l3 Retail Team Leader Epa Kit 16 PDF
l3 Retail Team Leader Epa Kit 16 PDF
l3 Retail Team Leader Epa Kit 16 PDF
• 1 – Introduction
• 2 – Mapping
• 3 – The Highfield Approach
• 4 – Delivering the Standard
• 5 – Gateway
• 6 – Assessment Summary
• 7 – Assessing the On-Demand Test
• 8 – Assessing the Business Project
• 9 – Assessing the Professional Discussion
• 10 – Mock Assessment Materials
RTL 1.6
Level 3 Retail Team Leader
RTL 1.6 1
How to Use This EPA Kit
Welcome to the Highfield end-point assessment kit for the Retail Team Leader Apprenticeship
This guide is designed to outline all you need to know about the end-point assessments for
this standard and will also provide an overview of the on-programme delivery requirements.
In addition, advice and guidance for trainers on how to prepare apprentices for the end-point
assessment is included. The approaches suggested are not the only way in which an
apprentice may be prepared for their assessments, but trainers may find them helpful as a
starting point.
Highfield also offers the Highfield Retail Team Leader Apprenti-kit which is a comprehensive
learning resource that is designed to be used on-programme.
For employers/training providers that use the Apprenti-kit, a criteria mapping document is
available from Highfield if required.
Key facts
RTL 1.6 2
In this guide, you will find:
• a section focused on delivery, where the standard and assessment criteria are
presented in a suggested format that is suitable for delivery
• guidance on how to prepare the apprentice for gateway
• detailed information on which part of the standard is assessed by which assessment
• a section focused on the end-point assessment method where the assessment criteria
are presented in a format suitable for carrying out mock assessments
• suggestions on how to prepare the apprentice for each part of the end-point
• a practice test that you can use with apprentices
RTL 1.6 3
Standard overview
Retail team leaders are a critical support to managers, delivering exceptional customer service
and a positive experience to customers, and may have to deputise for managers in their
absence. The role is dynamic and in one day can involve a variety of different functions. Most
significantly, retail team leaders guide and coordinate the work of the team to complete tasks,
identify and explore opportunities that drive sales, ensuring team members maintain business
standards in relation to merchandising, service and promotional activities, in line with
procedures. Retail team leaders gain the most from their team on a day to day basis, ensuring
they are fully trained and work effectively and to the best of their ability.
On-programme requirements
Although learning, development and on-programme assessment is flexible, and the process
is not prescribed, the following is the recommended baseline expectation for an apprentice
to achieve full competence in line with the Retail Team Leader Standard.
Throughout the period of learning and development, and at least every 2 months, the
apprentice should meet with the on-programme assessor to record their progress against the
standard using on-programme progression documentation. At these reviews, evidence
should be discussed and recorded by the apprentice. Once the apprentice is deemed
competent, the relevant section(s) of the standard should be signed off by the on-programme
assessor and employer.
Further guidance and support on planning and managing a retail team leader apprentice’s
training and development journey is available from the Retail Apprenticeship Board via
RTL 1.6 4
Additional, relevant on-programme qualification
The Highfield Level 3 Certificate in Retail Team Leading (RQF) and the Highfield Level 3
Diploma in Retail Team Leading (RQF) are also available as additional qualifications that may
be taken alongside the Retail Team Leader apprenticeship while on programme, if required.
The on-demand test must be the first assessment component, followed by the business
project and finally the professional discussion.
RTL 1.6 5
Retake and resit information
Should an apprentice fail one assessment activity on the first attempt, a resit should be
scheduled as soon as the apprentice is ready, when practicable for the business and in line
with the policies, practices and procedures of Highfield.
The resit is normally expected to take place after all the required assessments have been
taken and the individual assessment results and overall apprenticeship result has been given
to the apprentice.
Should an apprentice fail 2 or more activities, a period of further training and development
lasting between 1 and 3 months must take place before a retake is scheduled. The decision
on how much time is required is based on a discussion between the apprentice, their
employer and end-point assessor.
When resitting or retaking any assessment activity, the maximum grade that can be achieved
for that activity is a pass.
RTL 1.6 6
Level 3 Retail Team Leader
Mapping Documents
RTL 1.6 1
End-Point Assessment Mapping at a Glance
RTL 1.6 2
End-Point Assessment Mapping at a Glance: By
Assessment Method
Assessment Method Standard Criteria
On-demand test Financial FN 1-5
Communications CO 1-5
Merchandising ME 1-4
Stock ST 1-5
Developing Self and Others DS 1-3
Team Performance TE 1-2
Legal and Governance LG 1-2
Diversity DI 1
Business project Business project BP 1-20
Professional Professional discussion PD 1-17
RTL 1.6 3
Level 3 Retail Team Leader
RTL 1.6 1
The Highfield Approach
This section describes the approach Highfield has adopted in the development of this end-
point assessment in terms of its interpretation of the requirements of the end-point
assessment plan and other relevant documents.
Standard (2016)
Specific considerations
On-demand tests - Highfield has used 40 questions and 60% is the pass mark for the on-
demand test.
The end-point assessment plan states that the business project will be presented to the end-
point assessor. The apprentice will have 30 minutes, to include time for questions and
answers at the end. The employer representative may be present, to support, but not lead the
apprentice and to confirm information, at the assessor’s request.
The end-point assessment plan states that the professional discussion will be a structured
discussion between the apprentice and the end-point assessor. The employer may be present,
to support, but not lead the apprentice and to confirm information, at the assessor’s request.
The employer will not be allowed to add any further information or examples to what the
apprentice has stated or lead them in any way. Highfield would encourage the
employer/training provider and the apprentice to plan for both the business project
presentation and the professional discussion and consider what resources they may bring
with them to support them during these sessions. This must be their own work and will only
be used to support their presentation and discussion.
RTL 1.6 2
The professional discussion will need to take place in a suitable environment and should last
for 1 hour. The discussion will be against the set criteria that are outlined in the following
pages and will be appropriately structured to draw out the best of the apprentice’s energy,
enthusiasm, competence and excellence.
All of the evidence criteria used within this end-point assessment have been taken directly
from the retail team leader standard: assessment plan, Annex E.
RTL 1.6 3
Level 3 Retail Team Leader
RTL 1.6 1
The Retail Team Leader Apprenticeship Standard
The following pages contain the Retail Team Leader Apprenticeship Standard and the
assessment criteria in a suggested format that is suitable for delivery.
