09.0 PLC - System

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Service Training

Electrical Training - Hydraulic Excavators

09. PLC Programmable Logic Control
Service Training

• Voltage Control

• Sensor Control

• Start Engine

• Stop Engine

• Start Inter Locks

• Lubrication Systems

• Emergency Stop

• Boarding Lights

• Service Lights

• CAN-Bus Communication

• RS232 Communication

• Power Supply Via +30

Service Training

RS232 Programming Port




CAN-BUS Output

Configuration Switch

Service Training

32 Digital Inputs

2 Analogue Inputs (0-10V)

6 Analogue Inputs (4-20mA)

20 Digital Outputs

4 Analogue Outputs

Power supply

Digital Inputs – Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

Input Description (German) Description (English) Signal Source

1 Fahren 2. Stufe auto Traveling 2nd Gear automatic (only RH400)
2 Fettfass Leer Grease Empty
3 Servo Filter Verschmutzung Servo Filter Contamination S250 or S250.1
4 Counter Dumper Reset Counter Dumper Reset S216.2
5 Zündung Ein Ignition On Clamp 15
6 Not Aus Emergency Stop S3 - S3.2 (K24)
7 Motor Links Start Engine Start LH S5
8 Motor Rechts Start Engine Start RH S6
9 Motor Links Stopp Engine Stop LH S90
10 Motor Rechts Stopp Engine Stop RH S92
11 Motor Links Idle Idle On LH Engine S91
12 Motor Rechts Idle Idle On RH Engine S93
13 Absperrklappe Hydr. Ölbeh. Links Shut Off Valve Oil Left S212
14 Absperrklappe Hydr. Ölbeh. Rechts Shut Off Valve Oil Right S212.1
15 Absperrklappe Hydr. Ölbeh. Mitte Shut Off Valve Oil Middle S212.2
16 Schmierung Störung Reset Grease Fault Reset S106
17 Ölstand Links PVG Oillevel Pumpdrive Gear Box Left B136
18 Ölstand Rechts PVG Oillevel Pumpdrive Gear Box Right B137
19 Schmierdruck Initiator 2 Grease Initiation 2 B336.1
20 Schmierdruck Initiator 1 Grease Initiation 1 B336
21 Aufstiegsbeleuchtung Ladder Light S55 or S56
22 Kabinenbeleuchtung Cab Light S35.1 or S35.2
23 Reserve Reserve
24 Wartungsbeleuchtung Maintenance Light S41 - S43
25 Reserve Reserve

Analogue Inputs – Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

Input Description (German) Description (English) Signal Source

57 Kraftstoff Füllstand linker Tank Diesel Level Left B133
59 Kraftstoff Füllstand rechter Tank Diesel Level Right B134
61 Schmierdruck Oberwagen Grease Pressure Uppercarriage B36
63 Schmierdruck Unterwagen Grease Pressure Undercarriage B127
65 Fettfass Füllstand Grease Level B125

Digital Outputs – Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

Output Description (German) Description (English) Signal used to operate

37 Ultraschall Sensor US Distance Sensor H137.2 - H137.3
38 Klemme 30 Supply Plug 30 K8.2
39 Motor Links Start LH Engine Start K2.3
40 Moror Rechts Start RH Engine Start K3.3
41 Kraftstoffventil Links Diesel Valve Left K7.1
42 Kraftstoffventil Rechts Diesel Valve Right K7.2
43 Motor Links Idle LH Engine Idle K206
44 Motor Rechts Idle RH Engine Idle K207
45 Lampentest Lamp Test K36
46 Lüfter Schaltschrank Fan Electrical Cabinet K28.1
47 Schmierung Ein Grease On K200
48 Schmierung Bypassventil Grease Bypass Valve K201
49 Schmierung Umschaltung A-B Grease Line Switch A-B K202
50 Drehzahlabsenkung Revolutions Reduction K49
51 Schmierung Unterwagen Grease Undercarriage K204
52 Reserve Reserve
53 Fettcontainer Voll Greasecontainer Full K205
54 Aufstiegsbeleuchtung Ladder Light K22.1
55 Kabinenbeleuchtung Cab Light K199
56 Wartungsbeleuchtung Maintenance Light K25.1

Analogue Outputs are not used!

Power Supply – Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

Power Supply via +30

The PLC is supplied directly through the + 30 V battery pole. The voltage
supply is activated together with the +15 V control voltage (DE05 activates
DA38). The control contact (DA38) activates the relay 8.2 and establishes a
self-holding circuit with the + 30 V line.
After the +15 V control voltage is disconnected, this contact remains closed
until all time stages (Lights etc.) have lapsed before the control system auto-
matically shuts off via contact (DA38).

As soon as the ignition key is switched on or any

light switch is pushed, the "POWER" LED indi-
cates the presence of 24V by a green light.
Simultaneously the PLC walks through an ini-
tialisation period.
During this period the "CAN-Bus" LED will flash
a few times and finally blinks continuously
ON/OFF (orange light).

