you were in and a further press of the Start icon
will switch you instantly back to the app you were using.
The back button can be used to switch between running programs in a set
order. The main benefit of Tablet mode is certainly the speed in which you can
move between programs.
1: Switch between a single app 2: Switch programs via icons 3: Utilise the Back button
From the main Start screen launch Microsoft Edge Press the Start icon again, but leave Microsoft Edge Now run a third program from the Start screen, for
or access this via the bottom left ‘All apps’ icon. Click running. Choose another program, such as Groove example the News app and this time click the Back
the Start icon and press it again. Note it switches Music. Press the Start icon again and then click on icon. Keep clicking on this to scroll through all your
instantly between the running program. Microsoft Edge; it will now switch programs. previously open apps in sequence.
1: Enable the keyboard 2: How to type 3: Find more features 4: Move and Language
From the main Start screen Right-click Start a conversation with a friend Additionally you can click on the Click and hold the board with your
the taskbar and then choose ‘Show and then click on the bottom right keyboard’s smiley face icon to switch left mouse to move it. Then click the
touch keyboard button’. This will then Keyboard icon. This will bring up the between various emoji. For now click keyboard icon again and choose
display a keyboard icon symbol to the touch keyboard. Type using your on the keyboard icon to the bottom Language preferences. Click on
right of the screen next to the system finger or click each letter with your right of the board. Now click on the ‘Add a language’ and then choose a
clock. Next, launch a typing based mouse. You can click on the ‘&123’ second icon from the left and watch language. Click on the keyboard icon
app such as Skype. icon to change to special characters. as the board is split into two. to switch to the alternative layout.
1: Bringing back the taskbar 2: Multitasking functionality 3: Show all notification icons
From the main Start screen Right-click on the With the taskbar icons showing you will also get a Right-click the taskbar on an empty space and
taskbar and then from the resulting context menu coloured underline on those apps that are currently choose the option ‘Show all notification icons’. This
choose ‘Show app icons’. Once enabled this will open. You can then click on one to switch between will now bring back the small notification icons,
bring back the icons you had from your desktop! them. Or right-click an icon for additional options. including the hidden icons upward arrow.
We tackle some of the common issues faced when moving to Windows 10
ith an active user-base of
over 110 million, Windows
10 is certainly a popular
operating system, given that it had
only been available for a few months
at the time of writing. Mind you this is
partially due to the free upgrade – available
on Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 machines – that
Microsoft is running from 29 July 2015 until
the following year. However, we can hazard
a guess that there are still a lot of people
who are unaware that an upgrade even
exists! So in one of the tutorials we will take
a quick look at how watch out for the free-
upgrade and start the ball rolling; plus more
importantly showcase how to roll back to
your previous copy of Windows if you can’t
get on with Windows 10. Uninstalling it is
only possible for a short period of time after
upgrading though.
For the most part we are going to help
pinpoint some of the common problems
you are likely to face when using Windows
10, this will range from basic printer related
issues, to how to restore your PC to a
previous state in case of a corrupted app or
driver. Before we begin a useful tip would
be for you to tap into the Get Started app,
as it offers plenty of advice for first-time
users. But remember, if all else fails, do the
oldest fix of all – turn it off and on!
3: Schedule a restart 4: Removing updates You can now decide on which update you
Click on Advanced options and choose ‘Notify to Head back to Windows Update and choose want to install. To do this click on either
schedule restart’. Next click the top left back button. Advanced options>View your update history, then Update all or select the download icon
Once the download has finished you can manually select Uninstall updates. Select your update from – next to an app – to start the process.
install the update and choose when it will restart. the list and click Uninstall at the top.
Create a system
restore point
Prevention is sometimes better than cure
T he old analogy of prevention is sometimes better than cure certainly
holds true when dealing with a lot of Windows 10 problems. So far we
have shown that a good starting point is to keep your Windows System and app
updates current so you get all the latest fixes. However sometimes the inevitable
can happen – an update is installed that makes your computer sluggish.
In this tutorial we are going to showcase how to create a system restore point,
so that in the event of the above happening you can go back to a previous
working state. Alongside this we will also take a quick look at how to run a scan
disk on your hard drive to automatically fix problems.
1: Accessing the system restore 2: Configure your hard drive 3: Create a manual restore point
From the Cortana search bar type in ‘System Now click Configure and toggle the protection to Next click OK and then select Create. Type in a
restore’. Now select the top result, which should on and then use the slider beneath to adjust how name for the restore point – ‘IPRestoreNov112015’.
be ‘Create a restore point’. This will open System much of your hard drive space should be allocated Click Create and the system will then start to store
Properties. Select a drive that you want to protect. to the system restore partition. Usually 1%. your computers state to the hard drive.
4: Restoring system state 5: Scan and fix your hard drive 6: Scan your drive for errors
Once this has finished click on Close. Now if you Head to File Explorer via the taskbar (or via the Start From the properties window click on the Tools
want to restore your computer’s state head back to Menu) and from here scroll down to This PC. Now tab and then select Check under Error checking. If
the System Properties and choose System Restore. click this header and then select the offending hard prompted choose Scan drive, the system will now
Select your previous restore point and click Next. drive. Now right-click it and choose Properties. check for any issues and repair them.
1: Head to Settings 2: Find your printer 3: Install the driver 4: More troubleshooting
You could go to Ensure that the Printer is on and The screen will now display a list of With your printer listed right-click
Start>Settings>Devices to add a connected to your network and then all the available printer drivers. Click the thumbnail and choose Printer
new printer. First type in the Cortana choose ‘The printer that I want isn’t Windows Update to pull down a properties>Ports>Configure Port.
search bar ‘printers’. Now select listed’. From the ‘Add Printer’ wizard more up-to-date and comprehensive Print out a Status/Settings page and
‘Devices and Printers’ from the that appears choose ‘My printer is a list. Select your printer model and make a note of its IP/Host name. If the
resulting search. At the top of the little older. Help me find it’ and then continuously click on Next. To driver’s IP differs from the status page
window click on ‘Add a Printer’. select Next. complete the installation click Finish. you can then choose Add Port.
Windows 10 is full of hidden features
that can transform your PC. You just
need to know where to find them
102 Take great photos with the
Camera app
104 Use Photos to create great
image edits
118 Manage Windows 10’s
Storage Spaces
106 Work with Microsoft Office
web apps
he Windows 10 Start menu looks and feels familiar to anyone who used Windows
7 and strips away the full-screen tiled effect that Windows 8 brought in to varying
degrees of success. In actual fact, it does a lot more than that because you can now set
it up to fit the way you work, whether that will look more like Windows 8 or 10, and you can then
change other aspects until you are happy with the end result.
It feels as though Microsoft has finally got the design of the Start menu right in Windows 10
by making it all things to all people and the end result is a flexible feature which can be tailored
to look completely unique. Even better, it is not difficult at all to change the way the Start menu
works and we will cover all of the main customisation options in this tutorial.
Over the next couple of pages you’ll discover how you can make your Start menu truly your
own, from advice on finding a familiar look, to customising colours and other visual elements. By
tailoring the Start menu to yourself, your Windows 10 experience will be much more enjoyable.
Default folders
In Settings>
you will see an option
at the bottom called
‘Choose which folders
appear on Start’. When
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Start menu Customise your Start menu and build a unique system
n recent times, we have reached a point where speech recognition is We will show you how to set it up, which is a very quick and logical process,
now useable to a point that you can talk at a natural pace and have and also some of the benefits that can be gained if you use it in every app that
almost every word recognised perfectly. It used to be the case that a it is compatible with.
keyboard was by far the quickest data-input method, but with Windows 10, Over time, you may find that it becomes your preferred way of inputting data
there is enough intelligent software running in the background to make this in most of your apps, and the speeds at which you can write will easily outpace
feature feel completely natural every single time you use it. typing on keys in front of a screen.
When you first
start using speech
recognition don’t
be too surprised if it
struggles to understand
everything that you are
saying. It will improve
quite quickly as it learns
your voice, but you
should also check your
microphone to make
sure that it is working as
it should.
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indows is a pretty complex operating system, and can handle an awful lot of
tasks going on in the background at the same time. You don’t need to know
anything about what’s happening behind the scenes, as Windows just works. But
sometimes, you need to take control.
Windows has had a Task Manager for a long time now, and in Windows 10 it has had a spruce
up and been made more user friendly, so that when you do need to spend some time with it,
the process isn’t too daunting or difficult.
