A Study On Customer Perception of Himalayan Motorcycle of Royal Enfield After Relaunch
A Study On Customer Perception of Himalayan Motorcycle of Royal Enfield After Relaunch
A Study On Customer Perception of Himalayan Motorcycle of Royal Enfield After Relaunch
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1 author:
Geevarathna ..
Acharya Bangalore B-School
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(Damodaran, 2018). The CEO of Royal wheelers in Rayalaseema region cities like
Enfield India is Siddhartha Lal. Royal Tirupati, Anantapur, Kadapa and Karnool.
Enfield is the most trusted bike for more Likewise, the study intends to look at the
than 6 decades. Government of India influence of regions on consumer's
ordered 800 350cc bullet models. perception on their preference, attitude,
Illustrious Enfield one of the predominant decision making and satisfaction. The
brand and most offering bike in India and finding uncovers that the perception of
outside India (USA, Europe, Australia et consumers towards the two wheeler
cetera). Regal Enfield cruisers had been purchase decision differ widely. The
sold in India from 1949. In 1955, the Indian researcher finds that "region" effect is an in
government hunt down a sensible bicycle substantial factor in two wheeler users'
for its police and outfitted compel, for use evaluation (Ferrando et al., 2000). Other
viewing the country's edge (Davis, 2017). factors such as promotional schemes,
To the degree the cruiser mark goes, be that Performance, utilitarian advantages,
as it may, without a doubt Royal Enfield is personal factors and value added benefits
the brand to cross three centuries, and up were perceived by consumers in four cities
'til now going, with unending era. Item as more essential than regions. The finding
extend has augmented and the client has that the impression of shoppers towards the
created. bike buy choice contrast broadly. The
Need for the Study analyst finds that "area" impact is an in
The main significance of the study is to generous figure bike clients' assessment.
understand the consumer perception Different variables, for example, special
attributes towards Himalayan motorcycle. plans, Performance, utilitarian advantages,
To understand the area covered by individual elements and esteem included
Himalayan motorcycle and also to find out were seen by purchasers in four urban areas
the new demand for the motorcycle after as more than locales. Harvinder Singh et al.
the relaunch. To know the customer (2016) analysed showcasing choices taken
satisfaction towards the motorcycle after by Royal Enfield Motors Ltd for its
the relaunch. mainstream cruiser mark Enfield.
Literature Review Beginning from the beginning of the brand
Koti, Delli Kumar.; Prasad, P. Balaji (2016) and the organization, this case thinks the
analysed consumers 'awareness, phase when it confronted the predicament
preferences and purchase decision of two of whether to shutdown, auction or restore
the business (Savitz, 2013). The 3. To know about the consumer awareness
circumstance was the result of negative about the promotional strategy adopted by
ecological strengths and improper systems Royal Enfield for Himalayan Motorcycle.
received by the organization. This venture 4. To find out the current and future
takes note of how the organization demand for the Himalayan motorcycle after
developed its showcasing blend to restore the relaunch.
the brand. Research Methodology
Royal Enfield Himalayan Motorcycle was Descriptive research design is used for the
given promotion and advertisement study. Using this research design researcher
importance than other bikes. When the bike can know more about the problem being
was launched, the customers had to go studied and new idea can be generated.
through problems and was recalled and Structured Questionnaire has been used and
relaunched again with the corrections discussed personally with the respondents
(Rosen, 2002). After relaunch, the sales are to get their response. The secondary data
not up to the expectations. So this study sources are referred from books, website
tries to aim the customer perception etc. A sample size of 100 has been chosen
towards the bike after relaunch. for the study. The sampling done from
Scope of the Research Potential customers, students and
This study looks at consists of consumer’s professionals using convenient sampling.
reaction and recognition to Himalayan The questionnaire was framed based on the
motorbike, of Royal Enfield. The effects objective of the project. This questionnaire
are restrained by way of the sample size was distributed to the owners of owners of
100 numbers and therefore the opinion of the Royal Enfield and Potential customer of
simplest selected customers is considered. Royal Enfield for the data collection. Data
especially this take a look at has restricted was collected from the students and
scope simplest interior Bangalore. professionals were analyzed using
Objectives Percentage Analysis and chi square.
1. To find out the brand awareness of Data Analysis and Interpretation
different models of Royal Enfield. Records inference can be described as “the
2. To know consumer perception attributes application of the statistical processes to
towards Himalayan Motorcycle. analyze specific discovered or assumed
facts from a specific study”. Inference is
the system with the aid of which that means
We can clearly know that majority of the majority of the respondent own Royal
respondents top of mind bike is Royal Enfield Classic 350.
