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Application for a student visa


Applying online Changing education provider

The Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (the If you hold a student visa and wish to change education
department) offers a number of convenient internet services provider, you may need to seek the department’s permission
for student visa applicants. To find out whether you are eligible first. You must seek permission if your visa is subject to
to apply online for a student visa, refer to the department’s condition 8206 and you wish to change education provider
website www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/students.htm either:
If you wish to enter Australia or extend your stay as a student • while studying any preliminary courses; or
and you are not eligible to apply online, complete this form in • during the first 12 months of your principal course.
ENGLISH using BLOCK LETTERS. If you wish to change education provider but continue studying
To complete this form you must first read these notes and the same type of course, you must apply on form 157C
information form 1160i Applying for a student visa. Detailed Application for a student visa with permission to change
information is also available on the department’s website education provider.
www.immi.gov.au/study/ If you wish to change both your provider and the type of course
you are studying, you must apply for a new student visa using
Who can use this form? this form (form 157A).
You should use this form if you wish to apply for a student visa In either case, you must demonstrate that exceptional reasons
and be assessed against one of the following subclasses: exist to justify your change in enrolment.
• Independent ELICOS visa (subclass 570);
• Schools visa (subclass 571); Changing course type (education sector)
• Vocational Education and Training visa (subclass 572); Your student visa is linked to the type of course you are
• Higher Education visa (subclass 573); studying. Each student visa subclass covers specific types of
• Postgraduate Research visa (subclass 574); course only. If you wish to change your principal course at any
• Non-Award visa (subclass 575); time to a course in a different education sector, you must first
apply for a new student visa using this form (form 157A).
• AusAID or Defence visa (subclass 576).
For information on course types and their relationship to the
Each subclass is linked to the type of course you intend to
different student visa subclasses, refer to the department’s
undertake in Australia as your main course of study.
website www.immi.gov.au/study/
You are not able to use this form to apply for a Student Guardian
visa (subclass 580). Form 157G Application for a Student
Applying for a student visa
Guardian visa is the only valid form for a Student Guardian
visa application. To help you lodge your application and communicate with the
department while your application is being processed you
If you are applying for a visa that can be granted in Australia
should read information form 1025i Making and processing
and you are making this application in Australia, this form also
visa applications, which is available from your nearest
serves as an application form for any class of bridging visa
Australian Government office or the department’s website.
(classes A, C or E) for which you may be eligible to apply – see
the information form 1024i Bridging visas, which is available All student visa applicants must satisfy the criteria for grant of
on the department’s website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/ one of the student visa subclasses. These criteria include (but
are not limited to) financial ability, English language proficiency,
Please refer to information form 1160i Applying for a student
intention to comply with visa conditions and other relevant
visa for further information about Australia’s student visa
matters. Information on these criteria and the conditions that
may be attached to your visa can be found in the information
form 1160i Applying for a student visa and on the department’s
Working while studying website.
If you already hold a student visa and now want permission to Note: If you are required to provide the results of an English
work, you and your family members can apply online language test, you must sit the test before you lodge your
www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/students.htm visa application. If you sit a test after you have lodged your
To be eligible for permission to work while studying in Australia, application, the results of this test cannot be taken into account.
you must first have commenced your course. More information If you wish to study in Australia, your application will be assessed
about permission to work while studying is available on the against one of 5 assessment levels for each visa subclass. Before
department’s website www.immi.gov.au/study/working/ completing this form, you must refer to information form
1219i Overseas Student Program – Assessment Levels for
information on which Assessment Level applies to you.
Information on assessment levels can be found on the
department’s website.
Continued on the next page