RTL 1.6 2
Knowledge Skills Behaviour
Understand how own actions and those of Support the achievement of financial targets
the team can contribute to the overall by planning and monitoring resources. Use
Demonstrate commercial awareness and
financial performance of the business by resources effectively and efficiently to meet
act responsibly and with integrity to
increasing sales e.g. through product expected demand. Oversee the areas that
protect the financial position of the
positioning, and minimising costs through impact on financial performance in own area
effective stock control and prevention of of the business in line with business
theft procedures
On-Demand Test
Criteria covered in on-demand test
FN1 Principles of establishing, monitoring and reviewing sales targets
FN2 Key costs for a retail team, including fixed and variable, stock, staff and overheads
FN3 Turnover, gross and net profit
FN4 Ways to minimise costs and wastage
Amplification and Guidance
• Key costs
o stock, cost of the premises, equipment, staff wages, promotional materials, tax
• Turnover, gross and net profit
o definitions
RTL 1.6 3
Knowledge Skills Behaviour
Understand how to support effective
Adapt style of communication according to
communication, quickly determining the Demonstrate positive verbal and body
the audience, monitor the effectiveness of
situation and needs of individuals and how language using concise and clear methods
and encourage excellent communications
to respond in the most appropriate way of communication, taking on board other
across all operations that achieve the best
using a variety of techniques and methods, peoples’ points of view and responding in
result for the business including verbal,
for example face to face and/or remotely to a way that is considerate to the audience
written and on-line communications
include on-line
On-Demand Test
Criteria covered in on-demand test
CO1 The variety of methods of communication available and how to use these effectively depending on the situation and audience
CO2 Verbal/non-verbal/written, face to face, on-line, via telephone, brand standard/corporate image
CO3 How to establish the needs of individuals (team members and customers)
CO4 Principles of active listening
CO5 The importance of feedback
Amplification and Guidance
• Variety of methods of communication
o for example, face to face, remote, spoken, written, manual, electronic methods, non-verbal, feedback
• Principles of active listening
o for example, physical attention, paraphrasing, reflecting, clarifying, encouraging, medal mission medal
• Adapt style of communication
o For different situations
RTL 1.6 4
Knowledge Skills Behaviour
Ensure team replenish and maintain
Know methods of merchandising throughout
merchandising according to business Communicate and encourage the
the retail operation, including point of sale,
requirements, the retail calendar and local merchandising principles, standards and
the retail calendar and local needs e.g.
needs e.g. geographical, topical or weather commerciality to the team
geographical, topical or weather based
On-Demand Test
Criteria covered in on-demand test
ME1 Key principles of the retail calendar
ME2 Principles of merchandising
ME3 How local needs can influence merchandising
ME4 The importance of following merchandising plans
Amplification and Guidance
• Key principles of the retail calendar
o Key dates, busier times of the year depending on the type of retail business
• Principles of merchandising
o for example, less is more, pyramid principle, odd rather than even, repetition, floor plans, displays of stock
RTL 1.6 5
Knowledge Skills Behaviour
Understand the principles of stock control Ensure team complies with stock procedures
Take a proactive approach and lead the
from sourcing to sale/supply. Understand to minimise stock damage or loss, maximise
team to effective stock management,
the management of stock levels, security, income and comply with legal requirements;
ensuring stock is accessible and available
restrictions (e.g. age restricted products), and take appropriate action to sell stock that
in line with quality requirements, where
wastage and effective systems for recording is near the end of its product, promotional or
and when needed
them shelf life
On-Demand Test
Criteria covered in on-demand test
ST1 The principles of stock control
ST2 The stock journey, from supply to sale
ST3 Why storage conditions are important for effective stock control
ST4 How to manage stock levels
ST5 Legal requirements relating to stock control, movement and sale (e.g. age restricted, fireworks)
Amplification and Guidance
• Principles of stock control
o for example, rotation of stock, space, security, sell-by and best-before dates, frequency of use etc
• Stock Levels
o efficient management
o returned stock
• Legal requirements
o for example, age restricted, fireworks, solvents
RTL 1.6 6
Developing Self and Others
Knowledge Skills Behaviour
Understand the knowledge, skills and
behaviours required of self and others to
Plan, organise, prioritise and oversee own Take responsibility for own performance,
develop a high performing team in the
and team members’ activities, supporting learning and development. Develop
business. Understand team dynamics and
their induction, training, development and positive relationships with team members,
the importance of enabling team members
coaching, and delegating tasks fairly and embracing new and better ways of
to appreciate their role in the wider
appropriately to meet business objectives working
organisation and in meeting business
On-Demand Test
Criteria covered in on-demand test
DS1 Team dynamics
DS2 Performance reviews, SMART planning and target setting to meet team and individual objectives in personal development plans
DS3 Motivation and monitoring of team members to achieve objectives
RTL 1.6 7
Team Performance
Knowledge Skills Behaviour
Lead the team on a daily basis, setting targets
Know how to identify and develop excellent and reviewing progress against them. Positively and confidently challenge poor
team performance. Understand how the Motivate team members, provide coaching performance and reward excellent
performance of the team contributes to the and on job training. Identify conflict within performance in line with business
overall success of the business the team and work to resolve this with procedures
support from others
On-Demand Test
Criteria covered in on-demand test
TE1 Benefits of team building
TE2 Identification and resolution of conflict within a team
Amplification and Guidance
• Resolution of conflict
o for example, negotiation skills, active listening, showing empathy, mediation
RTL 1.6 8
Legal and Governance
Knowledge Skills Behaviour
Ensure self and team always comply with
Understand the importance of business legal requirements, respond quickly to
Be responsible, advocate and adhere to
compliance to legal requirements and identified risks and ensure they are dealt with
the importance of working legally in the
supporting the team to operate in line with in line with business procedures and reported
best interests of all people
business policy and procedures to the appropriate member(s) of the
management team
On-Demand Test
Criteria covered in on-demand test
LG1 Legal requirements relating to a range of retail operations
LG2 Health and safety supervision and risk analysis
Amplification and Guidance
• Legal requirements
o Sale of goods
o Food safety
o Fire Safety
o Trading standards
o Employment law
o Health and Safety and management of Health and safety
o Risk assessments
o Licensing
o Consumer Rights
RTL 1.6 9
Knowledge Skills Behaviour
Understand how to work with and support Ensure team members are aware of and Operate in an empathic, fair and
people from a wide range of backgrounds follow business policies relating to diversity. professional manner with all individuals
and cultures and the business policy on Make reasonable adjustments as required for regardless of background and
diversity customers or team members circumstances
On-Demand Test
Criteria covered in on-demand test
DI1 The range of cultures, characteristics and individual requirements that can affect team members and customers and how and
why these may affect the operations/products in a retail environment
Amplification and Guidance
• The range of cultures, characteristics and individual requirements
o Advantages
• Diversity
o definition
RTL 1.6 10
Business Project
Knowledge Skills Behaviour
Understand the purpose of the business
Work with the team to maintain brand /
including its vision, objectives and brand / Demonstrate personal responsibility for
business standards at all times and identify
business standards, how they compare to its meeting the objectives of the team and
and address any potential risks according to
competitors and how own role, and the the business
business procedures
team, help to achieve them
Knowledge Skills Behaviour
Understand the factors which can determine Communicate sales targets to the team and
and affect sales and promotions throughout support them, recognising and acting on Proactive in looking for cost effective
the retail year and how to coordinate and opportunities to maximise revenue, for sales opportunities and ways to
implement them to support business example through link selling and drawing enhance revenue
objectives customers’ attention to promotional offers
To pass, the following must be evidenced To gain a distinction, the following must be evidenced
BP1 Give a general introduction and background to BP11 Give a detailed introduction and background of the
department, team or area of work, including how this department, team or working area wider business unit (e.g.
