Unit 5 Paints and Varnishes: Structure

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Paints and Varnishes


5.1 Introduction
5.2 Paints
5.2.1 Functions of Paint
5.2.2 Characteristics of an Ideal Paint
5.2.3 Constituents of an Oil Paint or Oil Borne Paint
5.2.4 Types of Paints
5.2.5 Painting Processes
5.2.6 Painting on Plastered Surface
5.2.7 Painting on Concrete Surface
5.2.8 Defects in Painting
5.2.9 Failure of Paints
5.3 Distempering
5.3.1 Composition of Distempers
5.3.2 Process of Distempering
5.3.3 Properties of Distempers
5.4 Varnishes
5.4.1 Functions of Varnish
5.4.2 Properties of Good Varnish
5.4.3 Constituents of Varnish
5.4.4 Types of Varnish
5.4.5 Process of Varnishing
5.5 Summary
5.6 Answers to SAQs

The paints, distempers and varnishes are provided as a part of the final treatment
to all the surfaces of walls, ceilings, floors, wood work etc., both internally and
externally. Some more forms of finishes/treatments are also used depending upon
requirement. These building treatments perform two major functions:
(i) They provide a protective coating to the surfaces. This helps in
preserving and protecting the materials used in the building
construction from environmental effects like heat, frost and rain
(ii) They provide decorative finish or treatment which adds to the
aesthetic appearance of the surfaces and the building.
In this unit, our emphasis will be on paints, distempers and varnishes and we will
be studying their functions, characteristics, types, constituents and process of
After studying this unit, you should be able to
• explain the functions of paints, varnishes and distempering,
Engineering Materials • describe the properties of good paints, varnishes and distempering,
• know the constituents of paints, varnishes and distempering,
• describe the process of painting, varnishing and distempering, and
• explain the importance of their use.

Paints are used to protect metals, timber or plastered surfaces from the corrosive
effects of weather, heat, moisture or gases etc. and also to improve their
5.2.1 Functions of Paint
Paint performs following functions :
(i) It protects wood from decaying.
(ii) It prevents corrosion of metals.
(iii) It renders surface hygienically safe and clean.
(iv) It gives decorative and attractive appearance to the surface.
(v) It also protects the surface from harmful effects of atmospheric
5.2.2 Characteristics of an Ideal Paint
An ideal paint should have the following characteristics :
(i) The paint should be cheap.
(ii) It should be easy and harmless to the user.
(iii) It should retain its original colour for a long time.
(iv) It should be able to cover maximum area of the surface with minimum
(v) The painted surface should dry neither too slowly nor too rapidly.
(vi) When applied, the paint should form a thin uniform film on painted
(vii) The paint should form a hard and durable coat on the painted surface.
(viii) The paint should not peel off from painted surface.
(ix) It should be good fire and moisture resistant.
(x) The painted surface should not show any cracks.
(xi) The painted surface should possess attractive and decorative pleasing
(xii) Atmospheric agencies should not be able to affect the painted surface.
5.2.3 Constituents of an Oil Paint or Oil Borne Paints
An oil paint essentially consists of the following ingredients :
(i) A base
(ii) An inert extender or filter
(iii) A vehicle or carrier Paints and Varnishes

