Mock Exam 1-50

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The text discusses various medical terminology and provides multiple choice questions to test understanding of these terms. Key areas covered include anatomy, medical procedures, and diagnoses.

Some common procedures mentioned include suturing a laceration, skin grafting, and excising a mass under a nipple. Diagnoses include renal failure, sepsis, and onychomycosis.

Anatomical terms mentioned include duodenum, vestibule, diaphysis, and dermis.



Directions: Choose the best answer.

1. This term means the surgical removal of the fallopian tube:

A. ligation
B. hysterectomy
C. salpingostomy
D. salpingectomy

2. This combining form means thirst:

A. dips/o
B. acr/o
C. cortic/o
D. somat/o

3. This term is also known as a homograft:

A. autograft
B. allograft
C. xenograft
D. Zenograft

4. Which of the following terms means taste?

A. Meissner
B. Pacinian
C. gustatory
D. astrocytes

5. This suffix means removal:

A. -penia
B. -ectomy
C. -itis
D. -pexy

6. Which of the following terms does NOT describe a receptor of the body?
A. mechanoreceptor
B. proprioceptor
C. thermoreceptor
D. endoreceptor

7. This term means abnormal thickening of the skin:

A. ductus
B. dermatofibroma
C. dermatitis
D. pachyderma

8. The term that defines the relaxation phase of the heartbeat is:
A. systole
B. sinoatrial
C. diastole
D. septa
9. This is the first portion of the small intestine:
A. jejunum
B. ileum
C. duodenum
D. cecum

10. This is a part of the inner ear:

A. vestibule
B. malleus
C. incus
D. stapes

11. This is the area behind the cornea:

A. anterior chamber
B. choroid layer
C. ciliary body
D. fundus

12. Which of the following is a covering of the chamber walls of the heart?
A. endocardium
B. myocardium
C. pericardium
D. epicardium

13. The shaft of a long bone:

A. diaphysis
B. epiphysis
C. metaphysis
D. periosteum

14. The act of turning upward, such as the hand turned palm upward:
A. supination
B. adduction
C. pronation
D. circumduction

15. The middle layer of the skin, also known as the corium or true skin:
A. epidermis
B. stratum corneum
C. dermis
D. subcutaneous

16. This is the collarbone:

A. patella
B. tibia
C. scapula
D. clavicle

17. Three-week-old female with obstructive apnea.

A. P28.3
B. P28.4
C. R06.81
D. G47.33

18. Mild intellectual disabilities due to congenital iodine-deficiency hypothyroidism.

A. E00.9, F70
B. E01.8, F70
C. E03.0, F78
D. F70, E00.9

19. Admission for hemodialysis because of acute renal failure.

A. Z49.01, N17.9
B. N19, Z49.01
C. N17.9, Z99.2
D. Z99.2, N17.9

20. Glomerulonephritis due to viral hepatitis.

A. N05, B19
B. K75.9, N05.9
C. N05.8, B19.9
D. B19.9, N05.9

21. Initial encounter to repair a laceration of the left hand.

A. S61.412A
B. S61.419A, Y93.9
C. S61.421A
D. S61.412A, Y93.9

22. Mr. Hallberger is 62 and has multiple problems. I am examining him in the intensive critical care unit. I understand he has fluid
overload with acute renal failure and was started on ultrafiltration by the nephrologist on duty. He has an abnormal chest x-ray. He has
preexisting type II diabetes mellitus and sepsis. We are left with a patient now who is still sedated and on a ventilator because of acute
respiratory failure. Code the diagnoses only.
A. A42.7, N17.9, J96.00, E11.9, R91.8
B. A42.7, R18.8, J96.00, N17.0, E11.4, R91.8
C. A41.9, B17.0, J96.00, E11.9, E86.9, R91.8, 99223
D. A41.9, N17.9, J96.00, E11.9, R91.8

23. Blood in the stool.

A. P54.1
B. R19.5
C. K92.1
D. K62.5

24. A lethargic patient presents with vomiting and severe cramping and the physician determines during the initial encounter that the
condition was caused by the ingestion of five tablets of Tylenol with codeine and half a bottle of whiskey.
A. T40.2X4, T39.1X4, T51.0X4, R53.83, R11.10, R10.9
B. T40.2X4A, T39.1X4A, R53.82, R11.10, R10.9
C. T40.2X4A, T39.1X4A, T51.0X4A, R53.83, R11.11, R10.9
D. T40.2X4A, T39.1X4A, T51.0X4A, R53.83, R11.10, R10.9

25. Initial encounter to treat a fracture of the right patella with abrasion.
A. S82.001A, S80.211A
B. S82.001A
C. S80.211A, S82.001B
D. S82.001B, S80.211B

