S1.State Variable Representation

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Session 1:

State Variable representation

Session objectives:
Represent the system equation in various state space models

Students will be studying the course first time so the students should have knowledge of
linear control system.

Comparison of transfer function and state variable analysis:

The key advantage of transfer functions is in their compactness, which makes them
suitable for frequency-domain analysis and stability studies. However, the transfer function
approach suffers from neglecting the initial conditions. Not only does state-space
representation serve as an alternative to transfer functions, but also it is not limited to linear
and time-invariant systems and it has the following advantages:
1. Single-input-single-output and multi-input-multi-output systems can be formally
treated equal.
2. The state-space representation is best suited both for the theoretical treatment of
control systems (analytical solutions, optimisation) and for numerical calculations.
3. The determination of the system response in the homogeneous case with the initial
condition is very simple.
4. This representation gives a better insight into the inner system behaviour. General
system properties, for example, the system controllability or observability can be
defined and determined.


Concept of State, State Space, State Vector:

Modern control theory solves many of the limitations by using a much “richer”
description of the plant dynamics. The so-called state-space description provide the dynamics
as a set of coupled first-order differential equations in a set of internal variables known as
state variables, together with a set of algebraic equations that combine the state variables into
physical output variables.
The concept of the state of a dynamic system refers to a minimum set of variables,
known as state variables, that fully describe the system and its response to any given set of
inputs [1-3]. In particular a state-determined system model has the characteristic that:

A mathematical description of the system in terms of a minimum set of variables xi(t),

i = 1,...,n, together with knowledge of those variables at an initial time t0 and the
system inputs for time t ≥ t0, are sufficient to predict the future system state and
outputs for all time t>t0.
This definition asserts that the dynamic behaviour of a state-determined system is
completely characterized by the response of the set of n variables xi(t), where the number n is
defined to be the order of the system.
The system shown in Fig. 1 has two inputs u1(t) and u2(t), and four output variables
y1(t),...,y4(t). If the system is state-determined, knowledge of its state variables (x1(t0),
x2(t0),...,xn(t0)) at some initial time t0, and the inputs u1(t) and u2(t) for t ≥ t0 is sufficient to
determine all future behavior of the system. The state variables are an internal description of
the system which completely characterize the system state at any time t, and from which any
output variables yi(t) may be computed.
Large classes of engineering, biological, social and economic systems may be represented by
state-determined system models. System models constructed with the pure and ideal (linear)
one-port elements (such as mass, spring and damper elements) are state-determined system
models. For such systems the number of state variables, n, is equal to the number of
independent energy storage elements in the system. The values of the state variables at any
time t specify the energy of each energy storage element within the system and therefore the
total system energy, and the time derivatives of the state variables determine the rate of
change of the system energy. Furthermore, the values of the system state variables at any
time t provide sufficient information to determine the values of all other variables in the
system at that time.

There is no unique set of state variables that describe any given system; many different sets
of variables may be selected to yield a complete system description. However, for a given
system the order n is unique, and is independent of the particular set of state variables chosen.
State variable descriptions of systems may be formulated in terms of physical and measurable
variables, or in terms of variables that are not directly measurable. It is possible to
mathematically transform one set of state variables to another; the important point is that any
set of state variables must provide a complete description of the system. In this note we
concentrate on a particular set of state variables that are based on energy storage variables in
physical systems.

