Ed.), Collier Macmillan Ed.) ,: ND ND
Ed.), Collier Macmillan Ed.) ,: ND ND
Ed.), Collier Macmillan Ed.) ,: ND ND
b. Course Outcomes
By the end of the course, the students will be able to:
1. State with precision the definition of a group, a subgroup, a ring, a field, etc.
2. Apply definition and theorems to prove properties that are satisfied by all groups, subgroups,
ring, etc.
3. Recall the definitions and the basic properties of certain examples of groups, e.g. dihedral,
symmetric, and alternating.
4. Recall the definition and basic properties of other objects such as homomorphism, isomorphism,
kernel, direct product of groups, quotient groups, etc.
c. Student Outcomes
Prelim Period
(Weeks 1-6)
I. Introduction: TIP Vision and Mission; TIP Graduate Attributes/ Institutional Intended Learning
Outcomes; Program Objectives/ Program Intended Learning Outcomes; Course Objectives/ Course
Intended Learning Outcomes; Course Policies
II. Preliminaries: Sets, Equivalence Relations, Functions, Binary Operations
III. Groups: Definition and elementary properties, Group tables, Order of a group, Subgroups,
Isomorphism of groups
Midterm Period
(Weeks 7-12)
IV. Cyclic Groups And Cosets: Definition, Order of an element, Structure of cyclic groups, Cosets
Lagrange’s Theorem
V. Permutation Groups: Permutations, The symmetric and alternating groups, Dihedral group,
Cayley’s Theorem
VI. Direct Product and Generating Sets: The direct product, Subgroup generated by a subset,
Fundamental theorem of finitely generated abelian groups
Final Period
(Weeks 13-18)
VII. Quotient Groups and Homomorphisms: Normal subgroups, Quotient group, Homomorphisms
and basic properties, Isomorphism theorems
VIII. Rings: Definition and basic properties, Subring, The group units of a ring, Ideal, Quotient ring
IX: Ring Homomorphisms, Integral Domains, Fields: Basic properties of ring homomorphisms,
Ring isomorphism theorems, Zero divisors, integral domains, Fields, Field of quotients of an integral