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 1

In certain circumstances you may be requested to complete a commenced your course of study. If you are in Australia and
supplementary information form. You will be advised by the your family members intend to apply to join you after you have
visa processing office if this is necessary. commenced your course, you will need to complete form 919
Your application may be decided solely on the basis of Nomination of student dependant(s). You must send this form
information provided in this application. Failure to answer a and other necessary documentary evidence to your family
question may result in your application being refused if the members for them to lodge at the relevant Australian
decision-maker cannot be satisfied that you meet all of the Government office.
criteria for grant of the visa. The provision of information to the Note: If you are processed at Assessment Level 3, 4 or 5 and
department that is incorrect may result in cancellation of your intend to undertake a course of 12 months or less in duration,
visa if it is granted. If you need more space to answer any members of the family unit are not permitted to accompany
question, write the details on a separate sheet, sign it and attach you to Australia on a student visa.
it to the application form. All members of your family unit must be declared on
You must provide all of the documentation necessary to support your application form, whether or not they intend to travel
your application (originals or certified or notarised copies) and to Australia with you. A member who is not declared will not be
you must declare that you have done so. Failure to do so may eligible for entry to Australia as a family unit member, unless
result in your application being refused. The documentation they were not your spouse or child at the time you lodged your
required may vary depending on your Assessment Level and application but have since become so.
the subclass appropriate to your course of study. Information A school-age family unit member joining you in Australia is
on documentation required is available on the department’s expected to attend school in Australia. You must provide
website. A decision on your application will be made on the evidence of enrolment for them if you wish them to be granted
basis of all the information you provide, your circumstances a student visa as a family unit member. You are responsible for
and the legal requirements that apply. If your circumstances their education costs in accordance with the charging policy of
change in any way after you make your application you must the relevant Australian state or territory.
inform the department immediately. Failure to do so can lead
to cancellation of your visa (if it is granted). Your spouse will have a condition placed on their visa that limits
their period of study in Australia to a maximum of 3 months.
Applicants who provide false or misleading information If they wish to undertake study beyond this period they must
may either have their applications refused, or their visa apply for a student visa in their own right.
permitting them to remain in Australia cancelled.
If you are an AusAID or Defence-sponsored student, members
If you: of your family unit must provide evidence of support by the
• are applying in Australia; relevant Minister for them to be granted a visa as your
• do not already hold a student visa; and dependant.
• you are in Assessment Level 2, 3, 4 or 5
you must provide exceptional reasons for the grant of your visa ‘No further stay’ conditions
in Australia. Your visa will be subject to a number of visa conditions.
Information on these conditions can be found in the
Photographs information form 1160i Applying for a student visa and on the
department’s website.
Applying outside Australia – enclose 4 recent passport-sized
photographs of yourself and all family members included in this In certain circumstances, your visa may be subject to the ‘no
application. further stay’ condition 8534 or 8535.
Applying in Australia – enclose one recent passport-sized Condition 8534
photograph of yourself and all family members included in this If you are an Assessment Level 3, 4 or 5 student whose overall
application. intended period of study is 10 months or less, you will usually
be subject to this ‘no further stay’ condition. This means that
Health requirements after entering Australia, you may not be granted any other visa
while you remain in Australia, other than a further student visa
All applicants must meet Australia’s health requirements. You
with permission to work or a Graduate – Skilled visa1. If you are
and any family members included in this application may be
an Assessment Level 3 student you may be exempt from the
required to undergo a chest x-ray and medical examination.
mandatory imposition of the ‘no further stay’ if you can show
Refer to form 1163i Health requirement for temporary entry
an additional A$12,000 and funds to cover living and school
to Australia for further details.
costs for a 12-month period in addition to the period of your
If applying outside Australia under Assessment Level 3, 4 or 5, intended study in Australia.
you should not undertake your medical or x-ray examinations
A ‘no further stay’ condition may also be imposed on your visa,
until advised to do so by the Australian Government office
irrespective of your Assessment Level or period of study, if the
processing your visa application.
decision maker considers this appropriate.
Condition 8535
Members of your family unit
If you are sponsored by the Australian Government or the
The term ‘members of the family unit’ covers your spouse
government of your home country, you may be subject to this
(including a de facto spouse) and dependent children of you
‘no further stay’ condition. This means that after entering
or your spouse, who are unmarried and have not turned
Australia, you will not be entitled to be granted any other visa
18 years of age. School-age dependants are unmarried
while you remain in Australia apart from a further student visa
dependent children of you or your spouse who have turned 5,
with permission to work or a further student visa with the
but have not yet turned 18.
consent of your sponsor1.
Members of your family unit may apply for visas that will allow
them to join you in Australia. They may apply for visas at the 1
Or to engage Australia’s protection obligation under the 1951 UN
same time as you, or after you have arrived in Australia and
convention relating to the status of refugees.

157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 2 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

Visa application charge Authorisation of a migration agent to act on your behalf
Your completed application form, together with the correct visa If you have a migration agent acting on your behalf in relation
application charge, can be lodged at the nearest Australian to your application for a student visa, you need to complete
Government office if applying outside Australia, or at the nearest Question 73 Options for receiving written communications
office of the department if applying in Australia. You can check and Question 78 Agent details. The migration agent will need
the visa application charge with your nearest office of the to sign at Question 80 Agent consent.
department, or from form 990i Charges, which is available in Appointing a migration agent to act on your behalf includes
the Forms section of the department’s website authorising the department to:
• discuss your student visa application with the migration agent
Payment must accompany your application and is generally not and seek further information from them; and
refunded if the application is unsuccessful. If you have paid
enrolment or tuition fees, it is your responsibility to get a refund • send your migration agent written communications about
of these fees. your student visa application that would otherwise have been
sent to you.
To make a payment in Australia, please pay by credit card, debit
card or by bank cheque or money order made payable to the Note: Your migration agent will be your authorised recipient
Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs. Please for written communication under section 494D of the Act and,
do not pay by cash or personal cheque. in accordance with that same provision, you will be taken to
have received any documents sent to them.
For clients outside Australia, before you make a payment, please
contact the Australian Government office to find out what If you change your migration agent or end his/her appointment,
methods of payment can be accepted at that office. after you have lodged this application, you must promptly
advise the department in writing, preferably by using form 956
Appointment of a migration agent, which is available on the
Authorisation of a person to only receive written department’s website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/ or from
communications your migration agent.
You may authorise another person to only receive all written The department will communicate with your migration agent
communications about your application for a student visa with about your application, including your personal information
the department. That person will be known as your authorised such as health, police checks, financial viability and personal
recipient. To do this, you will need to complete Question 73 relationships. If your agent authorises it at Question 79 this
Options for receiving written communications and communication may take place by e-mail or fax.
Question 75 Authorised recipient details in this form. The
The department will send to your migration agent only
authorised recipient will need to sign at Question 77 Authorised
information which you are entitled to receive. For example, if
recipient consent. You can only appoint one authorised
you are a visa applicant and have a sponsor, your agent will not
recipient at any time. The department will communicate with
receive personal information about your sponsor, unless your
the most recently appointed authorised recipient.
sponsor has also appointed the same migration agent.
The department is required under section 494D of the
In some situations, departmental staff will need to speak with
Migration Act 1958 (the Act) to send your authorised recipient
you directly rather than with your migration agent. For example,
any written communications relating to your application that
if you are applying for a visa the department may interview you.
would otherwise have been sent to you (but a copy of that
In some situations, the department will also send documents
communication may also be sent to you). If your authorised
to you directly (for example, your passport) instead of to your
recipient agrees to it at Question 76, this communication may
migration agent, but it will inform your migration agent that it
take place by fax or e-mail.
has done so.
The department will send your authorised recipient only
If you have appointed a migration agent to act for you, you are
information which you are entitled to receive. For example, if
still responsible for the accuracy of information and supporting
you are a visa applicant and have a sponsor, your authorised
documentation that you give to your migration agent to forward
recipient will not receive personal information about your
to the department.
sponsor, unless your sponsor also appointed the same
authorised recipient. When you provide the details of your migration agent, please
make sure you include their 7-digit:
If you decide to change your nominated authorised recipient,
after you have lodged this application, you must promptly • migration agent registration number (if they are a registered
advise the department in writing. You may use form 1231 migration agent); or
Appointment of authorised recipient for this purpose, which is • offshore agent ID number (if they have been allocated one
available from the department’s website by the department).
www.immi.gov.au/allforms/ or from any office of the
Note: Migration agents who operate overseas do not need to
department or Australian mission.
be registered. However, they may have been allocated an ID
number by the department.

