LKS - English - Proverb and Riddle - XIPS

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Materi Pembelajaran : Riddle and Proverb

Name : …………………………
Class : X IPS ….


Riddle is a statement or question or phrase having a double or veiled meaning put

forth as a puzzle to be solved.
 A type of question which describes something in difficult and confusing way which
has a clever or funny answer, often aske as a game.
 Something which is confusing, or a problem which is difficult to be solved.

Match the riddle with the answer.

Riddle Answers Answer

1. What is the first thing you do when you lie down in a ………….. a. a chimney
bath full of water? b. a photograph
2. Everyone has seen it but will never see it again. ………….. c. a towel
3. It smokes a lot but never buys a cigarette. ………….. d. the man with the biggest head
4. Its jobs is to become wet. ………….. e. a blood test
5. You cannot study for this test. ………….. f. two 9insise and outside)
6. How many sides does the ball have? ………….. g. get wet
7. What is taken before you get up? ………….. h. an eggs
8. What is the most useless thing in your pocket? ………….. i. yesterday
9. When you break it, it is still useful ………….. j. a hole
10.Which man wears the biggest hat? …………..

Guess the answer of the following riddle.

1. What goes up and down stairs without moving?
2. Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die.
3. What can you catch but not throw?
4. I run, yet I have no legs.
5. Take one out and scratch my head, I am now black but one was red.
6. Remove the outside, cook the inside, eat the outside, throws away the inside.
7. What goes around the world and stays in a corner?
8. What gets wetter the more it dries?
9. The more there is, the less you are.
10. They come at night without being called and are lost in the day without being stolen.

Write your answer here

1. ………………………………………………………………………………..
2. ………………………………………………………………………………..
3. ………………………………………………………………………………..
4. ………………………………………………………………………………..
5. ……………………………………………………………………………….
6. ……………………………………………………………………………….
7. ……………………………………………………………………………….
8. ……………………………………………………………………………….
9. ……………………………………………………………………………….
10. ……………………………………………………………………………….

A proverb is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated,

which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of
humanity. They are often metaphorical (symbolic and showing some truth and
about a situation or other object.
People tent to use proverbs to comment on situation, often at the end of a
true story someone told, or in response to some events. Proverbs may come in:
Warning/Advice/ Morals.
 Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
 Never judge a book by its cover.
 Look before you leap.

Match these proverb with Indonesian meanings.

English Proverbs Answer Indonesian meanings
1. When in Rome, do as a Romans do. ............ a. Hemat pangkal kaya.
2. A bird in a hands is worth two in the …………. b. Tak kenal maka tak sayang.
bush. c. Sambil menyelam minum air.
3. Look before you leap. …………. d. Dimana bumi dipijak disitu bumi dijunjung.
4. Hitch your wagon to star. …………. e. Kebersihan sebagian dari iman.
5. Out of sight out of mind …………. f. Lebih baik satu burung ditangan daripada
6. A friend in need, is a friend indeed. …………. banyak burung di pohon.
7. A penny saved is a penny earned. …………. g. Sesal kemudian tak berguna.
8. Killing two birds with one stone. …………. h. Siapa cepat dia dapat.
9. Cleanliness is next to godliness. …………. i. Teman yang baik adalah teman yang ada saat
10. First come, first served. …………. kita membutuhkannya.
j. Gantungkan cita-citamu setinggi langit.

Complete these following proverb with suitable word on the right.

Proverbs Answer Alternative choices
1. Hastes makes … ……….. a. spilt
2. A … in time saves nine. ……….. b. man
3. Ignorance is … ……….. c. hatched
4. You mustn’t cry … milk ……….. d. wastes
5. You can catch more flies with honey than you can catch with … ……….. e. mightier
6. Clothes don’t … the man. ……….. f. haystack
7. Don’t count your chickens before they are … ……….. g. grease
8. The pen is … than the sword. ……….. h. bliss
9. The squeaky wheel gets the … ……….. i. vinegar
10. Make a … while the sun shines. ……….. j. stitch

Match these proverbs with proper meanings on the right.
Proverbs Answe Meanings
1. All the glitter is not gold ……….. a. If you don’t work together in your team you will
2. A house divided cannot stand. ……….. lose.
3. The eyes are someone soul. ……….. b. Someone who doesn’t understand how to save
4. Brevity is the soul of wit. ……….. money will spend it quickly.
5. Curses, like chickens, come home to ……….. c. If you wish something bad on someone it will come
roost. back to haunt you.
6. Give credit where credit due. ……….. d. It’s a good idea to be nice to your neighbor, but it
7. The end of justifies the means. ……….. isn’t a good idea to become good friends.
8. A fool and his money are soon ……….. e. In intelligent statement doesn’t to be explained or
parted. ……….. elaborated.
9. Love your neighbor, yet don’t pull f. If you want to understand someone, look into their
down your hedge. ……….. eyes.
10. Nothing so bad but it might have g. The final goal is the most important thing. Do
been worse. whatever it takes to achieve your goal.
h. If someone does something well, you need to
recognize it even if you don’t like that person
i. No matter how bad your situation is, it isn’t as bad
as possible.
j. Not everything that seems wonderful is wonderful.

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