IC Compiler™ II Timing Analysis User Guide: Version Q-2019.12, December 2019
IC Compiler™ II Timing Analysis User Guide: Version Q-2019.12, December 2019
IC Compiler™ II Timing Analysis User Guide: Version Q-2019.12, December 2019
Version Q-2019.12, December 2019
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2. Defining Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Creating Real Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Creating Virtual Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Creating Generated Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Generated Clock Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Clock Network Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Specifying Clock Source Latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Specifying Ideal Network Latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Specifying Clock Uncertainty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Specifying Clock Jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
This preface includes the following sections:
• About This User Guide
• Customer Support
This user guide is for design engineers who use the IC Compiler II tool to implement
To use the IC Compiler II tool, you need to be skilled in physical design and synthesis and
be familiar with the following:
• Physical design principles
• The Linux or UNIX operating system
• The tool command language (Tcl)
Related Publications
For additional information about the IC Compiler II tool, see the documentation on the
Synopsys SolvNet online support site at the following address:
You might also want to see the documentation for the following related Synopsys products:
• Design Compiler
• IC Validator
• PrimeTime Suite
Release Notes
Information about new features, enhancements, changes, known limitations, and resolved
Synopsys Technical Action Requests (STARs) is available in the IC Compiler II Release
Notes on the SolvNet site.
To see the IC Compiler II Release Notes,
1. Go to the SolvNet Download Center located at the following address:
2. Select IC Compiler II, and then select a release in the list that appears.
The following conventions are used in Synopsys documentation.
Convention Description
Courier bold Indicates user input—text you type verbatim—in examples, such
prompt> write_file top
Edit > Copy Indicates a path to a menu command, such as opening the Edit
menu and choosing Copy.
Customer Support
Customer support is available through SolvNet online customer support and through
contacting the Synopsys Technical Support Center.
Accessing SolvNet
The SolvNet site includes a knowledge base of technical articles and answers to
frequently asked questions about Synopsys tools. The SolvNet site also gives you
access to a wide range of Synopsys online services including software downloads,
documentation, and technical support.
To access the SolvNet site, go to the following address:
If prompted, enter your user name and password. If you do not have a Synopsys user
name and password, follow the instructions to sign up for an account.
If you need help using the SolvNet site, click HELP in the top-right menu bar.
To change the current mode to a specific mode, use the current_mode command, as
shown in the following example:
icc2_shell> current_mode mode1
To remove modes for the current block, use the remove_modes command. To remove all
modes, use the -all option. To remove specific modes, specify the modes using a Tcl list
or collection. When you remove a mode, all scenarios associated with that mode are also
For example, to remove the modes named mode1 and mode2, use the following
icc2_shell> remove_modes {mode1 mode2}
Querying Modes
To obtain
• The current mode, use the current_mode command without any arguments.
For example,
icc2_shell> current_mode
• Detailed information about one or more modes of the current block, use the
report_modes command.
The report includes the associated scenarios and their active analysis types, for each
The following example reports the detailed information for all modes for the current
icc2_shell> report_modes
The following example reports the detailed information of the modes named mode1
and mode2:
icc2_shell> report_modes {mode1 mode2}
See Also
• Setting the Active Analysis Types for a Scenario
To change the current corner to a specific corner, use the current_corner command, as
shown in the following example:
icc2_shell> current_corner corner1
To remove corners for the current block, use the remove_corners command. To remove
all corners, use the -all option. To remove specific corners, specify the corners using a
Tcl list or collection. When you remove a corner, all scenarios associated with that corner
are also removed.
For example, to remove the corners named corner1 and corner2, use the following
icc2_shell> remove_corners {corner1 corner2}
Querying Corners
To obtain
• The current corner, use the current_corner command without any arguments.
For example,
icc2_shell> current_corner
• The list of corners defined for a block, use the get_corners command.
By default, the command returns a collection that contains all corners defined for the
current block (similar to the all_corners command). To get the corners for another
block, use the -design option.
You can restrict the set of corners returned by the command by filtering the corners
based on attribute values (-filter option), associated corners (-of_objects option),
or name patterns.
• Detailed information about one or more corners of the current block, use the
report_corners command.
The report includes the associated scenarios and their active analysis types, for each
The following example reports the detailed information for all corners of the current
icc2_shell> report_corners
The following example reports the detailed information for the corners named corner1
and corner2:
icc2_shell> report_corners {corner1 corner2}
Creating a Scenario
To create a timing scenario, use the create_scenario command. Each scenario must
have a unique name. By default, when you create a scenario, it combines the current
mode with the current corner. To specify the mode, use the -mode option. To specify the
corner, use the -corner option.
For example, to create a scenario named scenario1 that combines mode1 with corner1,
use the following command:
icc2_shell> create_scenario -mode mode1 -corner corner1 -name \
When you create a scenario, by default, it is active and it becomes the current scenario. In
addition, its mode becomes the current mode and its corner becomes the current corner.
To change the active status of a scenario, use the set_scenario_status -active
true|false command. To modify the active analysis types for the scenario, use the
set_scenario_status command.
To remove scenarios for the current block, use the remove_scenarios command. To
remove all scenarios, use the -all option. To remove specific scenarios, specify the
corners using a Tcl list or collection.
For example, to remove the scenarios named scenario1 and scenario,2 use the following
icc2_shell> remove_scenarios {scenario1 scenario2}
See Also
• Setting the Active Analysis Types for a Scenario
All -all
None -none
You can temporarily disable the individual analysis settings by using the -active false
option. When you use this option, all analysis is disabled for the specified scenarios;
however, the individual settings are retained in the design library. When you use the
-active true option, the individual settings take effect.
Querying Scenarios
To obtain
• The current scenario, use the current_scenario command without any arguments.
For example:
icc2_shell> current_scenario
The report includes the scenario name, its associated mode, its associated corner, and
its active analysis types, for each scenario.
By default, the command reports all scenarios for the current block.
To report
# Specific scenarios, use the -scenarios option.
# Scenarios associated with specific modes, use the -modes option.
# Scenarios associated with specific corners, use the -corners option.
The following example reports the detailed information for all scenarios of the current
icc2_shell> report_scenarios
The following example reports the detailed information for the scenarios named
scenario1 and scenario2:
icc2_shell> report_scenarios -scenarios {scenario1 scenario2}
• Corner-specific constraints
Constraints that modify the calculated delay on an object are corner-specific
constraints. Corner-specific constraints include
# Operating conditions
# Port load capacitances
# Parasitic information and scaling factors
# Timing derating factors
• Scenario-specific constraints
Constraints that have a delay value and refer to a modal object, such as a clock, are
scenario-specific. Scenario-specific constraints include
# Input and output delays
# Clock characteristics, such as clock latency, uncertainty, and transition
At a minimum, the scenario-specific constraints should contain an input delay or output
delay for each I/O port.
• Netlist-specific constraints
Constraints that apply to all corners, modes, and scenarios are netlist-specific
constraints. Netlist-specific constraints include ideal network settings.
They can apply globally to all designs or locally to a specific design. For example, the
constraints set by the set_ideal_network command are netlist-specific.
If the SDC file does not contain unit settings, they are derived from the main
logic library. If the SDC file does contain unit settings, they must be consistent
with those in the main logic library.
To ensure efficiency and accuracy during block setup, use the following steps:
1. Split the block constraints into separate files as follows:
• Mode-specific file for each mode
• Corner-specific file for each corner
• Scenario-specific file for each scenario
• Global constraint file for the blocks
2. Define all modes, corners, and scenarios for the block.
3. Set the current mode, corner, or scenario appropriately, before you apply the
corresponding constraints.
When you load an SDC file or run an SDC command, depending on the constraint
type, the constraints only apply to the current scenario or its associated mode or
For example, assume a block that has the following:
• Two modes named M1 and M2
• A corner named C
• Two scenarios as follows:
# A scenario named M1@C, which is the combination of mode M1 and corner C
# A scenario named M2@C, which is the combination of mode M2 and corner C
The following example script shows how to create modes, corner, and scenarios and apply
the corresponding constraint and settings:
#Create all modes, corners, and scenarios
create_mode M1
create_mode M2
create_corner C
current_mode M1
read_sdc M1_mode.sdc
current_mode M2
read_sdc M2_mode.sdc
current_corner C
read_sdc C_corner.sdc;
current_scenario M1@C
read_sdc M1@C_scenario.sdc
current_scenario M2@C
read_sdc M2@C_scenario.sdc
3. Read the best-case constraints from the BCWC SDC file by using the read_sdc
By default, the IC Compiler II tool reads all constraints in the SDC
file. To limit the constraints to only the best-case constraints, set the
5. Read the worst-case constraints from the BCWC SDC file by using the read_sdc
To limit the constraints to only the worst-case constraints, set the
time.convert_constraint_from_bc_wc application option to wc_only before reading
the SDC file.
For example,
icc2_shell> set_app_options \
-name time.convert_constraint_from_bc_wc -value wc_only
icc2_shell> read_sdc bc_wc.sdc
By default, this command generates the timing constraints for all scenarios, both
active and inactive, and the scenario-independent timing constraints for the block. To
generate the timing constraints for specific scenarios, use the -scenarios option.
You must specify a name for the output by using the -output option. The output is a
directory that contains the Tcl scripts shown in the following table:
2. Create the corresponding modes, corners, and scenarios and apply the constraints in
the IC Compiler II tool by sourcing the top.tcl script.
The following example generates the timing constraints for all active scenarios and the
scenario-independent timing constraints from the Design Compiler tool:
dc_shell> write_timing_context -scenarios [get_scenarios \
-active true] -output BLK1_const
The following example imports the constraints generated by the Design Compiler tool into
the IC Compiler II tool:
icc2_shell> open_block BLK1
icc2_shell> source BLK1_const/top.tcl
For example, to remove the mode-specific constraints from mode M1, corner-specific
constraints from the C1 and C2 corners, and the scenario-specific constraints from the
M1C1 and M1C2 scenarios, use the following command:
icc2_shell> remove_sdc -modes M1 -corners {C1 C2} \
-scenarios {M1C1 M1C2}
• To remove the design-specific constraints that are not associated to any mode, corner,
or scenario, use the -design option.
• To include or exclude specific types of constraints from removal, use the -include or
-exclude option.
For example, to remove only the case analysis settings, use the following command:
icc2_shell> remove_sdc -include case_analysis
To remove all the SDC constraints except for ideal network settings, use the following
icc2_shell> remove_sdc -exclude ideal_network
For a complete list of valid values for the -include and -exclude options, see the
man page for the remove_sdc command.