(iv) A drier
(v) A solvent or thinner
(vi) A colouring pigment
It provides body to the paint and on it depends upon the nature of paints to a
great extent. A base in general should possess the following properties :
(i) It is the solid matter forming the main body of the paint.
(ii) It makes the paint film harder and more resistant to abrasion.
(iii) It reduces shrinkage cracks formed on drying.
(iv) It forms an opaque layer to obscure the surface of material to be
White lead, Red lead, Zinc oxide, Iron oxide, and metallic powders such as
Aluminium, Copper and Bronze etc. are the commonly used bases.
An Inert Extender or Filter
They are added in the paint to reduce the cost and also to modify some of
the properties of the paints. They reduce weight of the paint and render
paint more durable. They should not be used in excess amount as otherwise
paint may loose its original character and may become weak.
Barium sulphate silica, lithophone, whiting, charcoal, gypsum silicate of
magnesia or alumina etc. are the usual inert extenders.
Vehicles or Carriers
They are liquid substances which hold solid ingredients of the paint. In
general vehicles or carriers possess the following properties :
(i) It is an oily liquid in which the base and pigment are soluble.
(ii) It facilitates the paint to be conveniently spread evenly over the
surface by means of a brush.
(iii) It acts as a binder for the base and causes it to stick to the surface.
(iv) On drying, it forms a tough and an elastic film. Oils most commonly
used as vehicles are linseed oil, poppy oil, nut oil and tung oil.
These are metallic compounds which when added to the paint in small
quantities accelerate the process of drying of the paint. Driers have a
tendency to affect the colour of the paint and also to destroy the elasticity of
the paint. Hence, they should not be used in excess amount. They are not
used at all in final finishing coat of the paint. Driers should not be used in a
paint that dries well.
Litharge, manganese dioxide, lead acetate and cobalt are the usual driers,
out of which litharge is most commonly used.
Solvents or Thinners
A liquid thinner is added to the prepared paints to increase their fluidity to
the desired consistency so as to make them work more smoothly and also to
help penetration of porous surfaces. It evaporates after the paint has been

Engineering Materials applied to the surface. It also helps the paint in its penetration into the
surface to be painted.
Turpentine oil, petroleum spirits and naphtha are mostly used as solvents or
Colouring Pigments
These are colouring agents which are used to develop desired shade of the
paint. For white, black and other very dark shades, the base of the paint is
chosen in such a way that, it will develop the colour of the paint through
base itself. In case of other shades, colouring pigments of desired shade are
mixed with the paint. Colouring pigments may be divided into five
(i) Precipitates
(ii) Natural earth
(iii) Calcined colours
(iv) Lake colours
(v) Metallic powders
Various colouring pigments to develop a particular colour are as follows :
(i) Blue
(ii) Brown
(iii) Black
(iv) Green
(v) Yellow
(vi) Red
5.2.4 Types of Paints
The paints are of following types :
(i) Aluminium Paint
(ii) Anti-Corrosive paints
(iii) Asbestos paints
(iv) Bituminous paint
(v) Bronze paints
(vi) Cellulose paint
(vii) Casein paint
(viii) Cement paint
(ix) Enamel paint
(x) Emulsion paint
(xi) Graphite paint
(xii) Plastic paints
(xiii) Silicate paint
108 (xiv) Luminous paint
(xv) Inodorous paint Paints and Varnishes