Task Manager can help you boost your computer’s performance by controlling what runs
automatically when you switch your computer on. You can use it to force applications that are
hogging space to shut down and free up resources. It can show you what’s hungry for resources
and what’s not. And you can even see how hard your CPU, built-in memory, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or
Ethernet connections are working.
your apps
When closing apps, be
aware that apps from
the Windows Store are
saved in the background
when they’re not in
use, so you don’t need
to close them down to
save system resources. If
you really want to close
them, though, just drag
them off the bottom of
the screen.
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t used to be the case that setting up and managing devices within norm for devices to work via a plug-and-play setup, which means that you
Windows took forever and the process was also fraught with have to tweak no settings at all. We will guide you through the process of
unreliability and random errors, but this has all changed now. Once troubleshooting devices that are not behaving as they should and also show
the setup process has been completed for each of your devices, you can leave you how to access every setting you could possibly need. The real surprise is
them alone to perform the tasks they need to and not worry about anything that we are fast approaching a time where the need to access these settings
else. Drivers are still needed for some devices, but it is fast becoming the will almost never be required.
If you have a device
set up and connected
a device to your
computer, we would
advise to always remove
it using the ‘Remove
device’ option in Device
settings when you
decide to disconect the
device. This will ensure
that the drivers and any
other related settings
are fully deleted which
could stop problems in
the future.
rope GmbH
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Share over a
homegroup network
Create a secure homegroup on your home network for
sharing media and devices across computers
et up a homegroup on your home network to enable files and devices connected to
one PC to be accessed from another PC. It only takes a minute and then everyone can
share their photos, videos, music and other files over a wireless connection.
Windows has had networking capabilities built in since its early days and sharing files and
printers has always been possible. However, it was often difficult to set up, so recent editions of
Windows have included a super-easy sharing feature called homegroup. This provides simple
controls for connecting computers over a network and choosing exactly what you share with
other people.
One computer creates the homegroup, and it does not matter which one it is, then all the
other computers can join it. Once a homegroup has been joined, open an Explorer window
and select HomeGroup in the left panel. The shared folder can then be opened and files can be
copied, viewed and so on.
Lost the
It is inevitable that
sooner or later you
will lose the original
password used to add
a computer to the
homegroup network.
Don’t worry, Return
to HomeGroup in the
Control Panel and
click View or print the
homegroup password.
There is also an option
to change it to a more
memorable one.
ach new version of Windows has increased the level of its built-in security. But even
with the extra improvements, it isn’t completely safe to use without additional security
software. To ensure that your machine is safe and sound, it is best to download and install
a third-party program. There are many to choose from and AVG, explored in this tutorial, is just
one example.
AVG protects the computer as you use it, but it is a good idea to perform a full system scan
once a week to make sure nothing has slipped through. Full scans take a long time to complete,
but right-clicking a folder enables you to perform a quick scan of the contents and can be
performed at any time, and it is a good idea to get into the habit to protect your computer.
Archives, such as zip files, are not checked by default, but this can be turned on in the advanced
settings if you need it. It’s also useful to enable reporting of potentially unwanted programs in the
settings for an extra security measure. Be safe!
Protect your
email accounts
Email protection is
applied to the email
software that you
use on the computer,
such as the Mail app
on the Start screen or
good old Microsoft
Outlook. However, if
you use Google Mail
or a similar web-based
email service, you
might as well turn off
email protection in AVG
because it does not scan
your webmail.
AVG AntiVirus Boost a PC’s security with AVG AntiVirus Free 2015
s your computer protected from malware on the problems reported are actually quite straightforward to fix. For There are sometimes
internet? Is it protected from hackers that might try to example, these settings can tell you when Windows Update rare occasions when
gain access through a wireless or wired network? Are you is turned off and it enables you to turn it back on. If Windows these settings wrongly
display a notification
receiving important updates to Windows that contain patches Firewall has been turned off, this screen will notify you and that there is a problem.
and new features? The answer to these questions and many provide a simple button to click which turns it back on. It is a This can occur, for
more can be found in the Security and Maintenance settings great feature and it is there to help you to monitor your PC’s example, when using
screen – where Windows collates all sorts of useful and important health. It’s worth getting to know. third-party software like
a firewall that Windows
information to ensure that your computer is running smoothly. doesn’t recognise. Your
When you switch to the desktop you might occasionally see
various messages pop up at the right-hand side of the screen. If “Windows collates PC sees that Windows
Firewall is off, but
the message appears above a small white flag, then that is your
Security and Maintenance settings notifying you of a potential
information to ensure your doesn’t realise you have
an alternative program
problem with the computer. Don’t panic because many of the computer runs smoothly” installed instead.
Security and Maintenance Find your way around the settings screen
Customise the
notifications Fix problems
What sort of things do When problems are
you want these settings highlighted there is
to notify you about? Click often a simple fix. All
this link and you can turn you need to do is click
various notifications on on the button that
and off relates to the fix to
eradicate the problem
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Expand the
There is a lot of
Spot the information and
many settings in on
problems this screen, but they
Problems reported may be hidden. Click
are easy to spot and the arrow buttons to
they are highlighted expand each section
with a thick red line.
The highlighted
items require your
immediate attention
Security and Maintenance Check the status and understand the information
Configure Ease of
Access in Settings
The Ease of Access options can make a huge difference to
the Windows 10 experience for every single user
ccessibility settings have historically been considered only to be useful for
those who have specific requirements. While it is true that they can make all of the
difference in some cases for certain users, they are actually very useful for anyone who is
irked by the way a particular Windows feature works. They enable you to make changes so that
your personal experience is improved.
We will show you how to make changes and the benefits that they offer, as well as talk you
through the most useful alterations that you can make to ensure that you can immediately start
experimenting with them and see which ones work best for you.
Much care has been put into the way these settings work and they will remain hidden until
such time as you enable them to give you the best of both worlds in Windows 10. Choose what
you want to use and forget the rest and then enjoy the Windows 10 experience exactly how you
want it to be.
Other options
In Ease of Access you
can also change the
cursor thickness, turn off
all of the animations if
balance is an issue and
even hide the Windows
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background to make
things clearer for you.
Every possible need and
requirement is covered
and are obviously and
easily accessible in the
‘Ease of Access’ settings
section. You’ll be able to
adapt the computer to
your needs in no time.
7: Customise closed captions 8: The On-Screen keyboard 9: Find the mouse pointer
You no longer have to live with the closed captions The ability to enable an On-Screen keyboard in the The mouse pointer can get lost momentarily even
a computer offers because you can tweak them in Keyboard is ideal if you find a physical keyboard for those with perfect eyesight and so the Ease of
a variety of ways in Ease of Access/Closed Captions. difficult to use. You can also set up sticky keys and Access>Mouse section is ideal for making it more
There’ll certainly be a setting that’s perfect for you. enable audible tones for specific key presses. visible no matter what you’re doing in Windows 10.
Personalise Mail to
suit your needs
You can make Mail work for you in order to maximise
efficiency, understanding and every day communication
ail is a very straightforward app from an aesthetic point of view, and this is
certainly an advantage, because the main task here is to create and respond
to emails in the most efficient way possible. Once you have set up your account,
or accounts if you would rather have everything in one place, you will be able to deal with all of
your communications in real time, and make sure that what you are saying is considered.
It is not often talked about, but the presentation of Mail is so professional and simple that it
actually makes organisation much easier, and you are therefore far more likely to send clearer
emails that have not simply been rushed out of your inbox.
We will highlight the changes that you are able to make to your email experience in this
tutorial, and also show you how to customise the interface to best suit your needs. However,
since the design is so good to begin with, it’s more than likely that you will not need to change
many aspects at all.
In Options there is a
feature called ‘External
content’, which allows
you to disable images
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4: Check out the options 5: Deal with notifications 6: Tweak the reading settings
Click Options where you can enable Quick Actions. Scroll down to the bottom of the Options panel The Reading section can be used to open the next
Look at what is available, but they will greatly speed and you will see the Notifications section. You can email after you have dismissed the one you are
up your email actions if you choose wisely. You can now choose how you want to be notified of new reading, and you can also choose how and when
also add a new email signature here. emails or if you want none at all. items are marked as read.