If you do not specify the waveform, by default, the tool uses a 50 percent duty cycle
with a rising edge at time zero and a falling edge at one-half the period.
The following command create a clock named CLK_VIR that has a default waveform.
icc2_shell> create_clock -period 5.0 -name CLK_VIR
The tool does not derive the behavior of the generated clock from the logic. You must
specify the behavior of the generated clock, in terms of the master clock, by using the
create_generated_clock command. When you do so, you must specify the following
• The source objects, ports, pins, or nets, on which to create the generated clock
• The source of the master clock by using the -source option
• How the frequency or the waveform of the generated clock is derived, by using one of
the following three methods:
# To derive the generated clock frequency by dividing the master clock frequency, use
the -divide_by option and specify the division factor.
# To derive the generated clock frequency by multiplying the master clock frequency,
use the -multiply_by option and specify the multiplication factor.
# To derive the generated clock waveform based on specific edges of the master
clock, use the -edges option and specify the list of edges of the master clock to
Optionally, you can do the following:
• Specify a name for the generated clock by using the -name option.
If you do not specify a name for the generated clock, the tool uses the name of the first
object in the list of source objects you specified.
• Add multiple generated clocks on the same generated clock source object by using the
-add option.
When you do so, you must specify the master clocks for the additional generated
clocks by using the -master_clock option.
• Consider only the combinational paths between the generated clock source and the
master clock source, when calculating the source latency of the generated clock, by
using the -combinational option.
During timing analysis, by default, the tool considers both the combinational and
sequential paths between the generated clock source and the master clock source.
• Invert the waveform by using the -invert option when you create a divide-by or
multiply-by generated clock with the -divide_by or -multiply_by option.
• Use the inverted sense of the master clock by using the -preinvert option.
• Change the duty cycle by using the -duty_cycle option when you create a multiply-by
generated clock with the -multiply_by option.
• Delay or shift the selected master clock edges by using the -edge_shift option when
you create a generated clocks derived from specific edges of the master clock with the
-edges option.
The following figure shows the waveforms for the master clock and generated clocks of
this example.
The following example creates a generated clock named MULT2B that has twice the
frequency of the master clock named CLKB and a 75% active duty cycle.
icc2_shell> create_generated_clock -name MULT2B -duty_cycle 75 \
-source [get_ports CLKB] -multiply_by 2 \
[get_pins U29/GC]
The following figure shows the waveforms for the master clock and generated clock of this
The following example creates a master clock named CLKC and a generated clocks
named DIV3C that has a waveform based on the third, fifth, and ninth edge of the master
clock and each edge shifted by 2.2 time units.
icc2_shell> create_clock -period 2.2 -name CLKC [get_ports CLKC]
The following figure shows the waveforms for the master clock and generated clock of this
Figure 4 Waveforms of the Master Clock and Divide-by-Three Generated Clock With
Shifted Edges
Clock edge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Time 0.0 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5 6.6 7.7 8.8 9.9 11.0
The following example creates a generated clock named CLKD and specifies that the
tool uses only combinational paths between the generated clock source and mater clock
source, when calculating the source latency for this generated clock:
icc2_shell> create_generated_clock -name CLKD_INV -divide_by 1 \
-combinational -source [get_ports CLKD] [get_pins U52/Y]}
The following figure shows the all available paths between the generated clock source and
mater clock source for this example.
Combinational Path
• Transition time
This is the amount of time it takes for a signal to change from logic low to logic high
(rise time), or from logic high to logic low (fall time).
The following figure shows the timing effects of clock networks.
Current block
Origin of clock Network latency
Source latency
Clock definition
point in the block
Clock at
Rise transition Fall transition
source Source
• The dynamic variation component of the source latency, which is the component that
differs between successive clock cycles, by using the -dynamic option.
For designs with multiple scenarios, by default, the source latency applies only to the
current scenario. To specify the source latency for
• All the scenarios of specific modes, use the -modes option.
• All the scenarios of specific corners and the current mode, use the -corners option.
• All the scenarios of specific modes and corners, use the -modes and -corners options
• Specific scenarios, use the -scenarios option.
When you use this option, you cannot use the -modes or -corners options.
The following commands specify the source latency of the clock CLK1 with an external
clock network delay varying from 1.5 to 2.5 and having a dynamic component of 0.5:
To remove the source latency you specify with the set_clock_latency command, use
the remove_clock_latency command.
To remove the ideal network latency you specify with the set_clock_latency command,
use the remove_clock_latency command.
Interclock uncertainty
Simple clock uncertainty
For designs with multiple scenarios, by default, the clock uncertainty applies only to the
current scenario. To specify the clock uncertainty for:
• All the scenarios of specific modes, use the -modes option.
• All the scenarios of specific corners and the current mode, use the -corners option.
• All the scenarios of specific modes and corners, use the -modes and -corners options
• Specific scenarios, use the -scenarios option.
When you use this option, you cannot use the -modes or -corners options.
For example, to set a simple setup uncertainty of 0.21 and a hold uncertainty of 0.33
for all paths leading to endpoints clocked by the clock named CLK1, use the following
icc2_shell> set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.21 [get_clocks CLK1]
icc2_shell> set_clock_uncertainty -hold 0.33 [get_clocks CLK1]
To set an interclock uncertainty of 2 between clocks named CLKA and CLKB, for both
setup and hold, use the following commands:
icc2_shell> set_clock_uncertainty 2 -from [get_clocks CLKA] \
-to [get_clocks CLKB]
icc2_shell> set_clock_uncertainty 2 -from [get_clocks CLKB] \
-to [get_clocks CLKA]
• If they are not an integral number of cycles apart, duty-cycle jitter is used.
• If they are traced back to the same edge of the master clock, no clock jitter is used.
To get a report on the cycle jitter and duty-cycle jitter for the master clock and all clocks
generated from it, use the report_clock_jitter command.
To remove clock jitter settings from the master clock, use the remove_clock_jitter
command. After clock jitter is removed from the master clock, it is removed from the
generated clocks automatically.
Clock-to-data pin
You can use the following command to identify the clock-to-data pins in your block:
icc2_shell> get_pins -filter "is_clock_used_as_data==true"
The process of identifying clock-network pins and clock-to-data pins is known as clock
marking. The clock marking behavior is slightly different between the IC Compiler II and
PrimeTime tools. You can specify that the IC Compiler II tool uses the same clock marking
behavior as the PrimeTime tool by setting the time.clock_marking application option to
primetime. The default is native.
For more information about the differences in the IC Compiler II and PrimeTime clock
marking behavior, see the man page of the time.clock_marking application option.
transition time at the pin. To use the ideal clock latency and transition time at the clock-to-
data pin, set the time.enable_clock_to_data_analysis application option to true.
Unateness of Clocks
A clock signal is:
• Positive unate if a rising edge at the clock source can only cause a rising edge at the
register clock pin, and a falling edge at the clock source can only cause a falling edge
at the register clock pin.
• Negative unate if a rising edge at the clock source can only cause a falling edge at the
register clock pin, and a falling edge at the clock source can only cause a rising edge at
the register clock pin. In other words, the clock signal is inverted.
• Non-unate if the clock sense is ambiguous as a result of non-unate timing arcs in the
clock path. For example, a clock that passes through an XOR gate is not unate. The
clock sense could be either positive or negative, depending on the state of the other
input to the XOR gate.
The following figure shows examples of clock logic that result in unate and non-unate
clock signals.
Negative unate
Positive unate CLK
Positive unate
Gated clock
XOR Non-unate
Positive sense
AND Non-unate
Negative sense
Pulse generator
The following example propagates only the positive sense of the clock named CLK1 and
the negative sense of the clock named CLK2 beyond the cell pin named U29/z:
icc2_shell> set_sense -positive \
-clocks [get_clocks CLK1] [get_pins U29/z]
icc2_shell> set_sense -negative \
-clocks [get_clocks CLK2] [get_pins U29/z]
The following example prevents the tool from propagating all clocks, both as clock and
data, beyond the pin named U32/z:
icc2_shell> set_sense -stop_propagation [get_pins U32/z]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Edge number 1 of the source triggers both the rising and falling edges of the pulse clock.
The pulse width is determined by the delay of the inverter.
To specify the generated pulse clock CLKP as a generated clock:
icc2_shell> create_generated_clock -name CLKP -source CLK \
-edges {1 1 3} [get_pins U21/z]
• Low pulse that is fall triggered, use the -pulse fall_triggered_low_pulse option
The pulse clock is not defined as a separate clock domain. Instead, only the specified
sense of the source clock is propagated downstream beyond the specified point in the
clock network.
The following command specified that the clock at the output of the cell named U21 is a
pulse that rises and falls on the rising edge of the source clock:
prompt> set_sense -pulse rise_triggered_high_pulse \
[get_pins U21/z]
By default, the constraint is applied to both the high and low pulse of the clock. To specify
for only the high or low pulse, use the -high or -low option.
The following example sets a high and low minimum pulse width constraint of 0.6 and 1.0
for the clock signal at the reg1/CK pin:
set_min_pulse_width -high 0.6 reg1/CK
set_min_pulse_width -low 1.0 reg1/CK
performs crosstalk analysis between the nets of the clock groups using infinite
arrival time windows.
• One or more clock groups by using the -group option one or more times
If you specify the -group option
# One time, the tool assumes the specified relationship between the clocks in that
group and all other clocks in the design.
# Two or more times, tool assumes the specified relationship between each pair of
clock groups.
Optionally, you can
• Specify a name for the clock grouping by using the -name option
If you do not specify a name, the tool derives a unique name for each grouping.
• Enable timing analysis between specific clocks of asynchronous grouping, specified
with the -asynchronous option, by using -allow_paths option.
To remove clock grouping declarations made with the set_clock_groups command, use
the remove_clock_groups command.
For example, to specify that clock CK1 is physically exclusive with respect to all other
clocks in the design, use the following command:
icc2_shell> set_clock_groups -physically_exclusive -group {CK1}
To specify that clocks CK2 and CK3 are logically exclusive with clocks CK4 and CK5, use
the following command:
icc2_shell> set_clock_groups -logically_exclusive \
-group {CK2 CK3} -group {CK4 CK5}
To specify that clocks CK6, CK7, and CK8 are asynchronous with respect to each other,
use the following command:
icc2_shell> set_clock_groups -asynchronous \
-group {CK6} -group {CK7} -group {CK8}
CK1 0
D Q Logic D Q
CK2 1
By default, the IC Compiler II tool considers all combinations of launch and capture clocks,
such as data launched by CK1 and captured by CK2. However, for clocks multiplexed as
shown in the figure, only one of the three clocks can operate on the path at any given time;
they are exclusive clocks downstream from the MUX cells as long as the MUX control
signals remain static between launch and capture.
