FAT Procedure For PLC Systems

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Date Time Tests Responsible



Name Company Title

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The document describes the goal with FAT, what should be tested and approved after completion. This
is done to get the delivery accepted by the customer and thereby minimize commissioning time at site.


- All functions meet given requirements and comply with given descriptions of the systems that
are included. This applies to both standard features and specially developed ones.

- Functions cooperate globally as intended for the various systems that are interconnected.

Database content

- Input data is consistent with requirements according to scope of delivery. Includes all relevant
types of data, images, I/O signals etc.

Performance and use of capacity

- Performance and capacity of individual systems and performance for functions meet given
requirements for different operating conditions

Hardware included in the tests

- Verification that the hardware used in tests is the same as in final delivery


Equipment at FAT should consist of the system that will be delivered as closely as possible.

System documentation is available in either electronic and or paper form.

At FAT, all errors, deviations and eventual wishes is to be noted down. When the decided measure
is taken, it is controlled and the form is signed again.

Signed FAT-description by purchaser and supplier is the record of an executed FAT.

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System configuration

FAT connection
At FAT configurations will be made as closely as possible according to delivery system with correct IP

System structure *Project*

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Make sure, that:

Hardware is delivered
Hardware is correctly installed
Test equipment and tools are available
Necessary documentation is available


1. Control that all test equipment is present, correctly installed and that FAT can be
performed safely.
3. Control hardware grounding.
4. Control voltage feeds and their connections.
5. Control bus interface.

Expected results:
1. All equipment that will be tested is delivered and installed correctly.
2. The system layout is in accordance with latest, approved documents. FAT area must be
clean and cabinets must be placed clearly.
3. Cabinets that will be tested are connected to earth.
4. Voltage feeds are connected to switching device in accordance to drawings.
5. Bus connection should if possible, be connected to the corresponding hardware
according to final form.
5 (6)


Ensure that the following documents are available:

1. FAT document
2. Drawings and layout
3. I/O-lists
4. Application program (Control builder)
5. Progress reports
6. Manuals

Expected results:
Documentation is available in either paper- or electronic form.
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Test equipment and tools

Control that the following equipment is available:
1. Programming tools
2. Multimeter
3. Synchronization simulator
4. I/O-test simulator

Expected results:
Test equipment and tools are available.
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AC800 controller test

Configuration of AC800 controller

IP addresses for the system is as follows:

(Note: this is just an example of a configuration)

Description IP address Node IP address Controller

no. configurated commissioned

AC800 Unit G1 (PM861) Primary 10

AC800 Unit G1 (PM861) Secondary 10

AC800 Unit G2 (PM861) Primary 20

AC800 Unit G2 (PM861) Secondary 20

AC800 Station computer (PM851) Primary 40

AC800 Station computer (PM851) Secondary 40

Excitation processor module G1 11

Excitation process panel PP836 G1 12

Excitation communication interface G1 13

Vibration monitoring MCM G1 17

Vibration monitoring MCM G2 18

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Excitation processor module G2 21

Excitation process panel PP836 G2 22

Excitation communication interface G2 23

PCU400 (Ethernet kort 1) 5

PCU400 (Ethernet kort 2)

Station computer AK-A95D01 (800xA) 2

(Ethernet card 1) primary control network

(Ethernet card 2) secondary control network 2

(Ethernet card 3) primary server network 2

(Ethernet card 4) secondary server network 2

(Ethernet card 5) RAP network Dynamic IP

(Ethernet card 6) IEC61850 network

Station computer AK-A92D01 (PGIM) 3

(Ethernet card 1) primary server network

(Ethernet card 2) secondary server network 3

(Ethernet card 3) primary server network Dynamic IP

(Ethernet card 4) spare network Dynamic IP

(Ethernet card 5) spare network Dynamic IP

3 (35)

(Ethernet card 6) spare network Dynamic IP

(PP846 process panel unit G1) ( (15)

Printer 16

Unit G1 protection relay sub 1 191

Unit G1 protection relay sub 2 192

Unit G2 protection relay sub 1 193

Unit G2 protection relay sub 2 194

Line L115 protection relay 195

Line L116 protection relay 196

50A rail NUS protection 197

Synchrotact synchronization 200

Synchrotact powering 201

4 (35)