Customise and
improve Skype
Discover how to make some basic changes to Skype in
Windows 10 to improve the quality of your calls
kype is understandably hugely popular, and with very good reason. Video and
audio calls can be made anywhere in the world for free and so can sending messages,
but with a few simple tweaks you can make the experience even more productive and
enjoyable. A lot of what you can change will depend on the type of camera your computer uses
and with some you really can tweak every part to make your video calls look like you are in the
room with the other party.
Even if you cannot do this on your computer, you can still manage audio quality with ease and
change a variety of smaller settings to speed up all of your communications in Skype. It won’t
take long to find the settings that work best for you and it also will not take long for Skype to
become an important part of your daily computer usage.
Read on to discover how you can customise your Skype to ensure that you’re getting the best
possible experience out of the program.
There is no set of
settings that will work
best for everyone
because of the factors
involved in creating
good quality calls,
especially video ones.
Lighting, camera quality
and the speed of your
connection will all make
a difference so take
some time to see what
works best for you.
he Camera app in Windows 10 is designed to let you capture photos whenever
the time is right and to work as a basic tool for this process. Most computer setups
nowadays involve a camera of some sort, Microsoft understands though that most
computers do not come with great quality cameras built in and are used most often for menial
tasks where quality isn’t an issue. The Camera app provides options that will help you improve
any photos that you do take.
You can change the aspect ratio, deal with flickering and also decide what resolution you want
videos to be captured in. Once you have captured the images, you can then jump over to the
Photos app to add fine adjustments in order to make them look exactly as you want them to.
The Camera app may not be something that you use all of the time, but it will come in handy
on occasion and does offer many benefits for specific tasks such as capturing business cards,
documents and even office-related scenes. We’ll explore what exactly it can do.
Be realistic
Most webcams that
are included in PCs are
not of the best quality
so you will need to be
realistic in terms of what
you expect to capture
with the Camera app.
Add to this the static
nature of the device and
your options are further
limited, but using a
external third party
camera will help you
capture better quality
as well as give you even
more flexibility.
t’s very rare that a photo should turn out just as you want it. There are so many factors
to consider, and sometimes it’s impossible to ensure that they’re all working in your favour.
However, it is possible to edit a photo so that it re-creates a memory more accurately, and so
that it is more visually pleasing.
You could spend a lot of money on an expensive photo-editing app for this purpose, or you
could use the free Photos app that is bundled with Windows 10. The good news is that the
Photos app is fully featured and, as such, offers all of the features that you will need to make
minor and wide-ranging adjustments with just a few clicks. What’s more is that it does not take
long to understand how everything works and to start experimenting with what is on offer.
We will walk you through the various editing features and also offer some tips on how to make
adjustments that are truly effective, and we are sure that once you start using it, you will benefit
from it time and time again.
Undo anything
The Photos app in
Windows 10 works
in such a way that it
enables you to make any
change you like without
having to worry that
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it will be permanent.
At any point, you are
able to undo a change,
and all of your tweaks
will only become
permanent when you
save the photo. This is
handy, as it means you
can experiment to get
the desired effect.
icrosoft Office is the standard productivity package on the PC, used by
businesses and individuals everywhere. It is a powerful suite of applications, but if
you do not need to create complex documents, presentations or spreadsheets, the web-
based version could be all you require.
When using Office web apps, there is no need to buy a subscription and the apps themselves
run in a web browser. Just go to in Edge. You might need to sign in with your
Microsoft account the first time you access the website, but from then on you will be able to dive
straight in. A list of your OneDrive files and folders will be displayed, and this is a direct mirror of
OneDrive on the disk drive.
Click the menu button in the top left corner and you’ll find there are lots of web apps available.
We take a look at Word, Excel and PowerPoint here, but there are many more. All files are saved to
OneDrive and so they appear on the PC’s disk drive, too.
Spreadsheets look
complicated, but are
easier with practise.
The rows are numbered
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neNote is by no means a new piece of software, but it is one that has been
gradually improved over time to the point that we now have a solution that is
not only reliable, but also fast and incredibly flexible. It is capable of dealing with
simple text notes, as well as complex pages with images and tables embedded, and it is also
accessible from many other apps within Windows 10.
Indeed, if you are looking for one place to store every piece of information that is important to
you, there are very few rivals to OneNote. It can be used on smartphones, tablets and multiple
computers. What’s more is that the notes will always be kept in sync and backed up online, so
you need not worry about ever losing your data.
We will highlight the most useful features and also show you how you can get up and running
with one of the best note takers in the business. We’re confident that once you start using it, you’ll
wonder how you ever managed your data before.
Notes tend to be
text based when
created in a hurry or
in situations when a
lot of information is
to be included, and
OneNote includes many
of the basic formatting
features that you will
need. Simply select
some text, and then
click ‘Home’ in order
to see what is available.
It couldn’t really be
any simpler.
7: Deal with extra settings 8: Share content to OneNote 9: Create a new notebook
Click the top left-hand icon, then choose ‘Settings’ In many Windows 10 apps, such as Microsoft Click the top left-hand icon, then the ‘+’ icon in the
followed by ‘Options’ to access new settings. Deal Edge, you can share the content you are viewing column to create a new notebook. Notebooks are
with your online account, manage the sync process to OneNote. This means that a web page can be ideal for managing large amounts of data. Try not to
and choose where quick notes go in the future. stored with a brief description and link in seconds. create too many, as that will just add complexity.
he Calendar app in Windows 10 is pretty basic, but armed with the to set up and use multiple calendars, each one dedicated to serving a specific
right tools you can make it easier to read and more useful to boot. purpose. Managing these calendars can’t be done from within the Calendar
The Calendar app syncs in with your online Microsoft calendar – since app, so first you need to log on to your Microsoft account through your web
the release of Windows 8.1, support for all other calendar services has been browser. In this tutorial we’ll reveal everything you need to know about setting
discontinued. The trick to making the calendar easier to use is to take advantage up and managing your calendars online, then using the Calendar app to show
of how it works: rather than provide a single catch-all calendar, you’re expected only what you want to see.
If you want to access
your Microsoft account
calendars from the
desktop, the best tool
for the job is Windows
Live Mail, which you
can install as part of the
Windows Live Essentials
pack (
com). You can even add
events directly from the
emails you receive to
your calendar.
Compress your
files and documents
By compressing your files you can make them smaller and
much easier to handle
e keep so much information on our computers these days that it can
sometimes get a bit out of hand. Files can be really large, and that can mean we
can run out of space to store them. Some email accounts have a ceiling on the size
of file attachments which can make sharing difficult. A lot of us also use cloud-based storage
such as Dropbox, and again there are limits.
Zipping files is one way to overcome file size limitations, because zipping can reduce file sizes
considerably. You could zip a large file or group of files to email to someone, or to cram them
onto a memory stick or memory card for sharing.
Zipping can be useful in other ways too. If you like to archive old data, for example onto an
external hard drive, zipping can save on space. The ability to zip and unzip is built into older
versions of Windows too, so you should be able to get to your original files in the future, and
anyone you share zipped files with should be able to unzip them easily.
It is just as easy to unzip
folders as it is to zip
them up. Just double-
tap or double-click on
any zipped file and you
will be able to see its
contents. You can copy
individual files out of
the zipped folder by
dragging them out of it
to another destination
– for example, to the
desktop – or right
clicking on them.
n the whole you should not need to mess around with power settings too much,
because Windows 10 does a very good job of working efficiently even when
pushed, but there will always be times when your own usage will require the
need for a personal profile which may better suit your needs There are a couple of simple
options that you can manage within the standard Settings screens, but if you delve a little deeper
you will find a lot more, all of which will let you tailor the power management of your machine in
a variety of ways.
As is standard, you will see the traditional presentation for the advanced power management
settings. Windows 10 does an excellent job of reassuring however, because it immediately lets
you know that you are making non-standard changes and so may want to take a little more care
than normal. If you get these settings right however, your Windows 10 experience will be greatly
improved, and you’ll find yourself using much less power.
It’s safe
Microsoft has ensured
that the power settings
you can change are safe
to adjust and should
not cause any undue
harm to your Windows
computer. You should
be aware, however, that
being too aggressive
with turning off features
may also cause frequent
and very annoying
usability interruptions.
