This document is a repayment schedule for a personal loan of Rs. 250,000 taken by Mr. Siddhanta Dey from HDFC Bank. It shows that the loan is to be repaid in 48 monthly installments of Rs. 6,492 each over 4 years, with the principal amount decreasing and interest decreasing with each installment. The final installment on July 6, 2023 will clear the remaining principal of Rs. 0, closing the loan.
This document is a repayment schedule for a personal loan of Rs. 250,000 taken by Mr. Siddhanta Dey from HDFC Bank. It shows that the loan is to be repaid in 48 monthly installments of Rs. 6,492 each over 4 years, with the principal amount decreasing and interest decreasing with each installment. The final installment on July 6, 2023 will clear the remaining principal of Rs. 0, closing the loan.
This document is a repayment schedule for a personal loan of Rs. 250,000 taken by Mr. Siddhanta Dey from HDFC Bank. It shows that the loan is to be repaid in 48 monthly installments of Rs. 6,492 each over 4 years, with the principal amount decreasing and interest decreasing with each installment. The final installment on July 6, 2023 will clear the remaining principal of Rs. 0, closing the loan.
This document is a repayment schedule for a personal loan of Rs. 250,000 taken by Mr. Siddhanta Dey from HDFC Bank. It shows that the loan is to be repaid in 48 monthly installments of Rs. 6,492 each over 4 years, with the principal amount decreasing and interest decreasing with each installment. The final installment on July 6, 2023 will clear the remaining principal of Rs. 0, closing the loan.