Switch EDS-408 control network 200

Switch EDS-405 excitation G1 201

Switch EDS-405 excitation G2 202

Switch EDS-308 N/A

Switch EDS-308 N/A

Switch EDS-316 N/A

Switch RuggendCom RS900 Unit G1 N/A

Switch RuggendCom RS900 Unit G2 N/A

Switch 1 RuggendCom RS900 (Fortum Dist.) N/A

Switch 2 RuggendCom RS900 (Fortum Dist.) N/A

Description Date Sign

G1 & Station, system monitoring list completed for all components regarding HMI system.
(Service tags noted, MAC addresses noted).

The system is connected according to system layout, layout is controlled. Cable markings
for all communication units that are connected are also controlled.

All MAC addresses for switches noted down (following page).

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(NOTE: IP gateway address is set to, this is necessary to get communication to

the switch online after a power failure. In case the IP gateway is set to, the

Screenshots of MAC addresses for switches:

Switch EDS-408 Station

Switch EDS-405 Unit G1

6 (35)

Switch EDS-405 Unit G2

Switch RuggendCom RS900 Unit G1


Switch RuggendCom RS900 Unit G2


Switch 1 RuggendCom RS900 (Fortum Dist.)


Switch 2 RuggendCom RS900 (Fortum Dist.)


Switch EDS-405


Switch EDS-308
7 (35)


Switch EDS-308


Switch EDS-316

8 (35)

Controller load and capacity

system. Processor load is controlled by the programming tool (Control Builder) set to on-line
mode by choosing for all controllers. The observed results are inserted
in the table below:

Data N10 FAT N10 SAT N40 FAT N40 SAT

IO Appl IO Appl IO Appl IO Appl

Exectime act 13 31 16 35 14 31 16 73

Exectime max 14 32 16 36 14 32 17 76

Intervaltime req 130 260 130 260 50 250 130 260

Intervaltime max 370 468 447 671 467 619 431 591

Modulebus scan 100ms 100ms 100ms 100ms

Cyclic load % % % %

Total system load % % % %

Used memory % % % %

Max used 17% 17% 66% 65%


Max used 17% 17% 66% 65%

memory at stop

Warmstart stop ms ms ms ms

FAT: __.__.____ / __________________ (Completed with all I/Os connected)

Sitetest __.__.____ / __________________ (Completed with all I/Os connected)
9 (35)

Control that expected load is lower than recommended load / total load (max 70%).

Data N10 FAT N10 SAT N40 FAT N40 SAT

Max allowed
cyclic load = 70%

Max allowed total

system load = 70%

AC800 power supply monitoring

Monitoring of controller and remote I/O modules.

Tests are done at both FAT and SAT.

No. Description Node FAT SAT Sign

1 Disconnect 24V power supply A F1 (from DC 10

distribution panel) for controller. Alarm to alarm list and

2 Disconnect 24V power supply B F2 (from DC 10

distribution panel) for controller. Alarm to alarm list and

3 Disconnect power supply for both F1 and F2 (from DC 10

distribution panel). So that controller becomes
powerless. STALL alarm is activated immediately and
alarm is generated at station computer.

4 Disconnect 24V power supply A F1 for remote I/O panel 10

(Panel MP1-G1), alarm to alarm list and remote.
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5 Disconnect 24V power supply B F2 for remote I/O panel 10

(Panel MP1-G1), alarm to alarm list and remote.

6 Disconnect 24V power supply A and B for I/O cabinet 10

(Panel MP1-G1), this gives DI/DO alarm after 2min and
STALL alarm after 10s

7 Disconnect 24V power supply A F1 (from DC 40

distribution panel) for controller. Alarm to alarm list and

8 Disconnect 24V power supply B F2 (from DC 40

distribution panel) for controller. Alarm to alarm list and

9 Disconnect power supply for both F1 and F2 (from DC 40

distribution panel). So that controller becomes
powerless. STALL alarm is activated immediately and
alarm is generated at unit 1 & 2.

10 Disconnect 24V power supply A F1 for remote I/O panel 40

(Panel LU1), alarm to alarm list and remote.

