15 Demolition
15 Demolition
15 Demolition
Sub-Total -
2 Labor
2.1 Foreman m-day - 12.38 -
2.2 Skilled Laborer m-day - 10.20 -
2.3 Laborer m-day - 7.50 -
Sub-Total -
3 Equipment
3.1 Backhoe with Breaker e-hr 1.00 17.12 17.12
3.2 Dumptrucks 15 cu.m., 290HP e-hr 1.00 14.00 14.00
3.3 Miscellaneous Tools ls 1.00 1.55 1.55
Sub-Total 31.12
4 Estimated Direct Cost (1 + 2 + 3) 31.12
4.1 Overhead (5% of 4) 5.63
4.2 Contractors Profit (6% of 4) 6.75
5 Value Added Tax (10% of 4 + 4.1 + 4.2) -
6 Total Cost (4 + 4.1 + 4.2 + 5) 43.50
7 Material Cost per Unit -
8 Labor Cost per unit -
9 Equipment Cost per unit 31.12
10 EDC per unit 31.12
11 Cost per unit (Total Cost/QC or 6/QC) 43.50