Continued on the next page

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 3

Using a migration agent Notification of giving immigration assistance
You are not required to use a migration agent. However, if you Under section 312A of the Act, a registered agent has a duty to
use a migration agent, the department encourages you to use notify the department when lodging an application on behalf
a registered migration agent. Registered migration agents are of a client, or within 28 days of commencing to act on behalf of
bound by the Migration Agents Code of Conduct, which requires a visa applicant. This notification can be done by completing,
them to act in the lawful best interests of their clients and act and your agent signing, the relevant sections of this application
professionally. form.
A list of registered migration agents is available from the
Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) website Residential address
www.themara.com.au You must tell the department where you intend to live while
You can contact the MARA at: your application is being dealt with. Failure to give a residential
E-mail: [email protected] address will result in your application being invalid. A post office
box address will not be accepted as your residential address.
PO Box Q1551
QVB NSW 1230
AUSTRALIA Consent to communicate electronically
Telephone: 61 2 9299 5446 The department may use a range of means to communicate
with you. However, electronic means such as fax or e-mail will
Fax: 61 2 9299 8448 only be used if you indicate your agreement to receiving
The MARA investigates complaints against registered migration communication in this way.
agents and may take disciplinary action against them. If you To process your application the department may need to
have a concern about a registered migration agent, you should communicate with you about sensitive information, for example,
contact the MARA. A copy of the complaint form is available health, police checks, financial viability and personal
from the MARA website. relationships. Electronic communications, unless adequately
encrypted, are not secure and may be viewed by others or
Restrictions on giving immigration assistance interfered with. If you agree to the department communicating
with you by electronic means, the details you provide will only
In Australia, anyone (including a lawyer) who uses knowledge
be used by the department for the purpose for which you have
of migration procedure to offer immigration assistance to a visa
provided them, unless there is a legal obligation or necessity to
or cancellation review applicant, sponsor or nominator, must
use them for another purpose, or you have consented to use
be registered, unless exempted from registration requirements
for another purpose. They will not be added to any mailing list.
by law. There are serious criminal penalties under Part 3 of the
Act for breaching the law, including possible imprisonment if The Australian Government accepts no responsibility for the
the unregistered person asks for, or receives, a fee or reward security or integrity of any information sent to the department
for their services. over the internet or by other electronic means.
If you authorise another person to receive documents on your
Using an agent exempted from registration behalf and they wish to be contacted electronically, their
signature is required on the form to indicate their consent to
Certain people, such as officials, parliamentarians, diplomats,
this form of communication.
close family members (that is, only your spouse, child, adopted
child, parent, brother or sister), sponsors and nominators, are
able to provide you with immigration assistance as long as they About the information you give to the department
do not ask or receive a fee or reward. If you wish to appoint an The department is authorised to collect information provided
‘exempted agent’, you must complete form 956 Appointment on this form under Part 2 of the Migration Act 1958. The
of a migration agent, which is available from the department’s information collected will be used for assessing your eligibility
website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/ and attach it to this for a student visa to travel to and enter and/or remain in
application form. Australia, to monitor the conduct of migration agents, and for
other purposes relating to the administration of the Migration
Applications for multiple visas Act.
If you are a dependant applicant (for example, the spouse of a The information collected might also be disclosed to agencies
primary applicant) and you wish to appoint a different migration who are authorised to receive information relating to adoption,
agent to the primary applicant, you must fill out a separate border control, business skills, citizenship, education, health
form 956 Appointment of a migration agent, which is available assessment, health insurance, health services, law enforcement,
from the department’s website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/ payment of pensions and benefits, taxation, review of decisions
or advise the department in writing. Otherwise, the migration and registration of migration agents. It will also be disclosed to
agent appointed by the principal applicant will have the any agency of the Australian Government, or of a state or
authority to act for all persons included in the application. territory, that is responsible for or otherwise concerned with
the regulation of education providers.
Relevant information about you will be disclosed to federal,
state and territory police to assist in your location and possible
detention in the event that you become an unlawful non-citizen.
You will become an unlawful non-citizen if your visa ceases (for
example, by cancellation for breach of visa condition) or expires
and you do not hold another visa authorising you to remain in

157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 4 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

The information on this form, including the results of any tests
for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), will be used to
assess your health for an Australian visa. A positive HIV or other
test result will not necessarily lead to a visa being denied. Your
result(s) may be disclosed to the relevant Australian
Government state and territory health agencies.
In addition, the relevant registered education provider(s) may
be told whether or not your visa has been granted. The
collection, access, storage, use and disclosure by the department
of the information you provide in this form is governed by the
Privacy Act 1988 and, in particular, by the 11 Information
Privacy Principles. The information form 993i Safeguarding
your personal information gives details of agencies to which
your personal information might be disclosed. This form is
available from the department’s website
www.immi.gov.au/allforms/ or from any departmental office
or Australian mission overseas.
The department has authority under the Migration Act 1958 to
collect a range of personal identifiers from non-citizens,
including visa applicants, in certain circumstances. For more
detailed information you should read information form 1243i
Your personal identifying information. This form is available
from the department’s website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/
or from any departmental office or Australian mission overseas.
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) also relates to
your personal information. Under the FOI Act you can apply for
access to documents containing your personal information. You
or someone authorised by you to access information on your
behalf can apply to do this at any departmental office in
Australia. There is no fee for accessing your own information.
If you are overseas, you must also provide the Australian mission
with an address in Australia to which copies of personal records
can be sent. More information on how to make a request under
the FOI Act is given on form 424A Request for access to
documents under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 which
is available from the department’s website
www.immi.gov.au/allforms/ or from any departmental office
or Australian mission overseas.