11 Disconnect 24V power supply B F2 for remote I/O panel 40

(Panel LU1), alarm to alarm list and remote.

12 Disconnect 24V power supply A and B for I/O cabin 40

(Panel LU1), This gives DI/DO alarm after 2min and
STALL alarm after 10s
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All controllers have their own DO which is normally high. This shows that the controllers
have normal status (no critical fault).

At critical fault this DO goes down and activates DI in another controller (alarm from the
other controller) and STALL alarm to protection relay sub 1 & sub 2.

Date Sign


N10 DO124.15 =G1-A91.A01.XH11 Alarm from own controller and offload stop
to protection relay sub 1 & 2


N10 DO124.16 =G1-A91.A01.XH12 Alarm from station computer and fast stop
from protection relay 1 & 2





N10 DI103.4
=AK-A91.A01.XG01 TO G1
12 (35)

Monitoring test of AC800 STALL

Tests are done at both FAT and SAT.

No. Description AllUnitStatus

1 Take out an S800 I/O card (DI/DO/AI) All nodes

After 2min STALL alarm occurs

2 Take out an S800 I/O kort (DI/DO/AI) All nodes

Put it back within a minute, only gives alarm,

no STALL alarm.

3 Disconnect fiber/profibus between controller All nodes

and CI801. Put it back within 1min. Only
gives alarm (in case no STALL alarm is on
remote I/O. Critical fault (STALL) if
controller to update within

4 Disconnect AO card from runner control, All nodes

gives STALL alarm instantly and station
computer assumes combining.
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Description Date Sign

5 Test that alarm is generated at communication fault

against controller. Disconnect both Ethernet cables to
unit G1 controller. Activate an alarm in controller for
G1. Reconnect both Ethernet cables and verify that
alarm is generated in correct time.

(Note. alarm to panel846 will not be generated (no

event conf). But alarm to 800xA and remote will be

7 Test that alarm is generated at communication fault

against controller. Disconnect both Ethernet cables to
station controller. Activate an alarm in controller for
station. Reconnect Ethernet cables and verify that
alarm is generated in correct time.

(Note. alarm to panel846 will not be generated (no

event conf). But alarm to 800xA and remote will be
14 (35)

Tests are done for the following controllers:

Node Description FAT Date SAT Date Sign

N10 Unit G1 controller

N40 Station controller

Test of communication monitoring

Nr Description Date Sign

1 Separate scheme available for communication

(system layout). Mark controlled
communication units with green, also control
that cable numbers are available on all
communication cables.

2 Disconnect ethernet cable to excitation for unit

G1, control that alarm is generated and that
start conditions are no longer fulfilled.

3 Disconnect ethernet cable to PCU400, control

that alarm is generated and remote access is
connected automatically and alarm is sent
through reserve alarm sender.

4. Disconnect communication cable to operating

center, control that alarm is generated and
remote access is connected automatically and
alarm is sent through reserve alarm sender.
15 (35)

5 Disconnect profibus to VP800, control that

control signal becomes 0V

(In case turbine regulator tries to control the

throttle control error occurs after 10s and
mechanical stop is enforced. (Alarm is
generated immediately for the communication

Start disable is activated.

6. Disconnect profibus to AS800 (frequency

measurement), control that turbine regulator
transitions to RPM regulation. (Alarm is
generated immediately for communication

7 Disconnect profibus to MCM800. Alarm is

generated immediately for communication
fault, (Start conditions still ok!)

8 Disconnect profibus to remote I/O (+DA11),

Start conditions not fulfilled and alarm is
generated for communication fault, in case
STALL DO is on remote I/O the unit trips
STALL. A-Alarm is generated.

9 Disconnect one profibus fiber to remote I/O

(MP1-G1), alarm is generated but
communication is still OK! (Both ways
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10 Disconnect the second fiber to remote I/O

(MP1-G1), start conditions not fulfilled and
alarm is generated for communication fault, in
case no STALL DO is on remote I/O
everything works normally, after 2min STALL
alarm will be generated.

A-Alarm is generated.