(xvi) Rubber paint

Details of each of these paints are described below :
Aluminium Paint
The paint is prepared by holding very finely ground aluminium in
suspension either in quick drying spirit varnish or slow drying oil varnish as
per the requirements of the surface to be painted. The suspension liquid is
spirit or oil, evaporates and a thin metallic film of aluminium is left on the
surface. This paint is used for painting wood work and metal surfaces. It is
widely used for painting hot water pipes, gas tanks, marine piers, oil storage
tanks, radiators, etc.
Anti-corrosive Paint
These paints are used mainly to protect the surface of metallic structural
steel work, against the negative effects of acids, corrosive chemicals fumes
etc. There are several paints which exhibit these properties. These paints
essentially consist of the linseed oil, as vehicle and red lead, zinc oxide,
iron oxide, zinc dust, zinc chromate etc. as their base. These paints are
cheap, durable and are usually black in colour.
Asbestos Paint
This paint is used for stopping leakage of metal roofs and painting gutters,
spouts, flashings etc. to prevent their rusting. The paint is also used as damp
proof coat to cover the outer face of the basement walls. This paint can
withstand the effects of acidic gases and steam.
Bituminous Paint
This paint consists of asphalt, bitumen or pitches, dissolves in any type of
oil or petroleum. The paint is always black in colour but its colour can be
modified by mixing certain pigment like red oxide etc. in it. The paint is
used mostly for painting iron-works under water. These paints deteriorate
when exposed to direct sun. It is also used for water proofing.
Bronze Paint
These paints are prepared by disbursing aluminium bronze or copper bronze
in nitro-cellulose lacquer as vehicle. They produce a very reflective type of
surface and hence very useful for being applied on radiators. These paints
are equally effective for painting interior or exterior metallic surfaces.
Cellulose Paint
This type of paint is prepared from cellulose sheets, nitro-cotton and
photographic films. This paint dries very quickly and provides a flexible,
hard and smooth surface. The paint does not harden by oxidation but by
evaporation of thinning agent. The surface of the paint can be easily washed
and cleaned. It remains unaffected by hot water, smoky or acidic
atmosphere. This paint is used for painting cars, aeroplanes etc.
Casein Paint
Casein is a product extracted from milk curd. Casein paint when mixed with
base like whiting, titanium, lithophone, etc. forms the paint which is usually
available in powder or paste form. This paint has high capacity and can be
applied on new plaster work. It is usually used on walls, ceilings wall
Engineering Materials boards, cements block construction etc. to increase the appearance of the
Cement Paint
This paint is available in powder form. It consists of white or coloured
cement as its base and water acts as a vehicle. No oil or varnish is added to
it. This paint is available in variety of shades. It is durable and water-proof.
This paint proves to be useful for surfaces which are damp at the time of
painting and are also likely to remain damp after painting.
Enamel Paint
This paint is prepared by adding base like white lead or zinc white to a
vehicle which is a varnish. To obtain the desired colour, colouring pigments
may also be added. This paint dries slowly and forms a hard, durable,
smooth, glossy, solid thin film. Enamel paints can be used both for interior
as well as exterior painting.
Emulsion Paint
This paint consists of synthetic resin like polyvinyl acetate. It can be
applied easily. It retains its colour for a very long time. The surface of the
paint is tough and can be cleaned by washing with water. This paint has
excellent resistance against action of alkali. It dries very quickly in about
one to two hours.
Graphite Paint
It is black in colour. It is used over the surface which come in contact with
ammonia, chlorine, sulphur gases, etc. It is very much used in under ground
Plastic Paint
This paint contains a variety of plastics in suspension and is available in the
market under different trade name. It is mostly used in show rooms, display
rooms, and auditorium etc. It can be applied by spray or by brush.
Silicate Paint
It is prepared by mixing calcium and finely ground silica with resinous
materials. It forms a very hard and durable film on painted surface. It can be
directly applied on brick, concrete or plastered surface, but only after
wetting them.
Luminous Paint
This paint is prepared by mixing calcium sulphide with varnish. This paint
shines in darkness like radium dials of watches. This paint should be
applied on surface which have been rendered free from corrosion or lead
paints in particular.
Inodorous Paint
This paint consists of white lead or zinc white mixed with methylated spirit.
No turpentine is used in this paint. White lead or zinc white is ground in oil.
Shellac with same quantity of linseed oil and castor oil is dissolved in
methylated spirit and this mixture is mixed with lead or zinc white paste
prepared in linseed oil. This paint dries quickly, but is not durable.
Rubber Paint Paints and Varnishes