Review rights
If you apply for a student visa in Australia and you are refused
the visa, you may apply for a review of the decision. You will be
notified of your review rights in writing and the time limits for
lodging such an appeal.
There are no review rights for decisions to refuse a student visa
where the application is made outside Australia.

Home page www.immi.gov.au

General Telephone 131 881 during business hours
enquiry line in Australia to speak to an operator (recorded
information available outside these hours).
If you are outside Australia, please contact
your nearest Australian mission.

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 5

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Application for a student visa


Part A – To be completed by PHOTOGRAPH

all applicants
Please attach required
Application details photographs of yourself
1 How many people are included in this application?
all members of your
family unit included in
2 Are you applying this application
for yourself as a student? Complete Parts A, B and D
for yourself and family? Complete Parts A, B and D
as a member of a
student’s family unit? Complete Parts A, C and D

Your personal details

3 Your full name in English 10 Your present country of citizenship
Family name

Given names 11 Do you hold any other citizenship?

Yes Which countries?
4 Name in your own language or script (if applicable)

12 Do you have a passport?

5 Have you been known by any other names?
(including name at birth, previous married names, aliases) Yes Details from your passport

No Passport number

Yes Give details and provide supporting evidence eg. birth

certificate/marriage certificate Country of passport
Family name
Given names
Date of issue

Date of expiry
6 Sex Male Female Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in your passport

7 Date of birth

8 Place of birth 13 Where applicable, give your identification number


Country Continued on the next page

9 Marital status
Married Separated Widowed
Engaged Divorced Never married
De facto

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 7

14 If you have any other identity numbers required by your About your family
government, give details:
22 Give details of all members of your family unit whether or not they intend
Type of number to accompany you to Australia.
Your number Members of the family unit are your spouse (including a de facto spouse)
Type of number and any unmarried dependent children of you or your spouse who have
not yet turned 18 years of age.
Your number

1. Family name
15 Your country of usual residence
Given names

16 Your residential address in your home country Relationship

Note: A post office box address is not acceptable as a residential to you
address. Failure to give a residential address will result in your Citizenship(s)
application being invalid. DAY MONTH YEAR

Date of birth

Is this person included in this application?

Yes Details from passport
17 Your telephone numbers outside Australia
Office hours ( ) ( )

After hours ( ) ( )
Country of passport

18 Your residential address in Australia (if known) DAY MONTH YEAR

Date of issue

Date of expiry
Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport

19 Your telephone numbers in Australia (if known)

Office hours (AREA CODE )

Does this person intend to study in No Yes

After hours (AREA CODE )
Australia for more than 3 months?

20 Address for correspondence


21 Do you agree to the department communicating with you by fax, e-mail

or other electronic means?

Yes Give details

Fax number ( ) ( )

E-mail address
Note: If this visa application is refused, you will be notified by mail

157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 8 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

2. Family name
Dependants under 18 years of age
Given names 23 Have any school age dependants (that is, those who have turned 5 but
who have not yet turned 18 years of age) included in this application
been enrolled in a school in Australia?
Relationship No
to you
Citizenship(s) Yes You must provide evidence (eg. enrolment advice,
offer letter)

Date of birth 24 Do you have the sole legal right to determine where any dependants
Is this person included in this application? under 18 years of age who are included in this application will live or to
remove each such dependant from their country of usual residence?
No Give details below
Yes Details from passport
Yes Go to Question 25
Passport number
Give details of ALL other people not included in this application who have
Country of passport custody, access or guardianship rights in relation to the dependant(s).
Attach a statutory declaration from each of these people giving permission
for the dependant to accompany you to Australia.

Date of issue
Family name
Date of expiry
Given names
Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport

Does this person intend to study in No Yes COUNTRY CODE AREA CODE NUMBER
Australia for more than 3 months?
Telephone ( ) ( )

3. Family name Relationship

to dependant
Given names Nature of
legal right
Statutory declaration attached? No Yes
to you
Citizenship(s) Family name
Given names
Date of birth
Is this person included in this application?
Yes Details from passport
Passport number
Telephone ( ) ( )

Country of passport to dependant
Nature of
legal right
Date of issue Statutory declaration attached? No Yes

Date of expiry
25 Are any of your dependants who are under 18 years of age, and who
Issuing authority/Place of issue as shown in passport are included in this application, the subject of a court order giving you:
• the sole legal right to determine where they will live; or
• the right to remove them from their country of usual residence?

Does this person intend to study in No Yes
Australia for more than 3 months? Yes Attach a certified copy of the court order(s)

Continued on the next page

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 9

Previous visa applications Part B – To be completed by
Warning — In general, a person can only hold one visa at a time. If you
the student
are granted a visa while you already have another, the first visa will cease
automatically when the new visa is granted. 28 Are you applying in Australia?

26 Have you or any other person included No Go to Question 30

in this application previously applied Yes
for any type of Australian visa? No Yes
29 Do you currently hold a student visa?
Do you currently hold a visa? No Yes
No If you are in Assessment Level 2, 3, 4 or 5 you will be
Are you currently awaiting a decision required at Question 43 to provide exceptional reasons why
on another visa application? No Yes you should be granted a student visa in Australia.
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above
questions, give details below 30 Provide details of your highest qualification obtained outside Australia,
Name as well as all other studies and training obtained outside Australia.
You must provide evidence of your study and training, including
Type of visa academic records, if you are:
Place of issue • in Assessment Level 3, 4 or 5; or
DAY MONTH YEAR • in Assessment Level 2 seeking to undertake studies in the
Date of issue postgraduate research sector.
All other applicants may be requested to provide evidence where
Application Refused considered necessary.
Granted Visa label number In certain limited circumstances, you may be requested to provide copies
V < of any published works written by you.