14 Disconnect one profibus to remote I/O

(+DA1), alarm is generated for
communication fault, STALL alarm is
generated to unit computers. A-Alarm to alarm
list and remote.

15 Disconnect one profibus fiber to remote I/O

(LU1), alarm is generated but communication
is still OK! (both ways tested)

16 Disconnect the other fiber to remote I/O

(LU1), alarm is generated for communication

A-Alarm is generated.
17 (35)

Test of communication monitoring RNRP

(primary/secondary ethernet communication)

Nr Description AllUnitStatus

1 Disconnect primary ethernet cable from

AC800M controller for unit G1, control
system alarm list (network connection lost).
Alarm should trip as D-Alarm to remote!

Communication is still operational.

2 Disconnect secondary ethernet cable from

AC800M controller for unit G1, control
system alarm list (network connection lost).
Alarm should trip as D-Alarm to remote!

Communication is still operational.

3 Disconnect primary and secondary ethernet

cables from AC800M controller for unit G1,
control system alarm list (communication
error). Alarm should be generated as A-Alarm
to remote!

7 Disconnect primary Ethernet cable from

AC800M controller for station computer,
control system alarm list (network connection
lost). Alarm should trip as D-Alarm to remote!

Communication is still operational.

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8 Disconnect secondary ethernet cable from

AC800M controller for station computer,
Control system alarm list (network connection
lost). Alarm should be generated as D-Alarm
to remote!

Communication is still operational.

9 Disconnect primary and secondary Ethernet

cables from AC800M controller for station
computer, control system alarm list
(communication error). Alarm should be
generated as A-Alarm to remote!

10 Disconnect primary control network cable

from AK-A95D01 (800xA workplace) control
system alarm list (network connection lost).

Alarm should be generated as D-Alarm to

remote! Communication is still operational.

11 Disconnect secondary control network cable

from AK-A95D01 (800xA workplace) control
system alarm list (network connection lost)

Alarm should be generated as D-Alarm to

remote! Communication is still operational.

12 Disconnect primary & secondary control

network cables from AK-A95D01 (800xA
workplace) Control system alarm list (network
connection lost) Port fault in switch generates
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13 Disconnect primary server network cable from

AK-A95D01 (800xA workplace) Control
system alarm list (network connection lost)

Alarm should be generated as D-Alarm to

remote! Communication is still operational.

14 Disconnect secondary server network cable

from AK-A95D01 (800xA workplace) control
system alarm list (network connection lost).

Alarm should be generated as D-Alarm to

remote! Communication is still operational.

15 Disconnect primary & secondary server

network cables from AK-A95D01 (800xA
workplace) Control system alarm list (network
connection lost).

Alarm should be generated as A-Alarm to


16 Disconnect primary server network cable from

AK-A95D02 (PGIM workplace) Control
system alarm list (network connection lost).

Alarm should be generated as D-Alarm to

remote! Communication is still operational.

17 Disconnect secondary server network cable

from AK-A95D02 (PGIM workplace) control
system alarm list (network connection lost).

Alarm should trip as D-Alarm to remote!

Communication is still operational.
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18 Disconnect primary & secondary server

network cables from AK-A95D02 (PGIM
workplace) Control system alarm list (network
connection lost).

Alarm should trip as A-Alarm to remote!

19 Disconnect primary control network cable

from PCU400 control system alarm list
(network connection lost).

Alarm should trip as D-Alarm to remote!

Communication is still operational.

20 Disconnect secondary control network cable

from PCU400 control system alarm list
(network connection lost).

Alarm should trip as D-Alarm to remote!

Communication is still operational.

21 Disconnect primary & secondary server

network cables from PCU400 (PGIM
workplace) control system alarm list (network
connection lost).

Alarm should trip as A-Alarm to remote!

21 (35)


Test of fiber/copper ring station communication: Test is done at FAT.

In case 2 switches are connected as a ring-connection.

Testing will confirm that communication still works if failure in the ring occurs, and that
alarm is generated from every Ethernet switch in case a port is not connected.

Continued communication at fiber failure is controlled from OPC server in 800xA workplace
and that screenshots have delivered values.

1 Ring configuration between RuggedCom for unit is tested.

In case the ring is broken, alarm is generated to unit computer 1

& 2.

