One of the eight French parts of speech, prepositions are short but essential
words which are placed after a verb, noun, or adjective in order to indicate
a relationship between that word and the noun or pronoun that follows.
Par exemple…
Prepositions are tricky because, while they exist in both French and
English, there is no nice one-to-one correlation between them. Many
French prepositions have more than one English equivalent, depending on
how they are used – and vice versa. In addition, a preposition is often
needed in French where none is used in English – and vice versa again.
This is one of those areas of grammar that you will likely continue to
struggle with for a long time. But with time and practice, you’ll get the hang
of it.
Here are the most common French prepositions and their typical English
translations. Click the links for detailed lessons.
après after
avant before
avec with
dans in
devant in front of
en in, to
entre between
envers toward
malgré despite
parmi among
pendan during
pour for
sans without
sauf except
selon according to
sous under
suivant according to
sur on