If granted a visa without a label, provide the 13-digit visa Highest qualification
grant number (as shown on the letter notifying you of
visa grant).
Name of education provider or training body

Address of education provider or training body
Type of visa

Place of issue
Date of issue

Application Refused Commencement date

Granted Visa label number Finish date
V <
Documentation attached? No Yes
If granted a visa without a label, provide the 13-digit visa
grant number (as shown on the letter notifying you of
visa grant).

27 If you are applying:

as a member of the family unit of a student Go to Part C

in all other cases Go to Part B

157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 10 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

Other course undertaken outside Australia Previous course in Australia

Name of education provider or training body Name of education provider or training body

Address of education provider or training body Period of study


From to

Previous course in Australia

Commencement date
Name of education provider or training body
Finish date

Documentation attached? No Yes

Period of study
Other course undertaken outside Australia
From to

Name of education provider or training body 32 Give details of your intended courses of study in Australia.
You must provide evidence of enrolment. Unless you are seeking to study
in Australia as a secondary school exchange student or as a student
Address of education provider or training body sponsored by AusAID or the Australian Department of Defence, you must
• if applying in Australia, or outside Australia as an Assessment
Level 1 or 2 student, the electronic confirmation of enrolment
POSTAL CODE certificate from your education provider. If you propose to study more
DAY MONTH YEAR than one course you must provide either an electronic confirmation
Commencement date of enrolment certificate, or an original ‘offer of a place in a course’
letter from your education provider for each additional course; or
Finish date • if applying outside Australia as an Assessment Level 3 or 4
student, the original ‘offer of a place in a course’ letter from your
Documentation attached? No Yes education provider. If you are assessed as a genuine student, the
Australian Government office will provide you with a letter of
31 Have you previously studied in Australia? genuineness. Only at this stage should you pay any tuition fees and
obtain an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment.
If you are seeking to study as an exchange student, you must attach to
Yes Give details below this application the Acceptance Advice Secondary Exchange Student
You must provide evidence of your studies and training, (AASES) form as evidence of enrolment.
including academic records If you wish to study in Australia as a student sponsored by AusAID or the
Australian Department of Defence, you must attach evidence of
Previous course in Australia sponsorship from AusAID or the Department of Defence.

Name of education provider or training body Intended course

Name of education provider or training body

Period of study


Commencement date

Finish date

Have you enrolled?

No Attach letter of ‘offer of a place in a course’
Yes Is evidence of enrolment attached? No Yes

Continued on the next page

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 11

35 Have you studied for at least 5 years (in the English language) in one or
Intended course more of the following countries:
• Australia; • the Republic of Ireland;
Name of education provider or training body • Canada; • the United Kingdom; or
• New Zealand; • the United States of America?
• South Africa;
Commencement date Yes Attach evidence
Finish date

Have you enrolled?

Your employment details
No Attach letter of ‘offer of a place in a course’
Yes Is evidence of enrolment attached? No Yes 36 Give details of your employment history since leaving


Period: From to
Name of education provider or training body Name and address of employer


Commencement date
Type of business
Finish date
Have you enrolled?
Salary level
No Attach letter of ‘offer of a place in a course’
Yes Is evidence of enrolment attached? No Yes Documentation attached? No Yes


Period: From to
Your English language details
Name and address of employer
33 Are you an applicant in Assessment Level 1 or 2?
Yes Go to Question 36 POSTAL CODE

Type of business
34 Have you undertaken an English language proficiency test within the last
24 months? Occupation
No Salary level
Yes Name of test
Documentation attached? No Yes


Date of test
Test certificate number

Note: You must attach a certificate showing that you have

completed an English language proficiency test.

157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 12 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

37 Are you currently employed? Other address details
No Are you a student 39 Give details of any immediate relatives in Australia (ie. parent, spouse,
unemployed child, brother or sister)

other Please describe

Why do you wish to undertake the course of study you have to you
nominated? If insufficient space, attach additional details.
Date of birth


Immigration status in Australia (eg. temporary or permanent resident,

Now go to Question 39 Australian citizen)

Yes Your position


Date of arrival
Name, address and telephone number of your employer

Date of birth
( ) ( )
Have you attached evidence of your employment details?
No Yes
Are you currently a student in Australia?
No Yes
Immigration status in Australia (eg. temporary or permanent resident,
Australian citizen)
38 Have you been offered a job for when you return home at the completion
of your course?
No What kind of employment will you be seeking on your
return to your home country? Date of arrival

40 Give details of your closest relative in your home country who is neither
accompanying nor joining you in Australia

to you
Yes Name, address and telephone number of your employer




( ) ( )
Telephone ( ) ( )