One method of specifying exclusive clocks is to set “exclusivity points” to mark the pins in
the design where only one clock at a time can be propagated, as shown in the following
figure. For complex clock MUX configurations, this method typically offers better simplicity,
accuracy, completeness, and turnaround time than other methods.
You can set clock exclusivity points at specific pins in the design, or you can have the tool
automatically find and place these points at clock MUX output pins. The exclusivity setting
applies to checking of delay, minimum pulse width, and minimum period constraints.
Setting a clock exclusivity point allows only one clock at a time to be propagated through
the pin on which it is set. This enforces a physically exclusive relationship between the
different clocks in the transitive fanout of the pins. The clock exclusivity effect works
whether the time.enable_auto_mux_clock_exclusivity application option is set to
true or false.
With this application option set to true, the tool automatically finds mutiple clock signals
entering a MUX cell and places exclusivity points at the output of the MUX. This enforces
a physically exclusive relationship between the clocks in the transitive fanout of the MUX
cell, without affecting possible clock interactions in the transitive fanin to the MUX cell.
To disable this automatic inference at selected MUX cells in the design, use the following
icc2_shell> set_disable_auto_mux_clock_exclusivity MUX32/Z
Automatic detection of multiplexed clocks works only for MUX cells, as determined by
the cell’s is_mux_cell attribute. A multiplexing function built out of random logic is not
automatically detected, but you can still manually define an exclusivity point in such logic
by using the set_clock_exclusivity command. For example,
icc2_shell> set_clock_exclusivity –type user_defined \
-inputs "OR1/A OR1/B" -output OR1/Z
For a non-MUX cell, you must specify the clock input pins and exclusivity output pin.
-type mux
-output MUX88/Z
This reports all exclusivity points, whether inferred globally by using the
time.enable_auto_mux_clock_exclusivity application option or explicitly by using the
set_clock_exclusivity command.
For example, to generate a report on the clocks that have a period less than or equal to
15.0, use the following command:
icc2_shell> report_clocks [get_clocks -filter "period <= 15.0" *]
d - dont_touch_network
f - fix_hold
p - propagated_clock
G - generated_clock
Removing Clocks
To remove a
• Real or virtual clock created with the create_clock command, use the
remove_clocks command.
Path 4
Each path starts at a data launch point, passes through some combinational logic, and
ends at a data capture point:
• Path 1 starts at an input port and ends at the data input of a sequential element.
• Path 2 starts at the clock pin of a sequential element and ends at the data input of a
sequential element.
• Path 3 starts at the clock pin of a sequential element and ends at an output port.
• Path 4 starts at an input port and ends at an output port.
Each path in the design has an associated timing slack. The slack is a time value that can
be positive, zero, or negative. The single path having the worst slack is called the critical
path. This is the path that has the most negative slack, or if there are no timing violations,
the one with the smallest slack among all paths in the design.
The tool organizes timing paths into groups, and performs timing analysis and optimization
separately for each group. By default, there is one path group for each clock in the design.
All timing paths clocked by a given clock at the path endpoint belong to the path group for
that clock.
The tool also creates a path group called **default** (including the asterisks). The
**default** group contains any paths that cannot be categorized by the clock used at the
path endpoint, such as feedthrough and asynchronous paths.
All timing paths within a path group are optimized for timing together, starting with the
critical path.
All path groups have the same weight by default, and paths within a group are optimized
and reported separately from other path groups. Within each path group, the tool
optimizes and improves the timing of the critical path until another paths in the group
becomes more critical.
If multiple clocks arrive at the clock pin of a sequential cell, the tool constrains the cell with
respect to each clock.
To identify the timing paths, use one or more of the following methods:
• Specify the startpoint of the path by using the -from, -rise_from, or -fall_from
• Specify one or more throughpoints of the path by using the -through, -rise_through,
or -fall_through option one or more times
• Specify the endpoint of the path by using the -to, -rise_to, or -fall_to option
You can influence how optimization handles the path group as follows:
• Change the weight of the path group by using the -weight option.
• Specify a critical range to identify critical paths for optimization by using the
-critical_range option.
The tool works on all critical paths within the range specified by the -critical_range
option, starting from the most critical path.
The following example creates a path group named slct that has weight of 2.5, a critical
range of 5, and contains all the timing paths starting from the register named slct_reg. It
then adds the timing paths starting from the input port named slct_nxt to this path group.
However, it removes the paths that start at the input port named slct_nxt and go through
both the pins named U29/A and U54/Y from this group and returns these paths to their
default path group.
icc2_shell> group_path -name slct -weight 2.5 -critical_range 5 \
-from [get_cells slct_reg]
icc2_shell> group_path -name slct -from [get_ports slct_nxt]
icc2_shell> group_path -default [get_ports slct_nxt] \
-through [get_pins U29/A] -through [get_pins U54/Y]
To report path group information, use the report_path_groups command and to remove
path groups, use the remove_path_groups command.
Path Delay Analysis for the Same Launch and Capture Clock
By default, the tool checks for data arrival at the next capture clock edge following the
launch event. For a single-clock design, launch occurs on a clock edge and capture occurs
at the next clock edge.
The following figure shows how the tool determines the setup and hold constraints for a
path that is launched and captured by the same clock, which has a period of 10.
Figure 15 Setup and Hold Analysis for the Same Launch and Capture Clock
Launch delay
D Q Combinational D Q
Capture delay
Clock at launch
flip-flop (FF1)
Clock at capture
flip-flop (FF2)
0 10 20 30
Launch delay
D Q Combinational D Q
Capture delay
The clocks in this example, CLK1 and CLK2, are created with the following commands:
icc2_shell> create_clock -period 10 -waveform {0 5} CLK1
icc2_shell> create_clock -period 25 -waveform {5 12.5} CLK2
• The capture edge at time=30 and the nearest preceding launch edge is at time=20,
which is labeled Setup 2.
Clock at launch
flip-flop (CLK1)
Setup 1
Setup 2
Clock at capture
flip-flop (CLK2)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
The source clock edge at time=30 occurs at the same time as the capture edge, not
earlier, so it is not considered the corresponding launch edge.
Setup 1 allows less time between launch and capture. Therefore, it is the more restrictive
constraint and determines the maximum allowed delay for the path, which is 5 for this
Setup 1 Setup 2
launch edge launch edge
Clock at launch
flip-flop (CLK1)
Hold 1a Hold 2b
Hold 1b Hold 2a
Setup 1 Setup 2
capture edge capture edge
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
For each setup relationship, the tool performs two different hold checks:
• The data launched by the setup launch edge must not be captured by the previous
capture edge.
• The data launched by the next launch edge must not be captured by the setup capture
For the setup relationship labeled Setup 1, the corresponding two hold checks are labeled
Hold1a and Hold1b. Similarly, for the setup relationship labeled Setup 2, the two hold
checks are labeled Hold2a and Hold2b.
Of these hold checks, the most restrictive is the one where the capture edge occurs latest
relative to the launch edge, which is Hold 2b. Therefore, Hold 2b determines the minimum
allowed delay for this path, which is 0.
Input delay
Path 1
To constrain the input port A, use the set_input_delay command and specify
• The clock that launches the data at the external sequential device
• The delay for the data to arrive at the input port after it is launched
In the following figure, the data leaving the output port named Z of the block named
BlockA is captured by an external sequential device.
Output delay
Path 3
To constrain the output port Z, use the set_output_delay command and specify
• The clock that captures the data at the external sequential device
• The delay for the data to arrive at the external sequential device after it leaves port Z
For a more accurate timing analysis, specify a related clock by using one of the following
two methods:
• Specify the -clock option with the name of the reference clock
When you specify the -clock option, by default, the tool
# Assumes the input or output delay is relative to the rising edge of the clock. To
specify that the delay is relative to its falling edge, use the -clock_fall option with
the -clock option.
# Adds the source and network latencies specified for the reference clock to the
launch or capture path associated with the input or output delay.
To specify that the source and network latencies of the reference clock are already
included in the input or output delay, use the -source_latency_included and
-network_latency_included options. If the reference clock is a propagated clock,
the -network_latency_included option is ignored.
• Specify the -reference_pin option with a pin or port on the reference clock network
When you specify the -reference_pin option, by default, the tool
# Uses all the clocks that reach the reference pin to constrain the ports. To select a
specific clock, use the -clock option with the -reference_pin option.
# Adds the source and network latencies specified for the for any ideal clocks that
reach the reference pin, to the corresponding launch or capture path associated
with the input or output delay,
However, for any propagated clocks that reach the reference pin, tool adds the
source delay specified for that clock and the propagated clock network delay up to
the reference pin to the corresponding launch or capture path associated with the
input or output delay.
If you do not specify a relative clock, the tool derives a new clock based on the clocks of
the current block.
When you use the set_input_delay or set_output_delay command, you can specify
that the delay:
• Is only for a rise or fall transition by using the -rise or -fall option.
By default, the tool uses the delay for both the rise and fall transition at the input or
output port.
• Is only for the longest or shortest path by using the -max or -min option.
By default, the tool uses the delay is for both the longest and shortest paths.
• Is with respect to a level-sensitive latch by using the -level_sensitive option.
By default, the tool assumes the timing paths associated with the input or output delay
are launched or captured by an edge-sensitive flip-flop.
• Should not overwrite any existing input or output delay settings by using the
-add_delay option.
Use this option to specify different input or output delays with respect to different
reference clocks, for the same port.
For designs with multiple scenarios, by default, the input or output delay applies only to the
current scenario. To specify the input or output delay for
• All the scenarios of specific modes, use the -modes option.
• All the scenarios of specific corners and the current mode, use the -corners option.
• All the scenarios of specific modes and corners, use the -modes and -corners options
• Specific scenarios, use the -scenarios option.
When you use this option, you cannot use the -modes or -corners options.
To remove input or output delays from ports, use the remove_input_delay or
remove_output_delay command.
The following figure shows the external paths for one input and output of a block, and the
delays associate with those external paths.
