Gjvat00108640000014848 PDF

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______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook____________________________________

LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GJVAT0010864000 / ANAR CHEMICALS LLP

lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name GJVAT00108640000014848 / DEEP PATEL
dk;kZy; dk uke | Office Name (SRO) VATWA
;w , u | UAN 101360347313
deZpkjh 'ks;j | Employee Share ₹ 1,770
fu;ksDrk 'ks;j | Employer Share ₹ 541

fooj.k Particulars tek Deposit fudklh Withdrawal isU'ku vU'knku

deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j deZpkjh 'ks;j fu;ksDrk 'ks;j Contribution
Employee Share Employer Share Employee Share Employer Share

Cont. For 102019 870 266 604

Cont. For 092019 900 275 625

OB Int. Updated upto 31/03/2019 0 0 0

Grand Total 1,770 541 0 0 1,229

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-11-2019 22:22:59

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.

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