State Equation of the System:

A standard form for the state equations is used throughout system dynamics. In the
standard form the mathematical description of the system is expressed as a set of n coupled
first-order ordinary differential equations, known as the state equations, in which the time
derivative of eachstate variable is expressed in terms of the state variables x1(t),...,xn(t) and
the system inputs u1(t),...,ur(t). In the general case the form of the n state equations is:
where ˙𝑥𝑖 = d𝑥𝑖 /dt and eachof the functions 𝑓𝑖 (x, u, t), (i = 1,...,n) may be a general nonlinear,
time varying function of the state variables, the system inputs, and time.
It is common to express the state equations in a vector form, in which the set of n state
variables is written as a state vector x(t)=[x1(t), x2(t),...,xn(t)]T , and th e set of r inputs is
written as an input vector u(t)=[u1(t), u2(t),...,ur(t)]T . Eachstate variable is a time varying
component of the column vector x(t).
This form of the state equations explicitly represents the basic elements contained in the
definition of a state determined system. Given a set of initial conditions (the values of the xi
at some time t0) and the inputs for t ≥ t0, the state equations explicitly specify the derivatives
of all state variables. The value of each state variable at some time ∆t later may then be found
by direct integration.
The system state at any instant may be interpreted as a point in an n-dimensional state
space, and the dynamic state response x(t) can be interpreted as a pathor trajectory traced out
in the state space. In vector notation the set of n equations in Eqs. (1) may be written:

x˙ = f (x, u, t).

where f (x, u, t) is a vector function with n components 𝑓𝑖 (x, u, t).

In this note we restrict attention primarily to a description of systems that are linear and time-
invariant (LTI), that is systems described by linear differential equations with constant
coefficients. For an LTI system of order n, and with r inputs, Eqs. (1) become a set of n
coupled first-order linear differential equations withconstant coefficients:

where the coefficients 𝑎𝑖𝑗 and 𝑏𝑖𝑗 are constants that describe the system. This set of n
equations defines the derivatives of the state variables to be a weighted sum of the state
variables and the system inputs. Equations (8) may be written compactly in a matrix form:

which may be summarized as x˙ = Ax + Bu

where the state vector x is a column vector of length n, the input vector u is a column vector
of length r, A is an n × n square matrix of the constant coefficients 𝑎𝑖𝑗 , and B is an n × r
matrix of the coefficients 𝑏𝑖𝑗 that weight the inputs.
Output Equations:
A system output is defined to be any system variable of interest. A description of a
physical system in terms of a set of state variables does not necessarily include all of the
variables of direct engineering interest. An important property of the linear state equation
description is that all system variables may be represented by a linear combination of the
state variables 𝑥𝑖 and the system inputs 𝑈𝑖 . An arbitrary output variable in a system of order n
with r inputs may be written:

where the 𝑐𝑖 and 𝑑𝑖 are constants. If a total of m system variables are defined as outputs, the
m such equations may be written as:

or in matrix form:

The output equations, Eqs. (8), are commonly written in the compact form:

Y = Cx + Du

where y is a column vector of the output variables 𝑦𝑖(𝑡), C is an m×n matrix of the constant
coefficients 𝑐𝑖𝑗 that weight the state variables, and D is an m × r matrix of the constant
coefficients 𝑑𝑖𝑗 that weight the system inputs. For many physical systems the matrix D is the
null matrix, and the output equation reduces to a simple weighted combination of the state

Y = Cx

The complete system model for a linear time-invariant system consists of (i) a set of n state
equations, defined in terms of the matrices A and B, and (ii) a set of output equations that
relate any output variables of interest to the state variables and inputs, and expressed in terms
of the C and D matrices. The task of modeling the system is to derive the elements of the
matrices, and to write the the system model in the form:
The matrices A and B are properties of the system and are determined by the system
structure and elements. The output equation matrices C and D are determined by the
particular choice of output variables. The overall modeling procedure developed in this
chapter is based on the following steps: 1. Determination of the system order n and selection
of a set of state variables from the linear graph system representation.
2. Generation of a set of state equations and the system A and B matrices using a well defined
methodology. This step is also based on the linear graph system description.
3. Determination of a suitable set of output equations and derivation of the appropriate C and
D matrices.

Upon completion Students will be able to:

1. Explain comparison of transfer function and state variable analysis

2. Explain the concept of state, state space, state vector
3. Understand what state space representation is

Teaching Learning Material:


Student Activity:
Knowledge, Understanding

Explain state space modeling.

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