Title of position offered

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 13

Financial details Additional information
41 Are you applying to study in Australia as a secondary school exchange 43 If there is any other information or documentation you would like taken
student? into consideration in assessing your application attach it to the application.
No Remember that a decision may be based solely on the information you
Yes Go to Question 43 provide in this application.
Note: If you are in Australia as the holder of a student subclass 570–576
42 Do you have access to sufficient funds to support you and your family visa and you wish to change your principal course within the first
unit members for the TOTAL period of your stay in Australia (including 12 months of that course, and your new principal course will be in a
proposed course fees for you and any school-age family members, living new education sector, then as part of this application you must provide
costs and travel costs, regardless of whether your dependants intend to exceptional circumstances to justify the change of course.
accompany you to Australia)? If you are applying in Australia as an Assessment Level 2–5 applicant
and do not hold a student visa, you must provide exceptional reasons to
No Go to Question 43 justify the grant of your visa.
Yes Please complete the declaration below
Now go to Part D
If you are under 18 years of age, this declaration must
be signed on your behalf by your parents or a person(s)
who has legal custody of you.
If you are in Assessment Level 2–5, you must provide
documentary evidence that you have sufficient funds
(unless you are a secondary school exchange student).
It is important that you refer to the department’s website
www.immi.gov.au/study/ for details regarding the
level of funds you are required to demonstrate, acceptable
sources of funds and of the length of time funds must
have been held.
I declare that I have access to sufficient funds to support
myself and my family unit members (regardless of
whether they are accompanying me to Australia) for the
total period of my stay in Australia.
Your signature



157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 14 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

Part C – To be completed only if you 48 Is the student you are joining:
are a family unit member joining a • the holder of an International Postgraduate Research Scholarship;
• sponsored by AusAID or the Australian Department of Defence;
student in Australia
• fully sponsored by the federal, or a state or territory government of
44 Has the student you are joining, who is a member of your family unit, Australia;
completed form 919 Nomination of student dependants? • fully sponsored by the government of your home country, or by a state
or provincial government of your home country;
No If applying outside Australia, you must provide a completed
• fully sponsored by a multilateral organisation eg. the United Nations,
form 919 with this application
World Bank?
Yes Attach the completed form 919 to this application No
Yes If the student you are joining is in Assessment Level 2–5
45 Do you intend to study in Australia for more than 3 months? and was granted their visa after 1 December 2003, there
No are specific financial evidentiary requirements that you
must meet. Please go to the department’s website for
Yes If you are 5 years up to 18 years of age, please provide details on the levels of funds you are required to
documentary evidence of school enrolment in Australia. demonstrate, acceptable sources of funds and the length
If you are 18 years of age or older and you intend to study of time funds must be held.
in Australia for more than 3 months, you must apply for a
student visa as a principal applicant, rather than as a family Now go to Part D
unit member.
49 Does the student you are joining have sufficient funds to financially
46 Provide details of the student you are joining in Australia support themselves, you and any other family members included in this
application, for the remainder of his or her stay in Australia?
to you Yes You must attach evidence of this financial support

Date of birth Continued on the next page



Type of student visa held

What Assessment Level were they
assessed against (if known)?

Date granted

Expiry date

Note: You cannot join your family unit member in Australia on a student
visa if they are in Assessment Levels 3–5 unless the total duration of
the course(s) they are undertaking in Australia is at least 12 months or

47 Did the student you are joining declare in their initial student visa
application you and other members of their family unit included in this


© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 15

Part D – To be completed by all 53 Have you, or any member of your family unit included in this application:
applicants • ever had, or do you currently have, tuberculosis?
• been in close contact with a person who has, or has had, active
Health declaration tuberculosis?
• ever had a chest x-ray which showed an abnormality?
50 In the last 5 years, have you, or has any member of your family unit
included in this application, visited or lived outside your country of usual No
residence for more than 3 consecutive months? Yes Give full details

Yes Give details



Date to
54 Do you require assistance with mobility and/or care?
Name No

Countries Yes Provide details of the mobility/care concerns that apply to

you and how they are addressed

Date to



Date to

51 Do you, or any member of your family unit included in this application, 55 Do you intend performing medical procedures (eg. as a practising/trainee
intend entering an Australian hospital (including nursing homes) for work, doctor, dentist, nurse) during your stay in Australia?
training, treatment or visiting? No
No Yes Provide details of the medical/dental/nursing procedures
Yes Give full details you may be involved with in Australia

52 Do you, or any member of your family unit included in this application,

intend to work in an Australian preschool-aged child care centre (including
preschools and creches) as an employee or trainee?

Yes Give full details

157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 16 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

56 During your proposed visit to Australia, do you, or any children included Character declaration
in this application, expect to incur medical costs, or require treatment or
medical follow up for: 57 Have you, or any member of your family unit
• blood disorder • mental illness included in this application, ever:
• cancer • pregnancy • been convicted of a crime or offence in any
• heart disease • respiratory disease that has country (including any conviction which is
• hepatitis required hospital admission now removed from official records)? No Yes
• HIV infection, including AIDS • any form of surgery • been charged with any offence that is
• kidney disease, including dialysis • any other health concerns? currently awaiting legal action? No Yes
• liver disease
• been acquitted of any criminal offence or
No other offence on the grounds of mental
illness, insanity or unsoundness of mind? No Yes
Yes Give details
• been removed or deported from any
country (including Australia)? No Yes

• left any country to avoid being removed or

deported? No Yes

• been excluded from or asked to leave any

country (including Australia)? No Yes

• committed, or been involved in the

commission of war crimes or crimes
against humanity or human rights? No Yes

• been involved in any activities that would

represent a risk to Australian national
security? No Yes

• had any outstanding debts to the Australian

Government or any public authority in
Australia? No Yes

You are strongly advised to carry certification of your vaccination status, • been involved in any activity, or been
especially for children attending Australian child care centres (including convicted of any offence, relating to the
preschools and creches) and schools. Vaccination against polio, tetanus, illegal movement of people to any country
(including Australia)? No Yes
measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough),
Haemophilus influenzae hypo B (Hib), and Hepatitis B is recommended • served in a military force or state
for children, with certification sought at time of child care centre (including sponsored/private militia, undergone any
preschool and creche) and school enrolment. Vaccination against rubella military/paramilitary training, or been
is also recommended for women of child bearing age. trained in weapons/explosives use
(however described)? No Yes

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of the above questions, you must state
who it applies to and give ALL relevant details. If the matter relates to
a criminal conviction, please give the nature of the offence, full details
of sentence and dates of any period of imprisonment or other detention.
If insufficient space, attach an additional statement.