Enfield Classic (52) Main Purpose of Using the Bike
Sources of Awareness of Royal Enfield Out of 100 respondents 66 use bike for long
Models drive, 33 respondents use it for city rides,
Out of 100 respondents we can get to know 29 respondent use bike for touring, 28
that product awareness for royal Enfield respondents for office rides and 33
bikes are by news paper is 6, 3 of the respondents use for college.It can be
respondent know Royal Enfield bikes inferred that majority of respondent use
through face book, magazine is 6 , friends bike for long drives.
and relatives is 70, and product knowledge Attributes of a Bike Which Respondents
from other sources is 18. are Looking For
It is inferred that majority of the From the above date it is analyzed that 48
respondents are of the products of Royal of respondents strongly agree, 38 agree, 10
Enfield through friends and relatives. neither agree nor disagree, 3 disagree and 1
Respondents Who Own a Royal Enfield strongly disagree that they look for in a
Bike bike while purchasing.51 of respondent
From the above data it can be analyzed that strongly agree, 32 agree, 12 neither agree
out of 100 respondents 41 of the respondent nor disagree, 3 disagree, and 2 strongly
own Royal Enfield bike and 59 don’t own disagree that they look out for mileage
bike. Majority of the respondent don’t own while purchasing a bike.
any of the Royal Enfield Bike. 69 of the respondent strongly agree, 26
Model of Bullet the Respondents Owning agree, 4 neither agree nor disagree and 1
From the above data it is understood that strongly disagree that comfort is what they
9.15 of respondent are owning bullet 350, look for while buying a bike. 59 of the
3.6 of the respondents are owning bullet respondents strongly agree, 28 agree, 11
500, 9.1 of the respondent are owning neither nor disagree, 1 disagree and 1
Electra, none are owning Electra x and strongly disagree that they look for pick up
classic 500, 12.7 are owning thunderbird while buying of bike. 48 of the respondents
350, 38.2 of the respondent are owning strongly agree, 36 agree, 15 neither nor
classic 350, 3.6 of the respondents classic disagree, 0 disagree and 1 strongly disagree
chrome, desert storm, continental GT, and that they look for appeal while buying of a
Himalayan respectively. It is inferred that bike. The respondents look out for comfort
in first place, second are pick up and third majority of respondents have mixed or
is mileage and fourth is price and appeal. neutral feeling towards Himalayan
Frequency of Respondents Going for a Motorcycle.
Long Trip Perception of Features With Respect to
From the above data it can be analyzed that Himalayan Motorcycle:
8 of the respondent go for long drive From the above data it can be analyzed that
weekly once, 22 of respondents go monthly 16 of the respondents say excellent, 41
once, 14 respondents go monthly twice on good, 37 say average, 5 say below average
long trips, 26 of respondents go on 2 and 1 are not satisfied with the ignition of
months once long trip, 17 of respondents go Himalayan Motorcycle.23 of the
on long trip 6 months once, 6 respondents respondents say excellent, 37 good, 35 say
go yearly once, and 7 respondents don’t go average, 4 say below average and 1 are not
on any long trip on bikes. It can be inferred satisfied with the pickup of Himalayan
that majority of the respondents go 2 Motorcycle. 21 of the respondents say
months once on long trips. excellent, 39 good, 31 say average, 8 say
Consumer Awareness on Himalayan below average and 1 are not satisfied with
Motor Cycle. the breaking of Himalayan Motorcycle.9 of
From the above data we can find out that the respondents say excellent, 36 good, 43
85% of the respondents are aware of say average, 9 say below average and 3 are
Himalayan motorcycle and 15% not satisfied with the fuel efficiency of
respondents are not aware of Himalayan Himalayan Motorcycle.27 of the
Motorcycle. respondents say excellent, 35 good, 29 say
Inferred that majority of the respondents average, 6 say below average and 6 are not
are aware of Himalayan Motorcycle. satisfied with the appeal of Himalayan
Satisfaction of Royal Enfield Himalayan Motorcycle.
Motorcycle and Expectations From the above data majority for the
From the data it can be analyzed that 7 of respondents have good perception towards
the respondents fully satisfied perception, Himalayan motorcycle.
18 have satisfied perception, 35 have Number of Respondents Who Have
neutral perception, 22 dissatisfied Taken a Test Ride of Royal Enfield of
perception and 18 have fully dissatisfied Himalayan Bike in Any Showroom.
perception towards Himalayan Motorcycle. From the above data we can see that only
From the above data it can be inferred that 43 of the respondents have taken a test ride
majority of the respondents feel maybe the above data that majority feel that high
club initiation helps in buying of Royal maintenance is the barrier in purchasing
Enfield Himalayan. Himalayan bike
From above data it is clearly shown that 81 Most Required Feature/ Opinion While
of the respondents have visited Royal Purchase of a Bike
Enfield showroom where 19 respondents From the above data it can be analyzed that
have not visited From the above analysis it 52 respondents have ranked 1, 28 have
can be inferred that majority of the ranked 2, 10 have ranked 3 and 6 ranked 4
respondents have visited Royal Enfield for price as most required feature while
showroom .From the above data 17 purchasing a bike.
