Low Purine Diet
Low Purine Diet
Low Purine Diet
1. A low-purine diet is a meal plan based on foods that are low in purine content. Purine is a
substance that is found in food that comes from animals. It is very high in organ meats,
anchovies, mackerel, and sardines. Purines aren’t all bad, but you want to avoid high
amounts. When your body digests purine, it produces a waste product called uric acid. A
buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints can cause certain health issues. The main ones
are kidney stones and a type of arthritis known as gout. There are two key parts of a
successful low-purine diet. The first involves recognizing and avoiding foods that contain
high levels of purines. The second consists in changing the diet to help the body get rid of
uric acid more efficiently.
2. Low purine diet is prescribed to a client with that has elevated uric acid. Uric acid is a
metabolic product of purine in the body by which excessive uric acid could cause the
following diseases to occur:
Chronic Kidney disease
- Uric acid stones: Uric acid is a byproduct of purines (a nitrogen- containing
compound in CHON); allopurinol; weight loss, plus urinary alkalinization provided
by a more vegetarian diet and reduced animal CHON intake.
Hyperuricemia and arthritis: Gouty arthritis is due to defective purine metabolism.
Excessive intake of purine-rich foods produces urates that are normally excreted by the
kidneys. Urates that are not excreted accumulate in the skin, specifically in the joints of
hands, feet, and ear lobes Gout is the formation of a tophy which produce deformed
Staff, F. E. (2017, July 14). Low-purine Diet: Foods to Eat or Avoid. Retrieved from
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