Learn to defragment
your hard disk
Without defragmentation your PC would slow down, but running the process
regularly maintains peak performance
t one time PCs used to suffer from performance issues as they grew older, and
this was partly due to fragmented files on the disk. Files literally become broken into
small pieces, and when they need to be accessed it takes time to find all the pieces. The
solution was to manually defragment them by running Disk Defragmenter. This finds files split
into several pieces and puts them back together, making them faster to access the next time you
need them.
With most modern computers disk defragmentation is automatic, but there may still be
occasions where it is beneficial to run it manually. We will show you how to accomplish this in the
following tutorial. Defragmentation occurs according to a schedule and this can be changed to
make it more or less frequent, depending on how often you use the PC. A computer that is used
heavily ideally needs defragmenting daily, but an infrequently used computer might only need
monthly defragmentation.
Windows provides a
basic tool to optimise
the disk drive and it is
okay, but some people
prefer third-party tools
like O&O Defrag (oo- or Smart
Defrag 2 (
They have additional
options that can speed
up the disk even more
and are definitely
worth considering.
f you want to increase the amount of space available for storing drives to provide the space. Normally each drive appears as a different drive
videos, photos, music and documents, a simple way to do this is to and letter, E, F and so on, but when used as a storage space, there is just
add an extra disk drive. Although drives can be added internally to one virtual drive with one letter. Extra drives can be added at any time. This
desktop PCs, the easiest option is to plug in a USB drive. Windows 10 offers a is a simple and easy way to use extra disk drives and it is the subject of the
different way to use extra disk drives through a feature called Storage Spaces. tutorial. Other ways to use storage space are available in the ‘disk mirroring’
A virtual disk drive of any size can be created, then you can add physical boxout on the opposite page.
Disk mirroring
Suppose that you had
two disk drives and
every time a file was
saved, a copy was
written to both of them.
If one drive failed you
would still have a copy
of the aforementioned
file on the second drive.
This is how the simple
mirroring feature works
in Storage Spaces.
new computer is fast and responsive, and works brilliantly, but after it has been
used for some time it will inevitably begin to slow down. What can you do to
solve this perpetual problem? As a matter of fact there are a number of things! Here is
a collection of speed tweaks that will restore lost performance for your PC. They can rejuvenate
an old computer and they keep new computers running smoothly – all of which prevents them
from slowing down.
For example, there are lots of special effects used by the Windows 10 interface, such as
animations in the taskbar, fading or sliding tooltips into view, and so on. They look great, but
turning these effects off enables the computer to run faster. The files on the disk drive can
become fragmented and slow to access, so once a week Windows optimises the disk. Changing
the schedule to daily can boost the speed even further. These tips and more are included here
and they keep your PC running at peak performance.
Disk Clean-up
Keeping the system free
of junk helps to maintain
the performance and
Windows has a built
in junk cleaner. Click
Start, All apps, Windows
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Administrative Tools,
Disk Clean-up. It scans
the disk drive and finds
all the junk files. Tick
the boxes to select
everything and click OK.
7: Perform maintenance tasks 8: Turn off live tiles 9: Start Windows faster
Open Settings and enter ‘perform’ in the search Preventing live tiles on the Start menu refreshing Right click the battery/power icon in the taskbar
box. Click Perform recommended maintenance can help speed things up a little. Right-click tiles and select Power options. Click Choose what the
tasks automatically. Click Next and the tool will and select More, Turn live tile off. Use the Uninstall power button does, then click Change settings that
clean up junk files and fixes problems for you. menu option to remove apps you no longer use. are currently unavailable. Tick Turn on fast start-up.
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Increase Brain Power
Photography Fotor Fitness Gym Guide
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Wish – Shopping Made Fun
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Time to relax, have fun
and play a great game
nlike other recent app-based
platforms, the PC has a rich history
of creating games that reaches back
towards the dawn of computing. There are
millions of the games available to play, with
new titles being created all the time. Similarly,
Angry Birds Star Wars Flow
the type of games available for the user is quite Price: £2.69/$3.59 Developer: Rovio Entertainment Ltd Price: Free Developer: Big Duck Games LLC
staggering. From the shoot-’em-up, mindless Angry Birds is a phenomenon of mobile This is one of those annoying puzzle
action-type apps to the role-playing games that and desktop computing but now it games that you just can’t rip your
often combine action with a measure of puzzle has joined forces with another – Star attention away from. The aim is to
solving. There are also the puzzle-based titles that Wars. Using preview cut scenes reminiscent of the connect the various coloured dots together to
require serious thought. The PC has a wealth of Star Wars universe, the game utilises worlds and create pipes, but the tricky part is that every part
examples on offer that will appeal to all ages and characters from the Star Wars stories. The price is of the screen has to be covered, meaning that you
all interests. The following list of titles doesn’t even a little high but the app retains the high degree of have to snake your pipes far and wide to cover
scratch the surface of what’s available, but it does playability that is inherent within all of the Angry every pixel. Extra care must also be taken to avoid
provide a flavour of the sort of games that you can Birds variants. blocking off other pipes. Fiendishly addictive.
download – often for free – and a sense of where
the PC is at in terms of gaming development.
“There are millions Price: Free Developer: Electronic Arts
The world’s most popular football game
of things available… looks brilliant and plays a blinder on your
the PC has a wealth Windows machine. You can assemble
your dream team from over 10,000 real players from
of examples that will over 500 fully-licensed teams and compete in over
30 different leagues from around the world. You
appeal to all ages" can also choose your own play style and put your
players through their paces on the training pitch.
Jetpack Joyride
Price: Free Developer: Halfbrick Studios Pty Ltd
This sideways-scrolling shoot-’em-up
game features your jetpack-toting
character breaking into a secret
Modern Combat 5: Blackout
laboratory to grab experimental jetpacks from the Price: £3.09/$3.99 Developer: Gameloft
baddies. As you progress, you can collect coins This series has steadily grown in quality to be a worthwhile alternative to the Call
to earn points that allow you to upgrade your Of Duty games in the first-person-shooter field. For good reason, too, because the
inventory and your character. You can even change graphics are crisp and the online multiplayer action relentless. It boasts a decent
his attire. There are plenty of alternative weapons, a single-player mode comprising intense action spread over varied locations, but it is best played
wide variety of jetpacks and power-ups, plus special by building your own squad of friends and then taking the battle to the masses online.
abilities and new missions.
Keep in contact with
friends and family
ne of the great things about recent
software and hardware developments
is the ever-increasing progress in
the field of communication. The computer has
become a force for good in communications, in
terms of keeping you in touch with people you
love, making friends, forging links with like-minded
individuals and hobbies and bringing down the
costs of telecommunications. Technologies like
Skype have forced phone companies to look
again at their tariffs, which have produced far Price: Free Developer: Facebook, Inc
more competitive and enlightened price points, What is there to say about the most popular social networking app in the world? The
especially when communicating abroad. Add Windows app features a cool and accessible interface that's in keeping with just about
immensely popular services such as Facebook every other version you will have experienced and navigating your way through the
and Twitter and you can see how complex various sections and posting your own thoughts, comments and media is a quick and easy
our communications are today and, with the process. If you want to stay in the social loop, this should be one of your first downloads.
continuing ‘Arab Spring’ movement, for example,
how much it has changed the entire world.
Twitter Line
Price: Free Developer: Twitter, Inc Price: Free Developer: LINE Corporation
This official Twitter app sits nicely on In the market for a sleek and intuitive
your Home page and provides a clean messaging app that lets you ping
and accessible interface for viewing your messages between computer and
Twitter timeline easily. You can also discover what’s mobile devices? Line lets you send simple text
currently trending and connect with interesting messages, photos and emoticons and also features
new people. Once installed, Twitter can also be a wide range of fun stickers that you can use to
used a sharing option from Microsoft Edge, making punctuate your messages and help convey your
it effortless to tweet spectacular content that you emotions. In an ever-expanding pool of me-too
find online. messenger apps, Line is better than most.
Price: Free Developer: Skype
One of the world’s most popular IM+ Instant Messenger
communications programs. You can Price: Free Developer: SHAPE GmbH
contact friends, family and colleagues for Already popular across mobile devices,
free via either voice or video as well as utilising the IM+ is a handy service that allows you
app's superb Instant Messaging feature. It doesn’t to send unlimited free text messages
matter what platform you want to communicate to all of your friends. Through the simple interface
with, either. You, on your PC, can talk to a friend that lets you connect your other social networks,
running a MacBook or a colleague running an you can group chat, send photos and set personal
Android phone. It’s an ideal method for reducing status messages so that other people know if you
communication costs. are available to chat.