If the PLC will be switched on by any light

switch, the "POWER" LED immediately indi-
cates the presence of 24V by a green light!
The self-holding circuit only is present after the
PLC walks through the initialisation period.
After about 1 – 2 seconds!

Power Supply – Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

Colour code for the indication of input and output status

LED turns ON when... / turns OFF when
digital Outputs

Control Voltage ON. Ignition Key Turned On.

Active Input Signals

digital Inputs
DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched ON with key switch
DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE19 Grease Initiator 2 is SET (if no Grease Cycle is running)
analogue Outputs

Active Output Signals

DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) switched ON for PLC via this Outlet

Signal changes by Ignition Key Turned On

DA07 Lamp Test (ON for 5 seconds)

load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs
PLC Supply Voltage

Start Left Hand Engine – Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched ON with key switch
DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
digital Outputs

DE19 Grease Initiator 2 is SET (if no Grease Cycle is running)DA15

DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) switched ON for PLC via this Outlet

Signal changes by turn on the Engine

DE07 LH Engine Start Button (as long as Button is engaged!)

digital Inputs
DA01 LH Engine Start ON
DA03 LH Diesel Valve ON

Signal changes after Engine is running (2-4s)

DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet ON
analogue Outputs

DA09 Grease Pump Starts ON

DA10 Grease Bypass Valve Open ON

load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs
PLC Supply Voltage

Start Right Hand Engine – Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched ON with key switch
DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
digital Outputs

DE19 Grease Initiator 2 is SET (if no Grease Cycle is running)DA15

DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) switched ON for PLC via this Outlet
DA02 LH Diesel Valve ON
DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet ON

digital Inputs
LED that will not be effected when Grease System is still running
DA09 Grease Pump Starts ON
DA10 Grease Bypass Valve Open ON
analogue Outputs

Signal changes by turn on the Engine

DE08 RH Engine Start Button (as long as Button is engaged!)
DA02 RH Engine Start ON
DA04 RH Diesel Valve ON

load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs
PLC Supply Voltage

Engines Running - After first Grease Cycle - Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched ON with key switch
DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
digital Outputs

DE19 Grease Initiator 2 is SET (if no Grease Cycle is running)

DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) switched ON for PLC via this Outlet
DA03 LH Diesel Valve
DA04 RH Diesel Valve
DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet

digital Inputs
analogue Outputs

load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs
PLC Supply Voltage

Stop Both Engines without Idle - Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched ON with key switch
DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
digital Outputs

DE19 Grease Initiator 2 is SET (if no Grease Cycle is running)

DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) switched ON for SPC via this Outlet

Signal changes by turn off the left hand Engine

DE09 LH Motor Stop Button (as long as Button is engaged!)

digital Inputs
DA03 LH Diesel Valve OFF

Signal changes by turn off the right hand Engine

DE10 RH Motor Stop Button (as long as Button is engaged!)
DA04 RH Diesel Valve OFF
analogue Outputs

DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet OFF (after no more running of

both engines)

load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs
PLC Supply Voltage

Stop Both Engines with Idle - Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE19 Grease Initiator 2 is SET (if no Grease Cycle is running)
digital Outputs

Signal changes by turn on Idle Left and Idle Right

DE11 LH Engine Idle Button (as long as Button is engaged!)
DE12 RH Engine Idle Button (as long as Button is engaged!)
DA05 Idle LH Engine ON

digital Inputs
DA06 Idle RH Engine ON

Signal changes by turn off Ignition key

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) OFF
analogue Outputs

Signal changes after 5 minutes Idle time

DA05 Idle LH Engine OFF
DA06 Idle RH Engine OFF
DA03 LH Diesel Valve OFF
DA04 RH Diesel Valve OFF
DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet OFF
analogue (after no more running of both engines)
Outputs DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) OFF
load Voltage (Outputs)
PLC Supply Voltage
digital Everything OFF in the same moment!

Emergency Stop or any upcoming Fault - Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE19 Grease Initiator 2 is SET (if no Grease Cycle is running)

Possible Signal changes by upcoming Faults Light

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched OFF OFF
digital Outputs

DE06 Emergency Chain OPEN ON

DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank CLOSED OFF
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank CLOSED OFF
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank CLOSED OFF

Signal changes after any of above Faults appears

digital Inputs
DA03 LH Diesel Valve OFF
DA04 RH Diesel Valve OFF
DA05 Idle LH Engine OFF
DA06 Idle RH Engine OFF
DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet OFF (after no more running of
both engines)
analogue Outputs

Possible Signal changes by upcoming Faults without stopping

the engines Light
DE03 Contamination Filter Servo ON
DE17 Oillevel Pumpdrive Gear Box Left ON
DE18 Oillevel Pumpdrive Gear Box Right ON

load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs
PLC Supply Voltage

Grease Cycle - Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched ON with key switch
DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
digital Outputs

DA03 LH Diesel Valve

DA04 RH Diesel Valve
DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet
DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) switched ON for SPC via this Outlet