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 17

Accommodation/welfare arrangements 60 As the parent or a person who has legal custody of a student applicant
for students under 18 years of age under 18 years of age, do you hold or have you applied for a visa
(eg. Student Guardian visa – subclass 580) to accompany your child
58 Are you under 18 years of age? during their stay in Australia?

Note: Depending on your Assessment Level, you may need to meet a No

minimum age or education standard requirement. Refer to information Yes Please give your details below, then go to Question 65
form 1219i Overseas Student Program – Assessment Levels and the
department’s website for more details.
Family name
No Go to Question 68
Given names
Yes Questions 59 (and either question 60, 61, 63 or 64) and the
declaration at 65 must be completed on your behalf by your
parents or a person(s) who has legal custody of you, as you DAY MONTH YEAR

are under 18 years of age. If your parents or a person(s) who Date of birth
has legal custody of you have not made adequate
arrangements for your accommodation, support and general Your intended address in Australia
welfare while in Australia, a student visa cannot be granted.
Evidence of their relationship to you must be provided.

59 This question, and other questions as indicated, must be completed
by the parents, or person(s) who has legal custody of the Application:
applicant under 18 years of age. Granted Visa label number
Which statement best explains your situation? V <
I am a parent or person who has legal If granted a visa without a label, provide the 13-digit
custody of the student applicant and I am visa grant number (as shown on the letter notifying
going to accompany the child to Australia. Go to Question 60 you of visa grant).

I am a parent or person who has legal

custody of the student applicant and have Period of stay Expiry date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR)
made arrangements for the child to stay MONTHS

in Australia with a relative* who is 21 years Go to Question 61

of age or older. Not yet Australian Government office where application
decided lodged
* A relative is defined under the Migration Regulations as a spouse,
child, adopted child, parent, brother, sister, step-child, step-parent,
step-brother, step-sister, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece Now go to Question 65
or nephew, or a step-grandparent, step-grandchild, step-aunt,
step-uncle, step-niece or step-nephew. 61 As the parents or a person(s) who has legal custody of a student applicant
under 18 years of age, have you made arrangements with a relative who
The student applicant will not be is at least 21 years of age and of good character with whom your child
accompanied by either a parent or a will stay in Australia?
person who has legal custody, and will
not stay in Australia with a relative who Go to Question 64 No
is 21 years of age or older. Yes Please give details of the relative

Family name

Given names


Date of birth

Address of relative in Australia


Relationship of relative to the child

157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 18 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

62 Will your relative reside in Australia as: 65 I am satisfied with the reception, care and support arrangements
that have been made in Australia for my dependent child under
an Australian citizen 18 years of age.
or permanent resident
Note: Both parents must sign this declaration.
a Temporary resident How long are they permitted to stay in
Australia? Signature of
who has legal

You must attach evidence:
• that your relative is of good character eg. police clearance; and Full name (print in English)

• of your relative’s residence status in Australia.

Relationship to student applicant
63 Give details of your relative’s Student Guardian visa application?
Granted Visa label number Signature of
V < parent/person
Period of stay Expiry date (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) who has legal

Not yet Australian Government office where application
decided lodged Full name (print in English)

Period of stay sought MONTHS

Relationship to student applicant

Now go to Question 65
Continued on the next page
64 As the parents or a person(s) who has legal custody of a student applicant
under 18 years of age, who is neither being accompanied by you nor
staying with a relative who is at least 21 years of age, have you obtained
a written statement from your child’s education provider(s) that
accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements for your child
are appropriate?
Yes Please attach the original signed undertaking from the
education provider

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 19

Custody arrangements for students
under 18 years of age
66 Do you have the sole legal right to determine where the applicant will 67 Declaration by the parent(s) or person(s) with legal custody
live or to remove the applicant from their country of usual residence? of a student visa applicant under 18 years of age
No Provide details of ALL other people who have custody, I am not aware of any reason why the visa applicant should not travel to
access or guardianship rights in relation to the applicant Australia (the custody/access/guardianship rights of another person are
not affected).
If there is more than one person, please attach details.
Signature of
Name parent/person
who has legal
Residential address custody


Full name (print in English)


Telephone number Relationship to student applicant


( ) ( )

Relationship to student visa applicant

Signature of
Nature of legal right who has legal

You must sign the declaration at Question 67. Date

All other people who have custody, access or guardianship Full name (print in English)
rights in relation to the applicant must also sign the
declaration at Question 67.
Relationship to student applicant
If any of these people are unable to complete the declaration
at Question 67 for any reason, you must attach a statutory
declaration from them giving permission for the applicant to If more than 2 people have custody, access or guardianship rights in
travel to Australia as a student. relation to the applicant, please attach a statutory declaration from them
giving permission for the applicant to travel to Australia as a student.
Yes Complete the declaration at Question 67

157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 20 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

Assistance with this form 72 Did you pay the person and/or give a gift for this assistance?
68 Did you receive assistance in completing this form? No

No Go to Question 73 Yes How much did you pay?

Yes Please give details of the person who assisted you A$ AND/OR
What kind of gift did you give? (eg. jewellery)
Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other

Family name Value of gift (approximately)

Given names A$

Options for receiving written

73 All written communications about this application should be sent to:

Telephone number or daytime contact (Tick one box only)
Myself All written communications will be sent to
Office hours ( ) ( )
the address for communications that you
Mobile phone have provided in this form.
Go to Question 81
Australian registered
69 Is your agent registered with the Migration Agents Registration migration agent
Authority (MARA)? OR Go to Question 78
No Offshore agent
Yes Go to Question 73
Agent exempted You must complete form 956 Appointment
from registration
70 Is the person an education agent? of a migration agent and attach it to this
No application form. Go to Question 81

Yes Please give details below Authorised This is a person authorised to only receive
Education Agency Business Name written communications. All written
communications that would otherwise
have been sent to you in relation to this
Education Agent Registration Number (if known) application will be sent to that person.

