Experiment 5

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Department of Biology, College of Science, University of the Philippines Baguio
July 18, 2012


Redox titration is another type of titration that is used in volumetric analysis. This method of
titration is used in this experiment, the analysis of iron in razor blade. The main objective of this
experiment is for the students to learn this type of titration and learn a new method of getting more
accurate results, which is the blank titration. Standardization of KMnO 4 and titration between a
prepared solution and KMnO4 are the main procedures of the experiment. The result of the experiment
is the average of the computed percent composition of iron which is 51.87% is much lower than the
ideal percent composition which is 95%. But still, this experiment is still successful because the
objectives of this experiment were achieved and new techniques were learned.

INTRODUCTION drop excess of it, will give a distinct color to a

large volume of solution. [2]
Aside from direct and indirect titration, The razor blade used in this experiment
another type of titration which is called was mainly composed of iron and carbon. There
oxidation-reduction titration can be used in are also some trace elements such as nickel and
volumetric analysis. Volumetric analysis through chromium that are added which modifies the
oxidation and reduction is based on reactions properties of steel. The razor blade was
which involve the transfer of electrons from a dissolved and the iron content was subjected to
molecule, atom or ion to another chemical analyzation.
species. [1] For this experiment, redox reaction The iron content of the blade is
will be used along with titration in the analysis analyzed through redox titrations. Blank
of iron in razor blade. titration technique and calculations are helpful
Redox titration involves the redox to get accurate results. The use of KMnO4 also
reaction of the analyte and the titrant, which illustrates the use of a self - indicating agent.
are the razor blade and the KMnO4. Potassium
Permanganate (KMnO4) is used as an oxidizing RESULTS
agent in volumetric analysis. The MnO4- ion is
reduced to Mn2+ upon reaction with an acid. Table 1.0 Standardization of KMnO4 Solution
Since the MnO4- ion has a deep purple color, it Trial 1 2 3
serves as a self – indicator itself. Therefore, a Weight of 0.1804 0.2203 0.2109
Na2C2O4 used g g g
Mean of the weight of Na2C2O4used: 0.2039 normality and molarity of the FeSO4 solution
Final burette 26.5 ml 29.0 ml 26 .6ml were gotten.
reading For the first part of the experiment
Initial burette 0.0 ml 0.0 ml 0.0ml which is the standardization of KMNO 4, Na2C2O4
reading was used. In the step of standardizing the
KMNO4 volume 26.5 ml 29.0 ml 26.6 ml KMNO4, heating a prepared solution which is
KMNO4 volume 0.1 ml Na2C2O4 dissolved in a prepared acid solution
in blank titration was done before the titration. During the
KMnO4 molarity 0.0204 M 0.0227 M 0.0237M
titration, the prepared solution with 0.1804 g
KMnO4 0.10 N 0.12 N 0.12 N
Na2C2O4 consumed 26.5 ml of KMnO4, the
solution with 0.2203 g Na2C2O4 consumed 29.0
ml of KMnO4 and the solution with 0.2109 g
Table 2.0 Analysis of Razor Blade
Na2C2O4 consumed 26.6 ml of Na2C2O4. It can be
Brand Name: Dorco
observed that as the weight of Na 2C2O4 that was
Weight of razor blade: 0.5502 g
dissolved in the prepared acid solution
Trial 1 2 3
increases, the amount of KMnO4 also increases.
Final burette 9.5 ml 9.0 ml 9.0 ml
Moreover, a temperature between 80°-90° C
was maintained during the titration of the
Initial burette 0.0 ml 0.0 ml 0.0 ml
heated solution to hasten oxidation of any
KMnO4 volume 9.5 ml 9.0 ml 9.0 ml organic species in distilled and de-ionized
water. [3] With this, it was observed that the
% Fe in Razor Blade Sample hotter the heated solution, the faster the rate
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 of reaching the end point. These results show
53.76% 50.93% 50.93% precision and using these results and by blank
Average %Fe composition: 51.87% determination, which is used to detect and
compensate for systematic errors in an analysis,
DISCUSSION the molarity of the KMnO 4 was computed,
averaging to .0223 M.
The purpose of the laboratory exercise For the second part of the experiment,
was to perform a reduction titration between a the analysis of razor blade, 9.5 ml of KMnO 4 was
standardized solution of potassium used for the first trial, 9.0 ml of KMnO 4 was
permanganate and iron (II) in order to used for the second and third trial. This result
determine the concentration of the latter. The shows precision. The computed molarity of
permanganate ion in the titrant was reduced to KMnO4, the volume of KMnO4 that was
Mn2+ and the Fe2+ in the analyte was oxidized to consumed in the titration, the dilution factor
Fe3+. Everything was done in a solution acidified which is 5 (computed from 250ml/50ml) and
by sulfuric acid so that the MnO4- would get the weight of the razor blade sample which
reduced to Mn2+ and the extra oxygen atoms were known by weighing and computing were
could form water. From the titration data and used in computing for the percent composition
the balanced oxidation/reduction equation the of iron in the razor blade. With this, 53.76% Fe
in trial 1, 50.93% Fe in trial 2 and 50.93% Fe in
trial 3 were computed which would give an
average of 51.87% Fe composition in the razor %D1%96%D1%8F/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%BE
blade. The result is less than that of the ideal %D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB
percent composition in a usual razor blade %D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%96%D1%87%D0%BD
which indicates that the razor blade is not %D0%B8%D0%B9%20%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%B
purely composed of iron. There may also still be A%D1%83%D0%BB%D1%8C
errors that were committed during the %D1%82%D0%B5%D1%82/English/2.%20Titrim
experimentation such as personal errors and etric%20analys..htm accessed on 16 July 2012
instrumental errors that led to a low percent Skoog, Douglas A., West, Donald M., Holler, F.
composition of iron. James, Crouch, Stanley R.. 2010. Fundamentals
of Analytical Chemistry. Philippines. MG
CONCLUSION Reprographics, p.G-3

