Biology Honors Syllabus 2019-20

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Honors Biology Syllabus

South Aiken High School

Instructor: Ms. D. Roberts
Email: [email protected]

Course Description
Biology covers material ranging from molecular, cellular, and genetic sciences, to the theories of evolution, to the
various kingdoms, and the interactions of the biological and ecological systems within the biosphere of the Earth.
Laboratory is an integral part of this course. The objectives of the course are the Life Science Standards adopted by the
State of South Carolina. This honors level course includes differentiated instruction and assessments. For students who
perform best at the college preparatory level please notify guidance.

Course Objectives and Standards

The student will be able to:
A. Explain the steps of the scientific method and demonstrate safe laboratory procedures.
B. Describe the structure and function of a cell.
C. Explain the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
D. Define the process of cell division and cell reproduction.
E. Explain the fundamentals of genetics and inheritance.
F. List and describe the Kingdoms of living organisms.
G. Analyze the complexity of protein synthesis.
H. Explain the theory of evolution.
I. Explain the structure and function of the major body systems in a human.
J. Understand the importance and roles of an ecosystem.
K. Investigate various careers in science.
L. Become aware of present events occurring in science.

A complete listing of standards and indicators for each standard are available at:

 At least 2 inch binder (it will be used ONLY for this class, no other subjects can be combined in the binder)
 Loose- leaf paper
 3 Dividers
 Pencil/Pen
 Highlighters
As required by the State of South Carolina, the following grade scale will be implemented.
Numerical Grade Corresponding Letter Grade
100 - 90 A
89 – 80 B
79 – 70 C
69 - 60 D
59 - 0 F

Grades for Biology will be weighted: This is a school policy.

Summative (Tests, *Quizzes, *Labs and Major Projects)…………………………………………………………………..60%
Formative (Presentations, Activities, and Homework)…………………………………….40%
*teachers discretion to use quizzes and labs as Formative Assessments instead
If a student is absent only on the day that a test is given or an assignment is due, the student is expected to take the test
or turn in the assignment on the day he/she returns to school. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about missed
If a student is absent from 2 to 5 days, the student will be given the number of days missed in order to make up the
work. (SAHS Policy)

Examinations and Projects:

The exam for Semester One counts 20% of the semester grade. Students are required to take the Biology EOC at the
end of the year which counts 20% of the overall grade.

Projects: If a major project is turned into me one date late- the major project will get no higher than a 59%. After this
time- a zero will be given.

Late Work Policy / Make-Up Work Policy:

Students are responsible for making up any work missed during their absences from school. It is the student’s
responsibility to gather or arrange for assignments to be gathered during absences.

Late Work- All other assignments will be an automatic 20% deduction for late work, if turned in by the following day.

Make up work- Student must turn in previously assigned work upon return to school. For new assignments, students
will be given the amount of days missed to complete the assignment(s). If assignments are not complete in the allotted
Time, a late work penalty is assessed.

Redo/Retake Policy:
Students will be allowed to redo/retake the assessment after remediation or re-teaching takes place during
PowerHour. The average of two test assessments will be recorded. Teachers have the discretion to re-administer any

Agenda Hall Pass Policy (Restroom/Locker)

Agenda Hall Passes may only be used during independent work. Only one student may leave the classroom at a time.
Students may NOT leave the classroom during instructional time.

Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. Academic integrity
includes a commitment to not engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of
dishonesty violate the fundamental ethical principles of the SAHS community and compromise the worth of work
completed by others. Direct and indirect involvement of cheating, copying on tests and plagiarism will receive a zero.

Classroom Expectations for Student Behavior

1. Be Prepared
2. Be Respectful
3. Be Responsible
4. Be Attentive
5. Be Aware of School Rules listed in the student Handbook and Follow Them.

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