relates to the rest of the business unit (if applicable) other departments, head office, local community/customer
BP2 Outline the problem, challenge or opportunity identified profile)
BP3 State the aims and objectives of the project BP12 Outline the current situation which has led to the
BP4 Identify how the potential changes would lead to identification of a challenge or opportunity
measurable improvements and benefits to the BP13 Provide detailed aims and objectives for the project, linking
department, team or area of working to the current situation
BP5 Consult relevant stakeholders (e.g. customers, team BP14 Identification of measurable improvements and benefits to
members, managers) to inform the results and the organisation
recommendations BP15 Provide evidence of wide consultation and show how
BP6 Provide an indication of costs associated with the responses have been included in the recommendation
proposed recommendations BP16 Review the project to ensure it meets organisational and
legal requirements
RTL 1.6 11
BP7 Identify applicable legislation and ensure the proposal BP17 Show a range of qualitative and quantitative research has
complies where necessary been used effectively
BP8 Provide research methodology to demonstrate a logical, BP18 Detailed recommendations for implementation
coherent approach BP19 Detailed validation and justification of recommendations
BP9 Make clear recommendations for implementation BP20 Proposed timeframes for implementation
BP10 Concise validation and justification of recommendation
RTL 1.6 12
Professional Discussion
To pass, the following must be evidenced To gain a distinction, the following must be evidenced
PD1 Clearly articulate examples from the workplace relevant PD11 Explains how effective retail management and contingency
to evidencing competence across the standard planning have been developed and implemented and how
PD2 Explain why it is essential to instil the importance of this has decreased vehicle down time and increased overall
following procedures to staff departmental performance
PD3 Provide examples of how staff are managed effectively, PD12 Describe how recommendations for the improvement of
including motivation and development of teams and quality, cost, value or efficiency have been made and
individual staff members implemented in the organisation
PD4 Provide an overview of how the retail operation meets PD13 Demonstrates staff engagement, motivation, performance
the needs of the business management and how this has led to increased
PD5 Provide reasoned examples of how the operation performance
operates efficiently PD14 Demonstrate how a proactive approach to risk
PD6 Explain the importance of keeping up to date with current management has been implemented, including proactively
industry trends and provide examples of how this has educating and monitoring staff on health and safety and risk
been achieved matters beyond the legislative minimum
PD7 Provide evidence to show they have been part of the PD15 Provide examples of when improvement activities have
budgeting and cost control in the organisation been actively sought to develop own performance to raise
PD8 Describe how the retail operation meets legislative and standards in sales, promotions, team performance and
regulatory needs customer service
PD9 Provide an effective evaluation of own performance, PD16 Provides mentorship to team members with measurable
including behaviours, identifying where opportunities for improvements to the performance of individuals and the
improvement have been taken and results thereof team
evaluated PD17 Proactively invite feedback from all stakeholders and use
PD10 Demonstrate how feedback has been sought from this to develop and implement measurable improvements
managers and customers and how this has been in performance of self and team
effectively dealt with
RTL 1.6 13
Level 3 Retail Team Leader
RTL 1.6 1
After apprentices have completed their on-programme learning they should be ready to pass
through ‘gateway’ to their end-point assessment.
Gateway is a meeting that should be arranged between the apprentice, their employer and
training provider to determine that the apprentice is ready to undertake their end-point
assessment. The apprentice should prepare for this meeting by bringing along work-based
evidence, including:
• customer feedback
• recordings
• manager statements
• witness statements
Therefore, apprentices should be advised by employers and providers to gather this evidence
throughout their on-programme training. It is recommended that employers and providers
complete regular checks and reviews of this evidence to ensure the apprentice is progressing
and achieving the standards before the formal gateway meeting is arranged.
The gateway meeting should last around an hour and must be completed on or after the
apprenticeship on-programme end date. It should be attended by the apprentice and the
relevant people who have worked with the apprentice on-programme, such as the line
manager/employer or mentor, the on-programme trainer/training provider and/or a senior
manager (as appropriate to the business).
RTL 1.6 2
During the meeting, the apprentice, employer and training provider will discuss the
apprentice’s progress to date and confirm if the apprentice has met the full criteria of the
apprenticeship standard during their on-programme training. The following gateway
readiness report should be used to log the outcomes of the meeting and agreed by all 3
parties. The report should then be submitted to Highfield to initiate the end-point assessment
process.If you require any support completing the Gateway Readiness Report, please contact
your Employer Engagement Manager at Highfield Assessment.
Please note: a copy of the standard should be made available to all attendees during the
gateway meeting.
ID requirements
Highfield Assessment will need to ensure that the person undertaking an assessment is
indeed the person they are claiming to be. All employers are therefore required to ensure
that each apprentice has their identification with them on the day of the assessment so the
end-point assessor can check.
RTL 1.6 3
Highfield Level 3 End Point-Assessment for
Retail Team Leader
Gateway Readiness Report
(Standard Version: 2016; Assessment Plan Version: 2016 ST 0326/AP01)
Apprentice’s details
Yes / No
Pre-assessment requirements
RTL 1.6
Gateway Review
The gateway review should be completed by the employer, supported by the training
provider, to record how the apprentice has met each of the standard subject areas. This can
be discussed through a Q&A, and/or the apprentice may present evidence that can be
reviewed during the meeting to show their achievement of the standard.
The employer, supported by the training provider, must agree that the apprentice is, in their
view, competent in the role and therefore ready to undertake the end-point assessment. This
should be recorded in the table below, along with any comments.
Gateway Review
Standard area Comments
Financial Yes / No
Communication Yes / No
Merchandising Yes / No
Stock Yes / No
Developing Self and
Yes / No
Team Performance Yes / No
Diversity Yes / No
RTL 1.6
Gateway Meeting Outcome
Should the apprentice not be assessment-ready, a period of additional training and
preparation must take place. Following the additional training and preparation, the Gateway
Readiness Report must be completed again.
If the apprentice is assessment-ready, the following declaration must be signed by all parties
and the Gateway Readiness Report submitted to Highfield Assessment.
By signing this form, the signatories below confirm that they understand and agree to the
1. That the apprentice has completed the mandatory on programme elements of the
apprenticeship and is ready for end-point assessment with Highfield
2. That all evidence used within any assessment or presented to Highfield is the
apprentice’s own work and does not infringe any third-party rights
3. That evidence may be recorded and stored for quality assurance purposes using
either video or audio equipment
4. That the apprentice meets all Highfield’s and Education and Skills Funding Agency
(“ESFA”) requirements, including that relating to eligibility to be put forward for end-
point assessment
5. That the apprentice has been on-programme for the minimum duration required by
the ESFA and Assessment Plan
6. That the apprentice has achieved the minimum pre-requisite maths and English
achievement as detailed in this document and on the Assessment Plan
7. That the apprentice, if successful, gives permission for Highfield to request the
apprenticeship certificate from the ESFA who issue the certificate on behalf of the
Secretary of State.
The undersigned also acknowledge and accept that, in the event that any of the above
requirements are not met, Highfield will be unable to end-point assess the apprentice.
Furthermore, in such circumstances Highfield may draw any defaults to the attention of the
ESFA or any other relevant authority/organisation.
RTL 1.6
Level 3 Retail Team Leader
Assessment Summary
• Assessment summary
• On-demand test
• Retail business project
• Professional discussion
• Grading
• Resit and retake information
• Summary of end-point assessments
RTL 1.6
Assessment Summary
The end-point assessment for retail team leader is made up of 3 components that must be
taken in the following order:
As an employer/training provider, you should agree a plan and schedule with the apprentice
to ensure all assessment components can be completed effectively.
Each component of the end-point assessment will be assessed against the appropriate criteria
laid out in this guide, which will be used to determine a grade for each individual component.
On-demand test
• To achieve a pass, apprentices must achieve 60% overall, which equates to 24 out of
• The test is not graded above a pass.
The retail business project will take the form of a 30-minute presentation with accompanying
evidence, which will be in the form of a written report. The presentation should cover key
recommendations from their project with the detail contained within the report.
The report supported by accompanying appendices (e.g. meeting minutes, emails) Although
there is no stipulated word count, the Highfield guide is to complete 2,000 – 5,000 words.
At least 1 month prior to submission of the business project, the apprentice is required to
submit a 200 to 300 word proposal for discussion and approval, firstly with their line manager
and then with the end-point assessor.
