Witnessing For Jesus in A Practical Way
Witnessing For Jesus in A Practical Way
Witnessing For Jesus in A Practical Way
Leading a soul to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest
experience that can ever come to a Christian. God intends that every believer should
know the unsurpassed joy of this experience of leading a soul to Christ. Most church
members have a genuine love for their Lord. They want to share Him with others but
often feel that they don’t know how. Perhaps it is because we have sometimes made it
seem so difficult. Witnessing for Jesus in a Practical Way does not involve complicated
approaches. Rather, it shows you how you can share your faith with others in ways that
are natural for you in harmony with your gifts and talents. There is a divine power that
God has promised to those who will make a serious attempt to witness. “There is no limit
to the usefulness of one who, putting self aside, makes room for the working of the Holy
Spirit upon his heart, and lives a life wholly consecrated to God.” -Christian Service, p.
Your horizon will be widened as you see how many different and practical ways
there are of witnessing for Christ. The Lord will help you to find the approach that best
suits your individual makeup and background. You will learn how to think through your
own personal testimony of your relationship with Jesus Christ. How the Christian should
relate to non-Christian relatives and members of the family. How to relate to unbelieving
neighbors and work companions. How to nurture these friendships, developing them into
interests, and ultimately church members. How to reclaiming former members. These
simple matters that we often take for granted are actually the beginning steps in soul
winning. It is perhaps the fact that we have overlooked these areas that results in our
attempts at soul winning so often ending with disappointment. You might feel that
leading a soul to Christ is something far beyond your ability, but you will be surprised by
the following simple insights that you may not just lead them to Christ but ultimately
make them disciples.
Casual Relationships
Each day most of us have contact with many fellow members of the human
family-in line at the supermarket, the attendant at the service station, the teller at the
bank, the checker at the store, people we meet in post offices, public offices, waiting
rooms, restaurants, hotels, motels, buses, trains, planes, hiking paths, parks and other
places. Whenever you leave your home, it should be with the specific purpose of not
missing a single opportunity to say a few chosen words for Jesus wherever possible. You
should learn how to start a conversation with whomever you meet. Most persons are not
on the defensive but are relaxed. It is not written on your forehead that you are a Seventh-
day Adventist, so prejudice is not a factor. Usually it is very easy to smile and say “good
morning,” adding a few words and giving your name. The other person then will usually
give his name. Here are some approaches.
1. Bus, train, plane, waiting room, restaurant.
Carry a newspaper with you. It has been called the “devil’s report” for it is full of
negative items, dramatic news, and sad information. Read the paper, noticing such
subjects as disease, alcohol, drugs, maimings, vice, tobacco, crime, strikes, violence,
hijacking, fraud, famine, earthquake, flood, fires, economic collapse, war, accidents.
Sitting next to someone, you may ask, “Did you read the newspaper this
He will answer with “yes” or “no.”
Then add, “Oh, by the way, my name is…….. Look at this!” And then in 20
seconds you can turn the pages of your paper and point out the sad and dramatic
headlines. Conclude by asking, “What do you think about this news?”
Your companion might say, “Isn’t it terrible?” And he may add, “Where are we
If he doesn’t ask this question, then you should ask him, “Where are we
His answer will likely be, “I don’t know.”
Then you declare, “Oh, but I know.”
The person will look at you, expecting to hear what you know, but you should
remain silent until he asks, “What do you know? Where are we heading?”
After a few seconds of silence you might ask, “Do you read the good Book?”
“What good Book? Do you mean the Bible?” The person may seem at first to be a
little disappointed.
“Yes, the Bible. It states very clearly what is going to happen and where we are
going.” Speak enthusiastically.
So you start speaking with the person about the Word of God, the signs of the
times, and the return of Jesus as the solution. You may then have opportunity to give your
testimony about how wonderful it is to know Jesus. Finally you can give your address
and take his and leave a piece of literature. When it is convenient, read a Bible promise
from the little Bible that you should always carry in your pocket or handbag. When
feasible, offer a word of prayer, and don’t forget to mention in the prayer whatever
concerns your contact. It may be illness, discouragement, financial problems, or simply
gratitude for God’s goodness.
2. Waitress, stewardess, receptionist, maid.
Just by being kind to a waitress in a restaurant, a stewardess on a plane, a
receptionist in an office, a maid or other staff personnel in a motel may provide an
opportunity to witness. After a short visit you may give them a piece of literature. It will
open the way for you to tell them that you are a Christian, that Jesus means everything to
you. You may say something about your family, expecting them to say something about
theirs. All your conversation should be personal but so pure and clear that you can not be
Soon you may give your testimony, mention a Bible promise and possibly pray. It
is easy to pray with a maid who is taking care of your room in a motel-the door remaining
open. Sometimes it is even possible to pray with a receptionist when no clients are
around. You may not be able to say very much to a waitress because she is very busy, but
a few kind words will be remembered.
