General Evaluator Report: Beginning of The Meeting: When Called Upon by The TMOD, Introduce The TAG Team Players

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General Evaluator Report

The General Evaluator gives feedback to the meeting participants who have not already been
evaluated. TMOD, Table Topics Master, Table Topics participants(Optional), and the Evaluators
to receive feedback on how well they did and to hear suggestions on how to improve

Beginning of the meeting: When called upon by the TMOD, introduce the TAG team players
and request them to brief their roles and responsibility.

During the Evaluation Session:

1. Call the timer to present the timer report
2. Call the prepared speech evaluators to deliver their evaluations
3. Call Ah counter and Grammarian to present their reports
4. Continue with the General Evaluation

Meeting started at 3.00 pm?

Presiding Officer:

 Were the guests welcomed & given an

opportunity to introduce themselves?
 Was Club business handled in a clear
and efficient manner?
Toastmaster of the day

 Was the theme effectively used

throughout the meeting?
 Did the speaker introductions include:
o A brief about the speaker?
o The objectives of the speech?
o <speech title-Name> and
<Name-Speech Title>?
 TTM and GE were introduced with
brief background about them?
 Other: Vocabulary, eye contact and
overall effectiveness in running the

Table Topics Master

 Were the topics appropriate?

 Were the topics introduced clearly and
in a timely manner?
 Were any special techniques (e.g.,
props, gestures) employed?
 Were guests invited & encouraged to

 Did the prepared speech evaluation

include a mix of both positive and
constructive commentary? “sandwich”
 Was it, for the most part, encouraging?
o Each Speech Evaluator
o Grammarian
o Ah Counter
o Timer
General Meeting Evaluation

 Overall, how was the meeting?

o Compared to prior meetings GE
o Compared to other TTM
meetings that members may
have attended
 Suggestions for improvement
 Things we are doing well and should be
commended for

Just like a speech evaluation, the general evaluation should neither be a whitewash nor a scathing
criticism, but should point out where the club could use some improvement and what we are
doing well.

Other Notes:

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