• In order to achieve a pass in the business project, all of the pass criteria must be
• To achieve a distinction in the business plan, all pass and all distinction criteria must
be covered.
RTL 1.6
Professional discussion
• To achieve a pass in the professional discussion, all pass criteria must be covered
• To achieve a distinction in the professional discussion, all pass and all distinction
criteria must be covered.
The overall grade for the apprentice is determined using the matrix below:
RTL 1.6
Retake and Resit information
Should an apprentice fail 1 assessment activity on the first attempt, a resit should be
scheduled as soon as the apprentice is ready, when practicable for the business and in line
with the policies, practices and procedures of Highfield.
The resit is normally expected to take place after all the required assessments have been
taken and the individual assessment results and overall apprenticeship result has been given
to the apprentice.
Should an apprentice fail 2 or more activities, a period of further training and development
lasting between 1 and 3 months must take place before a retake is scheduled. The decision
on how much time is required is based on a discussion between the apprentice, their
employer and end-point assessor.
When resitting or retaking any assessment activity, the maximum grade that can be achieved
for that activity is a pass.
RTL 1.6
Summary of end-point assessments
RTL 1.6
Level 3 Retail Team Leader
RTL 1.6 1
The On-Demand Test - guidance
The following knowledge areas of the retail team leader standard will be assessed by a 60-minute
on-demand test. The apprentice will be given 5 minutes to read the question paper before
attempting to provide any answers, so in total the examination will last 65 minutes. The on-demand
test consists of 40 questions with the pass mark being 60% (24 out of 40).
The test has been broken down into 5 sections as shown below.
• Financial
• Communication
• Merchandising
• Stock
• Developing self and others
• Team performance
• Legal and governance
• Diversity
In each paper, questions will cover each of the areas above, however not every aspect of every
area will be covered in every test. The individual marking sections are detailed in the table below:
RTL 1.6 2
Before the assessment
• While on-programme, the employer/training provider should brief the apprentice on the
areas to be assessed by the on-demand test.
• In readiness for end-point assessment, the apprentice should complete a sample test. This
can be found at the end of this section of the EPA kit.
RTL 1.6 3
On-demand test criteria
The following pages include the criteria that are covered by the on-demand test.
RTL 1.6 4
The apprentice will Criteria covered in the on-demand test
Know methods of ME1 Key principles of the retail calendar
merchandising throughout the ME2 Principles of merchandising
retail operation, including ME3 How local needs can influence merchandising
point of sale, the retail ME4 The importance of following merchandising plans
calendar and local needs e.g.
geographical, topical or
weather based
RTL 1.6 5
The apprentice will Criteria covered in the on-demand test
Team Performance
Know how to identify and TE1 Benefits of team building
develop excellent team TE2 Identification and resolution of conflict within a
performance. Understand how team
the performance of the team
contributes to the overall
success of the business
RTL 1.6 6
Level 3 Retail Team Leader
RTL 1.6 1
Retail Business Project
The purpose of the business project is to ensure the apprentice understands today’s industry and
what the consumer wants in a retail business, while relating this to their own retail organisation.
The project topic should focus on an immediate problem, opportunity or idea in line with the scope
of the apprentice’s day-to-day role. For example, a potential cost saving for the business through
improving efficiency, reducing waste or finding alternative ways of working to achieve the
business’s objectives. The project should allow the apprentice to showcase their knowledge,
behaviours and skills from across the apprenticeship standard and should include a research
proposal which will identify measurable improvements and make recommendations for their
Once the project has been identified by the apprentice, it should be discussed with their
employer/training provider, this should be at least 1 month prior to the readiness for independent
end-point assessment. The employer/training provider will then determine whether the proposed
project has the potential to meet the criteria of the business project. The apprentice will then
prepare a 1-page synopsis of their proposed project to bring to the end-point assessment planning
meeting no less than five working days prior to the presentation.
The apprentice will be required to prepare a written copy of their proposal which should be 200 to
300 words and then present it to the end-point assessor at a pre-planned meeting, which may be
face-to-face or via a web-based system. At this meeting the apprentice, the end-point assessor and
the employer will discuss the proposal and the end-point assessor should approve it. If for any
reason the proposal is not approved, the apprentice must re-submit a revised proposal within 1
Once the proposal has been approved, the apprentice will have no more than the 3-month
assessment window period to prepare their project. Although there is no stipulated word count,
the Highfield guide is to complete 2,000 – 5,000 words and should include:
• an introduction and background
• an outline of the challenge or opportunity
• aims and objectives
• evidence of consultation and engagement of stakeholders
• evidence of effective research
• legislative requirements that have been explained and adhered to
• an analysis of costs and commercial context
• identification of measurable improvements and benefits to the organisation
• justified recommendations for implementation
• proposed timeframes for implementation
RTL 1.6 2
The apprentice should be given sufficient time to undertake the research and writing of the project
and allocated the required facilities either within or away from the workplace. In addition, time will
need to be given to allow the apprentice to prepare for the presentation of their project.
The business project must be presented to the end-point assessor within the 3-month assessment
period at a pre-arranged date, which will be mutually agreed. The written project, plus any
supporting information, must be submitted to Highfield at least 5 days in advance of the
apprentice’s presentation, which will enable the end-point assessor to read, reflect and prepare
questions for the presentation given by the apprentice. The business project should be submitted
via Dropbox, in either PDF or Word format.
The apprentice may present their project in a format of their choosing; however, they should
ensure that they cover the key recommendations from their project within the detail contained
within the report.
The apprentice will have 30 minutes to deliver their presentation to the end-point assessor and
this should include time for questions and answers at the end. An appropriate, quiet place should
be available for the presentation to ensure that there are no interruptions; this may be on or off
site. The employer can be present during the presentation as an observer only and as such, must
not interact with the assessment activity.
The end-point assessor with then mark the written project and the presentation gains the criteria
listed below.
RTL 1.6 3
Retail Business Project Criteria
The following page includes the criteria that must be covered by the business project.
RTL 1.6 4
Business Project
To pass, the following must be evidenced To gain a distinction
BP1 Give a general introduction and background to department, BP11 Give a detailed introduction and background of the
team or area of work, including how this relates to the rest department, team or working area wider business unit (e.g.
of the business unit (if applicable) other departments, head office, local community/customer
BP2 Outline the problem, challenge or opportunity identified profile)
BP3 State the aims and objectives of the project BP12 Outline the current situation which has led to the
BP4 Identify how the potential changes would lead to identification of a challenge or opportunity
measurable improvements and benefits to the department, BP13 Provide detailed aims and objectives for the project, linking
team or area of working to the current situation
BP5 Consult relevant stakeholders (e.g. customers, team BP14 Identification of measurable improvements and benefits to
members, managers) to inform the results and the organisation
recommendations BP15 Provide evidence of wide consultation and show how
BP6 Provide an indication of costs associated with the proposed responses have been included in the recommendation
recommendations BP16 Review the project to ensure it meets organisational and
BP7 Identify applicable legislation and ensure the proposal legal requirements
complies where necessary BP17 Show a range of qualitative and quantitative research has
BP8 Provide research methodology to demonstrate a logical, been used effectively
coherent approach BP18 Detailed recommendations for implementation
BP9 Make clear recommendations for implementation BP19 Detailed validation and justification of recommendations
BP10 Concise validation and justification of recommendation BP20 Proposed timeframes for implementation
RTL 1.6 5
Level 3 Retail Team Leader
RTL 1.6 1
Professional Discussion Criteria
Throughout the 1-hour professional discussion, the assessor will review the apprentice’s
competence in all of the pass criteria outlined in this document as a minimum, therefore
apprentices should prepare for the professional discussion by considering how the criteria
can be met. The professional discussion will be conducted in a ‘controlled environment’ i.e. a quiet
room, away from the normal place of work.