2 Control that communication works after power failure, is tested


Switch RuggedCom RS900 (IEC61850 G1)

Switch RuggedCom RS900 (IEC61850 G2)

Switch 1 RuggedCom RS900 (Fortum Distribution)

Switch 2 RuggedCom RS900 (Fortum Distribution)

Switch primary Control Network, EDS-408 (+DA1)

Switch primary Control Network, EDS-405 (Excitation G1)

Switch secondary Control Network, EDS-316

Switch primary server/client network, EDS-308

Switch secondary server/client network, EDS-308

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3 Control that alarm occurs when an Ethernet cable is disconnected

from the switch, is tested for:

Switch RuggedCom RS900 (IEC61850 G1)

Switch RuggedCom RS900 (IEC61850 G2)

Switch 1 RuggedCom RS900 (Fortum Distribution)

Switch 2 RuggedCom RS900 (Fortum Distribution)

Switch primary control network, EDS-408 (+DA1)

Switch primary controlNetwork, EDS-405 (Excitation G1)

Switch secondary control network, EDS-316

Switch primary server/client network, EDS-308

Switch secondary server/client network, EDS-308

23 (35)

Test of communication between AC800 controllers

The testing should verify that controllers can communicate with each other and that
communication stop generates alarm to alarm list. Communication alarm occurs after
controller has not been updated within 30s.

No. Description Date sign

1 Disconnect Ethernet cables to unit computer G1. Observe alarm from station computer.

2 Disconnect Ethernet cables to station computer. Observe alarm from unit computer G1.
24 (35)

STALL Alarm and OSP configuration

Stall alarm gives start blockage.

OSP (output set as predetermined) configuration, stall alarm signals are configurated to give
low signal instantly at communication fault, other DO maintain their actual value. OSP value
is to maintain actual value, except for STALL alarm, switch on brakes and hatch
closing/opening where OSP value should become a low signal.

No. Description Date sign

Control and mark controlled logic schemes with green for G1

STALL (mechanical and electrical stop)

Disconnect fiber during operation to G1 remote I/O cabinet,

control DO status that these change status at
communication fault. In case communication is gone more than
2min, STALL alarm will occur.

Note. Interlocks of pumps are hardwired.

Disconnect profibus to G1 remote I/O which contains a STALL

output. Output signal will immediately go low (

At unit G OSP value = 0.

Disconnect profibus for station remote I/O, outputs maintain

actual value.

OSP configuration for open/close hatch 2 OSP value = 0, input

goes low at communication fault to remote I/O.

OSP configuration for open/close hatch 4 OSP value = 0, input

goes low at communication fault to remote I/O.
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Test of signals to alarm/event list for PP846, 800xA and remote control.
DI signals are activated from process where it is possible or from simulated I/O card (FAT, at
SAT all signals are controlled according to circuit diagram). Calculated signals are controlled
from process and PLC-program.

No. Description Date sign

DI signals unit G1

Calculated signals unit G1

PT100 signals unit G1

AI signals unit G1

DO signals unit G1

AO signals unit G1

DI signals station computer

Calculated signals station computer

PT100 signals station computer

AI signals station computer

DO signals station computer

AO signals station computer

Remote control (PCU400)

See green marked I/O lists for documentation.

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No. Description Date sign

Visual check I/O list to hardware configuration in controller unit


Unit G1, control mA measurements with account for correct

scaling hardware configuration. Jämför mot panelinstrument.

Unit G1, visual check of signal list for calculated analogue signals
to PLC program. Control that all are printed in program.

Visual check I/O list to hardware configuration in station


Station computer, control mA measurements with account for

correct scaling in hardware configuration. Compare to panel

Station computer, visual check of signal list for calculated

analogue signals to PLC program. Control that all are printed in
27 (35)

Function test sequences G1


Whole sequence FAT simulation. Activate simulation mode for all objects that will be run
from sequence. For turbine regulator a separate simulator is built.