Make computing a fun experience
our computer is made for productivity. progressed, PC productivity is also doing a terrific becoming more widely accessible and is now
From word processors to databases, it has job of delivering an unwelcome by-product: stress. offering a realistic way to integrate entertainment
helped businesses become more efficient Therefore, entertainment on that same platform within the home. From movies to music, the PC
and industrious. Furthering business, after all, was has been recognised as a salve to the user’s sanity. has become an essential friend of the family to
one of the main reasons for creating the personal More than a counter for over-working, though, the not only escape a hard day’s work but to inform,
computer in the first place. Yet, as technology has PC has now been welcomed into the living room, expand choice and broaden everyone’s horizons.
Perfect – Piano
Price: Free Developer: JetSoft Studio
Quite simply, this app transforms your
Windows 10 PC into a piano featuring
31 simultaneous notes and stereo HQ
Fresh Paint
sounds for real music production. Simple to use, Price: Free Developer: Microsoft Corporation
you can choose your octave using the arrows at A simple paint program that can be used by the entire family, Fresh Paint even allows
the top of the interface and then tinkle the virtual you to turn your own photographs into great artistic paintings. All you have to do is
ivories to your heart’s content. There is precious import the photo and browse through the simple options to explore what you can do
little to this app beyond the ability to play piano, to unleash your creativity. The program will allow you to brush over an image or even blend the
but we can’t emphasise how good it sounds – so if colours of the photo into the program’s colours. There's also a zoom function included.
you need something to practise on, look no further.
Price: Free Developer: Netflix, Inc
A TV and movie subscription service, with
Netflix, you can watch thousands of TV
episodes and movies upon signing up
and paying a regular monthly fee. You can watch
the media on your PC, of course, but also via a
game console, tablet, phone and Blu-ray player.
The choice is yours. After you have watched your fill,
you can also rate and review the broadcasts.
Now TV Price: Free Developer: StumbleUpon, Inc
Price: Free Developer: Sky UK Limited As it says in the title, this app helps you
Now TV is Sky’s on-demand service that come across new things that interest
enables you to watch movies, shows and you. Simply select your areas of interest
live sports events on your PC. Through (from a list of around 500), whether you're crazy
this app you can browse through the many Sky about history or music or food or whatever it might
TV channels and their wealth of content, purchase be and then the app will present information to
a special pass to watch your preferred channel for you connected with those subjects. This is in the
a certain amount of time and then sit back as the form of a live tile that links you to the media itself,
content is streamed to your PC. whether that be text, images or video.
Record your precious
memories in a flash
hotography is one of the most vibrant
sections of the app store. There is a gamut
of impressive cameras and technology
out there: from specialist digital cameras or the
increasingly complex phone-based affairs. Along
with digital technology, modern photography
also takes advantage of cloud technology (like
OneDrive), syncing photos snapped on a phone,
for example, to virtual storage, as well as to a Mac
or PC, streamlining the process of backing up
photos or sharing them with friends. It’s another Price: Free Developer: ArcSoft, Inc
convenience that makes the new breed of smart This amazing make-over app allows you to place a portrait image on the screen and
cameras a killer type of technology. Using this kit, then alter it with make-up-derived tones and applications that affect different parts of
users often build some wildly inventive images. the face. You can alter the complexion, eye shadow, lipstick and more, as well as face
Whether you’re a professional photographer or shape and eye colour. Great for experimenting, you can make gentle, subtle enhancements to
a just complete beginner, you can’t help but your shots, or you can create obvious or even outrageous and daring edits, it's up to you!
appreciate the variety and quality of photography
apps that are on offer here.
“Modern photography
takes advantage of
cloud technology,
syncing photos to
virtual storage”
oth of these app genres ask you to section. Both music and video have, like much of independent content creators a look-in. Some ask
search for downloadable files or the other data content types, been evolving at a for money to experience the full experience while
provide the option to load up and tremendous pace, becoming more sophisticated others give away their files free. Whatever the
play such content. Some of them allow you to with new features hanging off them like fruit from deal, be sure that, no matter what genre of music
handle both data types from one app. Hence a tree. Some offer official video or music from or video you enjoy, there is bound to be a wide
both variants being bundled together into one major record labels or broadcasters, others give selection on offer in the Windows 10 Store.
Price: Free Developer: VEVO LLC
Already popular across all of the major
mobile devices, VEVO provides access to
music videos from all of your favourite
Recording Studio Pro
music stars. As well as watching videos, the app Price: £6.19/$8.99 Developer: Glauco
also streams live concerts and features a bulging This app turns your PC into a multi-touch music making and editing suite in which you
database of over 75,000 music videos from more can record up to 24 audio and virtual instrument tracks and piece them all together
than 21,000 artists. So if you’re into music then this expertly. Through the console you can split or loop tracks after recording them and
is a great way to keep track of all of the exciting have fun experimenting with a range of sonic effects to get the sound you crave. There are 11
new releases and get them beamed straight to your virtual instruments included and you can also plug in real ones with the right connection leads.
personal computer. What’s not to like?
Multimedia 8
Price: Free Developer: Marcelo Garcia
With this app, you can access network
media, load subtitles, convert media
files, play 3D video and capture from all
of your external devices. When installed, the app
searches through your PC and posts what it finds
within graphic folders, showing a flavour of the
content within. With this app, you have the ability to
‘Play To’ other devices, such as a smartphone, too.
Shazam Price: Free Developer: Plex
Price: Free Developer: Shazam Entertainment Ltd This app is universally available across
Have you ever heard a snippet of song pretty much any device, and for good
on an advert that you like the sound of reason. It neatly organises all of your
but have never managed to track down personal media and allows you to access it through
exactly what it was? Shazam is the quickest and one sleek interface. With Plex you can easily stream
easiest way to discover more about music, TV and your videos, music, photos and home movies to
ads. This app will handily identify what you are your Windows device from other home computers
listening to surprisingly quickly and allow you to (even Macs), set up playing queues and more. It’s on
buy it, share it, watch the video and get the lyrics. the pricey side, but worth it.
Keep in touch with your
favourite event or team
he crack of the cricket bat, the roar of
the rugby crowd, the heckling of the
football referee… Sport – you can’t
beat it. No matter which sports or team you
follow, there is bound to be an app that covers it.
What role can your Windows 10 device play in a
professional sports setting? The possibilities are
Onefootball ESPN Cricinfo
limitless. Whether you’re tracking the statistics on Price: Free Developer: motain GmbH Price: Free Developer: ESPN Ltd
your favourite players or lining up the bet that will If you’re into your soccer then this simple This app features coverage of cricket
make your fortune, download a few of the best app delivers all of the latest news from from around the world with a varied
sports apps onto your Windows 10 PC, laptop planet football. Covering all of the major staff that reflects that news. It includes
or tablet and you’re sure to have an edge on the leagues (over 1,000 in all) and cup competitions, this ball-by-ball scoring from a range of matches plus
competition. The apps themselves range from app provides live scores and text commentaries, news, breaking news, features and additional
batting-average calculators to statistics databases breaking news, videos, league tables, squad lists editorial. There are a range of match reports and
and up-to-the-minute news trackers. Sports apps and detailed player information. It’s a great way to in-depth analyses of games such as wagon wheel,
can definitely add a new dimension to a favourite keep abreast of what’s happening and really comes scoring charts, manhattans, etc. Also included are
pastime or introduce you to the triumphs and into its own on transfer deadline day. profiles of all current and former cricketers.
sorrows of a new sport entirely.
NFL on Windows
Price: Free Developer: Microsoft Studios
If you’re into American football then this
app is the ultimate companion. Take your
support for your team to a whole new CoachPro
level by analysing the biggest plays on a virtual Price: £3.89/$4.99 Developer: JPlusCorporation
field, seeing who the top playmakers are and If you coach sport then this app turns your Windows device into a virtual clipboard
tracking the fastest players with real-time distance onto which you can draw diagrams to illustrate a particular play or tactic to your
and speed stats as the plays unfold. It’s all fabulously team. You can also animate your plays so that your players can see the full outcome
presented in a neat interface and you can also of the sequence. A wide range sports are supported and the app provides seamless switching
enable notifications to keep you fully in the picture between court and pitch templates onto which you can plan your notes and tactics.
as to your team’s performance.
he benefit of blending Windows 10 with classics such as the likes of Jane Austen and Charles catch-all service bringing you information from all
the vast resources of the internet is that Dickens to more modern fare. There are also both areas of interest. More specialist research areas can
if you want to read a book or research paid-for and free titles – these are either out of provide information from science to history and
information within a reference section, then copyright or are tomes that are privately pressed from astronomy to gastronomy. Whatever your
you are more than likely to find what you are and have been issued freely to gain publicity. needs, the internet, controlled by the easy-to-use
looking for. Books can range from the literary Research can be done at sites that provide a wide, Windows 10 interface, will see you right.