The apprentice can only achieve a distinction by covering all of the distinction criteria, which
is outlined in the distinction column.
• Coverage of the remaining areas for the professional discussion as shown below
(approximately 40 minutes)
RTL 1.6 2
Professional Discussion
To pass, the following must be evidenced To gain a distinction
PD1 Clearly articulate examples from the workplace relevant PD11 Explains how effective retail management and contingency
to evidencing competence across the standard planning have been developed and implemented and how
PD2 Explain why it is essential to instil the importance of this has decreased vehicle down time and increased overall
following procedures to staff departmental performance
PD3 Provide examples of how staff are managed effectively, PD12 Describe how recommendations for the improvement of
including motivation and development of teams and quality, cost, value or efficiency have been made and
individual staff members implemented in the organisation
PD4 Provide an overview of how the retail operation meets PD13 Demonstrates staff engagement, motivation, performance
the needs of the business management and how this has led to increased
PD5 Provide reasoned examples of how the operation performance
operates efficiently PD14 Demonstrate how a proactive approach to risk
PD6 Explain the importance of keeping up to date with current management has been implemented, including proactively
industry trends and provide examples of how this has educating and monitoring staff on health and safety and risk
been achieved matters beyond the legislative minimum
PD7 Provide evidence to show they have been part of the PD15 Provide examples of when improvement activities have
budgeting and cost control in the organisation been actively sought to develop own performance to raise
PD8 Describe how the retail operation meets legislative and standards in sales, promotions, team performance and
regulatory needs customer service
PD9 Provide an effective evaluation of own performance, PD16 Provides mentorship to team members with measurable
including behaviours, identifying where opportunities for improvements to the performance of individuals and the
improvement have been taken and results thereof team
evaluated PD17 Proactively invite feedback from all stakeholders and use
PD10 Demonstrate how feedback has been sought from this to develop and implement measurable improvements
managers and customers and how this has been in performance of self and team
effectively dealt with
RTL 1.6 3
Professional Discussion – Mock Assessment
• a 1-hour time slot should be available for the apprentice to complete the professional
discussion, if it is intended to be a complete mock assessment covering all relevant
standards, however this time may be split up to allow for progressive learning
• consider an audio recording of the mock, and to allow the mock to be observed by
other apprentices, especially if it is not practicable for the employer/training provider
to carry out a separate mock assessment with each apprentice
• ensure that the apprentice’s performance is assessed by a competent
trainer/assessor, and that feedback is shared with the apprentice, to complete the
learning experience. The mock assessment document sheets later in this guide may
be used for this purpose
• structured ‘open’ questions should be used as part of the professional discussion
which do not lead the candidate, but allows them to express their knowledge in a calm
and comfortable manner, some examples of this may include the following:
o Marketing
§ Can you please tell me who are your main competitors?
§ How do you monitor their activities?
o Stock
§ Does stock ever get damaged in your business?
§ Tell me what you do if it is?
o Leadership
§ How do you plan each day?
§ How do you know what needs to be achieved on a daily/weekly basis?
RTL 1.6 4
Level 3 Retail Team Leader
RTL 1.6 1
Mock Assessment Documentation
The following pages contain documentation that may be used for employer/training providers
to carry out ‘mock’ assessments for the professional discussion.
RTL 1.6 2
Paper Code:M-EPA-RTL3001
Food Team
in Manufacturing
EPA On-Demand Test A/615/8169
Under no circumstances
Information for candidatesshould you the candidate use an unsealed examination paper.
This examination consists of 40 questions. The minimum pass mark is 24 correct answers.
TheUnder no circumstances
duration should is
of this examination you60the
candidate use an unsealed examination paper.
This examination consists of 45 multiple-choice
The apprentice will be given 5 minutes to read the questions. Thepaper
question minimum mark is 27 correct
before answers.
to provide any answers.
In Candidates will achieve awill
total the examination last 65 minutes.
DISTINCTION if they correctly answer 36 or more of the 45 questions.
are NOT allowed
duration of this examination
any assistanceis 90tominutes.
complete the answers.
YouYou are NOT
must use aallowed
pencil any assistancethe
to complete to complete the answers.
answer sheet - pens must NOT be used.
When completed, please leave the Examination Answermust
You must use a pencil to complete the answer sheet - pens Sheet (EAS)
NOT be used.
on the desk.
When completed, please leave the Examination Answer Sheet (EAS) on the desk.
each question, fill in ONE
For each question, fill in ONE answer ONLY.
If you make a mistake ensure you erase it thoroughly.
YouIf you
mustmake a mistake
mark your choiceensure
ofyou eraseby
answer shading in ONE answer circle only.
it thoroughly.
You must mark your choice
Please mark each choice like this:of answer by shading in ONE answer circle only.
Please mark each choice like this:
Examples of how NOT to mark your Examination Answer Sheet (EAS). These will not be recorded.
All candidates MUST sign the Examination Answer Sheet (EAS) in the bottom
right-hand corner ofMUST
All candidates sign
the page the leaving
before Examination Answerroom.
the examination Sheet (EAS) in the bottom
right-hand corner of the page before leaving the examination room.