No. Description Unit 1 sign

Start to idle running without voltage

Start to idle running with voltage

Start to operation synchronization G1-S

Start from idle running without voltate to idle running with

Start from idle running without voltage to operation

Start from idle running with voltage to operation

From operation; Disconnection to idle running with


From operation; Disconnection to idle running without


From operation; to quick stop

From operation; to mechanical stop

From operation; to normal stop

28 (35)

Verify the following function:

In case T1-50-S breaker opens when unit is in operation,

sequence will go to idle running with voltage, turbine
regulator goes to idle mode.

Operator now has 2 possibilities, synchronize T1-50-S or

open G1-S and then switch T1-50-S breaker and
afterwards pressing start operation.
Verify the following function:

Unit is idle running with voltage, operator switches field

breaker off, excitation is de-excited and field breaker is
turned off.

Verify the following function:

Unit is operational, operator tries to switch off field

breaker, this is not possible because G1-S blocks off
switching of field breaker.

Verify the following function:

At synchronization of G1-S operator switches off G1-S

(cancel synchronization). Sequence is cancelled and jumps
to idle running with voltage. It is now possible to give a
new start sequence.
29 (35)

Sequence interrupts

Simulation of faults that interrupts the sequence.

No. Description Unit 1 sign

1 Long start time step 1,2,3, and 4

Start time set to 10s/step. Press start, sequence starts. Sequence

step is blocked and after 10s stop sequence is activated.

Alarm for actual step is generated with the message

2 Long excitation time step 5 and 6

Set step time to 10s/step and block that field breaker goes
to/excitation starts. After 10s stop sequence is activated.

Alarm for actual step is generated with the message

3 Long synchronization time step 7 and commanded phasing

of G1-S

Step time is changed to 10s/step.

After 10s sequence is cancelled and unit indicates idle running

with voltage.

Press G1-S phasing and change max synchronization time in

faceplate to 10s. Control that cancel phasing occurs after 10s.

4 Long mechanical stop time stop step 1

sequence goes on to step 2. Control that alarm is generated (long

stop time step 1).
30 (35)

5 Long disconnection time G1-S

Block output for G1-S switching off. At long step time STALL
alarm will activate and switch off breaker through SUB2.

Control that alarm is generated (long stop time step 2).

6 Long disconnection time/de-excitation time G1-FB

Block output for G1-FB switch off. At long step time STALL
alarm will be activated and disconnect breaker through SUB2.

Control that alarm is generated (long stop time step 3/4).

7 Long closing time D/S-valve

Block output for D/S valve. At long step time intake hatch will
close. (sequence will not continue before D/S-valve is in stop
mode or throttle closed)

8 Long stop time step 9

In case any object is in manual mode these will not be stopped

from stop sequence. After step time has expired, sequence jumps
to next step and unit to start blockage. (Unit is still
start ready).
31 (35)

Stop/Electrical stop/Mechanical stop Unit G1

Test of function

Nr Description Unit 1 sign

1 Control that all stops generate stops, control against logic


2 Control that all quick stops generate quick stops, control

against logic schemes.

3 Control that all mechanical stops generate mechanical stops,

control against logic schemes.
32 (35)

Control of blocking interlocks

Test of function from logic schemes.

No. Description Date sign

1 Control all logic schemes to real process. Interlocks stops

pumps according to logic scheme. G1 Control.

2 Control all logic schemes to real process. Interlocks breaker

according to logic scheme. G1 Control.

3 Go through all start blockings for unit G1.

7 Control all logic schemes to real process. Interlocks stop pumps

as they should. Station control.

8 Control all logic schemes to real process. Interlocks stop

breakers according to logic scheme. Station control.
1 (8)

Test of panel 800xA/PP846 process pictures

Panel for station, unit 1 and unit 2

No. Description Unit G1 Unit G2 Station

Panel pictures controlled. Breaker positions and

measurements done.

Commands and setpoints tested (see controller part).

Alarm/event list controlled to I/O list.

Panel pictures for station, unit G1 and unit G2

Process panel is backup control for 800xA system, from which one can see the objects that
are criteria to be able to start unit. It is possible to see start criteria/start blockings, alarm and
event list. It is not possible to control from this (breaker control is in adjacent panel,
start/stop of unit is also in adjacent panels). There are setpoints that can be changed from
process panel.