This paint is prepared by treating rubber with chlorine gas (chlorinated

rubber) and then dissolving it in suitable solvent. This paint can be used on
new concrete and lime plastered surfaces. This paint dries quickly. It is little
affected by weather and sunlight. It is resistant against chemical actions,
water, etc.
5.2.5 Painting Processes
Application of paint to a surface either with a brush or by spraying is known as
painting. The surface to be painted should be perfectly smooth, clean and dry.
Presence of moisture between the paint and surface to be painted or between
successive coats of paints causes blisters. Painting should as far as possible be
carried out in dry weather.
Brush of only good quality, the hair of which do not come off while painting,
should be used.
The paint is applied on the surface in two, three or four coats. The first coat is
known as priming coat and last one as finishing coat. All the intervening coats
are known as under coats.
Prime coat forms a thin film which helps in adhesion of the paint with the surface.
It also protects the surface from weathering action. Materials for priming coat
should be selected keeping in view the nature of the surface to be painted.
Under coats serve as foundation on to the finishing coat. These coats fill all the
irregularities of the surface.
Finishing coat is lastly applied as per the requirements.
5.2.6 Painting on Plastered Surface
A plastered surface should be painted only after it has thoroughly dried, otherwise
the paint would get sploit. The following factors should be kept in mind while
painting a plastered surface :
(i) As far as possible fresh plastered surfaces should not be painted. At
least 6 months to 12 months time should be given to the plastered
surface to dry completely.
(ii) Fresh plaster is alkaline in nature, because lime is liberated during the
hydration of cement. Oil based paints and distempers are prone to
alkali attack in the presence of moisture. Hence, if freshly plastered
surface is to be painted, an alkali resistant primer paint should be
applied or alternatively paints not containing any oil should be used.
Spots of plastered surface showing efflorescence should be brushed off. If spots
appear again, they should again be brushed off and painting should be postponed
till such spots ceases to appear.
In case of new plastered surfaces, a solution of one kilogram of zinc sulphate in
two kilograms of water should be applied to the surface. When it has dried then a
coat of pure raw linseed oil is applied. It is followed by two coats of paint thinned
with turpentine and a little varnish. Third coat consisting of white lead, linseed
oil, desired pigment and a little oil of turpentine is then applied. Finishing coat
may be the same as third coat but with a little more of turpentine oil.
However, these days paints are available in market that can be applied directly on
newly plastered surfaces. These are known as cement paints.
Engineering Materials 5.2.7 Painting on Concrete Surfaces
For painting concrete surfaces, cement paints are used. They are available in
powder form. They are used by mixing with water. Prepared paint should be
consumed within 2 hrs or its preparation. Two coats should be applied at an
interval of 24 hrs. The painted surface should be cured by sprinkling water at
5.2.8 Defects in Painting
The following defects may occur in painted surface :
The paint may lose some of its colour due to effects of sunrays on colouring
Due to poor adhesion, paint may peel off from the surface.
If the opacity of the final coat is insufficient, the back ground of the painted
surface is clearly visible. This defect is known as grinning.
Due to bad ventilation or defective paint, dull patches are developed on the
painted surface.
This is opposite of bloom. In this defect, glossy patches are developed on
the painted surface. The reason of this defect may be cheap paint, weather
reaction or poor workmanship.
This defect occurs due to trapped moisture behind the painted surface.
This defect occurs when the surface to be painted is very smooth. In this
defect, small areas of the surface are left uncovered with paint.
Thickness of painting should not be excessive. If too much thick coat of
paint is applied, the defect is known as sagging.
This defect occurs in thickly painted surfaces.
Defect of formation of soap patches on the painted surface is known as
saponification. This defect occurs due to chemical action of the alkalies.
5.2.9 Failure of Paint
When paint applied on the surface does not perform its purposes, it is called
failure of the paint. Painting is an easy job but also has its own peculiarities. The
following are the main causes of failure of paint.
Bad Workmanship

Painters are generally in habit of thinning the paint too much so that he may Paints and Varnishes
save paint and labour both. This leads to bad workmanship and it is possible
that paint may be absent for portions of surface.
Wrong Choice of Paint
Choice of paint is done based upon climatic conditions, nature of surface to
be painted and so many other factors affecting the performance of the paint.
Low quality paints are cheap but their durability is very poor.
Surface Penetration
If the surface to be painted has not been prepared well to receive the paint,
it may lead to failure of the paint.
Leakage of moisture on any painted surface accelerates the process of
separating the paint layer from the surface.
Salts and Alkalies
The movement of moisture can also transport salts from either internal
volume of masonry or new deposits. Such salts and alkalies saponify the oil
Conditions for Painting
The painting should be done when atmospheric conditions are favourable.
Dirt, dust and moisture must not get entrapped during the process of
(a) Briefly describe the characteristics of an ideal paint.
(b) Explain the various defects which may develop in painting.
(c) Explain the method of painting on concrete surfaces.
(d) Describe the functions of each ingredient of an oil paint.
(e) Explain in brief the painting process.
(f) Describe the reasons of failure of paints.

