Manisha Singh Work Duing Novel Corona Virus
Manisha Singh Work Duing Novel Corona Virus
Manisha Singh Work Duing Novel Corona Virus
ii. inversion - when the structure of a sentence is changed by the poet to create rhyme, this poetic license
is called inversion. In stanza 1, inversion can be seen.
iii. assonance - the prominence of a vowel sound throughout a line is called assonance. In stanza 1, line 2
- “Shook down on me” - ‘o’ sound is prominent.
iv. enjambment - when the same sentence continues to the next line without the use of any punctuation
marks, it is called enjambment. It has been used thorughout the poem.
Q 2. How does Frost present nature in this poem? The following questions may help you to think of an
(i) What are the birds that are usually named in poems? Do you think a crow is often mentioned in poems?
What images come to your mind when you think of a crow?
A. Birds like sparrow, nightingale and peacock are more than often named in poems. Unlike these birds,
crows are often seen as the indicators of doom and fear. They are often used for negative references.
(ii) Again, what is “a hemlock tree”? Why doesn’t the poet write about a more ‘beautiful’ tree such as a maple,
or an oak, or a pine?
A. Trees are also seen as mighty creatures imparting wisdom as they’re too old. They give out oxygen and
absorb the carbon dioxide which is connected with absorbing all the negative energy. But there are trees that
are poisonous too, like a hemlock tree. The poet does not mention a more ‘beautiful’ tree such as maple, oak
or pine because he wants to indicate a sad scene. Being poisonous, a hemlock tree is considered bad and so,
he refers to it.
(iii) What do the ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ represent — joy or sorrow? What does the dust of snow that the crow
shakes off a hemlock tree stand for?
A. Both crow and the hemlock tree represent sorrow. Frost has used both the negative creatures (crow and
the hemlock tree) as the carriers of positivism and strength that transformed his day for the better. By not
using birds like sparrow and nightingale and trees like maple, oak or a pine, the poet has tried to break down
all the preconceived notions we have about certain agents of nature. He has tried to make us understand that
we see the world not as how it is, but as how we want to see it. Thus, the crow sitting and a hemlock tree
together made his day better. The dust of snow stands for joy.
For reasons unknown, the author was having a terrible day. But the falling of the snow on his head lifted his
mood instantly. He had already spent his day in a bad mood but the rest of it was saved by the crow and the
hemlock tree. Generally, hemlock tree and crow are used for negative references but the poet used them
beautifully to portray that inauspicious things can bring joy and happiness too. One must not take things for
granted and should be open and accept whichever way the nature chooses to bless us.
His house was the only house in the valley and top of a hill.
But his happiness was short lived as very large hailstones began to fall after the rain.
He needed 100 pesos to sow his field again and to live until the new crop came.
Postmaster read letter and show faith in God so decided to help Lencho.
He collected seventy pesos only from employee and himself distributed a part of salary.
The letter reach to Lencho with signature of god in it with money.
Lencho's happiness was turned into anger when there was thirty pesos short of the money.
So. he wrote another letter to good remainding Him that he received 70 pesos sent by
He asked God not to send the rest of 30 pesos through mail as post office employee were
bunch of crooks.