No. Process picture: Symbols Signals Date sign

Main (object switch)

Electrical line diagram

Unit G1, Start/Stop

2 (8)

Unit G1, Start blockings

Unit G1, Start conditions page 1

Unit G1, Start conditions page 2

Unit G1, Turbine_SP

Unitt G1, Voltageregulator_SP

Unitt G1, Temperature/Vibration

Unit G2, Start/Stop

Unit G2, Start blockings

Unit G2, Start conditions page 1

Unit G2, Start conditions page 2

Unit G2, Turbine_SP

Unit G2, Voltagereg_SP

Unit G2, Temperature/Vibration

3 (8)

800xA process pictures for station, Unit 1 and Unit 2

Following pictures defined and controlled, control all links by clicking diagnostics for every
process picture, no conflicts may occur. Max time for picture change until all objects are
loaded is 3s (for analogue signals and 1s for digital signals)

No. Process picture: Diagno Timing Errors & Date sign

stics (subscrip

Stationssida contains information about

object switch and production. In case
PCU400 is used for remote control there is
a link to remote control PCU400 at the
right side of process picture. Links to
various plant parts is also at start page.

Aggregatöversikt contains information

about all units operation status, MW, RPM,
ongoing start/stop, start ready etc.

Aggregat shows submenu for chosen unit.

Station shows submenu for station.

Vattenöversikt contains station control,

unit flow, wicket flows and water levels.

Dokumentation contains links to

documentation folders.
4 (8)

800xA process pictures for station

No. Process picture Diagno Timing Errors Date sign

stics (subscrip

Station contains station overview, flows,

power, MWh, object switch.

Enlinjeschema contains information about

switchgear: breaker, disconnector and
measurement values.

Lokalkraft 400V contains information

about local power, switching automation
and backup power.

Lokalkraft DC contains information about

distribution, battery voltage, rectifiers and

Ventilation contains information about

ventilation, fire dampers etc.

Systemöversikt contains overview over

control system like status for PC/Server
and PLC system.
5 (8)

800xA process pictures, unit G1

No. Process picture: Diagno Timing Errors Date sign

stics (subscrip

Aggregat contains information about unit

status, MW, RPM, ongoing start/stop, start
ready etc.

Generator contains information about

generator, excitation and auxiliary
equipment like brakes and lubrication oil

Turbin contains oil system regulation,

turbine signals and auxiliary equipment for
turbine control.

Start/stoppsekvens contains sequence for

stop and start. And also trend for start-up
containing throttle setpoint/actual value
runner position and effect.

Startfrigivning contains all of the starting


Startblockering contains all of the start

6 (8)

Kylvatten contains coolant water system

and drainage system.

Temperatur contains all temperatures for

actual unit and all stations temperatures.

Drifttider contains operating times for

actual objects and all station objects.
7 (8)

800xA process pictures, unit G2

No. Process picture: Diagno Timing Errors Date sign

stics (subscrip

Aggregat contains information about unit

status, MW, RPM, ongoing start/stop, start
ready etc.

Generator contains information about

generator, excitation and auxiliary
equipment like brakes and lubrication oil

Turbin contains oil system regulation,

turbine signals and auxiliary equipment for
turbine control.

Start/stoppsekvens contains sequence for

stop and start. And also trend for start-up
containing throttle setpoint/actual value
runner position and effect.

Startfrigivning contains all of the starting


Startblockering contains all of the start

8 (8)

Kylvatten contains coolant water system

and drainage system.

Temperatur contains all temperatures for

actual unit and all stations temperatures.

Drifttider contains operating times for

actual objects and all station objects.

800xA screenshots of process pictures

No. Description Unit G1 Unit G2 Station

1 800xA, take a screenshot of every process picture, and copy these into an
excel document.

2 800xA, take a screenshot of every process picture, and copy these into an
excel document.
1 (3)

Temperature monitoring Test Report


Project Name
Functunal Structure :


800xA Trends

Idle Mode, bearing temperatures:

Full load, bearing temperatures:

Full load, temperature stator windings/core:

2 (3)
3 (3)

Full load, temperature stator air:


Inspected by : Date :

Approved by : Date :
Signature of the Engineer or Client
1 (3)
2 (3)
3 (3)

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