Signal changes after Starting Grease Cycle (Line A)

digital Inputs
DA09 Grease Pump ON
DA10 Grease Bypass Valve ON

Signal changes during Line A and Switching to Line B

DE19 Grease Initiator 2 OFF (after some seconds)
DE20 Grease Initiator 1 ON (after some seconds)
analogue Outputs

DA09 Grease Pump OFF (after reaching 250bar)

DA11 Grease Line Switch A-B ON (after 4 seconds)
DA09 Grease Pump ON

Signal changes during Line B and the Grease Cycle is Finishing

DE20 Grease Initiator 1 OFF (after some seconds)
DE19 Grease Initiator 2 ON (after some seconds)
DA11 Grease Line Switch A-B OFF (after reaching 250bar)
analogue DA09 Grease Pump OFF
load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs DA10 Grease Bypass Valve OFF (after 5 seconds)
PLC Supply Voltage

Grease Faults - Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched ON with key switch
DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DA03 LH Diesel Valve
DA04 RH Diesel Valve
digital Outputs

DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet

DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) switched ON for SPC via this Outlet

Signals of Grease System

DE19 Grease Initiator 2
DA09 Grease Pump OFF after any Fault arises

digital Inputs
DA10 Grease Bypass Valve OFF after any Fault arises
(5 Seconds Delay)
Grease System Faults
DE02 Grease Empty ON
DE20 Grease Initiator 1 DOES NOT EFFECT
analogue Outputs

(inside of 2 minutes)
AE3+ Grease Pressure (analogue input / no signal)
FAULT is indicated if Pressure rises above 350bar
AE5+ Grease Level (analogue input / no signal)
FAULT is indicated if Grease Level is lower than 20%

Reset Grease System Faults

DE16 Grease Fault Reset (as long as the Button is engaged!)
analogue (take effect after pushing for a min. time of 1 Second)
load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs
PLC Supply Voltage

Grease System Undercarriage (Option) - Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched ON with key switch
DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DA03 LH Diesel Valve
DA04 RH Diesel Valve
digital Outputs

DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet

DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) switched ON for SPC via this Outlet

Signals of Grease System

DA13 Grease Pump OFF after any Fault arises

digital Inputs
Grease System Faults
DE02 Grease Empty ON
AE4+ Grease Pressure (analogue input / no signal)
FAULT is indicated if Pressure rises above 210bar or
Does not rise fast enough or
Does not reduce fast enough
analogue Outputs

AE5+ Grease Level (analogue input / no signal)

FAULT is indicated if Grease Level is lower than 20%

Reset Grease System Faults

DE16 Grease Fault Reset (as long as the Button is engaged!)
(take effect after pushing for a min. time of 1 Second)

load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs
PLC Supply Voltage

Lights - Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched ON with key switch
DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DA03 LH Diesel Valve
DA04 RH Diesel Valve
digital Outputs

DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet

DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) switched ON for SPC via this Outlet

Ladder Light
DE21 Ladder Light (as long as the Button is engaged!)
DA16 Ladder Light ON

digital Inputs
(for 3 minutes after every Button Push)

Cab Light
DE22 Cab Light (as long as the any Button is engaged!)
DA17 Cab Light ON
analogue Outputs

(as long as any Cab Light Button is pushed again)

Maintenance Light
DE24 Maintenance Light (as long as the any Button is engaged!)
DA18 Maintenance Light ON
(as long as any Maintenance Light Button is pushed again
or as long Ladder Light is ON)

load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs
PLC Supply Voltage

Other Signals - Diesel Engine Excavators
Service Training

LED that will not be effected for the following description

DE05 Power supply ( +15 ) switched ON with key switch
DE13 Left shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE14 Right shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DE15 Centre shut-off valve on hydr. tank OPEN
DA03 LH Diesel Valve
DA04 RH Diesel Valve
digital Outputs

DA08 Fan Electrical Cabinet

DA20 Power supply ( +30 ) switched ON for SPC via this Outlet
Travelling 2nd Gear auto (only RH400)
DE01 Travelling 2nd Gear auto ON
(as long as the Button is engaged!)
(Signal will be sent via CAN-Bus)

digital Inputs
Dumper Counting Reset
DE04 Dumper Counting Reset ON
(as long as the Button is engaged!)
(Signal will be sent via CAN-Bus)
analogue Outputs

Ultra Sonic Distance Sensor (Boom – Stick)

DA19 US Sensor ON
(as long as distance is too short)
(Signal is received via CAN-BUS)
Reduction of Revolutions
DA12 Reduction of Revolutions ON
(as long as the Button is engaged!)
(Signal is received via CAN-BUS)
load Voltage (Outputs) Outputs Grease Container Full
PLC Supply Voltage DA15 Grease Container FULL ON
digital (Grease Container is filled more than 90%)

Input Ports
Service Training

Output Ports
Service Training

Input Ports / Power Supply
Service Training


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