Course Outline: Accounting Department Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya
Course Outline: Accounting Department Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya
Course Outline: Accounting Department Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya
Management Accounting EKA1205 - First/Second
Core Subject
LP Developer Coordinator Head of Study Program
(Signature) (Signature) (Signature)
Outcome Study Program
1. Working together and having social sensitivity and care for the community and the environment (S7);
2. Internalizing academic values, norms and ethics; (S9)
3. Showing responsibility for work in the field of expertise independently; (S10)
4. Internalizing the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship (S11)
1. Capable of applying logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of
science and technology that takes into account and applying the value of humanities (KU1)
2. Capable of showing independent, quality and measurable performance; (KU 2)
3. Capable of making appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving based on the results of information and data analysis;
4. Apable of presenting information and expressing ideas clearly, both verbally and in writing, to stakeholders (KU11)
1. Mastering the following terms (PP 3)
a. Calculation and control of product and service cost
b. Planning and budgeting
c. Activity based management
d. Performance measurement and control
2. Mastering theoretical concept of quality management in general (PP 4)
3. Mastering techniques, principals, and procedural knowledge regarding the use of information technology, application of information
technology, and database management (PP 9)
1. Capable of independently preparing a report of the results of the analysis of financial and non-financial information and relevant and
reliable related disclosures for managerial decision making by applying accounting and financial analysis techniques and methods. (KK6)
2. Independently capable of preparing and analyzing management accounting report, that includes production cost, planning and budgeting,
cost management, quality control, performance measurement, relevant and reliable benchmarking in supporting operational and strategic
decision making, as well as management control by applying management accounting technique (KK8)
Upon completing this course, students are expected to be able to describe about:
1. The use of activit- based management in product costing and activity cost planning
2. Calculation and performance analysis of decentralized company, both conventional or contemporary
3. The use of variable costing & absorption costing for CPV analysis and tactical decision making
4. Calculation and analysis of long-term investment decision making
5. Planning and controlling supply of raw materials and finished goods
6. Current issues in Management Accounting
Sub Competence
1. Capable of critically analyzing the needs of financial and non-financial information related to planning and controlling within the company
2. Capable of applying management accounting tools in planning, controlling and decision making
3. Capable of presenting the managerial report, in oral and written
4. Capable of working as a team to solve problems occur in management accounting
Management accounting curse is a course aiming at providing understanding and skill to the students to use accounting information in making
Description managerial decision. In which the managerial decision is related to the policy of cost allocation, budgeting, BEP analysis, determining selling
price, determining transfer price, performance measurement, and investment decision making
Reference Main:
1. Hansen, Don R., Maryane M. Mowen, ed. 8th, Management Accounting, Thompson South Western, 2008
Considering the very important factors of ethics and honesty in the accountant profession in carrying out their professional work, it is
necessary for students to always internalize the values of honesty and ethics while taking courses in Management Accounting.
Therefore, all forms of violations against it such as cheating, plagiarism, collusion, impersonation, inappropriate use of information
technology tools, and other unethical behavior are not tolerated in this course. If a student performs the forms of action as mentioned
earlier, then the student will be subject to disciplinary sanctions as follows:
Commitment a. Minor violations (plagiarism & impersonation while working on assignments): no valuation of each type of assignment is
and Academic suspected of violating commitments
Ethics b. Severe violations (cheating, collusion, and the use of information technology tools that are not appropriate in carrying out
summative tests): thwarting the completion of related subjects.
Therefore, to avoid students from various kinds of sanctions for violations, students are strongly encouraged to pay close attention to
every regulation issued by Universitas Brawijaya, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Accounting Department. (S9, S10, S11)
Learning Hardware
Software: Ms Excel Infocus, whiteboard, etc.
Media :
Teaching Member:
Methods/Learning Assessment
Week CP-MK Learning Material Strategies
(Estimated Time) Indicator Form Score
(MOW Ch. 3)
(MOW. Ch 8)
(MOW. Ch 10)
7 Sub Competence: 1. Break even Point 8%
Cost Analysis, Analysis + Profit
Volume, and Profit Target
2. Break even multiple
product analysis
3. Break Even Point
Analysis + Profit
Target (ABC)
Margin of Safety,
(MOW. Ch 11)
8 SK 2.1; SK 2.2; SK MID TEST SUMATIVE Answer completion (KU 1, KU 2: Rubric of 25%
2.3; SK 2.4; SK TEST C2 & C3) assessment
2.3;SK 2.5; SK 2.6 Answer Accuracy (KU 1, KU 2: questions and
C2 & C3) cases
16 SK 2.7; SK 2.8; SK 2. FINAL TEST SUMATIVE Answer completion (KU 1, KU 2: Rubric of 25%
TEST C2 & C3) assessment
Answer accuracy (KU 1, KU 2: C2 questions and cases
& C3)
Analysis precision (KU 1, KU 2:
C3 & C4)