26. Sarcoidosis with cardiomyopathy.

A. D86.89
B. D86.85
C. D86.89, I42.9
D. D85.85, I42.9

27. A patient is issued a 22-inch seat cushion for his wheelchair.

A. E2601
B. E0950
C. E0190
D. E2602

28. A patient with chronic lumbar pain previously purchased a TENS and now needs replacement batteries.
A. E1592
B. A5082
C. A4772
D. A4630

29. A patient presents for trimming of 10 dystrophic toenails.

A. G0127 x 2, L60.3
B. G0127, G0127 x 9, L60.0
C. G0127, L60.3
D. G0127 x 5, G0127 x 5, Q84.6

30. A patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is issued a medically necessary nebulizer with a compressor and humidifier for
extensive use with oxygen delivery.
A. E0570, E0550
B. E0555, E0571
C. E0580, E0550
D. E0575, E0550

31. Which HCPCS modifier indicates the great toe of the right foot?
A. T1
B. T3
C. T4
D. T5

32. This program was developed by CMS to promote national correct coding methods and to control inappropriate payment of Part B
claims and hospital outpatient claims.

33. What is an NPI?

A. National Payer Incentive
B. National Provider Identification
C. National Provider Index
D. National Payer Identification

34. The RBRVS is a

A. payment reform implemented in 1992
B. listing of the customary charge for services
C. payment list that indicates the prevailing charge in a locality
D. listing of the physician’s individual charges for a service

35. Which of the following is NOT considered fraud or abuse?

A. Lack of documentation of medical necessity for services reported
B. Accepting a $20 gift card from a shoe repair representative for each Medicare patient referred to his store
C. Referring patients to a radiology center in which your physician is a partner
D. Going to lunch with a pharmaceutical representative
36. This document is a notification to the patient in advance of services rendered that Medicare probably will not pay for those services,
in addition to providing the estimated cost for which the patient will be responsible.
A. Wavier of Liability
B. Coordination of Benefits
C. Advanced Beneficiary Notice

37. This entity develops and publishes an annual plan that outlines the Medicare monitoring program.

38. Which punctuation mark between codes in the index of the CPT manual indicates a range of codes is available?
A. period
B. comma
C. semicolon
D. hyphen

39. Which of the following most accurately describes the designation “(Separate procedure).” The procedure is:
A. Integral to another procedure
B. Reported if it is the only procedure performed
C. Reported if the procedure is unrelated to a more major procedure performed at the same time at a different site
D. All of the above

40. Specific coding guidelines in the CPT manual are located in:
A. the index.
B. the introduction.
C. the beginning of each section.
D. Appendix A.

41. The symbol that indicates an add-on code in the CPT manual is:
A. ▲
B. ●
C. +
D. ▶◀

42. When you see the symbol ⦸ next to a code in the CPT manual, you know that:
A. the code is a new code.
B. the code contains new or revised text
C. the code is a modifier -51 exempt code.
D. FDA approval is pending.

43. The term that indicates this is the type of code for which the full code description can be known only if the common part of the code
(the description preceding the semicolon) of a preceding entry is referenced:
A. stand-alone
B. indented
C. independent
D. add-on⧾


OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: Excision of back lesion.
INDICATIONS FOR SURGERY: The patient has an enlarging lesion on the upper midback.
FINDINGS AT SURGERY: There was a 5-cm, upper midback lesion.
OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: With the patient prone, the back was prepped and draped in the usual sterile fashion. The skin and underlying
tissues were anesthetized with 30 mL of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine.
Through a 5-cm transverse skin incision, the lesion was excised. Hemostasis was ensured. The incision was closed in layers using 3-0 Vicryl
for the deep layers and running 3-0 Prolene subcuticular stitch with Steri-Strips for the skin.

The patient was returned to the same-day surgery center in stable postoperative condition. All sponge, needle, and instrument counts
were correct. Estimated blood loss is 0 mL.

PATHOLOGY REPORT LATER INDICATED: Dermatofibroma, skin of back. Assign code(s) for the physician service only.

A. 11406, 12002, D23.5

B. 11406, D23.5
C. 11406, 12032, D23.5
D. 11606, D04.5

45. What CPT and ICD-10-CM codes would be used to code a subsequent encounter in which a split-thickness skin graft, both thighs to
the abdomen, measuring 45 x 21 cm is performed on a patient who has third-degree burns of the abdomen? Documentation stated 20%
of the body surface was burned, with 9% third degree. The patient also sustained second-degree burns of the upper back.
A. 15101 x 10, T21.32XD, T21.24XD, T31.0
B. 15100, 15101 x 9, T21.32XD, T21.23XD, T31.20
C. 15100, 15101 x 9, T21.32XA, T21.23XA, T31.20
D. 15100, 15101 x 8, T21.32XD, T21.23XD, T31.20

46. EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT REPORT CHIEF COMPLAINT: Nasal bridge laceration. SUBJECTIVE: The patient is a 74-year-old male who
presents to the emergency department with a laceration to the bridge of his nose. He fell in the bathroom tonight. He recalls the
incident. He just sort of lost his balance. He denies any vertigo. He denies any chest pain or shortness of breath. He denies any head pain
or neck pain. There was no loss
of consciousness. He slipped on a wet floor in the bathroom and lost his balance; that is how it happened. He has not had any blood from
the nose or mouth.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: 1. Parkinson's 2. Back pain 3. Constipation

MEDICATIONS: See the patient record for a complete list of medications.
REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Per HPI. Otherwise, negative.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: The exam showed a 74-year-old male in no acute distress. Examination of the HEAD showed no obvious trauma
other than the bridge of the nose, where there is approximately a 1.5- to 2-cm laceration. He had no bony tenderness under this. Pupils
were equal, round, and reactive. EARS and NOSE: OROPHARYNX was unremarkable. NECK was soft and supple. HEART was regular.
LUNGS were clear but slightly diminished in the bases.

PROCEDURE: The wound was draped in a sterile fashion and anesthetized with 1% Xylocaine with sodium bicarbonate. It was cleansed
with sterile saline and then repaired using interrupted 6-0 Ethilon sutures (Dr. Barney Teller, first-year resident, assisted with the

ASSESSMENT: Nasal bridge laceration, status post-fall. PLAN: Keep clean. Sutures out in 5 to 7 days. Watch for signs of infection.

A. 12051, S01.21XA, W01.10XA

B. 12011, S01.21XA, W01.10XA
C. 12011, S01.20XA, W01.10XA
D. 12011, 11000, S01.20XA, S01.20XS

47. The patient is brought to surgery for repair of an accidentally inflicted open wound of the left thigh, the total extent measuring
approximately 40 x 35 cm.

DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE: The legs were prepped with Betadine scrub and solution and then draped in a routine sterile fashion. Split-
thickness skin grafts measuring about a 10,000th-inch thick were taken from both thighs, meshed with a 3:1 ratio mesher, and stapled to
the wounds. The donor sites were dressed with scarlet red, and the recipient sites were dressed with Xeroform, Kerlix fluffs, and Kerlix
roll, and a few ABD pads were used for absorption. Estimated blood loss was negligible. The patient tolerated the procedure well and left
surgery in good condition.
A. 15120, 15121 x 12, S71.132A
B. 15100, 15101, 11010, S71.132A
C. 15220, 15221 x 13, S71.102A
D. 15100, 15101 x 13, S71.102A

48. What CPT and ICD-10-CM codes would be used to code the destruction by cryosurgery of a malignant lesion on the skin of the female
genitalia measuring 1.6 cm?
A. 17272, C51.9
B. 11602, C57.9
C. 11420, C79.82
D. 11622, C51.9


DIAGNOSIS: Inverted nipple with mammary duct ectasia, left.
OPERATION: Excision of mass deep to left nipple. With the patient under general anesthesia, a circumareolar incision was made with
sharp dissection and carried down into the breast tissue. The nipple complex was raised up using a small retractor. We gently dissected
underneath to free up the nipple entirely. Once this was done, we had the nipple fully unfolded, and there was some evident mammary
duct ectasia. An area 3 x 4 cm was excised using electrocautery. Hemostasis was maintained with the electrocautery, and then the breast
tissue deep to the nipple was reconstructed using sutures of 3-0 chromic. Subcutaneous tissue was closed using 3-0 chromic, and then
the skin was closed using 4-0 Vicryl. Steri-Strips were applied. The patient tolerated the procedure well and was returned to the recovery
area in stable condition. At the end of the procedure, all sponges and instruments were accounted for.
A. 19120-RT, N60.42
B. 11404-LT, N62
C. 19112, N60.42
D. 19120-LT, N60.42

50. This patient returns today for palliative care to her feet. Her toenails have become elongated and thickened, and she is unable to trim
them on her own. She states that she has had no problems and no acute signs of any infection or otherwise to her feet. She returns today
strictly for trimming of her toenails.

EXAMINATION: Her pedal pulses are palpable bilaterally. The nails are mycotic, 1 through 4 on the left, and 1 through 3 on the right.
ASSESSMENT: Onychomycosis, 1 through 4 on the left and 1 through 3 on the right.
PLAN: Mild debridement of mycotic nails x 7. This patient is to return to the clinic in 3 to 4 months for follow-up palliative care.

A. 11721 x 7, B35.9
B. 99212, 11721, B35.1
C. 11720, B35.1
D. 11721, B35.1

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