We listen and respond
30 June 2017 FSM3009 ©Highfield 2017
16 October 2018 M-EPA-RTL3001 © 2018 HABC
Highfield Assessment
1 4
You work in a high street fashion store that specialises When setting sales targets for your team you consider
in popular branded clothing aimed at younger adults. ways to motivate them to reach their potential. The most
The key costs that need to be considered in order to effective way of establishing sales targets for your team
meet demand are: is to:
A. product durability and quality A. set challenging and realistic goals
B. material resources and productivity B. identify the best-selling staff member as it always
inspires others
C. the supply and storage of goods
C. provide incentives for individuals that reach certain
D. brand reputation and price
D. discuss and set team goals with other department
2 5
You need to collate information in a report to send to As part of your development, your line manager has
head office that includes both net and gross profit. Gross asked for your help in planning the team rotas. The main
profit is calculated by: factors to consider are:
A. total turnover minus the cost of goods sold A. estimated sales targets and promotional events
B. cost of sales minus the net profit B. previous rotas for the teams and staff availability
C. cost of sales minus the cost of goods C. any additional tasks from head office and fixed costs
D. total turnover minus all costs D. the opening times of stores nearby and variable
3 6
You are supporting the store manager by creating an A tourist is considering purchasing several of your
expenses report for the last financial year and need to products in store. They understand that they can claim
break down the different costs for the store. The most some tax back and are unsure of the rate. You confirm
appropriate example of a fixed cost is: that the current rate of value added tax (VAT) in the UK
for most goods and services is:
A. overtime
A. 15%
B. utilities
B. 17.5%
C. sales commissions
C. 20%
D. building rent
D. 20.5%
Page 2
7 10
You have noticed that one of your team members is You work for a large clothing retailer located in a town
not performing to their usual high standards. The most centre and part of your role is stock control. The main
appropriate action to take is to: reason for effective stock control is because:
A. discuss dropping performance levels in the next A. the additional cost of small deliveries reduces
team meeting and explain that it is not acceptable profitability
B. talk to the individual in their 1:1 and explain that you B. unsold stock is an investment and directly affects
will need to start disciplinary action profitability
C. have an informal chat with the individual in private C. you cannot predict demand so all stock should be
and try to find out the reason kept to a minimum
D. wait to see if the issue with dropping performance D. bulk ordering is always cost effective and increases
resolves itself without any further action profit margins
8 11
The new season stock has been ordered and you are You are preparing a training session on restricted sales
expecting a delivery. To ensure the store always has items for your team. It is illegal to sell national lottery
sufficient stock to meet this demand, you need to: tickets to anyone under the age of:
A. increase the lead time with the supplier A. 14
B. hold a minimum of 20% more stock B. 16
C. carry out frequent stock rotation C. 18
D. understand the warehouse flow D. 21
9 12
One of the main reasons that retailers have sales is: You work in a DIY store that stocks solvents. You are
reminding your team that it is illegal to sell solvents to
A. it is an opportunity to clear excess stock
anyone under the age of:
B. so they can sell stock at a reduced price
A. 16
C. to help meet monthly sales targets
B. 18
D. to try stock from a new supplier
C. 21
D. 25
Page 3
13 16
Head office have asked you to update a number of store You work for a large retail chain that prides itself on
managers, area managers and sales managers with a selling quality products at competitive prices and has
report at the earliest convenience. The most appropriate consumers who associate these values with its corporate
way to relay this information accurately and quickly is to: branding. It is important to convey the same brand
image across all forms of communication so that it:
A. send one email that confirms the report conclusions
to all the managers A. saves the company time and money
B. arrange a conference call with all the recipients B. is easier for the customers to recognise and identify
sending the report and results in advance with
C. call everyone separately so you can explain the C. makes all communications cost effective and
report and answer their questions on an individual colourful
D. shows that your store sells high-end products and
D. email everyone separately putting on read receipt follows trends
so you know that they have received it
14 17
You are covering for the store manager while they You find that a newer member of staff is not providing
are on annual leave. You have just updated the store’s the correct standard of customer service. The most
merchandising and would like feedback from the area appropriate course of action is to:
sales manager, who you know is working in their office
A. give them a copy of the employee handbook and ask
today. The most appropriate way to gain feedback in this
them to read it
situation is to:
B. monitor them and see if they get better with
A. send them an email explaining what updates you
have completed across the store
C. provide feedback including things that went well
B. call them to describe the actions you have taken
and how they can improve
C. wait for them to complete a store visit so they can
D. tell the store manager so that they can organise
see the updates you’ve made in person
customer service training for the store
D. arrange for a video conference call so they can see
what you have completed across the store
15 18
You work for a large national retailer who has established You work in a busy store and have an established team
a strong corporate brand that its customers identify with that works in a busy department. You notice that a
and recognise. Corporate image and brand standards are member of your team has had a change in behaviour
important because: recently that is affecting the team morale. The most
appropriate action to take is to:
A. they are a representation of company’s identity
and core values A. take them out for a drink to see if they will open up
about the issue
B. they are easy to develop and shareholders like them
being used B. send them an email to ask them if there are any
C. people will know which shop it is and the full range
of products they sell C. talk to them in person off the shop floor somewhere
D. staff are easily recognisable to customers by the
uniforms that they wear D. tell them they will be disciplined if this behaviour
Page 4
19 22
Retail calendars are used to enable stores to: The main reason for keeping your store window display
fresh, clean and up to date is because it is:
A. lower costs and increase demand
A. a 24-hour selling opportunity
B. forecast supply and increase profits
B. company policy
C. meet demand and increase sales
C. part of the daily checklist
D. plan working patterns and staff holidays
D. what other stores in your area do
20 23
Your store is supporting a fundraising event for a local There an event happening in your town for children and
charity and you have been asked to effectively plan for you have a large children’s department that is located on
the occasion. The most important things to consider are: the first floor. The most effective way of increasing sales
from the event for the department is to:
A. the type of event and predicted attendance
A. put additional signage near the door confirming
B. stock rotation and brand image
the children’s department is on the first floor
C. the staff rotas and product range
B. update the window displays to include a selection
D. available shelf space and customers’ knowledge of bestselling children’s lines
C. tell every customer that enters the store that the
children’s department is located on the first floor
D. move the children’s department downstairs and
move the ladies’ upstairs for the week of the event
21 24
Which of the following would not be a consideration You work in a department store and are working on the
when producing merchandising plans for your store? merchandising plan for the winter season’s footwear.
Your manager has set you an objective to try and
A. Minimising customer trends
incorporate poor-selling products where possible. You
B. Minimising losses from markdowns remember that there is still a moderate stock of shoe
C. Maximising sales potential waterproofing products located on a stand at the rear
of the store. The best way to increase sales of these
D. Maximising return on investment products would be to:
A. move the location of the display near the till points
B. locate the product at eye level near the front of the
C. leave the product where it is and reduce the price
D. base the new display designs on weather
Page 5
25 28
To meet deadlines that have been set by your store You are preparing for your team’s review meetings and
manager, you need to prioritise your work and delegate need to produce their individual sales targets. You have
some of your day-to-day tasks. It is most appropriate to already taken into account the overall sales forecast and
delegate these tasks to: targets for the store. To establish realistic sales targets for
the upcoming month, your main consideration is:
A. anyone who volunteers and is willing to take on
the work in addition to their own A. customer service statistics
B. someone with the knowledge to complete the work B. regional forecasts
involved and is looking to further their career
C. new product lines
C. a newer team member so they can learn from the
D. sales and discount products
D. no one, as it will be quicker to do the work yourself
26 29
The main reason why objectives are set using SMART You are preparing a team exercise based on the
principles is: differences between working as a team and working as
an individual. Teams are more successful if they:
A. to help achieve goals by avoiding distractions
A. know all the procedures and operating practices
B. to provide motivation by setting realistic targets
needed to get the job done
C. so staff members feel involved with the rest of the
B. understand abbreviations associated with the role so
communication is easier
D. so goals are easy to complete
C. all know the different roles so the work is shared and
completed evenly
D. support and utilise each other’s strengths to
maximise productivity
27 30
The most important reason to set team targets is to: Team building is important to the workplace as it:
A. make the job more interesting A. gets staff talking to each other
B. motivate individuals to work together B. provides a break in the working day
C. allow managers to compare individuals for C. develops problem solving skills
D. increases competitiveness
D. have team members compete against each other
Page 6
31 34
You have found that a newer member of the team is not Part of your role requires you to understand regulations
performing. You speak to them privately and they state that cover your place of work and keep your team up to
that they are struggling to complete their daily tasks as date of any changes. Under the General Data Protection
they do not fully understand the instructions they have Regulation (GDPR) 2018, any information that your store
been given as company jargen has been used. The best holds on its customers must be:
way to resolve this is to:
A. retained for as long as possible
A. refer them to the company handbook whenever they
B. only stored electronically
are unsure
C. only kept for 12 months
B. stress that they need to be meeting their targets
within the probationary period D. kept in a secure manner
A. discuss the issue with both staff members and bring C. tell their manager so that they can speak with them
them together to agree a way forward in their next review meeting
B. leave it with them as it first took place over lunch so D. tell them to move the boxes immediately as the
it is not a work issue for you to resolve escape route must be kept clear
Page 7
37 39
HR have asked for you to complete a risk assessment for Head office issue general communications that you
your team as you have recently employed some new amend to best reflect the products and services your
members of staff. When evaluating risk, the group of store offers. The most appropriate factor to consider is:
people who are considered more vulnerable are:
A. current store promotions
A. night-shift employees
B. differences in local demographics
B. part-time or flexible working employees
C. upcoming sales planned
C. new or expectant mothers
D. variations in store layout
D. supervisors
38 40
Which of the following is not directly related to diversity The most appropriate reason for valuing diversity in a
in the workplace? team is:
A. Knowledge of local demographics can be reflected in A. there are more social events and a wider range of
the store’s products activities that help to bond the team
B. Ensuring mandatory training on diversity is B. different opinions and experiences enable better
completed by all employees problem-solving and creative solutions
C. Overtime is offered as an incentive to well- C. positive change and innovation can only be brought
performing staff about if there is a strong mix of staff
D. Being mindful of differences when planning team- D. customers receive a much better experience when
building activities there is a staff member who speaks their language
Highfield Assessment
Highfield House
Heavens Walk
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
RTL 1.6 1
Paper Code:M-EPA-RTL3002
Food Team
in Manufacturing
EPA Mock Test 2 A/615/8169
Under no circumstances
Information for candidatesshould you the candidate use an unsealed examination paper.