It is also a process of applying wash or coating like white washing or colour
washing on the surface. Finished surfaces obtained by distempering are far
superior than those obtaind by white washing or colour washing. Distempers are
available in ready made form in the market under different trade names.

Engineering Materials 5.3.1 Composition of Distempers
Any distemper consists of a base, a carrier, colouring agent, and size. Whiting
(powdered chalk) is used as base and water as the carrier. Colouring agents or
pigments are added only, if specific shade is to be obtained. Glue is mostly used
as size.
Distempers may also be termed as a water paint, having whiting as base and water
as the carrier. Distempers are available in powder form or paste form. They are to
be mixed with hot water before use. There is a variety of oil bound distempers
also, in which the drying oil is so treated that it mixes with water readily.
Distempers are applied on the surface with the help of distemper brushes which
are about 10 cm wide.
5.3.2 Process of Distempering
Distempering a surface involves following operations :
(i) Preparation of the surface
(ii) Applying prime coat
(iii) Distempering
Preparation of the Surface
Surface to be distempered should be absolutely dry. Dampness in the
surface spoils the distemper coat. Holes, patches, cracks, efflorescence
spots etc. should be thoroughly cleaned and filled with gypsum or lime
putty. If the surface is to be redistempered the old coating should be washed
with water and allowed to dry completely. The surface in the last should be
thoroughly rubbed with sand paper and cleaned.
Applying Prime Coat
After preparation of the surface, it should be primed by applying a coat of
whiting in water or only of milk. Priming coat helps in developing a good
bond of distemper with the surface. The priming coat should be allowed to
dry completely, before distemper coat is applied over it.
After having applied the priming coat, first coat of distemper is applied on
the surface. The first coat should be of a light tint and applied with great
care. Second coat is applied after the first coat has dried and become hard.
Distempering coats are applied with the help of broad stiff distemper
brushes. Now-a-days, distempers can be applied with the help of spray
pistols also.
5.3.3 Properties of Distempers
(i) Distempers generally shrink on drying. Hence, if the surface receiving
distemper is weak, it may lead to cracking and flaking of the
(ii) Distempers are available in powder form and also in paste form.
Powdered distempers are known as dry distempers, whereas paste
form distempers are known as oil bound distempers. Oil bound
distempers are superior than dry distempers.

(iii) Coatings of distempers are comparatively thick and are more brittle Paints and Varnishes
than other water paints.
(iv) Distemper film is generally porous in nature and it allows water
vapour to pass through it. Hence it allows new walls to dry out
without damaging the distemper film.
(v) They are less durable than oil paints.
(vi) Distempers are generally light in colour and provide a good reflective
(vii) They can be applied on cement plastered surface, lime plastered
surface, brick work, insulating boards, etc.
(a) Write down the properties of a good distemper.
(b) Explain the procedure of application of distemper on a surface.

Varnish is a solution of some resinous substance in alcohol, oil or turpentine. The
process of covering the surface with varnish is known as varnishing. Varnishing
is done only on wooden surface.
5.4.1 Functions of Varnish
Varnish performs the following functions :
(i) It brings about brilliance to the painted surface.
(ii) It protects the surface against adverse effects of the atmosphere.
(iii) It increases the durability of the paint film.
(iv) It beautifies the surface without hiding the beautiful grains of the
Varnish plays an important part in finishing wooden surfaces of doors, windows,
floors, furniture, etc.
5.4.2 Properties of Good Varnish
A good varnish should possess the following properties :
(i) It should not hide the natural grains of the surface.
(ii) It should not shrink or show cracks after drying.
(iii) It should make the surface glossy.
(iv) It should dry rapidly.
(v) It should impart the finished surface uniform colour and pleasing
appearance. 115
Engineering Materials (vi) The thin film of varnish developed after drying on the surface should
be tough, hard and durable.
(vii) The natural colour of the varnish should not fade away when
varnished surface is exposed to atmospheric action.
5.4.3 Constituents of the Varnish
A varnish has usually three elements :
(i) Resins or resinous material
(ii) Driers
(iii) Solvents
Resins or Resinous Material
Quality of varnish depends much upon the quality of resin used. Copal, lac,
amber and rosin are the commonly used resins for varnishes. Copal is
considered to be best.
Driers are used to accelerate the process of drying of the varnish. Litharge,
lead, acetate, and white copper are the various types of driers, out of which
litharge is mostly used.
Selection of solvent is made depending upon the type of resin.
Table 5.1
Sl. No. Name of Resin Solvent Used
1 Amber and copal Linseed oil
2 Lac Methylated spirit

