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Optimal Location and Capacity of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC)

for Active and Reactive Loss Reduction in Transmission Lines with Genetic

Conference Paper · September 2013


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1 author:

Hasan Jalili
Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University


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© Science and Research Pioneers Institute (, International Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE2013), 26-28 September 2013, Istanbul Royal Hotel, Turkey

Optimal Location and Capacity of Thyristor

Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) for Active and
Reactive Loss Reduction in Transmission Lines with
Genetic Algorithm
Hasan Jalili

Sama technical and vocational training college, Islamic Azad University, Abhar Branch, Abhar, Iran.
[email protected]

Abstract--Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems These techniques yield better control of power and decrease
(FACTS) devices represents a recent technological development the losses in transmission lines. Also, they enhance the usable
in electrical power systems, which make utilities able to control capacity of transmission lines. The applications and
power flow and improve security of transmission systems. In
capabilities of these techniques in steady-state or dynamic
addition FACTS devices can be used to maximize transmission
system power loss. stability have been shown in different Studies [1]. FACTS
With the increasing growth of population and development of devices are able to change the apparent impedance of
industries, huge amount of sums are spent to increase the transmission lines; therefore they can be used for active and
production of electricity and installation of new units. In this reactive power control, as well as voltage control.
paper, a new method has been presented which reduces the In electricity networks, the optimal location of FACTS devices
aforementioned costs and prevents the losses in national capitals makes them able to control the power flows [2] and the system
and fuel sources. This method finds the optimal location of
load ability is increased consequently [3]. TCSC is one of the
Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) in transmission
FACTS devices that nowadays are widely used in transmission
network by using genetic algorithm. Due to the use of fossil fuels
in power plants, the application of this method is necessary in
networks throughout the world. The Optimal location of this
countries with the high cost of electricity. The effectiveness of the device for improving system load ability and voltage profile is
proposed method has been illustrated in IEEE 14-bus test system studied in [4]. Also, some literatures have studied the
as a case study. placement of FACTS controllers to damp out power system
oscillations [5] and transient stability assessment of power
Key words- TCSC; genetic algorithm; Active and Reactive systems containing series and shunt FACTS devices [6].
loss. One of the applications of TCSC in distribution networks is
the enhancement of power quality [7].
In this study, TCSC is used because it offers flexible control
I. INTRODUCTION with higher response rate than the variable series capacitor on
With the fast increase of population and development of lines impedance [8].
industries, governments have been forced to invest enormous To save the amount of investment for installation of new units
amounts of money for installation of new units as well as to and in order to prevent the waste of national assets, this paper
increase the electricity production capacity. One way to cope proposes a new method for loss reduction in transmission lines
with these troubles is to use the Flexible AC Transmission by using TCSC associated with genetic algorithm.
Systems (FACTS) devices and semiconductor technology.

© Science and Research Pioneers Institute (, International Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE2013), 26-28 September 2013, Istanbul Royal Hotel, Turkey


The structure of TCSC consists of compensating capacitor
C, bypass inductance L, thyristors and Metal Oxide Varistor
(MOV). The structure of TCSC is shown in Figure 1.
The degree of TCSC compensation is controlled by the
capacitor C. The main function of L is the reduction of short
circuit current and absorbed energy by MOV [9].
In the TCSC structure, thyristors are used to transform the
equivalent impedance of TCSC to meet the desirable
requirements in all kinds of power system conditions, such as
improving the stability, increasing the transmission capability Figure 2- V-I characteristic of a MOV
and restraining hypo-synchronization resonance. The MOV
block implements a highly nonlinear resistor to protect the A. Operating Modes in Normal Operation
fixed capacitor against over voltages. For the applications In normal operations, there are four modes of operation:
which require high power dissipation, several columns of blocking mode; bypass mode; capacitive boost mode; and
metal-oxide discs are connected in parallel. The nonlinear V-I inductive boost mode. When, thyristor valve is not triggered
characteristic of each column in the surge arrester is modeled
by a combination of three exponential functions as follows: and thyristors are in non-conducting state, the TCSC operates
in blocking mode and performs like a fixed series capacitor. In
αi bypass mode, the thyristor valve is triggered continuously and
V  I 
= ki   (1)
thyristors stay conducting at all times. In capacitive boost
Vref I  mode, a trigger pulse is supplied to the thyristor which it has
 erf 
forward voltage just before the capacitor voltage crosses the
The protection voltage obtained with a single column is zero line, so a capacitor discharge current pulse will circulate
specified by a reference current. By adding the discs of zinc through the parallel inductive branch. In inductive boost mode,
oxide in series to each column the required protection voltage the circulating current in the TCSC thyristor branch is bigger
is obtained. The V-I characteristic has been shown in Figure 2. than the line current. In this mode, the thyristor current is large
and the capacitor voltage waveform is very much distorted
from its sinusoidal shape [10].
B. Operating Modes during Faults
During a fault, different modes of operation could occur that
incorporates the TCSC protection equipments. These modes
are as follows:
• TCSC bypass operation with/without MOV
• Capacitive boost mode with/without MOV
• Inductive boost mode with/without MOV
• Blocked mode with/without MOV conduction
• Circuit breaker bypass
Figure 1- Configuration of TCSC The operating modes that are common in the steady state and
fault conditions are bypass mode, blocked mode, capacitive
boost mode and inductive boost mode without MOV
conduction. TCSC bypass mode with MOV conduction is
improbable because bypass mode decreases the capacitor
voltage considerably, and MOV operation is not necessary