This examination consists of 40 questions. The minimum pass mark is 24 correct answers.
TheUnder no circumstances
duration should is
of this examination you60the
candidate use an unsealed examination paper.
This examination consists of 45 multiple-choice
The apprentice will be given 5 minutes to read the questions. Thepaper
question minimum mark is 27 correct
before answers.
to provide any answers.
In Candidates will achieve awill
total the examination last 65 minutes.
DISTINCTION if they correctly answer 36 or more of the 45 questions.
are NOT allowed
duration of this examination
any assistanceis 90tominutes.
complete the answers.
YouYou are NOT
must use aallowed
pencil any assistancethe
to complete to complete the answers.
answer sheet - pens must NOT be used.
When completed, please leave the Examination Answermust
You must use a pencil to complete the answer sheet - pens Sheet (EAS)
NOT be used.
on the desk.
When completed, please leave the Examination Answer Sheet (EAS) on the desk.
each question, fill in ONE
For each question, fill in ONE answer ONLY.
If you make a mistake ensure you erase it thoroughly.
YouIf you
mustmake a mistake
mark your choiceensure
ofyou eraseby
answer shading in ONE answer circle only.
it thoroughly.
You must mark your choice
Please mark each choice like this:of answer by shading in ONE answer circle only.
Please mark each choice like this:
Examples of how NOT to mark your Examination Answer Sheet (EAS). These will not be recorded.
All candidates MUST sign the Examination Answer Sheet (EAS) in the bottom
right-hand corner ofMUST
All candidates sign
the page the leaving
before Examination Answerroom.
the examination Sheet (EAS) in the bottom
right-hand corner of the page before leaving the examination room.
We listen and respond
30 June 2017 FSM3009 ©Highfield 2017
19 December 2018 M-EPA-RTL3002 © 2018 Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Limited t/a Highfield Qualifications
Highfield Assessment
1 4
In setting realistic sales targets, which of the Gross profit is calculated as:
following is least helpful?
A. total turnover minus the cost of goods sold
A. Store location B. cost of sales minus the net profit
B. Historical sales data C. cost of sales minus the cost of goods
C. Sales initiatives and events throughout D. total turnover minus all costs
the year
D. The capacity of your sales team
The main components of a team training needs
analysis are:
In a recent survey of staff thinking of leaving the
retail sector, they listed three things that they were
3 seeking in a new role:
• A higher salary
You work in a high street fashion store. The most • A more meaningful job
effective way to minimise costs is to: • More flexible and adaptable work schedules
Page 2
19 December 2018 M-EPA-RTL3002 © 2018 Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Limited t/a Highfield Qualifications
Highfield Assessment
7 10
You notice that a customer is extremely upset at the The main objective of a merchandising plan is to:
way they have been treated by a new sales assistant.
Once the problem has been resolved, the main A. guarantee the income from a sales event
reason you need to give feedback to the assistant B. increase the profitability of the business
is because:
C. enhance the brand image
A. customers will always complain about them D. develop customers’ loyalty
B. they need to know the customer is always right
C. they should handle similar situations differently
in the future
D. it will develop their knowledge and
8 11
A retail calendar is designed to enable a retailer to: In retailing, a re-order point is:
A. lower costs and increase demand A. the location by the changing rooms where
B. forecast supply and increase profit clothing retailers retain garments tried on
by customers
C. meet demand and increase sales
B. the process of ensuring that products are
D. maintain contact with suppliers displayed in size order
C. the stock level which, when reached, triggers
the re-ordering of more stock
D. the location of the customer enquiries desk
9 12
Your store is supporting a fundraising event for a Which of the following is not a part of demand
local charity and you have been asked to effectively forecasting? Predicting:
plan for the occasion. The most important things to
consider are: A. what your customers will buy
B. which items your customers will return
A. the type of event and predicted attendance
C. when your customers will buy
B. stock rotation and brand image
D. how much your customers will buy
C. the staff rotas and product range
D. available shelf space and customers’ knowledge
Page 3
19 December 2018 M-EPA-RTL3002 © 2018 Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Limited t/a Highfield Qualifications
Highfield Assessment
13 16
Product storage conditions are important to ensure One member of the team consistently struggles
that: with meeting their targets. During their
performance review you need to:
A. products are easily transferred to the shop floor
B. high demand can be met A. remind them that other members of the
team meet their targets
C. products do not get damaged or deteriorate
B. agree simple, meaningful, realistic and
D. packaging is easily removed and recycled time-bound tasks
C. insist that they must meet all future tasks
D. arrange for a colleague to observe them
14 17
Automatic stock ordering systems benefit retailers The company you work for invests a lot of time in
by: team training and development. The most likely
reason for this is to:
A. increasing the IT skills of their workforce
B. allowing bar code readers to be used at till A. achieve “Investors in People” status
points B. identify processes and practice
C. allowing stores to compete with on-line C. improve skills and productivity
D. increase brand image and customer loyalty
D. helping eliminate human error in stock control
15 18
The learning and development cycle (sometimes You have asked team members to label new stock
called the training cycle) has four stages best so that it is ready to be displayed on the shop floor.