Price: Free Developer: Wikimedia Foundation
A free encyclopaedia, this service includes
a whopping 20 million articles that are
ready to examine in a similarly whopping
280 languages. This is a staggering achievement Price: Free Developer: Appbyfex
in itself. Using open source, the app features full This app provides a platform with which you can read your favourite comics as either
sharing capabilities and search options while you .cbr or .cbz files (electronic comics or other JPEG compressed files). However, it's worth
can also pin your article to read later on. The app bearing in mind that this app is just a shell – a mere reader that gives you the space to
includes features, pictures and articles with an view your comics. It doesn’t arrive with a host of files to load up and view so be aware that you
interesting ‘On this day’ facility and a useful ‘recent will have to have a ready archive. Once up and running though, it is simple to use.
changes’ section to help with your research.
Price: Free Developer: AMZN Mobile LLC
The Kindle app allows you to purchase
books with a couple of mouse clicks
on the Amazon website, and then send
them to your Windows 10 Kindle app. There are
currently around one million Kindle books to
choose from including many free titles. You can also
sync your Kindle purchases across other platforms,
from Windows 10 to Android, for example.
Periodic Table
Audiobooks from Audible Price: Free Developer: Revolution Software
Price: Free Developer: Audible, Inc This app presents detailed chemical
If you enjoy reading but seldom find and physical information for all of the
the time, then you can consider an chemical elements and provides a
audiobook. Through the Audible app you customisable view, images and links and even
can listen to books on the go and immerse yourself allows you to pin elements to your Start screen for
in gripping stories anywhere. What’s more, the app easy access. So whether you have a professional
provides a gateway to over 100,000 audio books use for the periodic table or you are just a quizzer
– from best-sellers to classics and everything in looking to expand your knowledge, this app has
between – so you’re never stuck for a good read. all of the symbols and atomic numbers you need.
ombine the best in fast computing news and weather. Maintaining the latter can mean and fun and more of a serious matter. Similarly,
technology with an internet connection that you can successfully plan your day. Friends and keeping in touch with the news via computer and
via a sprightly broadband link and you family may or may not have to make journeys to the internet means that you can follow breaking
have a wealth of information at your fingertips. meet up depending on weather-based information, stories on a minute-by-minute basis, monitoring
There are two distinct categories of information, while the threat of extreme weather conditions a changing situation which, again, might have
however, that depend on speed to remain relevant: has made such reports less a figure of amusement repercussions for you and those closest to you.
eed a nutritionist to answer questions personal trainer. If your Windows 10 device isn’t apps to quadruple between 2010 to 2016. For those
at the supermarket? Perhaps a personal already your best workout buddy, it could be. who like exercising solo or individuals who prefer
trainer for running a first-time 5K? Often, Tracking your progress on an app makes it easier to being outside the gym – whether you’re a runner
we need an added push to go the extra mile with eat right, sleep well and push a workout harder. The or need help tracking your food intake or sleep –
exercise. For some, that extra push comes in the availability of health apps is climbing fast and the we’ve rounded up the best apps that offer a good
form of an overzealous spin instructor or passionate industry expects the number of health and fitness general introduction to health and fitness.
re you the type to spice up your are food magazines all over newsagents with a the Windows Store and you’ll find lots of downloads
gastronomical experience by trying gamut of food channels splintering all over your that can help you out with your food adventure,
out new food recipes every now and TV. The internet is similarly awash with foodie ideas whether you like to cook things on your own or
then? Do you enjoy a little bit of adventure, trying and suggestions bursting with recommendations, try new restaurants. We have listed a selection of
new tastes, new techniques and venturing forth but you can also check for recipes right from the apps that you can try out to help you broaden your
into an unknown world of cultural delicacies? There comfort of your Windows 10 device. Take a look at eating horizons.
HP Recipe Box
Price: Free Developer: Hewlett-Packard Company
This app eradicates the hassle of finding
all of your stored recipes in times of need.
When you find a recipe that you would
BBC Good Food
like to store for later, you simply extract it to your Price: Free Developer: BBC Worldwide Ltd
own personal recipe box and then find it easily Featuring a large selection of delicious recipes (you get around 20 free but many more
through categorisation. This app also enables you are available as in-app purchases), this app includes a well-designed, very colourful
to create a shopping list directly from your recipes interface that inspires you to get in the kitchen and rustle up a healthy meal for your
and have it available on your mobile device just as family. Each recipe includes nutritional information, all are very easy to follow and they’re also
you’re heading out to the shops. A sure-fire way to available offline. A health-conscious app to help make you a more accomplished cook.
making cooking more convenient.
Live your life to the
fullest with Windows 10
he lifestyle genre of any app collection
is a bit of a strange one. It tends to
feature all of those tiny little useful apps
we use every day, which are hard to categorise
but can sometimes be attributed to more leisure-
like activities. This category often features apps
TED CPlus for Craigslist
that focus on how we live and why. So you will Price: Free Developer: TED Conferences LLC Price: Free Developer: YanFlex
often find unique but also crossover subjects in An intriguing app containing talks and This app is a Craigslist browser that uses
this category. Explore apps for sports activities, performances from TED (Technology, GPS data to find interesting things around
healthy and balanced dieting, managing Entertainment and Design) conferences you. The results are presented as grids,
household duties, fashion and style, and also apps in HD-quality video. TED is a global set of photos, maps and a host of other details, and you
for favourite hobbies such as gardening, cooking conferences owned by the private non-profit can save your searches and add postings to your
and similar areas. Apps relating to these subjects Sapling Foundation, formed to disseminate 'ideas favourites. The beauty of this app is that it combines
can be quite wide-ranging, from those that seek worth spreading'. The talks feature everything from the functions of multiple apps into one, freeing up
information in order to do the activity and those breathing metal to a bat’s genome and the app has your time and delivering all of the information that
that help you to manage information while you noticeably improved in its content quality. you need in one massive info-splurge.
are within that activity. All of the apps tend to be
stress-relieving and enlightening.
Burning Fireplace
“This category Price: Free Developer: Inphonite, LLC
As the winter nights draw in, nothing
often features beats the hypnotic glow of a log fire –
apps which focus unless of course you don’t have one, in
which case this is the perfect alternative. This app
on how we live essentially turns your PC screen into a smouldering,
crackling fireplace that you can sit in front of and
and why” plan your memoirs. It features authentic sound
effects and a baffling Pause/Resume function.
There are plenty of shop
windows on Windows 10
echnology has fundamentally changed
society in many different ways. One of
those has to be found within the shopping
category. Shopping on a computer has been
accused of destroying the High Street (although
the major supermarkets have to take most of the
blame) but it also has given an immense of degree
of choice to people in small towns and rural
areas. Before, hard-to-find and niche goods could
only be sourced after a pre-planned and very
expensive trip to larger cities. Now, with online Price: Free Developer: Net Avenue Technologies (P) Ltd
shopping, all that is required is a quick peruse Taking a Bollywood twist to clothing for sale, this Indian clothing shop offers a range of
on the web to source even the rarest of items. Sarees, Salwars and Lehenga in addition to menswear. Large, detailed picture tiles give
This sort of shopping doesn’t stop within the the app a sense of elegance and help you pick out specific items with ease. You can
boundaries of this country either. Europe and the search for clothing based on price, fabric, colour and speciality. In addition, you can shop in any
USA are popular shopping destinations. Couple wide range of currencies; 17 are supported.
that with largely efficient delivery services and you
have a major computing success story.