OUT1 Logic
Logic OUT2
2.3 IN2 OUT3
The following commands constrain the input named IN1 by setting an input delay of 4.5
with respect to the clock named CLK1 and an input delay of 2.3 with respect to the clock
named CLK2:
icc2_shell> set_input_delay 4.5 -clock CLK1 [get_ports IN1]
icc2_shell> set_input_delay 2.3 -clock CLK2 [get_ports IN1] \
The following command constrains the output named OUT1 by setting an output delay of
4.3 with respect to the clock named CLK1:
icc2_shell> set_input_delay 4.3 -clock CLK1 [get_ports OUT1]
AND2 Block_A
Z I1
To prevent this delay from being counted twice, estimate the load-dependent delay of the
driving cell, then subtract that amount from the input delay you specify on the port.
Instead, set in input delay on all inputs excluding the clock ports, as shown in the following
icc2_shell>set_input_delay 2 -clock CLK \
[remove_from_collection [all_inputs] [get_ports CLK]]
Use the set_clock_latency command with the -source option to define the actual
source latency, if any.
To restore a path to its default before timing exceptions were applied, use the
reset_paths command or the -reset_path option of each timing exception command.
• Specify the endpoint of the path by using the -to, -rise_to, or -fall_to option
The following example shows how to set all timing paths between two clocks, ck1 and ck2,
as false paths:
icc2_shell> set_false_path -from [get_clocks ck1] \
-to [get_clocks ck2]
icc2_shell> set_false_path -from [get_clocks ck2] \
-to [get_clocks ck1]
For this example, an alternative is to use the set_clock_groups command to exclude all
paths between clocks ck1 and ck2 from timing analysis.
If you specify a clock, timing paths ending at all the sequential cells and primary
ports constrained by that clock are set as false paths.
# Sequential cells
# Data pins of sequential cells
# Output or inout ports
# Pins with an output delay settings
Optionally, you can limit the maximum or minimum path delay setting to
• Setup or hold analysis only by using the -setup or -hold options.
By default, it applies to both setup and hold analysis.
• Rise or fall analysis only by using the -rise or -fall options.
By default, it applies to both rise and fall analysis.
If the startpoint or endpoint of the path for which you applied the set_max_delay or
set_min_delay command is constrained by a clock, the tool uses the clock latencies of
the startpoint and endpoint during timing analysis. To ignore the clock latencies of the
startpoint and endpoint, use the -ignore_clock_latency option.
To remove a maximum or minimum path delay setting, use the -reset_path option of the
set_max_delay or set_min_delay command or use the reset_paths command.
The following example sets a maximum path delay between registers REGA and REGB to
12 and minimum path delay to 2:
icc2_shell> set_max_delay 12.0 \
-from [get_cells REGA] -to [get_cells REGB]
icc2_shell> set_min_delay 2.0 \
-from [get_cells REGA] -to [get_cells REGB]
options. By default, the tool moves the setup check relative to the capture clock, and
the hold check relative to the launch clock.
• The path you want to constrain by using one or more of the following methods:
# Specify the startpoint of the path by using the -from, -rise_from, or -fall_from
Valid startpoints are
# Clocks
If you specify a clock, timing paths starting from all the sequential cells and
primary ports constrained by that clock are set as false paths.
# Sequential cells
# Clock pins of a sequential cells
# Data pins of a latches
# Input or inout ports
# Pins with an input delay settings
# Specify one or more throughpoints of the path by using the -through,
-rise_through, or -fall_through option one or more times.
This command specifies that the path takes two clock cycles, establishing the new setup
relationship as shown in the following figure. The second capture edge following the
launch edge becomes the applicable edge for the end of the path.
Changing the setup relationship implicitly changes the hold relationship as well because all
hold relationships are based on the valid setup relationships. The tool verifies that the data
launched by the setup launch edge is not captured by the previous capture edge. The new
hold relationship is shown in the following figure.
CLK Reg4
Hold Setup
CLK Reg5
The hold relationship shown in this figure is probably not the correct relationship for the
design. If Reg4 does not need to hold the data beyond the first clock edge, you need to
specify a multicycle hold timing exception, as shown by the following commands:
icc2_shell> set_multicycle_path -setup 2 \
-from [get_cells Reg4] -to [get_cells Reg5]
icc2_shell> set_multicycle_path -hold 1 \
-from [get_cells Reg4] -to [get_cells Reg5]
The following figure shows the setup and hold relationships set correctly with these two
set_multicycle_path commands. The second set_multicycle_path command moves
the capture edge of the hold relationship backward by one clock cycle, from the dashed-
line arrow to the solid-line arrow.
Hold Setup
For example, consider the circuit shown in the following figure. The three 16-bit registers
are clocked by three different clocks. Each register represents 16 flip-flops. Register REG2
is only used for test purposes, so all paths from REG2 to REG3 are false paths during
normal operation of the circuit.
To ignore the timing from REG2 to REG3, you can use any of the following methods:
• Use case analysis to consider the case when the test enable signal is 0.
• Set an exclusive relationship between the CLK1 and CLK2 clock domains.
• Declare the paths between clock domains CLK2 and CLK3 to be false.
icc2_shell> set_false_path \
-from [get_clocks CLK2] -to [get_clocks CLK3]
This method is an efficient way to specify the false paths because the tool only
needs to keep track of the specified clock domains. It does not have to keep track of
exceptions on registers, pins, nets, and so on.
• Declare the 16 individual paths from REG2 to REG3 to be false.
icc2_shell> set_false_path -from [get_pins REG2[0]/CP] \
-to [get_pins REG3[0]/D]
icc2_shell> set_false_path -from [get_pins REG2[1]/CP] \
-to [get_pins REG3[1]/D]
icc2_shell> ...
This method is less efficient because the tool must keep track of timing exceptions for
16 different paths.
This method is even less efficient because the tool must keep track of paths from each
clock pin of REG2 to each data pin of REG3, a total of 256 paths.
• Declare all paths from REG2 to be false.
icc2_shell> set_false_path -from [get_pins REG2[*]/CP]
This method is similar to the previous one. The tool must keep track of all paths
originating from each clock pin of REG2, a total of 256 paths.
For example, if you declare a path to be false and also set its maximum delay to some
value, the false path declaration has priority. The maximum delay setting is ignored.
The first command sets the maximum delay of all paths starting from CLK1. However, the
second command is more specific, so it overrides the first command for paths starting at
CLK1 and ending at CLK2.
For a timing path that begins at Reg24 cell, which is clocked by clkB clock, and ends at
Reg32 cell, which is clocked by clkD clock, only the following exception is applicable:
icc2_shell> set_multicycle_path 3 -from [get_pins Reg24/CK]
However, for a timing path that begins at Reg24 cell, which is clocked by clkB clock, and
ends at cell Reg11 cell, which is clocked by clkC clock, the following two exceptions are
icc2_shell> set_false_path \
-from [get_clocks clkB] -to [get_clocks clkC]
icc2_shell> set_multicycle_path 3 -from [get_pins Reg24/CK]
In this case, the set_false_path command has priority over the set_multicycle_path
command, so the tool uses the false-path exception for this path.
For a timing path that begins at Reg61 cell, which is clocked by clkA clock, and ends at
Reg53 cell, which is clocked by clkC clock, the following two exceptions are applicable:
icc2_shell> set_multicycle_path 2 \
-from [get_clocks clkA] -to [get_clocks clkC]
icc2_shell> set_multicycle_path 3 -to [get_pins Reg53/D]
In this case, there are two set_multicycle_path commands with different path
specifications, so the tool uses the more specific path specification, which is the multicycle
path setting to the D pin of the Reg53 cell.
• A logic transition, either rising or falling, the tool eliminates certain paths by limiting the
transitions considered during analysis.
To do so, use the set_case_analysis rising or set_case_analysis falling
command, as shown in the following example:
icc2_shell> set_case_analysis rising [get_ports RESET]
In addition, the tool treats the following as case analysis values also:
• Cell pins that are connected to tie-high or tie-low cells
• Cell pins that are unconnected, which the tool ties to constant values
You can control case analysis by using the following commands or application option
• Propagate case analysis values through clock-gating cells by setting the
time.case_analysis_propagate_through_icg application option to true.
By default, the tool stops propagating case analysis values at clock-gating cells.
• Propagate case analysis values through sequential cells by setting the
time.case_analysis_sequential_propagation application option to always.
By default, this application option is set to never and the tool stops propagating case
analysis values at sequential cells.
• Disable the propagation of logic constants except for those
set with the set_case_analysis command by setting the
time.disable_case_analysis_ti_hi_lo application option to true.
B to Z timing arc is disabled
When you disable the timing arcs of a cell or cell pin, the tool applies a size-only attribute
setting on the corresponding cell, which prevents that cell from being removed during
optimization. However, it can be resized during optimization.
To report all timing arcs that are disabled in a block, including those disabled by the
set_disable_timing command, use the report_disable_timing command.
You can define such checks by using the set_data_check command, or they can be
defined in the logic library as nonsequential constraints. You should use data checks only
in situations such as those described previously. Data checks should not be considered a
replacement for ordinary sequential checking.
The following figure shows a simple example of a cell that has a nonsequential constraint.
The cell has two data inputs, D1 and D2. The rising edge of D2 is the active edge that
might be used to latch data at D1. Pin D1 is called the constrained pin and pin D2 is called
the related pin.
Constrained pin D1
Related pin Setup
In this example, the signal at D1 must be stable for a certain setup time before the
active edge. It must also be stable for a certain hold time after the active edge. If these
nonsequential constraints are not already defined for the library cell, you can define them
in the tool with the set_data_check command.
Data checks are nonsequential, so they do not break timing paths. In the following figure,
the data check between pins D1 and D2 does not interrupt the timing paths shown by the
dashed-line arrows. If you define the signal at D2 as a clock, the check is sequential and
the paths is terminated at D1.
Combinational D Q
D2 Data
check ff3
In a data check, signals arriving at a constrained pin or related pin can come from different
clock domains. The tool checks the signal paths separately and puts them into different
clock groups, just like in ordinary sequential checks.
• To specify a pin or port as the related pin, use the -from, -rise_from, or -fall_from
• To specify a pin or port as the constrained pin, use the -to, -rise_to, or -fall_to
• To specify that the data check value be for setup only or hold only, use the -setup
option or -hold option. Otherwise, the value applies to both setup and hold.
• To specify the name of a single clock that launches the signal for the related pin, use
the -clock option.
To remove data checks set with the set_data_check command, use the
remove_data_check command.
Constrained pin D1
Related pin Setup
In the following figure, the data checks apply to both rising and falling edges on the related
Constrained pin
D2 Setup Hold
Related pin
You can define a no-change data check by specifying only a setup check from the rising
edge and a hold check from the falling edge, by using the following commands:
icc2_shell> set_data_check -rise_from D2 -to D1 -setup 3.5
icc2_shell> set_data_check -fall_from D2 -to D1 -hold 3.0
The tool interprets this as a no-change check on a positive-going pulse. The resulting
timing check is shown in the following figure.
