Mamamedia Content Library, Characters, & Electronic Assets at A

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MaMaMedia Content Library, Characters, & Electronic Assets at a

Glance (Copyright 1995-2004 MaMaMedia Inc.)

The following is a list of key original electronic and content assets developed and
fully-owned by MaMaMedia, Inc. Each software, or e-asset, has been developed,
published, upgraded, and actively used by millions of visitors during the past 6
years. We have provided only brief descriptions here. A more detailed
description is available on request for any of the following items.

Platform Independence on the Internet – Unlike CD-ROM publications, all

MaMaMedia products are platform-independent, available via Internet with a
standard web browser, and require no downloading or special installation.
When kids save their creations on our servers, they become accessible from
anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Kids can have the same
experience from anywhere in their home, school, a library, or friend’s house—
they don’t need their own computer to enjoy the many activities found at

Variations Within Titles – Most of the software assets include multiple

themes, versions, or application modes. Also, most include features such as:
“Save”, “Print”, and “Make-My-Own-Game;” a timer (for game speed); settings
for various levels of difficulty; a “Send-to-a-Friend” viral-marketing engine; a
“Send-to-MaMaMedia” option for publishing art or a self-created game. (This
variety of features and themes is ideal for programming kids channel, licensing,
and customization for various content providers and distribution channels).

Measuring Title Popularity – The traditional metric for success in the CD-ROM
publishing industry is “units sold.” On the Internet we must use different
measures of popularity. For example, for activity titles with “create” and “save”
features, the Popularity Metrics we present below are based on total user
creations since the
title’s launch date
(different for each
title) through March
25, 2002. For all
other titles we use
the title’s traffic
levels during the
week of March 25,
2002. “Lifetime
Traffic levels” for a
given title are much
higher. For example,
a 5-year old title with
16,000 hits per week
has lifetime traffic
exceeding 4 million

Page 1
1. Interactive Software, Games, & Activities



Make Your Own


Difficulty Levels


Software Available Versions and
Description ularity
Title Themes Metric

Over 30 programmable 2 applications: City -builder, 16,935

Botblox robots & blocks Maze-maker hits/wk • • •

Figure animation Object-oriented, and 270,000

Flipsticks programming variable/numeric options creations • • • •

Frame That Cell-animation art 10 characters (skater, 162,000

programming elephant, clown, alien, etc.) creations • • •
26 themes (birthday, get-
Electronic animated 5.34 MM
Card Zapper messages
well, sports, new-year,
creations • •
groovy, etc.)
Secret Card Surprise greetings, 3 themes (Love, Happy, 815,549
Zapper send to yourself Surprise) creations • •

Electronic animated 6 themes (good luck!, way to 64,619

E-hugs messages for families go!, back to school, etc.) creations • •
16 applications (music band,
What’s the Animated story-weaver 805,300
& word processor
mystery, BBQ, basketball,
creations • • • •
Story etc.)
16 themes, 3 difficulty levels
Riddle 4,828
Riddles puzzle game (school, sports, not-funny,
hits/wk • • • • •
Machine yuck)
20 themes, 3 shape options 8,167
Jigsaw Kids’ art puzzle game
(peace, pets, flowers, toys) hits/wk • • • • •

16 themes, 3 options: 9, 12, 2,143

Jumbler Visual puzzle game
16 pieces (cars, music, etc.) hits/wk • • • • •
20 themes (music-mania,
Word-finder puzzle 132,918
Mindbender game
USA, circus, Game-Time,
creations • • • • • •
Wallpaper Backgrounds for 20 themes (space, sports, 866,360
Zapper personalized interfaces peace, flowers, bugs, etc.) creations • •
Buttons for
Button 4 designs options (circles, 625,983
personalized user
stars, blobs, letters) creations • •
Zapper interfaces
18 themes (circus, farm, sea,
Stamps & Desk-top publishing 76,215
toys, tree-house, inventions,
creations • • • •
Stomps etc.)
Open-ended, used for kids
Simple freehand digital 11,013
Paint Tool art tool
digital art and galleries
hits/wk • • • •
Open-ended, 3 themes, 5
Kids’ Web Freehand digital art 16,320
with animal brushes
smart brushes, links to
hits/wk • • • • •
Paint related sites
Simple web-page 6 buildings 5 designs each, 565,944
Presto builder links to personalized spaces creations • • •
3 characters, 4 actions to
Cartoon 8,207
Character animation create various animated
hits/wk •
Castles scenarios
DigSig Wacky creatures, 30 heads, 30 torsos, 30 legs 1.26 MM
Zapper Digital Signatures - 27,000 combinations creations • • •