“With online
shopping, a quick
peruse on the web
can source even the
rarest of items”
eBay Amazon
Price: Free Developer: eBay, Inc Price: Free Developer:
eBay is generally regarded as the mecca Devoted to the popular retail site,
of the online shopping experience. A Amazon allows you to search for items
digital form of the traditional market in on the main site as well as compare
which goods are bought and sold, where auctions prices and read reviews but, most importantly, to
are held and the variety of goods on offer is buy products. Access to any of the world’s Amazon
seemingly endless. The Windows 10 version uses sites is possible along with access to current wish
a large window style that looks good on a big lists, cart and payment options. You can also view
monitor. Each window can be scrolled to the side popular products and recommendations. The app
to access more information. uses a sideways-scrolling interface.
Wish – Shopping Made Fun
Price: Free Developer: ContextLogic Inc
Wish is an online shopping mall where Orchid
you can search for products across a Price: Free Developer: Orchid Studio
wide range of categories and then get Orchid is an Amazon price-tracking
them delivered to your door for a fraction of the app that provides price drop alerts and
cost that you’d pay on the high street. Just create price history charts for products sold on
a free account and then you can enjoy stress-free Amazon. This means that if you are in the market
shopping from the comfort of your own couch. You for a particular item but aren’t necessarily in a rush
can search for items by keyword, get notifications to buy it, you can track it in this app and get alerted
on price drops and instantly see how much money when the price drops. This ensures you get the best
you are saving. possible deals on items over time.
Roam far and wide
with Travel apps
ll great travel apps have one thing
in common: they all solve a problem
you didn’t realise you had. That said,
with app stores bursting at the virtual seams
with software claiming to make your life easier,
being simply useful is no longer enough for app
developers aspiring to greatness. Whether they’re
cutting down journey times on your plane, train
or car ride, or pointing you in the tight direction
for authentic local nosh in Morocco, New York or
somewhere in Italy, there's something for you. Price: Free Developer: Foursquare Labs
Each and every one of our travel apps has earned This popular service exists to find places of interest nearby. By creating a free account
its place in this list by virtue of being innovative, you can see the hottest places near to your current position and, by looking up friends
quirky or just darned useful. So have a browse, and family members, hook up with other people if they happen to be in your vicinity.
take your pick and get globe-trotting. With a few It’s a good way to discover what’s out there, especially if you are using it on a mobile device
of these on your PC, you may never look at the while visiting new places, and will help ensure that you never miss a local hot spot.
world in the same way again.
Keep a close eye on
your precious pennies
wealth of financial apps on the market
give you plenty of options to learn
how to be more responsible with your
personal finances. Are you trying to handle your
own income and expenses, manage an entire
household or run a small business? Whatever it
StockMap Smart Money
is you're doing or want to do, there’s a program Price: £1.49/$1.99 Developer: Yojowa, LLC Price: Free Developer: SmartApp Solutions
that can help get your finances in order. Thanks This app helps you track your portfolio This personal finance app allows you to
to these apps, managing money and potential of stocks and shares. Apart from track your expenses and transactions,
savings is easier than ever. Which app should essential information displayed on the check your balances and see your
you use to ensure you’ll always be within your Live Tile within the app, it covers stocks, mutual spending by category, account or payee. It also
spending limit, always have that holiday fund funds and indices, currency rates, currency allows you to set up bill reminders, which are
and always be on top of your finances? Although conversion, news headlines, both daily and long displayed in the app tile on your Windows 10
there are plenty of options, we’ve narrowed the term tracking and also comparative charting. It Start screen. You can add multiple accounts with
list down to the top five apps to help keep you also uses a heat map where the colour of each different currencies and it is well designed to be
focused on your hard-earned cash without giving block varies in intensity of green or red. very user-friendly.
yourself too much of a headache. But there are
plenty more apps on offer.
Ribbon Calculator
“Managing an entire Price: Free Developer: Ingress Technology
This free, easy-to-use calculator app is
household or running ideal for accountants and everyday use
a business? There’s a to help you calculate bills or balance a
chequebook. As well as performing any standard
program to get your operation you would expect from a calculator,
Ribbon Calculator also allows you to print off
finances in order” ribbons and share with other people via email. And
it sticks to its task admirably well.
Money Watcher
Price: Free Developer: Ecsolvo Technologies
This free app provides a simple means
of managing your various expenses
and incomes. Whatever you spend can
Currency Converter +
be easily categorised to help track them further Price: Free Developer: Bessonov Kirill
down the line and all of your incomings and Like all the best apps available, this is a very simple program that works without any
outgoings can be effortlessly exported to other fuss. It allows you to convert one currency to another. Before you undertake the
apps. Although there are hundreds of similar apps conversion, you select the ‘before’ and ‘after’ currencies and then type in the figure
available, the sleek interface and the convenient that you want to convert. As you input the number, the answer is written, it’s that fast! You are
cross-platform compatibility of this app make it also given an up-to-date exchange rate so you know what you're getting for your money.
worthy of recommendation.
Grab an app and get
down to business
t is the productivity element of software
where the PC has been rightly lauded.
If you want to be productive in any serious
endeavour then the PC has always, from the dawn
of computing, been the platform that has been
the ‘go-to’ system. All of the top quality, most
mSecure Evernote
well-known and fully featured packages have all Price: Free Developer: mSeven Software LLC Price: Free Developer: Evernote
appeared on the PC, at one time or another, in This app provides free 256-bit encryption If you ever find yourself urgently needing
some guise. Of course, Microsoft’s own Office suite for all of your personal information to remember something, Evernote is an
of programs have been the stars of the show for and files, as well as a handy auto-lock incredibly useful app to have around. It
some time now but there are plenty of other apps function to stop prying eyes being privvy to can span a wide range of devices and adds auto-
on the market that are just as accomplished an sensitive data. The app is quick and easy to use and synchronisation into the bargain, so you will never
offering, in some cases, unique features and for provides peace of mind that your computer will be be without your reminder. An ideal app for research,
free. These programs range from word processors, well secured should you need to step way. You can to take notes with during a meeting or while
databases and presentation software to complex even mask sensitive fields in order to protect data attending a lecture, Evernote is a superior way to
lifestyle planning, translation and mailing software. from onlookers. stay organised.
If you need to get things done, then Windows 10
is in the perfect position to serve you well.
“There are plenty Price: Free Developer: 6 Wunderkinder GmbH
of apps on the Through this app you can capture all
of your great ideas, list the important
market offering tasks that you need to complete and the
unique features places you need to be. You can share your lists with
other people and the app also supports Cortana, so
and for free” you can add things to your Wunderlist regardless
of which app you happen to be using on your
Windows 10 PC at the time.
Price: Free Developer: Dropbox, Inc
Dropbox is one of the world’s most
popular cloud storage services and this
app lets you access an existing account
Art Text
or create a new one. You are provided with 2GB of Price: £7.69/$9.99 Developer: BELIGHT SOFTWARE USA, LLC
storage space for free and can upload anything, An ideal program to use for creating logos, icons for apps and web images, this app
including photos, documents and videos. As you takes text input and changes it in a variety of ways, via a number of customisable
can get Dropbox apps for every mobile device and templates. You have the ability to change the shape of text as well as provide the
computer you can access your files from anywhere, text with a textured finish from metal to glass. Plus there are options to fill letters with different
even through a simple web browser, making it a colours and add in special effects such as shadows and gradients.
great alternative to flash drives.
Grease the PC wheels
with these ideal utilities
he star programs of the PC world grab
all of the headlines. That is true. Microsoft
Office is one of the heavyweights of the
computing universe, while eBay is a shopping
capital and the BBC’s iPlayer is a media hub packed
with entertaining fare. None of these major apps
would get very far, however, without those tools
that ease the pain of day-to-day computer use.
Their task might only be small and, quite possibly,
rather one-dimensional, but many of these tools
do their own niche job well. So well that many of Price: Free Developer: Richard Walters
us simply wouldn’t use a computer without them. This advanced calculator is packed with features and options. Its basic selling point
This section gives you a brief idea about what is that it stands as five calculators in one: Basic, Scientific, Programmer, Currency
kind of tools are available for use, and you'll be Converter and Unit Converter. With that lot, you get 125 mathematical functions to use
pleased to learn that many of them are free too. along with statistical functions for memory values. For the currency add-on there are 150 world
Take a look. Even if you haven’t used them before, currencies supported along with 200 units for conversions across 17 categories.
you might discover that they act as a solution to a
problem you never knew that you had.