Constrained pin D1
Setup Hold
Related pin
• non_seq_setup_falling
• non_seq_hold_rising
• non_seq_hold_falling
For more information about defining nonsequential constraints in the logic library, see the
Library Compiler documentation.
Using nonsequential constraints defined in the library cell results in a more accurate
analysis than using the set_data_check command because the setup and hold times
can be made sensitive to the slew of the constrained pin and the related pin. The
set_data_check command is not sensitive to slew.
The remove_data_check command does not remove data checks defined in library cells.
Clipped clock pulse
To control the transition of the gating signal, you can specify a set and hold margin with
respect to the clock by using the for the set_clock_gating_check command.
The following figure shows a clock gating check performed on a gating element that is an
AND or NAND gate.
No-change interva
The following figure, shows a clock gating check performed on a gating element that is an
OR or NOR gate.
No-change interval
• Constraints both the rising and falling edges of the gating signal.
To control only the rising or falling edge, use the -rise or -fall options.
• Determines whether to use the high or low level of the clock to constrain the gating
signal, based on the gating logic.
If the gating cell is:
# An AND or NAND gate, the tool performs the check on the high level of the clock.
# An OR or NOR gates, the tool performs the check on the high level of the clock
# Any other gate, the tool does not perform the check, unless you specify which level
of the clock to use.
To specify which level of the clock to perform the check, use the -high or -low option.
The tool handles clock-gating checks like other timing constraints and tries to adjust the
delays of the logic driving the gating inputs to avoid setup and hold violations. During
optimization, the tool can only size cells with clock-gating checks.
Clock-gating checks can be performed only between a clock signal and a nonclock signal,
not between two clock signals or between two nonclock signals.
To remove clock-gating checks, use the remove_clock_gating_check command.
You can disable clock-gating checks on specific cells and pins by using the
set_disable_clock_gating_check command to list the cells and pins
you want the tool to ignore. To cancel the effect of this command, use the
remove_disable_clock_gating_check command.
The following example shows how to specify a setup requirement of 0.2 and a hold
requirement of 0.4 on all gates in the clock network of CLK1.
icc2_shell> set_clock_gating_check -setup 0.2 -hold 0.4 CLK1
A cell library can contain multiple sets of operating conditions. To get a list of the
operating conditions available in a particular library and to view their characteristics,
use the report_lib command.
In general, use only one method to specify the operating conditions for a block.
If you must use both methods, for example, to set operating voltages for a
multivoltage design that override the operating conditions set by the SDC file, use the
set_operating_conditions command first, and then use the individual commands to
override the specific values.
See Also
• Library Manager User Guide
• Names the scaling group slgn, where n is a unique integer. To specify a name for the
scaling group, use the -name option.
The scaling groups are saved into and restored from the design library, not the reference
libraries. If you change the reference libraries associated with a design library, the scaling
groups are removed from the design library.
When generating the settings of a block with the write_script command, you can
include or exclude scaling group settings by specifying the scaling_lib_groups value
with the -include or -exclude option. For example, to output only the scaling group
settings, use the following command:
icc2_shell> write_script -include scaling_lib_groups \
-output blk1_slg
• To apply specific scaling groups to specific corners, use the -corners option.
If you do not specify this option, the current corner is used. The following example
applies the SG1 scaling groups to the C1 corner:
icc2_shell> set_scaling_lib_group -corners C1 SG1
• To apply all or none of the scaling groups to specific corners, use the -all or -none
option with the -corners option.
The following example prevents the use of all scaling groups in the C2 corner:
icc2_shell> set_scaling_lib_group -corners C2 -none
• To apply specific scaling groups for minimum or maximum delay analysis, use the -min
or -max option.
The report_corners command reports the scaling groups available in each corner.
You can use process labels to guide the tool to select the appropriate timing models from a
cell library. Process labels are applied to the characterization points in a cell library during
library preparation, as shown in the following example:
icc2_lm_shell> read_db –process_label fast fast_lib_0p95v125c.db
To guide the IC Compiler II tool to use a specific characterization point for a corner, use
the set_process_label command to specify the process label for a corner, as shown in
the following example:
icc2_shell> create_corner c_fast
icc2_shell> set_process_label –corners c_fast fast
ck ck
For a hold check, the tool uses minimum delays for the launch clock path and datapath
and maximum delays for the capture clock path.
ck ck
The following table shows the clock arrival times, delays, operating conditions, and
derating used for setup checks and for hold analysis.
Analysis type Launch clock path Data path Capture clock path
Setup Late clock, maximum de- Maximum delay, late der- Early clock, minimum de-
lay in clock path, late der- ating, maximum operating lay in clock path, early de-
ating, worst-case operat- condition rating, minimum operating
ing condition condition
Hold Early clock, minimum de- Minimum delay, early der- Late clock, maximum delay
lay in clock path, early ating, minimum operating in clock path, late derating,
derating, best-case oper- condition maximum operating condi-
ating condition tion
During timing analysis, the tool simultaneously considers the minimum and maximum
values specified for the following design parameters:
• Input and output external delays
• Port wire load models
• Port fanout number
• Net capacitance
• Net resistance
• Net wire load model
• Clock latency
• Clock transition time
• Input port driving cell
• Whether the derating factor is for early or late delays by using the -early or -late
Optionally, you can apply the derating factor to
• Specific leaf-level instance, hierarchical instance, or library cell by specifying the object.
By default, it applies to the current block.
• Rise or fall delays only by using the -rise or -fall options.
By default, it applies to both rise and fall delays.
• Clock or data paths only by using the -clock or -data options.
By default, it applies to both clock and data paths.
• Net delays, cell delays, or cell timing checks by using the -net_delay, -cell_delay,
or -cell_check option.
By default, it applies to all three.
When you specify timing derating factors for net delays by using the
set_timing_derate -net_delay command, it applies to both the dynamic and static
components of the net delay. You can specify a different derating factor for the dynamic
and static components by using the -dynamic and -static options.
• A specific corner by using the -corners option.
By default, it applies to the current corner.
To apply an increment to an existing timing derate, use the -increment option. This
increment is added to the existing derating factor.
The following example reduces all minimum delays by 10 percent and increases all
maximum delays by 20 percent for the current corner:
icc2_shell> set_timing_derate -early 0.9 -late 1.2
Introduction to AOCV
Advanced on-chip variation (AOCV) is an optional method for improving accuracy by using
varying derating factors for different paths based on the path depth or physical distance
spans. A path that has more levels of logic or covers a greater physical distance tends to
have less total variation because the random variations from gate to gate tend to cancel
each other out. Accordingly, AOCV applies higher derating values to short paths and lower
derating values to long paths.
This method is less pessimistic than a conventional OCV analysis, which relies on
constant derating factors that do not consider path-specific metrics. The improved timing
accuracy affects both timing reports and design optimization.
You can change the default behavior of AOCV analysis by using the following application
option settings:
• Change how path depth is calculated during AOCV analysis by using the
time.aocvm_analysis_mode application option, which has the following three settings:
# separate_launch_capture_depth
This setting, which is the default, specifies the tool to use both the clock and data
network object and calculates a separate depth for capture and launch paths.
# combined_launch_capture_depth
This setting specifies the tool to use both the clock and data network object and
calculates a combined depth for the entire path, considering both the capture and
launch paths.
# separate_data_and_clock_metrics
This setting specifies the tool to calculate a separate depth for the clock and data
• Consider physical distance, in addition to the gate counts, by setting the
time.ocvm_enable_distance_analysis application option to true.
By default, the tool does not consider the physical distance of the path.
• Use only cell distance and depth metrics for deriving both cell and net AOCV derating
by setting the time.aocvm_enable_single_path_metrics application option to true.
• Ignore OCV derating factors, which are specified with the set_timing_derate
command, when AOCV derating factors are available by setting the
time.ocvm_precedence_compatibility application option to true.
By default, the tool considers both OCV and AOCV derate settings based on the
following priority, from the highest to the lowest:
1. OCV derate setting on the leaf cell
2. AOCV derate setting on the library cell
3. OCV derate setting on the library cell
4. AOCV derate setting on the hierarchical cell
5. OCV derate setting on the hierarchical cell
6. AOCV derate setting on the design
7. OCV derate setting on the design
• Using file-based AOCV data that you can read into the tool by using the read_ocvm
By default, the AOCV data is applied only to the current corner. To apply the data to
different corners, specify them using the -corners option. The following example
applies the AOCV data to all corners of the current block:
icc2_shell> read_ocvm -corners [all_corners] IST.aocvm
Both library-based and file-based AOCV data can be generated by the Synopsys
SiliconSmart characterization tool. For details, see the SiliconSmart ACE User Guide,
available on SolvNet.
You can use both library-based and file-based AOCV derating data at the same time,
and the following priority is used to resolve any conflicts, starting from the highest to the
1. File-based AOCV derate setting on the library cell
2. File-based AOCV derate setting on the hierarchical cell
3. File-based AOCV derate setting on the design
You can specify the following additional AOCV information:
• A guard band for AOCV derating factors by using the set_timing_derate
-aocvm_guardband command.
The following example specifies a guard band of 5 percent for early and late delays:
icc2_shell> set_timing_derate -aocvm_guardband -early 0.95
icc2_shell> set_timing_derate -aocvm_guardband -late 1.05
• A depth adjustment factor at the library cell or cell instance level by using the
set_aocvm_coefficient command.
By default, the tool considers all cells to have a depth of one, when calculating the total
depth (levels of logic) of a timing path. You can increase or decrease the depth for a
specific library cell by using this command. The following example increases the depth
of a library cell named MGX16 to 1.5:
icc2_shell> set_aocvm_coefficient 1.5 \
[get_lib_cells lib_fast/MGX16]
To remove some or all AOCV derating values from objects in the design, use the
remove_ocvm command.
The following table shows the syntax definition for the AOCV file format.
ocvm_type aocvm
This field is supported only in version 4.0 or later.
To add a comment in any location within the file, use double forward slashes (//).
The following example AOCV data file sets derates values for the cells in the clock paths
of the design:
version 4.0
ocvm_type: aocvm
object_type: design
rf_type: rise fall
delay_type: cell
derate_type: late
path_type: clock
voltage: 1.2
depth: 1 2 3
distance: 100 1000
table: 1.21 1.11 1.09 \
1.23 1.16 1.14
To get the AOCV derate data for the library cell liba/inv2x, use the following command:
icc2_shell> report_ocvm -type aocvm \
[get_lib_cells liba/inv2x]
You can report the derate values used to calculate a specific cell or net delay arc by using
the -derate option with the report_delay_calculation command.
statistical delay
nominal delay
delay, ps
version On-chip variation data file version number, which must be version 4.0 or later.
ocvm_type pocvm
To add a comment in any location within the file, use double forward slashes (//).