Based on the results of the experiment, APPENDIX

the volume of KMnO4 that is used in the
titration is dependent on the weight of Na 2C2O4 A. Molarity and Normality of of KMNO4
that was dissolved and temperature of Na 2C2O4
that was heated. As for the analysis of the razor 1 mol N a2 C 2 O 4 2mol MnO
wt . N a2 C2 O4 x %Purity x x
blade sample, the iron content was lower than 134 g N a 2 C 2 O4 5 mol N a 2 C 2
the ideal content of a razor blade. This may be M
Volume of KMnO 4−Volume of Blank
because of personal errors and instrumental
errors. Another possible reason is that the razor N=M x h
blade that was used in the experiment is an Trial 1:
imitation of the real brand. 1 mol N a2 C 2 O 4 2 mol MnO 4
After the experiment, the students 0.1804 g x .999 x x
134 g N a 2 C 2 O4 5 mol N a2 C 2 O4
learned some techniques about blank titration. =0.0204
.0265 L−1 x 10−4 L
They also figured out how to do calculations in
0.0204 M KMnO 4 x 5=0.10 N
blank titration. Overall, the objectives of the
Trial 2:
experiment were achieved, thus still making this
1mol N a 2 C 2 O4 2 mol MnO 4
experiment a success. 0.2203 g x .999 x x
134 g N a2 C2 O4 5 mol N a2 C2 O4
LITERATURE CITED .029 L−1 x 10−4 L
0.0227 M KMn O4 x 5=0.11 N
http://www.federica.unina.it/agraria/analytic Trial 3:
al-chemistry/oxidation-reduction-titration/ 1mol N a 2 C 2 O4 2 mol MnO 4
0.2109 g x .999 x x
accessed on 13 July 2012 134 g N a2 C2 O4 5 mol N a2 C2 O4
[2] =0.0237
Harris, Daniel C. 2009. Exploring Chemical .0266 L−1 x 10−4 L
Analysis. 4th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman and 0.0237 M KMn O4 x 5=0.12 N
Company, p.357
http://intranet.tdmu.edu.te.ua/data/kafedra/i Average of molarity:
does not need to be added with an
0.0204 M + 0.0227 M + 0.0237 M indicator because the purple color of the
=0.0223 M KMnO 4
3 solution of KMnO4 helped in analyzing the
endpoint of the titration.
B. %FE in razor blade
2. What other metals present in razor blade
mol Fe 55.85 g Feinterfere in the determination of
M KMn O4 xvol KMn O4 x x xf
mol KMnO4 1 iron? Explain.
% Fe = x 100
wt.of sample
There are other trace elements that can
Trial 1:
be found in a razor blade such as aluminum
mol 5 Fe 55.85
and g Fe These metals can interfere in
0.0223 x .0095 L KMn O4 x x x5
L K Mn O4 the
moldetermination of iron because it can
% Fe = x 100 agent thus having
also act as the reducing
an inaccurate concentration after solving.
%Fe = 53.76% Carbon is a non-metal that can also
interfere with the determination of iron.
Trial 2:

mol 5 Fe 3. What
g Fe species is the reducing agent
0.0223x .0090 L KMn O4 x x x5
L K Mn O4 inmol
- the standardization step? The oxidizing
% Fe = agent? x 100
0.5502g - + 2+
2MnO4 + 6H + 5H2C2O4 2Mn + 8H2O + 10CO2
%Fe = 50.93% The equation above is an ionic
equation that shows the reaction by
Trial 3:
standardizing the KMnO4 solution. The
mol 5 Fe oxidizing
55.85 g Feagent and reducing agent in the
0.0223 x .0090 L KMn O4 x x x 5 step cease to exist.
L K Mn O4 - standardization
% Fe = x 100 above, the MnO 4-
Analyzing the equation
was reduced to Mn2+ making it possible to
%Fe = 50.93% be the oxidizing agent but in every redox
reactions there must be the presence of the
reducing as well as the oxidizing agent. The
Na2C2O4 was de-ionized with sulfuric acid
solution in order to inhibit the further
1. Other oxidizing agents are also employed
reduction of the potassium permanganate
for the determination of iron in an unknown
sample. What is one obvious advantage of
4. While HNO3 is a stronger acid than HCl, it
KMnO4 over K2Cr2O7 and Ce(SO4)2 as
cannot be used to dissolve the razor blade?
oxidants in the titrimetric determination of
Nitric acid (HNO3) cannot be used to
The advantage of KMnO4 was that it
dissolve the razor blade like hydrochloric
acts as a self indicator. The analyte solution
acid because of being a very strong
oxidizing agent. If HNO3 would be used, the
dissolution of the razor blade would result
to the reduction of iron. If the amount of
iron present in the razor blade would be
reduced in the dissolution process then, the
calculated percent composition of Iron
would be affected and would also be
5. In what way can the presence of chloride
adversely affect the results of this analysis?
If Cl concentration is higher than
usual, a higher probability of rapid oxidation
of Cl- will happen due to the formation of
high unstable ferrate ions (FeO4-2) in the
presence of iron (II). If such case would
happen, a higher volume of MnSO4 solution
will be added to the iron (II) solution to
reduce the risk of the formation of highly
unstable ferrate ions (FeO4-2).

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