Makahla Stout is a 2021 graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute with a Bachelor of Science degree in Fashion Merchandising and Design. She has experience in marketing and communications roles for various campus organizations including Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and VT Vogue magazine. Makahla also interned at BlueFlower in digital marketing and worked as a personal stylist at Traveling Chic Boutique. Her skills include proficiency with design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign as well as Microsoft Office.
Makahla Stout is a 2021 graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute with a Bachelor of Science degree in Fashion Merchandising and Design. She has experience in marketing and communications roles for various campus organizations including Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and VT Vogue magazine. Makahla also interned at BlueFlower in digital marketing and worked as a personal stylist at Traveling Chic Boutique. Her skills include proficiency with design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign as well as Microsoft Office.
Makahla Stout is a 2021 graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute with a Bachelor of Science degree in Fashion Merchandising and Design. She has experience in marketing and communications roles for various campus organizations including Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and VT Vogue magazine. Makahla also interned at BlueFlower in digital marketing and worked as a personal stylist at Traveling Chic Boutique. Her skills include proficiency with design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign as well as Microsoft Office.
Makahla Stout is a 2021 graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute with a Bachelor of Science degree in Fashion Merchandising and Design. She has experience in marketing and communications roles for various campus organizations including Kappa Alpha Theta sorority and VT Vogue magazine. Makahla also interned at BlueFlower in digital marketing and worked as a personal stylist at Traveling Chic Boutique. Her skills include proficiency with design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign as well as Microsoft Office.
828.333.2622 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
Blacksburg, VA [email protected] Ut Prosim Scholarship Recipiant Bachlor of Science: May 2021 Cumulative GPA: 3.60 Major: Fashion Merchandising and Design Minor: Communications
T.C. Roberson High School, Asheville, NC
ACTIVITIES North Carolina Scholar Gradutated: June 2017, Highest Honors Notible Experiences Vestique Ambassador (Fall 2018), Art Go Bloom Fashion Show EXPERIENCE Designer (Spring 2019), Belk Kappa Alpha Theta - Epsilon Nu December 2019 - present Campus Representative (Spring Chief External Affairs Officer • Chief of Marketing for the Epsilon Nu chapter. 2019), Study Abroad Program • Designs merchandise for chapter. (Summer 2019), Lilly Pulitzer • Plans Parents Weekend and PR Tables. Ambassador (Summer 2019), Rent • Plan and manage recruitment video. the Runway Campus Coordinator • Oversees four cabinet positions - Online Media Director, Philanthropy, Alumni Relations, and Service Chairs. (Spring 2020). • Serves on the Chapter’s Cabinet, Executive Board, and Risk Kappa Alpha Theta Prevention Team. Epsilon Nu Member • Chair the Marketing Committee. Spring 2019 - Present BlueFlower May 2018 - present Fashion Merchandising and Digital Marketing Inern Design Society • Running and creating content for all social media accounts. Fall 2017 - present • Design advertisments to be run over various platforms. • Writing and editing weekly blog posts. Public Relations Committee Head • Curranting and sending out weekly newsletters. VT Vogue • Developed infographics for each product and ailment. Fall 2018 - present • Contributed to business pipline through research and marketing calls. SKILLS • Created collegiate ambassador program.
WordPress Traveling Chic Boutique May 2018 - August 2018
Campaign management software Personal Stylist • Worked personally with customers to fit and style items for their Adobe Photoshop individual needs and preferences. Adobe Illustrator • Operating cash registers, managing financial transactions, and Adobe InDesign balancing drawers. Microsoft Office Suite • Window display designing; creating props and pulling clothes to follow specified theme.