Page 2
2. Kid Community-Building Software and Applications

Admin. Tool

Human Filtered
Featured Member

COPPA Compliant



Make Your Own

Available Versions
Software Title Description
and Themes

Audience Topical form-based Multiple choice and open-

surveys ended questions on topics • • • •
5 answer choices with real-
See what other kids
KidSay Polls think about issues
time results. Results are • • • • •
Gadget for reading and
Laugh Attack publishing jokes
15 themes, 100 jokes • • • • • • •
Guiding questions and
Message Boards Safe messaging for kids human filtering ensure safe • • • • •
constructive communication
M-Gang’s communication Guiding email question. Not
Mail Bytes gadget real-time, selected emails. • • • • • •
30 themed-galleries
Create and publish your
Kids’ Gallery own art
(Space, Music, Food, Haiku, • • • • • •
Monsters, etc.)
4 clubs: Games,
An online after-school
Clubs activity with certificate
Computers, Sports, and • • • • • • •
Archive of member Visit the favorite safe sites
Visit Surf Picks bookmarks of of thousands of other • • •
MaMaMedia Romp sites members
Read about them,
Site Hosts: Jessie, Devin,
Meet the M-Gang communicate with them,
Zach • •
and read their jokes
Features: Artist of the
M-Gang Shoutout The M-gang newsletter week, Joke of the week, • • • •
puzzles & games
Content in 4 channels &
Programmed “top-spots” of the week • •
Site-Map and month
Rotating Message User messages are posted
Kid2Kid Marquee Billboard for all to view. • • • •
Visit the Presto web-pages
Archive of member
Visit Prestos “Presto” web-pages
of thousands of other • • •

Page 3
3. Kid-Safe Web Surfing: Database of Sites, Directories, Search

Software Title Description, Versions, & Themes

Hierarchical visual directory of websites.

Sandwich Shop
5 Super-web-sandwiches, 249 sub-
categories, total of 3,400 sites.

Make and edit your own directory of

Sandwich Maker

Created by using the Sandwich Maker,

My Own Sandwich
automatically appears in the ROMP menu.
A map-based countries-directory of
My Planet Directory
websites. Covering 12 countries, 5-10
categories for each, 200 sites.
A thematic directory of websites. 50
Pick-Packs categories, 200 sites (Math, Science,
Horses, Crafts).
An associative directory of websites. 8
Surfing Parties party-themes, 250 sites (Rocks, Shells,
Blue sites, etc.)
Website picks by the M-Gang members. 3
M-Gang Picks hosts-characters, 30 sites recommended by
Personal book-marking system of sites from
My Surf Picks
MaMaMedia website database.

Surf Smarts Guide Guide for kids and parents includes the 10
smart rules to follow

Word Search A-to-Z search of all Romp Channel sites.

4. Grownups Channel: Original Content and Projects for Parents &


Titles for Parents Description, Versions, & Themes

10 articles by CEO Idit Harel and 8 articles

21s t Century Learning by Seymour Papert 10 as well as other
resources and links.
MaMaMedia site guide for parents
Our Activities addressing the learning value and skills
each MaMaMedia activity provides.
Animated greetings for parents to send
E-Hugs (details in section 1 function matrix) kids: 6 themes (good luck!, way to go!,
back to school, etc.).

Page 4
Titles for Parents (cont.) Description, Versions, & Themes

10 Saturday-morning online activities for

parents and kids to do together

Web Safety Center (guide for parents on

Internet Safety Education guide with links
guiding kids)

Site Map (visual guide for MaMaMedia on Content in our 4 channels & “top-spots” of
one page) the week/month

Privacy Policy Explaining COPPA & online safety

Explaining Internet technical terms and

Technical Help

About MaMaMedia Vision, Awards, In the News, FAQ

Titles for Teachers Description, Versions, & Themes

Teacher Sign- In
Registration engine designed for educators

Set- Up Your Class Registration engine for students

Publish Your Lesson How to submit a lesson plan for publication

50 lesson plans written by teachers for

Learning & Teaching with teachers, organized according to subject,
with the Internet in the classroom grade-levels, and national standards (NCTE,
NCTM, etc.)

