First Steps' COVID-19 Policies: Temporary Policies For Families, Service Providers and Service Coordinators
First Steps' COVID-19 Policies: Temporary Policies For Families, Service Providers and Service Coordinators
First Steps' COVID-19 Policies: Temporary Policies For Families, Service Providers and Service Coordinators
further action is required for
We regret to inform you that registrants. Once your refund
the Division of Disability and has been processed, you will
Rehabilitative Services has receive a confirmation email
decided it is in the best from IU Conferences. Please
interest of all First Steps ANNOUNCEMENT note, due to unprecedented
personnel and families to volumes of returns, it may take
cancel the 2020 First Steps several weeks for your refund
Conference due to the novel to be processed.
coronavirus (COVID-19). The health and safety of our Please stay tuned. Our state team is working to put together
community is our primary concern and we are committed to some exciting virtual learning opportunities.
following the guidance from the Indiana State Department of
Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Wishing you all good health,
World Health Organization. The First Steps Conference Committee
All participants, sponsors and exhibitors will receive a full
refund. Refunds will be processed in turn, in the manner in which For questions, please contact Joy Jones at [email protected].
April 2020 | 2
New Early
Intervention ICC update The Interagency Coordinating Council members are
First Steps stakeholders appointed by the governor. The
role of the ICC and its subcommittees is to advise the First Steps office on the state’s
technology solution early intervention system. We believe that adopting a shared vision and shared goals
is essential to working together to improve services and outcomes for the children
First Steps will be launching a new and families we serve.
technology solution designed specifi- To learn more about the ICC, click here to read the report to the governor present-
cally to support early intervention ed in November 2019.
processes across the state. Once All ICC meeting dates and minutes are posted on the DDRS website.
implemented, it will allow users to 2020 ICC meeting dates: May 13, July 8, Choices Coordinated Care Solutions
seamlessly record and manage the Sept. 9, Nov. 4. 7941 Castleway Drive
All meetings are from 10 a.m. to Indianapolis, IN 46250
work they do. The new system will
2:30 p.m. Eastern Time at:
streamline the management of pro-
gram data in real-time, as well as
enhance service delivery, and billing
processes statewide. Ultimately, this The 2020 United States Census
transformation will strengthen data
quality and help connect families to the
You count and our children count!
array of early intervention resources
Did you know...
available to them.
We understand that implementing ▶ That there has been a U.S. Census count taken every 10 years since 1790?
new technology can be challenging. ▶ The U.S. Census count data determines legislative district boundaries and
Therefore, we are committed to listen- the number of representatives in Congress?
ing to all stakeholders to make the
▶ It determines how over 675 billion dollars in federal grants are disseminated
transition to this new system as smooth
to states and local governments?
as possible. First Steps’ contractor,
Public Consulting Group, Inc., will be ▶ Children under 5 years old are often missed in the data?
discussing the new solution at various ▶ Support for hospitals, early intervention, early childhood development, child
stakeholder meetings and community care, hospitals and food assistance is significantly impacted if newborn
events. In the coming months, you will babies and young children are not counted?
learn more about the specific changes,
▶ The funding for social services for families and young children are often
training opportunities, and benefits you
determined by the data collected?
can expect as we implement this new
system. We look forward to sharing Share this with your colleagues and the families with whom you work and encour-
more information with you as the age people to participate in the 2020 U.S. Census. Visit this site for more information.
project progresses.
Finally, we’d like to thank everyone
who attended the various configuration
workshop sessions conducted since
January 2020. These sessions have
allowed us to gain an understanding of
the business processes and system
requirements needed for users to
com¬plete their work in a web-based
system. We truly appreciate the
valuable input and feedback we have
received thus far. The success of the
transition to the new technology
solution will be in large part due to
your contributions.
April 2020 | 3
IU research participants needed
Study addresses future expectations families have for their children
The Early Childhood Center at the Indiana Institute on or receiving special education services and who were found
Disability and Community is conducting a study on family eligible due to a medical condition or delay in two or more areas.
expectations. Supporting families to develop high expectations Participants will receive a $30 gift card!
for their children with disabilities is very important. Click here to download and print a flyer to share with your
Please spread the word! We are looking for families with a families or email [email protected] to receive printed
child between the ages of 1 to 5 participating in either First Steps flyers or ask questions about the study.
April 2020 | 7