3. Market.
At the market you may speak to a child. The mother will be delighted, and will
start conversing with you. You could say to someone, “I am so glad that there are so
many good and healthful products here in this market. What we eat is so important.”
Their reaction will tell you what to say next.
4. Parks.
Outdoors you may say to someone in a car parked next to yours, “What a
beautiful day it is! Shouldn’t we be grateful to our Creator and Lord?” Let the Holy Spirit
impress you what to say and to whom to speak. It will work. Wherever you are and to
whomever you speak, you should always have pieces of literature in your handbag or
pocket, with your name and address stamped or neatly written on each piece, and be
ready to give them away. Should a person show some interest, give your name and
address, ask for his, and be sure to follow up.
When you meet together do not immediately speak about religion, but rather talk
about the family, work, and other interests. You may ask him about his religious beliefs,
but let him be the first to ask questions about yours. You should refrain from talking
about it too much. First you must win his confidence. Sharing your testimony can help
you . do this.
What in the beginning was a random encounter --on a plane, in a market, in a
restaurant, in a waiting room, in a laundromat-- can turn into a golden opportunity to
share Jesus’ love. Persons thus contacted should always remember you as a happy
person, one who loves the Bible and is Jesus’ follower. He should remember you as a
Seventh-day Adventist who prayed for him, or who promised, “I shall pray for you.”
At Church
1. Teaching and Fellowshipping: The Special Bible Class
The pastor’s Bible class is a special Sabbath School class for inquirers. Names for
this class which might have a special appeal to non-Adventists include: inter-faith Bible
class and Saturday morning Bible class. If someone other than the pastor is appointed to
teach this class, it should ideally be someone gifted in the areas of teaching and
hospitality. This class must have an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness if it is to
achieve its purpose. Chairs should be arranged in a circle, if at all possible, so there will
be a warm feeling of fellowship and an opportunity to become acquainted with the others
in the class.
2. Kindness and Friendliness: Make Visitor Want to Return
Every church member should be conscious of the fact that as part of the church
family he or she will be a factor in encouraging or discouraging the return of visitors. The
exercise of the gifts possessed by the individual members should be so directed as to
create an atmosphere that will make visitors want to come back. Careful planning of the
Sabbath School, Personal Ministries activities period, and the church service will make
every part of these services meaningful to the visitor. We need to safeguard the quality of
our services in the following areas:
• Proper balance between reverence and friendliness .
• Christ-centered Biblical teaching and preaching.
• Use of distinct, easily-understood words by all speakers and singers.
• Appropriate dress and grooming of all participants.
• Thorough preparation by all participants.
• Avoidance of the unfamiliar in music and terminology.
• Christian graces and cultural refinement in both the pastor and the members.
• Sincere friendliness and personal interest by church members shown to every
newcomer, guest, or stranger who comes to Sabbath School or the worship
• A Christlike spirit of unity and an atmosphere of joy and enthusiasm.
Neglect or failure in any of these areas can undo hours of faithful soul-winning
labor. If this happens, members will become discouraged and will cease their attempts at
soul winning. The quality of our church activities must make the visitor want to return!
This section is not an attempt to give an in-depth coverage of spiritual gifts. The
aim here is twofold: One, to call to your attention the fact that every believer has a gift or
gifts that can be developed to make him an effective witness for Christ and, two, to show
the function of a few of these gifts in the area of soul winning. The gifts specifically
mentioned in the Bible suggest other related gifts which can be used in ministry. Gifts
such as consolation, benevolence, letter writing, encouragement, sympathy-and you could
add many more. While each of us does not have the same spiritual gifts or talents, we
each do have spiritual gifts which, if devoted to the service of the Saviour, will make us
fruitful witnesses for Christ. Inspiration says of believers, “if they are connected with
Christ, if the gifts of the Spirit are theirs, the poorest and most ignorant of His disciples
will have a power that will tell upon hearts. God makes them the channel for the
outworking of the highest influence in the universe.”-Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 328.
As we set out in obedience to the command of Christ, this is what we will
1. Scattered among the general population in every culture are individuals who
are just waiting to be talked to about their souls.
2. There are many lonely people in every neighborhood who will respond to
Christian friendship.
3. There are many opportunities for medical missionary work, and this includes
welfare ministry.
4. Christ is a fact of conscience, as well as a historical person. Even the most
irreligious people have their moments of conviction when they can be reached by the
5. There are those of all faiths who have lost their way and who will respond to a
personal invitation to get right with God.
Soul-winning puts you in the center of God’s activities. Soul winning is taking the
hand of your friend with one hand and the hand of Christ with the other and then placing
the hand of your friend in the hand of Christ. This being true, feelings of personal failure-
or success-should have no place in it. As you do soul-winning work your own faith will
grow stronger. Our witnessing will become a way of life that expresses the love between
Christ and us.