respondents were fully satisfied , 23 From the above data it can be analyzed that
satisfied, 36 neutral, 15 dissatisfied and 9 29respondents have ranked 1, 42 have
fully Dissatisfied towards sales executive ranked 2, 15 have ranked 3 and 9 ranked 4
regarding Himalayan Bike. It can be for style and power as most required
inferred that majority of the respondents feature while purchasing a
were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied or bike.32respondents have ranked 1, 17 have
neutral with the sales executive regarding ranked 2, 49 have ranked 3 and 9 ranked 4
Himalayan bike. for fuel efficiency as most required feature
From the above data it can be analyzed that while purchasing a bike. 20respondents
60of the respondents have watched have ranked 1, 20 have ranked 2, 8 have
Himalayan ad over internet and 40 of the ranked 3 and 45 ranked 4 for resale value
respondents have not seen. It can be as most required feature while purchasing a
inferred that majority respondents have bike. It can also be inferred that majority of
watched the Himalayan ads. the respondents have ranked price as 1st,
Major Barriers While Purchasing style and power as 2nd, fuel efficiency as
Himalayan Bike 3rd, and resale value as 4th.
From the above data it can be found that, Limitations of the Study
25 respondents feel low mileage, 36 This research is limited to only 2 wheeler
respondents feel poor promotions, 66 industry in India. This research is limited to
respondents feel high maintenance and 42 only Bangalore region, hence the result
respondents feel high price is the main cannot be adapted to other places. Sample
barrier in not buying Royal Enfield size is restricted to only100. Findings are
Himalayan Bike.It can be inferred from the based on sample survey. Finding is
completely based on convenience endorsing the bike and giving good offers.
sampling. The data executed by Television advertisement helps in creating
respondents could conceivably be genuine. brand awareness about the product better
However the sum total of what conceivable than any other source.
has been made to gather the data as Conclusion
legitimately as could reasonably be Royal Enfield is a automobile company that
expected. deals in manufacturing of motorcycles.
Suggestions and Recommendations Apart from manufacturing motorcycles
Majority of the respondents are below Royal Enfield is presently doing good in
average annual income, reducing of the Indian two wheeler sector. The users of
price of Royal Enfield bikes will help in royal Enfield is increasing day by day. , the
attract new customers, as majority of the Himalayan progress toward becoming
customers don’t own any Royal Enfield adulated for its compelling suspension and
bike. Marketing communication should rough terrain potential, even as some
focus on satisfying the need of comfort and protest wind up plainly coordinated to the
pick up in Himalayan Motorcycle. The outstandingly low power yield of the
company should work on creating a good motor.
awareness of the Himalayan Motorcycle, Most of the respondents are aware of Royal
like, increasing in sales promotion. As the Enfield Classic. Perception towards
respondent have neutral feeling of Himalayan Motorcycle of the respondents
Himalayan motorcycle, the company needs is good. Most of the respondents are least
to focus on what the customer needs or interesting in buying Himalayan Bike.
what the customer is looking for in a bike. Reasons are high Maintenance Cost and
Club initiation makes the respondent buy High Price of Himalayan Motorcycle. The
the bike, there should be frequent events royal enfield the advertisement has to be
happening so to increase the sales. The still more stronger to promote the
major barrier for buying Himalayan bike is Himalayan motorcycle to the people.
high maintenance cost, the company should Acknowledgement
look over to reduce maintenance cost. As The satiation and euphoria that accompany
majority of the respondent even after being the successful completion of this research
aware of Himalayan Motorcycle are least would be incomplete without the mention
interested in buying the bike, the company of the people who made it possible. We
has to work on good promotional ideas like thank the research team of Accendere
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30 42
20 31
10 6 11 1
Sources MagazineNews3%paper
Others 6%
Friends and
48 48
38 36
26 28
10 12 11
3 3 2 4
1 0 1 1 1 0 1
Consumer Awareness of
Himalayan Motorcycle
Fully Satisfie Neutral Dissatisf Fully
satisfied d ied dissatisf
No. of Respondent 7 18 35 22 18
Figure 13 Pie Chart showing how many respondents have taken a test ride of Royal
Enfield of Himalayan bike in any showroom
Club Member 10%
Repondent willingness to be
member of Club
Yes No Maybe
No. respondents 14 15 64
Figure 17 Awareness of the Royal Enfield Club’s Initiative for Himalayan Motorcycle
60 54
49 51 46
Yes No Maybe
No of Respondent 7 39 54
Features or options
Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4
52 49
42 45
28 29
23 2020
15 17
10 6 9 9 8
300,000 – 600,000 21 21
600,00 – 900,000 5 5
All 20 13.42
Classic 52 34.89
Electra 8 5.36
Bullet 14 9.39
Himalayan 14 9.39
Chrome 3 2.01
Continental GT 12 8.05
No. of Respondents
Long Drive 66
City Rides 33
Touring 29
Office Rides 28
College 33
High Price 42
High maintenance 66
Poor Promotions 36
Low mileage 25