Guitar Center PDF
Guitar Center PDF
Guitar Center PDF
April2, 2020
We apologize that we were unable to provide you more advance notice of this action.
The speed and vast reach of the Covid-1 9 outbreak, as well as the different declarations of a state
of emergency and directives at the federal, state and local level, including but not limited to: the
directives for individuals to remain in place, with exception for essential needs, in certain
jurisdictions, the directives for individuals to avoid congregating, limit travel and to work remotely
was unforeseeable and caused, and will continue to cause, among other things, a drastic impact
on Guitar Center's business, including but not limited to the closure of customer and client
locations, travel restrictions, customer contract cancellations, closing operations and uncertain
future such that Guitar Center does not have alternative work to offer to its affected employees.
These business circumstances were not reasonably foreseeable as of the time that notices would
have been required. After reviewing our stafflng and business needs, weare providingthis notice
to you at the earliest possible time.
Enclosed is a listing of the job titles of the positions to be affected and the number
of affected employees in each job classification
The affected employees at this facility are not represented by any union. There are
no bumping rights at this location.
lf any employee's lost their job or have been laid off temporarily, employees may
be eligible for Unemployment lnsurance (Ul). More information on Ul and other resources
availa ble fo r workers are available at
-M,.- 6Z?
Anne Buchanan
SVP & Chief Human Resources Offlcer
Guitar Center, lnc.
- lnstructor (12)
- Lessons Lead (1 )