described as: According to trading standards, retailers must
display on all labels:
A. identify learning needs; plan and design
learning; deliver learning; evaluate learning A. the unit price
B. the price in £ sterling
B. teach; self-assess; consider; practise
C. metric measures
C. plan; do; record; extend
D. VAT as a percentage
D. plan the learning; develop the planning;
implement the planning; embed the learning
Page 4
19 December 2018 M-EPA-RTL3002 © 2018 Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Limited t/a Highfield Qualifications
Highfield Assessment
19 22
You work for a large high street retailer and a A recent report claimed that the average profit
new recruit is due to join your team on the foods margin in the UK for alcohol is 40% and for
department next week. To prepare for this you jewellery, 60%. This means that:
A. More is spent in the UK on jewellery than
A. ensure you and your team is familiar with the on alcohol
induction process B. Customs and excise duties impact on alcohol,
B. check all references have been received and filed but not on jewellery
C. pass on the national insurance number of the C. Operational costs are higher for alcohol retailers
new recruit to the pay roll department compared with jewellery retailers
D. prepare to brief the new recruit on the company D. Jewellery retailers need to sell less in order
pension scheme to make the same amount of profit as alcohol
20 23
Under UK law, overseas visitors who purchase A team member is unloading the day’s stock
goods: delivery. They have approached you to explain
that the stock that has been received does not
A. can request special prices match the listed stock on the invoice. The most
B. must pay export tax appropriate course of action to take is to:
C. must prove their identity A. thank the team member and sort it later
D. can claim tax-free shopping B. tell the team member to just put it away
as the store is very busy
C. ask the team member to make a note
of what was and wasn’t delivered
D. tell the team member to put it all to
one side and leave it
21 24
An effective way to increase your profit margins While training a new team member to use the till
is to: point, a customer wants to purchase an item with
no barcode. The most appropriate course of action
A. have more sales events is to:
B. spend less on advertising
A. scan a different item of the same price
C. avoid markdowns
B. tell the customer they can’t buy that item
D. reduce staff turnover
C. select the exact same item off the shop floor
D. scan the same item but in a different size or
Page 5
19 December 2018 M-EPA-RTL3002 © 2018 Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Limited t/a Highfield Qualifications
Highfield Assessment
25 28
Your store manager has received a letter from It is important your team talks to customers and
head office with some important information for builds a rapport with them. The main reason for
staff. You are required to pass the information to doing this is that it:
the weekend team of part-time staff. The most
appropriate way to communicate the information A. is nice to talk to the customers
to the weekend team is to: B. will increase the chance of them liking you
A. put a copy of the letter on the staffroom notice C. is easier for you to establish their needs
board D. helps to boost your confidence
B. remove business terms and insider language
then brief the team
C. hand out a photo-copy of the letter to each
team member
D. read the letter to the team line by line
26 29
You need to relay some information to a group of The most important elements of active listening
managers spread over a large geographical area. are:
The most efficient way to make sure they receive
and understand this information is to: A. listening to what is said and observing body
A. send an email to all recipients B. noting what the person is wearing and saying
B. arrange a conference call with the managers C. observing what shopping bags they are carrying
C. call everyone individually and what they are saying
D. post it on the company intranet D. listening to what they ask for and answering
27 30
You work for a large national retailer who has You work in a shoe retailer and 40% of your
established a strong corporate brand that its annual sales happen during the school holidays
customers identify with and recognise. Corporate in August. What changes could you make to your
image and brand standards are important because: merchandising to capitalise on this?
A. they are a representation of company’s identity A. extend the children’s department, during the
and core values school holidays
B. they are easy to develop and shareholders B. extend the men’s department and give more
like them being used space to man bags
C. people will know which shop it is and the C. extend the ladies department and give more
full range of products they sell space to handbags
D. staff are easily recognisable to customers D. leave the shop as it is, don’t make any changes
by the uniforms that they wear
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19 December 2018 M-EPA-RTL3002 © 2018 Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Limited t/a Highfield Qualifications
Highfield Assessment
31 34
The main reason for keeping your store window It is important to make your team’s goals and
display fresh, clean and up to date is because it is: targets ‘SMART’ in order to:
A. windows are a 24-hour selling opportunity A. prevent team members from getting distracted
B. it is company policy to refresh window displays B. motivate and inspire team members
C. part of the daily checklist C. ensure that the whole team is involved
D. what other stores in your area do D. make sure that all team members meet their
32 35
The store where you work has a large children’s You have just hired a new team member for a
department that is located on the first floor. physical role, moving stockroom items. The most
The most effective way of increasing customer important reason to train this team member to do
awareness of this department is to: the job properly is to:
A. put additional signage near the door confirming A. reduce the risk of them injuring themselves
the children’s department is on the first floor B. ensure that they can carry out the task
B. update the window displays to include without supervision
a selection of bestselling children’s lines C. enable them to perform the tasks quicker
C. tell every customer that enters the store that the in the future
children’s department is located on the first floor D. ensure that they know how to recycle packaging
D. introduce 5% price reductions on all items in the
children’s department
33 36
You have been set some objectives by your store The Sale of Goods Act is designed to ensure that
manager and need to delegate some tasks to ensure customers:
work is completed on time. In the short term who
do you delegate the work to? A. can return unwanted goods bought as a present
and request a refund
A. Anyone who is prepared to volunteer B. have the right to reject poor quality goods
B. Someone with the knowledge about the work and request a refund
involved C. can only return goods within a 6 month period
C. The newest team member after their purchase
D. Someone who needs training in that area D. are not subject to aggressive or misleading
selling tactics
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19 December 2018 M-EPA-RTL3002 © 2018 Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Limited t/a Highfield Qualifications
Highfield Assessment
37 39
According to the Equality Act 2010, protected A recent report claims that “Two thirds of retail
characteristics are a: spending growth will come from shoppers aged
55 plus”. The same report also describes the rising
A. characteristic of a person that by law you impact on retailers of so-called “Generation Y”, who
cannot discriminate against are the under 30 to 35s. A realistic and practical
B. characteristic that is unique to a person response to this is for retailers to:
C. common characteristic that employers A. ensure their product range appeals to the under
may not ask questions about 35’s as well as the over 55’s
D. characteristic that is protected from bullying B. recognise that one size does not fit all and focus
on their core market
C. develop their brand image to appeal to all age
D. use on-line as well as store-based channels
38 40
You have a team member who is unable to continue You are managing a busy retail environment. A
using the stairs due to development of arthritis. member of staff has approached you to advise that
The most appropriate action to take is to: their daughter has been taken ill and has requested
to leave immediately. You are aware that this would
A. suggest they find a job that doesn’t require leave you short staffed. The most appropriate
them to use the stairs action is to tell them to:
B. involve the HR department and discuss
a reasonable adjustment to their job role A. stay until end of their shift
which doesn’t involve use of stairs B. stay long enough to cover the lunch breaks
C. ask another member of the team to do the C. leave immediately and make up the time later
part of their colleague’s job that uses the stairs
D. not raise personal issues during work time
D. tell them they must use the stairs as it is part
of their job role
Highfield Assessment
Highfield House
Heavens Walk
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom
19 December 2018 M-EPA-RTL3002 © 2018 Highfield Awarding Body for Compliance Limited t/a Highfield Qualifications
Mock On-Demand Test EPA-RTL3002 Mark Scheme
RTL 1.6 1
Professional Discussion
Ref Assessment Criteria
PD1 Clearly articulate examples from the workplace relevant to evidencing competence across the standard
PD2 Explain why it is essential to instil the importance of following procedures to staff
PD3 Provide examples of how staff are managed effectively, including motivation and development of teams and individual staff
PD4 Provide an overview of how the retail operation meets the needs of the business
PD5 Provide reasoned examples of how the operation operates efficiently
PD6 Explain the importance of keeping up to date with current industry trends and provide examples of how this has been achieved
PD7 Provide evidence to show they have been part of the budgeting and cost control in the organisation
PD8 Describe how the retail operation meets legislative and regulatory needs
PD9 Provide an effective evaluation of own performance, including behaviours, identifying where opportunities for improvement have
been taken and results thereof evaluated
PD10 Demonstrate how feedback has been sought from managers and customers and how this has been effectively dealt with
RTL 1.6 1
Assessment Criteria - (Distinction)
PD11 Explains how effective retail management and contingency planning have been developed and implemented and how this has
decreased vehicle down time and increased overall departmental performance
PD12 Describe how recommendations for the improvement of quality, cost, value or efficiency have been made and implemented in the
PD13 Demonstrates staff engagement, motivation, performance management and how this has led to increased performance
PD14 Demonstrate how a proactive approach to risk management has been implemented, including proactively educating and monitoring
staff on health and safety and risk matters beyond the legislative minimum
PD15 Provide examples of when improvement activities have been actively sought to develop own performance to raise standards in
sales, promotions, team performance and customer service
PD16 Provides mentorship to team members with measurable improvements to the performance of individuals and the team
PD17 Proactively invite feedback from all stakeholders and use this to develop and implement measurable improvements in performance
of self and team
RTL 1.6 2