74 Do you want the authorised person to receive health and/or character

Address (if different from address given in Question 68) information about you, your spouse or your dependants, that may arise,
or be revealed, in the course of this application (for example, requests
for medical investigation, other health information about you, or the
results of criminal history checks)?
E-mail address

Telephone number or daytime contact

Office hours

( ) ( )

Mobile phone

Fax number

( ) ( )

71 Is your agent in Australia?

No Go to Question 73

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 21

Authorised recipient details Agent details
Note: Do NOT complete this section if you are acting as a
migration agent, go to Question 78 78 Provide the details requested below about the agent who is
authorised to act on your behalf and to receive all written
75 Provide details of the person who is authorised on your behalf to communications about this application.
receive all written communications about this application. Migration Agent Registration : : : : :
Number (MARN)
Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other
Family name 7 DIGITS
Offshore Agent ID Number : : : : :
Given names (if allocated by the department)

Authorised recipient’s postal address Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other

Family name

Given names
Business or
Telephone number or daytime contact company name
Postal address
Office hours ( ) ( )

Mobile phone


Authorised recipient consent Telephone number or daytime contact

76 As the authorised recipient named on this form, do you agree to the
department communicating with you by fax, e-mail or other electronic Office hours ( ) ( )

means? Mobile phone

Yes Give details
Agent consent
Fax number ( ) ( )
79 As the agent named on this form, do you agree to the department
E-mail address communicating with you by fax, e-mail or other electronic means?
77 I understand and accept that I am the person appointed by the Yes Give details
applicant to receive all written communications. COUNTRY CODE AREA CODE NUMBER

Signature of Fax number ( ) ( )

recipient E-mail address


80 I understand and accept that I am the person appointed by the applicant
Date to receive all written communications and act as his/her agent.

Now go to Question 81 Signature of




Continued on the next page

157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 22 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

Payment details
81 How will you pay your application charge? (If applying in Australia, debit
card or credit card are the preferred methods of payment.)

Bank cheque If applying outside Australia, please check with

the Australian Government office where you
intend to lodge your application that you may
pay by cheque.
Money order

Debit card This option is available in Australia only. It is

not available for mailed applications.

Credit card Give details below.

Note: This option is available where applications
are made in Australia. If you are making the
application outside Australia and wish to pay
by credit card, please check with the Australian
Government office about the availability of this

Payment by (tick one box) Australian Dollars

MasterCard Visa
Bankcard Diners Club A$
American Express JCB

Credit card number


Expiry date : :
Cardholder’s name


Telephone ( ) ( )



Signature of

Credit card information will be used for charge paying purposes only.

Continued on the next page

Office use only

Name of education provider

Transaction Reference Number

© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006 157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 23

Before signing the declaration refer to the department’s website
to ensure that you have attached all documentation listed for
your Assessment Level and Education Sector visa subclass.

82 The following declaration must be signed and dated by all people over Signature
18 years of age included in this application.
Both parents or any person who has legal custody must complete the DAY MONTH YEAR

declaration on behalf of any children under 18 years of age or any person Date
who lacks the legal capacity to sign on their own behalf.
• I certify the information supplied on or with this form is correct.
• If granted a visa, I acknowledge that I am required to abide by its Signature
conditions as outlined in the information form 1160i Applying for a
student visa.
• I declare that I have made adequate arrangements for health insurance
for the period of my stay in Australia and I acknowledge that I am
required to maintain these arrangements while in Australia as the
holder of a student visa.
• I have attached all documentary evidence as specified on the Signature
department’s website for my Assessment Level and the visa subclass
under which I am applying. DAY MONTH YEAR

• I acknowledge that I understand that if the 8534 visa condition is Date

imposed on my visa, it will be indicated by the condition code ‘8534’
and by the short description ‘No Further Stay’. I acknowledge that this
means that the 8534 condition has been imposed on my visa and
that I will not, while in Australia, be entitled to the grant of any other Signature
visa 1, apart from:
– a further student visa with permission to work, the application for DAY MONTH YEAR

which was made on form 157P; or Date

– a subclass 497 (Graduate–Skilled) visa.
• I understand that the effect of the 8534 visa condition is that it will
not be possible for me to apply to remain in Australia beyond the date
authorised by my visa1 and that I will be required to depart Australia
on or before that date. I agree to having this condition included on
any visa issued to me as a result of this application if the department
decides to impose it as a condition of grant of a visa.
• I acknowledge that I understand that if the 8535 visa condition is
imposed on my visa, it will be indicated by the condition code ‘8535’
and by the short description ‘No Further Stay’. I acknowledge that
this means that the 8535 condition has been imposed on my visa
and that I will not, while in Australia, be entitled to be granted any
other visa 1, apart from:
– a further student visa with permission to work, the application for
which was made on form 157P; or
– a further student visa, with the consent of my sponsor.
• I understand that the effect of the 8535 visa condition is that it will
not be possible for me to remain in Australia beyond the date
authorised by my visa1, unless I am applying for a further student visa
with the consent of my sponsor, and that I will be required to depart
Australia on or before the authorised date. I agree to having this
condition included on any visa issued to me as a result of this
application if the department decides to impose it as a condition of
grant of a visa.
• I am aware that I must immediately advise the department if I become
aware that any information provided in this form is incorrect or if there
is a change in my circumstances that are relevant to this application
at any time.

1 To engage Australia’s protection obligation under the 1951 UN convention

relating to the status of refugees.

157A (Design date 07/06) - Page 24 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2006

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