The following example POCV data file sets coefficients for the early cell and net delays in
the clock paths of the design:
version 4.0
ocvm_type: pocvm
object_type: design
rf_type: rise fall
delay_type: cell net
derate_type: early
path_type: clock
voltage: 1.2
coefficient: 0.5
1. Library-based POCV LVF data on the library cell or on the logic library
2. File-based POCV coefficient setting on the library cell
3. File-based POCV coefficient setting on the hierarchical cell
4. File-based POCV coefficient setting on the design
• lib_cell_in_file, the tool uses the following precedence:
• Use the -corners option to indicate the list of corners for which the AOCV derate
factors are to be converted and the converted POCV coefficients are to be applied. If
this option is not provided, the corner associated with the current scenario is used.
To read AOCVM data from an existing POCVM database, use the following commands:
icc2_shell> set_app_options -name time.aocvm_enable_analysis \
-value false
icc2_shell> set_app_options -name time.pocvm_enable_analysis \
-value true
icc2_shell> read_ocvm -corners [all_corners] ./aocv.txt
icc2_shell> convert_aocv_pocv -depth 1 -corners [all_corners]
3. (Optional) Change the number of standard deviations (σ) used to calculate the worst-
case values from statistical parameters during POCV analysis as follows:
• To change the value for the entire block, use the time.pocvm_corner_sigma
application option.
• To change the value for a specific corner, use the set_pocvm_corner_sigma
-corners command.
By default, timing analysis uses the values at 3 standard deviations (3σ) from the
mean. Increasing the number of standard deviations, tightens the timing requirement.
The following example changes the number of standard deviations to 3.5 for the
current block and 4 for the corner named corner1:
icc2_shell> set_app_options -name time.pocvm_corner_sigma \
-value 3.5 –block [current_block]
icc2_shell> set_pocvm_corner_sigma -corners corner1 4.0
4. (Optional) If you use LVF logic libraries with slew variation data, enable the use of
slew variation during POCV analysis by using the time.enable_slew_variation
application option.
icc2_shell> set_app_options -name \
time.enable_slew_variation -value true
5. (Optional) If you use LVF logic libraries with constraint variation data,
enable the use of constraint variation during POCV analysis by using the
time.enable_constraint_variation application option.
icc2_shell> set_app_options -name \
time.enable_constraint_variation -value true
7. (Optional) If you have distance-based derate tables, enable the use of distance-based
derating during POCV analysis by using the time.ocvm_enable_distance_analysis
application option and read in the distance-based derate table for each corner.
icc2_shell> set_app_options -name \
time.ocvm_enable_distance_analysis -value true
icc2_shell> foreach_in_collection corner [all_corners] {
current_corner $corner
read_ocvm $corner.distance_derate.pocv
8. (Optional) If you have POCV coefficient data files, read them by using the read_ocvm
icc2_shell> read_ocvm coefs.pocv
If an object has both a file- and library-based POCV data, the file-based POCV data
takes higher precedence by default. You can change this precedence by using the
You can apply the guard band to cell delays, net delays, or cell timing checks by using
the -cell_delay, -net_delay, or -cell_check option, as shown in the following
icc2_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -pocvm_guardband -early 0.98
icc2_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_delay -pocvm_guardband -late 1.03
Applying a guard band increases the POCV derating effect, which makes timing
analysis more restrictive.
10. (Optional) Modify the variation calculated from coefficients or the variation in LVF by
using the set_timing_derate -pocvm_coefficient_scale_factor command.
You can apply the scale factor to cell delays, net delays, or cell timing checks by using
the -cell_delay, -net_delay, or -cell_check option, as shown in the following
icc2_shell> set_timing_derate -net_delay \
-pocvm_coefficient_scale_factor -early 0.86
icc2_shell> set_timing_derate -net_delay \
-pocvm_coefficient_scale_factor -late 1.16
Applying coefficient scale factors alters the variation used in POCV analysis for the
specified design objects.
11. (Optional) For cell timing checks, adjust the mean (nominal) value by a factor
of the sigma (σ) value by using the set_timing_derate -cell_check –
pocvm_subtract_sigma_factor_from_nominal command.
When you do so, the tool adjusts the mean value of the constraint, but leaves the
sigma value unchanged. The following example subtracts 0.75σ from the mean value
for early cell timing checks during POCV analysis:
icc2_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_check -early \
-pocvm_subtract_sigma_factor_from_nominal 0.75
This derate value can only be applied for cell timing checks and you
must enable constraint variation during POCV analysis by setting the
time.enable_constraint_variation application option to true.
This feature allows constraint variation to be computed as a linear sum, instead of the
default root-sum-squared. To do so,
a. Add a factor of sigma into the mean by specifying a negative value by using the
set_timing_derate –pocvm_subtract_sigma_factor_from_nominal command.
b. Remove the constraint sigma by setting a coefficient scale factor of zero by using
the set_timing_derate -pocvm_coefficient_scale_factor command.
For example,
icc2_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_check -early \
-pocvm_subtract_sigma_factor_from_nominal -3.0
icc2_shell> set_timing_derate -cell_check -early \
-pocvm_coefficient_scale_factor 0.0
14. (Optional) Report the design objects that are annotated with POCV coefficients by
using the report_ocvm -type pocvm command.
The following example reports the POCV coefficients for the cell instance named U21:
icc2_shell> report_ocvm -type pocvm [get_cells U21]
The following example reports the LVF data for the library cell named liba/inv2x:
You can report the derate values used to calculate a specific cell or net delay arc by
using the -derate option with the report_delay_calculation command.
15. Perform timing analysis by using the report_timing command.
icc2_shell> report_timing -variation -derate
When you use the -variation option, the tool prints the statistical information (mean
and sigma) in the timing report.
s Standard
Mean shift
The statistical parameters for this distribution are the mean shift, standard deviation,
and skewness. In LVF modeling syntax, these parameters are specified by the following
For example, an ocv_std_dev_cell_rise table in the LVF model specifies the standard
deviation of the cell delay distribution as a function of input transition and output load.
To enable timing analysis using moment-based modeling data, set the application option:
icc2_shell> set_app_options –name time.pocvm_enable_extended_moments \
-value true
In variation reports, the mean value reported for a parameter includes both the nominal
and the mean shift adjustment.
Reg1 Reg2
Maximum Delay
d q Combinational d
Minimum Delay
ck ck
Common point
Common portion
During setup analysis, for the common portion, the tool uses the maximum delay for
the launch path and the minimum delay capture path, resulting in clock reconvergence
Pessimism can also be introduced on paths that fan out from a clock source to the data
pin of a sequential device and a portion of the clock path is shared by the launch and
capture paths, as shown in the following figure.
Launch Path
Capture Path
Common portion
Common point
The amount of CRP reported by the report_crpr command can be slightly different from
the amount reported by the report_timing command. For computational efficiency, the
report_timing command merges multiple points for CRPR calculations when the CRP
differences between adjacent points are too small.
• That the tool should not scale the drive characteristics based on the operating
conditions of the block by using the -dont_scale option.
By default, the tool scales the drive characteristics based on the operating conditions of
the block.
• That the tool should not apply the design rules of the driving cell on the port being
constrained by using the -no_design_rule option.
By default, the tool applies the design rules of the driving cell on the port being
• A value to multiply the calculated transition for the port being constrained by using the
-multiply_by option.
For designs with multiple scenarios, by default, the driving cell you specify applies only to
the current scenario. To specify a driving cell for
• All the scenarios of specific modes, use the -modes option.
• All the scenarios of specific corners and the current mode, use the -corners option.
• All the scenarios of specific modes and corners, use the -modes and -corners options
• Specific scenarios, use the -scenarios option.
When you use this option, you cannot use the -modes or -corners options.
The following constrains the port named I2 by specifying a library cell of type AND2 as the
driving cell, selecting the timing arc from its input pin named A, and specifying a rise and
fall transition of 0.5 for this input pin:
icc2_shell> set_driving_cell [get_ports I2] \
-lib_cell AND2 -from_pin A \
-input_transition_rise 0.5 -input_transition_fall 0.5
Figure 42 Specifying Input Pin and Input Transition for the Driving Cell
AND2 Block_A
Rise transition at input A = 0.5
Fall transition at input A = 0.5 Z I1
Using the set_driving_cell command is the more accurate method for specifying
the drive characteristics of an input or inout port. However, if you cannot specify a
driving cell, specify the external drive characteristics by using the set_drive and
set_input_transition commands.
Using the set_driving_cell command is the more accurate method for specifying
the drive characteristics of an input or inout port. However, if you cannot specify a
driving cell, specify the external drive characteristics by using the set_drive and
set_input_transition commands.
The size_only attribute is set on the cell that contains or drives the source. This
guarantees that the ideal network source is not lost during a compile operation.
N1 N2 N3 REG1
U1 U2 D Q
N1 N2 N3 REG1
U1 U2
U3 D Q
Non-ideal input
Ideal network source
U4 N5 D Q
To report information about ports, pins, nets, and cells on ideal networks, use the
report_ideal_network command. To remove an ideal network setting and restore cells,
nets, and pins in the ideal network to their nonideal state, use the remove_ideal_network
This command returns pins that are ideal network sources. Additionally, if you use the
ideal_network_options == 1 filter, the command returns only the ideal network
source pins that were set by the set_ideal_network -no_propagate command.
• get_ports -filter "ideal_network_source == true"
This command returns ports that are ideal network sources. Additionally, if you use
the ideal_network_options == 1 filter, the command returns only the ideal network
source ports that were set by the set_ideal_network -no_propagate command.
• set_ideal_transition
The timing of ideal networks is updated whenever you execute either of these
You can use these commands to set the ideal latency and ideal transition on the source
pin of an ideal net or network and on any nonsource pin of an ideal network. The specified
values override any library cell values or net delay values. For ideal networks, the ideal
latency and transition values are propagated from the source pins to the network boundary
The total ideal latency at any given point of an ideal network is the sum of the source pin
ideal latency and all the ideal latencies of the leaf cell pins along the path to the given
point. The ideal transition values specified at the various source and leaf cell pins are
independent and noncumulative. The transition for an unspecified input pin is the ideal
transition of the closest pin with a specified ideal transition value. This rule applies to
boundary pins as well.