© Science and Research Pioneers Institute (, International Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE2013), 26-28 September 2013, Istanbul Royal Hotel, Turkey

III. GENETIC ALGORITHM Genetic operators are the stochastic transition rules applied to
One method that can give us a global optimal solution is each chromosome during each generation procedure to
genetic algorithm. Genetic algorithm uses the principle of generate a new improved population from an old one. A
natural evolution and population genetics to yield an answer genetic algorithm usually consist of reproduction, crossover
near to global solution. The required design variables are and mutation operators.
encoded to a binary string as a set of genes which is • Reproduction
corresponding to the chromosomes in the biological systems. Reproduction is a probabilistic process for selecting two parent
Unlike the traditional optimization techniques that require one strings from the population of strings on the basis of “roulette-
starting point, they use a set of points as the initial conditions. wheel” mechanism, using their fitness values. This fact
Each point is called a chromosome and a group of ensures us the expected times that a string is selected is
chromosomes are called a population. The number of proportional to its fitness function w.r.t. the rest of population.
chromosomes in a population is usually selected to be Between Therefore, strings with the best fitness values have a higher
30 to 300. Each chromosome is a string of binary codes probability of contributing offspring.
(genes) and it may contain sub-strings. The merit of a string is • Crossover
judged by the fitness function, which is derived from the Crossover is the process of selecting a random position in the
objective function and it is used in successive genetic string and swapping the characters either left or right of this
operations. During each iterative procedure (referred to as point with another similarly partitioned string. This random
generation), a new set of strings with improved performance is position is called the crossover point.
generated by use of three genetic algorithm operators (namely • Mutation
reproduction, crossover and mutation). Mutation is the process of random modification of a string
In this paper, genetic algorithm for optimization of loss position by changing “0” to “1” or vice versa, with a small
reduction is used. probability. It prevents complete loss of genetic material
A. Initial Population through reproduction and crossover by ensuring that the
This population includes location and capacity of TCSC. probability of searching any region in the problem space is
Location span of TCSC is between 1 to 20 and capacity span never zero [10].
of this device is 0 to 70 percent of respective line impedance. Flow-chart of the optimization strategy is shown in figure 3.
In the other hand the compensation rate of TCSC in considered
0 to 70 percent of respective line impedance. IV. CASE STUDY
B. Fitness Function To investigate the validation of proposed technique, genetic
Genetic algorithm is essentially unconstrained search Algorithm has been applied to the following system in figure
procedures within a given represented space where the search 4.
is guided according to the fitness function. In this paper the
A. Network Parameters
fitness function is :
The data for the above mentioned system is taken from [7].
The detailed electrical and economic parameters of the
Loss = ∑ Ri ∗ I i + ∑ X i ∗ I i
2 2
(2) network components are shown below. The economical and
electrical parameters of the generators are defined in Table 1.
Where; Also, the parameters of loads and lines are selected as shown
Ri : Resistance in branch ith in Tables 2 and 3, respectively. The basis for the p.u.
calculations is 100 MVA.
X i : Reactance in branch ith
I i : Current in branch ith
The strings are stored according to their fitness and then they
are ranked accordingly. The roulette wheel selection scheme is
used for selecting the individuals for reproduction.
C. Genetic Operators

© Science and Research Pioneers Institute (, International Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE2013), 26-28 September 2013, Istanbul Royal Hotel, Turkey



Generate initial population

Input network data with TCSC in initial lines

Calculate load-flow and total loss in the


Evaluate objective function for each


Use reproduction to generate the initial


Figure 4- 14-bus standard IEEE network used for simulation

Apply genetic operators:
- crossover
- mutation

Evaluate objective function for offsprings

Choose between parents and offsprings to

make the new generation

Calculate ε:
ε: subtract of objective function in continues

NO ε < 1*10-4


i > 50 NO



Figure 3- Flowchart of the optimization strategy

© Science and Research Pioneers Institute (, International Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE2013), 26-28 September 2013, Istanbul Royal Hotel, Turkey


Bus Number Pg [MW] Qmin [MVar] Qmax [MVar]
1 232.4 -50 50
2 40 -40 50
3 0 0 40
6 0 -6 24
8 0 -6 24


Bus Number Active Power [MW] Reactive Power [MW]

2 21.7 12.7
3 94.2 19
4 47.8 -3.9
5 7.6 1.6
6 11.2 7.5
9 29.5 16.6
10 9 5.8
11 3.5 1.8
12 6.1 1.6
13 13.5 5.8
14 14.9 5


Line Number From Bus To Bus R[p.u.] X[p.u.]

1 1 2 0.01938 0.05917
2 1 5 0.05403 0.22304
3 2 3 0.04699 0.19797
4 2 4 0.05811 0.17632
5 2 5 0.05695 0.17388
6 3 4 0.06701 0.17103
7 4 5 0.01335 0.04211
8 4 7 0 0.20921
9 4 9 0 0.55618
10 5 6 0 0.25202
11 6 11 0.09498 0.19890
12 6 12 0.12291 0.25581
13 6 13 0.06615 0.13027
14 7 8 0 0.17615
15 7 9 0 0.11001
16 9 10 0.03181 0.08450
17 9 14 0.12711 0.27038
18 10 11 0.08205 0.19207
19 12 13 0.22092 0.19988
20 13 14 0.17093 0.34802

© Science and Research Pioneers Institute (, International Conference on
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE2013), 26-28 September 2013, Istanbul Royal Hotel, Turkey

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