5.4.4 Types of Varnish

The varnishes can be classified into following categories depending upon the
solvent used :
(i) Oil Varnish
(ii) Spirit Varnish
(iii) Turpentine Varnish
(iv) Water Varnish
(v) Asphalt Varnish
(vi) Spar Varnish
(vii) Flat Varnish
Oil Varnish
This type of varnish is manufactured by dissolving hard resins such as
amber and copal in linseed oil. Turpentine may be used in small quantity to
thin the varnish, and also to render it workable. Oil varnishes form a hard
and durable film, but they dry slowly.
Spirit Varnish

This type of varnish is prepared by dissolving resins such as lac or shellac Paints and Varnishes
in methylated spirit. This varnish dries very quickly and gets easily affected
by weather action. This varnish is mostly used for wood furniture.
Turpentine Varnish
In this type of varnish, gum, dammar, mastic, and rosin like resins are
dissolved in turpentine. These varnishes are light in colour and dry quickly.
Water Varnish
This varnish is prepared by dissolving shellac in hot water. Shellac does not
dissolve readily in water and as such to accelerate the process of dissolving
shellac in water either ammonia or potash, or soda or borax is added. This
varnish is used for painting pictures, posters and maps.
Asphalt Varnish
This varnish is obtained by dissolving melted asphalt in linseed oil. The
varnish may be thinned by adding suitable amount of either turpentine or
petroleum spirit. This varnish is used for varnishing fabricated iron and
steel product.
Spar Varnish
This varnish derives its name from its use. It is mostly used on spars and
other exposed parts of the ships. It is very good weather resistant. It should
not be used indoor.
Flat Varnish
This is an ordinary varnish to which material such as wax, finely divided
silica and metallic soaps are added, to reduce the gloss of the varnished
surface. This varnish presents a dull appearance.
5.4.5 Process of Varnishing
Following operations are required to be carried out while varnishing a wooden
surface :
Preparation of Surface
The surface to be varnished should be thoroughly rubbed smooth by means
of sand paper and thoroughly cleaned from dust and dirt.
It is the process by which knots on the surface of wood work are killed by
applying certain substance over the knots. All the knots should be covered
with a hot preparation of red lead or glue size.
After knotting, the surface of wood work is stopped by means of hot weak
glue size. This coat fills all the pores of the surface. After stopping when
surface becomes dry, it is rubbed again with sand paper.
Applying Varnish Coats
After stopping process, varnish is applied on the surface in very thin coats.
Next coat is applied only when previously applied coat has dried. For
varnishing, fine brittle varnishing brush should be used.
(a) Briefly describe the functions of varnish. 117
Engineering Materials (b) Explain the importance of varnishing a wood surface.
(c) Describe the process of varnishing in brief.

The paints, distempers and varnishes not only adds to the aesthetic appearance,
but also provides protective coating to the surface. In paints, enamel paint and
plastic emulsion paint are the most favoured paints, while cement paints like
snowcem remain popular as ever. Distempers are available in ready-made form in
the market and are far superior than white washing or colour washing. Varnishes
are used to bring about brilliance to the painted surface. Varnish plays very
important role in finishing wooden surfaces of doors, windows, floors, furniture,


Refer the relevant preceding text in the unit or other useful books on the topic
listed in Section “Further Reading” to get the answers of the SAQs.


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