5. Permanent Gateways: Content Hubs for Community-Building,

Customer Loyalty, and Viral Marketing
• HQ4Girls – A mini-MaMaMedia just for Girls (15 activities that girls love)
• HQ4Peace – A mini-MaMaMedia about Peace (8 activities about Peace)
• MaMaRaMas – Thematic collections of MaMaMedia activities (2 options: space or bugs)
• DigSigGames – 3 Games: Cards, Stamps, DigSig Zapper, and BoyBot-Boogie Movie
• FunFest – An action-oriented, episodic series of online activities (one per day)
centered on a common theme (Back-to-school, April Fools, Mother’s Day, etc.)

Page 5
6. MaMaMedia Core Infrastructure Features:

• COPPA-Compliant Registration (one for kids, one for adults)

• Feature-based User Authentication
• Statistical Processing and Reporting Systems (all offering data by date range, on a
daily, weekly, or monthly basis):
• Traffic Levels (aggregate and by individual URL)
• Message Board Statistics (by topics)
• User Participation Statistics (creations by activity)
• User Demographics (email, parent email, age, gender, birthday, etc.)
• Ad Serving & Rotation Capabilities
• Editorial and Channel Promotions Capabilities
• Automated Email-based User Retention System
• Kana CSRM System (with automated response and message filtering rules)

7. Data Assets

• Member data with COPPA-permissible demographics (over 5 million registrations,

including kids email, parents email, kids age, gender, birthday, state, etc.)
• Saved kid creations (roughly 20 million creations)
• Site traffic and usage data (including millions of click-stream observations)
• Directory of kids-safe websites (3,400 categorized and grouped websites)
• Custome r Service Messages and Responses (in Kana)

8. MaMaMedia Characters

8.1 THE M-GANG CHARACTERS are the 3 popular hosts of the
website. Jessie, Devin, and Zach are the ideal role models for the Clickerati
generation—today’s kids, ages 6-12—which cannot imagine the world without the
Internet. Their detailed profiles, characteristics, and interests can be found online in
“Meet the M-Gang” in the BUZZ Channel. Since 1996 they have received millions of
emails and ideas from kids from all over the world.

“Hey! We're the M-Gang. Devin, Jessie

and Zach. We’re characters at
MaMaMedia. You'll be seeing a lot of us
around here on the website, showing
you some of the coolest stuff to make,
play and explore--like the M-Gang Picks
or the M-Gang Shout Out. (We made
them ourselves.) We love computers,
the Internet and especially MaMaMedia.
And we’re here to help you if you have
any questions about computers, the Net
or how to do anything on this site. Just
email us!”

Page 6
8.2 DIGSIGS or Digital Signatures are hand-made characters that combine to
create an electronic identity using the DigSig Zapper. With hundreds of heads,
torsos, and legs, kids can choose their unique identity from 400,000
variations. The characters are designed with a unique graphic style, based on hand-
rendered illustrations; the “hand-made” quality communicates a distinctive humor
and style, equally appealing to boys and girls. Over 1 million DigSigs have been
created since their launch in 1996.

Meet a Few of Our Favorite DigSigs

Left: “SpaceCasey” is a 2-headed

alien; Species: Alienopede;
Special Power: 360 degree vision,
ultra fast, super juggler.

Middle: “BoyBot” is a Gadget

boy; Species: Humanoid; Special
Power: extremely wired, stomach
and eyeglass can tr ansmit

Right: “FlashFly ” is a Firefly;

Species: Bug-o-saurus; Special
Power: illuminating antennae can
transmit messages, performs
flying rescues.

Page 7
8.3 T HE WEBT ALKERS are a special set of 5 characters featured in the
MaMaMedia WebTalk activities. They speak the WebTalk language—a combination of
cool phrases in the form of acronyms such as LOL (Laugh Out Loud), F2F (Face to
Face), and CUL (see you later), and Emoticons, which are shorthand for conveying
complex emotions using
special characters found on a
computer keyboard such as:

:-) ;-) 0=:-o

The MaMaMedia WebTalk

online game -series invites
kids to indulge their love of
communicating in secret
languages and codes.


How to spell her name in WebTalk: 0=:-o
The same way to say, “I’ve got a great idea!”

How to spell her name in WebTalk: :-X
The same way to say, “My lips are sealed.”

How to spell his name in WebTalk: LOL
The same way to say, “Laugh Out Loud.”

How to spell his name in WebTalk: ;-)
The same way to say, "Just kidding."

How to spell his/her name in WebTalk: |-0
The same way to say, “I’m bored.”

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