• remove_ideal_transition
You must read in the TLUPlus files and add them to one of the following:
• The cell library
In general, the TLUPlus files should be in the cell libraries so they can be accessed
by all blocks that use a specific technology.
• The design library
If the TLUPlus files are not included in your cell libraries, add them to your design
You can read one or more TLUPlus files that are one of the following types:
• Emulation TLUPlus files, which are used before inserting metal fill
• Non-emulation TLUPlus files, which are used after inserting metal fill
You must also specify the TLUPlus file by using the -tlup option. If you specify the
TLUPlus files with a relative path or with no path, the IC Compiler II tool uses the
search path defined with the search_path variable to locate the files.
If the layer names in the TLUPlus file do not match the layer names in the technology
file, you must define the mapping in a TLUPlus layer mapping file, which uses the
syntax described in TLUPlus Layer Mapping File. To specify the name of the layer
mapping file, use the -layermap option.
By default, the read_parasitic_tech command performs a basic check on the
TLUPlus file and the corresponding layer mapping files. To disable this basic check
or to perform a more advanced check, set the -sanity_check option to none or
After you read in a TLUPlus file, it is identified by its parasitic technology model name.
By default, the parasitic technology model name is the base name of the specified
TLUPlus file; however, you can specify a different name by using the -name option.
For example, to read in a TLUPlus file named my.tlup using a layer mapping file named
my.layermap and store it in the current design library with a parasitic technology model
name of para1, use the following command:
icc2_shell> read_parasitic_tech -tlup my.tlup \
-layermap my.layermap -name para1
The nxtgrd files generated with N-2017.12 or later version of the StarRC tool
contain TLUPlus models, and the read_parasitic_tech command can
read these files also.
• To specify the TLUPlus file used for late delay calculations, use the -late_spec
• To specify the temperature used for late delay calculations, use the
-late_temperature option.
• To specify the library name that contains the parasitic specification, use the
-library option.
By default, the tool looks for the TLUPlus files in the current design library.
You can specify only one early and one late parasitic technology model per corner.
However, you can change these settings at any time during the design flow, such as
changing to non-emulation TLUPlus files after inserting metal fill.
To specify the TLUPlus files with the -early_spec and -late_spec options, use the
parasitic technology model name assigned by the read_parasitic_tech command.
For example, to use the TLUPlus file that has a parasitic technology model name of
para1 for early delay calculations for the current corner, use the following command:
icc2_shell> set_parasitic_parameters -early_spec para1
tf_via_layer_name1 ITF_via_layer_name1
tf_via_layer_namen ITF_via_layer_namen
To include comments in the layer mapping file, start the line with an asterisk (*) or pound
sign (#).
To reset a parasitic scaling factor, use the set_extraction_options command to set its
value to 1.0. To report the parasitic scaling factors, use the report_extraction_options
The parasitic scaling factors that you specify with this command are saved with the block
when you save it in the design library by using the save_block command.
By default, this option is set to none and the tool does not consider the virtual metal fill
• -virtual_metalfill_parameter_file specifies a file containing virtual metal fill
parameters for RC estimation in the IC Compiler II tool.
• -virtual_metalfill_starrc_parameter_file specifies a file containing virtual
metal fill parameters for RC estimation in the StarRC tool. This parameter file can be
used by both the in-design StarRC flow and the IC Compiler II native extractor.
When you use the write_parasitics command, you must specify an output file name by
using the -output option.
GPD files can be used in the PrimeTime tool for timing analysis.
• Maps the net names to numbers and uses these numbers when writing the parasitic
information for the nets.
This reduces the file size. To override the mapping of net names, use the
-no_name_mapping option.
In this mode, which is the default, the IC Compiler II tool runs StarRC In-Design
extraction using the IC Compiler II extraction settings.
• To run in signoff mode, specify the -mode starrc_centric option with the
set_starrc_in_design command.
In this mode, the IC Compiler II tool runs StarRC In-Design extraction using the StarRC
extraction settings.
You must specify a configuration file for StarRC In-Design extraction by using the -config
option with the set_starrc_in_design command. The configuration file must contain the
following StarRC settings:
• SIGNOFF_IMAGE, which is the location of the StarRC executable
• CORNER_GRD_FILE, which is a file that lists each corner and the corresponding StarRC
nxtgrd file
• One of the following settings:
Specify this setting when running StarRC In-Design extraction in the implementation
# COMMAND_FILE, which is a StarRC command file
Specify this setting when running StarRC In-Design extraction in the signoff mode.
The following is an example configuration file for running StarRC In-Design extraction in
the implementation mode:
SIGNOFF_IMAGE: /home/star_rcxt/bin/StarXtract
CORNER_GRD_FILE: corner_grd.mapping
MAPPING_FILE: star.mapping
The following is an example configuration file for running StarRC In-Design extraction in
the signoff mode:
SIGNOFF_IMAGE: /home/star_rcxt/bin/StarXtract
CORNER_GRD_FILE: corner_grd.mapping
COMMAND_FILE: star.cmd
The following table shows the extraction settings used from the StarRC command file
when running in the signoff mode, and the corresponding IC Compiler II command and
application option settings used when running in the implementation mode.
Table 9 Corresponding Extraction Settings Used in the Signoff and Implementation Modes
COUPLE_TO_GROUND extract.enable_coupling_cap
The following StarRC command file settings are ignored. Instead, they are derived from
the IC Compiler II design environment:
The following StarRC settings are fixed and therefore are not overridden by the
corresponding setting in the StarRC command file:
The following settings in the StarRC command file are not supported:
# Configuration file
# StarRC executable
# Layer mapping file
# Corner mapping file
• -effort medium checks the same paths and also creates a StarRC command file in
the Check_StarRC_moduleName_nnnnn subdirectory.
• -effort high checks the same paths, creates a StarRC command file, and then
invokes the StarRC tool using the command file. All StarRC output files go in the
Check_StarRC_moduleName_nnnnn subdirectory.
Back-Annotating Parasitics
You can read net parasitic data generated by an external tool in SPEF format, and use
it during delay calculation during timing analysis. To do so, use the read_parasitics
command and specify a SPEF file for each corner by using the -corner_spef option one
or more times. If several corners share the same SPEF file, you can list multiple corners in
one -corner_spef option setting.
By default, the parasitics in the SPEF file are applied to the top-level block. To read SPEF
for lower-level blocks, use the -block option. When you use this option, the corners you
specify with the -corner_spef option must be defined at the top level.
The following example applies:
• The TOP_CIC2.spef file for corners C1 and C2 and TOP_C3C4.spef file for corners C3
and C4 at the top level.
• The BLK_CIC2.spef file for corners C1 and C2 and BLK_C3C4.spef file for corners C3
and C4 at the block level.
icc2_shell> read_parasitics -corner_spef {{C1 C2} TOP_C1C2.spef} \
-corner_spef {{C3 C4} TOP_C3C4.spef}
icc2_shell> read_parasitics -block BLK \
-corner_spef {{C1 C2} BLK_C1C2.spef} \
-corner_spef {{C3 C4} BLK_C3C4.spef}
After the read_parasitics command is executed, the tool prints the number of nets that
are not annotated. The tool performs extraction for any nets that are not annotated by the
SPEF files.
In addition to SPEF format, you can also use the read_parasitics command to read
data in Galaxy Parasitics Database (GPD) format by using one of the following options:
• -gpd gpd_path specifies a path to the GPD file for RC annotation.
• -gpd_attach reads parasitics from the GPD attached in the current block.
By reading parasitics through the GPD or GPD attachment, you can avoid performing
extraction (through the update_timing command) when opening a block.
You must make sure that the input GPD has the same corners as the current
You can ignore net delays during timing analysis by using the following application option
icc2_shell> set_app_options -name time.delay_calculation_style \
-value zero_interconnect
2. Ensure that the IC Compiler II tool can access the logic library (.db) files of the cell
If the location of the logic library files has changed since you created the cell libraries,
add the new location of the logic library files to the search_path variable as shown in
the following example:
icc2_shell> lappend search_path /libraries/ref_libs/db_files
To ensure that the IC Compiler II timing analysis settings are consistent with the
corresponding PrimeTime settings, use the check_consistency_settings command as
described in Checking for Consistency in Timing Analysis or Extraction Settings.
For more information about using the PrimeTime delay calculation engine when
performing postroute optimization with the route_opt command, see the IC Compiler II
Implementation User Guide.
To generate cell libraries, use either the library configuration flow in the IC Compiler II tool,
as described in "Creating Cell Libraries" in the IC Compiler II Data Model User Guide, or
the library assembly flow in the Library Manager tool, as described in the Library Manager
User Guide.
the actual cell delay can be very different from the characterized value. Multiple-input
switching mostly affects hold analysis.
You can account for multiple-input switching effects during hold analysis by
1. Specifying multiple-input switching coefficients for library cells by using the
set_multi_input_switching_coefficient command.
When you enable this feature, by default, the tool considers the data arrival windows
of the input pins, checks for overlaps, and derives the actual coefficients based
on the coefficients specified for the library cells. You can ignore the data arrival
windows of input pins and use coefficients specified for the library cells by setting the
time.enable_multi_input_switching_timing_window_filter application option to
# Rising at specific pins, ports, nets, or cell instances by using the -rise_exclude
# Falling at specific pins, ports, nets, or cell instances by using the -fall_exclude
Control the information that is printed about the timing paths or its objects by using the
following options:
• Include nets by using the -nets option
• Include pin locations by using the -physical option
• Include attributes by using the -attributes option
• Include input pins by using the -input_pins option
• Include hierarchical pins by using the -include_hierarchical_pins option
• Include transition times by using the -transition_time option
• Include capacitances by using the -capacitance option
• Include information about the dominant timing exceptions (false paths, multicycle
paths, and minimum and maximum delays) that apply to each timing path that is
printed by using the -exception option
Including information about the exceptions that apply to each timing path increases the
• Include operating condition process, voltage, and temperature by using the -process,
-voltage, and -temperature options
• Include the mean and standard deviation of the statistical time increment for each path
element when parametric on-chip variation (POCV) analysis is enabled by using the
-variation option
• Exclude the transparency window for latch based designs by using the
-skip_transparency_window option
• Prevent the splitting of lines, if columns over flow, by using the -nosplit option
The following is an example of the default output of the report_timing command.
icc2_shell> report_timing
Report : timing
-path_type full
-delay_type max
-nworst 1
-max_paths 1
-report_by design
Design : my_design
Startpoint: u0_3/p0/mul0/m0_U1_INT_SUMR_reg_1_/CLK (rising edge-
triggered flip-flop)
Endpoint: u0_3/p0/iu0/r_reg_E__OP2__31_/D (rising edge-triggered flip-
Mode: my_mode
Corner: wc_corner
Scenario: wc_scenario
Path Group: pci_clk
Path Type: max
Launch clock: pci_clk r
Capture clock: pci_clk r
b - black-box (unknown)
s - size_only
d - dont_touch
u - dont_use
g - generic
h - hierarchical
i - ideal
n - noncombinational
E - extracted timing model
Q - Quick timing model
The valid values for this application option are point, incr, path, cap, fanout, trans,
derate, mean, and sensit.