Stay safe and sleep easy
with security apps
omputer security issues make the
news just about everyday, from
malicious apps to malware. While
Windows is a flexible and easy-to-use operating
system available on a wide variety of devices, the
threats make it extremely essential for users to Super Password Generator VPN Unlimited
install extra security options. Keep in mind that Price: Free Developer: PinoyTouchtech Price: Free Developer: Keepsolid Inc
the most basic security precautions, like password- If you want to apply the highest VPN Unlimited provides encrypted,
protecting your device and setting it to auto-lock password security to your PC, this app secure and private internet connection
after a period of time don’t require a separate app. uses a ‘Crytographic Random Number across all of your devices. It doesn’t
But don’t stop there. From anti-virus apps (crucial Generator’ to make sure that the passwords restrict the internet connection speed or
at this point) to enhanced password protection, it’s it generates are totally unique and never get bandwidth, fully sustaining your online privacy. The
worth looking at more advanced options. The vast duplicated. The app also generates QR codes that service offers a number of security options, such as
number of security apps available for the platform you can scan with any device. It’s an easy-to-use allowing access to territory-restricted web content,
makes it impossible to cover them all, but this app that provides sound peace of mind that your allowing you to surf anonymously and providing
should give you a good idea of what's available to important data is secure. extra security when using Wi-Fi hotspots.
protect your Windows device and the data that
resides within it.
Network Port Scanner
“The threat Price: Free Developer: Cenix
This is a useful free app for helping you
landscape has get your PC’s network ports in order. The
made it essential app will scan your computer’s ports to
test your network security. You can see what ports
for users to install are open on your network and the IP addresses that
they use. You can also set up an IP range and a port
extra security" range to scan. That’s pretty much it, but it performs
its tasks admirably well.
Price: Free Developer: LastPass
This app makes your online activity quick
and easy by remembering all of your
website passwords and allowing you to
log into your sites with a single click. With so many Price: Free Developer: RNG Labs
websites requiring passwords to access, this app A perfect security app to store all of your passwords, credit card information, bank
neatly stores them all, meaning that all you need to account data, software keys and more. You can sync this information across all of
do is remember one single ‘master’ password. Once your Windows 10 devices. A key is generated using the user’s master password using
you enter this, LastPass will fill in all of your logins for PBKDF2 with 10,000 iterations. All data is then encrypted using AES-256. The app also utilises a
you. All of your data is also synced so you can login number of keyboard shortcuts to make operation faster to keep your PC safe and sound.
no matter which device you are using.
Enhance your career
with Windows 10 apps
he featured apps listed here represent
a wide variety of software. What they
all have in common are ways to enhance
your business. Some of the apps focus on financial
aspects, allowing you to easily manage a general
ledger, accounts payable and receivables. Other
apps focus on productivity. They allow the
creation and management of documents that
comprise your business data, help you keep
sensitive data protected and retained within
I Love Calculator
company walls and aid communication and Price: £0.99/$1.49 Developer: BungBungame Inc
collaboration among employees, customers If you need to find a simple and easy-to-use calculator, this app will provide one
and external contacts. As apps become more just for you. It goes further than that, though, because it also offers a rather more
prevalent and more powerful, entrepreneurs technical screen that allows you to input professional engineering functions including
and small business owners are relying on these Trigonometric, Exponential and Logarithmic functions and Pi-functions. It also includes a rather
savvy tools to help their businesses grow and run fun selection of skins for the calculator itself.
more smoothly. These top five apps can get you
organised, connected and help you succeed.
“Some of the
apps focus on
financial aspects.
Other apps focus
on productivity”
Learn on your PC and
have fun along the way
he wave of the future is here, in
particular for education and learning.
Terms like 21st Century Computing, BYOD
(Bring Your Own Device) and Cloud Computing
have now become mainstream. The introduction of
mobile devices and tablets has brought technology Mars Rover: Curiosity Star Chart
to more students than ever before. A one-to-one Price: Free Developer: Jet Propulsion Laboratory Price: Free Developer: Escape Velocity Limited
computing environment is not only a possibility This app is more of a taster for the A star gazing and astronomy app. You
but also a reality in more schools than people main website on the Rover. It provides can explore rendered versions of a
realise. Teachers can use apps for everything from a mouse-driven guided tour around variety of planets, moons, rings, stars,
communicating with students to dissecting virtual the labelled, 3D graphic-generated Rover, plus a constellations and messier objects. You can also
frogs. Whether you’re currently in school or just recorded video of the initial landing of the Rover move through a timeline to see how the sky
seeking a little self-improvement, a whole host of using the actual video of NASA control and CGI of has changed by up to 10,000 years. The app
Windows apps are just waiting to enhance your the Rover itself landing on Mars. Apart from these shows all the stars of the northern and southern
knowledge base. We’ve picked a few of the top two features, other links direct you to another app hemispheres up to a magnitude of +10, which
applications in a number of categories but they or the information-packed website. amounts to a collection of over 120,000 stars!
are but a mere taster of what’s available within the
Windows 10 app store.
Dictionary 8
“A whole host of Price: Free Developer: Technocrux
If you do a lot of writing on your
Windows apps computer then there are times when you
are just waiting will undoubtedly be stuck for a particular
word or phrase, which is where this simple but
to enhance your effective app comes in. Dictionary 8 contains over
two million unabridged definitions, synonyms,
knowledge base” example sentences, verbs, adjectives, nouns and
prepositions. Very useful to have to hand.
My Study Life
Price: Free Developer: My Study Life
This app provides a comprehensive
planner for students, teachers and
lecturers to store timetables and mark up
About Countries
assignments and exam revision planners. Through a Price: Free Developer: Ekkoratha
simple interface you can track tasks, get reminders Whether it’s purely for educational purposes or as a quick an easy means to boost your
for when things are due and manage your classes trivia knowledge, About Countries features bite-sized information on the 190-odd
so you can see, at-a-glance, what you’ve got on countries in the world. This information includes the flags, the capital cities, the main
any given day. All of your planners are also synced unit of currency, the primary language spoken, time zones and more. Everything is presented in
to the cloud so that you can access them from any a simple fashion, making this a handy app to dip into when you need to know something.
device. A must for academics.
Big information on a grand scale
ou hear a lot about the appropriate any location. One thing to note is that most (not of Angry Birds first. The second thing to note
size of government. But one type of all) government apps today are rather primitive about today’s crop of government apps is that
smaller government that all sides can compared to private sector offerings. This isn’t almost all of them act as a mobile gateway to
agree on is moving helpful applications, or apps, necessarily a bad thing. If you’re trying to find information stored in other forms. There are a few
to computing devices, where they can be used your embassy in a foreign country in a hurry, you exceptions but, for the most part, government
by the public for free at any time and almost probably don’t want to have to tackle a level apps are little more than simple databases.
Election Essential
Price: Free Developer: MoRage
If you like to keep an eye on US
government current affairs, this app
provides an up-to-date rundown of all of
The White House
the essential election information about local State Price: Free Developer: BRIDGE-BUILDING MEDIA GROUP
Ballots and Federal Candidates. If you want to Devoted to the White House, this app provides a contact point with the US
know who is running for US Senate or House and Government, allowing you to stay informed with the political movements in
research voting records then this is an insightful Washington. Hence, you can see a video on a bill to support children to stop or
download. You can also source campaign finance prevent them from taking up smoking, features on Middle Class tax cuts and a White House
information for all candidates, including who they blog feed that can be downloaded in MP3 and MP4.
are being financed by and much more.
World Statistics
Price: Free Developer: T.O.K.
This app is the digital equivalent of one
of those factual books that always used
to reside in the toilet – an app packed
full of interesting and insightful facts and stats. This
app can help teach you anything from how many
people are living on the earth, how much longer
our planet’s fuel reserves are likely to hold out and
much more besides. It makes interesting reading.
UK Monarchs
Top American Speeches Price: Free Developer: Casey_boy
Price: Free Developer: DaksaTech Handy for expanding your quizzing
This app lists the top 100 speeches in knowledge, this app allows you to
American history. Organised by the title view every monarch of the United
of the speech, the speaker is shown in Kingdom from Queen Anne (1707), through to
photographic form. Click the photo for the entire Queen Elizabeth II of the present day. You can
text. It would have been welcome to have seen sort by royal household or century and links are
some video footage but the text remains often also provided for information on the monarchs
stirring and inspirational. Speakers include FD prpiroiror to the formation of the UK. Plenty of info
Roosevelt, JF Kennedy and Martin Luther King. and images are provided.
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