Unconstrained paths have a slack value of infinity, and you can report unconstrained paths
only by using path filtering as shown in the following example:
icc2_shell> report_timing [filter_collection \
[get_timing_paths -max_paths 200000 –to [all_outputs]] \
• report_global_timing
• report_qor
• get_timing_paths
Graph-based analysis is used to identify the appropriate timing paths, and then path-
based analysis used to report the timing of the selected paths.
• exhaustive
Path-based analysis is used exhaustively to identify and report the appropriate timing
paths, which might increase the runtime significantly. You can limit the number of paths
analyzed by using the time.pba_exhaustive_endpoint_path_limit application
To specify that path-based analysis is used only for adjusting the timing derating values,
set the time.pba_derate_only_mode application option to true.
Setup violations
Total reg->reg in->reg reg->out in->out
WNS -20.34 -20.34 0.00 -1.19 -0.98
TNS -6887.98 -6882.84 0.00 -3.17 -1.96
NUM 398 392 0 4 2
Hold violations
Total reg->reg in->reg reg->out in->out
WNS -3.55 -3.55 0.00 0.00 0.00
TNS -561.17 -561.17 0.00 0.00 0.00
NUM 418 418 0 0 0
By default, the tool analyzes both setup and hold violations of all path groups in all active
corners, modes, and scenarios. You can limit the analysis by using the -delay_type,
-groups, -corners, -modes, and -scenarios options. For more information about these
options and other options available for changing the granularity of the report, see the man
page of the report_global_timing command.
By default, the command reports the QoR for all active scenarios. To report the QoR for
• All scenarios associated with specific modes, use the -modes option.
• All scenarios associated with specific corners, use the -corners option.
• Specific scenarios, use the -scenarios option.
The following is an example of a report generated by the report_qor command.
Scenario 'bc_scenario'
Timing Path Group 'pci_clk'
Worst Hold Violation: -0.15
Total Hold Violation: -8.79
No. of Hold Violations: 283
Scenario 'wc_scenario'
Timing Path Group 'pci_clk'
Levels of Logic: 55
Critical Path Length: 2.79
Critical Path Slack: 0.03
Critical Path Clk Period: 3.00
Total Negative Slack: 0.00
No. of Violating Paths: 0
Cell Count
Hierarchical Cell Count: 694
Leaf Cell Count: 116919
Buf/Inv Cell Count: 17031
CT Buf/Inv Cell Count: 0
Combinational Area: 8365846.92
Noncombinational Area: 571218.74
Net Area: 0
Net XLength: 0
Net YLength: 0
Cell Area: 8937065.66
Design Area: 8937065.66
Net Length: 0
Design Rules
Total Number of Nets: 142890
Nets with Violations: 273
Max Trans Violations: 12
Max Cap Violations: 262
In the Cell Count section, the report shows the number of macros in the block. To qualify
as a macro cell, a cell must not be hierarchical and must have the is_macro_cell
attribute set on its library cell.
• Selectively retrieve, sort, and display the desired information from the snapshot with
the query_qor_snapshot command
• Remove the snapshot with the remove_qor_snapshot command
When you create a QoR snapshot with the create_qor_snapshot command, you must
specify a name for the snapshot by using the -name option. You use this name when you
report, query, or remove the snapshot.
By default, the tool creates the QoR snapshot for all scenarios of the block. To create it for
a specific scenario, use the -scenarios option, as shown in the following example:
Report : create_qor_snapshot (func1)
Time unit : 1.00ns
Resistance unit : 1.00MOhm
Capacitance unit: 1.00fF
Voltage unit : 1.00V
Current unit : 1.00uA
Power unit : 1.00pW
Location : /home/my_work_dir/placement_stage/snapshot
No. of scenario = 1
s1 = func1
WNS of each timing group: s1
PCI_CLK -1.76
SYS_2x_CLK 0.08
v_PCI_CLK -0.71
SYS_CLK 0.06
Setup WNS: -1.76
Setup TNS: -102.47
Number of setup violations: 95
Hold WNS: -0.50
Hold TNS: -27.81
Number of hold violations: 125
Number of max trans violations: 0
Number of max cap violations: 28
Number of min pulse width violations: 0
Area: 444776.034
Cell count: 53399
Buf/inv cell count: 7182
Std cell utilization: 0.50
CPU(s): 64
Mem(Mb): 649
Host name: syn_host
Histogram: s1
Max violations: 95
above ~ -0.7 --- 40
-0.6 ~ -0.7 --- 55
-0.5 ~ -0.6 --- 0
By default, the snapshot is stored in a directory named snapshot in the current working
directory. To specify a different location, use the time.snapshot_storage_location
application option.
When you create, report, or query a QoR snapshot with the create_qor_snapshot,
report_qor_snapshot, or query_qor_snapshot command, you can display the results in
the GUI by using the -display option.
The following example analyzes a snapshot and displays the paths that have a worst
negative slack between –2.0 and –1.0:
icc2_shell> query_qor_snapshot -name func1 -display \
-filters "-wns -2.0,-1.0"
The following example analyzes a snapshot and displays the paths that have more than
10 levels of logic:
icc2_shell> query_qor_snapshot -name func1 -display \
-filters "-logic_level 10, "
Cell arc:
Lib: /usr/libs/mylib.ndm:mylib_lvt
Cell: u0_3/p0/mul0/m0_U1_INT_SUMR_reg_1_ (FD1_LVT)
From-pin: CLK To-pin: QN
Sense: rising_edge
For the arrival window, the tool reports the clock name, the edge type that launches the
path, and the minimum and maximum rise and fall arrival times at the pin. If data launched
from multiple clocks arrive at a pin, the tool reports a separate arrival window for the data
launched by each clock.
To obtain the arrival time of a clock signal at a pin or port on the clock network, query the
clock_arrival_window attribute by using the get_attribute command as shown in the
following example:
icc2_shell> get_attribute [get_pins CT_BUF_7/Y] clock_arrival_window
{{{SYS_CLK} pos_edge {min_r_f 1.03046 --} {max_r_f 1.03067 --}}}
For the clock arrival window, the tool reports the clock name, the active edge type, and the
minimum and maximum rise or fall arrival times at the clock pin, based on the active edge
of the clock. If multiple clocks or multiple active edges of the same clock arrive at the pin,
the tool reports a separate arrival window for each clock or clock edge.
gated_clock Yes Issues a warning about any gated clocks that do not reach register
clock pins.
generated_clock Yes Checks the generated clock network and issues a warning for any of
the following conditions:
Generated clocks with no path to the master clock
Generated clocks with no path to the master clock that meets the
sense relationship specified
Multiple generated clocks that form a loop
Generated clocks that are not expanded
Generated clocks that have no period specified
unconstrained_ e- Yes Issues a warning if register data pin or primary output is uncon-
ndpoints strained.
By default, this command performs the timing checks for all active scenarios. To perform
the timing checks for
• All scenarios associated with specific modes, use the -modes option.
• All scenarios associated with specific corners, use the -corners option.
• Specific scenarios, use the -scenarios option.
You can also perform the timing checks by using the check_design -checks timing
command, as shown in the following example:
icc2_shell> check_design -checks timing
Report : check_design
Options: { timing
g }
Design : TOP
Running atomic-check 'timing'
*** EMS Message summary ***
Rule Type Count Message
TCK-002 Warn 3 The register clock pin '%pin' has no fanin clocks.
Total 7 EMS messages : 0 errors, 3 warnings, 0 info.
*** Non-EMS message summary ***
Total 0 non-EMS messages : 0 errors, 0 warnings, 0 info.
Info: EMS database is saved to file 'check_design.ems'
The following is part of the output file generated for this example:
Error: The timing_crpr_threshold_ps PrimeTime setting should be set to 5.
Error: The time.crpr_remove_clock_to_data_crp IC Compiler II setting
should be set to FALSE. (CORR-812)
Error: The time.enable_si(si_enable_analysis) setting is inconsistent
between IC Compiler II and PrimeTime. The IC Compiler II value is true;
the PrimeTime value is false. (CORR-803)
The following example sets up and checks the consistency between the IC Compiler II and
StarRC settings.
icc2_shell> set_consistency_settings_options \
-exec_path /global/SNPS_tools -tool starrc \
-script run_starrc.tc -corner max
icc2_shell> check_consistency_settings -tool starrc \
-output starrc_consistency_check.rpt
The following is part of the output file generated for this example:
Information: The ccap_ratio(COUPLING_REL_THRESHOLD) setting in both IC
Compiler II and StarRC are set to '0.02'; The recommendation is for both
tools to set to '0.03'. (CORR-804)
Error: The include_pin_resistance(INSTANCE_PORT) setting is inconsistent
between IC Compiler II and StarRC. The IC Compiler II value is FALSE
(SUPERCONDUCTIVE); the StarRC value is EXPLODE. (CORR-803)
Error: The temperature(OPERATING_TEMPERATURE) setting is inconsistent
between IC Compiler II and StarRC. The IC Compiler II value is 0; the
StarRC value is -30. (CORR-803)
Error: The reference_direction(REFERENCE_DIRECTION) setting is
inconsistent between IC Compiler II and StarRC. The IC Compiler II value
is USE_FROM_TLUPLUS (NONE); the StarRC value is VERTICAL. (CORR-803)
Error: The virtual_shield_extraction IC Compiler II setting should be set
to FALSE. (CORR-812)
Error: The EXTRACT_VIA_CAPS StarRC setting should be set to NO.
-pt_exec_path /tools/SNPS/linux64/bin/pt_shell
• The percentage of violating timing endpoints that correlate within the specified
• The average and standard deviation of the absolute difference between IC Compiler II
and PrimeTime slack for all endpoints.
• The worst negative slack (WNS), total negative slack (TNS), number of violating
endpoints (NVE), and the unique number of violating endpoints for the both tools and
the difference.